My fangirl mess of all things I find useful for my survival. Film maker, photographer, simper.
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"He's always craved for his mom's affection. I think he's heartbroken when he says, “Would you not have us prevail?” and she says, “Not like this.”
That's not part of Aemond's vision. When he sent Alicent away in Episode 6, he said, “Look, let me deal with the war. You just wait by the margins and then when I've won this war, we can pick up and work on our relationship.” But the fact that she rebukes him at that moment in Episode 8, he's heartbroken. It's horrible for Aemond to comprehend that his mom isn't on his side."
— Ewan Mitchell
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*scurries in and drops a hunter badbatch art*
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You’re serving? You just killed the Queen Who Never Was and you’re serving

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dolly parton isn’t in star wars
Dolly Parton is the living embodiment of the Force
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Consider: the entire Vox Machina campaign except everyone is wearing giant pink fur coats.
“Faux Pachina” (a beautifully selected name, thanks to @MIHistoryGuy on Twitter)
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The real barbie is Y/n.
Y/n’s a doctor, a cop, a scientist, an agent, vet, hero, villain, astronaut, lawyer, spy, criminal, artist, chef, engineer, psychologist, architect, journalist, firefighter, event planner, mechanic, photographer, musician, actor, interior designer, bartender, fashion designer, barista, florist, forensic scientist, flight attendant, profiler, tour guide, translator, etc.
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i wanna see rex in between these eras. i’m talking scruffy rex, five o’clock shadow rex. why not give this man a patchy salt and pepper beard?? what is stopping us???
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I know we’re all distraught but if you think about it, of course Crosshair had to miss the shot. This is Omega’s final journey and she has to do it alone, just like Luke turning himself over to the Empire in RotJ was something he had to do on his own. But does it even need to be said? She has everything with her that she needs.
She has Tech. And she has the compassion and hope that’s made her a sort of guiding light for the batch this whole time, truly the big sister in a sense. We all know she’s going to do what she always does and try to reach out to the goodness in this person, probably even before she knows who he is, and then believe in him so hard that she’ll be the one saving one of her brothers again.
And I love how much this turn of events is going to push the rest of the squad to fully grow up in a way, too. We saw Omega leave behind Lula, the doll she still treasures but has grown out of, and the Marauder getting destroyed seems just as meaningful in an episode called “Point of No Return” in showing that they have to move on from their past now, too. Tech blowing it up feels like him killing both his mother and his baby. Practically Hunter’s whole identity has become about protecting Omega at all costs and it’s going to be especially difficult for him to deal with this, but I think being able to let that go and accept what Crosshair let her do could finally let the tension that’s always defined their relationship turn into more mature and understanding brotherhood. It’s gonna be so hard to watch but I can’t wait to see everyone challenged in this way.
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Thinking about how Hunter and Crosshair both not only adore Omega but have a deep respect for her as a human being, but they express it completely differently.
Crosshair making the wrong decision in 3x11 is actually the best thing he could’ve done when it comes to his relationship with Omega.
She’s very young but she’s also female and historically speaking, female Star Wars characters aren’t always treated well by their writers. More often than not, their agency is sacrificed for the sake of developing male characters.
Crosshair going along with Omega’s plan, bad idea or not, grants her full autonomy. The show has always respected her in this way, this is just the best and most recent example. Would you realistically let a very small child go off by herself to be held captive by an evil fascist government? No, definitely not. But Crosshair doing this is so important and makes sense narratively. It shows that he not only trusts her completely but also holds her and her ideas in the highest regard. She demonstrates a maturity that even he didn’t immediately exhibit (although no one can blame him for never wanting to go anywhere near the Empire again). She knows this is bigger than her, even though in his mind nothing could possibly matter more than her safety.
Hunter would not have done the same thing as Crosshair, but he also isn’t wrong for it. It’s because he’s never fully experienced what the Empire can do but he has spent more time with Omega and knows what it’s like to be without her. It was unbearable for him and all he’s been fighting for is for her. He chose her over the entire galaxy. That’s his mission now. It’s an entirely different but equally important way of showing her respect. He values her insight and skill, hence why he brings her on missions, but he needs to protect her innocence and keep her safe. He never takes away her choices but he treats her in the way that someone of her age would need to be treated for their own development. He offers her emotional security and a safe space for her to be a kid, which she still is.
The quality of this show is fucking crazy. The way all of these men revolve around Omega and change for the better because of her and express their love in completely different ways is just so beautiful. I will expect this level of care to be put into every single female character in the future. This is the standard now.
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all of my mighty nein chibis! i drew kiri first so that’s why she’s a little different haha
(able to purchase as charms at sadcatjazz @ etsy, images can be used for personal use with credit)
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