cultsrbad · 3 years
So like we got pulled from the racists to do work up north bc executive decisions have been made unrelated to the racists
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cultsrbad · 3 years
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27 January: International Holocaust Remembrance Day
On this day we honour and remember the approximately 22 million innocent souls who fell victims to hate racism and prejudice crimes, nearly 7.5 million of which were slaughtered for being who they were.
6 million Jews (1.5 million of which were children)
1.5 million Romani
270 000 People with disabilities (be it physical or mental)
55 000 gay people (approximately)
14 million civilians, caught in the crossfire, famine and ugliness of war from all over Europe.
This day is an important reminder of what once was and what should never be again.
May their rest be more peaceful than their life and may their memory be a blessing.
Never Forget.
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cultsrbad · 3 years
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cultsrbad · 3 years
Yo so that sponsoring organization?
At least the people I've met.
All very 1950s, which makes construction work difficult for a group of mostly queer, half read as female, largely neurodivergent and one physically disabled, half poc (1.5/4 white passing) including a black leader, mostly leftist group of early Gen Z and one millenial workers.
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cultsrbad · 3 years
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These exchanges between a bigot named Brendan Sullivan, and a heroic troll named Robert Graves, will be the best thing you read all day, I promise.
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cultsrbad · 3 years
So like
I'm in a national service thing right
We travel around the US to do service switching between nonprofits every month
Sometimes these are religious organizations
I did things with a catholic group last project, which was fine because I have positive memories at catholic schools
But now it's an openly anti-gay baptist organization, and I am TERRIFIED
Too many bad memories
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cultsrbad · 3 years
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its fun to enjoy things
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cultsrbad · 3 years
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Redditors design worst volume sliders possible
Some of these are genius! ( see reddit / via )
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cultsrbad · 3 years
Probably pretty accurate tbh, the dude traveled a lot and often relied on the hospitality of friends and strangers if I remember right
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A new religious statue in the town of Davidson, N.C., is unlike anything you might see in church.
The statue depicts Jesus as a vagrant sleeping on a park bench. St. Alban’s Episcopal Church installed the homeless Jesus statue on its property in the middle of an upscale neighborhood filled with well-kept townhomes.
Jesus is huddled under a blanket with his face and hands obscured; only the crucifixion wounds on his uncovered feet give him away.
The reaction was immediate. Some loved it; some didn’t.
“One woman from the neighborhood actually called police the first time she drove by,” says David Boraks, editor of DavidsonNews.net. “She thought it was an actual homeless person.”
That’s right. Somebody called the cops on Jesus.
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cultsrbad · 3 years
Me, upon watching Henry Gamble's Birthday Party:
Weirdly nauseous
What emotion??? Is this?
Much of the setting was very familiar
Am I?? Sad?? Conflicted?? What is This
D i s s o c i a t e
Is this what people mean when they talk about triggers that cause a response other than immediate panic attack
Externally, I'm staring at the ceiling. Internally, imagine a child throwing a tantrum in the middle of totally empty walmart
I want Something but am unsure what
All the internalized phobias but not in the "not being cishet is bad" way just in the "I wish I was cishet so I could experience the cishet flavored religious trauma instead of the queer one" which makes no sense bc trauma is trauma?? Bruh
I remembered some things and forgot other things
Craving and hating the religious aesthetic all at once rn
I need to obtain some Coping Mechanisms that double as Self Expression I think
That movie thought a lot more about actual sexual acts than I think I ever did lol can't relate there
Yk the stereotypical "judgy older church lady" judging kids for random actions like not dressing modestly enough or listening to rock or whatever trope? Strange desire to gain the verbal approval of said type of person for the rules I still follow
🌟religious feelings bc I still don't know the particulars of what I believe or what to call what I do know🌟
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cultsrbad · 3 years
Sex stuff you probably won’t learn from fanfiction and/or porn:
Erotic fic and porn can be a lot of fun! But if you aren’t being provided with adequate sex ed through other channels (comprehensive sexual education, frank and open discussions with trusted adults, etc.), turning to fanfic and porn for your understanding of sex is gonna leave some major blindspots and may leave you with some unrealistic expectations. While there’s nothing wrong with these kinds of erotica, they are fictional and tend to leave out a lot of the more realistic, human parts of sex - they serve a great purpose, but that purpose isn’t primarily educational. The following is an incomplete list of some things you should probably know about sex that a lot of fic and porn tends to leave out:
It isn’t always super hot or super sweet. Sometimes it’s super silly. Or sometimes it’s sort of mundane and you’re both simply scratching an itch. That’s fine too. (Hell, sometimes you’re talking about comic books while boning and your partner is laughing that you’re getting REALLY ANGRY about spider-man while they’re going to town on you.)
You will probably not climax at the same moment. It’s a sweet idea, but extremely hard to coordinate, and if all your concentration is going into coming at the exact same moment, you’re probably not enjoying yourselves as much as you might. 
Sometimes bodies make weird, goofy noises. Squelching, slapping, air-escaping, un-sexy noises. It’s okay to laugh at this. 
Hell, it’s okay to laugh during sex in general.
Sometimes you fart. Sometimes you fart while someone is going down on you and it is embarrassing as hell. This isn’t the end of the world. Embarrassing body things happen. Heck, sometimes, with anal, there’s a little poo. You get over it.
Sometimes sex is… kinda bad? This doesn’t mean it’s assault, or something traumatic – sometimes it’s consensual but just kinda bleh and not what you hoped for. The best thing to do (if you’re talking about sex with a partner and not just a hook up who you can not call back) is talk to them about it. Figure out what went wrong, what you enjoy and what you don’t, and communicate what techniques you do and don’t like. Also don’t be afraid to stop someone in the middle of the sex act you’re not enjoying and offer guidance on how to help make it good for you too. (Side tip: masturbation makes great research into what you personally do and don’t enjoy sexually)
You won’t enjoy every sex act. Not every body is wired to find every thing pleasurable. You might find anal does nothing for you. You may find g-spot stimulation just makes you really anxious that you’re about to pee. You may not enjoy giving or receiving oral. You’re not broken if you don’t like something that every pornstar or smutty fanfic protagonist seems to have earth-shattering orgasms from. Everyone’s got nerve endings in a range of places – it’s quite literally, different strokes for different folks.
On that note, not all orgasms are earth-shattering. Sometimes it just feels warm and nice. That’s fine too. 
Sometimes, if you’re neutral on a sex act and your partner loves it, you can suck it up for them, and they’ll suck up something they’re not crazy about for your pleasure in return. But communicate preferences with each other! Know that when a partner does that thing you love that they don’t get much from, that it’s an act of care, and vice versa. 
Falling asleep in each other’s arms right after wild passionate sex seems really romantic, but dried and crusty fluids are gonna be a bitch in the morning. Also, after sex, you should both (regardless of your equipment) go pee to clear out the urethra of any gunk or bacteria to reduce risk of a UTI. 
Putting a towel down on the bed before sex means you don’t have to sleep on wet funky sheets. (it’s also verrrrrry useful for period sex if you or your partner menstruate.)
A lot of people don’t like dirty talk, or rough sex. Always ask first. (Fanfic on the whole does a better job than porn at showing communication, but a lot of it is still highly fictive on this point)
PROTECTION PROTECTION PROTECTION. Use condoms, dental dams, etc. not just to prevent pregnancy, but to reduce risk of STIs. (Yes, even couples with the same genitals who don’t need to worry about pregnancy).
Lube is great and very important, but random goopy things around you are not good lube. Random oils especially, since oil doesn’t flush out well and can trap bacteria inside the body – oil-based lubricant also degrades condoms. Use lube specifically designed for intimate purposes. Water-based and silicone-based lubes help sex feel really good!
Bigger isn’t necessarily better. A lot of people with vaginas don’t enjoy the feeling of being repeatedly punched in the cervix by a monster cock. Some people enjoy a larger size when being penetrated by an appendage or toy and some don’t.
Bodies are hairy. Genitals are hairy. You may get a pube stuck in your teeth at some point. If your partner is WAY fuzzier than porn ever led you to believe they’d be, well, that’s normal. 
Not everyone loves the taste of ejaculate. Sometimes it’s nasty (flavor tends to vary from person to person depending on their diet, but sometimes you just really don’t like it no matter what. Some of us hate the taste of peanut butter. People don’t always like things). It’s okay not to swallow, or to request a penis-having partner warn you so they don’t ejaculate in your mouth (in fact, it’s polite for them to do the latter). 
If you’re gonna have shower sex, get one of those rubbery mats for the shower floor that gives you traction, because otherwise it’s super embarrassing to call for an ambulance while dripping wet and naked because you slipped and accidentally broke something and your partner got a concussion while you were trying to bang in the shower. 
Moaning and screaming wildly during sex is fun but it will make the neighbors in the apartments adjacent to you hate you. Make choices accordingly. 
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cultsrbad · 3 years
Arospec aspec mlm here open to talking about the language and community before if anyone needs info!
Throwback to the cake era, if I may.
We're still here! All aspec and arospec people are valid as hell!
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cultsrbad · 3 years
Ethnically Jewish with some religiously Jewish family (mostly converts on the other side interestingly enough); there's not a hell in Judaism that I know of.
someone has to tell christians there is no hell in judaism so they’ll shut up about old testament biblical “villains” going to hell
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cultsrbad · 3 years
I find it important to acknowledge all of my feelings about things that happened, even if they don't help my end goal.
Like the cult.
There were a lot of bad things.
There were some good things, too. I had friends there. I liked having an answer for everything. As much as I hate it now, I LIKED the fake science they taught us; I liked creationism and feeling like WE were right. I liked the way they explained we'd bring people to God and that we were warriors, I liked impressing everyone when I memorized all of 1 Corinthians 13 and I liked reading the Bible. Hell, I thought we didn't do it enough- in hindsight, that was probably because they also added some shit that wasn't in it at all, even though it already has some seriously sus stuff in it. I liked the feeling of community.
But there are reasons I never want to see the place again, too. That trumps the good.
I still sometimes struggle with the urge to seek out similar things, though. I learned to crave the bad I related to the good; being told how to dress, making people proud over things that were wrong, the gaslighting and abuse. I definitely crave trauma bonds. I sometimes miss the feeling of people asking what had happened when something went seriously wrong and they either heard things or I was visibly messed up from it; my heart clung to that bit of comfort.
I need to keep myself in check.
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cultsrbad · 4 years
contrary to popular belief the most fucked up part of jesus camp is not the speaking in tongues. it’s the part where the dancer girl says “i sometimes catch myself enjoying myself when i dance and that’s something i really need to work on, because i can’t dance for myself, only god” 
like it just breaks my heart every time. there are really people who teach kids it’s sinful even to take pleasure in doing things that you’d be doing anyway, because then you’re doing it for yourself and not God
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cultsrbad · 4 years
I’ve seen these posts saying, in the words of one of them, “If your job requires you to go against your religious beliefs then perhaps it is time to change careers?” in reference to healthcare workers and government employees who want to deny services to lgbt ppl or others whom they condemn, and i just feel like those posts don’t attempt to understand internal logics at all
like, fundamentalist christian doctors don’t deny trans people medical care because they believe that somebody should provide the care but they just don’t want to be the one to do it. they deny the care because they don’t believe the person should receive care. Their refusal to provide care isn’t just “oops you’re in the wrong field,” as if they were a person with a peanut allergy working in a peanut factory. It is an intentional and calculated part of why they are in the field in the first place — to extend religious control and condemnation to the medical realm.
the pediatrician who spent an entire consultation telling one of my friends at 16 or 17 that he would go to hell if he kept choosing to be gay wasn’t just “not cut out for the job,” he was specifically in that job in order to do that particular thing. Kim Davis didn’t deny the gay couple a marriage license because she couldn’t personally do it, she denied them a marriage license because she thought that people like them should not get marriage licenses and that a clerk should deny them and by god she was going to be that clerk
Saying “if you can’t provide services then why are you in that job!!!” to fundamentalist christians almost always misses the point — that they are in that job specifically so they can selectively deny service
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cultsrbad · 4 years
My poor primary care doctor, constantly getting mychart notifications that I've switched my religion on the personal information tab:
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