crystallariumfr · 3 years
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happy NOTN!! I made a transparent lineart of a sweet lil noc you can colour in yourself! Feel free to add your name, just don’t delete mine. :) It’s small enough to fit in dragon bios! 
(if you put it in a bio, link back to this page so other people can colour one as well!)
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crystallariumfr · 3 years
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Why are emperor dragons so dangerous?
Mostly because of the three dozen Very Sharp And Pointy pins holding all their parts together.
I’ll be doing a giveaway for this plushie after it’s finished, over on Flightrising. The pattern to make your own plush undead monstrosity will also be available in a few days! The instructions/walkthrough will be in the art forum on FR, taking over the thread where you could watch my progress on drafting the pattern and sewing it.
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crystallariumfr · 4 years
Saw the accent available and immediately needed it, another project complete!
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Reaper Moth is in!
Well. This M veil accent will only have these 10 copies, 2 of which are already reserved, so if you want one you’ll be wanting to nab it off AH very quickly.
This one was designed to work with Diaph so that’s fun.
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crystallariumfr · 4 years
In a lot of cases, primal eyes are seen as a rare blessing, but I imagine it would be a curse in a lot of ways, too.
Say you’re a shadow primal.  Your eyes never stop dripping; the ichor gets everywhere, staining your clothes and making your floors slick.  You spend all day cleaning, and it still isn’t enough.  You wake up in a puddle of purple sludge every morning–that is, if you ever sleep.  Sometimes, the magic makes it hard for you to even shut your eyes.
Say you’re a fire primal.  Your eyes burn anything–and anyone–that gets too close to you.  You live in a house of the strongest stone, because every piece of wood or paper or cloth you’ve ever tried to own has burnt at some point or another.  Char marks trail across the ceiling; the air smells like smoke.  Your tears are almost hotter than lava, and they can burn holes in anything–even stone, as you know too well.  The floor is littered in pockmarks.  You have no comfort.
Say you’re a light primal.  You cannot see; how can the sunlight possibly enter your eyes?  You cannot enjoy the radiant beauty of your goddess; the only thing you can see are shadows.  And how quickly do they disappear when you approach?  You hold everything at a distance.
Say you’re a water primal.  It didn’t seem so bad at first; it’s only water, after all!  But water flows even faster than a shadow primal’s sludge, and can fill a space quite assuredly.  You sleep in lakes to avoid flooding your den; you read from stone tablets because any book or scroll you grab is soaked the moment you touch it, the ink bleeding freely.  You scream half-seen bits of prophecies whenever you dream, even now.  The Tidelord has forgotten everyone, it seems, but somehow, he hasn’t forgotten you.  It was his blessing, after all.
Say you’re an arcane primal.  The runes on your face were never natural; no part of you really is.  They burned themselves into your scales, a unique pattern of pain that never really stops–because you’re exuding magic every moment.  All around you, strange things happen.  Nonsensical runes line the walls of your cave, glowing ethereally and taunting you with their vagueness.  Crystals form where you least expect them; any time you turn around, you can be certain to find a fuzzy swath of them.  Items float when you look at them, sometimes.  You’ve broken more glassware than you could ever dream of counting.
Say you’re a lightning primal.  Your eyes snap and spark, lashing out at the world.  Your clan knows well to keep you away from the circuitry; one wrong look could fry a whole grid of lights.  You have no control over the bolts that dance around your eyes, and they strike on their own pleasure.  And they hurt–not you, but others.  It takes a sturdy dragon to keep your company, or a suit of rubber.  And you know well just how difficult electrical fires are to quench.
Say you’re a nature primal.  Of the batch, you seem quite tame, but to have a living thing embedded in your face is no easy task.  It needs water and sun and careful tending; it drinks your blood and tears, and you can feel when it’s failing to thrive.  Every fallen petal hurts like a blow to the gut, a little more of your power drifting away out of exhausted negligence.  Gladekeeper forbid if you were to ever let it wilt.  Roots drift in your veins, and flowers bloom at your every step–sometimes tethering you in place.
Say you’re an earth primal.  Your danger doesn’t come from within; rather, from without.  Precious gems encircle your eyes; your tears are diamonds and sapphires and other precious stones.  You’ve been hurt so many times for nothing but profit; so many friends have ulterior motives.  All the Earthshaker ever wanted was to bring his children together, but this was not the way to do it.  You have a hard heart and a skeptical eye, now; you cannot trust.
Say you’re an ice primal.  The snowflakes around your eyes never really melt; they flutter and fall and freeze holes wherever they like.  It takes strong concentration to keep them in place, to keep them from doing harm–either to the world you inhabit or the creatures around you.  Often, they dance around your eyes and obscure your vision.  Your touch leaves frost, even in the heart of the Ashfall Waste.  You are paranoid.
Say you’re a wind primal.  The breeze follows you wherever you go; its gusty presence is felt whenever you enter the room.  One wrong thought could send a dragon sprawling; a fit of anger could fell a forest.  You can feel yourself becoming deaf, the wind’s constant howls wearing slowly at your ears.
Say you’re a plague primal.  You cannot blink; your dozen eyes are ever open, the blobby scar tissue on your face refusing to shut over them.  Outside the humidity of the Wasteland, they become terribly dry; it hurts to be out in the sun.  Disease follows you, striking when you least expect it.  You are immune, but your companions are not.  Too often, you can do nothing to help.
Just an idea I had.  I imagine that magic helps in many cases, but some of these things are quite impractical, no?  Feel free to use these as lore prompts if you’d like, or add on to them with your own thoughts.  I’d love to see!
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crystallariumfr · 4 years
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play me a tune mr harp man
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crystallariumfr · 4 years
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Spiral Serpents: Sketchin’ out a possible additional dragon species for Flight Rising. It would be awesome to launch with a few more available.
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crystallariumfr · 4 years
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Absolutely love the new apparel, instantly made me think of The Divine Beast Vah Rudania!
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crystallariumfr · 4 years
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crystallariumfr · 5 years
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I am thriving messing around with the new apparel
some looks I never knew I needed until now.
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crystallariumfr · 5 years
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Have you heard what the buzz is all about? Insects are swarming across Sornieth, and bug-loving dragons everywhere are taking advantage of it! https://bit.ly/3aVb3DH
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crystallariumfr · 5 years
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Smoke Banners that I never posted here, at least, not in the fulll color variety besides the six above.
Please link back to the post if you use them..!
More under the cut!
Keep reading
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crystallariumfr · 5 years
Oh if you sell/auction can I get a ping? I LOVE his colors (definitely need him)
crystallarium is my username
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interest check on this smoke / ginger XYY guy I have. I’m not so hot on him anymore but he’s pretty so I might sell him / auction him.
he currently looks like the top left, the rest are scries. if you’re interested lemme know or shoot me an offer??? I have No Idea
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crystallariumfr · 5 years
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Full metal alchemist!
(full metal alchemist)
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crystallariumfr · 5 years
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crystallariumfr · 5 years
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a.c.e._ (arbitrary code execution) up for sale in the AH!
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crystallariumfr · 5 years
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Fiona is done! She has an affinity for bringing animals with her other than familiars. Her colors aren't a 100% match but I love her to pieces!
Accent made by shroudrat
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crystallariumfr · 5 years
Ah yes, the Shadow Flight's single most prized possessions...
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