8 posts
My very personal vent blog :///
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cru3ty-sh1g11 · 4 years ago
If your child spends every second they're around wishing they were not, dreaming about being somewhere better, then you're the one who failed not them.
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cru3ty-sh1g11 · 4 years ago
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cru3ty-sh1g11 · 4 years ago
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i never asked to grow up so fast
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cru3ty-sh1g11 · 4 years ago
I'm sick to my stomach because were behind on bills again, my paycheck can cover it but then we'd have no groceries and money for anything else. Half goes to rent and then the other half goes to electric. Doesn't help mom wont get her licence so the car gets towed alot and that costs a couple hundred too.
I cant save any money to leave this fucking house, I wanna cry. I cant even buy a car. Mom still cant get a job and barely puts in any effort to get one. I cant keep supporting us financially when she spends whatever is left of the money and yells at me when she cant spend any of it. I'm falling apart trying to keep us afloat. Then she had her hospital bill she refuses to pay and wont fill out the paperwork to get medical coverage to help with the costs.
I started a new job to get more money but its father away and she screams at me over the fact she has to take me everyday. She got so angry when I expected her to take me. Sorey I expected you to take me when I'm the only one paying the bills. I'm not going to pay her to take me when I already pay over 300 dollars to get the car back everytime it gets towed. I've paid well over 2000 dollars by now just for the damn car but she refuses to get rid of it or get it registered to fix the issue.
I'm struggling to keep up with everything financially and really am thinking that being homeless would be better than this shit. The only reason I havent left is because the cats would be in danger if I left, I love them so much and dont want anything to happen to them. I just feel so stuck. I dont know what to do anymore.
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cru3ty-sh1g11 · 4 years ago
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cru3ty-sh1g11 · 4 years ago
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cru3ty-sh1g11 · 4 years ago
Maybe we live in filth because you keep bringing garbage into the house. This house was so nice till your hoarder tendencies showed up again. We could have lived normally. I could have brought people home for once in my life without of shame but you have to ruin everything nice that we ever have. You ruin everything...
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cru3ty-sh1g11 · 4 years ago
If I wasn't holding a cat in my arms I would have grabbed a kitchen knife and stabbed you in the throat right there just to get rid of you. You hurt me so much I hate you, I dont wanna live here anymore. I hate that killing you is one of the better options to stop you from hurting me.
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