my past post were cringe as heck
im start posting about my lastets story project
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Tom's letter
Testing, hello by time you see this, i'm maybe dead, my name is tommy van pelten, and i open a restaurant 10 years ago, my wife is having another child,she is planning on naming him arthur,and things have been different lately with my creations, people been saying that my restaurant animatronic been acting very strange with movement and eye?They've been saying that animatronics only look at people who have white skin and black hair. Is that strange?
My daughter Hayley told me she has been having nightmares of the animatronics kidnapping her. I shut down the restaurant but I have a feeling, the people are not crazy.
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( check out my cool story)Kool with a K
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im back after being offline for almost a year i think
I'm made some cool new art
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not me making a new Wattpad story's that base off of a fnaf fan-made game that I been drawing about for a while
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the whole story of whackE land ( wattpad story )
Once apon a time in 1947 a young white girl named Adam wishmel was a 9 year old girl that loved reading and writing she lived in London I wonder what Adam is doing now let find out now
1947 londan 9:57 pm
Adam: that book was funny I love that the chicken cross the road and made it back too it family
*lightning strike*
Adam: oh no I should get home fast don't want to get struck by lighting
*Adam runs*
*thunder strike hits adam*
Adam: auuugh
*Adam falls into a river*
Adam fell into a long river hurt hope she ok
A voice was heard Adam wake up
Adam woke up scared
Adam: ahhh where am I anyone here
*Adam walk out of a room*
Adam: hello hello anyone im lost and I need help oh my a another room but there no doors here but a window maybe I should open it to get out of here
*Adam opens the window*
Adam: oh my what is this place
*Adam. Look shocked everywhere*
Adam: oh my a sign it says welcome to whackE land I'm this place looks so beautiful but the title of this place look kind scary
Adam was walking around this weird place for a few minutes there was stuff everywhere big lollipops replace as trees candy as flowers and water as ice tea it was a wonder land but it not
A few hours later
Adam seen a house that had pink she thought it look nice so she went their wanting to tell them they have a nice house color but when she knock on the door all the lights in that house turned off
Adam: oh my im sorry I didn't mean to scare you please I was just bring nice and wanted to say your home is wonderful . . . Ok I be on my way now
???: wait
Adam: hm
Tea head: my name is tea head please come in we are so sorry for not answering
Adam: it ok
*Adam walked into tea heads house*
Tea head: welcome do you like some tea Adam
Adam: how do you know my name
Tea head: we all were waiting for you Adam you little girl
Adam: ok and I would like some tea just not to hot
Tea head: sure
*tea head took a tea cup and put it in his tea cup head and took it out and give it to adam*
Adam: oh thanks
*Adam slips the tea*
Adam: wow this tea is just to good
Tea head: thanks it takes a lot of power to make the Perfect tea
Adam: I should get going now thanks
Tea head: wait Adam
Adam: yea Mr tea head
Tea head: you know there is another person that near this house that quite a storyteller I tell you some information on that person they are sibling one a boy one a girl they like telling stories
Adam: ok anything else
Tea head: well they are not too nice if you mention the smiling boy
Adam: who is that
Tea head: oh I shouldn't tell it not really good
Adam: oh that boy must be a bad guy
Tea head: well kinda oh we don't know Just don't get into trouble
Adam: oh I won't I promised
Tea head: nice
(meanwhile at the real world)
With Adams brother Andy
Andy: where is Adam it been 4 hours and it very late at night
*a box fell*
Andy: what the how did a box fell in here there no boxes in here
Andy then looked up and seen a big hole in the ceiling it looked very cool but andy don't know why is there boxes felling from that hole
Andy: hey I should be opening these boxes
*andy opened one of the boxes*
Andy: a picture of Adam with a weird tea cup head guy weird what in the other box
*andy opened up another box*
Andy: what the alice with two other kids ok that might be her friends but im kinda worried now
*window broke*
Andy: what the what happening!! 😨
*door opening and closing*
Andy: what the meaning of this
*light turning on and off*
Andy; please stop leave me alone
* a voice telling Andy that he should go after Adam*
Andy: Adam I will find you and take you home I promise
This was another adventure for Andy and Adam ( a spin-off called Andy )
( meanwhile with Adam )
Adam was walking through a yellow good path into a forest where her new friend was
Adam: oh what a beautiful bird
*Adam takes the bird and a sing a little song*
Adam: my mom use to sing this song to me before she died
🎵 forever and ever bird
Adam: Forever and ever Is a very long time, mom
Forever isn't long at all When I'm with you
I wanna call your name, forever And you will always answer, forever And both of us will be Forever you and me Forever and ever
I wanna stay like this, forever If only I could promise forever Then we could just be we Forever you and me
Forever and ever
Forever and ever Is a very long time honey
Forever isn't long at all mom When I'm with you
Oh, I wanna be with you, forever I want you right here, beside me, forever
One thing you should know No matter where I go We'll always be together
Forever and ever
Adam: hope you like it
Bird: you sign very well Adam
Adam: oh my you can talk bird
Bird: yes you can call me Birdly
Adam: ok birdly
Bridly: I will always watch you and keep you safe
Adam: thanks
Birdly: well got to go bye Adam
Adam: bye Mr birdly
Birdly: that Adam is one nice kid
Adam: that bird is very cool
Yet again Adam was walking in the forest I wonder where she will end up
Adam: hey um at you guys storytellers
??: why yes we are
Adam: you must be Ronnie and you must be Rex
Ronnie and Rex: your right sport
Adam: cool
Andy: Adam where ever you are I will find you sister no matter what I miss you and will find a way to get you back I promise on my mom grave to keep you save no matter what im your big brother and I know your here somewhere I just know it on the bottom of my heart
( part 2 )
Adam: do you must be Ronnie and you must be rex
Ronnie and rex: yep that right that us all right
Adam: so your story writers and storytellers
Rex: yes Adam and it is nice to have you here Adam everyone loves to have you here
Ronnie: yeah like sometimes you can sing your heart out with happiness
Adam: yeah I know how that feels I sing random songs that other people sing
Ronnie: same
Rex: hey want to hear a story Adam
Adam: why yes I want to I love stories
Rex: well get ready to have your mind blown away with this story
( the story begins )
Rex: once upon a time there was a yellow bear and a young boy the yellow bears name was winnie and the boy was named Christopher robins they were great friends
Winnie: what a morning I wonder what Christopher robin is doing I should go check on him
*winnie lifted his house and walk to Christopher robins house*
Winnie: Christopher robins ?
*winnie looked around*
Winnie: where is that boy oh a note worry for me I been kidnapped
Pooh was shocked and scared
pooh was running around yelling Christopher robins is missing
Owl rabbit and the others was shocked so they followers pooh
Later on
Winnie: we have to make a plan to save Christopher robin
Rabbit: what if we make traps like a hole
Owl: maybe that help
Winnie: hey where is piglet and trigger
Owl: well I think they are messing around because piglet is laying down on the floor with red stuff coming out of her head with her arms bring gone with trigger heads gone with red stuff too
Rabbit: wait what
Owl: yeah red stuff and some part missing
Rabbit: that means they are dead
Pooh: oh my Christoper robins is dead too
Rabbit: we have to get out of here quick
*rabbit owl and pooh ran out of the hundred acre wood
Rabbit: ok now what
*something slowly grabbed owl*
Owl: ahh
*pooh and rabbit run again* NM
*something slab owls head*
Rabbit: oh my God
*rabbit and pooh got in a cliff*
Pooh: oh no rabbit
*pooh accidentally fell off the cliff*
*something walk closer to rabbit
It was Christopher robins
Rabbit: Christopher robins why are you doing this
Christoper robins: because im always never get noticed in lots of Disney crossovers are only show up at the end of your stupid movie and how the hell do I only get one movie and that movie is about me as a adult but here im a kid im only five years old and if I have to kill everyone then I will any last word rabbit
Rabbit: it not your fault it not my fault it winnie the pools fault let hate him not me it the others let turn winnie the pooh into Christopher robins adventures
Christopher robins: oh your right thanks rabbit your a handful and a smart rabbit
Rabbit: now let go back home
Christopher Robin: yes let go back
*Christopher robins and rabbit went back home*
(story end)
Rex: and they live happy ever after
Adam: umm that is a very weird and kinda scary ending
Ronnie: well I have a story too but it a short story
Adam: sure
(story begin)
Ronnie: there was a purple cat that smiles and was both good and bad He was named the Cheshire cat he love messing around with a girl named alice until one day the Cheshire cat took a pill that looked weird the Cheshire cat was going crazy
Cheshire cat: ah I feel so weird
*Cheshire cat fell down*
Cheshire cat: damn my legs turned into fish oh my God
Alice: um Cheshire cat you ok
Cheshire cat: everything looks so colorful
Alice: I think I should leave
Cheshire cat: well I feel honey I'll just go home and look at some hot anime girl and some boys
Alice: Cheshire cat stop that not good for your head you need to rest
Cheshire cat: dance like a anime girl
Alice: stop it im only 7 year old and im going to tell hatter about how mean and gross you are 😡
Cheshire cat: im forgetting everything
Alice: you sick cat 😡
Cheshire cat: oh my head
*Cheshire cat fell and hit his head to hard*
Cheshire cat: ow what happens where am I man these pills are mad crazy
Alice: hatter there he is
Cheshire cat:what ?
Hatter: you know Cheshire you should be ashamed of yourself being crazg to a little girl telling her to act like a anime girl
Cheshire cat: oh I guess these random pills made me that crazy
Hatter's: what the pills ok give me that
*hatter grabbed a random pill from Cheshire cat*
Hatter: where did you find these things from
Cheshire cat: I don't know I just found them and I was hungry.
Hatter: never ever eat random stuff one
Cheshire cat: oh fine
So then Cheshire cat learned to never eat random stuff and never ever eat drugs ( don't ever eat drugs they are bad for you stay safe )
( end of story )
Adam: wow that story is very crazy but nufe I guess
Ronnie: thank you
Adam whispered: these people are very crazy I have to get out of here
*Adam sneaks out of there*
Adam: ok now where how am I getting home now
*Adam looks everywhere*
Adam: this forest have to have a way out of here
???: it maybe there not
Adam: hm what who there
???: no one here
Adam: hey stop that I know your here
???: ok fine I guess
Adam: that it show yourself
???: oh fine I guess
*someone jumped off a tree*
???:well hello my name is Chester Chester the human purple cat
Adam: your so cute
Chester: im not that cute im a big taller then you
Adam: wait are you the smiling boy your always smiling
Chester: yep that me (laughs)
Adam: oh your a very bad boy I heard you did lots of terrible things
Chester: well that why im the Coolest (laugh)
Adam: hm how do I get out of here
Chester: oh well there are two path one of them leads to a exit out of here and one of them leads to a the beginning of this forest ( laugh insanely )
Adam: that not funny I might die here of boredomism or hunger
Chester: well we are all mad here ( laugh insanely )
Adam: your staring to scare me Mr Chester
Chester: oh don't call me Mr im just a crazy 13 year old half human half cat boy
Adam: oh ok sorry
Chester: it ok
Adam: Can you just happy me
Chester: I would but I don't want to
Adam: why im just a 9 year old girl that lost here and went to go home (crying)
Chester: you know I may be insane and like people suffering but I can't take this Hey adam if you want to go home then you might want to talk with the queen of cheese
Adam: oh why thank you your a nice and kinda person bye I be on my way
Chester: ok just don't get killed
Adam: what?
Chester: oh nothing
So Adam was walking to the queen of cheese
Tea head: wait Adam there you are you ok I heard you encounter the smiling boy are you hurt
Adam: no im fine he didn't hurt me
Tea head: oh good because man he hurt his other victims
Adam: what do you mean by other victims
Tea head: yeah he killed some other people that ended up here he was the most scariest one out of everyone here in whackE land
Adam: well um ok tell me more
Tea head: he will only not kill the one's he love
Adam: he didn't kill me
Tea head: ok that mean he lives you but he only 13 and your 9 that kinda pedo
Adam: I know I will keep my head up for him
Tea head: ok stay safe Adam your the one that can save us
Adam: wait save us now what
Tea head: well the Queen is very mean and would abuse us when we broke her rules or talk about her husband
Adam: oh my
Tea head: please make a big promise Adam
Adam: yeah
Tea head: make sure you kick that queen butt and send her right
Adam: I will for sure if I can
Tea head: thanks Adam your a hero of whacks land
Adam: yeah and I show my brother andy how much im a hero
Tea head: now here have this
(tea head gives Adam a star)
Adam: a star?
Tea head: you can beat the Queen of cheese with that star trust me
Adam: ok
*Adam walks to the queens of cheese*
Cheshire cat: hello
Adam: auuugh
*Cheshire cat turned into chester*
Chester: what?
Adam: oh hey it you your that pedo
Chester:, why did you call me a pedo im just 13
Adam: and im 9 and I know you live me tea head told me
Chester: that crazy im just kid like you
Adam: but seen your papers
Chester: how did you-
Adam: I took it when no one was looking at tea heads house
Chester: don't read it out loud !!
Adam: it said that your a INSANE CRAZY BOY THAT LIKE TO bE GROOMED LIKE A CAT AND HAVE A CRUSH OH HIMSELF if you know what I mean 😏 type in the comments if you know what im talking about
*Chester grabs adam*
Adam: ah get off of me let my hand go HELP!!!
Chester: so people like you are going to be like that to me you really want to see me go very insane ( laughs insane )
Adam: let go if my arm
Chester: why what sr you going to do about it
Adam: im going to do this
*adam takes out the star and smack Chester with it*
Chester: ow
Adam: take that you pig got to go now bye
Chester: oh your not getting away with that adam ( laugh manically ) im not here myself
*Chester disappeared*
*adam runs away*
Ronnie: hey adam you ok
Adam: yeah Chester attacked me
Ronnie: you mean the smiling boy
Adam: yeah but I took out this star that tea head gave me and I hit im in the face with it
Ronnie: oh no don't worry im here to help
Adam: wait where rex
Ronnie: rex is hurt because of Chester
Adam: oh no
Ronnie: rex is in that house hurt but the door is locked so Chester in there hurting him
Adam: that it this Chester have gone way too far
*adam kick down the door*
Adam: hey Chester why didn't you taste my fist
*adam punches Chester but missed he also half ghost and spirit*
Chester: have I ever told you im half ghost and spirit too
Adam: yeah I just figured
Rex: what are you guys doing here
Adam: we are here to help you
Rex: well I was in a fight with Chester and I did some damage on him
Chester: and I did more
Rex: oh that it
*rex jumps on chester*
Chester: ahhh
*Chester and rex Crash out of a window*
Rex: ah my leg
Chester: my head
Adam: come on rex we have to run
Rex: ok fine I try to run if I can
*adam rex and Ronnie ran out of the small house*
Chester: so you want to play that way fine I guess but you won't live any longer
Andy: adam adam where Are you
Andy: help we have a injured person
???: oh my who that Adam: his name is rex he's hurt
???: ok my name is ms flower
Ms flower: ok now this should be easy all we need is flower magic but im a flower so here have this magical flower juice
*ms flower put some flower magic juice in rex's mouth*
Rex: I feel better now thanks
Adam: yah now come on we need to beat that cat
Ms flower: what cat? Are you talking about the human Cheshire cat
Adam: yes that
Ms flower: oh really scary he can make people go crazy and many more creep stuff
Adam: ok thanks now we need to g-
Chester: hello everyone
Tea head: wait Chester stop
Chester: why I just getting to the best part of this the murder
Tea head: you will not hurt these kids Or me
Chester: oh yeah or what
Tea head: or I will have the Queen know
Chester: but what is she going to do
Tea head: oh you find out come on Adam run to queen and save us
*Adam runs fast as her can*
Adam: the castle
Chester: oh Adam your making it worse
Adam: no leave me alone
Adam scream very loud and bloody murder everyone in the forest heard her and followed the noise
Chester: you see now you're In my world
*Chester then made Adam Hallucinate*
Adam: where am I what going on 😢
Chester: you see I never wanted to hurt a cute little girl but now I have to first you can't feel your legs
*Adam falls*
Adam: I can't feel my legs help please anyone 😢
Chester: ok now you can't see
*Adam eyesight went blind*
Adam: I can't see 😢
Chester: and last you can't feel your heart
Adam: ah-
*Adam slowly falls down*
Adam eye close her heart stopped She dead
Tea head: then came and seen Adam dead in front of Chester
Chester: why hello tea head
Tea head: what the hack Chester she only 9 years old she died to soon
Chester: that nice she is just a idiot
Tea head: Chester you gone too far you are just a half cat half human half spirit Fool you killed a young minor you should a shame of yourself your nothing but a mess up you were Meant to die alone Chester you are just a stupid cat half human you will paid for this that girl was going to save us but now we are going to be like this forever I hope you ROT IN HELL!! that right I said a cursed even though im a kids friendly person type you ruined the world and everyone future you sick mess
Chester: well I didn't mean too
Tea head: well it too late you will pay
(meanwhile with andy)
Andy: where is Adam wait is that Adam
*andy runs to a body*
Andy: it is a adam she unconscious
*andy took Adam home*
Andy: are you ok Adam
*Adam slowly wake up*
Adam: where am I
Andy: your back
Adam: im back where
Andy: to the real world
Adam: im back but what about the others Mr tea head Chester the human cat ms flower Ronnie and rex and the Queen of cheese 🧀 .
Andy: it was a dream maybe you were struck by lighting
Adam: yeah then I fell in a river but im still alive somehow
Andy: yeah well im just happy to have you back
*andy hugged adam*
Andy: oh my sister I keep you safe
*a blue glowing appeared in the same room as Adam and andy are in*
Andy: what the
*the blue glowing turns into a fairy named lilly*
Lilly: hello andy and Adam
Adam: who are you
Lilly: im lilly the fairy God mother
Andy: cool
Lilly: you Adam need to go back to whackE land
Andy: wait what
Adam: oh yeah while I was unconscious I went to this weird world where things were whacky colorful and many more
Lilly: I will send the both of you back there
Andy: I mean it can't be that bad right
Lilly: you are the only that can save everyone
Adam: ok send us
*lilly send both andy and Adam to whackE land
So then andy and Adam went down to whackE land to save everyone
Later on
Andy: ahhhhh
*andy and Adam falling to whackEland and crash into a bed*
Andy: where are we
Adam: this is whackE land a place that lots of whacky people are in
Andy: ok so what do we need to do to save whacky land
Adam: we need to stop the Queen from making things worse and a human Cheshire cat
Andy: ok the queen a d the Cheshire cat Adam you know I'm scared of the Cheshire cat im only 12 years old I can't die
Adam: well I did die but im back and if we die we go back to the real world
Andy: ok let go meet the others
*Adam and andy walked down the path of whackE land for hours until they seen the others
Adam: hey everyone
Tea head: oh good Adam your alive after what the Cheshire human cat did to you
Andy: what did he do ?
Tea head: he made her Hallucinate and made her heart stop some how
Andy: ok im not that scared anymore now where is he
Chester: you mean me
Andy: hey you hurt my little sister now you have to face me
Chester: fine im ok with that
*Chester jumps down from the tree*
Chester: meow now let fight
Andy: ok
*andy got his fist ready*
*Chester got his claws ready for attacking*
Andy: ok here I go
*andy tackles chester*
*Chester teleport*
*andy crash into a tree*
Andy: ow hey That not fair
*Chester teleported behind Andy and kick him*
Andy: ow
*andy then crashed into another tree*
Andy: ok I have to find a way to beta him oh I have a idea
*Chester then dashed at Andy going to scratch him*
(Chester missed )
Andy: take this
Andy took out a tree stick and slashed at Chester
Chester: ahh
Andy: yes
Chester: you really think a tree stick is going to stop me
Andy: well I may have
Chester: why do you think that
Andy: because look behind you
Chester: oh no
*tree fall down Chester*
Andy: that what I called battle qi
Adam: now let go
( the chase music )
Adam: why is it so hard to get rid of him
Andy: I don't know maybe he kinda powerful
*Chester threw a tree*
Andy: watch out
Adam: ahh
*Adam jumps out of the tree that was thrown sight*
Adam: please stop
Chester: ...
Adam: that it im not running away anymore I may be 9 years old but no matter what im brave
Andy: Adam what are you doing stop now before you get killed
Adam: no I know how to stop him now
*Chester run as Adam in full speed ready to attack*
( Adam stand there )
Adam: you don't have to do this
Chester: I do what I WANT!!!!
*Chester try to punch Adam but Adam hugs chester*
Chester: get off of me stop hugging me
Adam: no it true love that stops the bad
*Chester try his best to get out of Adams arms moans*
Chester: let me go
Adam: ok but promise to be good
Chester: ok fine
*Adam let go of Chester*
Adam: you can be good
Chester: fine im sorry happy now 😒
Adam: im glad you said that
*Adam pets Chester*
Adam: your cool
Chester: you pet my head
Adam: oh yeah I forgot you half cat you like be pet or groomed
Chester: we should stop the queen Now
Andy: yeah
Chester: well got to go bye
Andy: come on We are almost there
Adam: oh yeah right bye bye thanks
Chester: no thank you
(Adam and andy run to the queens castle) 🎵 we on our way ( Washington March parody song )
Andy and Adam: were on our way on our way to save the day on alone to sing this song
were on our way on our way to save the day
Birdly: watch these kids save the day
🎵 ( end of song )
Adam: look we see here
Andy: nice to the queen
( sneaking music )
Adam: don't get caught by the cheese gruads
Andy: ok
*Adam and andy sneaks to the queen room*
Andy: we are here so fast because it a small castle
Adam: there is the queen we have to stop her
Andy: oh easy
*andy jumps of his hiding spot*
Andy: Queen of cheese I have to tell you something
Queen of cheese: um ok and why are you in this room and in my castle
Andy: people all over the land of whackE land said that you been making crazy evil orders and other stuff what going on
Queen of cheese: I tell you it my sister she just make me mad she away do better things then me so I turned into a evil kingdom and will kill then one who break my rules
Andy: you know you can stop and we can handle this for you
Queen of cheese: I can't I just can't control myself I been very mad and anger I just want to be notice by others
Andy: oh you know I was just like you before and now look at me a 12 year old boy that good no matter what
Queen of cheese: yes your right I should stop being dramatic And snap out of it thanks oh yeah and what your name
Andy: andy
Queen of cheese: thank you prince andy
Andy: 😍 thanks for that name
Adam: hello ms cheese
Queen of cheese: oh my that person look just like you andy
Andy: that my sister Adam she 9 years old
Queen of cheese: she cute hello Princess Adam
Adam: thanks I guess
Queen of cheese: and im not the one that say real orders someone that controls the order
Adam: who
Pathmatter: me I do I control everyone here
*green thunder strikes*
* whackE land creaks*
Adam: what happening
Andy: the world is breaking I meant whackE land
*the castle of cheese broke apart *
*the sky turned green*
*pathmatter got big*
Adam: oh my goodness we have to do something
Andy: im not scared im prince andy the first
Adam: what a minute I have a idea
*pathmatter try to smash andy but miss*
Andy: ahhhh
*Pathmatter make a big charged up beam*
Andy: what he doing
Adam: wait the star
*Adam takes out the star*
Adam: I don't know what this start will do but I hope it does something
*the star turns into a sword*
Adam: cool a star sword the most powerful sword in history
*pathmatter release a big powerful beam at andy*
Andy: ahhhh
*Chester came out of nowhere and teleported andy*
Andy: oh it you Chester
Chester: im here to help
*Chester started glitching*
Chester: ahhh my head
Andy: what wrong
Chester: the pathmatter can control anyone here
Andy: you can fight it I mean you are a good fighter
Chester: no I feel weird
Tea head: hey pathmatter I have a word for you
*tea head take out a tea cup from his pocket and threw it at pathmatter*
Pathmatter: what that supposed to do
Tea head: well maybe hurt you a bit
*tea head started glitching*
Tea head: ahh
Ms flower: path matter stop this in the name of flowers
Path matter: you can't tell me what to do flower lady
Ms flower: well I tried
*ms flower glitched*
Ms flower: my head
Ronnie and rex: your messing with the wrong people pathmatter
*pathmatter slaps both of them*
Ronnie and rex: oof
*Ronnie and rex glicthing*
Ronnie and rex: ...
Adam: hey pathmatter take this
*Adam charged at pathmatter and swing her sword into him*
Pathmatter: im invisible
Adam: think before you talk
Pathmatter: what
*Adams start sword cut exploded on pathmatter*
Pathmatter: ow my arm
Adam: now we dance
*Adam slashed her sword at pathmatters face*
Pathmatter: ahhhh
*slashed pathmatters eye*
Pathmatter: ahhh
*slashed pathmatters legs*
Pathmatter: ahhhh
Adam: now for the final blow
*Adam jump very high and stabbed pathmatter in the head*
Path matter: ahhhhhhhhhh
*pathmatter fells in endless void*
Pathmatter: you may have beat me but you will never save your friend's from my mind control
Adam: what
Controlled andy: Adam Join us
Controlled Chester: let have lots of fun ( laughs manically)
Adam: you know this may be crayz but I can stop them I just have to do this
*Adam breaks the star sword*
Adam: now everyone free
Pathmatter: noooooo
*pathmatter disappeared*
*everyone turned back to normal*
Chester: what was that
Tea head: glab to be back
Ms flower: we did it I mean Adam did it
Adam: no we worked together and won
*WhackE land creaks*
Adam: why is the floor creaking again
Lilly: come on everyone let go into the portal
Adam: come on
*everyone ran into the portal*
*whackE land explodes*
Adam: wait minute were home
Andy: were home back at home!! Yes
Tea head: what is this place
Adam: this is my house well me and andys house
Tea head: do you guys live alone together
Adam: no our parents are agents they work at night and a little at day
Andy: yeah they teach us some tip about being a agent
Chester: is this London it look beautiful
Adam: yeah London is a peaceful place at the time
Queen of cheese: is there a kingdom near by
Adam: there no kingdom in London I think
Tea head: is there places that have tea
Adam: yes that the best part of being in London
Andy: hey why don't we talk you guys for a walk around this town of London
Chester: yeah you guys are on your own i can explore London faster then anyone here
*Chester teleport*
Adam: weird that they still have power or ability here
Andy: well I have to talk to the mayor about these guys
Adam: yeah let go I tell you about lots of things
Birdly : well this is the end of this story of a 9 year old girl that became a hero in a weird land her brother and her whacky friends now lived happy ever after
*birdly flys away*
*book closed*
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