51 posts
Joshua Yu, 2nd upper year hufflepuff ➻ Herbologist in the making➻ (almost) Occlumens
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
❛ How come as I grow I keep feeling less alive? ❜
Sentence Starters - { still accepting }
Her words come as something of a shock to him.
Sure, people often blurt odd things when frustrated from studying for longer than a couple of hours, nevertheless this could fit some level of alarming.
Joshua lifts his head from his notebook - he was no longer paying much attention to the words that we beginning to mesh together like some soup of unpleasant things and ants anyway. ❝Well, I would consider it a normal thing to go through, something like an early life crisis… We go through more than people give us credit for,❞ he says hoping to sound, in the very least, sympathetic.
He closes his notebook altogether and leans forward to to the same to hers.
❝Come on, you sound like you could use a pick-me-up, we can go get some tea and perhaps some cookies?❞ He offers her his hand and a polite smile. ❝Think of it this way, some plants keep on growing all their lives, however they only blossom occasionally. I don’t think we’re too different from them. We go through some moments we feel and look dead, but soon enough comes blossom season. Perhaps one of your blossom seasons is near and you’ll feel a million times better, you’ll see.❞
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
Relationship Building - { no longer accepting }
Send 📖 for my muse to read out an entry in their journal/diary about yours.
May 11th,Go figure a class lectured for just about the worst students in herbology would be a complete mess. I was there assisting, obviously, professor Moon couldn’t possibly handle moving all those pots by himself when none of the students showed interest in doing. One of them even dropped one of the pots, i swear I saw professor Moon’s eye twitch like mad, it was really had to bite down a grin.
Anyway, this only makes me give on the path of teaching and go straight into herbology as an area. I wouldn’t be caught dead teaching first years like poor Jasper was.. Knowing me i’d probably leave the kids to handle a devils snare by themselves like.. learn to fend for yourselves, children, whoever survives gets to see another day!
Ok that’s probably cruel. (…)
Send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses.
As an assistant, some of Joshua’s work for extra credit and knowledge fall upon the category of desk work, more specifically, transcription of scattered manuscripts onto a proper notebook of sorts. 
This is, of course, one of the dullest tasks to be done in silence in an office. So, upon request, Jasper ends up allowing Joshua to play some music on the speakers of his owlphone (that sounds legit, hey Merlin play Despacito on wizardtube). They don’t even have that much of an age difference to be considered a generation apart but Jasper can just swear he’s never heard any of the things being played in his office.
What ensues is a small conversation on music genres and how different muggle music and wizarding music end up being, all the while trying to end the damn task before Joshua has to dart back to the common room at the first minute of curfew.
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
👂 🌀
Relationship Building - { no longer accepting }
Send 👂 to overhear my muse talking about yours.
❝ Oh you know how it goes, we grow close over common interests in this school, and Jon and i became friends like that. We’d often sneak out to try and find different plants and stuff to then grow out in some pots we sneaked out of the greenhouse, ❞ he chuckles lightheartedly. ❝ I know what you’re thinking, typical Hufflepuff stuff, right? ❞
Send 🌀 for my muse’s reaction to getting stuck in a storm with yours.
Storms were but a pain in the ass at times, Sure, they were needed to keep balance and whatnot, and honestly he’s always been fine with some rain and even wind. Now this?! He can barely see an inch beyond the already foggy glass on the window with how intensely it’s raining. He can even bet he’s had showers with less water pressure in fact.
He turns to the other person with him. The two had nothing to do really than to stay put and wait for it to end, any other recreational activity involved being mildly startled when a thunder cracked in the distance. ❝ Not to be that one person with the horrible jokes but… Lovely weather we’re having, huh? ❞
Oh if only things outside could be as dry as his sense of humour.
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
❛    Do it for the love.   ❜ ❛     If I’m being honest, I don’t know what I’m chasing.   ❜ ❛     I just wanna let you know you’re not alone.   ❜ ❛     I got people from the past probably hoping I’m dead   ❜ ❛     It’s just things aren’t the way that they used to be.   ❜ ❛     I lost my mind, then I lost my best friend.   ❜ ❛     Yeah, so what if I did and what if I didn’t?   ❜ ❛     I just wish I wasn’t stuck between decisions.   ❜ ❛     I just wish I didn’t feel like something’s missing.   ❜ ❛     Seems like every time I leave I end up thinking of us.   ❜ ❛     I keep fucking with your head like a lobotomy.   ❜ ❛     You’ll always be a part of me.   ❜ ❛     Things change when you come around.   ❜ ❛     They’re just memories now.   ❜
❛     I can still hear it all.   ❜ ❛     Every word that you said gets embedded in my head.   ❜ ❛     All the things never spoke now choking me.   ❜ ❛     I been on my own.   ❜ ❛     You never called.   ❜ ❛     We never saw eye to eye.   ❜ ❛     Wasn’t tryna hurt you.   ❜ ❛     You know that wasn’t my intention.   ❜ ❛     & I never meant for this to happen.   ❜ ❛     I turn regret into a habit.   ❜ ❛     There’s nothing to say now.   ❜ ❛     How could you be fine when I’m barely getting by?   ❜ ❛     Every word you said now, was it all a lie?   ❜ ❛     Just sucks to feel this way when I know you don’t.   ❜ ❛     Why can’t I let go?   ❜
❛     I can’t help it, if I could I would change it.   ❜ ❛     Lately, I’ve been feeling so vacant.   ❜ ❛     Holding out waiting for something to change   ❜ ❛     Everybody always asks if I’m okay, & I’m mad ‘cause I don’t know what to say.     ❜ ❛     It’s like I’m going insane.   ❜ ❛     I got enemies that live up in my brain.   ❜ ❛     You always told me you would be the one to help.   ❜ ❛     Now it’s me & myself.   ❜ ❛     Funny how it changed up like that.   ❜
❛     I been thinking of my problems.   ❜ ❛     I’m feeling like “why bother”.   ❜ ❛     Growing up, there was no drama.   ❜ ❛     Telling me “move on” But honestly I don’t wanna.   ❜ ❛     Are you happy now?   ❜ ❛     Pretending to mitigate all your problems, motherfucker.   ❜ ❛     I just miss the days on the playground.   ❜ ❛     Seems like everybody that I loved went away now.   ❜ ❛     How come as I grow I keep feeling less alive?   ❜ ❛     How come all I see is the past when I shut my eyes?   ❜ ❛     Man, I thought it would last, but it passed me by.   ❜ ❛     How come all I see is your face when I look to the sky?   ❜ ❛     I could lead you to the water, but I can’t make you drink.   ❜ ❛     I can give my two cents, but I can’t make you think.   ❜
❛     Please don’t go.   ❜ ❛     Think I’m gonna break right now.   ❜ ❛     I just need a break right now.   ❜
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
🍺 👂 👋
Relationship Building - { still accepting }
Send 🍺 for my muses drunk reaction around yours.
The hufflepuff had never had much restraint around the potions professor to begin with. 
At this point everyone knew how much he loved to annoy the man at any chance he got, some hufflepuffs even threatened to kick Joshua’s butt on the possibility of him someday pushing the other so far, he’d take points from the house, a significant amount no less. It had never happened, by some miracle, however there is always a first time for everything, right?
Spotting the professor at the party his brain switched to a “we gotta” mode, and before he knew it, Joshua had his arm nonchalantly thrown over the other’s shoulders.
 ❝Timmy Turner!,❞ he called out. The nickname a mere reference to a cartoon the professor probably didn’t know. ❝What are you doing here. Like not here-here the party, more like here at Hogwarts. You’re too young to be stuck teaching, you should go -❞ he gets interrupted by a hiccup. ❝You should go out and see the world. Teaching is the job people go to when they’ve settled with a wife and maybe a dog.  ❞
Removing his arm from around the other’s shoulders he goes to pat his arm. ❝You’re too fit to be a professor too, holy smokes.❞ He opts to poke the other’s bicep once, still incredulous and definitely ignoring the professor’s frown. ❝Do you bench press down in that potions class or what? ❞ He shrugged, letting go of Timothy altogehter. ❝ Eh, whatever. It was nice talking to you man, stay awesome.❞ 
 He snapped his fingers and did a finger gun pose he would never be caught dead doing while sober, before finally leaving the man alone. Hopefully the other wouldn’t hold it against him in the future.
Send 👂 to overhear my muse talking about yours. 
❝ Ok, ok, I’ll tell you. ❞ he lowered his voice as he spoke, trying not to be heard by too many people. ❝ The truth is that I’ve met him before. Like, before he became a professor here at Hogwarts, that’s why I can’t take him too seriously as a professor. To me he’s still that one weird older friend. I know I push the limit a bit too hard but he knows I mean no harm. ❞
Send 👋 for three things that describe our muses relationship.
Bad nicknames
Testing each other’s patience
Inside jokes
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
Relationship Building - { still accepting }
Send 👂 to overhear my muse talking about yours.
❝ I wouldn’t go as far as calling us rivals, no.❞ Joshua rubs the back of his head as he thinks back on the last practice game he had Hufflepuff played against the Slytherin team. Calling what had happened that day an ass kicking would be cutting it short. The badgers had been quite aloof that day, especially Joshua, he had missed being hit by a bludger by a second.
❝ I mean, would I like a rematch? Totally. Do I feel like testing out who’s the best chaser when i’m on one of my good days? For sure. But i would never antagonize with the guy over such a trivial thing. ❞
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
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Well hi guys! does anyone still remember who i am?
i’ve finally left a long hiatus and needless to say i barely recall what i had cooking prior to having undergone such a status. i am as willing as ever to plot though... and even if i’m still not sure about the plots i have on my plot page i might consider doing a plot call sometime soon, maybe, we’ll see.
either ways, all this just to say that i am back and i will try to... actually give life to joshua since until now the kid has been more or less of a decorative flourish on one of the walls (entirely my fault)
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
Send ⭐️ (or multiple) for a headcanon about our muses. Send ☎ for your muse’s info in my muses phone (name, ringtone, picture, last text received/sent). Send 🎼 for a song that reminds me of our muses. Send 👋 for three things that describe our muses relationship. Send 👂 to overhear my muse talking about yours. Send 👤+ a muse name for my muse’s opinion on that muse (with the other muse/mun’s permission). Send 😍 for my muse to tell yours three things they love about them. Send 💤 for my muse to say something about yours in their sleep. Send 📖 for my muse to read out an entry in their journal/diary about yours. Send ✉ for a written letter from my muse. Send📱for a voicemail my muse left yours. Send 🌀 for my muse’s reaction to getting stuck in a storm with yours. Send 🍺 for my muses drunk reaction around yours. Send 💰 for your muse to ask mine for money. Send ✔️ for a daydream my muse has had about/involving yours. Send 👀 for my muse to compliment yours Send 💋 for how my muse would seduce/flirt with yours. Send  👏 and what your muse will do to fluster mine. Send 😙 for my muse’s reaction to yours being super affectionate. Send 🍵 and my muse will reveal one of their biggest regrets involving yours. Send 😶 and my muse will confess to something they wish they didn’t do that affected your muse.
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
[ ✉ ➝ leafeon ] josh i need you to do something for me. [ ✉ ➝ leafeon ] it's nothing bad, i swear. [ ✉ ➝ leafeon ] just need you to reach something in a high shelf at the store you just left
⟨ ✉ ➝ junnie. ⟩ … what kind of- 
⟨ ✉ ➝ junnie. ⟩ i literally just left? can’t you ask one of the workers… also maybe grow some inches in the meantime (งツ)ว
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
"Is this... Joshua? Hey--" he slowly approaches the desk and places his hand on the sleeping young man's shoulder, nudging gently "Mr. Yu, the library is no place to sleep." Jasper sighed and nudged some more until he felt the blond Hufflepuff stirr.
On top of a broom he had perfect balance, but when it came to try to balance his schedule and responsibilities he was a gigantic mess. He was all over the place with studying, quidditch practice, greenhouse time, socializing time… He was tired just of thinking about it.
It came as no shock that while he tried to focus on the pages full of ancient runes his eyes simply gave up, opting to start closing against Joshua’s will. It’d be just a five minute nap, just to rest his eyes. A tiny little nap. Harmless.
He had no idea how much time had passed when he felt someone nudging him, in fact, he barely knew his name at that point. When he finally looked up to see who his alarm clock had been, he felt the blood in his veins freeze. ❝ Professor Moon,❞ he uttered in acknowledgment, sitting up straighter. Of course he had to be caught napping by a professor.❝Sorry, sir. It won’t happen again,❞ he said, looking down just like a child being scolded. He hated disappointing professors as they were, imagine disappointing his favourite one.
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
"H-Hello" the girl starts, hands gripping the mug she was holding. "I made extra and saw you here all alone I thought you could use some" she smiles widely, blush high on her cheeks as she shakily hands him the mug full of freshly made coffee with a little bit of milk.
He looks up from his notebook, first looking at the girl but soon averting his gaze to the mug in her hands.❝ Oh, thank you-  ❞ he flashes a warm smile as he takes the mug in his own hands. ❝ That was very kind of you…. Violet, right? ❞
He remembered her from that morning, and from seeing her around the common room, yet lack of familarity made him uncertain of the girl’s name. Hopefully he was right.
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
"Josh!!" He runs towards the older, gripping him by the arms to shake him while whining. "You gotta help me! I can't do it! I hate Herbology!"
He blinks quickly as he’s shaken by the younger boy, whom despite being shorter than Joshua, managed to have quite the firm grip and strength. ❝ Dude, calm down, ❞ he says with a small laughter at the end of his words. ❝ What part do you need help more specifically? And please don’t say “all” ❞
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
[ ✉ ➝ vulpix ] listen.. i caught a vulpix in pokemon go and i am messaging to tell you i made it your contact name. [ ✉ ➝ vulpix ] you just look like one, in case you're wondering
〈 ✉ ➝ junnie. 〉 ….you say i look like a different pokemon every week〈 ✉ ➝ junnie. 〉 but thank you.. i g uess?
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
If you were a vegetable you'd be a cutecumber
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
Can't wait to get into your plants wiggles brows
❝ Spoke like a true ladybug there… whoever you are. But i’d advise you to get away from my plants though, some of them bite. ❞
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
a spell for @crjoshua
the epicurean fantasies of his home country would always be a nostalgic melody for the hufflepuff. especially when their time rotates into the cusps of spring when life is the most jovial. a childhood spent climbing monstrous trees, untangling vines and spreading his arms as if he bore wings. he remembers how brandy eyes of youth would gaze at the dancing flowers on his mother’s sun-kissed skin and wonder when he too would hold his own emblem.
he still does wonder, but miguel knows his canvas will be painted differently when the time comes. the united kingdom offers different flowers. different thoughts for him to hopefully eventually convince his parents to allow him to ink a small memento of the trials of winter and the silent quakes of spring.
but this is still an idea for another time. in the present, miguel focuses himself on the ground beneath him. the fresh dirt is cool, the spring warmth still slowly attempting to coax mother nature awake. dry, the colour echoes the desert of his eyes. it makes him eager, his hand tightens around his shovel rather quickly.
“you think hogwarts would figure things out and just save time and money by asking us hufflepuff students to take over the garden,” miguel chortles as he takes a determined step forward as if marching into some untold war. “so what sorta seeds did you bring?”
Joshua stretches his arms above his head, rejoicing in the warmer sunlight just like one of the plants safely kept in the greenhouse. ❝ I think we could make it far more colourful than it is, in the least❞ he offers in response to Miguel’s commentary.
It’s not that he didn’t like the garden as it was, but there were far too many possibilities that have been left unexplored under the excuse of maintenance requiring too much from the school already. Thinking things better, perhaps everyone would benefit if they submited Miguel’s sugestion to the headmaster.
He quickly bends down to pick up his shovel before thrusting his free hand into his pockets, searching for the seeds he had sorted out earlier. Most of them were ordinary, even muggle flowers, if one could call it such. ❝Some pansies, forget-me-nots, the usual easy to grow ones...❞ he mumbles as he goes through the labels in the little bags. ❝Oh, i have some dittany seeds,❞ the healing plant used in most potions, and quite honestly, one of Joshua favourites despite not exactly blooming into a flower.
❝Wouldn’t it be cool if we could lay our hands on something like wild bluebells? I only read about those so I always wonder if they are real.❞ No matter how many years pass, Joshua is never too sure what is possible or not around the magical reality.
stay up beet
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crjoshua-blog · 7 years ago
are you an ivy? cause you look vine
I am Steve Rogers
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