crossroadpriestess · 7 years
Protection Methods
A few of my personal methods, and by no means a complete list.
Salt, rosemary, and water wash. Combine salt, rosemary, and water into a large bowl. Visualize protective and cleansing energies entering the bowl. Be specific in what you want to be protected from. Use the wash around your home, especially doorways and windows. Create protective sigils using the wash, if you wish.
Chalk sigils. Draw them on the foundation of your house, sidewalks, underneath floorboards, or in the walls if you’re remodeling your home.
Wards. Used to defend against specific things, and keep them away. ~ Hex signs - circular painted symbols. Different patterns and colors have different meanings, but you can always create your own. ~ Spider houses - specific spaces designated for spiders to live to keep away insects and other creatures that are pests or feed off of energy. I use rocks, boxes, and small flower pots, and draw protective sigils on them. ~ Alerts - sound makers hung outside of the home. They alert you of possible harm, and defend against it. Chimes can be purposed to do this. You can also create your own using various items, such as string, wire, beads, shells, bells, anything you can think of that makes noise.
Witch Ball. Clear balls hung up around the home to capture harmful energy, that can be cleansed.
Witch Jar. Jar filled with broken glass, nails, pins, and whatever you feel will protect you. Seal it with wax and bury it in your yard.
Charm bags. Bags filled with protective herbs and items. If you don’t have sachets or fabric, you can use a coffee filter or paper and string or ribbon. Hang them around the house, in a vehicle, or even carry one with you.
Amulets. An item worn, usually jewelry, purposed to protect you from specific harms, such as illness, jealousy, or unwanted spirits.
Glamours. Glamours are intended to make others see you how you want to be seen, or not seen. They can be as simple as a chant, “I will travel unnoticed,” “I will blend in with my surroundings,” “Others will not see me.” Focus on this energy, and push it out of you to create a barrier.
Energy Shield. Choose an element that you feel connected to, and visualize it creating a protective shield around you. For instance, you might visualize yourself surrounded by fire, waves, lightning storms, or tornadoes.
Protection Candle. Charge a candle with protective energy. Visualize the energy as an egg, growing around the candle, yourself, and your home. Light the candle any time you feel you need added protection.
Ask for help. If you work with spirits, ask them if they’re willing to help protect you.
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
Reblog if you're a Witch with a mental illness
I wanna see that there are others out there like me who struggle with a mental illness and also practise 🔮📿🕯
I wanna know I’m not alone and show you that you’re not alone too! 💞💜
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
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Your feelings are valid. 🌛🔮🌜 #empath #empaths #feels #feelings #healing #healer #wiccan #pagan #blessing #curse #selflove #inspiration #quotes #emotion #emotions #allthefeels
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
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Please reblog to signal boost and spread awareness (image via American Red Cross)
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
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Vintage women being badass. You’re welcome.
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
Reblog if you’re a LGBTQ Witch(or Ally)
Where are you all at? :) Looking to make some friends
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
Two of the kindest people I know are facing a really difficult time right now. Toxic and abusive homophobic people are trying to force them apart via financial strong-arming and threats of violence. If you have anything to give toward their moving expenses, help would be so appreciated -- and even if you don't, please consider sharing this page. They're really sweet people and no one deserves to be treated like this. 😞
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
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“ S H A T T E R-
My Enemies Have No Power Here.”
A powerful sigil to strip power from another to create a safe space.
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
my friends always act like they’re asking some huge burden of me when they ask me to do witchy things for them, but honestly??? I love it??
Like not only to I enjoy having the motivation to actually do magic instead of just blogging about it, but it also brings me one step closer to becoming the crone who lives in the woods who will do spells for you if you give her a shiny rock and a jar
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
Spell Writing Tips for Beginners
Hello Lovelies!
So you’ve decided to write a spell, great! Everyone has the capacity and capability to write a working spell. This is a list of some beginner tips for new spell writers, or for experienced writers who feel they need to go back to the basics.
1. Don’t be afraid of your own style.
Some spells are super flowery with long words and Shakespearian phrases. Some spells require 18 ingredients and 3 days to cast them. Some spells require specific times to cast them and the perfect astrological conditions. Some spells are simple, consisting of a single phrase. Don’t be afraid of your own individual style. A spell written by you, for you, should be a personal experience. Just because your spell doesn’t flow a certain way doesn’t mean it’s “wrong” or won’t work. Spell writing is a form of self expression and each spell will be as individual and unique as the person writing it.
2. Don’t think too much.
Spell writing (for me anyway) is more of a spiritual experience than an intellectual one. I usually sit down with my pen and paper. Then I meditate for a minute thinking about what I want to achieve. Then I just let the words flow out onto the paper, without thinking about what it all means. You can always read it after and make adjustments. If you just sit down and let it happen, you may be surprised by what you come up with!
3. Make your own associations.
Don’t feel like you have to research the meaning of every ingredient or color that you use. I may think red is a color for lust while you see it as a color for anger. Both associations are right. If something doesn’t feel right to you, or you personally feel different about something. It’s ok to use an ingredient in a different way than what is “traditional”.
4 Do research on any ingredients you use.
This may seem contradictory to my last tip, but this time I’m talking about physical properties. Will your gemstone dissolve in water? Is that herb you want to use toxic? Could you have an allergy to that essential oil? It’s important to do your research because some of the ingredients used in spell craft can be very potent. 5. Have fun!
If spell writing is stressing you out, try taking a break and coming back to it later. Whatever energy you have while writing your spell is going to show up in the casting of your spell. If you’re angry while writing a healing spell, it probably won’t work as well as you wanted it to. Don’t get frustrated with yourself. You’re new at this it will take some time. Just have patience with yourself.
I hope these tips are helpful for any new spell writers! Happy writing! -Liz
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
⚡️Repost if you want white supremacists to stop using European pantheons to justify themselves.⚡️
The real benevolent Celtic, Norse, Greek, Roman (and more) deities would never want their names and teachings to be used for hatred. If anything, they want the opposite.
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
Witch Tip
Grapefruit oil is uplifting and relates to Saturn and Earth.
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
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“The old magic and New World created something new. Something original.”  Lady Gaga as Scathach in AHS: Roanoke, 6x04.
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
10 cool rocks you probably didn’t know about
1) lepidolite
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lepidolite is a variety of mica and is typically pink or lavender colored. when tumbled it is extremely glittery – pictures don’t do it justice!
2) ulexite
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ulexite is also called “tv rock” and has a super unique optical effect – when placed over something it displays that image onto the top of the rock. it’s not merely opaque – the fibers within the mineral literally project an image onto the surface of the stone.
3) pietersite
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pietersite has chatoyancy – much like tiger’s eye – that creates movement and shine through the surface of the stone. however, unlike tiger’s eye, pietersite’s chatoyancy is in swirls instead of straight lines. it’s incredible to behold – i recommend looking up pietersite on youtube and checking out videos of it under good lighting.
4) optical calcite/iceland spar
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this type of calcite is actually completely clear, but refracts the light going through it in ways that create rainbows and other neat optical effects. isaac newton himself actually studied this rock to help better understand the nature of light itself & the phenomenon of optical illusions.
5) alexandrite
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alexandrite is a variety of chrysoberyl that exhibits a color change! it changes from a greenish hue to a brilliant red depending on the type of light and the source. the color changes in alexandrite are phenomenal and rarely seen in other stones.
6) spectrolite
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don’t let the image fool you – this stone is actually pure black. the brilliant colors it exhibits are just a flash (it’s actually called labradorescence, which is what the stone labradorite is named for). spectrolite is an uncommon form of labradorite mined only from finland. some varieties of high quality labradorite from madagascar can show a spectrolite play, but nothing is as dark with as brilliant a flash as spectrolite.
7) specular hematite
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specular hematite is a variety of hematite that has a beautiful, glimmering surface especially when polished. much like lepidolite, the shimmer of specular hematite is caused by mica.
8) boulder opal
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boulder opal is ironstone with cracks of brilliant natural opal running through it. these formations are entirely natural. opal has the most brilliant and vibrantly colored flash of any other stone.
9) enhydro quartz
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enhydro quartz is a variety of quartz that was formed with naturally occuring water & air bubbles within them! in some specimens the water bubbles will actually move underneath the surface of the crystal.
10) fire agate
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fire agate is actually a form of chalcedony, and is well known for having a beautiful rainbow effect caused by schiller, rather than flash or labradorescence. 
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
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The planetary correspondence page from my grimoire ☽◯☾
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
Herbal and Plant Listing By Purpose
Balance: basil, chamomile, comfrey, mullein, nettle, woodruff
Blessing: chamomile, dianthus, elder flower, fennel, mint, oats, rosemary, rue. vervain
Cleansing/Purification: avens, Betony, benzoin, burdock, clove, hyssop, lavender, mullein, parsley, pine, rosemary, thyme, vervain, wormwood, yarrow
Consecration: acacia, anise, basil, clover, dragon’s blood, hyssop, lavender, mistletoe, mugwort, nettle, rosemary, rue, sunflower, vervain
Countering Negative Energies: agrimony, avens, fennel, holly, hyssop, motherwort, rowan, rue, vervain
Courage: basil, borage, mullein, rosemary, thyme
Creativity: anise seed, basil, catnip, hawthorn, lavender, St. Johnswort, vervain
Divination: anise seed, basil, bay, cinquefoil, clover, damiana, dittany of Crete, eyebright, honeysuckle, hops, lavender, marigold, moonwort, mugwort, mullein, orange peel, rowan, thyme, vervain, woodruff, wormwood, yarrow
Encourage Change: dragon’s blood, linden, purple heather, woodruff
Energy/Power/Strength: cinquefoil, dragon’s blood, elder flower, fennel, St. Johnswort, vervain, woodruff
Fortune/Justice: bay, bergamot, cinquefoil, lemon balm, orange peel, star anise, vervain, woodruff
Happiness/Peace: fennel, lavender, loosestrife, rosemary, vervain, yarrow
Healing: cinquefoil, confrey, coriander, hops, lavender, lemon balm, mullein, mustard, rosemary, rue, sage, St. Johnswort, tansy, thyme
Love: apple, avens, basil, cardamom, catnip, dill flowers, elm, ginger, lavender, lemonbalm, linden leaves, marigold, marjoram, moonwort, mustard seed, orange peel, red heather, rosemary, vetivert, willow, yarrow
Meditation: acacia, benzoin, chamomile, frankincense, woodruff
Money: basil, bergamot, chamomile, clove, dill seeds, mint, moonwort, nutmeg, oats, vetivert
Protection/Defense: betony, birch, burdock, cumin, dianthus, dill leaves, fennel, fern, marjoram, mint, mugwort, mullein, mustard, parsley, rosemary, rue, sage, vervain, white heather, woodruff, wormwood, yarrow
Psychic Awareness: bay, betony, burdock, cinnamon, elderflower, lavender, mace, marigold, star anise, woodruff
Releasing Negativity: betony, clove, hyssop, mugwort, rosemary, St. Johnswort, thyme, vervain, vetivert, yarrow
Sealing/Sending Positive Energy: angelica, wormwood
Spirit Contact/Blessings: lilac, purple heather, mint, Solomon’s Seal
Strength/Willpower: rosemary, St. Johnswort
Wisdom: elder, sage, willow
Here’s a long list of herbal and plant uses from Ann Moura’s Grimoire for the Green Witch. It’s a very useful resource and I highly recommend it. Some of these herbs are common, some of them I’ve never even heard or seen in real life. As a bit of a spiritual bioregionalist myself, I tend to work with herbs and plants that grow native in my landbase (which a few of these do!), but hopefully this very comprehensive list is helpful to some of you out there.
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crossroadpriestess · 7 years
Ostara, the vernal equinox, is the first day of spring. Many modern religious and secular traditions, including the name “Easter”, come from Pagan origins. Ostara is the Germanic goddess of spring. This is when Persephone returns to the Earth after ruling the underworld. A time of great promise and new growth, Ostara is a time for personal change.
Ostara eggs can be a great tool for this guidance. Simply mark eggs, before or after dyeing with bright spring colors, with runes or other divinatory symbols, and then hide them among your home for your friends to find. Advise the seekers to keep their minds focused on their question while engaging in a fun and challenging Ostara egg hunt (solitaries can do a similar divination by closing their eyes and drawing them like tarot cards). Note how the symbols fall together as the hunt (or drawing) progresses. You can then charge the symbols with bright spring energy by saying a simple spring goddess name chant over them (”Eos, Eostre, Ostre, Eostar, Ostara!”) before eating the eggs, to “plant” the energies within, blessing yourself with the energies of spring and new beginnings!
Source: Thuri Calafia, Witch’s Datebook 2017
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