king dad
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asgore dreemurr 
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csgore · 4 years ago
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happy father’s day to our one and only goatdad!
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csgore · 4 years ago
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“Well, I wear mostly button-up shirts - no need to put my head through, and it sort of works better for me altogether. I can make do with a stretchy enough fabric, though--- I’ve had eons of practice and I’ve lost a lot of shirts.
... It’s getting my head through doors that still causes me problems... I’m always hitting my horns on people’s doorways.”
Asgore only turns a little pink. 
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“ How do you get your head through shirts??” 
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csgore · 4 years ago
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I thought about the whole thing with Snowdrake’s mother for a SPLIT SECOND and I drew this in result of that. Current situation: Not Fine.
Also, doodled this to lift my spirits cause thinking about these background characters ruins me:
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csgore · 4 years ago
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“It feels kind of silly picking you up in the old truck when we could just walk, but I’ve got soil in the back, there- and I don’t think you want to help me carry it all home.”
You’ve always thought Asgore looked a bit silly driving.  He’s your dad, sure - so this is pretty par for the course, but there’s something about how big he is, and how carefully he drives, that makes you smile sometimes. He’s like an adult trying to use one of those kiddie cars you used to play with. The plastic one, that seemed ubiquitous at the time- the one you bumped into Asriel, who then pantomimed a very dramatic death that made you laugh and laugh. 
Dad doesn’t listen to any religious music, at least, not that you know of. You aren’t a fan of country music, but it sounds right, in your dad’s dirty truck, with the windows down. 
It’s a refreshing. You let the wind throw your hair around. 
“Do you want to stop somewhere and get something to eat?” 
Dad doesn’t have a lot of money, either, but you feel bad when you acknowledge that— 
plus, he thinks you’re embarrassed. Of him. You want to tell him that everyone loves him, but that’s not really true — you’re fairly certain your mom doesn’t, and that’s- tough, but heck, you know plenty of people that do. 
You could never be embarrassed by your dad. Rich, poor, big, clumsy, tender, happy, sad - it doesn’t matter. He’s your dad. He hugs you a little too hard. He forgets when you’re supposed to be in bed by (you have a hand in misleading him, though- if you get him talking around 8, you can usually prompt him into rambling about something for the better part of the next hour or so). He’s too nice for his own good, and you worry about him when you don’t see him for a while. 
Thinking about this stuff distracts you from a rumbling tummy. Now you can’t talk your way out of Dad buying you dinner, which will have to consist of convenience store stuff, but he’ll probably let you get a soda, and mom never ever lets you have that. Soda and ice cream? Score. 
You can almost already see yourself, sitting on the warm sidewalk, eating your 50 cent vanilla ice cream cone, watching your dad pump some air back into the tire that’s always causing trouble. 
All is as it should be. Even if it isn’t as it could be. 
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csgore · 4 years ago
my many children ;;;;
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csgore · 4 years ago
*dad voice* absolutely not
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csgore · 4 years ago
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“If you need a father in your life for whatever reason, I can do that. I’m not the best dad, but I have a lot of room on my fridge for drawings and I can teach you how to trim your beard.” 
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csgore · 4 years ago
//Saw this on my recommended due to ya know, being in the undertale fandom. this video was published three weeks ago.
As someone apart of the Undertale fandom, I am absolutely appalled and angry that someone like their harasser is even apart of the community.
I also extend my apologies to @mrdaddguy for the disgusting and horrible things that they’ve been dealing with due to this harasser and ask that you guys reblog and give them some love.
This goes way behind some regular stupid fandom discourse. and I feel it’s important to use my platform as well to help spread awareness. and even though I’m absolutely pissed off, it’s easier to reblog and share if there’s not a huge rant attached.
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csgore · 4 years ago
Based on the new dialogue of the Xbox release.
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csgore · 4 years ago
Sans and Asgore's relationship.
The Xbox One version of Undertale came out, and we got an insight into it.
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The Alarm Clock Dialogue also has this:
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Sans and Asgore interact normally.
You know what this means? Asgore and Sans aren't rivals. They're fine with eachother. Asgore finds Sans' jokes hilarious.
Toriel might not consider Asgore a friend in Post-Pacifist, but she also treats him normally and with respect.
They would never fight or disrespect eachother like they do in many fanworks.
They're good with one another. Sans, Asgore and Toriel don't fight, they respect eachother and act like adults.
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csgore · 4 years ago
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I like how Asgore cares about his citizens a lot. He just doesn't want anyone to be hurt.
Meanwhile Papyrus really doesn't care which is very nice of him.
I love them both so much.
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csgore · 4 years ago
Single father of 7.
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csgore · 4 years ago
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I drew/made characters based off of chess pieces
Reblogs are better than Likes
full picture of the pawns:
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csgore · 4 years ago
so in the end of the true pacifist route asgore says something like 
‘finally, this war is over’ 
and you know, i feel like he’s been at war this whole time. i mean, both technically and on a personal level. 
i feel like he’s probably quite tired of it.
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csgore · 4 years ago
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csgore · 4 years ago
I forgave him, a hundred times over, and never on the basis of anything more than this: a look, a gesture, a certain tilt of his head.
Donna Tartt, The Secret History (via amusinguproar)
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csgore · 4 years ago
[ hold ] – for your muse to hold my muse
[ dance ] – for your muse to dance with my muse
[ kiss ] – for your muse to kiss my muse. bonus points if you specify where.
[ tuck ] – for your muse to tuck a piece of my muse’s hair behind their ear.
[ ruffle ] – for your muse to ruffle my muse’s hair
[ stare ] – for your muse to catch my muse staring at them
[ heartbeat ] – for your muse to listen to my muse’s heartbeat
[ scar ] – for your muse to gently trace one of my muse’s scars
[ story ] – for my muse to tell yours a personal story
[ book ] – for your muse to read to mine
[ sleep ] – for your muse to fall asleep on mine
[ secret ] – for my muse to share a secret with yours
[ hands ] – for your muse to play with my muse’s hands.
[ wrist ] – for your muse to run a finger along my muse’s inner forearm
[ play ] – for your muse to act out a scene from a play with mine
[ comfort ] – for your muse to soothe mine
[ music ] – for your muse to sing or play an instrument for mine
[ duet ] – for our muses to sing karaoke together
[ nuzzle ] – for your muse to nuzzle mine. bonus points if you specify where.
[ adventure ] – for your muse to take mine somewhere new
[ date ] – for your muse to take mine on a date
[ hug ] – for your muse to hug mine
[ carry ] – for your muse to carry mine. bonus points if you specify how.
[ street ] – for your muse to grab my muse’s hand while on the street
[ chores ] – for your muse to help mine with chores around the house. bonus points if you specify what kind of chores.
[ game ] – for our muses to play a game together. bonus points if you specify the game.
[ blindfold ] – for your muse to cover my muse’s eyes affectionately
[ goodbye ] – for my muse to say goodbye to yours
[ long time no see ] – for my muse to greet yours after not seeing each other for several years
[ kitchen ] – for your muse to cook for mine.
[ constellations ] – for our muses to go stargazing
[ pool ] – for our muses to go swimming together
[ stumble ] – for your muse to help mine home while they’re drunk
[ band aid ] – for your muse to take care of mine after they got into a fight
[ sick day ] – for your muse to take care of mine while they’re sick
[ stroke ] – for your muse to stroke my muse’s cheek
[ cuddle ] – for our muses to cuddle on a lazy day
[ binge ] – for our muses to binge watch a show together
send ↪ to reverse the roles !
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