We all know how we have fed bad things into the world but we haven't just harmed us and the world but we also have harmed many animals. We have harmed animals so much that wildlife has decreased 69 percent from 1970. If we keep harming animals like this many animals will probably go extinct in around 50 years. Without many animals we will probably be dead. With this, global warming and other things we have done to the world we will probably be the last generation to live in this world that we have harmed so much.
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There has been many rumors that Trump cheated in the mid term election of last year which still has not been proven to be true. Well it might be proven either true or false now. The testimony has ordered him to come to court to discuss some documents from last year.
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School shootings have been a real problem all over the world. School shootings have caused many deaths and also affected many students and their mental health along with the students' guardians. There have also been many people who have said many messed up things about the School shooting. One of them being Alex Jones which claimed that the sandy hook shooting was set up and fake. Many people also believed him but the parents of the sandy hook victims which then sued him for paying upward of 1 billion dollars. Alex Jones will likely be going to federal prison because of the fact that he can't pay the money that he now owes.
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We have seen many presidents, queens, and kings in the last year but a couple of months ago we lost another important figure of the world. Japan's former prime minister, Shinzo Abe died july 8 of this year because of an assasination and his funeral was held yesterday at ten pm eastern. Shinzo Abe was assassinated at a close range gunshot from behind by a homemade firearm. The person that killed Shinzo Abe was one of the residents of Nara and was identified after the shooting as Tetsuya yamagami. Tetsuya Yamagami was probably sentenced to many years in prison. Witnesses say that after the Tetsuya yamagam shoot he did not try to run away or anything, he simply let the gun on the ground and stayed in the same spot.
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You might think that the world has alot of water that is drinkable or even no tcontaminated but you couldnt be farther from the truth. The problem of contamination of the water of the world id now out of control and it is all because of our fault. You might also thinkl that we can use most of the water in the world but that is also false. We only use have less than 1 percent of the worlds water that is not contaminated. We only have a percent of .5 of the earth water that is not contaminated. The saddest part of this is that this is all our fault and we can stop it right now but we are to eager to do it. One mof the biggest reasons why the water is contaminated is because of pollution and factorys. There are so many global issues that it might sound like its to late to even try to fix them but in reality its not but if we do want to save the world we need to hurry. We are leaving the next generation to suffer because of us. We need to stop feeding into these global issues because its not a joke and it will probably end us to. Even the life expectancy has dropped because of things we do like artificial flavorings and everything that we eat and drink that damages our health. The world would also probobly be 100 times better than it is now if we just disapeer for one singular second
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The world is currently being affected a lot because of us and our actions. one of the things that causes global warming. Global warming is currently affecting Greenland and is melting the icebergs which will affect everyone of the world. One of the ways that a tiny island like Greenland can cause its ice melting is that the sea level will rise a lot and can sink nearby beaches and way more.Global warming is affecting is causing many bad things in the world but we are too eager to listen to the people trying to protect the world and us.
Global warming is now getting very dangerous especially how fast it is melting snow.
Soon the human race can disappear and we will all die because of our actions. It is very sad how our actions will very soon end our lives. Antarctica is also melting slowly and no one saw it coming until it was too late. Antarctica decreased its size by one percent. One percent may not sound like a lot but the amount of ice being melted yearly is around one hundred forty nine metric tons of ice.Antarctica is slowly melting and making a change in the ocean just like in our lives because of how fast the sea levels are rising. It is also very concerning how around twenty-four thousand tons of ice is melting in the world overall.
Greenland is about the size of Alaska and used to have about 2 miles of snow vertically and is now melting extremely fast. Greenland is said to raise sea levels by 10.8 inches which may not sound like much but it can still cause mass destruction all over the world. Just in the weekend alone, Greenland was estimated to lose about 20 billion tons of ice. Greenland is now having rivers of melted ice in it. Greenland will be fully melted in the very near future. The more time we let greenland and other ice melt the more the world is affected and us too. Greenland will be rising sea levels more and more in the next 100 years (estimated)
Currently the amount of ice melted is around 556.2 billions just this year and you can stay on track of it using “the world counts”. Our grandkids and our kids will probably not see the world how you do and will have to live through what people like you caused. Global warming is really getting out of control and just bad. Global warming will eventually kill us just like we killed the ice all over the world. Global warming will also eventually get to our grandkids and our kids. Global warming is now affecting everyone, not just icebergs.
You might think that it's still too late to save the world from global warming but it's still not.The more time we let greenland and other ice melt the more the world is affected and us with it.if we don't stop this now then we will leave our next generation to suffer for our actions. The amount of ice being melted is super sad and how global warming is not just affecting the oceans and ice but it is also affecting us as a whole.Global warming is really getting out of control and just bad. Global warming is now affecting all of us. Global warming and other things we have caused can also affect kids emotionally.
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There has been many protests and many arguments for gender equality. Gender equality has been a real issue that has been fought for for many years. Women had gone through sexism for many years and there is now people online that spread stereotypes about women that are not always true and are most of the time really dumb and overall not true and sexist. You might think that this is no real problem but it is and there has been 408 gender equality marches to fight for this and no one notices. There are atleast more than 5 thousand people in each one of these marches.
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The ongoin debate of same sex marriage hasnt stopped in many years. Not everyone supports the L.G.B.T.Q community and even commits hate crimes against them. Some people support L.G.B.T.Q and some people dont but there are also people that don't support them but also let them be and don't really care. However this has always been like that and countries have alwway been against same sex mairrage. Many countris also have legalized same sex marriage and some are barley getting to it. One of those countries is cuba and they have recently legalized same sex marriage.The majority of the country of cuba decided to legalize same sex marriage by voting ot make it possible. Cuba didnt just legalize same sex marriage they also legalized them to adopt a kid since impossible for the same sex to have children naturally. The amount of people that voted to legalize same sex marriage was way more than those who werent in favor. The number of people that voted in favor were roughly 4 million people or 67 percent of the overall votes and those who didn't were roughly 2 million or 33 percent of the overall votes. Cuba has now legalized same sex amrriage and now there are only 13 more states to go.
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