curloz-macurla · 3 years
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curloz-macurla · 4 years
let’s take a look at B O N E S
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curloz-macurla · 5 years
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What font is used for the text in homestuck? (e.g. the pesterlogs, chats, narration, etc.)
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curloz-macurla · 5 years
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there’s absolutely no way this is even real. the drawings were already in there. (savers, san jose ca)
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curloz-macurla · 5 years
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a drawing about optimism
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curloz-macurla · 5 years
In preparation for the upcoming Skeleton War, I will be reviewing skull emojis for accuracy, scariness, and overall charm!
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Very skinny jaw- has he been starved? Nonetheless, a fearsome and menacing skull who would be an asset to the Skeleton Army. Also the only one who has a chin. 7/10
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The 2D look is not working here. This looks like a Halloween window decal that would fall off after two days. 2/10
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Microsoft’s bold outlines usually create a disturbing image, but I feel likeit works for the skull emoji. He looks like he is emerging from the void. 6/10, looks a little like an electric socket.
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He is so sad! The tilted eye sockets make him seem like he has lost all hope in the world. 3/10, pitiful and not useful to the Army.
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This is a socially isolated jellyfish. 0/10
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A sturdy and big-boned fellow! He would carry through his military deities with strength and perseverance. 9/10, slightly neanderthalic.
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Looks like a tiny ghost. 3/10 for the nice shading on the temples.
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This resembles a plastic bag with holes in it. Or an octopus with a mustache. Either way not a skull -1/10
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NOW THIS IS A SCARY SKULL! He’s unsettling but that’s the look we’re going for. Supermodels envy those cheekbones. 11/10
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Sickly. Brings pestilence and famine upon the skeleton army. Death to all who look upon him.
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curloz-macurla · 5 years
Kin Manor:
A Place For Fiction Kin, Other Kin, and Fictives/Headmates
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Rules and Regulations:
First of all, welcome.
I will be your host in this server along with others I trust.
Please read all rules and be respectful to everyone.
1) BE RESPECTFUL: You know the golden rule yada yada yada. Please be nice to everyone and be understanding as much as possible.
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2) Don't pick fights because I will not hesitate to end them.
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3) If someone asks you to stop talking about a certain subject, please drop it completely, go to DM's, or move to one of the trigger channels.
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4) Be respectful and understanding of triggers. You wouldn't want someone making fun of your triggers would you?
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5) I'm sorry to do this, but... I don't want to blacklist ships or characters of any sort. The only time I want ships/characters in the blacklist chats is for ship/character hate. I don't want others who are kin with a character to be forced to hide in the blacklist over something so major to them. I also won't tolerate source hate. If you don't like a source, don't say anything bad about it publicly in the server. You can keep that to DMs. So sources are not to be blacklisted here either. If ships/characters/sources have content in them/related to them that are blacklisted or goes against the rules, then put images/art/memories/canon calls/ect. of the content in the blacklisted channels.
((Not all people have bad memories of ships/characters/sources you don't like, so be respectful of those people. And don't disrespect those with bad memories either.))
I'm not gonna have someone feel invalid while in this server.
So if you don't agree to this and think it's "disrespectful", then you can leave if you want.
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6) Don't @ everyone/here just for the hell of it. I'm not saying it's not allowed, but if it's not important for everyone to see, don't summon everyone.
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7) If someone starts a fight, and it doesn't resolve, someone inform a mod. We will try to settle it, but, if you don't cooperate, you will be kicked. That doesn't mean it's permanent. Only until things cool down then you may come back. But you will probably have a strike.
But if you start havoc again, you could possibly be banned.
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8) If someone gets banned and you try to sneak them back in, you will be banned too because now I can't trust you.
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9) The chat called #unwelcomed-troublemakers is where you tell us of people to not let in. PLEASE do not abuse this. This is for people you know that has started drama in other servers and will continue to start drama in this server.
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10) This place is for everyone to be at peace and mingle with fellow kin aquantances, so I will not tolerate any hatred towards the LGBTQ+ community. If you are a terf, transmed, truscum, rad fem, give hate to aro/ace, or just anything related to being homophobic/excluding, you better leave now. You are not, and never will be, welcome here.
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11) I am going to be as fair as I can to everyone in this server. There will be a three strike deal in this. If you start drama with the intent on hurting someone, you will get a strike. Three strikes and you are out.
❄ Warning: If you, for any reason, go against the rules or you will be given a warning and will be guided to try and refrain from doing it again.
❄ Strike 1: It's like a warning, but with slight consequences and will be given the "❌ Strike #1" role.
❄ Strike 2: More severe than Strike 1. You will be kicked for a week, you choosing to come back is entirely up to you. When you return, you will be given the "❌ Strike #2" role.
❄ Strike 3: You have constantly been disrespectful, and it's time for you to go. You will be banned and no longer welcomed, being put under the #unwelcomed-troublemakers list.
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12) Please keep bot useage in their designated bot areas unless it includes NSFW or anything blacklisted in #triggers-list. Also please keep selfies in #selfies, animals in #animals, et cetera, et cetera. I want to keep things looking tidy as possible. If you don't know where to put stuff, ask a mod or check #manor-map!!!
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13) Don't come in here and start calling kins cursed. Doing that will automatically get you banned.
Having that be said, I hope you enjoy your stay!!!
The link to the server will be in the header of my blog.
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curloz-macurla · 5 years
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requested by deaconmcsexypants
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curloz-macurla · 5 years
I’m not a
to your society!!!
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curloz-macurla · 5 years
For anyone reading the Homestuck Epilogues…
If you share spoilers of it, please tag it as so. I want to avoid reading it for a while due to the negative vibes I’m getting from them. The things I’m hearing about it is just terrible, and I don’t need this in my life right now.
And you people out there telling us to get over it……
Fuck you and go the fuck off. You don’t understand how bad all of this is for the fans and the fandom. We are all hurting really bad and don’t need your shit right now. Especially all of us kins out there.
If you do read the Epilogues, please be safe. Don’t let this get under your skin if it unsettles you.
Stay safe everyone.
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curloz-macurla · 5 years
this just in: get ready for the movie of the summer! meulin is a cop plays by the book. meenah is only interested in one thing: feminism
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curloz-macurla · 5 years
who here has not personally been victimized by damara
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curloz-macurla · 6 years
meulin is the reason can’t I sleep at night
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curloz-macurla · 6 years
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buy here
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curloz-macurla · 6 years
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Part 1 of the wallpapers I’ve made! I made Dualscar and Sufferer for myself, so I ended up just making one for all of em
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curloz-macurla · 6 years
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curloz-macurla · 6 years
if i was a skeleton i would just say “that really rattles my bones” in response to literally everything
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