cuntxsauce · 4 years
I got laid more when I wasn’t in a relationship than I do now. I know sex isn’t everything but to me it’s important and without it, I feel like there’s something significant missing. It’s almost as if I just live with a close friend instead of my boyfriend. I miss passion and I miss feeling wanted. Is it worth ending things? I’ve been debating for weeks and I’m not sure what to do or how I would rebuild my life after it.
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cuntxsauce · 4 years
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cuntxsauce · 4 years
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Ikaria, Greece
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cuntxsauce · 4 years
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cuntxsauce · 4 years
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Oink Oink
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cuntxsauce · 5 years
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cuntxsauce · 5 years
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pink stamps
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cuntxsauce · 5 years
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cuntxsauce · 5 years
haven’t been on here in a while
but i feel the need to expell my thoughts somewhere other than inside my mind right now. I almost feel as if I’m not that important, like I’m being put on a shelf by the one person who’s supposed to be the most excited for my existence (and the feeling is mutual). But I feel like I deserve more excitement, happines, and dedication (am I asking for a lot?), not all the time, not every day, but it should be felt sometime. I’m not getting this anymore, and I’m scared of what might become of it. Will I adjust and settle, or rise to recognize my real worth is equal to so much more than what I receive?
Sometimes I wonder if my need for this kind of attention stems from a lack thereof from my dad. But sometimes I wonder if I’m just settling because I’m afraid to lose something that is still better than having nothing. Is it me, or is something wrong?
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cuntxsauce · 5 years
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cuntxsauce · 5 years
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cuntxsauce · 5 years
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Loong Swim Club, Suzhou, China,
X + Living Design
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cuntxsauce · 5 years
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cuntxsauce · 6 years
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cuntxsauce · 6 years
Trust the next chapter because you are the author.
(via purplebuddhaquotes)
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cuntxsauce · 6 years
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cuntxsauce · 6 years
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Emery Allen 
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