Along The Hedge
132 posts
The musings of a twenty-something hedge witch as she explores her path and continues to grow.
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crossing-the-hedge · 8 years ago
About to start something new? Grab a tarot deck and find The Fool. The card above it is how you can best succeed and the card below is something that’ll try to hold you back.
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
✨ Back to School Spell Guide ✨
Herbs: Cinnamon ~ confidence, success Garlic ~ courage Lavender ~ peace, clarity Mint ~ luck Pine ~ productivity Rose ~ friendship Daisy ~ luck Clover ~ protection Holly ~ protection
Amethyst ~ confidence, peace, protection Quartz ~ confidence Garnet ~ protection Turquoise ~ protection
Confidence Spell:
You will need a small shell, necklace, or trinket to carry with you and a yellow candle. Light the candle, envision its smoke lifting up your body. Hold your shell or what have you and recite positive quotes. I do this frequently by just listing positive things about myself. Pass the shell through the flame with these thoughts in mind.
Anxiety Reduction Spell:
You will need a white candle, a protective stone, lavender, and I find for some reason it really helps to drink something warm during this spell. With your candle lit and your stone in hand or in front of you, straighten your posture but relax your muscles. Don’t fiddle with your hands or play with the stone. Feel your energy drawing up your spine with each breath, envision it twirling back down your core as you exhale. Recite an empowering quote. I like to stick to something simple, like “I am strong.” Over and over. Move the stone up and down your flawless posture as you breath, up with each inhale, down with each exhale. Close the spell as you wish.
Enchanting Pens + Pencils:
You will need a white candle, cinnamon, and pine, as well as a stone of your choice. Mix in your herbs with your pencils. Picture yourself writing with them, picture your hand disappearing until the pencils are writing by themselves and you are calmly sitting. Recite, “You are a pawn of my intelligence, by the power of three. The heavens have blessed you, so mote it be.” Pass them through the flame.
Extra Witchy Tips: ~ I know us witches love our tea, did you know it can be used for more than drinking? Leaving a tea bag in a pair of socks, your gym shoes, or even a shirt overnight will leave it smelling wonderful.
~ Sprinkling some cinnamon in your pocket will leave you smelling like a goddess—and feeling like one too!
~ The posture trick in the anxiety spell with envisioning a smoky haze of energy running in match with your breaths can be done at school, just without the stone. It helps a lot!
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
Back in Focus Bottle
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With the school season well started, this little bottle is meant to bring focus back to your important tasks/ goals/ studies. Doesn’t have to be for those who are going back to school, but anyone who needs to re-focus! 
Blue Glitter
Salt to clear away any disrupting thoughts. 
Rosemary to clear your mind and bring clarity.
Basil to prevent mental fatigue.
Lavender to ease the mind and reduce anxiety.
Peppermint to stimulate the mind and boost your energy for that last push. 
Blue glitter to catch your attention, inspire positivity and refocus.   
When you find your mind wandering away from your task, pull this little bottle out and give it a nice shake (it doesn’t smell too bad either!). Take some deep breaths, clear your mind (however works best for you), focus on the bottle while thinking about your task. It’s not so bad/ daunting/ boring. You can do it and you’ll knock it out of the park. Once it’s done it’ll be over and you can move on to other things you might want to do more. 
This is meant to be a super simple, very quick, practical bottle. It was made with school in mind (for my husband who is going back to school, specifically), but of course can be used for any sort of task you may need to spend time and effort doing. 
There is no liquid, so it’s not quite like those cool swirly glitter bottles. It’s just dry ingredients with a fair amount of glitter. The jar is full, but not packed. It took some experimenting with to get the glitter showing well even after shaking. 
Because I thought the smell was also quite helpful, I didn’t seal it with wax. 
Let me know if you try this, or what you change to make it your own! I always enjoy seeing other people’s creations! 
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
Happy Ostara Day!
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What is Ostara?
Ostara is one of eight Wicca festivals. It comes from the Germanic beliefs. In Wicca it’s little sabbath day, because it’s day of the spring solstice. Ostara marks the beginning of spring. The symbolic moment when the day wins the night. It is the beginning of the period of joy, fertility and reproduction. This year we can celebrate Ostara at 05:30 (UTC +1).
Ostara Ideas
Plant flowers, trees and herbs
Make magical brooms
Do a spring cleaning rituals
Do all rituals outside
Meditate outside
Make Ostara bouquet of flowers
Make incense with fresh flowers
Decorate your altar
Make eggshell candles
Collect flowers
Open window in your room
Clean your stones, gems and all Wicca tools
Make Ostara wreath and wear it on your head
Ostara tarot reading
Ostara crystal ball reading
Ostara pendulum reading
Decorate eggs
Ostara blessings
Connect with plant energy
Make Ostara pentacle
Drink spring herbs tea
Create little home garden
Collect rainwater
Make herbal sleep pillow
Bath in herbs
Ostara Altar tips
Use things, which remind you spring - fresh flowers, herbs, leaves etc.
You can use fruits to decorate your altar
Make your altar colorful - it’s happy time
Use egg-shaped candles - egg in Ostara is a symbol of life
You can use porcelain figures of the animals
Use colorful tablecloth
Sample Simple Rites and Rituals
Egg prosper rite (make it outside)
You need: egg, marker, some plant seed, little shovel
Write on egg some intentions, bury it, sow your plant and care of your plant
Ostara blessing #1
Lord and Lady of the spring, I welcome you into my heart. I thank you for bringing the light and warmth back to our world.
Magical Scissors rite
You need: piece of paper, black pen, scissors, one red candle, some tray
Light your candle, write on paper all things, which you don’t want to experience in your life, cut paper and burn it, don’t touch ashes.
Magical Apple for Witches Circle
You need: apple, knife, plate
Clean your apple, use spell: Apple of youth, apple of joy, give us your energy and health. Let us Venus favors!, peel it, split it into several pieces and eat.
Tip: you can use apple peelings to make incense
Simple Curses Breaking ritual
You need: white piece of paper, red marker, white candle, red floss, tray
Light candle, write on paper all curses, which you think that someone cast on you, roll paper, wrap it on 7 knots, burn your paper from candle, use three times this spell: This paper turns to dust, let the curses turn to ash. 
I hope you like it. If you have some questions - ask me!
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
For the giveaway,just a idea : a deck + few crystals + 2 candles and a cloth. Simple as that.
Thanks for the input!
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
Giveaway Ideas
Hello my lovlies! I've been thinking for a while about doing a giveaway and would love some feedback from my followers. What sort of things would you all like to see offered in the package? Some ideas I've had so far: Custom Tea or Smoke Blend Offering tea light candles A tarot deck A starter stone divination bag Please feel free to message me your thoughts!
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
Correspondence: Birds
These are my personal correspondences, and are by no means prescriptive. I’m also gonna limit Aboriginal inclusions to dreamtime stories that I’ve heard first hand, and can still remember. -I can’t deny the impact these stories have had on how I perceive the land.
Magpies: I mean first off you’ve got the Magpie Song “One for Sorrow” etc, but expanding on the superstition is the caution to treat Magpies with respect. Magpies in Australia are beautiful songbirds and fiercely protective of their young. I usually sing or whistle to them, sometimes they sing back. Charms, Protection, Omens, Secrets, Trinkets
Tawny Frogmouth: I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. The Hidden Path, Without a Trace, Pragmatism, Caution, Judging Character, Putting up a Façade, Really Nice if you Get to Know them
Plubbers: Ok so people ramble on about getting swooped by magpies but I’ve never met a magpie I didn’t love. Plubbers are the real deal. Don’t fuck with them. They even have poison barbs. Seriously. Solid Swooper Troopers. Their protection of their young inspires us to protect our young, so main correspondence would be Protection of the Small,  Parental Instincts. Then there’s Fierceness, Intimidation, Boundaries, Guardians of the Threshold, The Transition into Parenthood.
Kookaburra: Legit one of the most friendly birds around, a larrikin and the biggest baddest kingfisher. Pride, Sensitivity to Atmosphere, Merriness, Sociability,  Je ne sais pas… Mockery, We’re laughing with you… and at you. The Cackling King, The Chuckling Queen, The Merry Monarch of the Wilderness and Fine Bush Envoy in the Urban Sprawl.  
Cockatoo: Ridiculous Punk Birds With Fluorescent Yellow Mohawks. Being Punk, Loud, Kickass, Badass, Unapologetic. Also longevity, at least one has lived to over 100 in captivity. The balance between being safe and having fun.
Rainbow Lorikeets: Sweet, Gay and Sociable. They are Good. Together we are the rainbow.
Willy Wagtails: I was told a story about these guys when I was in Primary School, I don’t remember what mob was visiting, but I remember that in that dreaming the tail is what used to be his shield, and he’s still waving it around and fighting things way bigger than him. Also talks a lot.  So, uh. Defence, Fearlessness, Gossip.
Black Swans: Probably even gayer than Kookaburras and Rainbow Lorikeets combined.  Queer Power, Queer Protection, Decadent Drama Queens. Seriously, Black Swan Theory. On par with The Tower for dramatic significance. Achieving the impossible, infinite probability. Anything is possible. Fate Magic.  Paradigm Destruction. Defiance of Logic and Common Sense.
Pelicans: Gluttony, Pomposity, The Law, Judgement, Elucidation through Logic, Practicality, A Companion for Life, a mentor.
Whipbirds: Clarity, Hyperrealism. A sound so vivid it drags you out of your head and into the real world. A Fey instrument, heard and not seen.
Lyrebirds: A flawless actor, a living echo. Memory and Trickery, Truth as a tool to be twisted and used.
Bell Birds: Unreality. Soft bells tolling all around, ringing inside you, reverberating in your soul. You’re transported, on the threshold between this world and the Otherworld. Patterns and Time.
(Mammal Correspondences here)
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
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I decided that I probably shouldn’t hesitate and ponder for too long.. regardless of possible connection or not and asked it for my birthday next month. My mom ordered it right away (eventhough my birthday is a little bit less than a month away)! So I’ll be getting the Alice Tarot & Companion Book! ♥ (Pictures are from BabaStudio)
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
A shout-out to Lady Lapis, a close friend of mine, and incredibly talented. Have a peek at her blog (and her etsy if you’re so inclined).
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
Busy Bee's Overworked Pick Me Up Spell
We all face those times where we just feel burnt out- by work, life, school, relationships. And whatever the cause, it’s because our bodies and minds have just been working too hard and need a moment’s rest to regroup before trudging onward in life.
Working in an old folk remedy for fatigue, this little spell will help give you a boost when you feel worn down.
What You Need:
a candle (the energizing colors of yellow, orange and red are best)
a Drinking Glass
Best done at the beginning of the day to get you pumped up or at night after a rough day.
Step One: Mix in a glass a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of cinnamon and fill it up with milk. Stir until blended (although expect the cinnamon to float a bit).
Step Two: Light the candle and sit in front of it with your feet flat on the floor and your hands/arms relaxed at your side. Breath in, and as you do imagine all the hard work you’ve been doing. Breath out, and allow yourself to feel proud for what you have accomplished. Even if it doesn’t seem like much, you are fatigued because you have run yourself emotionally or physically ragged- give yourself pride in the fact that you are working hard! 
Step Three: Take a drink of your mixture and as it goes down, imagine it filling you with health and energy. You have earned this moment of peace and rest. You are awesome for busting your ass on this, go you!
Chant/Think the following:
This bee is tired, I can’t fly no more, 
I’ve worked too hard and my body’s sore.
I’ve gave all I’ve got, I’ve got no more to give
So let this elixir give me power to live.
Sweet honey is my reward at the end of the day
We’re gonna take these troubles and blow them away.
Take flight, take wing, it’s our moment to rise.
Let my heart beat anew, let me take to the skies!
This bee’s not done yet, you can’t stop me now
So give me this one moment of rest, and I’ll be back for my bow.
Step Four: Finish drinking your mixture, taking as much time you need to drink it down. Once finished, incline your head in a bow before extinguishing your candle.
Step Five: Repeat the mixture as needed (before/after work, before bed) to help perk you up when you’re starting to wear down again. Remember- just like a bee’s hard work results in the sweet honey, our hard work will too be rewarded.
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
Hello! First off, I love your blog so much, it's a great place. Secondly, since the full moon is coming up, do you know any rituals or spells that can revolve around the full moon? Thank you so much!
Hello dear I am sorry for the delay.. but this is a spell I am going to use this full moon to get my life back on rails. Hopefully this will work for you as well 😊
Full Moon Wish SpellThis is a lovely little spell that will harness the energy of the moon for whatever purpose you wish. Or you can cast this to help bring something unexpected into your life. All you need is:
• A clear jar, at least a pint in size• Pure water• A silver coin• A bell• A white or silver candle
You’ll have to do this spell at night where you can have a clear view of the moon. It can be through a window if necessary but doing it outside is better.
Fill the jar with water and light your candle near where you are doing the spell. Sit under the moon and enjoy it’s bright light for a few minutes. Then drop the coin into the jar. Let the water settle until it’s smooth again and sit so that the reflection of the moon in the water seems to sit right on the coin. You might have to move around for this.
Gaze at the reflection and the coin together, and ring the bell three times. Speak your wish out loud, or just ask the moon to bring you some general good fortune. Bring everything back indoors and leave the coin in the water jar until the next full moon, or until you feel your wish has been granted.
Be careful what you wish for! I have noticed they do come true. And if you aren’t ready for it physically… it will come anyway. Ready or not!
Hope this helped you 😊Have a great day sweetheart
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
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Complete set of celebrity quotes and the Queens.
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
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Dried Orange Slices Slice navel orange very thinly; line on nonstick baking mat; generously dust with confectioners’ sugar; bake at 200 degrees for 2 ½ hours until peels are dry and flesh is translucent. Use as ornaments, adornments on gifts or dangle from a mobile. 
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
Yule Altar Ideas
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Feather & Moss Curiosities
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Mister Grey’s Blog of Shadows
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Gypsy Moon’s Enchanted Chronicles
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
ok time to correct some shit:
Anyone can read tarot
No demons gonna come out
You sure as hell can make your own deck
It ain’t bad luck to buy your own deck either
There are basically no rules so stop stressin’
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crossing-the-hedge · 9 years ago
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Hearth Witch
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