cupidkyo · 5 months
Star gazing & comforting words- Minho x reader
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WARNING: This is the first ever ff i've wrote!! I'm writing this to get feedback and criticism to improve my writing. I will make grammar and spelling mistakes!! but other wise i hope you enjoy:)) (Also read the bottom for more of my thoughts after)
SUMMERY:You and Minho star gaze on the watch tower while you comfort him after a difficult day. (735 words)
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It was around 5pm, I was just finishing my job with the medjacks when i saw Minho run out the maze looking upset. my thought were confirmed when he shoved past Newt who was trying to talk with him and ran straight into the map room. 'i wonder whats wrong with him' I thought to myself.
After around half an hour I noticed that Minho still hadn't returned from the map room, so I decided to go check in on him making sure he's okay. I approach the map room and knocked on the door, " What do you want you shank!" Minho shouts out as his footsteps are heard making their way towards the door. He opens it and in seeing who it was relaxes a bit while sitting back down, letting out a sigh while shoving his head in his hands, "Are you alright, whats wrong with you?" I ask him sitting on the chair to his right. "I give up there's no way out, there never has been, never will be!" He mutters into his hands, "I've ran this shuck maze for two years! if there was an exit we would have found it!" I wrap my arm around his shoulder, "Why don't you take a break from the maze tomorrow, and how about right now we go up the watch tower?" He picks his head up looking at me after i spoke, "Sure." He breathes out in reply.
We climb our way up the watch tower, making it to the top both lying down with our feet dangling over the edge."It's a clear sky tonight, look at all the stars!" i say excitedly looking over to the boy next to me. He suddenly lifts his hand pointing to a fairly bright star,"Did you know thats Venus?" He turns his head toward me with a slight smirk. "Yes ofcorse i did! I'm the one who taught you shuckface!" I laugh, as he turns his head back to the sky with a pout. As most of the stars where showing i decided to make a bet, "Who ever can point out the most constellations wins!" Already trying to spot some. "Oh your on!" Minho challenges." I see pisces!" i shout out while Minho spots Aries.
After ten minuets I win the bet by spotting 3 more constellations, while Minho only spotted the one, "That was no fair! you know more about space then me." He sulked. "Don't be such a sore loser!" I say while smirking at him. After he stopped sulking Minho started pointing out stars seeing if i could name them, We spent around an hour just sat there just enjoying each others company, and pointing out stars, when Minho turned to me grabbing me hand "Thank you for comforting me, the maze has just really been stressful recently." i pulled him closer so we were now cuddling as he continues, "I just feel like it's my duty to keep the hope of getting out within everyone, but it's hard when i don't have any hope myself." He sighs as he rests his head in the dip of my neck. "You do keep the hope! And everyone here look up to you not just because they think you can find a way out, but because of who you are as a person!" I consoled him. "Take the day off tomorrow i'll tell Alby in the morning that your not running and then we can spend the whole day together relaxing, how does that sound?", "Shucking amazing." he groaned out as he sat up, "We better head into the homestead now then." He pulled me up as we climbed back down the ladder, walking towards the homestead holding hands.
When we reached the room Minho flopped onto our shared bed while i shut the door. Walking over to him i gave him a quick peck on the lips. "I love you so much and i'm always here for you, i might not know much about the maze, but i know everything about you." I told him while slipping into the covers with him. "I love you too." He muttered out nearly asleep. Wrapping my arms around him and snuggling closer i hear his breathing calm, I give him one last kiss on his forehead before i close my eyes and sleep as well, hoping that Minho will feel better in the morning.
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I feel like in some parts i went really off topic then back really randomly and that it doesn't quite make sense, but idk.. i also feel like i was just repeating myself over and over again. Pls remember that this is my FIRST ever time writing anything really nevermind a fanfic. It was also writen between 4-5 am while i'm extremely tired and dizzy😬
But if you made it this far thank you sm for reading!! I would really love some criticism so that i can improve!! so feel free to comment on whatever you want. But again thank you for reading i hope you all have an amazing day/night!!<33
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