cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
hot take: movies cutting scenes that reveal a character is lgbt and then confirming it in interviews is.. not representation
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
when i get depressed i like to look at the flapjack octopus to feel better
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theyre very good and nice cephalopods i look at them and feel better
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
{video description: a man standing in front of an abstract painting in-progress.
"One time I told a friend that I enjoy painting, and his response was, 'Oh yeah? Are you any good?' "
And I was stymied in the moment, and I just today realized why.
Pretend instead of painting, I had said, 'I really enjoy going on walks.'
And then he had responded, 'Oh, are you a pretty skilled walker?'
What?! That doesn't follow. People go on walks to feel good not to be good. Not everything is about improvement or skill.
If i wanted to be good at painting I'd have to worry about composition, color theory, texture...taking care of my tools instead of just dumping them into a milk jug of water that I never rinse out.
I'm bored just listing that sh*t, let alone doing it.
If I had to be good, I would quit.
I paint because it takes me out of myself. The end result doesn't even really matter.
I'm sure some of you relate. That's why we get along. Thanks for listening, see you tomorrow!"
via @ abrahampiper on Tiktok}
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
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Lainey Molnar
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
ok youtube just said “fuck you if youre deaf or hard of hearing or just want to watch a video in a different language”
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and you know what the fucking bullshit is  they’re replacing it with a ~6 months free of a subscription to a third party captions provider~ which of course you’d have to pay for after those 6 months are up and you KNOW random youtuber #9039 isn’t going to bother to keep paying for that either because they won’t have the money or they just won’t care. and youtube’s going to act like that’s a perfectly fine alternative that won’t result in the majority of the site suddenly going from “more or less accessible” to “Fuck You If You’re Disabled” 
“citing low usage” are you fucking kidding me nearly every worthwhile video i watch uses community captions. sometimes they’re kind of janky cuz they were made by some 14 year old who thought it’d be funny to put their own irrelevant jokes and commentary in there but that wasn’t a reason to ditch the feature entirely when its so useful and important
i’m not even hard of hearing and i rely on them to watch videos in other languages…this is literally how people have been making english subs for japanese songs and the like for years and it was great because you didn’t have to reupload the videos yourself and take away views from the original creators. many creators don’t allow reprints of their work whatsoever so if they go through with this (which unfortunately they seem pretty deadset on because lololol moneyyyyyy) it’s entirely likely that there just won’t be a way to watch that content with captions
there’s a petition to keep community captions…i don’t know if it’ll really do anything since they’re already going ~oh but we have Paid Alternatives!~ but don’t just let this pass by this should be a huge deal but i’ve barely seen anyone talking about it (not that i expect people to talk about things of any particular importance on tumblr but it’s not even getting attention on twitter beyond that one thread and like 2 other posts)
so like. sign this and shit don’t let youtube just actively get rid of accessibility features without anyone caring (though i’d say probably use twitter if you want to actually get their attention i don’t think they’d look here) http://chng.it/LN9HRNmnkg
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
i really couldn’t care less if a character has “no redeeming qualities” i chose my faves with my pussy not my brain
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
Why does every fantasy series gotta have a hot woman-only group like “Sisterhood Of Summer Spies” or “Ladies Of The Twilight Ball” or “Women Warriors Of The Waters” and never a himbo-only group like “Blue Rose Brotherhood” or “Manwhores Of The Realm” or “Bastard Sword Bastards”
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
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- Haukes Kunst Tipps #1 (x)
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
i don’t think anyone outside of Germany understands how scarring it is to hear the words “Fresh Dumbledore”. you do not know that there’s a whole generation of Germans out there who get thrown back in time upon hearing those words… war flashbacks of “wer zum Teufel ist Amanda”, “Voldemort hat einen Stein nach mir geworfen”, “SCHINKEN!” and “Ich bin alt, ich bin bald tot, aus grün mach rot. Klatsch!”… those and so many other quotes still haunt me.
you do not know that there’s a whole parallel universe in Germany where Hermione is a lesbian, Dumbledore is a gangster rapper, Gilderoy Lockhard is a porn star and everything is 100% obscene. that everyone quoted these dubs for months. that there were actual albums of Fresh Dumbledore out there that you could listen to. That there was also an album of Snape’s black metal band. Even Warner Brothers got wind of it and threatened to sue.
one woman in Germany redefined Harry Potter for countless people for years, and none of you even know.
the memory of it is burnt into my brain and I cannot escape. 
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
If homosexuality occurs naturally in almost all animals, you’ve probably seen a lesbian pigeon at some point.
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
why do philosophers still exist what else is there to think about
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
nothing frustrates me more than when adults refuse to even slightly indulge the questions and thoughts of children. i remember one time when one of my younger cousins accidentally stumbled across the concept of purchasing power parity because she realised 10 rupees which bought her 10 candies in India only bought her ~3 candies when we went on holiday to Japan, and when she asked her mother about “why the same things cost different amounts in different places” my aunt had the audacity to call her spoiled for not understanding the “”worth” of money, that’s not what she was ASKING damn it!! your daughter just set up her own big mac index and realised a key metric of macroeconomics!!! how do you not find that utterly fascinating !! why don’t adults talk to children !!
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cupofthebalticsea · 4 years
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hey god
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