All of Linda's Desires Exposed
Linda didn't even remember managing to speak. She knew she'd said something when she walked into the study and found Mina's little friend Becki lying on the couch with her skirt pulled up and her panties pulled down and her bare pink cunt lewdly on display, but it was a spluttered, choking outburst of sound rather than anything coherent and Becki soon rolled right over it with a soft, smoothly murmured, "It's okay, Mrs Norrington. The others are out on the boat, they won't be back for hours. You don't have to pretend anymore, you can stare as much as you want." She pulled down her collar to reveal a pair of small, perfectly formed breasts, and Linda's face went beet red in overstimulated embarrassment.
"Don't worry, nobody else noticed," Becki cooed before Linda could give voice to her shock and dismay. Her fingers dipped down between her silky thighs, teasing at the entrance to her pussy until Linda could actually see it glistening with moisture. "Your daughter doesn't know you're into girls, and your husband, well…." She let out a tinkling little giggle that shot straight down Linda's spine and directly into her pulsing clit. "I think he's too busy trying to think of a way to get into my panties to notice what was happening to you. I guess we could do a threesome, but you'd rather have me all to yourself, wouldn't you?" Linda couldn't nod. She couldn't move. Every muscle in her body felt paralyzed by lust and mortification, and she had absolutely no idea what she'd do even if she managed to shake it off.
That feeling of stunned, dissociated befuddlement made Becki's voice sound like it was coming from a mile away. "The truth is," she purred, her fingers now disappearing in between those plush pink pussy lips almost up to the second joint, "I want you all to myself, too. I like older women, Mrs Norrington. I like the way they know what to do with their fingers and their tongue, and I especially like shy and blushy ones like you that never thought they could get a girl so young to spread her legs for them. You're twice my age, Mrs Norrington. I'm the same age as your daughter. But don't I look just good enough to eat?" Twice Linda's age was still a woman old enough to be in grad school, despite Becki's youthful appearance. But that didn't help any of this feel any less sinful.
"Come a little closer," Becki chuckled, the fluttering fingers of her free hand beckoning Linda across the room with a hypnotic pull that stirred her frozen body into action. "It's okay, I don't bite. I don't do anything that would leave marks, nothing you'd have to explain to a husband when he got back. You'll be able to go to your room, take a shower and touch up your makeup, and the others will be none the wiser. All the pussy you want, with none of the consequences, Mrs Norrington, how does that sound?" It sounded like a mistake, but of course Linda's brain wasn't in charge of her body anymore and she honestly didn't know who was. She sank to her knees with a grunt of desperate arousal, staring directly at Becki's cunt and panting for breath she couldn't quite seem to catch.
And Becki knew just how powerful she was in this moment. "That's a good girl," she growled, unleashing the caged lusts inside her in an instant. She tangled her fingers into Linda's blonde hair, pulling her closer, and Linda's already dissociated mind fully evaporated into warm wet lust as she tasted Becki's pussy and began to helplessly lick.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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Trish Drinks Deeper
"Oh, honey. You really do need to drink deeper, don't you?" Trish didn't think about the words, not consciously. She didn't think about the peculiar emphasis on the word 'deeper', the way it made her clit throb with a pulse of arousal so natural and intuitive she didn't even notice it had been programmed into her. She didn't wonder where her strange compulsion to suckle at her next door neighbor's swollen tits had come from, or why she'd succumbed to it again. She only tasted the warm, creamy liquid flowing across her tongue and down into her belly and let out a happy little grunt of satisfaction at having her craving filled.
"That's right, baby girl. Just drink deeper for me." Maura's soft, purring voice once again emphasized that word, 'deeper', and Trish felt all her muscles relax even more completely as she sank onto the couch cushions and let herself go entirely limp save for her pursing lips. She barely even remembered lying down; one moment she was wandering into Maura's house again, a faint furrow crossing her brow as her muddled mind tried to piece together why she'd walked up to the front door next to her own, and the next she saw Maura's tits with milk already dripping from their nipples and she was overcome with a wave of pleasant dizziness. By the time Maura leaned over the arm of the couch and rubbed her stiff teats lightly against Trish's mouth, suckling seemed like the most natural thing in the world.
"That's it, cutie pie, good girls drink deeper, don't they?" Trish didn't notice herself nodding; it was a small motion, reduced to little more than a slow and sleepy twitch of her head by the stupefied lethargy that gripped her, and anyway she was used to nodding along with Maura while she suckled her neighbor's heavy tits. Maura had been lactating for almost three years now, long after her child was weaned, and Trish felt an almost pathetic amount of gratitude to the other woman for continuing to keep the milk flowing just so Trish could come over and drink whenever she w-wanted….? Did she want this? That was a complex question, far too complicated for Trish's tiny mind right now, so she just suckled it away and went… deeper. Yes. Deeper was good.
"Drink and go deeper, deeper for Mistress." A gossamer bubble of confusion popped inside Trish's head as she finally made the same connection she'd made so many times in the past--she was hypnotized. She'd been hypnotized by Maura's big heavy tits, her smooth creamy milk, and the taste always brought her back into a state of such receptive vulnerability to her neighbor's mesmerizing voice and irresistible commands that she barely even thought about it when she wasn't tangled up in trance and making herself ever more susceptible to brainwashing. She didn't want this, she didn't not want it--she wanted what she was told to want, and Maura told her to want to be programmed into perfect obedience. So here she was again. Just like always.
"You can always go deeper, sweetie. Always deeper for me." Trish felt her clit throb again, the association between hypnotic depth and pleasure and her owner's triggers making her wet beyond reason as she suckled herself further into trance. She knew she wanted to cum… but she also knew better than to touch herself without Maura's permission. And that would wait until she'd drunk her fill.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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hung immortal vampire woman who's been knocking up all the girls in a family tree as part of her everlasting affection for her long passed beloved
every generation, she takes all of her daughters as her lovers, taking care of (and passionately breeding) them to continue her loves' bloodline via hot, animalistic, incestuous lesbian sex 🤍
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when doms coo out a soft ‘there you arreee’ the moment their sub finally gives in and starts whimpering, gasping, making the prettiest noises while being absolutely ruined >>>
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Can we "watch" a movie and cuddle but your fingers are under the covers playing with my pussy while you whisper in my ear telling me to pay attention and focus but i can't focus because it feels so fucking good with your fingers knuckles deep inside me?
Yes? No? Maybe so?
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I think people forget that Consensual Non Consent isn't always ropes and force. It can be cute and sweet and functional like any kink.
Fun fact about me: I am highly averse to the sensation of water on my skin. I am autistic and it is a sensory nightmare that I can't describe.
And in the last few years as both personal and global circumstances have worsened, my ability to tolerate it has severely declined and I became detrimentally avoidant of showers.
To the point where, my partner and I decided (I asked him and he agreed) that he would assume control of my showing habits. He would tell me when shower day would be, and he'd get in there with me, to help me through it and make sure I actually did it.
It is very much a CNC situation. I literally whimper and beg him not to make me do it. And I also have a safe word in case I really can't do it.
This system has improved my general well being dramatically. I literally just cannot force myself to endure the extraordinary discomfort.
But he can. And then he cradles my head on his chest as I whimper and occasionally actually cry during the first few minutes when my nervous system goes the most haywire.
We usually do not have sex. We're very touchy people so there is a lot of cuddling and a little groping, but that's not the central point and it very rarely ever results in any kind of prolonged sexual activities.
Because kink is not just about sex. Kink can be accommodating. Even the "scary" kinks like CNC
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Making a pretty girl wear a vibrator in her underwear <3
Messing around with the settings while she’s sitting on the couch. Turning it on when she’s cooking, and watching her be caught off guard. But most of all, what gets me is making her grind on my thigh while wearing it. Watching her get increasingly desperate for release while I let my hands wander and tease her. Turning it all the way up and see the way she falls apart, face in my neck and hand on my shoulders.
Hearing her whine, and moan, and whimper right by my ear as I feel her movements speed up on my thigh. I’d softly speak to her, about how pretty she looks for me. How well she’s taking it, and how beautiful she sounds. I’d tell her all about how perfect she is, how she’s being such a good girl for me. I’ll let her know exactly how much I enjoy it when she puts on a show just for me.
I wouldn’t turn it off, when euphoria finds her. I’ll turn it down for a little bit, give her time to catch her breath. But when I think she can take it, I’ll turn it right back up again. And if she keeps being so good for me, I’ll have her ride my strap right after too.
This post is about wlw, men and minors DNI!!!
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Kara Tries On Her New Swimsuit
"I, uhh… I don't think this is the swimsuit I packed," Kara murmured, her face growing hot with a beet red blush that traveled all the way up to her forehead. She did recall being persuaded by Cassie to get a bikini for their trip instead of her typical one-piece bathing suit, but what she was looking at in the mirror didn't match her memories at all. It looked like something she could get arrested for wearing, with cups that couldn't even hide her puffy brown nipples and a bottom that left her pubic hair fully exposed to any curious onlooker. It made Kara feel more naked than wearing nothing at all… but it was the only bathing suit she could find in her suitcase.
Cassie reached down to give her friend some help adjusting the thong, but all she really managed to do was tug the thin strip of fabric until it was practically engulfed by Kara's protruding labia… and in the process, she got handsy to a degree that made Kara's blush spread all the way down to her collarbone. "Looks fine to me," she said, her observation defying all reality. "Maybe it's a little bit daring, but we're on vacation, sweetie! You want the boys to look at you… and who knows, maybe the girls, too!" She gave Kara a playful swat on the butt that felt a little less playful when her palm smacked directly onto Kara's bare asscheek.
Kara let out a tiny yelp of surprise, but what really astonished her was her momentary impulse to agree with her friend. It wasn't exactly unusual--she'd known Cassie for only a couple of months now, but she was already getting used to the younger woman's knack for persuading her to go along with suggestions that in hindsight felt outlandishly out of character. Even now, staring at herself in the mirror and seeing her body only notionally covered with a swimsuit that had more in common with dental floss than clothing, Kara caught herself wondering if it would really be that big of a deal to be sexualized by all the… the women? That felt unexpected, too, but the warm pulse of pleasure between her thighs made the unexpected sound like an opportunity.
But then she actually envisioned all those people staring at her, seeing her chubby thighs and her plush hips and her curvy pubic mound, and a lifetime of bodily dysphoria helped her to snap out of her momentary fugue of amiable thoughtlessness. "N-no, I don't think that, um… no," she finished, realizing just in time that any rationale she gave for her refusal would only give Cassie ammunition to twist her logic around into helpless acceptance. Better to just stick to a 'no' that couldn't be bargained with or bamboozled, she reasoned, and the momentary flicker of petulance on Cassie's face told her it was the right choice.
But as soon as her irritation fluttered into existence, it was gone again, leaving a smile so bright and cheerful that Kara couldn't help grinning right along with it. "No problem," Cassie chirruped, her hands snaking in to brush aside the thin strips of fabric from Kara's chest. "We can just stay here in the room for now, get you out of this silly thing, and you can relax, relax, relax." The repetition seemed momentarily odd, strangely emphasized and echoey in Kara's ears, but then Cassie's fingers began to pinch and tweak Kara's nipples and all the questions were slowly pushed out of her head by slow, drifting, inescapable bliss.
(If you enjoy this fiction and want to make sure it continues, please visit https://www.patreon.com/Jukebox to become a supporter. Or, if you simply want to make a one-time contribution, you can drop me a tip at https://ko-fi.com/jukebox instead. Thank you!)
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Oh, to play with my cute little sub while she's busy. To wait until she's fully engrossed in her activity before bringing her water. Wrapping my arms around her from behind to watch over her shoulder and lightly trail my lips from her neck to her shoulder and back. She barely notices my fingers splayed over her clothes but hands placed carefully. A gentle brush of one thumb under her breast and the warmth of my fingers wrapped over her hip heating her skin, providing kindling for the fire I plan to start. And as I whisper in her ear every detail of how I plan to ravage her in our bed, the flame flickers to life. I leave nothing out, from how I plan to strip every article of clothing from her goegeous frame and eat her delicious little cunt until she sobs, to how much I look forward to spreading her open on my strap and pounding her until she's a drooling mess shaking from overstimulation. When I'm positive she's burning, lust eating away at her focus, cheeks red, breathing heavy, I'll wish her good luck with what she's doing and walk away, satisfied in the knowledge that her achy, dripping pussy is clenching around nothing as she squirms in her seat.
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Fantasizing about slowly sitting on a pretty woman's strap, I'd lean into their neck and whimper in their ear as I felt myself stretch around them.
I'd be a pretty girl bouncing up and down on them, gripping their tits and biting my lip as they grabbed me by the hips and pushed themselves deeper inside of me.
I'd be a good girl and thank them as they thrust into me, filling me over and over again until they were satisfied.
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When Mommy gets you so fuzzy and a little dumb in your pretty head that all you can do is nod and say "Yes, Mommy/Ma'am." ✨
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thinking about having somebody guide my hand down between my legs and assuming they want me to finger myself, only to have them slip two fingers in right next to my own. turning to meet their gaze in shock while they coo something about helping me make myself feel good. the idea of being full in this way making my brain fuzzy, each thrust wiping my mind blank until i can’t string together a complete thought. flushing in embarrassment when i can feel the way my pussy sucks in both of our fingers. the low moan that makes its way out of me when i get to feel the way i squeeze down when i cum, impossibly tight over the three? four? fingers working in and out of me. my fucked out babbling picking up speed as they push my fingers deeper, coaxing me into fucking myself through the orgasm just as they normally would. trying to wiggle away but there’s nowhere to go when they’re holding me still and fucking me open with my own hand.
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a pillow princess femme who flinches when hands slip under her dress, who stiffens when her butch pulls her panties down, stammering, “you don’t have to, it’s okay if you don’t want to.” a femme who’s all nervous and apologizes, whispering, “I’m sorry I know it’s not, I mean I don’t have to receive, sorry,” and trying to cover her face when her butch just kisses her thigh and says, “princess, you’re perfect. stop hiding from me. let me take care of you.”
a butch who presses soft kisses to her thighs, holding her legs steady when she tries to close them, murmuring, “you’re so pretty, bunny. so soft, so sweet, so warm. relax for me, yeah?” a butch who takes her time, who moans into her pussy like she’s tasting the best thing she’s ever had, stopping only to whisper, “you’re doing so good for me, bunny. you don’t have to be scared, I’ve got you.”
a femme who’s unsure and insecure as her butch softly purrs lube all over her strap and over her princesses cunt, getting it everywhere with soft touches and careful fingers.
a femme who cries when she feels the strap press inside her, choking out, “I’m sorry, I just, I feel so bad. is this really what you want. do I look ugly and weird?” and a butch who shushes her softly, leaning down to kiss her lips and says: “you don’t have to do anything, princess. just let me make you feel good, I love making you feel good.” and tells her that she’s the most beautiful thing ever.
a butch who grips her waist, whispering, “you feel so good, baby, so loose and wet around me,” as she moves slowly, waiting for every shaky gasp and nod of approval. a butch who rubs her clit in slow circles and coos, “look at you, princess, taking me so well. you’re so perfect when you let go like this.”
and when the femme sobs, overwhelmed and shaking, gasping apologies she doesn’t need to say, the butch just holds her closer, whispering: “you don’t need to apologize bunny, I love making you cum. please, you can let go, it’s okay baby, I’m here”
the butch kissing all over her femme as she fills her up with her strap, murmuring sweet praise into her ear. the femme who starts crying immediately after cumming and her butch who holds her close and never makes her feel bad for receiving pleasure.
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