cryssi7 · 12 days
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Finally, you'll be in the right age bracket.
Epilogue Part 1 First < Previous Episode > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50, Ep 51, Ep 52, Ep 53
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cryssi7 · 14 days
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cryssi7 · 15 days
fake relationship but its a king and his concubine that was once an amazing soldier but he couldn’t go up the ranks for whatever reason so the king was like listen. hear me out. you can be my strategy dude. u just gotta be okay w walking around shirtless a lot. and soldier dude is like man that’s an UPSIDE and yknow they end up falling in love
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cryssi7 · 16 days
How To Find Penelope and Callisto:
Cedric: *looks around*
Cedric: This calls for desperate measures.
Cedric: *cups his hands around his mouth* CALLISTO SUCKS!
Cedric: There they are.
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cryssi7 · 16 days
Eckhart siblings dynamic
Yvonne: *poking Penelope's cheek* Penny? Hey Penny?
Penelope: What...?! *Literally just woke up in the middle of the night*
Yvonne: I had a nightmare...
Penelope: And how the f*ck is that my problem??
Yvonne: Can I sleep with you? Please?
Penelope: ...
*Agressive knocking on Reynold's door*
Penelope: Reynold open the f*ck up!!
Reynald: Is literally three in the morning, what the f*ck do you wan—
Penelope and Yvonne: *holding hands while both having a pillow under their arms and a blanket in their hands*
Reynald: ....
Penelope: Your sister had a nightmare and if I have to deal with her bullshit you have to deal with her bullshit too *already shoving Yvonne into his bed*
Reynald: Derrick wake up! *violently shaking him*
Derrick:: Reynold Eckhart, what on earth do you wan—?! *Sees Yvonne holding into Reynold's sleeve while also holding Penelope's hand* ...
Reynald: Yvonne had a nightmare and decided do bring Penelope along, so now is your problem too
Derrick: I can't deal with this right now...
Derrick: Father, wake up *lightly shaking the Duke*
Duke: Derrick what—
*All of his grown ass children holding each other hands or sleeves and kind of swinging due to being sleepy*
Duke: I have... I have so many questions...
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cryssi7 · 26 days
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cryssi7 · 1 month
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Pull up a chair and let Leander take care of you 🍻
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cryssi7 · 2 months
The funny thing with Childe and the Traveler (this is not chilumi-specific) is that they share the trauma of family estrangement except that they are on the opposite sides of the same scenario.
So they both represent what the other wanted from their families and never got.
The Traveler gets an example that a family member can be changed by the Abyss and still stick around. Meanwhile Childe gets an example that family can still follow and pester someone after they've changed.
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cryssi7 · 2 months
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So the hunt is on.
Episode 53 Part 22 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50, Ep 51, Ep 52
Now will the people in my inbox STOP ASKING ABOUT CHAT GETTING AN UPGRADE?!
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cryssi7 · 2 months
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cryssi7 · 2 months
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It's mermay time to bring this chilumi back😌💙
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cryssi7 · 2 months
thinking about some angst scenarios… your immortal or otherwise long-lived faves, cherishing you for the brief moment that you are theirs and never again being that happy. chasing the memory of you in other people; whispering your name into hair a shade or two darker, tracing a pattern of freckles on unblemished skin and wishing. keeping things because your mouth touched the rim of that bottle, your bare feet scrunched into that sand, going over their memories of you in their head for fear one day they will not recall the cadence of your voice quite right.
your devoted, knightly fave - and the secrets they keep from you. the way you ask about their day and the shutters go down over their eyes, guarded. they love you, and that is why they keep you at arm’s length from the truth of their lives (the bloodshed, the manipulation, the behind-the-scenes machinations that serve to keep you safe) - but it is all to easy for you to mistake their care as callousness. for you to begin to wonder if they keep their lips pressed closed because there is another, and they are simply too kind to tell you. this fave is too much of a statue for you to understand, their kindliness gone out behind their principles - and the day you leave and they come home to an empty house with only the barest whisper of your fragrance in the air, they weep over the ring burning a hole in their pocket.
the one that got away. the childhood love, or the tumble in the sheets the night before you almost died - the one who you come back to, alone in bed. it couldn’t have worked; you know that. too many tangled webs, too many pulls of fate conspiring to keep you apart. the one whose destiny is a different path; the one who will do great things, whilst you will merely exist. the one who you daydream about accompanying on their adventures, keeping your memories of their embrace held close to your chest, even as you settle for a nice respectable match and live out your ordinary existence.
the one who is on the Other Side; the bittersweet knowledge of knowing they are alive, but also knowing that their continued ability to draw breath is a problem you will be called upon to deal with. the one who you want to kiss when you hold a blade against their throat (what is death, at your hands, than simply the biggest declaration of your love?). the one who you hold as they bleed out and wish you could hold whilst you kept them together. the one who kisses you messy and blood-stained and whispers against your lips that they’re glad it was you.
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cryssi7 · 2 months
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What If…
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cryssi7 · 3 months
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Do you Belieeeeeeve~ In the PO-WER of LOVE?!
Episode 53 Part 10 First < Previous > Next Season 1, Season 2, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5 Ep 41, Ep 42, Ep 43, Ep 44 Ep 45, Ep 46, Ep 47, Ep 48, Intermission, Ep 49, Ep 50, Ep 51, Ep 52
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cryssi7 · 3 months
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Short comic I drew for an Aebether zine
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cryssi7 · 3 months
Would Eda be afraid of the IRS?
From the most recent Owl House Voice Actor panel
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cryssi7 · 3 months
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summer ittolumi + bonus scaramona 🏖️
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