Hi! I know I’ve been gone forever, and this isn’t a post about me coming back more frequently, I just wanted to say that if there’s anything you’ve made for me, please tag me in it and send it to me in a message. I don’t want to seem ungrateful, but I can’t get through my dashboard to see everything these days. I’ve been trying to get some stuff straight in life and I’m not very good at it so it’s taking a while. But I still love this community and all the wonderful people I’ve met through it. <3 I hope you’re all doing well!
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•  Sequel to We Were Born Sick  & Wasteland   •
XVI: Dear Sister
“What?” Bird questioned. Jim’s extended silence left her with a strange sensation in her chest; like she’d consumed too much caffeine and her heart was unsteady; unreliable.
“I know that you take us seriously.” Jim answered, “I guess what concerns me is that I don’t think you know what you want, Bird.”
Her brows furrowed. The tone in his voice was full of concern and love -it was clear he didn’t mean that in an insulting manner. But she wasn’t sure how else to take such a statement rather than be offended.
“What do you want?” She focused on keeping her tone steady; against the urge to snap at him.
“A family.” Jim admitted.
Bird looked down at their still joined hands. Along with the admission his grip had tightened on hers ever so slightly, like he were afraid she was going to pull away. An action he wasn’t even aware of.
“The dream, huh?” Bird gave a one shoulder shrug with a sideways smile and tried to make light of it, “House and a white picket fence? Two-point-five kids? A dog and cat?”
“Maybe just the kids and a dog.” Jim tried to joke, but his eyes didn’t leave her face. Paying closer attention to her physical response and body language than her words -or lack there of.
“I…” She slightly stammered, her tone wavering, “This sounds like the beginning of a really big conversation that I’m not ready to have.”
“I’m not saying I want this to happen right now.” He clarified, “I just need to know if we’re moving in the same direction.”
“What does that even mean?” Bird turned further to face him.
She looked every bit as distressed as she felt.
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‘Cause I’ve been a devil, I’ve been a saint Somebody help me, I can’t change
We Were Born Sick Series    ↳ Bird x Oswald
• We Were Born Sick • Wasteland • Devil’s Playground
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Hi! I know I’ve been gone forever, and this isn’t a post about me coming back more frequently, I just wanted to say that if there’s anything you’ve made for me, please tag me in it and send it to me in a message. I don’t want to seem ungrateful, but I can’t get through my dashboard to see everything these days. I’ve been trying to get some stuff straight in life and I’m not very good at it so it’s taking a while. But I still love this community and all the wonderful people I’ve met through it. <3 I hope you’re all doing well!
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Day, you TOTALLY didn’t have to make me anything, but I LOVE THIS! <3 <3 Man, I miss writing and I miss being on here and talking with you all. </3 Work and life have been keeping me so busy. :( I still see all the wonderful things you all create, even if I don’t have time to compliment them all!! <3333 And Day, your work never ceases to amaze me!! Thank you! <333333 *HUGS TIGHT*
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Nothing Left to Save || Kara & Negan
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For thisismexxo ^_^
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For thisismexxo ^_^
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For @darknightfrombeyond <3 I haven’t been on here in a while, but I haven’t forgotten about you guys! I hope you’ve been well, Day!! <3 <3
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I remember we were driving driving in your car The speed so fast I felt like I was drunk City lights lay out before us And your arm felt nice wrapped ‘round my shoulder And I had a feeling that I belonged And I had a feeling I could be someone
Through the Looking Glass    ↳ Indiana x Jesse
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Just know that you are fantastic, and your writing is appreciated and enjoyed.👍 Pass this message along anonymously to other authors on tumblr that you enjoy!
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If you receive this then it means you make someone happy! Go on anonymous and send this top ten followers who make you happy, or maybe need some cheering up. Spread the love. :)
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“Bird?” Oswald walked closer, “There is one thing I don’t understand. Why didn’t you stop me? That day, the flight… the knife…” His voice lowered some, “I could have killed you.”
“Because…” She breathed, “It would have completely destroyed you. I might have died -but you would never have come back from that. Killing me would have eaten you alive.”
With that she stepped forward pressed a small kiss to his cheek and then went back inside of the house, leaving Oswald standing frozen in place.
She was right, there was no point in trying to deny that. And while her words should have chilled him to his very core, it had stirred something else in him.
A feeling he hadn’t associated with her in quite sometime. A tinge of giddiness? A bit of pride?
He glanced back up to the now empty window where Jim had been keeping an eye on them and smiled to himself triumphantly.
Even with all the changes she’d been undergone in the recent years and all the times he’d felt disappointed in her and the choices she made -it once again seemed abundantly clear that at her core she was still the person who’d meant the most to him.
In spite of everything she was still Bird, still his Bird -and that felt like a victory.
We Were Born Sick Series    ↳ Bird x Oswald
• We Were Born Sick • Wasteland • Devil’s Playground
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I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I’m not enough Every single lie that tells me I will never measure up Am I more than just the sum of every high and every low? Remind me once again just who I am, because I need to know
You say I am loved when I can’t feel a thing You say I am strong when I think I am weak You say I am held when I am falling short When I don’t belong, oh, you say that I am yours
We Were Born Sick Series    ↳ Bird x Jim
• We Were Born Sick • Wasteland • Devil’s Playground
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If you receive this then it means you make someone happy! Go on anonymous and send this top ten followers who make you happy, or maybe need some cheering up. Spread the love. :)
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•  Sequel to We Were Born Sick  & Wasteland   •
XV: She’s On the Loose
“Why’d you have Isabella killed and-” Bird started to ask.
“You know the reasons very well!” Oswald’s voice was almost in a hiss and shot out so fast he didn’t let her finish what she was trying to ask.
“Because you love Ed?”
Bird’s words were fuzzy around the edges. Slurred just enough he could pick up on it.
“Bird…” Her name was accompanied with a sigh.
Her slightly inebriated state was nothing compared to the messes he’d seen in her before.
“But you loved me too, right?” Her throat was dry as she croaked out the question.
Now he understood why she’d insisted on keeping the lighting in the room so low. Like a confessional, because that’s what she wanted from him.
All cards on the table. Stripped bare. Unadulterated honesty.
Every single time he’d tried to profess his feelings in the past she’d gotten mad.
“Now?” He questioned, the word tasted bitter. Coated his tongue, “Now… today, tonight? Right now? When you’ve taken Jim Gordon as a lover and you want me to answer that?”
“I need to know.” Bird insisted, “You said you did, but you never tried to kill Harvey Dent.”
Oswald’s face twisted up. It was just that morning she’d told him she’d have killed him if he’d tried and now here she was, sounding almost hurt and offended that he’d had Nygma’s lover killed and not hers.
“Is it because you love him more than you loved me?” Bird’s voice didn’t waver but something in it sounded shaky to him; she was trying to hide how invested she was in his answer.
Holding a hand over a wound trying to slow the bleeding but the blood just keeps spilling out between your fingers.
“No.” Oswald answered, “It’s a very different situation.”
He surprised himself by the softness in his own voice. The need to console her outweighed the need for his own comfort.
And he was sure a part of him hated her for that, for what she always did to him.
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“What happens now?” Oswald questioned.
“I don’t know.” Bird answered, “Move forward I guess?”
“You know-” She sucked in a breath that felt like it burnt her lungs, “When I was under the hallucinogens earlier tonight, I saw you. We were working back at Fish’s club. Sitting at the bar trying to figure out which movie we were going to see after work-”
“I get nostalgic for those days too.” He admitted.
“Right?” Her head cocked to the side and she nodded, “Sometimes I feel like I’d give anything to go back to those days.”
“As do I.” Oswald agreed.
We Were Born Sick series    ↳ Bird x Oswald
• We Were Born Sick • Wasteland • Devil’s Playground
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For @missjanuarylily. ^_^ <3 I saw your recent plot bunny and thought it was adorable!
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