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cristinacclearwater · 2 days ago
OMG.. This is Amazing!?? How has this idea not been explored before!!? Someone mind writing this!!!!!? 👀
I think if Batman met Danny in canon they'd probably both be a little antagonistic to each other. No adoption, no secretly befriending each other, Danny would think Bruce Wayne is a fruitloop for lying and being really bad at selling it, and would hate Batman for his hypocritical and poorly thought out morals, especially with the Joker and his reactions to his kids killing (Mostly his reactions to them killing specifically the Joker)
Meanwhile B would see Danny for what he is- an inexperienced young hero without a mentor or anyone watching over him. Because for Danny that's genuinely DANGEROUS. It's the polar opposite to the Robin situation.
Batman would want to keep him away from Gotham, Bruce would like to get Phantom a mentor, B thinks he's willingly putting himself at risk because he wants to. He'd probably even put Phantom at risk by recording him without ecto-specific cameras and would 100% figure out the identity thing. He'd send in big guns to talk to him and they'd get overshadowed and suddenly Danny's gotta deal with Superman or Wonder Woman or Flash.
And Phantom would be at his wit's end with these dumbasses ruining everything for him. He's getting less sleep, he can't focus in class because he's gotta worry about more than just ghosts now, tourists are trying to figure out why the JL is seen in this silly obviously fake "ghost town" and are actively getting hurt because they don't take this shit seriously, they set up some dumb teleportation device that Technus got ahold of and he's actually had to go save their stupid watchtower because they won't LEAVE HIM ALONE.
The only respite is that Fenton is inconspicuous for now and has been able to figure out the identities of every Justice Leaguer. He's annoying the shit out of them. And with how upset Amity Parkers are with the JL, he stands firmly in the background even when fighting back or yelling at them in a crowd.
And to top it off, Danny's just tired. He never wanted to be a hero, he just wanted to be an astronaut. He wanted to be a normal kid. And now he's fighting ghosts and halfheartedly against his parents and his creepy weirdo fruitloop of a godfather, and to top it all off the GiW and Justice League.
Even the ones he'd been so excited to meet once are pissing him off. He hasn't slept properly in months. He's facing more and more world ending threats because of fucking course he is, and everyone is claiming he needs a mentor but they haven't even asked VALERIE to get one yet. She's even newer than him! Thank the Ancients they put up a truce when this shit show started. Openly complaining to each other is the time they both fully agree on anything, though even that's changing as time goes on. The only good part of anything about this is that Phantom is actually seen as a hero now, by everyone. It's hard to be against the guy who had everything under control now that they know first hand how horrible the home cities of these dumbasses handle things.
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cristinacclearwater · 2 days ago
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teen titans 2003 #9
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cristinacclearwater · 2 days ago
Idk, just a thought.
Dick: Pfft okay
Bruce: What do you mean by that?
Dick: Just saying, for a family that "doesn't kill", we have a pretty high kill count
Jason: Whaaaa?
Dick: Yeah, all things considered, Cass has the lowest count. You'd know this if you talked to us
Bruce: Dick, what are you talking about?
Jason: Wait! Replacement has a kill count???
Dick: He holds the record for most kills currently
Bruce and Jason: WHAT?
Dick, a little too proud: He's going to be so scary when he embraces being a supervillain
Tim, appearing with a pout: Still not a supervillain. Stop saying that.
Dick, beaming: No
Jason: wait, wait, wait, how does he-?? When-?? But I'm a crimelord and Demon Brat was an assassin???? Just how many have you killed???
Tim, ignoring Bruce having a mental breakdown: I lost count after I blow up all of Ra's bases. But a couple thousand?
Jason, shocked: For real?
Dick: See! Baby supervillain!
Tim: I'm not a baby anything, asshole. I'm 19!
Jason: Damn, baby bird. Wait! Does this mean Bruce and you (Dick) have kills counts?
Dick, shrugs: Yeah, Slade still tries to recruit me occasionally because of it.
Tim: Yeah, and Bruce likes to pretend he doesn't, but he does. If we want to add all the people he put in states worse than death while you were dead, who later killed themselves because of it, it's an even bigger list.
Dick, guiltily frowns: I'm not sure I want to add those. My list would get a hell of a lot longer too.
Tim, shrugs: Not all kills are to be proud of.
Jason, flabbergasted: I think I need to process this... my life is a lie
Tim: Talk to Alfred, it'll help
Jason, gestures to the despairing Bruce: What about him?
Dick: We've actually discussed this several times in front of him before, if we set him up at the bat computer, the med bay, or in his room, he pretends the whole conversation was a hallucination or something
Jason: Seriously?
Tim, nodding: Damian is so salty about it
Dick, strong arming Bruce to the bat computer and opening Bruce's latest case: Dami'll understand eventually.
Jason: Man, I need to hang out with you fuckers more often
Dick: I've been telling you!
Tim: There's a lot you don't know that we won't be discussing here, come to my safe house in southend on Thursday. We're having a sibling hangout at 4pm
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cristinacclearwater · 2 days ago
Arthur being in disguise or hiding (because villain of the week is trying to kill him) and he overhears what his own people think of his father
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Two guards speaking quietly about the new locked gates policy
“But The King says — “
“The child-slayer? I won’t listen to a word that man says — let the family pass”
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Two peasant women gathering herbs
“The mad tyrant has ordered yet another attack on the druid community. A shame I say, most of my recipes come from them, and if he kills them all, how will the potion makers survive?!”
“He burned my aunt you know — she had no magic! She never studied, she knew no spells or anything, but she was a midwife. A woman with knowledge of herbs and how to best practice medicine — that was treason enough”
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
A group of servants walking past him
“I was sweeping in Lord Alders chambers when he complained to Gaius about paying his secret tax again”
“A secret tax?”
“Yes! Apparently his wife, the Countess, knows magic and The King allows it! Lord Alders pays him a handsome sum a year so his wife gets to keep her head on her shoulders. His estate you know, is next to the river and we need fish to eat”
“So The King allows a noble woman to live because her estate is of convenience to the kingdom?! All-while my father, a shoemaker, lost his head for knowing how to read druidic? The Hypocrisy!”
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
A drunk father grieving in the tavern
“My boy was only five summers old! He didn’t know how to read his own name, let alone study magic! But still, he was to hang”
“But why? What was his crime?”
“He was playing in the field with the other boys, and the wheat made him sneeze and suddenly his hair changed and became blue. He didn’t even realise what happened until the others pointed it out. Apparently, there was no need for a trial. He was guilty…
A little boy had to hang because of one moment, one spark of something he must’ve been born with because he never learned, and The Rotten King tied a noose around his neck.”
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Arthur returning home safely after Gaius was able to identify the poison the attackers used
“May I ask where you found this information?”
“In one of my books, my lord. Here, I belive you read from this when Merlin drank from the poisoned chalice.”
He flips through the pages haphazardly before releasing
“But this is a book of magical poisons and plants!”
“Well yes sire…how else would I be able to recognise the symptoms?”
Arthur thinks back to the woman who was arrested last week for having a book on magical plants. She was deemed a witch and a traitor with clear intentions of killing the royal family, and was subsequently burned alive
“So the information is useful in your hands, but traitorous in anyone else’s?”
“It’s just a book Arthur. What one chooses to do after reading it, is entirely up to oneself”
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Arthur needs some time to think
Maybe Merlin could help…
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cristinacclearwater · 2 days ago
I have an idea for a Merlin fic but life is chaos so I cannot write it:
So for whatever reason Arthur is away (probably visiting some Lord or Nobel House) and Merlin stays behind (who knows why).
Uthers manservant is ill so he requests Merlin (after all he’s the crown prince’s manservant he should be good enough for the king).
Merlin is now stuck as Uthers servant for a week and I really want to see Merlin try to wake the King up with “rise and shine!! :D”
He talks too much and is entirely too familiar with the King, taking liberties and speaking out of turn, mentioning Arthur by name and not title, is always late with lunch but somehow…
Uther finds him fascinating. He knows Merlin is completely loyal to Arthur (he said so himself in the show). He understands Merlin hears castle gossip like most staff, but he is actually able to understand the significance behind the rumours. Merlin is also trusted by the knights and has insight into the lords and ladies of the court. He sees things, he hears things. Uther can use this
As a physician in training, he is able to treat Uthers old knee injury, and he is clearly learned. He can read and write better than some of the noblemen he’s met. One day Uther enters his chambers and finds Merlin bent over the desk looking over the grain reports “did you notice Lord Chester had been underreporting his grain storage for three years and is selling it under the table to a foreign king?”
Merlin is a terrible manservant…but Uthers clothing had never been cleaner, his armour so polished, his bathwater so hot and his notes so organised. Merlin is continuously late and covered in mud or moss, but somehow Uther finds he doesn’t mind as long as Merlin keeps feeding him important castle gossip.
Arthur gets Merlin back at the end of the week, and Merlin can finally breathe (he’s been a nervous wreck for the last seven days). Uthers servant recovers and the King has a functional servant again as is befitting his station.
But Uther is now willing to overlook some of Merlin’s …ridiculousness and familiarity with Arthur…after all, he’s realised Merlin does have some uses, even though he’s always late with breakfast.
Scenes like this:
“You’re the clumsiest excuse for a servant I’ve ever met!”
“Yes, Arthur says I have the elegance of a newborn lamb”
“Why is there a twig in your hair? It’s unbefitting of your station as servant of the King”
“I fell asleep in a ditch, anyways have you heard Lady Carteret has been seen buying hemlock at the apothecary? I’m sure Lord Carteret is soon to be missing, poor sod”
“Can you never bring me my breakfast on time?!”
“Sorry Sire, the poison tester died this morning after drinking your tea, so I had to brew it myself, and we’re in need of a new poison tester. And in totally unrelated news Lord Milder was seen fleeing the castle”
“Rise and shine!! The sun is up and you should be too!”
“Is this really how you wake your King? And where the hell is my breakfast!”
“Well Arthur usually throws a pillow at me even though it’s my job to wake him in the morning - that lazy arse!”
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cristinacclearwater · 2 days ago
Young Justice hanging out at Fenton Works, and meeting the Fenton Family. For whatever reason you choose.
Wonder Girl coughed lightly. “Uhm. It’s okay if we hide in here, right?”
Spirit nodded, as she guided her friends to her parents’ house. “Yeah, it’ll be okay. My parents should be home, but it’s alright, they’ll help us.” Without hesitation, she threw the doors open and called it, “Mom! Dad! I’m home!”
Two people popped their heads out of the kitchen window and beamed. “Dani!” A woman cooed. She was wearing a turquoise hazmat suit and cheerfully holding a turkey. “I didn’t know you were going to visit home!”
The man grinned at her and then quickly ran off, calling, “We didn’t get enough food! Wait here! I’ll get another turkey!”
“Get three!” Dani’s mom called before she ushered everyone in. Impulse had already rushed inside and was inspecting everything enthusiastically, but she didn’t even seem to care. “Aww, are these your friends, Dani? They look a little bloody— is that normal?”
It was Superboy who answered respectfully, “We’re sorry for intruding, ma’am. Uh, we were nearby due to an interdimensional demon and we needed a place to lay low for a while and recover. If that’s okay, ma’am.”
Dani’s mom beamed. “Oh, that’s perfectly fine! I’m so glad my baby girl has friends! Jazz and Danny never bring their friends around anymore. They’ve all moved out, you see, so we’ve been feeling a bit of empty nest syndrome. Come in, we’ll feed you and you can all rest!”
Everyone gave each other relieved looks and then thanked Dani’s mom who waved it off, pushing them into the bathroom to wash their hands and the blood off. Dani immediately set out to patch everyone up, grinning all the while as they were all squished into the tiny bathroom.
“Your mom seems nice,” Anita said. She looked vaguely shocked by everything.
“Yeah, she and Dad adopted me and Dan even when they didn’t need to,” Dani said. She quickly slapped a bandaid onto Slobo’s arm, who was already healed from his regeneration abilities, before she moved onto Red Robin, who was quiet and still masked.
Cassie asked, “Would we be a bother? I know my mom would be furious if we ever came to her like this.”
“Nah. They’re ghost hunters and Danny is a hero too, remember? They know what it’s like to raise heroes, so it’s fine.”
Dani cheerfully patched them all up and then they were quickly seated at the dinner table, where Dani’s dad had already came back with three more turkeys and a whole bunch of other groceries, quickly whipping up a feast for their impromptu guests.
“We should visit more often if we get to eat all of this every time,” Slobo said with a grin.
“You really don’t need to do this,” Cassie said, looking guilty. “It’s enough to just let us rest. We can’t finish all of this food!”
“I can!” All of the boys chorused and received the nastiest glare from their leader for their exclamation. They all smiled at her in varying levels of sheepishness.
Dani’s mom beamed. “It’s no trouble at all! You kiddos can eat, we’ll take care of the demons for you! Oh, and you, ghost-girl-that’s-not-my-daughter! We have food for you too!”
Suzie’s eyes widened. “You do?”
Dani smiled brightly. “Told you they’re the best! C’mon! Let’s eat!”
As they ate, Dani’s parents geared up in more guns and weapons before marching out the door.
“Remember to wash the dishes!” Dani’s dad said. “There’s brownies and ice cream in the fridge! Heat up the brownies slowly in the toaster oven! The microwave is contaminated again, so don’t use it until we disinfect it.”
“Okay! Got it, dad. Thanks again! Good luck!”
Red Robin leaned in close to Bart, who was choking down noisily. “Is this what having attentive, present, and supportive parents feels like?”
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cristinacclearwater · 7 days ago
An aspect of dcmk I find interesting is whenever someone confronts Conan about his identity, or implying that he's actually Shinichi, they never seem to think further about it than how it affects them personally. It's always that Shinichi is lying to 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 and trying to deceive 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮, but never that he's in hiding to protect 𝘩𝘪𝘮𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧.
And Shinichi freaks out every time, because in his mind his identity being revealed is literally life or death, no matter who it is. He goes into a panic survival mode every time, but whenever someone confronts him (Hattori, Ran, Sera, etc.) they never think of it from his perspective, and it just makes him out to be the asshole in the scenario.
Funnily enough, the only person (other than Agasa who he told willingly) who actually respects his situation and thinks about it from Shinichi's point of view is Kaito. Obviously this happens in a movie so the canon is a little flimsy but when he finds out Conan is actually Shinichi, instead of confronting him, he 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱𝘴 𝘩𝘪𝘮 𝘩𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘵𝘺. He immediately shows support rather than trying to get him to confess or rat him out, and I fully believe it's because Kaito understands what it's like to have a hidden identity. While he doesn't directly understand Shinichi's situation, he understands enough to not threaten him with it, which is probably a big reason why Shinichi ends up trusting him as much as he does.
(the same could be argued for Akai but he hasn't revealed that he knows so I'm not counting it in this)
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cristinacclearwater · 8 days ago
In time travel movies, when the time traveler asks 'What year is this?!?' they're always treated like they're being weird for asking.
When in reality, if you go 'What year is this?!?' people will just say '2024. Crazy huh.' and you go 'Wtf where has my youth gone.'
And if you ask 'And what month??' people won't judge you, they'll just go like 'SEPTEMBER!!! Can you believe it?!?!' and you go 'WHAT?!? Last time I checked we were in May?!?'
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cristinacclearwater · 8 days ago
AU where Mary and John Grayson come back to life (through magic or some other weird thing idk) and come to the wrong conclusions about the Batfam. Like as soon as they come back they’re transported into the manor where Alfred is just like “Oh dear!” and then walks in Dick, dressed as Batman, with Damian, in full Robin gear (this is when everybody thought Bruce was dead). And Dick’s parents recognize him immediately, and they just kind of roll with it cuz what the hell. And then they turn their attention to Damian (who they heard Dick call “Robin” and who is dressed in their family colors) and they’re just like “aww, a grandson”. And Dick is too in shock to correct them and so he has to roll with it. And then over time Mary and John meet more of the fam and their alter egos but they think that they’re all just apart of the circus and not crime fighting vigilantes because circus performers would be the most obvious conclusion. They’re also under the impression that Dick just built this family himself because it’s not like Bruce is around and Dick always wanted siblings, didn’t he? And like none of the Batfam has the heart to correct them on anything because while Dick can be annoying sometimes, none of them want to mess this up for him. Plus, it was nice to have some adults who had healthy coping mechanisms and stuff. Eventually it becomes harder and harder to keep the charade and they start to bet on who will get caught first.
John: You know you carry an awful lot of guns for someone in the circus. What did you say you do?
Jason, sweating: …..Security
John, who literally died at the circus: Oh, that’s nice. Wish we had that back in the day.
Mary: You know, it’s been a few months of us being back, and I’d love to see you all perform sometime.
Tim, running on two hours of sleep: Uh… you can’t because…… our shows are all sold out!
Mary: Oh, well that’s lovely dear. It’s a shame we can’t go, though.
Eventually, though, the rest of the Batfam start to relax and get closer to Mary & John. Then, funnily enough, it’s Dick “Trauma Is My Middle Name” Grayson who accidentally lets the truth slip during one of his sleep deprived hallucination sessions, in which he believes that Mary and John are also hallucinations and starts ranting about being Batman and such. Mary and John were already able to tell that Dick had been hiding something and that he had trauma because they’re not blind, but they didn’t expect this. But whatever reaction the Batfam was expecting, it wasn’t Mary and John’s slightly disappointed frowns as they exclaimed “So you don’t work for the circus? 🙁” because they had been really looking forward to catching a show eventually.
Bonus: Mary and John figured out that Jason was Red Hood before Dick spilled the beans, but they were just like “Wow! He works as Red Hood and security? He must be great at his job!”
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cristinacclearwater · 10 days ago
Imagine you're in a car with your brother and you keep telling him "slow down, you're going too fast" and he insists "I've got it under control!" And then he hits someone and you get out of the car and find out it's your sister. Your brother goes crazy from guilt and starts running over people left and right until you have to kill him to make sure no one else dies. Then years later he comes back to life and his boyfriend reveals oh guess what fuckhead. The reason he had to drive recklessly everywhere? Because he gave his legs to you in a secret operation you didnt know about. That's mdzs from Jiang Cheng's pov
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cristinacclearwater · 11 days ago
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The Gotham Bat Goes Missing (Or: Danny Fenton Has a Toddler Now)
The bats are in full crisis mode.
Tim Drake—Red Robin, Gotham’s most paranoid workaholic, the one who always has a backup plan—has completely vanished. No comms, no tracker, no digital footprint, nothing. One second, he was on patrol. The next? Gone.
It’s a disaster.
Bruce is brooding harder than usual, Dick is trying to stay optimistic but failing, and Cass is threatening to burn the whole city down if they don't find him. No one is taking it well.
Meanwhile, across Gotham, completely unaware of the chaos he's caused, one Danny Fenton is staring at the adorable toddler he found wandering alone in Crime Alley.
"Where are your parents, little guy?" Danny asks, frowning.
The tiny child, wrapped in Danny’s hoodie like a makeshift blanket, just stares at him with impossibly sharp blue eyes and pouts. "Bwuce!"
Danny blinks. "Bus?"
The kid shakes his head very seriously. "No, Bwuce!"
"...Right. How bout we just head to my place and figure this out, okay?"
Tim huffs, but slumps his head over Danny's shoulder and allows himself to be taken. Danny's lucky he's cute, or else Tim would be running away by now.
Danny wasn’t planning on adopting a kid, but fate (or Gotham’s weirdness) had other plans. And honestly? Timmy is the cutest thing ever.
He’s got the biggest blue eyes, the puffiest little cheeks, and he’s scary smart for a kid who can barely talk. Every time Danny works on his university homework, Timmy crawls up next to him with a determined look on his tiny face, grabs a crayon (because Danny refuses to let him use a real pen after the first ink disaster), and starts helping.
By helping, of course, Danny means scribbling all over his work in bright, clashing colors.
"Good job, Timmy," Danny coos, watching as Timmy proudly waves his crayon like he just solved quantum mechanics.
Timmy beams, babbling nonsense that sounds like he’s trying to explain something very serious, but his tiny lisp makes it impossible for Danny to take seriously, and just makes his heart melt with utmost adoration.
"You're the smartest little guy ever, huh?"
Timmy nods solemnly, “Wheely smawt" he smiles, smacking his tiny hand on Danny’s physics notes like he just made an important breakthrough.
Danny has no idea what’s going on, but he loves this kid.
Meanwhile, back at the cave, Bruce is one sleepless night away from losing his mind.
"Where the hell could he be?" Jason groans.
"We’re going to find him," Dick insists, though he looks ready to cry.
Steph is stress-eating while Cass is silently scanning every camera feed in Gotham.
Somewhere in the city, their missing brother is giggling as Danny Fenton makes airplane noises and spoon-feeds him applesauce.
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cristinacclearwater · 11 days ago
Striking out on his own during Red Robin must have been the hardest thing Tim has ever done. Tim who’s greatest fear is loneliness, who throws himself into befriending everyone and leaving no bridges burned. Who Bruce admits is the Robin that LOVED the teamwork moves so much that he and Bruce developed entire playbooks together so they can take down overwhelming forces with perfect synchronicity. WHO developed even MORE team tactics with Nightwing to the point they learned each other’s signature weapons and their own weapons can be broken down or put together with a twist to form the other’s. Tim is the Robin the others turn to for Ðick’s flippy acrobatic bullshit when he’s not there because they practiced every move together until Tim can do Dick’s part with any of the bats. Tim who makes allies to fight with even on his solo cases and with people no one else would DREAM of allying with like Klarion, lady shiva, early days Red Hood, and all his fellow Young Justice kids. Tim’s been on like 10 separate teams over the years from the batfam to Young Justice, to the Titans, to the Outsiders, to the freaking Psyba-Rats.
So think of how soul crushing those first months were entirely alone. No family, no team, no friends, no backup because they’re all dead, missing, or gave up on him (in his mind). Ra’s sending the agents he did to Tim was a stroke of diabolical genius. How do you steal the loyalty of a person who’s loyalty is their defining trait? Take a look at Pru, Z, and Owens and tell me they don’t remind you of the original Young Justice team? Misfits who love too deeply and NEED someone who cares are Tim Drake’s personal kryptonite. His fondness for them has been both his biggest weakness and his greatest strength. It was a gamble on Ra’s part because yeah, Tim fell for his weakness hook, line and sinker but his strength kicked in and he walked away with Pru’s total loyalty. With Ra’s pouring on the paternal approval on top of it might have worked to at least divide Tim’s loyalties a bit if Ra’s hadn’t tried to control Tim by keeping Tam hostage. No one can control Tim, he’s the ultimate wild card and threatening innocents hits his rage button.
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cristinacclearwater · 11 days ago
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The Gotham Bat Goes Missing (Or: Danny Fenton Has a Toddler Now)
The bats are in full crisis mode.
Tim Drake—Red Robin, Gotham’s most paranoid workaholic, the one who always has a backup plan—has completely vanished. No comms, no tracker, no digital footprint, nothing. One second, he was on patrol. The next? Gone.
It’s a disaster.
Bruce is brooding harder than usual, Dick is trying to stay optimistic but failing, and Cass is threatening to burn the whole city down if they don't find him. No one is taking it well.
Meanwhile, across Gotham, completely unaware of the chaos he's caused, one Danny Fenton is staring at the adorable toddler he found wandering alone in Crime Alley.
"Where are your parents, little guy?" Danny asks, frowning.
The tiny child, wrapped in Danny’s hoodie like a makeshift blanket, just stares at him with impossibly sharp blue eyes and pouts. "Bwuce!"
Danny blinks. "Bus?"
The kid shakes his head very seriously. "No, Bwuce!"
"...Right. How bout we just head to my place and figure this out, okay?"
Tim huffs, but slumps his head over Danny's shoulder and allows himself to be taken. Danny's lucky he's cute, or else Tim would be running away by now.
Danny wasn’t planning on adopting a kid, but fate (or Gotham’s weirdness) had other plans. And honestly? Timmy is the cutest thing ever.
He’s got the biggest blue eyes, the puffiest little cheeks, and he’s scary smart for a kid who can barely talk. Every time Danny works on his university homework, Timmy crawls up next to him with a determined look on his tiny face, grabs a crayon (because Danny refuses to let him use a real pen after the first ink disaster), and starts helping.
By helping, of course, Danny means scribbling all over his work in bright, clashing colors.
"Good job, Timmy," Danny coos, watching as Timmy proudly waves his crayon like he just solved quantum mechanics.
Timmy beams, babbling nonsense that sounds like he’s trying to explain something very serious, but his tiny lisp makes it impossible for Danny to take seriously, and just makes his heart melt with utmost adoration.
"You're the smartest little guy ever, huh?"
Timmy nods solemnly, “Wheely smawt" he smiles, smacking his tiny hand on Danny’s physics notes like he just made an important breakthrough.
Danny has no idea what’s going on, but he loves this kid.
Meanwhile, back at the cave, Bruce is one sleepless night away from losing his mind.
"Where the hell could he be?" Jason groans.
"We’re going to find him," Dick insists, though he looks ready to cry.
Steph is stress-eating while Cass is silently scanning every camera feed in Gotham.
Somewhere in the city, their missing brother is giggling as Danny Fenton makes airplane noises and spoon-feeds him applesauce.
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cristinacclearwater · 11 days ago
to this day i cannot BELIEVE aang called up and blew off like nine avatars just because they didnt offer any vegan options to ending the war
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cristinacclearwater · 12 days ago
when tim is working as the ceo of WE in public half of the time he’s the perfect figure, looking fancy and being respectful while also being intimidating when he needs to be. the other half he’s so tired he just starts cussing at annoying people and flipping them off.
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cristinacclearwater · 12 days ago
Okay here’s the thing I’m really annoyed about concerning Tim Drake:
He didn’t remain CEO in more than name. He let Lucius take care of everything he just used the position to create his Neon Knights initiative. He isn’t running WE. He is however running NK. He’s traveling around the world setting up NK locations in cities with lots of at risk youth. He’s not running a Fortune 500 company he’s running a non-profit charity organization dedicated to protecting kids and getting more people on a stable path earlier in life. He isn’t out here dealing with rich, white, assholes so he can make money for himself! He’s doing it to better the world, he’s doing it for education and a safe environment for kids around the world! And he is facing a lot of resistance from the rest of the rich and powerful. He is endearing himself to no one in the business world because his ultimate goal is to dethrone them all by fixing the wage gap. He wants people to have choices so the rich and powerful can’t exploit them as easily.
Tim Drake is not a business man. He has the skills, the ruthlessness and the determination but not the desire. He uses his status and money to help people in need. And it’s a more realistic way of helping the world. You can’t just throw money at problems and expect them to go away. Donating money doesn’t help nearly as much as using money to create systems that help people get the skills and opportunities they need. It takes dedicated work and meticulous oversight and it’s not something that can be done casually. It’s a commitment, not a hobby. The world is to fucked up for any easy fixes. But Neon Knights is a great idea, a long term solution if done correctly. I’ve always thought that fixing education and making sure everyone has equal opportunity from a young age would fix a lot of the issues in the world. More educated people making smarter decisions, more diversity because everyone’s success in entirely merit based. Anyway I’m getting off track. Point is, Tim isn’t some business man with charitable contributions here and there. He’s dedicated his civilian life to the long term benefit of society. He’s not a slacker or a full time vigilante. He’s out there building an entirely new system, a global network of people and locations dedicated solely to helping kids have better futures.
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cristinacclearwater · 12 days ago
The Thrift Shop
DPxDC Prompt #1
When Danny was suddenly given the title of Ghost King many things came with it. This included responsibilities, power, and a whole lot of junk.
Apparently no one had cleaned out the castle in millennia and there were thousands of old artifacts ranging from shoddily made blankets to weird glowing gemstones to even archaic weapons. They all had one thing in common though.
Danny wanted nothing to do with any of it.
So when Danny ended up homeless in Gotham after coming out as Phantom to his parents went wrong and he needed to make a quick buck he decided to start up a thrift store. It was two birds with one stone really.
The Bats end up really concerned that someone is supplying the citizens of Gotham with very powerful magic items.
Danny: *sells some bracelets he found in a lead box in the artifact room*
Batman: *wondering how and why the teenage girls of gotham are making friendship bracelets out of kryptonite*
Red Hood: *sees a kid about to be mugged and goes to save him*
The Kid: *pulls out a sword bigger than himself*
Mugger: *runs away*
The Kid: phew I knew this would be worth the 10 dollars
Red Hood: *thinking wtf*
Danny: people really like my junk! not gonna look a gifthorse in the mouth, dunno why though
Also Danny: *selling priceless magic artifacts for less than 20 dollars a pop*
The Bats eventually find out about the thrift shop (lovingly named the Junk Shop by Danny) and try to have it shut down to no avail. Bruce is going gray, but hey, the kid who runs The Shop is a mystery and he's nothing if not a detective.
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