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OF 🍑
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A lotta people wanna [TOUCHING] the puppygirl 👐
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not sure why, but i’m feeling a lil extra pretty today so i thought i’d share 🤭🤫
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Being hers is a privilege <3
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Can I please massage your boobs? I'll treat them so well, I promise. I'll be gentle. I know they're sensitive. I'll kiss them, maybe I'll pinch your nipples to make them harder, you'll whimper... I'll suck your nipples and you'll put your hands in my head, pushing me lower because we both now I'm just getting started.
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Underrated hypnosis thing: hypnotic perfume.
You’re cuddling with your domme, and she just smells so good that you find yourself being lulled into a trance as she softly whispers suggestions in your ear.
You’re at a party, standing in the corner awkwardly, when a tall, gorgeous woman walks up to you and strikes up a conversation. She’s so pretty and she smells so sweet and you’re so flustered that you don’t even notice as she presses closer to you, forcing you into the corner where the scent of her perfume is even more overwhelming. You don’t even notice as everyone else leaves, leaving you and her alone. You don’t even notice as her words shift from the small talk you’d been making to commands and suggestions, conditioning you into a perfect little plaything for her.
You’re in a department store near closing time, walking past the perfume counter, when one of the saleswomen sprays some perfume right in your face. Unthinkingly, you inhale, and your brain immediately starts to slow down. It’s the loveliest fragrance you’ve ever smelled, sweet and a little floral, with notes of something you can’t quite place. You turn to ask her what it is, but before you can even open your mouth she’s sprayed another puff of the perfume into your face. Your mind goes blank for a moment, overwhelmed by the scent and a sudden wave of lust, and that’s all the opportunity she needs. She sprays out a dozen or so more puffs of the perfume, filling the air with a faint pink cloud. You’ve figured out what’s going on at this point, and you know you should stop breathing it in… but it just smells so good. As she reaches out and runs her hand over your cheek, you inhale sharply… and in that moment you’re lost. Nothing in your head but the sweet, fragrant pink fog swirling around you and the unbearable neediness that makes even the slightest touch an explosion of pleasure. She grabs you by the wrist and leads you out to her car, spritzing you with more of her perfume along the way to make sure you stay docile and pliant. She buckles you into the passenger’s seat (you’re too far gone to do it yourself) and takes a surgical mask and a pair of headphones from the glove compartment. She sprays more perfume into the mask, making sure it’s saturated, and puts it on your face. Then she slips the headphones over your ears. As you drive, you hear the sound of your new mistress’s voice coming through the headphones. You can’t consciously make out any of the words, but that’s ok. Your subconscious is taking them all in. By the time you get to her house, you’re already deeply conditioned to worship and obey her. Come the next morning, you won’t be able to remember a life without her. By the end of the month, you’ll be on a flight with her to a new home where nobody will ever find you— and if she takes advantage of the long flight and close quarters to turn a few other passengers into new adoring slaves, you’ll be right there, already drenched in her special perfume, to help her lure them in.
I mean, just… god.
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Hey what’s conversational hypnosis? I’m an auditory learner by the way :33
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So let’s discuss pocket watches and why they’re so hypnotic.
So with hypnosis, you really like to have a focus object be something easy to watch and to understand, something that can grab your attention yet not cause any alarm.
From what I’ve seen from history, pocket watches were perfect for this since lots of people had them at the time and they made for simple and effective items to focus on.
Mainly though, it’s that motion of them swinging back and forth that gets your eyes swinging alongside it that really envelops you into a trance.
Focus is really important in trance, and having a moving focus object can create this feeling of momentum, like being rocked to sleep, that your brain simply can’t keep up with.
That perpetual and consistent motion coupled with the simple yet mundane look of the watch makes it a perfect focus object, one that is so easy to imagine, you may have even been thinking about it during our conversation.
Of course, that’s completely alright. It’s natural to ponder about something like that, how such a simple item seems to take away every bit of brainpower you may have.
The imagination’s an incredibly powerful tool after all.
You’re fully able to dream and fantasize about whatever you may wish at any point.
And yet, as we speak, you may be wishing for that pocket watch to swing in front of your yearning eyes, gently rocking you to sleep.
You may be wishing for words to slip right past your mind as that watch swings back and forth, distracting your conscious mind so that your subconscious is able to fully blossom into deep relaxation.
You may even be wishing for the watch to become your world, the gentle sway taking your silly brain away.
Of course it’s all your imagination, yet it all can feel so real so very quickly.
However, what feels best is when you’re truly lost in the watch’s machinations.
Inside of the watch are so many tiny little pieces, all of which ticking along to the time as a perfect little machine should.
The complexities inside may be too hard for your mind to keep up with, and that’s quite alright.
It’s much easier to instead follow along to the wave of the watch, back and forth as it always has and will go.
The inner workings however tell so much about where you’re headed, a labyrinth within where you can lose so much of your time deep within exploring and understanding.
It sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
It’s just like a beautiful trance, deeper and deeper you go within a void, allowing yourself to flow freely through the complexities of your mind as it slumbers peacefully.
Much like the watch too, your brain is built of so very many pieces, so many words and thoughts that build you into that perfect person.
However, as each piece is taken from your mind, so too is a piece of the pocket watch’s inner workings.
Each is less necessary than the last, yet still build into a gorgeous piece of engineering, such as your mind.
Of course you don’t need every part of your brain, it’s much simpler when there’s less to process and worry about.
Just like the insides of the watch, each piece is necessary to keep time, yet when taken out are still as beautiful as when they’re together.
Only now of course, much easier and simpler to understand and accept.
As your mind rocks back and forth to the rhythm of the timekeeper, the ticks and tocks of the passing moments click away, reminding your slumbering mind of the unimportance of what time it may be.
You don’t need to worry, for right now there is no time and all the time in the world.
You’re completely safe to watch the watch and tick and tick your mind away.
It’s what makes the watch so perfect for trance.
It’s pretty to look at of course.
It’s nice to listen to.
It’s simple to understand.
But it’s the inner complexities that make it truly shine.
Such as your mind, my loyal thrall.
The brain’s infinite depths shine through the brightest when it’s the simplest.
When it’s easiest to see right through it and understand what makes you tick.
And yet, when it’s broken down and split into its smallest parts, it’s just as beautiful as when put together.
Only now of course, it’s lighter.
Easier to swing between my fingers.
So simple and effective.
That’s what makes a watch so beautiful to me as a focus object.
The simplicity on the surface, yet when opened is as complex as the mind.
Every good focus object should have depth.
A spiral’s infinite spin.
A illusion’s everlasting confusion.
An eye’s never ending expanse.
It’s what makes trance everlasting.
Knowing that when you want to escape, you are always free to.
Yet when you want to be truly gone?
There’s no end to how deep you can go.
And so, as the watch swings infinitely in your mind, i want you to appreciate the complex beauty of it.
Understand what makes it beautiful.
And allow your mind to become as simple as an empty pocket watch.
Until next time~
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Training Logs, Entry #2
I’m happy to report that her training has been a continued success.
The subject is eagerly submissive to me, her dedication grows in intensity with every passing day.
Our baseline levels of trust have far exceeded my expectations for her, which I attribute to her sharp judge of character. She has deemed me “safe” and has in turn, handed herself over to me willingly. I’m gaining a strong appreciation for subjects so happy to be trained.
I just concluded a rather impromptu training session, the subject requested I ask her some questions to further my knowledge on hypnosis, utilizing her existing stores of information on the subject. She suggested i drop her, making her incredibly tired and deep in trance before asking these questions, to see if she could recall our conversation in full.
At first I was intimidated, I must be transparent. An impromptu session stripped away my ability to be prepared for anything, to have my goals and path mapped out, my triggers pre-planned, all of it, gone. I almost told her no, I wasn’t feeling up to it, I couldn’t possibly engage in anything successfully. Better to wait than risk damaging progress, damaging her faith in my abilities, is how i reasoned with myself.
But something possessed me. Maybe it was the two drinks i’d just finished, maybe it was my intuition, my unwillingness to let the opportunity slip out of my hands.
I agreed to her request, how could i deny an eager puppy the chance to train?
I set up my equipment and took a deep breath. I began my greetings, already donning that syrupy, lilting tone reserved near exclusively for her, and I hoped inspiration would strike me.
I asked about her favorite inductions, how to decide on one, how to avoid falling into routine and allowing it to become predictable.
She began to explain using some comparison to a math concept I couldn’t really grasp, but I began to understand her point when an idea appeared to me.
Previously, my pet had mentioned to me that the bell jingling on my cat’s collar worked as an “ears perked” sort of effect. Instantly capturing her focus and drawing it to my words.
I removed the cat’s collar and shook gently it a few times near the mic. The puppy immediately lost her words, it was so wonderful to see. I prompted the pet to continue, but only let her get a few words out before i let the bell chime again. She lost her train of thought, immediately becoming focused on the sound of the bell, her thoughts slipping from her mind.
It was hard not to laugh, seeing the composed, intellectual subject immediately reduced to a brainless puppy. The efficacy was truly shocking.
I took the opportunity to wield her focus against her, knowing her predisposition would be to go deeper, to agree with anything i might suggest.
“Do you even remember the point you were trying to make?”
“Can you even answer my questions, pup?” The subject clung to the explanation that she could, but that she was just so focused on me, it was hard to let anything else take precedence.
“Doesn’t it seem like it would be so much nicer to put all that aside and be a Silly Puppy for me instead?”
At this point, her responses consisted only of an eager “mhm!” or two, if she was feeling very excited by the suggestion.
I interspersed the jingling bell over any pauses, increasing her focus on me each time. This began to work so well she stopped being able to respond. At this point, I asked the subject if she’d prefer to remain under and fall asleep, or if I should bring her back up. She requested “Up,” so after a few more moments i began to bring her out of trance.
The subject was still dazed when she began to communicate her amazement at my insecurity, even going as far as to ask if I had been joking, fully aware of my ability to drop her so quickly and effectively.
I laughed, assuring her that the entire session had been unprepared, allowing my ego to swell at the high praise from my far-more-experienced subject.
Over a brief discussion of the session, as my pet spoke to me, I couldn’t resist the urge to use the bell against her again. She slipped back down easily, blindly obedient once more.
After playing with my favorite subject a bit more, I brought her back to herself, and had to force myself to stay quiet. Every time I opened my mouth I pushed her back into that sharp focus and her brain into a state of arousal that rendered her unable to sleep.
One of the last things we talked about before I finally allowed her to rest was how towards the very beginning, when she first lost her train of thought, she found it difficult to grasp what she had been speaking about even once out of trance.
Something of note regarding this pet is that she has often recounted how ineffective memory impacting trances have been for her, likely due to her history of hypervigilance and perceived need to protect herself. Communicating that my spontaneous session may have allowed even a small memory to slip out of her grasp has emboldened me to try again and test my skills with a more overt memory play session with her.
It definitely serves my purposes that she’s so eager to hand over full control to me, not one ounce of doubt or distrust towards me present in her pretty little mind.
My next goal has been set: Make the puppy forget something.
I think it will prove easy enough.
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Conversational hypnosis. Subtle hypnosis. Thinking you're just talking when you realise you're in trance.
When did that happen? You don't know, but you don't mind. You keep sinking as your partner talks to you.
They smile, petting you. Enjoying the show as you dr o p . . .
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my "hypnosis isn't real" shirt keeps prompting random people to start conversations with me that I can't for the life of me recall.
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casual hypnosis is underrated
No big plan to make u a pet or a slave, just a friend being a bit michevious and wanting to see that empty look on ur face.
bonus points if the induction is casual too, just feels like a normal conversation until you realize your thoughts are all sluggish and you feel so heavy~~
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power dinamics <3
having a shy pretty thing like you as my secretary—highlight on the shy, because every time i get near, you can’t even hold eye contact… but you’re not even embarrassed when you stare at my hands or my lips. i would even say that your mind wanders off to not so innocent places, hm? bet you’re so focused on imagining how it’d feel to have my hands roaming your body that you can’t even realize i caught you staring. but i’d never say anything to such a precious secretary like you. no, instead i’ll take advantage of how much you want me— always lowering my head to your pretty lips to “hear better”; grabbing your hips at any chance i have while excusing myself as i walk past you and when we take the elevator, i’ll make sure to press my hips on your ass, whisper in your ear that there’s no space left with all the people around us, and when someone bumps on me, i’ll have to press a hand on your tummy so you won’t hit the wall, i’m just being a good boss.
and as a good boss, i should reward you, right? you’re all flustered after our little trip in the elevator, you can’t get in the meeting like that— it’s what i said as i dragged you to an empty office and before you realize it, my hands are already groping your body while i’m kissing your neck. it’s too much for your little mind, huh? you’re getting so fuzzy and i’m just circling your hard nipples through your dress shirt, you can feel my hot breath hitting the back of your neck while i whisper “this’s what you wanted? use your words” but a shy thing like you can only whimper and grip the edge of the desk, with your eyes closed and back arching every time i touch a sensitive spot. and the whine you let out when i finally press my fingers on your clothed pussy… god, it goes straight to my core.
we’re running late to the meeting but i only care about tasting your cunt. “we’re in the middle of a work day and there’s only a door separating us from others,” i whisper in your ear before i lay you down on the desk and desperately hunch up your pencil skirt, “but you kept me from having what’s mine for so long… i’m not waiting anymore.” one finger slides your drenched underwear to the side and that’s all it takes for me to latch my mouth on your pussy and you crumble right on the desk. your thighs tremble around my head while my tongue slides between your folds from your entrance up to your clit, where i close my lips around the sensitive nub and suck until you cry out my name. one of my hands grips your butt while the other plays with your nipples. it’s too much for your pretty body, hm? you don’t want it to end but you feel that knot is about to snap. and right when you open your mouth to beg me to go slower, the door opens and one of your coworkers stands there dumbfounded. from between your legs, i can see the embarrassment written all over your face and yet, when my tongue slides inside of your cunt, you clench down on it and cum all over my tongue. it’s so cute, watching you cover your mouth with a shaky hand, pathetically trying to hide those sinful sounds from your coworker, still standing there with red cheeks.
i rise from between your legs with my chin coated with your wetness and press my thumb on your sore clit, grinning when you gasp but my eyes settle on my other subordinate to order: “we’ll have the meeting in ten minutes, i’m still not done here.”
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As a pleasure dom nothing feels better than watching her mind slip into sub space from all the twisted things you’re doing to her body. You’re telling me I’m pleasing, giving, and doing everything I can that your pathetic little mind has gone blank? Awww look at my little non verbal slut shaking on the bed after cumming on my fingers for the fifth time in a row. Not a thought behind those beautiful eyes rolled back in pleasure.
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Pretty much as soon as I started university I joined the LGBT+ society and soon had a close knit group of queer friends ♥️ I was 19 and still figuring shit out but I knew that a. I am a dyke and b. a dominant top. My urges were always so strong. Some months into my first year I was out one evening with this group of friends. There was sexual tension between most of us honestly, it was so freeing to be openly out with a bunch of other gays your age and far from home with access to your own private space. This particular evening as everyone else went home or moved on I was, somewhat intentionally, left alone with one particular girl with whom there had been some blatant flirting for some time now and this night we got to explore it further. We had a few drinks, went for a walk and ended up back at her shared house. We chatted and chilled and made out until 4am and then decided to retire. She suggested I sleep in her bed but also offered a spare room. I was torn between wanting to fuck this girl and knowing we were probably still inebriated and it was an ungodly hour already. I told her I would take the spare room somewhat reluctantly and off we went to our rooms. I probably tossed and turned for an hour before I crept across the hallway and gently knocked on her door. I was relieved that she replied and was also still awake. I sat down on the bed next to where she lay and asked if I could touch her. She nodded and said I could, her eyes wide as though she could not believe this was happening. I slid my hand down her pyjama bottoms to find her soft downy pussy, so slick wet and ready for me. I groaned as my fingers found their way between her lips, leaning forward to kiss her as I did. Climbing on top of her and pushing up her top so I could play with her nipples as my fingers made quick work of her throbbing clit. All the while her face shone with the unexpected joy of the moment. She reached to touch me but I shook my head and placed her hands above her head. This was what I needed, not to be touched, but to draw her moans from her, to bring her to orgasm, to hear her pleasure fill my ears. So she relaxed back into my touches. My tongue and mouth alternating between her neck, lips and nipples as my fingers rubbed and pinched and flicked at her clit, occasionally slipping inside her for more of her juices as lube. She came like this as I feverishly worked on her, knowing just how to bring her to the precipice and take her over into pure carnal joy. I kissed her as she did stifling her cries with my own mouth and afterwards we cuddled in her glow both falling asleep contentedly.
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(To listen to these ensure your settings allow content for mature audiences.)
Cumming before work
Suck the strap
So pretty when you're needy
Can't wait to get you home
Starting off sweet
Cockwarming Mommy
Mommy's home
Play for Mommy
Mommy's lap
Pleasing Mommy
I want to roll over this morning
You say you want to brat
Play with yourself for my entertainment
Nanny cams
Learning how to make you squirt
Affirmations for Doms
Rubbing the tip of my lubed strap
I would love to lie between your legs
Laying in bed reading
Baby gay at work pt 3
I am very physical sweet boy
I cannot get enough of the way you arch
Bedtime stories 1
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