
I still think about all the times i’ve nearly ended a call at work with ‘ok, love you, byeeeee’
#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomic#wolves in retail#bookshop wolf#sequential art#comics#comic#inkwash#illustration#awkward#lemming#wolf#unstable edge#customer service#retail#apex retail predator
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Perhaps wasting a bag isn’t punishable by death, but it was certainly very satisfying to draw.
#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomic#comic#illustration#sequential art#wolves in retail#bookshopwolf#saltwater crocodile#horned toad#pac man frog#anaconda#its a jungle out there#inkwash#drawing#retail#customer service#waste free#sustainability or death#kanken
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When the path of least resistance is just hitting that 10% button ...
#illlustration#customerservicewolfcomics#customerservicewolfcomic#customerservicewolf#discount#customer service#retail#bookshop wolf#bookstore#bookshop#scopsowl#frill necked lizard#skunk#kick up a stink#seniors discount#customers#I know the owner#drawing#ink wash#ink
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*aggressive car key jangling*
#Illustration#comic#drawing#sequential art#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomics#customer service#retail#bookshop wolf#wolves in retail#wolf#beaver#platypus#oh! Pam!#very busy very important#bookshop#bookstore#ink wash
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Please note i’m not shaming this bunny for the Dolly Parton. He gets a glare for idly browsing and leaving her out on the coffee table display because Dolly is to be treated respectfully at all times, even in gift book format.
#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomics#tidying#bookshop wolf#bookshop#bookstore#bookseller#customer service#retail#predator#apex retail predator#wolves in retail#team carotene the book#Dolly Parton#reading#books#browsing
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*gentle susurration of the ice crystals drifting*
#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomic#customerservicewolfcomics#illustration#sequential art#retail#special order#so grim#comic#wolves in retail#apex retail predator#bookshop wolf#going postal#bookshop#bookstore#bookclub#medium sized lies#fiction
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If anyone says they can put together a cardboard dump bin display with ease, they're either a wizard with an engineering degree or flat out lying.
#illustration#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomics#bookshop wolf#wolves in retail#drawing#inkwash#sequential art#bookshop#bookstore#comic#retail#promotional material
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I started an instagram especially for this comic, and it has bonus sketches and things, come say hi! (Although I am just as bad at responding to messages over there. Whoops!).
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After a long day of being told how to do my job I couldn’t think independently enough to title this, so yeah.
#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomics#illustration#bookshop#bookstore#inquiry#reading#retail#booklovers#customer service#classics#comic#sequential art#paperback#hardcover#new release#shoebill#koala#wolf#fur seal#customers
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Hypnosis would be much more effective if they used a wealthy grandparent trying to get shopkeepers to agree with how suitable the wrapping paper is, instead of a dangly watch IMO
#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomics#sequential art#comics#inkwash#illustration#retail#customer service#bookshop wolf#bookstore#giftwrapping#apex retail predator#wolf#wolves in retail#trance state#disassociation#inter dimensional travel#free giftwrapping#just pick one
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Wow, Customer Service Wolf made their way over to the BBC today! I had a great chat with Dhruti Shah about making comics and selling books (not always at the same time).
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“Uh, Hah! ih than da BOONKShah?” *proceeds to make complicated inquiry on speakerphone in what sounds like a busy pub*
#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomics#customerservicewolfcomic#illustration#bookshopwolf#speakerphone#lostintranslation#retail#bookshop#bookstore#customer service#sequential art#comic#inkwash#ink
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To your right. No no, YOUR right. There you go.
#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomics#comics#Retail#customer service#bookshop wolf#wolves in retail#apex retail predator#bookstore#bestseller#newrelease#coughleechildcough#thriller#crime fiction#inquiry#cookery with worms#recipe#illustration#inkwash
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Hope you rested up for the after-school rush!
#illustration#customer service#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomics#introvert#retail#lunchbreak#rush hour#bookshop wolf#bookshop#bookstore#apexretailpredator#comic#sequential art
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In which a good cup of tea is mostly wasted </3
#customerservicewolfcomics#customerservicewolf#sequential art#comics#retail#apex retail predator#wolves in retail#bookshop wolf#bookshop#bookstore#customer service#space bastard#warren ellis#tea earl grey hot#suddenly#ink wash#ink
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No, you’ve been waiting in line and hallucinating wildly.
#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomics#customerservicewolfcomic#illustration#sequential art#bookshopwolf#bookstore#giftwrapping#retail#wolves in retail#apex retail predator#skills include#drawing#ink wash
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The song is Big Bulbs by Sharon Jones and the Dap-Kings, if you want a little seasonal music in September like my colleague seems to ...
#illustration#customerservicewolf#customerservicewolfcomic#wolves in retail#bookshop wolf#sequential art#christmas music#can't stop won't stop#sharon jones
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