cristaleda · 9 months
"Yet the symbols are important. They direct, concentrate, discipline, and inform the thought. To be effective, thoughts must be so motivated and directed. Watson's Supernature has a great deal to say on this subject. The one thing that all the experimenters in psychokinesis, telepathy, and ESP, and all the borderline probings into the workings of the mind (which in our day are being undertaken with such astonishing results by the most skeptical people on earth-mostly Soviets) agree on is that whenever the task is set, successful performance is directly related to the power of concentration, to the will, to the desire, to total interest and involvement. The person has to be excited; then he can do amazing things. But if the interest and concentration are not kept at a high level, nothing much goes on. When the level is high, the mind actually has a direct effect on things. The mind can do astonishing things just by thought. It is a matter of con- centrating and ordering it."
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cristaleda · 9 months
"There is no such thing as having an education at all. No, "education," that means a formal line of training. That there is such a thing as a terminal degree. You have an education, that's 
an utter absurdity. It's all becoming business and law now. Well that's it, that's the thing to do. So that's what an education is. But that's not where your learning and knowledge really comes from. It's the gospel of repentance and it's progressive 
repentance. "Wherefore, . . you shall repent and call upon God in the name of the Son forevermore." (Moses 5:8) And "forevermore," it's progressive repentance to realize where your weakness is. Now that's a humiliating process. It's one people can't put up with. It's a progressive revelation of your own ignorance as you go on 
to solve a problem. The great Scaliger for example, the greatest scholar who ever lived, when he was learning Hebrew he went to the ghetto and the children made fun of him, correcting his Hebrew which was very crude, you see. And scholars wouldn't speak to him. They were indignant. He was willing to humiliate himself and "become as a little child," you see. Unless you become as a little child you are not intelligent, you see; you're stupid. And that's ... they blocked it because of their haughtiness, their pride, and that pride is stupidity, that is what it
is. But I've noticed that all along, because as students we were so blessedly ignorant, so horribly ignorant and the teacher was-- you're declared a Ph.D. when you still don't know anything and from then on you go on teaching and you begin to pontificate from that moment; but you still don't know anything, you see. No matter how sharply you focus on a particular subject, or how highly you specialize, you miss most of it, no matter what it is, so that no person has the same experiences or reaction as the others. You see a different thing. Everyone's seeing is selective--and mine has been, you see. I select certain things and completely bypass others to an astonishing degree. I think if you live right and keep your mind open--if you ask for revelation and so forth and your mind is open you will receive hints and proddings that are stronger than just normal insights and things like that. Things that are very strong sometimes."
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cristaleda · 9 months
The fullness of the Gospel is the understanding of what the plan is all about- the knowledge necessary for salvation. - Temple & Cosmos
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cristaleda · 11 months
JD 20:341, JFS
While we continue to be purchasers and importers only, we will remain dependent to, and at the mercy of manufacturers and exporters from abroad; but when we can produce what we need by our own industry and skill, from the elements which so abundantly surround us, we cease to import, to be dependent upon Babylon, or the world, we approach independence, and begin to assume the position in the earth which God has designed we should, to lead and not be led, to teach and not be taught, to be the "head and not the tail."
[p. 347a]
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cristaleda · 11 months
""" Now Heavenly Father says, “Do you want to know what makes me God?” The source of God’s power is D&C 29:36, Moses 4:1,4, where he talks about he source of His power, what makes Him God.
What do you think i t turns out to be? What makes a Being, suddenly, or over a process of time, a God?
So that when I speak and I say water, organize into wine, a very high grade of wine, please, there’s no problem, they reorganize.
We call it a miracle. It was nothing in the world but obedient intelligences, that’s the doctrine.
Now, keeping that in mind, (that is, D&C 29:36), what would happen if the Father violated the confidence of these intelligences? What do you think would happen? No church on the face of the Earth has dared to announce the doctrine contained in the Book of Mormon, Alma 42. No church has dared to suggest that God could fall.
Our Heavenly Father says, “I want you to know I walk the razors edge of Celestial law continually in order to maintain the confidence and the honor of all those who trust me because that’s the source of my power.” Now that gives us a whole new understanding of our Heavenly Father.
In Alma 42:13, 22, 25, He repeats it over and over again and in Mormon 9:19, he repeats it: If He were unjust, if He were arbitrary, if He were false in any sense, He would what? CEASE TO BE GOD!
Our Heavenly Father says, “I want you to understand me. I work within very strict rules. I have to function so that I enjoy their confidence and do not violate it.”
Now in Alma 34:9, the Father says, “Once I have put you down into the second estate, I have lost all capacity to bring you back. If I did, it would be arbitrary, capricious and unjust and violate the rules by which the whole kingdom has been established. I lost complete control over the possibility of bringing you back myself. “
These are doctrines of the Church we seldom put in these dimensions. This is the Easter story. This is really the Easter story.
In fact it says there, that if there had not been some way to get us back to the presence of the Father, and it had been left to the Father, and he had been helpless to get us back, we would have ended back in outer darkness with Satan and his hosts. We would have gone the same route they went. And everything that had been organized by the Father in connection with us: our Earth, the other Earths (on which part of this family is located) and all the creations connected with it would have disintegrated and gone back to outer darkness, disorganized.
That’s the scripture. Now this takes all the magic out of the creation. All of a sudden we can understand it in our finite way. Suddenly our Heavenly Father becomes so much more rational, comprehensible and our appreciation begins to accelerate as we begin to realize what a remarkable, beautiful, powerful personality He is. """
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cristaleda · 11 months
""" Now Heavenly Father says, “Do you want to know what makes me God?” The source of God’s power is D&C 29:36, Moses 4:1,4, where he talks about he source of His power, what makes Him God.
What do you think i t turns out to be? What makes a Being, suddenly, or over a process of time, a God?
So that when I speak and I say water, organize into wine, a very high grade of wine, please, there’s no problem, they reorganize.
We call it a miracle. It was nothing in the world but obedient intelligences, that’s the doctrine.
Now, keeping that in mind, (that is, D&C 29:36), what would happen if the Father violated the confidence of these intelligences? What do you think would happen? No church on the face of the Earth has dared to announce the doctrine contained in the Book of Mormon, Alma 42. No church has dared to suggest that God could fall.
Our Heavenly Father says, “I want you to know I walk the razors edge of Celestial law continually in order to maintain the confidence and the honor of all those who trust me because that’s the source of my power.” Now that gives us a whole new understanding of our Heavenly Father.
In Alma 42:13, 22, 25, He repeats it over and over again and in Mormon 9:19, he repeats it: If He were unjust, if He were arbitrary, if He were false in any sense, He would what? CEASE TO BE GOD!
Our Heavenly Father says, “I want you to understand me. I work within very strict rules. I have to function so that I enjoy their confidence and do not violate it.”
Now in Alma 34:9, the Father says, “Once I have put you down into the second estate, I have lost all capacity to bring you back. If I did, it would be arbitrary, capricious and unjust and violate the rules by which the whole kingdom has been established. I lost complete control over the possibility of bringing you back myself. “
These are doctrines of the Church we seldom put in these dimensions. This is the Easter story. This is really the Easter story.
In fact it says there, that if there had not been some way to get us back to the presence of the Father, and it had been left to the Father, and he had been helpless to get us back, we would have ended back in outer darkness with Satan and his hosts. We would have gone the same route they went. And everything that had been organized by the Father in connection with us: our Earth, the other Earths (on which part of this family is located) and all the creations connected with it would have disintegrated and gone back to outer darkness, disorganized.
That’s the scripture. Now this takes all the magic out of the creation. All of a sudden we can understand it in our finite way. Suddenly our Heavenly Father becomes so much more rational, comprehensible and our appreciation begins to accelerate as we begin to realize what a remarkable, beautiful, powerful personality He is. """
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cristaleda · 11 months
The German mathematician Carl Jacobi made a number of important contributions to different scientific fields during his career. In particular, he was known for his ability to solve hard problems by following a strategy of man muss immer umkehren or, loosely translated, “invert, always invert.”
Jacobi believed that one of the best ways to clarify your thinking was to restate math problems in inverse form. He would write down the opposite of the problem he was trying to solve and found that the solution often came to him more easily.
Inversion is a powerful thinking tool because it puts a spotlight on errors and roadblocks that are not obvious at first glance. What if the opposite was true? What if I focused on a different side of this situation? Instead of asking how to do something, ask how to not do it.
Great thinkers, icons, and innovators think forward and backward. Occasionally, they drive their brain in reverse.
And yet inversion is a key tool of many great thinkers. Stoic practitioners visualize negative outcomes. Groundbreaking artists invert the status quo. Effective leaders avoid the mistakes that prevent success just as much as they chase the skills that accelerate it.
Inversion can be particularly useful for challenging your own beliefs. It forces you to treat your decisions like a court of law. In court, the jury has to listen to both sides of the argument before making up their mind. Inversion helps you do something similar. What if the evidence disconfirmed what you believe? What if you tried to destroy the views that you cherish? Inversion prevents you from making up your mind after your first conclusion. It is a way to counteract the gravitational pull of confirmation bias.
Inversion is an essential skill for leading a logical and rational life. It allows you to step outside your normal patterns of thought and see situations from a different angle. Whatever problem you are facing, always consider the opposite side of things.
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cristaleda · 1 year
"It is the responsibility of parents to rear children in light and truth. Let the truth be taught by example and precept- that to steal is evil, that to cheat is wrong, that to lie is a re proach to anyone who indulges in it. Teach them to be honest--that an erosion of personal integrity corrodes the soul and the spirit, that a breach in integrity nor only brings dise trust from others but leaves us wondering whether we can trust ourselves.
Perhaps most important, teach children the meaning and the importance of love, and do so by loving them and lerne them experience the warmth, security, and support that such love entails. A popular bumper sticker asks: "Have you hugged your child today?" How fortunate is the child who feels the ap fuction, the acceptance, the unqualified love of his or her pat ents. That warmth that love will bear sweet fruit in the years that follow"
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cristaleda · 1 year
"I once overheard a man-a strong and wise man whom I admired greatly-gently counsel his daughter, who was leav- ing on a date: "Be careful. Be careful of how you act and what you say."
"Daddy, don't you trust me?" she quickly asked. "I don't entirely trust myself," he responded. "One never gets so old or so wise that the adversary gives up on him."
Each of us must keep faith with ourselves and with others. So many of us begin strong and then flatten out. So many players in the game of life get to first base. Some reach second. A handful make third. But how few there are who reach home base safely. It requires continual striving to gain that mastery over self."
-Gordon B Hinckley.
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cristaleda · 1 year
Elder Neal A. Maxwell has taught that, “Mortality is no maze if a man possesses the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide him.”
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cristaleda · 1 year
"You will want to go through life with the strength that comes from a clear conscience, which will permit you one day to stand before your Maker and say, “My soul is pure.” Self-denial is not restrictive. It is liberating. It is the pathway to freedom. It is strength. It is an essential element of purity. Shakespeare expressed it well through his character Hamlet:
<<Refrain to-night;
And that shall lend a kind of easiness
To the next abstinence, the next more easy;
For use almost can change the stamp of nature,
And either master the devil or throw him out
With wondrous potency.>>"
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cristaleda · 1 year
Chulla vida
Maduro llanero (Villeta 🇨🇴) /Caimito (Salitre 🇪🇨)
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cristaleda · 1 year
Eu vou pedir pros anjos cantarem por mim. Pra quem tem fé, a vida nunca tem fim. Não tem fim.
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cristaleda · 2 years
Las consecuencias de vivir según lo que dicta la consciencia
"Quienes escuchan y viven según lo que les dicta su consciencia no tienen la satisfacción efímera derivada de la adicción a la urgencia, de complacer a los demás o de obtener la seguridad de estar increiblemente ocupados cada minuto del día. No obstante, experimentan un profundo cumplimiento de sus metas –aun en medio de desafios y dificultades– y se van a la cama por la noche con la confianza de que han hecho lo más importante que podian hacer ese día. Perciben un profundo nivel de paz interior y calidad de vida. No pierden el tiempo en racionalizar, debatirse en conflictos, culpar y acusar a los demás o a las condiciones extrinsecas por su situación. Poseen un sentido casi sagrado de la gerencia de sus roles–en sentido de la responsabilidad, de ser «capaces de reaccionar» para contribuir a la mejora de la calidad de vida de los demas de forma significativa–. Son fuertes en los momentos difíciles. Poseen un saldo positivo en la Cuenta de integridad personal."
-Stephen Covey
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cristaleda · 2 years
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Comet ZTF and Mars Image Credit: Donato Lioce
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cristaleda · 2 years
About teaching...
'' But you need to be a nice person and an inviting, loving person.
Now, there is a reason for that, everyone on the planet basically has fragile self-esteem. We'll have serious insecurities, just because we are human beings. Being a human being means you're an insecure creature. ''
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cristaleda · 2 years
"– Y ahora voy a decirte –añadió con el mismo murmullo vehemente y apasionado–, voy a decirte lo que es un amor verdadero. Es una devoción ciega que para nada tiene en cuenta la propia humillación, la absoluta sumisión, la confianza y la fe, contra uno mismo y contra el mundo entero, y que entrega el propio corazón y la propia alma al que..."
-Grandes Esperanzas.
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