crownundesired · 5 years
this blog is moving to @1000voicesrising!!!
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crownundesired · 5 years
Reblog if you are a Star Wars roleplayer
OCs Welcome
Other Lists: All Star Wars & Old Republic & Prequel Trilogy & Imperial Era & Original Trilogy & Sequel Trilogy & EU Books
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crownundesired · 5 years
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Deborah Ann Woll by Irvin Rivera | A Book Of Magazine (November 2019)
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crownundesired · 5 years
Send “You could’ve been killed”
for your muse to scold mine for doing something dangerous!
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crownundesired · 5 years
Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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crownundesired · 5 years
This blog is friendly and welcoming!!
Reblog to tell all the anxious RPer’s that
You don’t have to hide away and imagine asking me to RP. Just HOP INTO MY INBOX, MY MESSAGES, REBLOG AN IC POST, i will be happy to interact with you!!
This blog Loves New RP Partners and Happily Invites Them to interact with me!
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crownundesired · 5 years
Star Wars EU/Legends Quote Starters - Organa-Solo Family Edition
( 104 quotes in total, extending below the readmore )
❝ If you lie to us, we’ll know it. ❞    ❝ Since when did a Corellian ever care about odds? ❞  ❝ You can embrace our foes if you like. I’m going to knock them down. ❞    ❝ Don’t make the mistake I did, don’t let anyone push you into that. ❞  ❝ No, don’t gush on so. It was nothing, really. ❞      ❝ No one is of no consequence. ❞  ❝ But I’ve almost got it working! ❞  ❝ Well, I don’t think it’s so strange that you had a dream with me in it. ❞  ❝ Do you think something’s wrong? ❞  ❝ Sometimes, when I don’t plan it, something I do hurts somebody. ❞  ❝ Following our destiny is a pretty romantic notion. ❞  ❝ I want you to know you can trust me. ❞  ❝ I’ll remember what you said about vengeance…but they’ve made this war personal.  ❞  ❝ You want me to move?  Come on and move me! ❞  ❝ Everybody gets a nasty surprise someday, I’d rather get it standing up than lying down. ❞  ❝ Sneaky?  Not me.  I’m not sneaky. ❞  ❝ I may be young, but I’m not stupid. ❞  ❝ Good thing some mistakes can’t be repeated. ❞  ❝ I don’t plan to die. ❞  ❝ It’s not a lie, ___.  You are my best friend. I love you. ❞  ❝ I’m going to get you out of this. Believe me. ❞  ❝ What’s it going to take to bring you over to our side, anyway? ❞  ❝ Don’t ever, ever say that. Someone important might hear you. ❞  ❝ Have you ever given a straight answer in your life?❞  ❝ I didn’t have time to come up with any new tricks.❞  ❝ Be bold… be creative! You know… lie! ❞  ❝ Nobody ends up living their lives the way they expect. ❞  ❝ It’s nice to feel wanted. ❞  ❝ If he’s such a great Jedi, how come I have to keep rescuing him? ❞  ❝ I’m a team player. As long as the rest of the team stays behind me. ❞  ❝ I swear, I hate having a good reputation. I hate it. ❞  ❝ Let me find my pants first. ❞  ❝ Why can we never just sit down and have a decent meal anywhere in the galaxy? ❞  ❝ Aw, come on. You know you love us. ❞  ❝ I’m not here to fix the galaxy. I just want to fix a corner of it here and there. ❞  ❝ I never explain myself. It’s a bad habit. ❞  ❝ If I were you, I’d start rethinking my loyalties. ❞  ❝ Save me, ____. You’re my only hope.❞  ❝ I’m going to grow a beard, just in case. ❞  ❝ Hang on, I’m trying to figure out these weird knobs and switches… ❞  ❝ You don’t have a plan?! You don’t have a plan. No one ever has a plan. Why does no one ever have a plan? ❞ 
Keep reading
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crownundesired · 6 years
Reblog if you RP using Discord
Message me if you’d like my username.
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crownundesired · 6 years
Reblog if your muse has ever killed someone.
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crownundesired · 7 years
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Masterlist can be found here. In order to be added all you have to do is reblog this post.
When you reblog please include the following information in the tags:
Character name
Whether your muse is a canon character, a character from outside the SW universe with a SW verse, or an OC
If the character is on a multi-muse blog
Any additional important details e.g. if your character is a Dark! variant
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crownundesired · 7 years
“all my grief says the same thing: this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. this isn’t how it’s supposed to be. and the world laughs, holds my hope by the throat. says: but this is how it is”
— Fortesa Latifi  (via ofbombs)
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crownundesired · 7 years
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  With a stubborn lift of his chin, Jacen looked at the stump of her left arm. It made him feel sick, and he wanted to turn away. This was the first time he had really seen her injury. “I… I won’t let you take all the blame. If I’d been letting the Force direct my movements, I would have sensed something was wrong.” He pointed to where her arm ended so abruptly. “And that would never have happened.”
  Tenel Ka’s eyes flashed with smoky gray fire and, using her right arm to hike up her gown to a comfortable thigh level, she plopped onto the cushioned bench. “And had I been using the Force,” she argued, “I would already have known my lightsaber blade was inadequate.”
  “Well, I…” Jacen stopped, unable to dredge up a counterargument to convince his infuriatingly proud friend. “I - -.” He cast about furiously for something else to say and finally finished, “Um, want to hear a joke?”
  His mouth dropped open in amazement as Tenel Ka burst into peals of laughter. He could tell that this was neither polite amusement nor hysteria, but the laughter of enjoyment that sprang from the heart. It was a wonderful sound - one he had wanted to hear since the first day they met.
  “But…” Jacen shook his head in confusion. “I didn’t even tell my joke.”
⇝ Young Jedi Knights: Lightsabers [ released March 1, 1996 ]
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crownundesired · 7 years
‘do u have kinks’ yeah like five in my neck
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crownundesired · 7 years
Even More Drabbles
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crownundesired · 7 years
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+* Fancy Jacen Solo and Tenel Ka Djo!:+*
Commissioned by @hexterah (Check out her cosplays!!)
I can’t even express how much I enjoyed drawing this! :) 。.。:+*
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crownundesired · 7 years
Personality Starters
(as requested by anon)
❝Why do you have to be so stubborn?❞ 
❝I know you better than you know yourself.❞
❝You don’t have to be so rude.❞
❝You’re so dynamic, that’s what I love about you.❞
❝You need to learn to put yourself first.❞
❝Fuck love.❞
❝Well that was brutally honest.❞
❝Perfectionism only ends in disappointment.❞
❝I have to be perfect.❞
❝You don’t have to act so tough.❞
❝Why do you pretend not to care?❞
❝Don’t you believe in me?❞
❝I don’t think you’re as apathetic as you think you are.❞
❝I love your zest for life.❞
❝You’re really brave.❞
❝That took a lot of courage. Thanks.❞
❝Life really isn’t as great as you make it out to be.❞
❝Life really isn’t as bad as you make it out to be.❞
❝I don’t understand you.❞
❝You don’t understand me.❞
❝I know you’re only mean because people were mean to you but is this really what you want?❞
❝Your smile is contagious.❞
❝Why are you so self-critical?❞
❝Thanks for trusting me.❞
❝Of course I trust you.❞ 
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crownundesired · 7 years
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“Piece of cake.” “No thank you, I am not hungry.”
[ sketch cards by shea standefer! ♡ ]
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