cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
[[I'd like to formally apologize for ditching an entire blog and putting this one on mini hiatus. I'll have your replies, don't you worry. It's just turning out that I'm more excited for my Wheatley blog than I anticipated. If I don't get you some replies by tonight, please feel free to attack me.
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
[[Do I owe replies, here? Do I? Eh, let me know if I do. I'm really feeling in a Wheatley mood right now, I'm hopping over there. Still got some blogs to follow from this one, sorry if I miss you. I'll remember eventually - especially if you remind me.
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
It took a minute to process. She was going to have to learn how to communicate without hearing. She thought she heard a "don't mind" in there somewhere, so... Her would do. It would have to. The gesture, though, that was more clear. Probably. She was asking how long she's been in the facility, right?
But know that she'd thought about it, she didn't really know. It had been a while, at least, but how long ago did the plants start growing? A pang of guilt struck her when it really didn't need to. She shouldn't feel bad about it, she just didn't know. All that happened was a question she couldn't answer. Just tell her that. Still, it was a shame she couldn't be more helpful.
"Hm. Probably... a while. Time gets away from you while you're stuck in a human ice box." Well, at least she wasn't lying, so bonus points for that. Good job, Brynn, good job. Didn't really help further the conversation, though. Honestly, there wasn't a point to keep talking, other than the fact that she'd probably never see a human face again. How long until the fish ran out, huh?
Oh well. Make the most out of what you can, she supposed. Not much else to do in a place like this, why not make a friend? Now, where did she leave her people skills? She shrugged awkwardly, not quite sure how to keep it going here. "I'm a bit lost here, I guess. Memory isn't what I'm hoping it used to be. Chunks missing here and there - where exactly are we?"
Chell cast a cursory glance towards her long-fall boots, apparently the curve on which she passed the other’s litmus test, before rounding a steely gaze back towards her newfound counterpart. 
She was young, though carried her age as though each day day had wrought a lifetime of suffering. Scars and bruises pockmarked her exposed skin, while dirt and stains of an indistinguishable source lay deeply-seated in the fibers of her issued uniform. Her complexion—pale and gaunt— gave a fair guess as to how long she’d been ghosting around the facility. Like Chell, she was both physically weathered and brazened by the trials it took merely to prolong your life another hour. Unlike Chell, however, the cast of her eye held something more; something other that existed beyond the primal instinct to stay alive. Her body would adapt to climate Aperture’s storms, but her mind seem much less inclined to forsake itself. 
As she’d said, Chell was a test subject. She, on the other hand, was a human being. 
The question caught her off-guard. The whole of her experience in the facility had never once required her name to be brought to light, and that’s exactly how she planned to keep it. 
A small crackle bubbled up in her throat and, not without effort, she replied, “— I don’t mind ‘her’.” A solemn glance at their surroundings. “How long…?" She made a sweeping hand gesture at the dilapidation, as though their mutual imprisonment could be twisted into water-cooler-esque conversation. 
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
[[Alright, finished up here. Take a look at the blog if you want. Or don’t, that’s good too. I don’t like the theme much, but it’ll do for now. I’ll probably edit it in the morning.
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
[[Should be making replies, but instead I'm coding a blog I probably will abandon in a day.
Feel free to slap me any time now.
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
[[Oops my hand slipped
I'm so sorry I need to stop making blogs but the Wheatley muse calls
Not actually done yet. Haven't even bothered to find a theme for it. Working on that. I'm a terrible person, don't judge me.
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
[[Sometimes I debate just making a Wheatley blog for the heck of it. I feel like I could do a decent job at it. Especially since I keep reading just about evERYTHING in his voice and I think I'm trying to tell myself something.
Nat stop making blogs you're not going to use
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
[[okaY I'M NOT INSANE. Tumblr just screwed up. Good thing I didn't make any replies then. If anyone responded to me, it seems that anything posted during the meltdown won't show up on my dash. I'm checking who I can remember, but please let me know so I don't miss you, thanks.
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
[[Okay seriously wtf is wrong with my dash, guys? Is it just me? Are you guys seeing this? Someone fill me in, here, because I don't think anything is updating.
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
[[Family is over for my mom's birthday, sorry I didn't get the chance to say it earlier.
jumpsuitedmonster I'll get to your reply when I've got time, sorry
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
Little x symbol
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
(( ✗ ;) ))
[[Oh okay, I see how it is xD
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
[[Anon, why don’t you show your face? Hiding something, are we? Hm?
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
If the mun gets 5 ✗ they'll post a mun photo.
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
[[Just sort of sitting here, watching all these people like "GUYS IM JUST LIKE 20 AWAY FROM 200 FOLLOWERS" and I literally have 58 on my most successful blog.
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cryogenicallyfrozen · 10 years
Notes to self: Get confidence, find people to roleplay with, give book back to friend, find iPod, clean something.
Notes to friend: Hey I have your book and also I can't find my iPod or my phone so just shoot me asks instead.
Notes to... everyone else: Anyone wanna roleplay? >_>
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