cursedgoth · 3 years
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cursedgoth · 4 years
Cont / X
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Why is there still someone here?, she warnt enough students to leave the lockers area and yet, here he was.
The sudden shoulder tap, had made her agitated. So much for trying to clean her face, without having eyes on her, those of a classmate, which made it the more unfortunate, to be seen with a bruised visage, with almost dry spots of crimson.
It seems, she had gotten into a fight, somewhere.
‘‘Why are you in here, get out’‘, the words sounded a bit darker than usual, mayhaps even threatening.
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cursedgoth · 4 years
‘Something's Wrong’ Sentence Starters
Something’s Wrong With My Muse
“Oh, God, you’re bleeding. You’re bleeding a lot.”
“Stop squirming, I’m trying to help.”
“Hang on, I got you.”
“Just lean on me, I’ll help you walk.”
“We should get that looked at.”
“Don’t tilt your head back, you’ll make your nosebleed worse!”
“Just sit up and breathe, ok?”
“Eh, you’ll be fine. I think. Maybe.”
“Whatever you do, don’t go to sleep. Stay awake.”
“Oooooo. That looks painful.”
“Oh, thank God! Don’t scare me like that!”
“How the hell did you do this to yourself?”
“Hey, hey, stay with me, ok?”
“You stopped breathing.”
“Oh look, it’s alive.”
“Take deep breaths, you’ll be fine.”
“Arms shouldn’t move like that…”
“What happened to your leg?!”
“Yep, that’s broken alright. How’d you manage that?”
“Here’s some ice for that.”
“You’re welcome, by the way.”
“Yeesh, you look like shit.”
“Wait, you were mugged?!”
“Is that a stab/gunshot wound?”
“Ok, ew. I’m not cleaning that up.”
“Easy, easy! Just lay down, you hit your head.”
“You probably have a concussion, so I wouldn’t be moving around too much if I were you.”
“I thought you were dead!”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, how much does it hurt?”
“Can you walk on your own?”
“You’re getting blood on my clothes!”
“How many fingers am I holding up?”
Something’s Wrong With Your Muse
“Is that three fingers you’re holding up?”
“I’m so sorry for getting blood on your clothes!”
“I’m not sure I can walk on my own.”
“On a scale of 1 to 10, my pain’s at least an 8.”
“You thought I was dead?”
“Do you think I have a concussion?”
“I hit my head; now I don’t feel so good.”
“I’m so sorry. Do you mind cleaning up?”
“I think I’ve been stabbed/shot.”
“I just got mugged!”
“Do I look as bad as I feel?”
“Could I maybe get an ice pack for this?”
“Thank you, by the way.”
“I think my leg is broken.”
“I can’t feel my arm.”
“I’m going to need more than deep breathing to calm me down.”
“I’m not dead yet!”
“Oh, God, I’m bleeding. I’m bleeding a lot.”
“Are you really trying to help?”
“Please help me.”
“Can I lean on you? I don’t think I can walk.”
“I think I need to get this looked at.”
“I can’t get my nose to stop bleeding!”
“I can’t seem to catch my breath.”
“I’ll be fine. I think. Maybe.”
“Please help me stay awake.”
“This hurts just as much as it looks like it does.”
“Sorry - did I scare you?”
“I don’t know how I managed to do this to myself.”
“I don’t know if I can stay awake.”
“I stopped breathing?”
Note: Revamp of an older sentence starter post found here.
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cursedgoth · 4 years
“  life’s   alright   in   devil   town  .  ” “  yeah ,   right  .  ” “  no   one’s   gonna   catch   us   now  .  ” “  nothing’s   gonna   scare   us   now  .  ” “  leave   the   spiders   be  ;   they’re   more   scared   of   you  .  ” “  devil   town   is   colder   in   the   summertime  .  ” “  i’ll   lose   my   mind   at   least   another   thousand   times  .  ” “  hold   my   hand   tight  .  ” “  i   still   get   a   little   scared   of   something   new  .  ” “  but   i   feel   a   little   safer   when   i’m   with   you  .  ” “  falling   doesn’t   feel   so   bad   when   i   know   you’re   falling   this   way   too  .  ” “  it’s   lovely   in   the   evening   time  .  ” “  how   can   you   feel   so   proud  ?  ” “  i’m   a   dumb   teen   boy  .  ” “  i   don’t   care   about   the   government  .  ” “  i   really   need   a   hug  .  ” “  i   feel   stupid   and   ugly  .  ” “  i’ll   pretend   it   doesn’t   bother   me  .  ” “  i’m   not   very   strong  .  ” “  i’ll   fuck   you   up   if   you’re   mean   to   bugs  .  ” “  i’ll   skip   class   to   sit   with   you  .  ” “  i   just   turned   fourteen ,   and   i   think   this   year   i’m   gonna   be   mean  .  ” “  don’t   mess   with   me  .  ” “  don’t   message   me ,   ‘cause   i   won’t   reply  .  ” “  i   wanna   make   you   cry  .  ” “  all   i   wanna   do   is   quit  .  ” “  my   mom   told   me   that   she’s   worried   but   i   couldn’t   give   a   shit  .  ” “  i   couldn’t   give   a   shit  .  ” “  block   it   out   and   never   feel   it  .  ” “  i   am   just   a   fool   who   keeps   on   chasing   after   nothing   great  .  ” “  you   are   just   a   fool   who   keeps   pretending   you’re   in   love   with   me  .  ” “  i   don’t   know   where   i’m   supposed   to   go  .  ” “  i   like   your   voice  .   ” “  i   like   your   mouth  .  ” “  i   hope   you’re   well  .  ” “  i’m   proud   of   you  .  ” “  i   was   too   blunt  .  ” “  i   hope   you   feel   happy ;   that’s   all   i   want  .  ” “  i   was   so   disappointed  .   ” “  i   was   too   young   to   understand   it  .   ” “  i   get   it   now ,   that   it’s   too   late  .  ” “  i   never   stopped   feeling   guilty  .  ” “  i’m   over   it ,   i   promise   that  .  ” “  take   care   of   my   sweatshirt  .  ” “  i   hope   you   still   think   of   me   as   your   friend  .   ” “  i   hope   you   love   yourself  .   ” “  you’re   falling   further   down   but   i’ve   got   you   by   a   thread  .  ” “  i’m   not   enough  .  ” “  let   me   save   you  .  ” “  i   hope   you’re   alright  .  ” “  i   didn’t   wanna   wake   up   last   night ,   ‘cause   i   quite   liked   the   dream   i   had   of   holding   your   hand  .  ” “  you’ll   never   be   enough  ?   but   what   is   enough  ?  ” “  you’re   selfless  .   isn’t   that   enough  ?  ” “  it’s   alright   to   feel   a   little   bit   of   darkness   now   and   then  .  ” “  let’s   make   banana   bread   before   we   go   to   bed  .  ” “  let’s   just   wait   a   little   while  .  ” “  don’t   cry   too   much  .   ” “  when   you   smile ,   the   sun   shines   more   gently  .  ”
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cursedgoth · 4 years
//Alright I've been working on this for a few hrs so- PLEASE SHARE AND SPREAD THE WORD AMIGOS!
S'il te plaît et merci!
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cursedgoth · 5 years
Hospitalized Juleka threads is my current mood now.
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cursedgoth · 5 years
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Okay so why Luka appeared with the sentences "some has nothing to lose"
I wonder what exactly happened with my boy back then...... Did he already lost something in his life ?
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cursedgoth · 5 years
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🐾 Plagg! Claws out!🐾
🐾Indi Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir🐾
🐾Personals/Non RP blogs do not interact🐾
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cursedgoth · 5 years
Halloween/Autumn Sentence Starters
I feel like I do one of these every year, but you know what? Always a good thing to revisit! 
“Can you help me rake? I’ll let you jump in the leaf pile.” “I don’t usually do anything for Halloween.” “Let’s go for a walk. The trees are beautiful.” “Halloween is my favorite holiday and I never have any plans.” “I’ve got a collection of horror movies and pizza delivery on speed dial. Want to come over?” “I’m having a bonfire. You should join me.” “I love the smell of autumn.” “There’s a huge haunted house opening up this weekend. Want to go?” “A walk in the woods seems like a bad idea. Ever seen Blair Witch Project?” “What kind of candy should we get?” “I’m getting the chocolate for me, and the lollipops we can give to the kids.” “Ooh! A pumpkin patch! We have to stop.” “Do you want to check out that corn maze?” “I hate haunted houses. Why would I pay for someone to scream at me?” “Honestly, I’d rather see teens trick-or-treating than breaking windows and egging houses.” “What’s the use of putting peanut butter on a pinecone?” “I’m just passing out candy this year.” “I’m making some cocoa. Do you want some?” “Should we buy some patterns for our pumpkins or just wing it?” “Autumn is my favorite season.” “Don’t tell me you’ve never had a candy apple.” “This time of year is the best just for all the creepy shows on TV.” “Million dollar question: Nightmare Before Christmas or Hocus Pocus?” “Want to make an autumn wreath with me?” “If you carve a dick on this pumpkin, I swear to god.” “I’ve been waiting all year for sweater weather.” “Is it too cliche to visit a cemetery on Halloween?” “I wish I could put apple cider in a pick line and drink it forever.” “What was your favorite Halloween costume as a kid?” “I got invited to a costume party. Do you want to come with me?” “Bobbing for apples is gross. Everyone’s nasty faces have been in there.” “Gourds are so ugly but also so cute. I want a thousand of them.” “I’m thinking of hosting a Halloween party this year.” “Trick-or-treating is for children. Let’s go cause some trouble.” “That hay ride was a lot scarier than I thought it would be.” “Painting pumpkins is cute, but it takes away all the fun of the guts.” “I’m in a baking mood. I hope you like cookies.” “I’m just not in the Halloween spirit yet.” “I want to decorate the yard big time this year.” “The scariest looking houses always give the best candy, it’s fact.” “My parents never used to let me do anything fun on Halloween.” “Want to hear a spooky story?” “Here, I knitted you something!” “Everyone is excited for Halloween, but I can’t wait to stuff my face on Thanksgiving.” “I think our house is haunted.” “A ouija board on Halloween: what could go wrong?”
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cursedgoth · 5 years
“You’re my friend, I’m not going to leave you.” (Here's an Adrien thing for you!)
Fluff Starters. // Accepting.
“You’re my friend, I’m not going to leave you.”
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It takes a moment before she decide to make anything sounds angsty when he dared to express concern, so it was appreciated.
‘‘Yeah, thanks’‘.
Thruthfully, she did not spoke much to him, so, it was a nice change of pace. 
Though, it might feel fake, she put on a smile, still glad to hear somebody got her back. 
‘‘I shouldn’t keep you here any longer’‘, this bulky driver, bodyguard of his, was waiting closeby, as school was done for today.
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cursedgoth · 5 years
Platonic fluff meme!
“I know you’ve been feeling down lately, so I thought I’d keep you company for a while.” “Do you wanna talk about it or should we just snuggle?” “Listen… I’m here for you.” “Hey, guess who loves you? It’s me!” “I love you more than I love [favourite thing].” “I could hug you all day.” “Nobody fucks with my friends. Except me. But that’s different.” “Hey, I bought you something.” “Hey, I made you something.” “You did this for me? Thankyou!” “You’re my friend, I’m not going to leave you.” “I’m not just here for good days. I’m here for the bad ones, too.” “They don’t like you because they don’t know you like I do.” “Don’t worry about it, I’ll take care of it.” “You’re my favourite person.” “Have I ever told you how great you are?” “Do you want to do something together? To take your mind off of it?” “Look, even my parents love you. You’re amazing.” “I’m freezing, hold me.”
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cursedgoth · 5 years
The edible is hidden to the back of her body, left dangling in her grasp. She feigned innocence. 
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‘‘Whatever do you mean?’‘, playfulness is resting in scarlet irises. ‘‘I would never hit allies that badly’‘.
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cursedgoth · 5 years
Cont / X
Tangerine orbs met azure eyes, taking in the sight, that expressed displeasure, anger. While, it was nothing but understandable, now was not the time to be reckless or chase the culprit, harm had been done enough.
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‘‘Please, don’t go’‘.
Cough, cough. 
Juleka winced, body aching from the recent pain, digits trembling. 
‘‘It was me or a kid, i asked for this’‘, to save the child from imminent bullying from some older guy. 
This was but her decision; to take the blows for a little one. 
On one side, to tell Luka on whomst caused such damages, would have been plausible, unfortunately, the person name or clothings, she didn’t really paid attention.
‘‘Where’s the medical box?’‘, she had not seen it, in quite some time.
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cursedgoth · 5 years
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‘‘Hey, look what i found’‘, she does not hesitate and whack a fresh fish onto the other’s face, not too hard, mind you. 
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cursedgoth · 5 years
She rounds the corner, instantaneously hitting the boy with a water balloon.
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‘‘Hah!, goal!’‘, the redeeming villainess proudly exclaimed, set on goofing around with the brother of who she switched place with. 
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cursedgoth · 5 years
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Aaayyy, give me villains interactions, 
But also, gimme Redeeming Gothitelle goofing around with heroes or civilians, chilling with them, having deep interactions, getting to know them, the way Juleka sees her friends, etc.
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cursedgoth · 5 years
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Aaayyy, give me villains interactions, 
But also, gimme Redeeming Gothitelle goofing around with heroes or civilians, chilling with them, having deep interactions, getting to know them, the way Juleka sees her friends, etc.
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