Penelope x Colin Fanfiction
Part 2
It’s significantly better weather the second day my feet touch London Soil, the sun shaded by clouds but it’s warmth still settling over the Queens festival.  I’d like to say the heat is the reason for the sweat beading beneath my Cravat, but that’s not the truth.
Im nervous.
Violently nervous.
My mother has a firm hand wrapped around my forearm, squeezing comfortingly, her eyes full with reassurance.
“You must settle, darling. Fussing will do nothing but enhance your anxiety.” She murmurs, offering gracious waves to anyone she passes.
I’m fully aware that she’s right, but I’ve been here for nearly half an hour and I haven’t caught sight of the fiery red hair I’ve been hunting down. Eloise assured me she would be here, she’d written her that same night asking and the pink floral paper came back only an hour later confirming.
“Perhaps she knew I was coming and decided against attending.” It sounds pathetic. I sound pathetic but I’m desperate to see her, desperate to speak to her and declare my intentions. Desperate to keep her far from the men of the Ton.
“I wouldn’t be so sure.” Francesca nudges my hip and nods her head to a yellow tent surrounded by gems.
It can’t be her, it’s not possible.
Someone with Penelope’s same hair is leaning against a post, smiling up at Eloise. It’s Penelope’s hair but it isn’t, there are no pinned back pencil curls plastered to her scalp. Instead long copper waves settle against her shoulder, loose like ocean waves. This person has Penelope’s ice water eyes but they aren’t off set by caked on makeup covering baby smooth skin, a shimmer of gold and white surround dark lashes and soft peach hues. This woman isn’t wearing canary yellow and pearls, no this woman is in royal blue embroidered with lace butterflies in a gown that puts her ample bosom on display, the bodice laced up in a tight corset.
But she has Penelope’s laugh, sweet and high like Christmas bells.
And she has Penelope’s tiny wrists, holding onto a vanilla cupcake.
And she has Penelope’s perfect, Peony pink lips licking sugar from her fingers.
It’s Penelope.
It’s my pen.
“Quite the change hmm?” Benedict appears at my right, a knowing smirk on his stupid face.
“Excuse me?” I can hardly pull my eyes from her.
“It seems you informing your friends how “uncourtable” she is was just the push she needed to find herself. She’s quite popular now.” My brother seems to be enjoying this a little too much.
“She’s always been beautiful.” I grumble, straightening my coat and running My hands through my hair, it’s far too long right now but it’ll have to do.
“Well of course. Just not this beautiful.” Benedict knees my leg and sends me on my way. I hold my breath the entire way over.
Penelope is laughing at something Eloise just said when she follows my sisters line of sight and her gaze falls on me. The gorgeous smile that had been gracing her face falls, leaving a tight lipped grimace and straightened shoulders.
“Mother calls!” Eloise pulls the cupcake from Penelope’s hand and slips away, leaving us alone together, finally.
“Pen.” The word falls out of me like a sigh, breathless. It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders now that I’m in her presence. As angry as she is with me, there’s no one alive I would rather be beside.
“Welcome home, Mr. Bridgerton.” She’s cold and stern, a fake smile on her lips and a rigidness to her back.
“Mr. Bridgerton is Anthony. Come on Pen, you know I’m Colin.” I want to hold her, to finally bury my face in that ocean of red. But for now I settle for pressing my fingers to her satin covered wrist. “We’ve much to talk about. I’ve much to apologize for.”
Penelope pulls away from me like I’ve burned her, cradling her wrist to her chest and staring wide eyed at my dangling fingertips.
“That’s entirely unnecessary. All is well.” Her eyes scan her surroundings, searching for an exit.
“It most certainly is not.” I duck to meet her cerulean eyes.
“And what exactly is happening here?” Portia Featherington exits the tent we’ve been standing beside, her stare darts between me and her daughter. I know I shouldn’t use pens horrendous mother to get what I want but desperate times.
“Lady featherington, I was just asking your daughter if she wished to promenade with me through the willow trees.” I lay on my thickest charm and am more than pleased when I see the shock fade to excitement on the eldest Featheringtons face.
“Why of course you can. Oh Penny, think of what your suitors will say when they see you on a promenade with one of the Bridgertons.” She all but squeals.
Penelope has quite the opposite reaction, her face resembling something close to horror.
“Mother I don’t wish to promenade, I’m awfully tired.” The fakest yawn I’ve ever seen racks Penelope’s body.
“That’s unfortunate considering you’re going right now,” portia links our arms together and shoved us towards the botanical section.
Penelope looks murderous.
It’s going to be a long day.
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Courting Penelope Featherington
It’s raining the day he comes home.
Dark, moody weather that sets the tone wonderfully for the rather lackluster greeting he gets from his preoccupied siblings and absolutely rung dry mother. With two girls out in society, 1 pair of newly weds, 2 youngsters, and a Benedict, he can’t quite blame his mothers half hearted declarations and wandering eyes. He’s fully aware they’re happy to see him, Hyacinth even cries, but they all have their own dramas going on and have no time to entertain his stories of travel.
It doesn’t matter any, there really is only person he’s desperate to talk too, desperate to thrill with detailed accounts and sketched photographs.
It’s a shame Penelope Featherington wants absolutely nothing to do with him.
Eloise is the only sibling who never responded to a letter he sent. It’s clear she’s fully aware of the horrible things he’d spoken in a drunken haze nearly five months ago , and in true Eloise fashion she has no intention of betraying her best friend. She doesn’t even speak to him until he drops into the chaise beside her.
“Eloise. I missed you.”
Her bored expression never falters.
“Lovely to have you home, colin.” It’s so formal he nearly snorts at his rebellious little sister.
“I understand you are still displeased with me about my error last season.”
That does it.
“Error?! You call what you did an error?” Her body twists towards him and she fixes him with an outraged glare.
“Well yes, it’s was uncalled for and I…”
“Uncalled for?! I’ve never known you to be a fool but I find I do not know you at all. You nearly ruined her , Colin! She was wiped from the marriage market by your comments alone! If even her best friend couldn’t imagine being with her, why would anyone else? You have no idea what you accomplished!” Eloise pants, her face alarmingly red. “And then, when the damage was done you ran off to travel the world leaving Penelope to fix her reputation entirely on her own! And the audacity to write to her.”
Theres pain in his gut, crushing and turning everything in his stomach until he’s left nauseous and weak. What had he done? Was he truly that blind to see how fragile Pen was already? If anyone knew how desperately she wanted a husband, a family, it was him. And he had spoken so callously, degraded the one decent woman in the entirety of the ton.
“But you needn’t worry, penelope is no longer the Insipid wallflower you once knew. She has blossomed quite beautifully, I myself was astonished by her transformation.” Kate calls from her place at the head desk in the drawing room, a knowing sparkle in her eye.
“It’s true! She’s the prettiest one at all of the festivals.” Gregory is fussing with his gift while he speaks but makes sure to keep eye contact with Colin when he continues “and everyone says so.” It feels strangely like a warning from the 12 year old.
“Do we speak of Penelope?” Violet Bridgerton waltzes back into the room “I’ve heard from a reputable source that Lord Debling and Master Anderson both have plans to begin a courtship with our beautiful friend. I’m so intrigued to see who she will choose to marry.”
“Marry?!” His voice carry’s over the deafening crack of thunder “she can’t marry! She would need at-least a season of courting and this one’s nearly over. If they haven’t begun courting her yet, it would be wise to wait until next year to begin!” He feels hot, sweaty, his heart beating so fast it’s bound to give way to his mania any moment now.
“Not in Penelope’s case. This is her third season with no matches, she’s more than welcome to accept whomever she chooses at whatever time.” Violet is perched on Simons lap.
“I quite like Debling. I believe he would make a good addition to the family.” The duke tickles his wife’s ribs.
“As do I. We all get on quite well and since Penelope is essentially a sixth Bridgerton sister it will be nice to have someone we can all tolerate.” Anthony adds.
“She is not marrying Debling!” Colin’s voice is firm and slightly frantic, panic rising up the back of his neck. “She will not marry this season.”
“And who are you to decide what she does brother? Have you not done enough. Your opinion is inconsequential and it would do best for you to keep it to yourself, lest you scare any more suitors off.” Eloise has her hands on her hips and it’s almost intimidating enough for him to stop speaking but God himself could not save Colin Bridgerton now.
“There will be no more suitors and she will not be marrying any of these men!” He barks, firm and unmoving.
“Why do you keep saying that?!” Eloise shouts.
“Because she will marry me!” The words pour out of him in a roar, his chest heaves and his hands ball his neatly pressed pants. “She will marry me when I am done courting her, she deserves the full courting experience. I had intended to come home at the start of the Season so I could do it properly but my boat went down at a shipping port and I didn’t make it out of Greece for weeks.
Violet claps her hands, a watery smile on her lips
“These are your intentions, dear?”
He has never seen his mother so proud, joy shining in her eyes.
“Yes. They have been since I left All those months ago. I regret the words I spoke instantly and I needed to figure out why. It didn’t take me long to realize Penelope is the one I desire, I crave, I need her in every humanly way.” It feels like a weight has been lifted off my chest
… until of course, Eloise speaks.
“We’ll best of luck on that journey, brother. Penelope Featherington absolutely loathes you.” She takes too much pleasure from his pain.
“All will work out as it should.” Violet pats his shoulder gently before walking back out.
He needs to fix this before someone else takes his place.
He needs to court Penelope Featherington, and he needs to court her right now.
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Steve x A very affectionate reader that is used to calling anyone "love" or "darling" but whenever it's with Steve is always "my love" or "my darling" and Steve is desperate trying to figure out if that MEANS something?
She’s probably the softest, warmest, kindest human being he’s ever met in his entire life. She radiates compassion and gentle understanding, something fairly rare in a town like Hawkins. And god do the kids love her.
It’s no secret the parents of this wild group of barely there teenagers are more than a little neglectful. ( he still can’t understand how Dustins mom hasn’t noticed that her son might possibly need therapy after fighting off inter dimensional creatures in a place called the upside down, but what does he know) so when y/n was introduced to the group a few months she took to the crew like a moth to a flame. Instantly embracing the four boys and two girls like they were her own.
Robin had brought her in claiming she was a distant relative who had just moved here from out of state. Now he’d really tried to ignore how attractive she was, she was robins cousins and he didn’t want to push any boundaries and lose the one decent best friend he had. But there was no denying she was beautiful and funny, she laughed at herself and teased nearly anyone who crossed her path in a way that made you feel special and noticed.
“Slow down there love, it’s slippery and if you fall in the pool I’m not jumping in. You know I can’t swim.” She tossed a can of soda towards Lucas and rolled her eyes, Dropping down on the lawn chair right beside Steve. “They’re gonna put me in an early grave.”
She turned towards him and brushed the wet hair that was dangling in his eyes away from his face “I like your hair like this Steve, it’s very Clark Kent meets Elvis Presley,” her eyes sparkled.
That was the other thing, she flirted with him, he wasn’t stuck up or over confident. She was definitely flirting with him. He knew flirting and she definitely flirted.
“Can you pass me the sunscreen my love?” She pointed to the open bag next to his chair and he quickly obliged, pressing the bottle into her hands.
My love. She called him that constantly, frequently flipping between my love, and my darling. It made his stomach do wild things when the words slipped from her perfect lips.
“El, darling. You have to take your shoes off to get in the pool!” She called out across the echoey room to the shaved head preteen walking the steps of the pool in her sneakers. Y/N leapt up and rushed over to help the younger girl.
So yeah. She did call everyone love and darling but she didn’t call anyone “my love” or “my darling” that was reserved specifically for him. At least he thought it was and he’d spent weeks listening intently everytime she opened her mouth to anyone else to see if his words belonged to someone else.
Robin had been absolutely no help telling him to “go for it, ask her out, just because she’s my cousin doesn’t mean you can’t date her. She’s hot, I’d date her if she was straight… and not related to me in some weird ancestory way.”
How could he ask her out? He didn’t know if he was imagining things and adressing it head on could lead to rejection and after Nancy’s blatant rejection after the Vecna battle he absolutely couldn’t take the internal humiliation.
He’d even stooped as low as asking Dustin to find out if she had feelings, Offering to watch all of the star wars movies if he casually slipped it into conversation and found out if she was interested. It hadn’t worked of course because Y/N hadn’t understood Dustins rambling, metaphor filled speech before Steve had pulled him away.
Y/N came sloshing back to their area holding elevens sopping wet sneakers, flipping them upside down and letting the water pool out onto the floor around them. She smiled that perfect crooked grin and sat at the end of Steve’s beach chair.
“I’m going to need a long nap and an even longer shower to get all of this chlorine smell out of my clothes.” She sighed.
“This is why we should have never let them rope us into taking them to the community pool. It smells like pee in here.” He winced.
“It smells a lot worse than pee in here my darling.” She giggled.
My darling, there it was again.
It was now or never, he couldn’t spend another two months wondering what it meant, sneaking around and asking kids to do his dirty work for him. He swallowed the lump in his throat and took a shaky breath.
“Am I ?” He questioned, scorching down on the chair so he was as close as possible.”
Y/N looked up at him with curious eyes.m, the ghost of a smile on her lips as her nose scrunched adorably in confusion “are you what?”
He reached for her hands, taking them both in his own. Thumb rubbing the soft skin of her palms.
“Am I yours?”
Her eyes widened just for a second, her mouth opening to answer before shutting and opening again. He’d made her speechless. That couldn’t be a good sign, he pulled his ands away.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said anything. I just can’t shake this feeling that there’s something there, that I’m not delusional. That I’m not..” he was rambling, he sounded like Dustin. Good job Steve that’ll get her to like your. He’d ruined it, it was too soon and he’d ruined it. He should have waited longer, taken more time to really make sure, to really..
His head snapped up to meet her eyes.
“What?” He whispered.
“Yes.” She repeated, that heartbreakingly gorgeous smile painted across her lips. “Yes, you’re mine. As long as you want to be.” She offered, playing with the hem of his shorts shyly.
He reached for her faster than he thought possible, dragging her across the chair and directly into his lap, smiling at her squeal as he pressed his forehead against hers and brushed his lips to hers.
“There’s nothing in the world I want more than that… my love.” He whispered before taking her mouth with his.
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*Stranger Things Fanfiction Prompts*
Looking to do Eddie Munson x Reader & Steve Harrington x Reader & Billy Hargrove x Reader prompts Send me requests in my inbox!
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I could not leave it like that with Eddie so I guess I’ll just write my own plot lines for him.
“We just survived a whole fucking video game, apocalyptic, end of the world, shit your pants kind of night and you’re asking me for a snack?”
Eddie picked at a crusted spot of blood on the hem of his t shirt as he stared blankly at the younger curly haired boy in front of him. He’d just saved this boys life and he was asking him if he had a fucking granola bar in his back pocket.
“I didn’t mean now! I just meant eventually, you could have left like a packet of fruit snacks in your pocket or even like a few pieces of cereal. I’m starving Eddie!” Dustin moaned as they trudged back to Dustins house, the early morning sun just barely making an appearance through the woods.
“Oh I’m sorry. Was nearly losing my life to Demobats not enough for you? Do I need to turn myself into a portable vending machine for you too?” He glared teasingly, ruffling Dustins hair and rolling his eyes as the younger boy grabbed his stomach and moaned dramatically before turning to him for the fiftieth time since they started this walk,
“You know you really don’t have to walk me home, I know the way and it’s really not that far at all.”
Eddie shook his head
“Listen I just did the most heroic thing on the planet and offered myself up to save your skin. The last thing I need is for you to trip on a rock and hit your head and die and then all of that have been for nothing.”
Dustin laughed loud and bright before he stopped abruptly just a couple yards away from his house, sending Eddie stumbling right into his back.
“What the hell? Give me some warning before you…”
Dustin reached for eddies arm and swiveled them both around, dragging him the opposite way.
“Let’s go to your trailer instead! I don’t have to go to school so it’s no biggie if we just hang out and play DND!” He rushed out nervously.
Eddie pulled them both to a stop and stood in front of Dustin, arms crossed and waiting expectantly.
Dustins shoulders dropped and he chewed his lip
“My sister is going to kill me.” He moaned.
It was quiet for a moment before Eddie smiled
“You have a sister?”
Dustin huffed and turned back towards his house
“That’s not the point! You have no idea how stupidly protective she is and I didn’t tell her I wasn’t coming home last night she’s literally going to kill me.”
Eddie never had a sibling but he couldn’t quite understand how Dustin had just fought monsters in another dimension and yet was still afraid of his older sister.
“Oh come on dude, she’s not going too..”
Both boys immediately turned to the booming voice heading directly towards him from a few houses down.
Eddie squinted to make out the figure, sandy blonde hair and sun touched olive skin, long toned legs tucked in denim shorts and flailing hands tipped with pretty pink painted nails. She was much more than attractive and he had to take a second glance at dustin to see if he could gather any similarities. Same lips and pretty similar nose.
“Oh god she’s still in her clothes from yesterday. I’m dead.” He looked over at Eddie then and whispered “we’re dead.”
“I’m going to give you the benefit of the doubt. I’m going to be kind and I’m going to believe, truly believe that you didn’t actively not call me. That you just got caught up and forgot to call me. That you didn’t think of how I would be waiting by the phone, waiting with my car keys in hand to pick you up. I’m going to believe that.” She propped her hands on her hips and spoke in such an even and collected, cool tone that it sent shivers down his own spine.
Dustin reached out hugged her tight practically squeezing the life out of her.
“I know your mad Lucy. And I’m so so so sorry , we got caught up playing DND. Just like you said. And I wasn’t thinking and totally forgot, we ended up crashing at Mikes house and I was so tired that I completely forgot! That’s why I’m home so early because I woke up and said “oh my gosh I have to get home! My gorgeous, talented, wonderful sister is going to be so worried.” He was really laying it on thick but it seemed to be working.
She pried herself out of her brothers grasp and sighed, she still looked angry but she seemed placated by his reasoning. She pulled back and put her hands on her brothers shoulders looking him up and down and taking in the state of him, dirt covered clothes and scratches and rips. Her eyes moved over to Eddie and she sighed
“I don’t understand why you guys have to play so rough like this. I’m never gonna get these stains out Dustin.” She pulled at the collar of his shirt.
“It’s just part of the game Lu. And no one got really hurt. No one died.” His eyes flicked to Eddie.
“Yeah alright, go in the house and get in the shower. And you may have think you’ve gotten away with this but no phone calls for a week.”
Dustins mouth dropped and Eddie had to physically stop himself from laughing at the scolded boy.
“A week! But I have to call Suzie!” He pleaded.
“Of course, you can call her and tell her you won’t be talking to her for a week.” Lucy smiled as she shuffled him on his way towards the house, rolling her eyes at all of his grumbling before he booked it to the front door.
Eddie had just turned around to make his way to his own place when her voice interrupted him mid step.
“Eddie right? Eddie Munson?”
He turned around to see her standing there in the middle of the street watching him.
“Yeah. Yeah I’m Eddie. And your Lucy although I can’t say I knew that before three minutes ago.”
She laughed and walked towards him
“Yeah well Dustin doesn’t talk about me a lot. Although he certainly talks about you. “Oh Eddie takes care of all of us, he’s the best. He’s so cool. I’m gonna be just like him.” She mimicked her brother and it made eddies heart swell, he knew he made the right choice saving that kid.
“Thanks for walking him home. I’m sure you’re exhausted from taking care of the little monsters all night.” She teased.
“God help me but they take care of me most of the time.” He wasn’t lying, those kids were fiercely loyal and stronger than any adult he’d ever known.
“Why don’t you come on in and rest in the guest room. You look dead on your feet and it’s only five in the morning, I’ve been waiting up all night on my front porch so I’m right there with you. You might wanna get some rest before you head all the way to the trailers. I couldn’t live with myself If you fell a sleep in the road and got run over.” She shrugged.
The offer was tempting, he was exhausted and sore beyond words. His head hurt and his feet were swollen and apparently shifting between two worlds also gave you an insane backache. Not to mention how could he turn down an offer like that from the prettiest girl he’d ever seen in his life.
“That would actually be awesome. I didn’t realize how early it actually is. If I’m not like.. imposing.” He winced.
She rolled her eyes again.
“It’s the least I can do. I’ve had so much more time to myself ever since Dustin joined your club at school. It’s free babysitting.” She nudged his shoulder with hers and he snorted.
“You have no idea.”
She led him through the front door and they both stopped at the living room where Dustin was sprawled on the couch passed out.
“Well” she started “I guess he never made it to the shower.” She tucked a blanket around him and dropped a kiss to his forehead before leading Eddie up the stairs into the guest room.
“Are your parents gonna be cool with this?” The bed looked plush and warm and soft and everything he’d ever wanted. He was practically drooling at the idea of a comfortable sleep.
“My parents?” She questioned.
He looked up “yeah, like mom or dad, or grandma. The usual kind.”
Her eyebrows were furrowed and he couldn’t understand why she was so confused.
“You don’t know? I really would have though Dustin would tell you.” She moved to the closet to grab extra pillows. “Our parents left us about three years ago. Im Dustins legal guardian now.”
Eddie snapped his head up, he had absolutely no idea. Dustin was such a sweet well rounded kid he’d just assumed he had a healthy normal home life.
“They left us the house though, like that would make them signing away their rights to him any better. Thank god I was eighteen and able to legally become his guardian. I had to drop out though, I got a job at a bakery and it’s enough to keep us afloat. But I’ve been able to pick up a good amount of extra hours thanks to Dustin being at school for extra hours thanks to your club.”
Eddie felt a little nauseous at the thought of both of them having to deal with that, it was sick for a parent to leave their children. He would know.
“My dad died when I was a kid and when I was five my mom finally had enough and dropped me off at my uncles, I haven’t seen her since. It’s not fair. I’m sorry.” He reached out and placed his fingers on top of hers gently.
She glanced down and looked back up, a soft smile on her perfect lips before she pat the bed.
“Well get some sleep, im sure Dustin will be in to wake you up in a few hours. He’s gonna love this.” She waved her hand.
“Thanks again!” He called out as she closed the door.
This had been the most insane night and morning of his life. Things were changing in Hawkins, he could feel it in the air. He glanced at the photo on the bedside table of Dustin and Lucy laughing, it was recent and he recognized the park they were at.
Things were changing.
But maybe not all of them were for the worst.
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Molly Marks
Eddie Munson
“Come on, we have to go quick or we’re going to miss her section, those tables go quick!” Dustin dragged him through the heavy glass doors, tripping over his shoelaces and practically falling on his face, Damn near taking Eddie with him.
“Who’s section?! What tables?!” He was more than a little confused, the curly haired kid had shown up at his trailer at 8:00 am on a Sunday morning begging him to “please take me out to breakfast, please, I’ll do anything!” And it’s not like Eddie Munson was a softie, absolutely not, but no one had ever wanted to even be in the same room with him for a meal let alone specifically choose him to go out to eat.
Not to mention, Dustin was a cool kid, and he had a special place in his heart for the little nerd.
Eddie cautiously took the open space across from the eccentric boy.
So that’s what brought them to the next town over at a random rundown diner just off the freeway, rushing through the parking lot to apparently get to a specific table.
As soon as the doors swung open Dustin made a beeline for the booth closest to the back of the Diner. He slid into the cracked leather and grinned at Eddie, waving him over and pointing at the opposite side excitedly.
“Do you want to tell me why we drove 45 minutes to come to one of the most dingy diners I’ve ever seen when we have a perfectly decent one right in the center of Hawkins?” He raised a brow.
Dustins eyes were scanning the restaurant clearly seeking out something, before they practically lit up like a lightbulb. He dropped his folded hands to the table and beamed
“I like their pancakes.” He explained plainly.
He opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by a distinctly feminine voice.
“Dustin? This is three time’s in one week, I’m starting to think we might just need to hire you here sweetheart.”
The first thing he noticed was legs.
Long, tan, gloriously smooth legs peeking out from a far too short waitressing uniform and tucked into a pair of white sneakers and lace trimmed socks. His mouth just about started watering as his gaze followed the length of her body all the way up to the mess of blonde curls piled high on top of her head with a pencil sticking straight out. She had crystal eyes and dimples as she moved her gaze from Dustin right towards him.
“And you brought someone new this time! Will wasn’t in the mood for French toast?” She smiled at Eddie. “Hi I’m..”
Dustin cut her off
“This is molly. She’s the greatest waitress in the world.” He offered, gesturing to her uniform and pad.
She shook her head and laughed, it was bright and clear and it vaguely reminded him of a zeppelin song.
“I sure hope not. I don’t plan on doing this forever and lord knows who’s gonna serve you your pancakes when I move on.” She teased, ruffling the boys hair.
“This is Eddie, he’s one of my best friends.” Dustin explained.
Oof, that one hit him straight the heart. The younger kid really did like him and lord knows he had no business being friends with a 15 year old when he was 20 but still the sentiment was enough to make him blush.
He looked up at Molly who wasn’t judging him just nodding along as Dustin talked on and on about how they met and how cool Eddie was and how nice and how much of a gentleman he was.
Something was going on here and he wasn’t quite sure what it was.
“And I’ll have blueberry pancakes with extra butter and syrup.” He finished off, nodding to Eddie to place his order.
“A black coffee please, it’s a little too early for me to even consider eating.” He shuddered and felt his lips lift in a smile when she giggled.
“If I didn’t work every Sunday morning I don’t think I’d be much of a morning person either.” She closed her pad and tapped her hand on their table “pancakes and coffee you got it. It shouldn’t be all that long, as you can see we’re pretty slow,” she gestured to the near empty diner. “The church is doing a free breakfast today for the holiday coming up so we’re out of luck.” She shrugged “but at least the customers I’ve got are pretty cool.” She winked at the boys before heading to the kitchen.
He would like to say that he didn’t watch her walk away but that skirt was awfully short and her curves were pretty damn magnetic.
When he turned back to the table Dustin was smirking and tapping his fingers on the cover of his menu.
“What?” Eddie questioned the boys weird behavior.
Dustin shook his head giddily
“Oh nothing, I just knew it.”
It was way too early to try and decipher the hidden meaning behind the kids words
“You’re gonna have to give me more than that,dork.”
“Molly.” Dustin said pointedly, as if he was supposed to know what that meant.
“Molly?” He repeated, already lost.
“I knew that you would like her. All the guys said she was too pretty for you and that you liked all that makeup and leather and stuff but I knew she would be your type. I mean who’s type wouldn’t she be right?”
Ah, there it was. The missing piece to the puzzle.
“Dustin are you trying to set me up with the waitress?”
Dustin didn’t waste a minute
“She doesn’t go to Hawkins so that already makes her really cool and she’s literally the nicest person on the planet and so are you. Even though you try and pretend you’re not you are. And she’s hot obviously. Plus she’s really funny and smart and she already got accepted into community college and she’s single and I even brought Steve here to tempt her and she definitely wasn’t looking at him as much as she’s looking at you. And I’m really good at this stuff, trust me. Not to mention I want you to have a girlfriend because you should, Hawkins girls suck but she’s really really cool.” He rambled, hardly taking a breath.
He couldn’t believe this kid, he had such a big heart it was almost physically impossible to be such a good person but of course Dustin didn’t really fit into any of the typical categories.
He sighed, shuffling the sugar packets in his hands.
“Listen pal, I really appreciate the sentiment. Really dude I do. But I can promise you a girl like that is not going to go for Eddie “the freak” Munson. I can almost promise you she’s probably trying to pass this table off to someone else.”
He didn’t mean to sound like an insecure toddler but this girl was beyond beyond. She was gorgeous and clearly sweet as pie judging by the way Dustin has taken to her. She looked smart and determined and fun and he truly was trailer park trash.
Dustin didn’t have time to respond because she was already back with his pancakes and eddies coffee, sliding the saucer towards him and the syrup towards Dustin.
“Alrighty, Bennys famous blueberry pancakes and coffee. Oh!” She exclaimed reaching back on the tray and pulling off a plate with a chocolate donut directly in the center. “I know you said you’re not a breakfast person but a little sugar should kickstart your day in the right direction.”
Dustin kicked him under the table and he didn’t need to look at him to know he was cockily wiggling his eyebrows.
“Oh thanks. Yeah that’s.. thats great. I love donuts.” He stuttered like an idiot. He was typically pretty collected and he took pride in his confidence around new people but today was apparently not that day and Molly was not just any girl.
“Well you boys enjoy. If you need me just holler,” she started to walk away before Dustin called her back over.
“Molly! Wait! Come sit down with us for a minute. I never get to talk to you when it’s this slow.” He fixed with a proper pair of puppy dog eyes and she was defenseless against the sweet boy. She plopped down beside Dustin and smiled.
“Alright then handsome, pick my brain.” She wiggled her fingers at him.
“Oh boy, you have no idea what you’ve just done,” Eddie playfully dropped his head on the table and only lifted it when he heard her laugh.
“I’m fearless, ask me anything Dustin.” She braced herself teasingly and closed her eyes.
Dustin apparently was not one to beat around the bush
“Why are you single? You’re really pretty.” 
Her eyes popped open and they were soft as anything.
“Oh Dustin. That is so sweet, Thankyou.” She squeezed his shoulders affectionately. “To answer your question, I wouldn’t date not one of the boys in this town. Perkins High is not particularly dating central for me.” She shook her head.
“How come?” Dustin mumbled over a mouthful of pancake.
Molly glanced between the two of them and shrugged lightly
“We’ll I didn’t grow up with a whole lot. My grandma raised me so we didn’t have much money and people weren’t very nice to me here when I was younger. It’s hard to get over that no matter how much you try to be an adult about it.” She laughed.
Eddie didn’t even realize he was speaking until her eyes snapped to his
“My uncle raised me, I know the feeling.”
She nodded
“I didn’t really want to go over to anyone’s house and see them with their mom and dads when I couldn’t have that.”
Eddie agreed almost immediately.
“Yeah and no one wants to date the loser with no friends and hand me down jeans.” He offered
“Oh my goodness yes!” She was practically leaning across the table “and they taunt you for it before they know better and then want to act like it’s no big deal when it doesn’t matter anymore.”
Eddie leant over slightly too
“That’s why I tend to stay home. Dealing with those jerks sober is bad enough I don’t even want to deal with them drunk.”
Molly laughed, bright and musical
“That’s why having a job is the best. “Sorry I can’t come, I picked up a shift,” she faked an apologetic frown.
“I do that too!” He laughed, he couldn’t count the times he managed to get out of being dragged to some dumb teen party by girls wanting free weed by telling them he had to work at the bar that night in particular.
The chimes to the diner rang through the the tiny building and all three of the kids whipped their heads to the door where an elderly couple was hobbling in and towards one of Molly’s booths.
“Well duty calls.” She motioned towards the table and smiled “it’s on the house today if you promise to bring El next time! I miss that kid!” She hugged Dustin and turned to Eddie “it was really great meeting you. I hope you come back and we can finish our conversation about how much people suck.” She waved at him again as she headed towards her new customers.
Dustin shoveled down the rest of his pancakes and hopped out of the booth pulling Eddie along with him. He just wanted one more look at her, just something for his memory if he never got the balls to come back and see her face to face. He glanced behind and almost passed out when he saw her watching him leave, the prettiest smile he’d even seen gracing her perfect features.
They were almost to his car when Dustin stopped them both and stood directly in front of Eddie.
“Still think she wasn’t interested?”
Eddie sighed, side stepping the younger boy and rolling his eyes
“Dustin she’s just a nice person, that’s all.”
He Opened the drivers door only to have it slammed by Dustin, nearly catching his fingers in the process
“Hey! You better..,”
Dustin shoved a coffee stained napkin in Eddies face, girly handwriting and a series of numbers sticking out amongst the brown splotch.
“She wrote down her number on your coffee napkin. That seems a little more than nice to me.” He was practically skipping as he rounded the car “I am so good I swear. I should do this for a living “Dustins matchmaking service.” I could make millions.”
Eddie stared at the phone number in his hands, well this didn’t make much sense, she was perfect and he was the nerd who hung out with 15 year olds and listened to heavy metal.
Maybe things were finally starting to look up.
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Eddie Munson X OC
“Elder Henderson! Wait up!” His voice traveled through the grocery store aisles forcing her to turn around with an exaggerated eye roll and a delicate hand propped on her hip.
“My name is Willow, Eddie Munson. Stop calling me Elder Henderson. I’m literally your age.” Her nose scrunched adorably as she turned away and reached for something a little too high on the shelf above. He pulled it down for her and placed it in her cart, bowing slightly when she smiled gratefully before continuing her shopping.
She really was too damn pretty to exist. Silky honey blonde strands always resting on sun kissed shoulders, rose petal pink lips offsetting the green and gold of her eyes and soft smooth skin that wafted peaches and cream every time she walked. She was like something off an album cover and he couldn’t help but stare every time she dropped Dustin off at Hellfire club.
Willow had moved away the year she graduated, He remembered her getting some huge scholarship to a school in New York. He hadn’t even graduated and here she was packing her things up and getting out of Hawkins, he could still feel the sting of jealousy that burned him when he found out he would have to repeat the year.
It all changed only six months later, that jealousy turned to sympathy when both of the Henderson parents divorced and decided they didn’t want the responsibility of children. It was unheard of, both parents abandoning their child? It just didn’t happen. It left Dustin without a guardian and Willow was forced to come home and take care of him, losing her big chance at getting out, at making something of herself.
Still, she never complained, never treated Dustin like a burden, never made him feel any less than the coolest kid on the planet. It was why he was so drawn to her, he was fairly certain a therapist would say it was because of his own parental issues. His mom had died when he was very young and his dad never stuck around leaving him with his uncle at the trailer park. Maybe seeing someone step up like Willow had for Dustin did something to him psychologically, who knew. All that he did know was that she was an amazing woman and she was pretty enough to make his eyes hurt.
Now she was working full time at the elementary school, fortunate enough to have had connections that got her in as a first grade teacher without a degree. She was also practically raising the three boys and red headed girl Dustin hung out with. He couldn’t count the times he’d seen them all scramble out of her Volkswagen as she chased after them with an abandoned textbook or a crumpled lunch bag.
“It’s a good thing you’re here actually,” her voice broke him out of his thoughts, she was standing in front of him holding out two different bags of chips. “Which one gets eaten faster at the club, dustin told me to get snacks for your apparently “game to end all games.” Tonight but I have no idea what you all like.”
Eddie squat down and put his hands on his knees as he pretended to really examine the two bags “hmmmm” he mumbled “this is a very tough decision” he smiled up at her and was more than a little pleased to see her trying to hide her own smile behind a teasing groan.
“I quit with you people.” She sighed playfully, tossing both bags into the cart.
He bumped her hip with his and pulled out one of the bags, placing it back on the shelf. “Always the blue bag love, always the blue bag.”
She shrugged her shoulders before turning confining down the rows with Eddie in tow falling into step at her side. “So why is the game so late tonight? I don’t mind considering it’s Friday but they’re usually much earlier.”
Eddie sighed
“Normally I take the late night shift at the bar during the week so I’m able to go after the club but someone snatched it up before I could this week so I have to go right to work after school and i won’t be done until around seven.”
Willow turned directly towards him now
“I swear to god Eddie Munson, if you don’t finally graduate this year I’m coming to that school myself and walking you across the graduation stage.”
He chuckled and shook his head
“Oh I’m definitely graduating this year. And when I do I’m getting my own apartment and getting the hell out of that trailer park.” He shuddered.
The gorgeous blonde giggled “well in the meantime you know you’re welcome at our house anytime. We have a spare room. Although it was previously occupied by the devils themselves so if you’re into spirituality it may not be the best place for you.” She said bitterly.
She was talking about her parents room, he could see the anger in her eyes when she spoke of them. God what kind of idiots could leave the two best kids on the planet?
“Haven’t you heard? I worship the devil?” He stuck his fingers by his head and stuck out his tongue goofily. Snorting when she smacked his arm.
“That’s Hawkins for you, what they lack in creativity they make up for in bigoted imaginations.” She was placing her groceries on the checkout counter and he moved over to bag for her. He wasn’t certain what he felt for Willow Henderson, she was amazing and beautiful and smart and kind and if he was a braver man, a smarter man he would ask her out in a heartbeat. Hell he’d marry her right in the center of town.
But he wasn’t brave and he wasn’t smart and she deserved someone who was both of those things and more, preferably someone with a job that wasn’t serving drunk Hawkins Residents stale scotch and cheap beer. She deserved someone just as bright and shiny as she was.
“This weekend Dustin wants to go to the lake, I’m taking the boys and max and El is coming down for the week so it would be nice to have someone my age there to keep me from going insane.” She handed her card to the cashier and looked up at him with those wide Bambi eyes.
“Are you asking me to chaperone with you sunshine?” He raised a brow and grinned.
She placed her bags back in the carriage and rolled her eyes “if that’s what you want to call it then fine: yes I’m asking you to chaperone and lay on the lake with me and watch a bunch of children try to drown each other.”
His palms started to sweat a bit, he’d wanted some alone time with the older Henderson sister since he’d laid eyes on her a year ago. He wasn’t about to miss out on this opportunity.
“I’ll meet you tommorow at your house around 10 ish?”
They made their way out of the store and willow nodded excitedly
“Perfect! Thankyou, it can be a lot when it’s just me and all the kids. Lord knows Nancy isn’t going to be helping out.” She mumbled.
Eddie helped place the groceries in her trunk and laughed
“Happy to help. Will you be wearing a bikini?” He smiled innocently.
Willow whipped around
“I’m your dreams Munson.” She slipped into the drivers seat and he leaned against the window.
“Every night Henderson.”
He liked the way she blushed, just for him.
“Don’t be late!” She called out as she drove away.
He grinned at the retreating car
“Not a chance in hell.”
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Stranger Things Fanfiction Prompts
Looking to do Eddie Munson x Reader & Steve Harrington x Reader prompts! Send me requests in my inbox!
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Ellie Henderson x Steve Harrington
Steve Harrington x oc fanfic
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He wasn’t stalking her.
Swear on his life he wasn’t.
Bec Bailey worked at the sporting goods store exactly fourteen feet away from Scoops Ahoy. Her schedule was Tuesday through Friday middle shift, she never picked up a Monday or a Sunday and if knowing those details made him look like an absolute creep, so be it.
He was interested, more than interested actually, he was fully immersed in all things curly blonde hair and green eyes.
He’d never noticed her in school, and he would have noticed her, she was probably the prettiest thing he’d ever seen. Robin said she’d moved here towards the end of the school year and hadn’t even bothered finishing up the year, she was his age and she always had this incredibly curious look on her face, like she couldn’t make out if Hawkins was actually real or not.
He still wasn’t sure of that answer either.
It had been about a month of working in the shop beside her and he still hadn’t mustered the courage to say anything other than a choked out apology when he bumped into her in the Panda Express line. It’s not that he wasn’t confident, he knew he was considered “attractive” by the opposite sex and his personality wasn’t nearly as shitty as it had been the year before but still, Nancy Wheeler had shaken his bravado quite a bit when she’d left him for another guy, no matter the circumstance. Now he couldn’t manage to get a sentence out without second guessing himself.
Bec was gorgeous too, the kind of pretty you only read about in magazines or see in movies. She didn’t look the Hawkins type, there was nothing fake to her, from her glowy natural skin to her wild and untamed curls. Robin had fared much better in the conversation front and had even had her over for dinner.
“She’s hilarious and genuinely nice, she’s not gonna stay single long.” She’d warned him the very next day.
He’d fought monsters with a baseball bat and saved a group of middle schoolers from certain death without batting an eye and yet talking to a pretty girl made his palms sweat and his stomach hurt.
But that was all changing today. He was going to talk to her if it was the last thing he did.
And it just might be considering the way his heart was pounding so steadily in his chest as he approached her in the food court. She was staring down at a magazine and stabbing at her French fries with a fork by the time his dragging feet landed in front of her table. She didn’t look up and he nearly had a heart attack before he cleared his throat, pulling her gaze to his.
“Hello.” He stuttered pathetically, clearing his throat once more and trying again “hi, hi I’m sorry to bother you,” better but still ridiculously lame.
Bec closed her magazine and gifted him a warm smile
“Hi, don’t worry about it. You’re Steve right?”
Those damn green eyes were practically looking into his soul.
“No.” He shook his head before his eyes widened “I mean yes! Yeah I mean, yes I’m Steve.” What was wrong with him, he’d never been this much of a dweeb with Nancy.
Her dimples poked the corners of her cheeks and her eyebrows squinted adorably
“You work with Robin, I was waiting for you to introduce yourself. I thought I’d pissed you off before I even met you. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
He dropped into the bench across from her and tried his best to give his most charming smile
“Oh yeah? All good things I hope.” He teased.
“Yeah, I heard you fought off a demogorgon with only a baseball bat and some rope.”
He choked on the air he’d just swallowed and nearly dropped the soda he’d been holding all over the table, catching it just in time before it spilled.
How the hell did she know what a demogorgon was? And why wasn’t she looking about as shocked as he felt.
“What?” He whispered, glancing around.
“I’ve encountered one before but I hid like a baby and managed to get away.”
Alright now this was insane.
“What are you talking about? How do you even know..”
Bec cut him off
“Why do you think we would come to Hawkins Indiana? My adopted brother is from the same lab as your friend, the one with the shaved head. They’ve been communicating and somethings wrong. We think they’re being hunted by whoever created them, that’s why we’re here. We want to work together. There’s quite a few of them who want to work together.”
It was clicking slowly, this girl had experienced the same things he had except the connection was deeper because it was her brother. She was here to fight off monsters, something Steve had sworn off as his New Years resolution this January. She didn’t seem to be asking for his help not the way Nancy had but still, she knew all about him and he knew absolutely nothing about her.
“How old is your brother?” He questioned
Bec sighed and the ghost of a smile crossed her lips “he’s 12 going on 20. He’s a firecracker and even though he’s younger I’d trust him with just about anything. He’s smart as a whip.” The affection was clear in the way she spoke about him.
“I’ve got one like that, he’s not my real brother but he might as well be. His names Dustin.”
Her eyes lit up
“Oh I’ve met him! He’s hilarious. He was actually the one who told me about you, don’t tell him but I’m pretty sure I got the idea he was trying to set us up.” She laughed, the sound was a mix between music and thunder storms.
He could feel his cheeks heat up an embarrassing pink. Leave it to Dustin to be the one to get the ball rolling.
“Yeah he does that quite a bit,”
Bec checked her watch before standing up and collecting her garbage
“My brother Ben is always trying to hook me up with someone. He thinks I’m “desperately lonely for a young woman.” She snorted. “Anyway, I’ve gotta get back to work. It was great to finally meet you. Don’t be a stranger!” She waved cheerfully not giving him any time to respond or ask for her number or a date.
Did he want to go on a date with someone who was mixed up in all that again? He’d done it once before and we all know how that ended. But Bec wasn’t like Nancy, he could tell that just from the five minutes they’d just shared. He could just move on, be friendly and cordial and act like the attraction he felt is a totally normal thing.
He looked towards the sports shop to see her helping a little boy out on a bicycle helmet, her laugh echoing through the mall aisles.
“Yeah that’s not happening.” He mumbled to himself, he was certainly going to have to get to know the monster hunting blonde a little bit closer.
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“Hermione you have to think about this, it could change the face of the..”
Harry dropped his head into his hands and pressed his fingers into his temples, releasing an exaggerated sigh.
“Malfoy..” he started.
“Don’t look at me Potter, I’m just here because the Ministry threatened to revoke my Parole and send me to Askaban if I didn’t show up.” Draco lounged back in the plush chair in the center of Harry Potters office, his arms behind his head and that shit eating grin a permanent feature on his face.
“I don’t think either of you understand the severity of this situation..” Harry started, Draco sat up in anticipation, he could practically feel the steam coming from the curly haired girl to his right.
“Don’t you dare tell me what I understand and do not understand Harry Potter, if anyone understands the severity of this revolution it is me. However I fail to understand why me spending all of my time with Draco Malfoy and allowing my face to be plastered all over the Wizarding World will help that situation.” She crossed her legs primly and reached for the bowl of Bertie Botts beans on Harry’s desk taking a large handful and shoving them into her mouth.
Interesting, he had no idea Hermione Granger was a stress eater.
“We’re looking for total acceptance ‘Mione. We want everyone to live their lives in our world without judgement and prejudice. You changed the world, you are the Golden Girl. If the people can see you embracing the one person who almost destroyed it we can make an example, it’s the start that we need to really get the Revolution going.”
Draco cleared his throat “ so what I’m hearing is that you want me to be the face of your Revolution?”
Hermione rolled her eyes “no you absolute ego filled git, he wants US to be the face of the Revolution.” she huffed.
“precisely.” Harry smiled anxiously.
Neither said anything for what felt like ages and Draco considered waiting longer just to see that absolute look of nervous anxiety on Potters face for a little longer.
“what the hell, its not like I have much of a choice anyway. I’m sure the Ministry has already said yes for me. You better make me look good Potter and I’m not wearing makeup.” He shrugged.
Harry nodded and grinned before turning to Hermione
“and you Hermione? are you in”
Draco turned fully to look at her and watched as she tapped her fingers on the arm of the chair and raised her eyes to the ceiling before sighing and reaching across Harry’s desk and grabbing the left over half of his sandwhich he’d had for lunch and taking a large bite.
“when do we start?” she mumbled over the food in her mouth.
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Part 1
He can smell her from his seat in the library, freshly printed parchment and fresh peaches mixed with something he can’t quite place. Her hair is a mess like always and he has to wrap his fingers around the arm of his chair to keep from running over and tangling his fingers in the tumbling curls.
She’s on her own, nose buried in a novel and feet tucked underneath her. Everyone’s gone home for Christmas except a select few students who didn’t feel like going home to see family. Of course Draco’s family is practically non existent these days with his father in Askaban and his mother doing charity work in the muggle world ( a half baked attempt at making amends with herself and the world she’d been raised to despise.) So of course he’d stayed for the holiday, it was almost a relief to see the halls so empty.
He hadn’t wanted to come back, he’d betrayed Hogwarts by allowing the death eaters in and he knew what would be waiting for him if he ever stepped foot in the school again but the Ministry had given him an ultimatum
Hogwarts or Askaban.
He still wasn’t sure if he’d chosen correctly. Every student who crossed his path loathed him, they glared and whispered and excluded him from every situation possible. He was a Malfoy, words and whispers didn’t bother him and while he didn’t mind being on his own, the guilt he felt every day ate at him and burned his skin.
Hermione Granger however had more friends and admirers than he could count, she was the golden girl for merlins sake. There wasn’t a day that passed that a first year wouldn’t shove past him to get the brown haired girls autograph. It was almost disturbing. It made no sense for her to be here over the holiday break, he’d heard of her wiping her parents memories but she had the Weasleys or one of her many irritating friends.
A peel of loud laughter ripped through the quiet of the library effectively breaking him out of his internal monologue. The girl in question had her nose scrunched and the biggest smile stretching across her face as she traced the words of her book with her fingers and used her free hand to pop a peppermint candy cane into her smiling mouth. She was in an oversized Gryffindor sweatshirt he was fairly certain was Potters and a pair of black leggings. It wasn’t fair how beautiful she was, he’d spent his entire childhood in a war with his own mind about the frustrating muggle that he was groomed to hate.
But the war was over and they were both still standing, idiotic ideas of blood purity buried alongside all those who had spilled blood on the very floors of this school. She had fought more valiantly than he ever could have and her screams were forever etched into the walls of both Malfoy manor and his mind.
He watched as she picked up her books and packed them into her bag, slipping on her sneakers and tucking back in her chair. She waved to the librarian half asleep at the desk and slipped through the front doors.
Well.. it was now or never.
He practically stumbled over his feet to follow her outside, he barely caught the maroon and gold tail of her scarf as she turned the corner and headed outside.
It was freezing and there was snow piled high on the ground. He may have different feelings and ideas but he was still a Malfoy after all.
He couldn’t conceal the smile that spread on his face when she squealed and spun around, snow clumps from the snowball he had launched at the back of her head falling down her back and behind her hood. Her eyes were wild when they landed on him.
“Malfoy!” She shouted, stomping her foot and raising her arms in the air.
“Merry Christmas Granger.” He shouted back.
“What is wrong with you?” She huffed, popping her hands on her waist and raising a brow.
“I’m hungry.” He shrugged, strolling over to her with his hands shoved in his pockets, expensive shoes leaving indents in the snow.
“Congratulations?” She rolled her eyes moving to walk away before his hand clamped around her bicep.
“Come eat with me.”
Hermione’s eyes widened for just a split second before she shook her head and pulled away. “You’re funny Malfoy.”
“I mean it. Come eat with me. It’s Christmas.” He pouted and tried to look his most pathetic.
She was staring at him like he had two heads
“Are you okay? Did you fall?”
Now she was concerned, he could see it on her face.
“I’m fine Granger, I’m just hungry and could use the company. Are you eating with me or not, I don’t have all day.” He huffed.
She hesitated for a moment, glancing to her left for a moment before letting her shoulders lose a bit of the tension they carried
“Okay I guess?”
Draco grinned, his perfect teeth practically glistening before he spun on his heel and headed towards the great hall
“Hurry up, I don’t want to miss pudding,”
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He’d been beside her for ten minutes now and she really should say something, perhaps a word of encouragement. He looked slightly distraught and he hadnt stopped touching it since it’s been done.
“It doesn’t look all that bad Malfoy, really.” She winced at her halfhearted attempt at comfort and continued on with brushing her teeth, eyes only glancing towards the man at her side when he sighed and dropped his hands to the sink.
“I look utterly ordinary.” He moped.
“That’s kind of the point though isn’t it?” She rinsed her tooth brush and turned to look towards him fully. Draco Malfoy heir to the slytherin throne, and former death eater was currently pouting in her bathroom over a box of hair dye.
“I’m fully aware of that Granger, it’s just a touch depressing is all.” He turned back to the mirror and tugged on his new dark hair, grimacing at his reflection.
“Your platinum hair would have zeroed you out in any crowd, it’s only for your safety I wish you would stop being such a baby about this.” She rolled her eyes and moved to leave the bathroom when Dracos hand gripped her forearm.
“I am not a baby Granger, it would do you good to remember who I am.” He growled.
Hermione pulled her arm free from his grasp and fixed him with her angriest glare
“It would do you good to remember who’s home you’re in. No one else wanted you Malfoy, I took you in because no one else would. If you want to take your chances out there be my guest but I can promise you that a little hair dye and some muggle clothes aren’t enough to hide who you really are.” Her eyes flicked to his dark mark before she fled the bathroom.
He swallowed the slew of curse words that threatened to spill from his throat. She was right of course, everyone else had turned their back on him and with the crusaders desperate to destroy all of the ex death eaters still living and free from Askaban, the ministry had assigned houses for their safety. No one wanted him and he was fairly certain they were going to send him to Askaban like his father. However Granger had taken him in and now he was stuck in her tiny little cabin far from civilization.
So maybe she was right
Maybe he was the one who should remember who he was.
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Her fingers felt like bandaids on the swollen skin of his mark and when she pressed her hand against his heart he could almost forget how much hate there had once been in its place.
She was braver than anyone he had ever known and when she danced pressed against him in the home that had tried to destroy her, he had to swallow back the tears that threatened to spill. He didn’t deserve this dance or the way her curls brushed up against his nose as he buried his face into her neck. He didn’t deserve the way she had smiled when he swept her up into his arms and pulled her to the center of his library, her toes on top of his. He definitely didn’t deserve the way she whispered his name into his ear and brushed the blonde hair away from his eyes.
It was just a dance, they worked together and having become friends in their tiny office space he’d taken a chance in asking her to his mothers annual charity ball, the company she kept was of the worst sort and having the woman who kept him sane as his date might be the only way he would survive it. He hadnt expected her to say yes but when had she ever been anything he expected?
After thanking his mother for the invitation she had headed directly for the malfoys extensive library and now two hours later with the music of the ball slipping through the crack at the bottom of the door, she was pressed against his body swaying to the muggle love song he was sure Theo had slipped in to bother his parents.
She looked beautiful but she always had. She’d grown out of her bushy hair and buck teeth in its place were silky curls and a smile that could stop even the darkest wizard. When they were younger he’d hated her but even in his blind delusion he had known she was beautiful in her own right, her wit and confidence carried her past even Pansy Parkinson and Fluer Delacore. But now? Now she was every mans dream, successful and loyal, beautiful to a fault and desperately kind.
He didn’t deserve the chance to be in the same room as her let alone her friendship but she’d given it to him no strings attached. She’d listened to him stumble through an apology, watched as he explained that he wasn’t sure he had ever felt the way he acted or the things he said, he didn’t know who he was, he still didn’t but he was learning, trying to figure it out. She didn’t ask him why, didn’t push him to prove it, she simply told him she was in the market for a new friend and he looked like the right kind.
She was humming along to the music and the feel of her fingers on his neck made him bold, he ran his hand up her back and allowed it to tangle in her curls. She looked up at him with curious eyes and that soft smile that made his stomach hurt, before he could overthink it her lips were on his, not even for a second but it was long enough.
She pulled away and smiled once again, this time it was different, cautious and hesitant. He couldn’t speak if he wanted too so he settled for pressing his palm on the back of her head and nudging her into the crook of his neck, finally breathing after what felt like hours. He wasn’t going to let her go, he didn’t know how long he could keep her just like this but he intended to find out.
#dramione#dramione fanfiction#hermione and draco#draco and hermione#draco malfoy#hermione granger#hermione x draco#draco x hermione#harry potter fanfiction#harry potter#Draco and hermione Fanfiction
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It’s been nearly three years since she’s seen Draco Malfoy, she’s successful now, powerful and strong. Hermione Granger has the wizarding world in the palm of her hand and nothing it throws her way has defeated her yet. So why, sitting across the blonde wizards desk, does she suddenly feel like she’s back at Hogwarts with nothing but her school books and her big words?
She never thought she would have to see him again, not after that night in Diagon Alley,but the Ministry needed his help and when Harry suggested she be the one to ask him she didn’t have the chance to say no. Now she’s back at Malfoy Manor and he’s looking at her like he remembers and all she wanted was a few books.
#dramione#draco malfoy#draco x hermione#hermione granger#harry potter#dramione fanfiction#draco and hermione#harry potter fanfiction#Draco malfoy fanfiction#hermione and draco
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