Cole Ryuu
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crttyt67 · 1 year ago
The fearsome being was not impressed by the 9 that stand before it, each of them already hurt from some previous fight, and now attempt to stand before it’s might. This being is a black dragon with devilish horns, it’s entire body covered in black scales. It’s chest has a metal covering, formed from the hunters it has melted onto itself, mocking the hunters that believed could kill it. With 4 legs, gigantic wings, and a long neck and tail, the being towers over the 9 hylians as they called themselves. The being did not care what they called themselves, “heroes”, “adventurers”, “survivors “, in the end, they were all hunters. The boy, the smallest of them with a mere sword with an hourglass on it could be so easily crushed by it that it wouldn’t even be worth adding him to his metal chest covering. There were some that might be worth the attention needed to add them in, the one with the many strange items, the one-eyed one with the giant sword, the one who seems to have a weapon of every kind, but the one it is most keen on is the one with the sword with the bluish-purple hilt. There is a strange presence in the sword, slowly fading away but still filled with utter hate, how it would relish in adding it in. But that is for later, for now, it would lick its lips in anticipation for the slaughter that is to follow, for it is Fatalis, the wyvern of destiny. Fatalis, the wyvern of destruction. Fatalis, the destroyer of castle schrade. Fatalis, history itself, and history always chooses the victor.
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crttyt67 · 2 years ago
When the chain had first had their chance encounter with Hitomi, they were pretty happy as they now finally had someone they go could to for knowledge on these creatures they kept encountering, which Hitomi said were called monsters. Now though, while her knowledge is still extremely helpful, they wonder if her becoming good friends with Wild was a bad thing, of course Wild isn’t the only one who made good friends with her. She surprisingly got into a pretty quick friendship with Four, as it turned out she made her own gear and happily showed Four the process of how she turned monster materials into weapons and armor, however it quickly became clear some of them needed supervision when using them. The first time this realization was made was with Wild, unsurprisingly.
“What? It wasn’t that bad.” Wild said, in bandages as he is currently sitting on the ground with his back on a tree.
“Wild,” Time started. “You were launching yourself around with that gunlance Hitomi made for you, then you launched yourself into a mountain, fell right on top of a Lynel and then decided it was a marvelous idea to unleash everything the weapon had at the Lynel, while you were still on top of it. You’re lucky you only got a few broken bones.”
“Well it’s dead isn’t it? Besides Hitomi does that kind of stuff all the time!” Wild points out.
“And she wears armor when she does that.” Time also points out.
The second person to be supervised however, was surprisingly Sky, after being careless with an insect glaive.
“Sky, I know you love being in the air,” Hitomi starts off, “but you can’t be carelessly launching yourself through the air with that insect glaive like that, or next time you might end up landing on a monster completely unprepared!”
“I landed in water I’m fine, besides I’d do it again anyway!” Sky would declare, having had too much fun with the weapon.
However, the person they didn’t expect to be worse than them with the weapons was Hitomi, and sadly they couldn’t supervise her cause she quite obviously knew what she was doing.
“Are you sure this is going to work Hitomi?” Wind would ask her with concern on his face, as right now she has goddess knows how many explosives under her, with the shield from her gunlance and her armor being the only protecting her.
“Absolutely! I need to reach the Sky Island with the Rajang on it before Wild does and this is the best way!” Hitomi would shout out.
“How did it even get up there-“ Wind starts.
“No time for that, light the fuse!” Hitomi immediately interrupts.
“Alright then…” Wind would sigh a bit after as he lights the fuse on one of the barrel bombs and immediately backs away, Hitomi soon going upwards like a firework and then using her gunlance to launch herself forward towards the sky island.
“…Hyrule will never be safe again.” Time would state, as soon after a 3-way battle between the Rajang, Wild, and Hitomi commences, explosions and beams of lightning being visible from where they stood. The Rajang sadly never stood a chance.
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crttyt67 · 2 years ago
When the chain first found out that Wild had befriended a third creature, they were just glad this one didn’t cause explosions, now they weren’t so sure that was a good thing anymore, as it is currently slamming a guardian around like it was nothing. The creature was like an insanely muscular monkey with black fur except at the top, where it’s fur was a golden yellow. It also has 2 black horns on the side of its head and a cow like tail.
“Wild,” Time would begin to say, “why is this creature-“
“His name is Bolt.” Wild quickly interrupts.
“…Why is Bolt currently slamming a guardian around?” Time would finish.
“Well at first me and Bolt were just walking around some when one of the guardians suddenly reactivated and fired at Bolt!”
“Wait but he doesn’t look hurt at all…” Hyrule would remark, cause if anything Bolt was just pissed as all hell.
“I was surprised too! Anyway after the smoke cleared, part of his fur turned yellow as he roared and then charge at it, and it started slamming it around” Wild would state, Bolt still slamming the guardian around with rage in his eyes.
“Has the guardian shut down already…? It hasn’t tried to defend itself.” Sky would state, curious as to why it has made no attempts to defend itself.
“I think so, I mean Bolt did fire a giant beam of electricity at-“
“WAIT HE FIRED WHAT?!” Wind immediately shouts out, hurting Warrior’s ears as he happened to be just a bit too close.
“Cub, question, how long has Bolt been slamming it around…?” Twilight asks, cause the guardian already looks damaged as hell.
“For about an hour” Wild answers, the chain being shocked that Bolt was THAT pissed. After about another hour, in which Legend definitely enjoyed watching the guardian get destroyed because guardians suck to fight, the guardian was completely destroyed say the leg Bolt held onto in order to slam it around…which he then immediately breaks into 2 pieces.
“…We must never piss Bolt off, for our sakes.” Warriors would state, worried on how far anger would make Bolt go. And the entire chain agrees, too bad for the guardians that they couldn’t hear this.
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crttyt67 · 2 years ago
Already the day wasn’t exactly great, first Wild had somehow befriended another creature which on it’s own wasn’t really bad….that was until the others found out it can also cause explosions. The creature was composed entirely of some kind of hard material with a blue coloration, with green patches of fungus of some kind on its hands and head, though the hands seem to be more like nubs with the head having something similar giving it a pretty nasty headbutt. This fungus was also on it’s tail, which looked like a bomb that had exploded without destroying the entire shell. The others only found out later on that the fungus was in fact explosive when Sky made the mistake of getting too close and, through some testing by Flora, it was found that the creature’s saliva sped up growth of the fungus and that it exploded when heated up, with it’s breath being able to cause the fungus to explode if needed, however this isn’t why the day has gone bad. No the reason the day has gone back is that they were ambushed by 2 infected lynels and most of them were injured, unable to effectively fight the lynels. The only reason they’re still alive is thanks to Wild getting them on the creature and having it run, however the lynels were following them still, all the way into the cave the creature went to, what seemed to be it’s nest in the Eldin region. Without a second thought, the creature got them to higher ground as it stared down the 2 lynels, intruders of the place it calls it’s home, and begins to punch the ground repeatedly, gathering the fungus in a giant pile.
“Does anyone have an idea on what the hell this thing is doing?” Legend would ask, he has an arrow in his leg right now, luckily it didn’t hit an important vein though it does take him out of the fight.
“Your guess is as good as mine…” Time would remark, also confused as to what the creature is doing as with a mighty roar, it would punch the ground one final time, sending the fungus all over it’s nest, and now the creature looked slightly different, with it streaming and the fungus barely on it’s body anymore. However what the chain and the lynels would notice quite quickly is that the fungus is behaving differently, it isn’t immediately exploding like it usually does, instead staying on the ground, slowly spreading and surrounding the lynels. The 2 infected lynels would realize the threat as they look at the exit only to find it is now blocked with rubble from the explosive emergence of the fungus, they were trapped, and the only way anyone would leave, is if the other side was dead, as the creature readied itself to roar.
“Wait…oh shit get down!” Wild quickly shouts as everyone gets down and does their best to protect their injured bodies as with a defiant roar, the entire nest would be heated to it’s breaking point, causing all the fungus to explode, enveloping both the lynels, and the creature itself. The chain was thankfully safe in their elevated position, however they couldn’t see the creature anywhere in the smoke.
“Do you think it…” Wind would start to say when the smoke cleared, revealing the creature still alive, but now injured as well, it’s body normally able to handle the fungus being pushed to it’s limit due to the fungus becoming much more volatile.
“It cares as little about it’s own safety as you cub.” Twilight would point out as the creature slowly went over to the group, Wild hugging it some as it had saved them from possible death, and happy it didn’t take itself with them.
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crttyt67 · 2 years ago
They do not know how Wild found these creatures or how he even befriended them, but they were majorly concerned by them. Time was currently staring at an insanely muscular monkey, it’s fur black except at the top of its body, with that part being a golden yellow. The creature would also have 2 large black horns on the side of its head and a tail similar to a cow, however what was more concerning was that it was currently slamming a guardian around, who dared to have the audacity to fire its laser at the creature, which seemed to just piss it off more than anything else. Meanwhile Rulie was staring at a large creature with no arms and only 2 legs, a large body with wings and a large tail to serve as a counterbalance. The creature had a whitish body with some red spots on the head, however the more concerning features were under its head and tail, unique scales different from those that littered it’s body which were shown to be explosive, a monster camp having found out the hard way after one of the lookouts fired an arrow at it. Wind was looking at another large creature with 2 legs, a large body, and a long tail for counterbalance though this one had no wings and it had small arms which seemed to be basically useless. There were spikes going along it’s body starting from the head, following its spine, and then reaching the tail, where they would be all over it. The chin and top lip would have what looked like extra teeth on it and it would have a crazed look fueled by hunger in its eyes, currently attempting to eat a still living golden lynel whose only crime was existing and attempt to shoot an arrow at it. Finally Twilight was looking at 1 final creature of identical body structure to the one Wind is looking at. However this one has what looked like horns all over it’s body and it’s tail is shaped like a sword, and he swears he had seen it sharpen it’s tail with it’s teeth, and it was currently using it’s tail to cut down some trees in a forest at the request of Wild.
“I should be the last one to ever say this,” Legend would start to say, “but Hylia help us.”
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