cryptidcrying 4 years
in spirit with the spoopy times may i present to you
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the Dracula parrot
it eats figs and makes a screeching noise
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cryptidcrying 4 years
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ib: @freelancecryptid i wanted to share your VERY important message
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cryptidcrying 4 years
Is your child texting about cryptids?
lol = love of lochness
btw = bigfoot travels west
lmao = love mothman and ogopogo
idc- i dream of cryptids
smh = stupid monster hunters
ily- i love yetis
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cryptidcrying 4 years
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a little motivational mothman to brighten your day! (he鈥檚 also going up on redbubble today if you鈥檙e into that)
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cryptidcrying 4 years
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full header photo btw
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