Dry Jokes And Blunt Smoke
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29 TX (for now) he/him(mostly) , fun-loving and wandering fatty who likes to roll fatties. For spicy content , check out
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curvyboiking · 5 hours ago
I’m feeding you because I care about you. I want you to have good food that makes you happy. Nothing makes me feel more fulfilled than seeing your eyes light up when you eat something delicious. The rosiness of your now chubby cheeks when the food makes you excited makes my day. That growing belly of yours is just a sign that I’m taking good care of you. Your fatness is a testament to how much I love you ❤️
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curvyboiking · 5 hours ago
I don't want date nights anymore. I want to cross-fade a pretty boy and keep him adorably brainless all day. Lots of feeding and foreplay through the evening until he eventually falls asleep...and then I clean up and disappear so that in the morning it all feels like a fever dream, except that he still can't button his jeans when he wakes up.
If I could do that twice a week until he starts needing help tying his shoes, just. Perfect.
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curvyboiking · 13 hours ago
Just got home from the gym
Wishing I had come home to find my fat house pig sat on the sofa, right where I left him. Pizza boxes and candy wrappers scattered all around, evidence of his insatiable gluttony. Fat, overfed gut stretching out a t-shirt that barely fit twenty pounds ago ♡
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curvyboiking · 14 hours ago
Sup 😋👀
Summer barbecues and a boy who is under specific orders not to say no when he is offered food, alcohol, or weed. (It probably won't fix me, but I'd like to try it a few times to be absolutely sure.)
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curvyboiking · 20 hours ago
REBLOG if you need to be teased, praised, reminded of how fat you're getting 💕🐽
You deserve it!
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curvyboiking · 1 day ago
My queen 😭
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eating like im preparing for famine 💕
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curvyboiking · 2 days ago
Scurrying over to Taco Bell wtf
taco bell heard our calls. southwest hot chicken crunchwrap is almost 1000 calories 😳
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curvyboiking · 2 days ago
I want to be fatter.
So much heavy flab covering my body and pinning me down on my couch.
Just eat more and more and more and more.
I can't stop. I won't stop. Just feed me more, grab and squeeze and grope my lardy body and push down more food down my throat. I am such a greedy pig, right? Please make me fatter, heavier, greedier and never fucking stop.
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curvyboiking · 3 days ago
"PLEASE!" you begged "I'm to big now I can't reach!" You explained desperately trying to work your hand around your enormous gut, not quite able to reach down to where you so badly craved release.
"Oh my fatty, did it finally happen? Have to finally gotten so fat that you can't even get yourself off anymore? Such a greedy pig" I placed a vibrator wand in your hand "maybe this will help" grin spreading across my face, enjoying watching your struggle.
You turned on the vibrator, first attempting to reach over your belly, but it hung too far down for you to line it up right. Best you could achieve was jiggling your belly hang around.
Groaning with frustration and effort you hefted your belly up higher, snaking the other hand between your belly and thigh. For just the briefest of moments it worked, the vibrator touched down just where you needed. But your belly had gotten to heavy for you to hold up, it fell from your grip crashing down on your hand like a wave, knocking the vibrator from your grip.
"Oh for fuck sake" you panted out in frustration, all you had managed was to make yourself out of breath and hornier than before. Your eyes looked up to me pleading.
I reached between your legs grabbing the vibrator, letting it brush against you slightly as I brought it closer to myself. " You have no idea how much it turns me on that you've gotten so fat!" I say pressing the vibrator against my own pussy. "That you chose food over the ability to get yourself off. That you chose to be massively obese instead of the tiny thin body you used to have." I shuddered slightly as the pleasure built inside me. "If you want my help go get some food fatty, put on a little show for me" I watched you waddle as quickly as your legs could carry you to the kitchen, your entire body wobbling. Entranced by the jiggle of your ass and how the cellulite dimpled with each step. Thinking back on the athletic from you had when we first met, contrasting that with enormous body waddling before me.
Plopping down heavily with a grunt you began tearing into a pile of snacks. Grabbing food with both hands cramming it into your mouth. Chips, brownies cookies all disappearing one after another sometimes a handful of both at the same time. Your fat cheeks bulging with food were streaked with chocolate. The room silent besides the hum of the vibrator and your chewing. You tore open a carton of cream to wash some of your snacks down with. "You're.. such.. a fucking.. pig.. aren't .. you" I gasped orgasm close. You nodded and began to chug the cream, dribbling some down your chins in your haste.
You lowered the carton, burping loudly and jiggling your fat belly at me before bring it back to your lips to finish the rest. As you gulped down the rest of the cream I came hard gasping and shuddering. Your greed and indulgence pushing me over the edge. Taking a moment to catch my breath and enjoy the sight of you finishing your fattening snack, dropping the carton and flopping back with a contented sigh. I crawled between your fat thighs pushing the vibrator into your crotch.
Hearing your breath catch from the stimulation you so badly needed, I smiled leaning down and kissing your belly. Trailing them up from your belly button to your plump tits, sucking on your sensitive nipple for a few moments. Before continuing my trail upwards stopping again to kiss the side of your neck. Then whispering in your ear "imagine how much fatter I'm going to be able to make you now that you can't cum without my help. I'll make you stuff your greedy belly anytime you crave my touch. You're helpless to stop it now aren't you, just completely stuck getting as fat as I want you to be. And I'm gonna make you so.. much... fatter!" With that your orgasm crashed over you, moaning loudly. Body shaking causing your fat to wobble everywhere. Panting and wheezing to catch your breath it was all you could do to huff out a small "thank you!".
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curvyboiking · 4 days ago
This!!!! Hate sending an encourager or “feeder” something I’ve made and they’re like “too healthy” like l let bro eat some veggies w/ my eggs damn
👏🏽 Just because you’re trying to gain doesn’t mean you have to eat sweets and sugars and trash constantly. treat yourself to actual food, actual good, hearty meals, and let the snacks just be snacks. don’t eat 50 cupcakes for dinner when you can have a real meal, and cupcakes afterward. Eat real food.
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curvyboiking · 4 days ago
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"Too many utensils" (Dec. 2024)
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curvyboiking · 8 days ago
Your Growing Boyfriend
He groans quietly, and you turn to look at him. He’s shifting in his seat a little, struggling under his new heft, eyes glued to the television. He doesn’t even realise he’s doing it. You smile, arousal at the sight washing over you. He’s perfect.
It started with larger meals, a less intense gym routine, letting go and having a burger once in a while. It took time, but he was amenable to the changes eventually. Then meals turned never-ending, his gym shorts gathering dust, fast food on the menu daily. He eyed off his growing figure with suspicion and concern but your positive reinforcement kept him going despite his better judgement - the more he ate, the better the sex. He couldn’t struggle against that for long. As his stomach stretched and he became used to his new lifestyle, he even looked like he was enjoying himself a little.
And now here he is, past the point of no return. He reaches to his side and grabs a fistful of fries from the paper bag next to him, cramming them in his mouth, still staring at the TV. Grease smears the sides of his mouth, his round cheeks glistening with it. He stifles a burp and goes in for more.
You can’t help but think about how much he’s changed. He breathes heavily now, even when he’s standing still. To hear him gasp for air while putting on a pair of pants you’d think he’d run a marathon. He slid into being unfit and out of shape comically quickly, you’d never have guessed he’d been a gym junkie if you hadn’t seen it with your own two eyes. Now he avoids moving where he can, begging you to bring his meals to him on the couch. Even now, just sitting, you can hear him breathing heavily. You imagine him trying to do a sit up and frown. It’s impossible now with that belly in the way.
Ah, that belly. It sits on his lap, spilling out of his shirt. He stopped pulling his shirts down when they’d ride up on the couch long ago. It’s huge, weighing him down and getting in the way. You make sure it’s filled as often as possible, handing him fried chicken and decadent cakes and huge bottles of soda; food and drink to keep him bloated, satisfied, and compliant. At first he was embarrassed by his increasingly flabby gut, but now he lies back as you rub it for him after meals, pacified by his fullness, surrendered to his size. It takes him a few tries to get up off the couch when he does decide to move - his gut pinning him down and obstructing him. It spills over the waistband of his jeans, swinging back and forth wildly when he’s in a hurry. You love watching it shift from side to side, real life proof of how well you’re feeding him and how much he’s let himself go.
Watching him struggle shouldn’t be so much of a turn on for you, but you can’t help but love watching him try in vain to button jeans you only bought a week ago, or stop halfway through the long waddle to the bedroom to catch his breath. You dutifully tie his shoes for him and buckle his belt (it sits below his belly, only accentuating his huge weight gain - he can’t see it and soon won’t be able to reach it). He’s massive now, and it’s impossible to hide your excitement. You take him out to dinner in button-up shirts and order for him, waiting for the satisfaction of seeing a button fly off in public. Sometimes you’re granted other gifts instead: the fabric of the shirt tearing instead, or that time he got stuck in the booth. He takes it all in stride with a good natured chuckle, accepting of the fact that he’s a fat guy now. Well, he’s past fat. He passed pudgy, and chubby, and fat, and merely overweight a while ago… He’s obese now. Morbidly so. That’s what their doctor confirmed with shock and concern. His reward for sitting through that appointment was a stop at the buffet where he ate until he had to unbutton his jeans.
You smile at him again, your sedentary hog filling out the couch. As though he knows you’re watching, he gives his belly a little shake, jiggling the soft flab, and groans again. God, he drives you crazy. You know that when he finishes his meal he’ll doze off as he digests, the meal turning to pure lard beneath his skin, his body not having exercised in months. He’ll keep expanding through his routine of lazy overeating, fattening himself further and further, becoming heavier and heavier, huffing and puffing just between bites of food.
He slaps his gut and you’re stirred from your daydream. He’s finished his fries, time for his reward.
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curvyboiking · 10 days ago
Lately Ive been feeling so desperate for a sweet obedient, empty headed feedee. Someone without limits or any thoughts other than completely submitting themselves to their deepest fantasies of pleasure and gluttony.
Imagine a life together, where all your worries melt away like sweet sugar on your tongue, you won't need to focus on anything else other than your inevitable weight gain. Let go of your worries and fill your massive belly with heavy calories, every bite bringing you closer to ecstacy and your dream body. Before long, you won't ever even feel any sort of longing to leave this paradise we've crafted together. Enveloped in a cocoon of bliss and lard, eventually you won't even be able to leave even if you wanted .... 😈
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curvyboiking · 15 days ago
Dumplin is both wifey and self goals if I’m being honest 💜🔥
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Lil Dumplin
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curvyboiking · 16 days ago
it's so cute having a pretty boy who loves to be both praised and degraded. if i say he's such a good boy his eyes light up saying "really?!" and when i call him a dirty little slut they roll back into his head while he moans. adorable.
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curvyboiking · 18 days ago
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Just fucking around in the hotel room 🔥
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curvyboiking · 18 days ago
@snacksize-b-a-ffa tagged me, let’s see what kind of chaos I have for us 🤔
1. Action Man - Pete and Bas
2. All You Fascists Bound to Lose - The Bootstrap Boys
3. Blister in the Sun - Violent Femmes
4. WHATCHU KNOW ABOUT ME - Glorilla and Sexxy Red
5. Longthorne Freestyle - Pete and Bas (love these British geezers - best UK rappers )
6. The Ballad of Gay Tony Theme - GTA 4 Soundtrack (goes too hard )
7. Lynguistics - CunninLynguists
8. Uncast Shadow of a Southern Myth- Parquet Courts
9. The Hop - A Tribe Called Quest
10. Just Like Heaven - The Cure
Not quite 10 tags but here 🤔 :
@curvaliciouscupcake @growingellex @chunkycuban @eat-up-buttercup @eatformomma @female-feeder-heaven @cutefatbabeee @feabmilfyway
Music Shuffle Tag Game!!!!!!!!!!!
Rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first 10 songs, then tag 10 friends!
Tagged by: @yikesforever thank you love!
Only Living Girl in LA - Halsey
n/A - Bring Me The Horizon
number one girl - ROSE
Unfair (Felix) - Stray Kids
toxic til the end - ROSE
limOusIne - Bring Me The Horizon ft AURORA
Railway (Bang Chan) - Stray Kids
DArkSide - Bring Me The Horizon
Life of a Spider (Darft) - Halsey
Bounce Back - Stray Kids
Really this is thejust songs from three albums I listen too while I play Sudoku...
I tag: @kingsunboo, @we-survive-endlessly, @category-five-autism-event, @witchycitrine, @giant-sized-dork, @becomethebooks, @stonedlittlewraithx, @strawberry707, @bambiiie, and @moonearthangel
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