cunningbynature · 4 years
CONTINUED FROM HERE / @ofwondersandhares​
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A GRUNT OF PAIN. THE FOX HADN’T FELT THE BLADE PIERCE THROUGH HIS FLESH, WHEN the stranger had stabbed him. Its one of those traumas that doesn’t dawn on you until its to late and blood is gushing out from in between his trembling fingers. Fuck. Shit. This was really bad. He hesitates for a couple of seconds as if he was scared to pull the rusted metal buried deep in between his ribs — but then he slowly grips onto the handle of the knife and pulls it out. And by the time that the hare reaches his side, Lupin’s breathing has become labored, wheezy. He’s still leaning against the wall, but he’s slid down it about halfway, knees buckling underneath him. Dark grey eyes clouded with tears, yet somehow despite his pain he manages to give his lover a soft smile.  “Hey — blame death for makin’ me all romantic. I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me one last time. We both know this is the end for me.”  Its said in the same charming tone he always had for his hare but now it comes out twisted. Like he is somehow scared. Perhaps he is because he knows that if he died or slipped into a coma all that would remain of him would be the demonic fox and there was no telling what it would do in his absence. “There’s... there’s been an escalation. A stranger stabbed me. I guess he wasn’t happy with his drink or my singing. Maybe I shouldn’t have sung in the air tonight by Phil Collins, hmm?”  He chuckles, tries to make light of the dire situation but his laughter falls flat. Blood seeps down the length of his black shirt —it feels like a waterfall of life steadily leaving his body. He hates that Sean has to see him like this. 
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“You need to get help. Cher should be able to help you.” He managed to say, hot blood now covers his hands and wrists. “She knows a couple of healing spells.” He can feel himself slowly slipping into unconsciousness. A shudder runs through him and he places his hands on top of Sean’s chest. Bloodied fingers grab a handful of his shirt and pulls him closer. Mouth finding his as he pulls him into a rough kiss. “Go-- get help.” He places a longer, lasting kiss onto his lips before he pushes him away. “I promise I will be here when you get back. Or my fox will be.”
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cunningbynature · 4 years
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“ Wha—–” 
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  “Oh come on, Max, that was my favorite shirt you just chucked  rainbow sprinkles all over. I should make you pay for my dry cleaning bill.” 
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@hisflaws​ asked *gets rainbow sprinkles and throws them at lupin*
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cunningbynature · 4 years
[ text : Lupin ] you were bawling. like a baby. i took some pics. gonna show em to Morgan later. :) [ text : Lupin ] lmao it’s a good movie! and look i don’t blame you for cryin but i will give you hell over denying it. 
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[ 𝐒𝐌𝐒 —————— NATE ]  Maybe I was bawling like a baby. Doesn’t mean you have to keep droning on about it.  Oh, wait, that’s right, you like watching me squirm.  [ 𝐒𝐌𝐒 ———��—— NATE ]  And if I found out you have shown those pics of me crying to my brother, I will go so far as to stop talking to you for a whole month.  [ 𝐒𝐌𝐒 —————— NATE ]   I’m sure you don’t want that, do you? 
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cunningbynature · 4 years
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“ what  is  your  problem?!   i  didn’t  even  do  anything!  ”
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“Hey —–  you should just  be grateful that I didn’t add ice to that jug of water. I mean I could have —–  if you didn’t also happen to by favorite customer.” 
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cunningbynature · 4 years
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. . . (season of the witch)
©youropinionsareirrelevant 10/2020.
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cunningbynature · 4 years
Our muses' are drunk and making bad decisions leave a ❋ in my askbox for our muses' to share a stupid, drunken kiss
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cunningbynature · 4 years
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cunningbynature · 4 years
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@ofwondersandhares​ / SEAN
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CHER IS PERCHED ON THE ARM OF THE SOFA, LEGS FOLDED UNDERNEATH HER AS she digs happily into her mixed vegetables in Szechuan sauce that she had been slaving over nearly all day. She stabs her fork into a floret of cauliflower as she glances up to look at the man standing in the middle of the  doorway. She leans back a little and points over to the carved pumpkins stacked up on the coffee table (one of the designs was of a raven perched on a grinning skull and the other carved pumpkin face was of  a fox and a hare sitting back to back with the foxes tail wrapped gently around the hares waist ) ; mouth curves into a smug smile.when she hears the words whispered her way. 
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“That’s because I’ve been carvin’ pumpkins all day. I’ve even dedicated a pumpkin to you and Lupin. Its the one of the fox and the hare. You can take it with you when you head home if you like.” Bowl is placed carefully onto the table and she beckons for him to come into the room. “Has Lupin asked you to move in with him yet?”
❛ it smells like a pumpkin threw up in here. ❜  / HALLOWEEN THEME STARTERS 
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cunningbynature · 4 years
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/ Bringing things back to life / ( CHARACTER STUDY ) 
/ I can’t change the way I am / ( MANNERISMS ) 
/ Am I scaring you tonight / ( INTROSPECTION ) 
 /  Life's not fun without a good scare   / ( AESTHETICS )
/ Black will always be her color / ( ATTIRE ) 
/ Ain’t gonna play nice / ( APPEARANCE ) 
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cunningbynature · 4 years
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Sierra Narvaeth
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cunningbynature · 4 years
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CIGARETTE IS POISED IN BETWEEN HIS FINGERS AS LUPIN LEANS BACK AGAINST the wall of the building where his group therapy session was currently taking place. Eyes drift up to watch the dark rain clouds drift over the nearby buildings as a familiar feeling of old restfulness comes over him and he finds himself  pushing his shoulders back into the cold brick . Hands come up to his face to rub away some of  the tiredness from his eyes.  He then takes a long drag of his cigarette and the smoke spills through his mouth; that almost seems unaided by breath. Another-- shorter one until movement at the doorway near him makes him jump out of his skin -- and it instantly caused him to scold himself internally. He hated appearing vulnerable due to his apprehensive behavior that stemmed from the torture he had experienced at the hands of his mentor five months prior to this day. 
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Cigarette is quickly crushed underfoot and hands that were missing a couple of fingers move into the pockets of his jacket that has a little to much room inside it now that he’s not eating as much as he used to. “Hey-- sorry I didn’t see you there. I must have been to lost in my own head to notice you.” She’s greeted with one of his famous, charming smiles-- but its broken. He knows she’s heard some of his confessions ( ones that he was willing to share to a bunch of mortals ) at a couple of shared meetings that he had reluctantly attended--- mainly about his horse riding accident that had  left him with a permanent limp. “I was just getting some air. Have you come out here to check up on me?” 
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@asynjja​ au starter where Lupin & Moa don’t already know each other.
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cunningbynature · 4 years
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cunningbynature · 4 years
                  PICK - UP LINES SENTENCE MEMES     !
     these are all sent in to me on whisper after i’ve received them , so be prepared     !      some can be nsfw     ,     so be warned.     i’ve changed the pronouns    /     genders to make it so they’re possible to use with any gender.     some are only for specific genders since i can’t change all of them.
❛ i’m sorry , i lost my house … wanna take me to yours ? ❜
❛ my couch pulls out but i don’t. ❜
❛ are you the sat ?   because i’d do you for three hours with a break in the middle for snacks. ❜
❛ on a scale of one to america , how free are you tomorrow ? ❜
❛ your name must be gilette , cause you’re the best a man   /   woman can get. ❜
❛ i’d offer to take you to a movie , but the sign says no snacks allowed (; ❜
❛ why pick you up ? i would rather lay you down. ❜
❛ roses are red , violets are blue. how the hell do i marry you ? ❜
❛ my cock died. can i bury it in your ass ?  ❜
❛ i’m a rugby player. would you like to play with my odd shaped balls ?  ❜
❛ roses are red. violets are purple. i can’t rhyme for shit. potato. ❜
❛ my doctor says i’m lacking vitamin u. ❜
❛ except being sexy , what are you doing in your life ? ❜
❛ hey i lost my number , can i have yours ? ❜
❛ need a warm tongue between your thighs , baby girl ? ❜
❛ i’m having a sale in my bedroom. my clothes are 100% off. ❜
❛ did you sit in a pile of sugar ? because you got a sweet ass. ❜
❛ are you my phone charger ? because without you , i’d die. ❜
❛ i want to bend you over the bed , kneel down behind you and tickle your ass with my tongue. ❜
❛ let me clean your seat   … ❜     *   wipes face   *
❛ if you were words on a page , you’d be the fine print. ❜
❛ there are trees that can grow more than one kind of fruit , and they’re called fruit salad trees. ❜
❛ you remind me of someone. you remind me of the girl of my dreams. ❜
❛ i’m a muggle on the streets , but a wizard in the sheets. ❜
❛ is your body from mcdonalds , because i’m loving it. ❜
❛ are you australian ? you seem to meet all my koalafications. ❜
❛ are you from tennessee , because you’re the only ten i see. ❜
❛ hey girl , wanna f_ck ? i’m just missing u. ❜
❛ kiss me if i’m wrong , but dinosaurs definitely exists … ❜
❛ fuck me if i’m wrong , but isn’t your name (     insert name here     ) ❜
❛ are you busy today ? cause i’d like to be on your to do list. ❜
❛ hey i’m writing a phone book and i need your phone number to complete it. ❜
❛ i have food and i’ll share it with you. ❜
❛ are you from france ? cause ma’damn !  ❜
❛ are you a major minor 7th chord ? because i want to resolve you to major d. ❜
❛ they say disneyland is the happiest place on earth clearly they never stood next to you. ❜
❛ hello i’m bisexual. i’d like to BUY you a drink and then get sexual.  ❜
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cunningbynature · 4 years
send a ♡ and i’ll fill this out for our muses !  i’ll bold what i want for their relationship, italic what i could see and strike out what i don’t .
FRIENDS.   childhood friends  /  work friends  /  family friends  /  recently friends  /  turning antagonistic  /  turning into something romantic  /  stable  /  falling apart  /  friendship of need  /  friendship of circumstance  pen - pals or internet friends  /  coworkers  /  partners  /  other .
ROMANCE.   childhood sweethearts  /  newly entered  /  soulmates  /  skinny love  /  unrequited from my muses side  /  unrequited from your muses side  /  friends with benefits  /  awkward  /  fading  /  turning  toxic  /  toxic  and  destructive  /  other .
FAMILIAL BOND.   sibling bond  /  older sibling figure to your muse  /  younger sibling figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  parental figure to your muse  /  guardian figure  /  legal  guardian  /  other .
ENEMIES.   dangerous to themselves  /  dangerous to others  /  unpredictable  /  passionate  /  rivals  /  petty  /  developing into a sexual tension  /  developing into a romantic tension  /  based off family matters  /  based of circumstance  /  based of professional matters  /  based of misunderstandings or lies  /  other .
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cunningbynature · 4 years
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How could Sean stay angry at him when Lupin looked so fragile, so ready to crack at any moment? The Hare was silent, the dropping of his arm slow as the mirror materialized into nothing but an empty space beside him. He wasn’t going anywhere. ”I didn’t know, but remember, it wasn’t me that did those things to you.” He paused, long and drawn out as his whiskey brown eyes pulled to the floor. ”— we all have our triggers, our demons peeking through the cracks in the door. No matter how tight we close it, they still whisper, find their way through the cracks.”
Sean had looked at him then. Really looked at him. Lupin was unrecognizable, almost, beneath the scars on his face that he hid so well. He had kept his distance, for a moment, before that distance was closed between them and Sean sat himself down on the floor in front of his chair. Slender hands against his knees, just looking at him. ”When I first said that I love you, it didn’t come with a string attached to a little card that also said ‘but only if you are perfect and never make any mistakes.’. If I had, I could have painted myself a hypocrite couldn’t I?”
The truth was there, plain as day on Sean’s face as he eased up on his knees just enough to press a kiss to the side of Lupin’s face, brushing away his tears with his heart-shaped lips. ”Besides, if I walked out the door, it would have only been for long enough for both of us to clear our heads. I know I’m a runner. I know I’ve made mistakes and had both you and your brother running around in circles just to chase me. But it was never my intention to hurt either of you and I wouldn’t have brought that Ouija board into your house, if I had known it would have torn you apart this way.”
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HE’S NEVER BEEN SO GRATEFUL TO HAVE SEAN BY HIS SIDE RIGHT NOW — SOMETIMES Lupin struggled to figure out his motives but right now he could read him like an open book. This man only wanted to help him dig himself out of the dark hole he had tumbled into and even the silence hanging ominously over their heads seems to crackle with energy that is too anxious to be classed as helpful. He remains silent, staring into his hares whiskey brown eyes and finds himself beginning to relax when he sat down on the floor next to his chair. 
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His eyes shine with a wetness that he’s almost mortified by. No more crying --- you’ve cried enough today. He swallows the lump sitting within his throat as one of his hands curls into a tight fist at his hip.    “No, it wasn’t --- but honestly I don’t think I will ever get over what happened to me, at least not completely. I should have told you that today is the two year anniversary of my torture and possession. I should have also warned you that I’m a lot more sensitive than usual.” He murmurs, tone thick- no matter how much he fights against it---- these emotions are coming for him hard. His eyes begin to close as soon as he feels Sean press a kiss on to the side of his face. Both of his hands land on the hares chest — fingers tangling in his shirt. “I’m fine. I’m okay.” He says softly. “I feel better when you’re here with me because then I don’t feel so alone. But I want you to know that  I forgive you for tryin’ to date both me and my brother at the same time. I forgave you a long time ago. I just hope that one day you will be able to forgive yourself. ”  
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cunningbynature · 4 years
No offense summer, but 🖤🎃🍂🕷🔮🕸🌙👁🦇🔪👣⚰️💀🖤🕷🎃🍂🕸🌙👁🦇🕷💀🖤🎃🎃🎃🖤🕷🕸⚰️🦇👁🖤💀🕸🌙🍂⚰️⚰️⚰️🔮🍂🍂🍂🔮🔮🎃🖤🖤🕸💀👁🔪👣💀🖤🍂🎃 🕸💀👁🔪💀🖤🍂🎃🔮🕸🌙👁🦇🕷💀⚰️🖤🕷🖤🕸🔮🕸🌙🦇🕷🎃👣💀🍂🖤💀🕷🕷🌙🌙🎃🍂👣🍂🕸🌙👁🎃🎃🦇🎃💀🔮🕷🌙
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cunningbynature · 4 years
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WHAT DO YOU WISH YOU COULD SAY: “I WANT TO BE MYSELF BUT I CAN’T” you have a secret interest or a personality trait that others wouldn't like about you. you may have shown it off once, but it was received badly, and now like hell you're gonna be vulnerable like that again. you dream of the day where someone you like will act this way too and you can finally release this lock in your chest, although that's extremely unlikely. you feel disconnected from others' reality of yourself. it's very uncomfortable.
TAGGED BY: @asynjja​ TAGGING: @ofwondersandhares​ @omnipotenceisoverrated​ @hllpup​ @decipula​ and anyone else who would like to do this.
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