culinary-universe · 7 years
8 therapeutic additives to tea
8 therapeutic additives to the tea.
1. The fruit of anise. Anise (star anise) - a great tool in combating with inflammatory diseases of the lungs, throat and intestines and kidneys. Besides anise tea very pleasant taste.
2. Dried blueberries or blackberries. Tea with these berries has a cleansing effect, helps to prevent chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
3. The Jasmine flowers.
Very effective in General prostration, chronic fatigue syndrome. They raise low blood pressure, relieve inflammation of the gastric mucosa.
4. The ginger root. One of the most effective tonics to intensify the metabolism and warm in cold winter days. To prepare the tea is very simple, just grate a piece of ginger and pour boiling water.
5. The calendula flowers. Possessing bactericidal effect, relieve pain in the throat when sore throat or cold.
6. Tea with lavender flowers. A very effective remedy for nervousness, stress and depression. It is a strong sedative, relieving spasms.
7. Mint. Little what is the remedy soothes like mint tea. Fragrant aroma of mint able to relax in the evening, to calm the cough, to reduce the high the temperature in the cold.
8. Dried peel of citrus. Will zaschite peel lemons, oranges and other citrus fruits. Adding it to tea, you get not only a fragrant drink, but also useful vitamins medicine.
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culinary-universe · 7 years
The meatballs from the oven
Meatballs: Minced meat - 500 g Rice - 1 handful Onion - 1 small onion Egg - 1 PC Salt Spices Flour
Sauce: Onion - 1 large onion Carrots - 1 large Garlic 1-2 zubchika Sour cream - 3 tbsp Tomato paste - 3 tablespoons Salt Spices
Boil a handful of rice. Finely chop the onion. Mix ground beef, rice and onion, add the egg, salt and spices. Stir. Formed meatballs obvalivaya in flour. Put them in the fridge for 10-15 minutes. Then send the meatballs in the oven preheated to 200 ° for 30 minutes. Make a sauce. Cut onion into half rings, three large carrots. Fry in vegetable oil. Add 3 tablespoons of tomato paste, simmer a few minutes, add 3 tablespoons of sour cream, salt and spices to taste - bring to a boil.Squeezing the sauce 1-2 cloves of garlic. Take out the meatballs from the oven, cover them with sauce and bake it in the oven for another 20 minutes. That's all...meatballs ready)
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culinary-universe · 7 years
Chicken rolls at home
Ingredients (8 servings): - Chicken - 8 PCs Breasts(1.5 kg) - Hard cheese - can be Alterman 200gr - Garlic - 4-5 cloves - Herbs- (parsley,dill,cilantro)150g - Butter-100gr - Mayonnaise - 50gr - Herbal oil - 70g - ground black pepper Sol
Preparation: 1. Chicken fillet recapture with the two sides a little salt and pepper. 2. On the edge of fillet to lay out forcemeat(finely chopped herbs,finely chopped garlic,add butter,a little salt,grate 100g of cheese)mix well. 3. The fillets then need to wrap rolls and fry a few minutes in sunflower oil on all sides until Golden brown,on low heat. 4. Then coat the fillet with mayonnaise,sprinkle with cheese 100g and put in the oven for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 120-150 degrees(until cheese is podrumyanitsya). 5. The finished loaf can be served with fries,mashed potatoes,spaghetti. 6. For beauty you can add cherry tomatoes or slices chopped bell pepper flavored soy sauce... Bon appetit!
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culinary-universe · 7 years
✔Cookies Chrysanthemums from my childhood
✔Cookies Chrysanthemums from my childhood . ingredients: - 1 tbsp. sugar - 3 eggs - 0.5 tsp. of baking soda with vinegar or lemon juice to absorb - 250 gr. butter or margarine - 2,5-3 tbsp. flour
Preparation: Butter or margarine cut into several parts and let stand to have a good softened. In a large bowl start(better mixer) beat the eggs with sugar, add repaid soda, beat again, then put the butter (or margarine) and how can smaller him to chop, then whisk until all is smooth! You can slowly add the flour! Added to until the dough is conveniently beat with a mixer, then add gradually the remaining flour, but continue to interfere with a spoon! When the spoon is also becoming difficult to interfere with, put dough in the remaining flour(a little flour pushed aside,-add if necessary) and we're already starting to knead hands! the dough should NOT be elastic! It will be soft but should not stick to hands. If still sticky, add more flour(from deferred) and stirred, after a couple of retries it will become, like the photo! The finished dough should cover and put into the refrigerator. Meanwhile turn on the oven, preheat to 200 °. Fasten a meat grinder! A baking sheet and sprinkle with flour or vystelim paper and take the dough out of the fridge and cut off about a quarter, put the rest back in the fridge. Dough is given the shape of the sausage and begin to pass through a meat grinder. When the dough begins to come out, wait until it drops to 5-7 centimeters and then hand it raise from the bottom and cut with a knife. Thus the correct form!-fluffy flower and base. Put it on a baking sheet. Below the trail. the flower turned out beautiful, it is necessary to clean off the remnants of the test grid machines! When the dough in a meat grinder ends, add another from the refrigerator and continue! Try to do everything faster so the dough doesn't start to melt on the table and lose. When the pan is filled, put in oven and follow. The average cooking time of 35-40 minutes. Cooled cookies can be sprinkled with powdered sugar!
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culinary-universe · 7 years
CHOCOLATE-PISTACHIO CAKE Ingredients: For the cake: - 1,5 Cup of pistachio nuts (not salty, shelled) - ¼ Cup flour - 6 large egg yolks - ¾ Cup sugar - 7 large proteins - 4 tsp lemon juice - pinch of salt - 1 teaspoon of vanilla or almond extract - ½ Tsp of lemon zest For the glaze (ganache): - ¾ Cup heavy cream - 210 g chocolate - 1 tablespoon of brandy - ½ Cup raspberry or apricot jam - sweet pistachios A split form with a diameter of 24 cm Cup 240 ml Method of preparation: Cakes: Heat the oven to 180°C. Spread pistachios on a baking sheet in a single layer, place in oven for 12 - 15 minutes. To ensure that the nuts do not turn brown. The form to coat with butter and sprinkle with flour. Pistachios and flour grind in a blender. Beat the egg yolks and half the sugar at high speed until thickened. Beat egg whites and lemon juice at high speed into a tight foam, then pour the remaining sugar and beat. Put the egg mixture into the whites, add the vanilla extract and lemon zest, mix well. Pour on 1/3 of the entire pistachio-flour ground, each time gently stirring with a spatula. Put the mass into shape, gently knock the form on the table so that the dough evenly and put it in the oven on the middle level. Bake for 40 - 50 minutes at 160°C. allow to cool. Glaze (ganache): Bring the cream to a boil. Remove from heat, add broken chocolate and stir until it melts. Pour in the cognac, mix well. To assemble the cake: Cut the cooled cake into two halves and fluff the middle of a jam or ganache. Combine both the cake and pour slightly cooled icing on the cake. Decorate the cake with sweet pistachio nuts. Enjoy your tea!
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culinary-universe · 7 years
Ingredients: pork (you can take a piece with skin and subcutaneous fat) - 1-2 kg; mayonnaise - 3-4 tbsp; garlic - 2-3 cloves; spices to taste (I used rosemary, fennel seeds, Bay leaf and black pepper); foil; Preparation:
1. Soak pork in brine (3-4 tbsp per 1 liter of water) and leave in the fridge for 2-3 hours (you can leave on all night)
2. Remove the meat from brine and RUB with spices. I used susany rosemary, fennel seeds, Bay leaf and black pepper.
3. Nashpigovat the meat with garlic, this garlic cut into thin slices, thin sharp knife, pierce pork deeply inside and insert a plate of garlic in the resulting otwarcia.
4. In a fireproof dish, put a large piece of foil, and he prepared the meat. Cover the meat on top of a thin layer of mayonnaise (I used a quick homemade mayonnaise) and wrap the meat with foil.
5. Bake in the oven at 200 °. In my case, fillet weighing 1.6 kg was baked for exactly 2 hours. For 15-25 minutes before end of baking, I recommend to open a foil to the upper part of the fillet is browned.
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culinary-universe · 7 years
About the benefits of soaking seeds and nuts
It is no secret that nuts of all raw foods are the most difficult to digest food. Dry they are hard and bitter to the taste, and even a small amount you can feel the heaviness in the stomach. Why is this so? The fact that seeds and nuts that are available on the market - are dormant. In this form, they are practically not absorbed and excreted unchanged. At rest, dry nuts and seeds keep contained within a substance called enzyme inhibitors (substances that suppress the activity of enzymes), whose function is to protect the seed and inhibit germination in adverse conditions. They give a bitter taste. When the seed falls from the tree, deprived of moisture, it dries and the embryo falls asleep, in the spring, when snow melts, to re-awaken and give new life. Nature does not allow seed to germinate before the appointed time, preserving its viability, thereby hedging that it provided sufficient soil moisture to germinate and to continue the race. According to Dr. Edward Howell when we eat dry seeds or nuts, you neutralize some of the enzymes that highlights our body that can even lead to an increase in the pancreas. There are 2 ways to destroy enzyme inhibitors. The first is to cook the food, but in this case will crumble also and enzymes.The second option is more preferable. We put the seeds in a moist environment, i.e., soak or sprout. The inhibitors are destroyed, and the number of enzymes is increased in 2 times. What's going on. In soaked nuts and seeds changes the chemical composition and triggers germination. The essence of this process - the conversion of complex substances into more simple in the embryo, the inactive growth substances aktiviziruyutsya and promote the synthesis of enzymes that degrade complex spare substances more easily. First, enzymes turn the starch into simple sugars (fructose wheat is, therefore, sprouts have a sweet taste). A little later under the action of other enzymes, spare proteins turn into amino acids. By about the third day the decomposition of fats to fatty acids. Thanks to this chemical process soaked nuts and seeds become more digestible. They become sweet, the water washes away the inhibitors, taking with him the bitterness. We get nutrients in the most accessible form an active enzyme system of plants, macro - and microelements, flavonoids and a huge number of vitamins and antioxidants. This whole complex of effective substances organically embedded in the living tissue of plants and is well balanced in quantity and ratio. Soaking significantly increases the nutritional value of nuts and seeds. Also changes the taste, they are juicy, sweet and almost no way inferior to its fresh counterpart. Besides, if in doubt, don't do processed product, soak - a sure way to find out. Damaged or roast the seed in the process locks rotten, soft and dramatically different color than the living nuts and seeds. How to dunk. It's simple: raw nuts or seeds, you need to pour drinking water and leave for a few hours or overnight (depending on species) at room temperature, in the morning rinse and drain the water. Sprouts wait not as simple already soaking triggers germination. As soon as the hatch sprout, the nutritional value is on the wane, as the substance is being spent on growth. Soaked nuts and seeds can be stored in the refrigerator for about three days. But if they are washed, dry thoroughly and place in a container or jar with a tight lid, they will be able to maintain and preserve the natural flavor for about a week. Soaking nuts and seeds we have them animated. In the waking state according to its taste and nutritional properties are far superior to sleeping.
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culinary-universe · 7 years
Grandma's advice
- Drink water before meals - will be long young. - The skin will return to its former garlic juice and aloe. - Hepatitis deaths give the roots of rhubarb decoction. - The older the man, the more important he is the onion! - The vein is seen inside the Apple cider vinegar RUB.
- Fasting tooth of garlic - day virus in the cold. - Honey, lemons and garlic shortness of breath let off. - Glycerin, lemon and honey eat, and cough depart. Honey with carrots, sea buckthorn ulcers feet besiege famously. - Rheumatism sodium and gray radish juice Paterna.
- Aching joints and back - RUB burdock - seeds. - Arthritis, gout and multiple sclerosis feed watermelons to tears. - If you have fungus in the feet - on the grass rush in the meadows. - Scabies is not stained the skin hydrate it in water salty. - The infusion of fennel seeds with enuresis often pop.
- Leaf a wooden prilozh - hemorrhoids will not iron oxides hydroxides! In the feet the lemon RUB the pain will not come inside. - You need the Apple pectin drives away cholesterol. - Pharyngitis are fettered lemon plus rose, honey and sleep. - Cucumber, carrot and beet drive stones with a mixture of juice.
- Make-to-sciatica sheet from fresh horseradish, accidents. - Decoction of dried roots watermelon will wash away your colitis from the belly. - Malaria is not in sight, since sleeping in a heap of wormwood. If the stomach spoils chair - plantain eat like a mule. - Hide gum disease of the legs, so no pain could roam.
- If stuck furunculosis - every day eat onions to tears. - Beet juice drink more often, so did not know the stomach stones. - I want to be always healthy bee feed, not the doctors! - If all are healthy enough to eat the garlic, mustard, and bacon. - Hide the burn, where there will be a feast, with potato uniform.
- Runny nose, cough, head - bow with medcom accept first. - Drink from cough birch juice with milk fresh, without a dose. - To fused fractures, eat the shells to languor. Three parsley, garlic dermatitis, if there is on anyone! - Juniper oil berries heals wounds wrong.
- In deafness gozh red clover - drink autarchic hourly. Drink infusion of flowers of Linden and mother-stepmother of the flu. - Vodka kidneys from birch microbes destroy with a low dosage. - Cucumber juice with carrot will not leave the face bloodless. - Osteoarthritis and leg cramps fear Valenii boots mound in those boots peas, go to them more often and not Oh!
- Since salts in the heel wore out, with the juniper run on vodka infusion of the roots before eating a spoonful drink. - Bad sleep, pain in the head - eat cabbage wedges two. - Sciatic nerve pain - gray brick, let him and sleep. - You know lunch with a piece of cheese in his teeth will not be through holes. - Propolis in vodka with the air toothache will leave with the world.
Hemorrhoids take place without blood is drink, as tea, carrot tops. - Propolis in alcohol together with honey sore throat cure for years. - Juice drink, change products - live healthy with fruit. - Keep thorn in kerosene, it is the weak, like the hedgehog in a quagmire. - Burn shut your carrots with a grater, a little sea buckthorn or castor oil.
- Will fit can and Medoc, since not sliznet his eater. - Pain in the legs - par in the tank safely with grass celandine. - Boil oats in diluted milk against asthma drink. ... And even the stones come to light. - Hepatitis afraid of hell - drink infusion before meals; milk certainly drives the hell out the sand cool.
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culinary-universe · 7 years
Tar-tar of salmon with cheese "Philadelphia"
Tar-tar of salmon with cheese “Philadelphia” Composition: 150 - 200 g of cheese “Philadelphia” 2 tbsp olive oil 400 g salted salmon or Steelhead 100 g red caviar Zest of 1 orange or lemon Dill Salt Pepper Preparation: Foil to make the mold. Folded it several times a strip of 7-8 cm, then wrap around rounded capacity, such as glass. To remove and secure the edges with staples or paper clips. Put the mold on a plate. Small cubes to cut the fish, remove the bones. Add finely chopped dill, salt, pepper, olive oil, lemon zest. Mix with the chopped fish and put into molds, filling them fish to half. Cheese mix with red caviar. Put the cream in the mold, on top of the fish. Carefully remove the form from the foil. Decorate Tartar with greens, cheese “Philadelphia” and red caviar. By the WAY: Tartar can be prepared in advance and put into the refrigerator. Then only put the fish in the ramekins, but if you have no molds - you can use cups. 100 gr. ready meals contain: 168 kcal proteins - 17,1 gr. fats - 10,7 gr. carbohydrates - 0.9 g
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culinary-universe · 7 years
10 remedies for the common cold
Take the weapons, so that our loved ones are always healthy!
No. 1
At the first sign of a cold to cut more fresh onion and inhale the vapors of onion, repeating the process 3-4 times a day.
No. 2. Crush 100 g of garlic, pour 1 Cup of vodka and shake well. 1 drop applied to the tongue, hold in mouth and then swallow. Repeat several times for 3-4 days.
No. 3. Chop the lemon with peel and pour vegetable oil. Lubricate the nostrils several times a day. You can wipe the gums before and after eating, soles and ears - for the night.
No. 4 To take 1,5 l of boiled water, add 1 tablespoon of coarse salt, the juice of 1 lemon and 1 g ascorbic acid. Stir well and drink within 1.5 hours.
No. 5 1 lemon put 1 minute in hot water, then with peel mince. Mixed with 100 g of butter and 1-2 tablespoons of honey. Take 1 tbsp. spoon every 2-3 hours. Store and use as ordinary butter.
No. 6 At high temperatures mix into a homogeneous mass 2 grated fresh potatoes and 1 tbsp of Apple cider vinegar. Apply slurry to the folded in several layers of cloth or gauze and apply to the forehead. After 2 hours, replace with fresh supply.
No. 7 Take 2 bottles of fresh beer, add a pinch of cinnamon, 3-4 Bud cloves and some lemon peels. Stir 3 egg yolks 2-4 tablespoons of sugar until frothy. Pour this mixture into the hot beer with spices and stir, put on fire, cook until thick, but do not boil. Drink 1-1,5 cups. The flu is literally in 1 day.
No. 8. 4 tbsp. tablespoons dried raspberries pour 500 ml boiling water, leave for 20 minutes to Drink on a night out 2 cups for 1 admission. Raspberry tea infusion (10 berries per Cup of boiling water) is useful to rinse a sore throat.
No. 9 To protect yourself from colds and viruses, you need every day to RUB your teeth with garlic.
No. 10 At the first sign of a cold to warm 100 ml of Cahors wine, add ¼ teaspoon black pepper, 1 teaspoon of honey, stir and drink warm before bed.
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culinary-universe · 7 years
Helpful, fiber-rich candy help the body to work well. Cooking time: 30 minutes + cooling Servings: 25-30 pieces You will need: 1 Cup raisins 10-12 pieces of dried figs 5 dates ¼ Cup chopped nuts (almonds or pistachios) 2 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar powdered sugar for decoration How to cook: 1. Soak raisins, dried figs and dates in cold water overnight or in warm water for 4 hours. 2. Drain and chop the dried fruit into a puree. 3. Chop the nuts and toast them for 5 minutes on medium heat. 4. Heat a skillet with a thick bottom, pour olive oil, add the mashed fruit and cook over medium heat for about 10-15 minutes to mash start to thicken. 5. Add the chopped nuts, sugar and vanilla sugar and cook for another 10 minutes. 6. Grease a flat rectangular baking dish with a little oil and spread evenly on the bottom of the fruit mass. 7. Give a little to harden and cut into small squares. Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. Bon appetit!
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culinary-universe · 7 years
Tsvetayeva's Apple pie
Tsvetayeva's Apple pie.
You will need:
The dough
Butter - 150 g Sour cream - 0.5 cups, Flour - 1.2 Cup Baking powder - 1.5 teaspoons
Smetana fill
Sour cream - 1 Cup Sugar - 1 Cup Egg - 1 PC, Vanilla sugar - 1 teaspoon, Flour - 2 tablespoons
3-4 apples
How to cook:
1. Melt the butter and slightly cool. Sift flour and mix with baking powder. In a large bowl put the sour cream and pour in butter. Mix the mass until smooth. Gradually pour the sifted flour with the baking powder and knead the dough loosely (weaker than for rolling). Podpilivaya a little more flour (or dipping your fingers in flour), with your hands to distribute it throughout the bottom and walls of the mold for baking.
2. Prepare the filling: Apples wash, dry, cut the core with seeds and cut into thin slices. Apple slices put in the form and spread evenly over the entire surface of the dough. To prepare the sour cream sauce:
3. In a bowl put sour cream, add the sugar, vanilla sugar and mix well. The egg slightly beat with a whisk or whisk with a fork and add to the creamy sugar mixture. Gradually add flour, stirring well to avoid lumps. The entire mixture again mix well.
4. Pour the apples in the form of a cream filling, lightly shake the form to fill evenly.
5. Bake Apple pie in preheated to ~180°C oven for ~50 minutes.
Bon appetit!
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culinary-universe · 7 years
Perfect cheesecakes
Ingredients: -Cheese (ONLY! 5%) - 600 gr. -small egg - 1 PC -salt - pinch, it will strengthen the sweetness -sugar - 100-150 g (optional), cheesecakes love sweet and exclusively in the morning. -flour - 2 tbsp
Preparation: 1. All to mix, to RUB through a sieve cheese is not necessarily so - divine. With wet hands roll into balls. 2. I always get 13 pieces. Dip them in flour. Shake off (a great word)unnecessary. 3. On a hot griddle pan on a medium heat. 4. As only one side will turn a beautiful Golden color - flip, cover and leave to reach the same color only under a cover on slow fire. 5. Here, under the hood they have swollen. From the pan - on a plate with a paper towel. Bon appetit!
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culinary-universe · 7 years
1. Cheeses can be soft and hard. Cottage cheese or homemade cheese refers to the soft cheese. Cheese is very easy to prepare from milk. After that, he unlike other cheeses are not subjected to compression and prolonged exposure. The main feature of cheese is the high content of milk protein casein.
2. One Cup of cottage cheese (200 g) with a fat content of 1% contains 163 calories, 28 g protein, 6 g carbohydrates, 2 g fat.
3. To the curd was delicious, it can be served with fresh or thawed frozen berries. You can also add hot spices and aromatic herbs. When filling hot spices cheese can be used as a filler for sandwiches with chicken or Turkey.
4. Cheese you need to eat right before bedtime. Casein is the slowest of all the types of protein, so the whole night your body will be fed amino acids and protein peptides. Also cheese can be a snack at work in the afternoon, especially if you exercise.
5. Cheese is a natural source of casein. Add it to vegetable salads, salads with tuna and seafood. The cheese can also prepare a pasta sauce. To do this, mix a little milk with cottage cheese and add avocado slices. Knead it until obtaining a homogeneous mass and pour on top of pasta.
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culinary-universe · 7 years
Cottage cheese from sour cream and yogurt
Ingredients: -500 g of sour cream 20% fat, -500 g of kefir 2.5% fat -1 tea spoon of salt.
Preparation: 1. I mixed 500 g of sour cream 20% fat, 500 g of kefir 2.5% fat and 1 teaspoon of salt. Poured into a colander lined with cotton cloth. And in the fridge under the press for 2 days.
2. After 2 days I chop fresh dill, chopped finely garlic and a good pinch of salt. And rolled the cheese in this mixture, sformovat cheese bar.
You can roll balls and cover with butter with different spices as desired.
Excellent in salads, as a spread on bread. It will be good to take along on nature, wrapped in pita bread. Well! Bon appetit!
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culinary-universe · 7 years
About the benefits of soaking seeds and nuts
It is no secret that nuts of all raw foods are the most difficult to digest food. Dry they are hard and bitter to the taste, and even a small amount you can feel the heaviness in the stomach. Why is this so? The fact that seeds and nuts that are available on the market - are dormant. In this form, they are practically not absorbed and excreted unchanged. At rest, dry nuts and seeds keep contained within a substance called enzyme inhibitors (substances that suppress the activity of enzymes), whose function is to protect the seed and inhibit germination in adverse conditions. They give a bitter taste. When the seed falls from the tree, deprived of moisture, it dries and the embryo falls asleep, in the spring, when snow melts, to re-awaken and give new life. Nature does not allow seed to germinate before the appointed time, preserving its viability, thereby hedging that it provided sufficient soil moisture to germinate and to continue the race. According to Dr. Edward Howell when we eat dry seeds or nuts, you neutralize some of the enzymes that highlights our body that can even lead to an increase in the pancreas. There are 2 ways to destroy enzyme inhibitors. The first is to cook the food, but in this case will crumble also and enzymes.The second option is more preferable. We put the seeds in a moist environment, i.e., soak or sprout. The inhibitors are destroyed, and the number of enzymes is increased in 2 times. What's going on. In soaked nuts and seeds changes the chemical composition and triggers germination. The essence of this process - the conversion of complex substances into more simple in the embryo, the inactive growth substances aktiviziruyutsya and promote the synthesis of enzymes that degrade complex spare substances more easily. First, enzymes turn the starch into simple sugars (fructose wheat is, therefore, sprouts have a sweet taste). A little later under the action of other enzymes, spare proteins turn into amino acids. By about the third day the decomposition of fats to fatty acids. Thanks to this chemical process soaked nuts and seeds become more digestible. They become sweet, the water washes away the inhibitors, taking with him the bitterness. We get nutrients in the most accessible form an active enzyme system of plants, macro - and microelements, flavonoids and a huge number of vitamins and antioxidants. This whole complex of effective substances organically embedded in the living tissue of plants and is well balanced in quantity and ratio. Soaking significantly increases the nutritional value of nuts and seeds. Also changes the taste, they are juicy, sweet and almost no way inferior to its fresh counterpart. Besides, if in doubt, don't do processed product, soak - a sure way to find out. Damaged or roast the seed in the process locks rotten, soft and dramatically different color than the living nuts and seeds. How to dunk. It's simple: raw nuts or seeds, you need to pour drinking water and leave for a few hours or overnight (depending on species) at room temperature, in the morning rinse and drain the water. Sprouts wait not as simple already soaking triggers germination. As soon as the hatch sprout, the nutritional value is on the wane, as the substance is being spent on growth. Soaked nuts and seeds can be stored in the refrigerator for about three days. But if they are washed, dry thoroughly and place in a container or jar with a tight lid, they will be able to maintain and preserve the natural flavor for about a week. Soaking nuts and seeds we have them animated. In the waking state according to its taste and nutritional properties are far superior to sleeping.
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culinary-universe · 7 years
Cake in Spanish
Cake in Spanish Composition. 125 g marzipan mass 200 g butter a little saffron 2 tablespoons sherry 6 eggs 150 g sugar 70 g flour 30 g of starch 100 g chopped almonds For the jelly: 300 g of pomegranate juice 2-3 tbsp lemon juice 50 g sugar gelatin Cooking. Mix the marzipan with butter, saffron, mix with sherry. Separate the whites from the yolks, beat the yolks with half the sugar. Then stir marzipan mass, sherry and beaten egg yolks. Add the dry ingredients. Beat egg whites and gently add to the batter. Bake at 180 ° for about 50 minutes. Cake cool. Soak the gelatin, heat a little to gelatin dispersed. Cool, wait till jelly starts to set. Korzh cut into 2 layers around the bottom layer to put the ring from the form, put the jelly and cover with the second layer. Leave in a cool place overnight. The finished cake sprinkled with toasted almond leaves and icing sugar. Bon appetit!
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