crmitagehuxs · 6 years
Kylo was hoping that he wouldn’t pry, he didn’t feel like having to explain himself. Nor did he feel like trying to make up some stupid lie either. “ Well good, I didn’t really want to talk to you anyway. “ he chimed, always feeling the need to have the last word. Of course he was going to bring that up. He gave into the urge to roll his eyes letting out a scoff in the process. “ I was fucking drunk, what was your excuse? “ he quickly retorted. “ If remember correctly you didn’t seem to have any objections. “ he added rather defensively. 
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drunk? that’s a poor excuse, and he doesn’t try to hide his smirk behind the rim of his coffee cup before its turned on him. why had he accepted - it’s something hux doesn’t want to think about, nor admit to himself. the silence settles between them, and hux feels like it’s heavy and awkward. “because, i know how to dance, and it would’ve been one more thing to rub in your face when you couldn’t match my steps,” out loud it sounds childish, a fabricated lie he can only hope holds up. “and i was similarly intoxicated,” he decides to leave out the part about sometimes craving the closeness of others, not so ready to be vulnerable for this brat.
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
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Caleb? There’s a problem on level 39.
Domhnall Gleeson as Clan Techie in Dredd (2012)
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
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Domhnall Gleeson + period dramas: requested by anonymous.
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
continued from here ( @crmitagehuxs )
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a mischievous chuckle fell from aya’s lips as she pushed back some of hux’s hair. she loved teasing the other – he was far too uptight for his own good and way too easy to target. “that i am, hux. always the most observant of the force.” she moved to sit halfway on the man’s desk, playing with a pen she found there. “you could tell, but i think my husband would find it just as funny that you felt obligated to tell him. which brings me to what i’ve been wondering lately – are you seeing anyone, hux? and don’t say it’s not my business. men who don’t have sex are always far more stressed, which means your work will be affected. if you need help, maybe i can find someone single for you. or in a relationship if you’re into being a homewrecker.”
he tried to smack away the hand that touched his hair to no avail and instead worked on flattening it back down after. though a brilliant cop aya got on his nerves much like he imagined a sibling would. hux scowled when she asked him if he was seeing anybody, he had the time nor the patience to put up with someone like that. dating was too emotionally exhausting, and there wasn’t a large pool to choose from in the first place. “it is none of your business!” is she trying to set him up, or suggesting she’ll get him a prostitute? “stop talking to me like i’m some blushing virgin. i don’t want a relationship with anybody, especially anyone you know,”
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
“ugh, these brats – i can’t wait until they’re all locked away in school again,” joan complained, having to catch herself after a small troupe of children had run past her. if it wouldn’t have attracted attention, she would discipline them herself. “don’t get me wrong. i want to have children of my own one day, but i think everyone can agree that they despise everyone else’s children because of how they’re raised,” she explained before letting out a leveling sigh. “as i was saying: i’m booking a business trip to new york and i happened to have free tickets to some of the museums there. i have no interest in them, but i see a waste in leaving them unused. you can have them if you wish.”
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hux could only glare at the children and the woman who tried to corral them into going somewhere at a much more reasonable pace. “i hope you know i won’t be your nanny,” he tells joan with a look, drinking the coffee he’d brought with him. the idea of going to new york though, did sound a little appealing. nobody knowing who he was, he could disappear into large crowds and never return. nobody would come looking. “phas, are you just trying to presuade me to take a holiday?”
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
The flash of red hair he spotted out of the corner of his eye was unmistakable. Of course, he would be paired with him of all people. “ Hux. “ he replied, equally as displeased by the revelation as he was. “ I’m not. “ he responded. He didn’t feel like telling him that he was only there to meet up with some guy he met on Grindr, who apparently never showed up. It seemed that loneliness made him deseparte. Not like that was any of his business anyway. 
“ Since we’re stuck here with each other, what should we talk about? Maybe how you keep fucking stalking me? “ he added dryly. 
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a part of him did wonder what ren was doing here, certainly not to make friends before realising that he shouldn’t care. that he doesn’t care, he corrects himself in his mind. his usual order is set down in front of him without him needing to ask and it further cements their predicament. 
stalking him? hux does everything in his power not to laugh, instead just gives ren a cruel smirk. “stalking you? don’t flatter yourself, ren,” it’s true, he’s just as annoyed at their near-constant yet accidental meetings as the man across from him. “and i don’t have any intentions of talking to you. unless you’d like me to bring up what happened the last time we met though, i suspect neither of us would find that subject comfortable,”
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
( @garcdenflower )
though his hobbies were few and far between, hux did actually do things on his days off. mainly jogging, reading, and catching up on whatever new serial-killer documentary Netflix had recently released. the pleasant weather had sent him out with a book to his favourite haunt, a tiny cafe near his place. it was uncharacteristically full, and it seemed the waiter was pairing people up on tables to save space, and as a fun little activity. get to know your neighbour. luckily for hux, he oozed anti-social, keeping conversations short and to the point. his discomfort couldn’t be hidden, however, when he was seated next to-
“ren,” truly, someone somewhere had it out for armitage hux. their last meeting had been...odd. he tried not to think of it too much. “i didn’t take you for the type to spend $6 on a coffee,”
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
▲ - from kira
randomly generated no. 5 - hugging them from behind when they weren’t expecting it
any form of physical affection was foreign and unnecessary to hux who so often denied himself such things. a surprise hug was one of the worst thing’s he could ever imagine, and when it happened he struggled against it immensely. “get off me!” he snapped, shoving away the girl. “and don’t ever touch me again!”
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
▲ aya and hux
randomly generated no. 8 - kissing their neck
the sensation of lips on his neck caused hux to stiffen, and he turned quite suddenly on aya, lips pursed. though angry, it was easy to see how embarrassed he actually was, pink tinting his cheeks and the tops of his ears. “you’re married,” hux pointed out, ignoring the plain fact that this was just aya being mischevious. “don’t ever do that again, or i’ll tell on you, aya,”
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
slightly crinkled his nose. of course it was a stupid officer – that was his luck. but it didn’t seem to matter since this guy seemed to be just as crooked as the rest of them. “wow, you’re really letting your colors fly tonight, officer,” he mocked. “i’ve got week and a little bit of coke. i don’t like dealing with people that are into the harder stuff,” he said with a shurg. sure, he’d probably get more money that way, and faster, but he’d probably also get attacked or something like that faster too.
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hux can’t help but glare at the young man, eyes cold and lips drawn into a tight, thin line at the mocking. “very funny,” he replied dryly, listening to the two things he could buy. cocaine, or weed, nothing harder. this kid was probably an amateur, in it for some pocket money. “i’ll take the coke. how much?” hux vaguely knew street prices, hopefully to the point where he wouldn’t get ripped off.
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
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“hey,” slightly called out, stepping towards the other with confidence though his eyes swiftly scanned around them. “i don’t wanna be a fucking cliche, but you wanna buy?” he asked, head signalling to a darker corner on the street. he wanted to buy something nice for peter, but was a little low on cash and had too much weed. weed didn’t really make for a good gift when the two of you smoked it all the time. “don’t be lame and say you don’t smoke or you’re going to tell the police. you could give it to you friends or something.”
he met the other with a hard stare. does he want to buy? exhaustion has been creeping into his bones lately, and he could do with a pick-me-up to keep him going. long nights completing paperwork and patrolling empty car lots serve for little entertainment. “i am the police,” hux says cooly like it’s nothing. “it depends what you’re selling. if i like what you’re selling, i won’t arrest you,”
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
Kylo wasn’t sure what he expected.  A glare or a snarky remark maybe, but what he received were neither of those. “ Well, maybe it was. “ he said, attempting to act casual. “ That’s cause I don’t like people knowing about that side. “ he pointed out playfully. “ You know we could sit around here and talk about the weather and shit like that or we could dance…which one do you think we should do? “ What the hell was he even doing at this point? 
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Hux knew he’d caught him slightly off guard - that’s what he wanted. Sometimes, he found it better to leave people speechless than engaging in a war of words. Similarly, the offer to dance did that to him. Dancing...with Ren? Did he even know how? Could Hux do that, with someone he’d resigned himself to loathe? “I certainly hope you know how to dance,” Hux replied in a matter-of-fact voice. Taking the rest of his scotch, he drunk it down easily. Blaming the alcohol would be easier in the morning. “Because I won’t have you stepping on my toes,” At least later, for ammo, he could say it was Ren who offered. “You get one accidental step. Anything more and I’ll come back to the bar,”
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
“ Yeah… Well I hate it. “ he huffed. Small towns meant that everyone knew your business and he would have rather been left alone most of the time. He shifted in his seat, ( which was somehow now beside him ) and took a sip of his drink. He simply nodded in agreement before eyeing him. “ You know Hux, you don’t look too bad tonight. “ Did he truly mean it or was it just the alcohol talking? Who knew. 
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He hums in agreement with the sentiment of hating small towns. Hux grew up in a small town and remembered only nosey locals and getting bullied by kids. London had not been much better but, at least he was grown up there and been ready for it all, hardened by his experiences and able to deal with it better. Glancing over at the other male, he frowned, scrutinising him. “I don’t look too bad? I’d say that’s almost a compliment,” Was that...teasing? Hux even gave a half-smirk. “I could say the same about you. Who knew, under that emo facade lies an actual human being,”
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
( @crmitagehuxs )
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It was highly unusual for Kylo to actually be in a good mood, let alone in a social situation. That was what the alcohol was for. As he turned with his fourth drink currently in hand he nearly ran into the stranger that was behind him. As he steadied himself he caught a glimpse of just who that person had been, realizing that they weren’t a stranger after all. Normally he would have sneered at him, but with the alcohol in his system he only smirked instead. “ How come I’m always running into you? If I didn’t know any better I would think you’re following me. “ he teased. 
Hux abhorred any and all social situations where he didn’t have at least one acquaintance in the crowd. Drinking at the bar, alone, had become the norm when there was nobody. He was maybe 5 drinks into the whole affair when he was almost run over by a giant. On closer inspection, not a giant, just Ren. “It’s a small town. The number of people you’re bound to run into is always limited,” The redhead replies with a blink, vision swaying a little. “And - bars. They attract certain people. Us,“
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
I was looking for a breath of life
A little touch of heavenly light
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crmitagehuxs · 6 years
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Domhnall Gleeson for The Tale of Thomas Burberry - 2016
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