cshawnhart · 4 years
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cshawnhart · 4 years
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cshawnhart · 4 years
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cshawnhart · 4 years
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cshawnhart · 4 years
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cshawnhart · 4 years
Forget walking a mile in my shoes. You wouldn’t survive an hour in my head.
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cshawnhart · 4 years
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And I miss that... a lot
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cshawnhart · 4 years
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cshawnhart · 4 years
What a fucked up morning..
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cshawnhart · 4 years
That photo is not from the day the tattoo was made. That is a healed tattoo.
not a lot of tattoo artist post the work they’ve done the same day. sure they’ll post the process, but they won’t show the final result the same day.
but the...clout
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cshawnhart · 4 years
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cshawnhart · 4 years
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cshawnhart · 4 years
For everyone feeling depressed
I want to tell you something. I have been where you are, or my own version of it. Depression (or whatever you prefer to call how you are feeling at the moment) is different for each of us. And there are different sorts. But that really doesn’t matter. What makes you and me similar is the utter awfulness of our experience. The weariness, even exhaustion, and yet inability to sleep. Lying awake for hour after endless hour. How pointless everything seems, especially in the mornings. How things you used to look forward to feel trivial and too much effort. How loathsome and undeserving you feel, in every possible way. Let me tell you a secret. When I was last ill, not all that long ago, I wanted to be dead. And yet at the same time, I didn’t actually believe I was ill. Now let’s talk about you. You are a wonderful person, with many fabulous and interesting things that make you who you are. It is just that you have lost sight of these for a little while. I’ve been visited by depression several times, each different in its own vile way. From my experience, the special things that make you who you are will come back. It is just that the strength, patience and hope you need to wait for them to return is exactly what depression takes away. So right now, everything feels impossible. I truly know that feeling. Depression is an illness. It can actually be seen in the brain. It may get better on its own. But depending on how severe it is, that can take ages. However bad things seem right now, if you don’t seek help, they could get worse. You may have already found that it helps to talk to a friend, or call a helpline. If not, however hard it feels, please think hard about giving this a try. Please don’t take advice from anyone who isn’t a qualified doctor. If you are prescribed medication, I hope you will consider taking it, including waiting for it to start working, which can take a week or so, and avoiding the things you should avoid while you are on it. And if you are referred for a talking therapy, or a group, please give yourself a chance, however anxious or low you are, and give serious consideration to going along. Some of us find sharing what we perceive as our “weaknesses” very hard. I know I do. But bottling things up is not a good idea. I could write pages and pages about how you WILL get better. But your concentration is probably not great right now. I just want to end with this. You will have good days and bad days. In time, you will gradually notice that there are more good ones than bad ones. You will rejoice again in small things, like a walk in the rain, or the smile of a stranger. You will find things to do that give you a sense of achievement. Just make the tasks small and achievable. And celebrate what you have done. Because you are amazing to have found the strength to do them. Learning to be kind to yourself can be a lifelong project. But if you aren’t kind to yourself, it is much harder to be kind to other people. So for that reason, it is a generous and thoughtful thing to do. Rather than an indulgence, as you may once have thought. Thank you for reading this. I wish you luck on the rest of your journey. Please know this: you are not alone.
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cshawnhart · 4 years
I think Taylor's fans are overreacting. They weren't even really hanging out. They were just at the same Walk of Fame event for that label boss with lots of other artist. Tori Kelly is in the vid too. I think Shawn's just acting mature and professional. It's not high school and you have to pick sides all the time. You can be nice and professional to someone even if you don't like them on a personal level.
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