tired! inspired!
16 posts
I'm just trash, really.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
crispyapplesareinferior · 5 years ago
this is a real deleted scene from revenge of the sith
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crispyapplesareinferior · 5 years ago
Nightlife Pt. 1 (LightXReaderXLawliet) Deathnote Imagines
Henlo I have not posted in an eternity, but I am back with more fanfics because I need shit to distract me from my painful calc class!!! T_T Feel free to send requests!! This will be a multipart series, L comes in a bit later c: Enjoy! x
Your eyelids felt heavy, the bags under your eyes never seemed to go away. You studied constantly, being a student in university obviously wasn’t easy, but never before had you felt this numb inside. Your day-to-day life had become so monotonous since the start of your second year: study, lectures, laundry, homework, try to sleep, repeat. It was as though everything around you had become white noise, but not the calming, peaceful kind. The people in the dorms around you partied all night, you saw drunk friend groups screaming on the sidewalks, and normally it wouldn’t have phased you, but it all felt so hateful now.
Last year you had been in a bad relationship- he was your first boyfriend, your first time with… everything. First date, first kiss, first sexual encounter, first breakup. You didn’t necessarily regret the things you did with him, but you couldn’t think back on it without feeling disgusted. He was a terrible person. The things he said and did to you… were not things you regarded fondly. You were too nice to leave him immediately, so you stuck around for longer than you should have before finally getting it to taper off. And now, it seems like he took a piece of you with him. The piece that always apologized to people for doing nothing, the piece that smiled at strangers and offered help to those in need. The piece that saw the good in absolutely everyone. It wasn’t there anymore. You had changed.
There was just one person who stood out among the masses of people with blurred faces and loud mouths. You had never spoken to him before, but he sat directly behind you in your 5PM writing lecture. Light Yagami- honor student, likes to stare wistfully out of windows. That’s all you could gather from the attendance sheet and simple observation. Something about the way he looked at people made you think that he was just as cold and judgmental as you had become. It fascinated you. Not many things were able to do that lately.
You had shown up to your writing lecture twenty minutes early, as chemistry released sooner than usual. You set your bag down on the floor and took a seat on the bench outside the classroom with a sigh, your legs ached from walking all day. As you pulled out your laptop to do a bit of work, a news article showed itself on your web browser’s home page: Recent Developments in the Kira Investigation. You clicked on it out of curiosity, quirking your brow up a bit after reading that Kira was supposedly some sort of god trying to purge the world of evil. “That’s their professional opinion, huh? It’s not like he isn’t doing the police a favor, I guess…” You muttered under your breath before closing the tab and opening your math homework set.
“I agree.” You jumped a bit as you heard a man’s voice right beside you. Light had taken a seat on the same bench, but you were so immersed in your laptop that you hadn’t noticed.
“Agree? With what?” You asked as you gently closed your device and shifted your body so you were facing him.
“Kira- he’s doing the police a favor. That is what you said, is it not?” He regarded you with interest, his brown eyes glinting almost devilishly in the fluorescent lighting. The hallway seemed to have gotten very quiet, and only now had you realized that there was nobody else around. It was… peaceful. The air between you and him was comfortable, but with a slight edge of excitement hinting at something unknown.
You felt the edges of your mouth curl into a slight smile and watched as a lock of auburn hair fell into Light’s gaze. “Does my opinion matter to you?”
“Just making conversation with a classmate. My father is part of the police force tasked with investigating Kira, so I find hearing the general public’s thoughts is a good way for me to understand how Kira might try to win their favor. I mean, someone in that position would have to get respect from society, right? A god needs his followers, for who else would pray at his altar?”
You tilted your head slowly, trying to read the expression on Light’s face, to no avail. He was excellent at masking his emotions, evidently. You had some nagging feeling that there was something he was implying, but you didn’t know what it was. Your heart sped up a bit as you opened your mouth to respond.
“I… would follow him if I was asked to. I don’t necessarily think that what Kira is doing is different from what the police do, really. Society gives law enforcement officers the right to kill criminals under certain circumstances, but when some civilian does the exact same thing we call it unjust because… why? Because they didn’t spend two years at an academy training? Because they didn’t pledge to protect and serve? But those are all just words, aren’t they? Nothing matters in the grand scheme of things, the world is simultaneously black and white and a grey area altogether.” You looked away from him for a moment, biting your lower lip as an unpleasant memory of your ex-boyfriend popped into your head.
“Some people are just evil. Some people the world would just be better off without. Who cares what the means are if it achieves the same end?” You finished, clenching your jaw and wondering if you had said too much.
“You’re an interesting girl, (y/n).” Light stood up slowly, his eyes locked with yours as he towered over you.
“We should get to know each other more.”
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crispyapplesareinferior · 6 years ago
yes I left tumblr for 3 months but now I'm back just so I can write Aziraphale/Crowley fanfics
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crispyapplesareinferior · 6 years ago
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Plant of the Day
Sunday 14 April 2019
The avenue of Prunus ‘Asano’ (Japanese flowering cherry) that stretches away from the Temperate House at the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, London, has been joined by an installation of sculptures from the glass artist Dale Chihuly and a planting of Tulipa (tulip) cultivars. The Prunus ‘Asano’ is flowering, with each of the double pink flowers having over 100 petals.
Jill Raggett
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crispyapplesareinferior · 6 years ago
Since I’m not seeing her name nearly enough on the press, let’s give the attention Katie Bouman deserves. Thanks to her, we are now possible to see the first ever image of a black hole, something that people talked 200 years ago for the first time. It’s no longer a myth. We are girls and we can be whatever we want to be. Einstein would be proud of you, Katie. Thank you!
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Here you can see a huge stack of hard drives she used for Messier 87’s black hole image data.
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crispyapplesareinferior · 6 years ago
kinda cool to think how someone somewhere is having the best day of their life today. someone’s hearing “i love you” for the first time today. someone’s gonna meet the love of their life today. someone’s gonna get the job of their dreams today. it’s someone’s best day today. and guess what binch? tomorrow it could be ur best day so keep going
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crispyapplesareinferior · 6 years ago
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crispyapplesareinferior · 6 years ago
what are we???? WRITERS!!!!!! what are we gonna do???? WRITE!!!!!!!!!! when are we gonna do it???????? //distant sobbing
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crispyapplesareinferior · 6 years ago
Regret. | Dazai x Reader (Bungo Stray Dogs)
A/N: May continue this if I find motivation somewhere amongst the heaps and heaps of laziness in my mind :,)
The alleyway was dimly lit by the last fleeting rays of light that the day provided. Two large men in expensive suits held down a struggling body here, forcing the person’s mouth open against the edge of a cement stair. With a sickening crack, the victim’s jaw split in two after receiving a firm kick by a third party. He cried out in agony, rolling over now free from his captor’s grip, his grimy hands clawing at his face.
The suffering did not last long, as three bullets were emptied into the individual’s chest, silencing them forever. The hand holding the murder weapon belonged to no other than an executive of the Port Mafia: Osamu Dazai.
“We’re finished here, you may go and report back to Mori.” The dark-haired male said this to the other two while wiping off the head of his pistol with a small cloth.
“Yes, sir.” They exited the scene quietly, very much like cats despite their heavy stature.
You were crouched in the shadow of a nearby dumpster, having witnessed everything unintentionally. For the past few weeks you’d been living on the streets, kicked out of your apartment after one too many overdue rental bills. You happened to have the most excellent luck, apparently, because now you were only feet away from a highly dangerous criminal and one sound might get your head blown off.
Everything was silent for some time, and you wondered if it would be alright to glance over and check if the murderer had fled, until--
‘Ah, somehow I knew I’d die at a young age. Guess this is it for me, then.’ You thought to yourself as you stared down the barrel of Dazai’s gun, which had miraculously appeared in front of your eyes as though its holder were as quick and silent as lightning.
“Enjoy the show, darling?” His statement was sarcastic, though the man’s voice was very flat and cold. His brown eyes looked cruel and unforgiving. You didn’t know how to respond, not wanting to say anything that might increase the probability of your execution. You merely stared at him, mouth open slightly in shock.
His expression hardened and, for a moment, you thought that he seemed conflicted about something. Slowly, he retracted his bandaged arm and allowed it to fall into the fold of his coat that was draped over his shoulder. Feeling slightly better without a pistol in your face, you decided to take a risk and stand upright to face him properly.
“L-Listen, sir. I didn’t see anything here. I assure you, if you just let me walk away…“ You didn’t finish your sentence. Dazai had begun to laugh in a hateful sort of way, and the fear in your chest increased once again.
“Why should your life be spared at the expense of my own?” The finality in his tone made it clear to you that you weren’t meant to answer. “The only other option here, is for you to pledge your unwavering loyalty to the Port Mafia and slaughter every person you are assigned. Granting you death now is more of a kindness, isn’t it?”
You wanted to agree with him, you could never harm another soul, but for some reason you found your morals had been completely replaced by an insurmountable desire to live. Your body was choosing to fight, though your heart yearned for the righteous release of death.
“I’ll do anything, so please…” You spoke quietly, ashamed of the words tumbling past your lips.
Dazai looked at you with a mixture of pity and resignation. He, too, had made the same choice long ago.
His other hand stretched towards you, grasping your wrist firmly and tugging you forward. “Once you’re in, you’re going to wish I had killed you here.”
His sentence fell upon deaf ears though, as you followed him submissively, determined to survive.
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crispyapplesareinferior · 6 years ago
Bad Haircut | Lawliet (L) x Reader (Death Note)
A/N: In which, reader gets a choppy haircut and L makes her feel better. Fluff, but a bit short because I'm tired (^ • ̀0•́ )✧
You walked out of the salon with a strained smile on your face, trying to hold in a mini panic attack until you reached the privacy of your car.
Pulling the door open with a click, you projected yourself onto the leather seat and grasped the steering wheel. You inhaled deeply before grabbing the visor mirror and angling it towards your head anxiously.
You had brought in a reference photograph of a very cute (favorite hair style) to show to the stylist, but the end result was not even remotely similar. Your hair was layered oddly and stuck up in various angles. She had trimmed the sides short enough so they rested at your jawline, then left your bangs in your eyes and the back uneven. You began to cry as you stared hatefully at your reflection.
Most people wouldn't make such a huge fuss, saying that it's 'only hair' and 'it'll grow back.' But, you were insecure about your appearance enough already; this only served to further lower your self-esteem.
As much as you wanted to be mad at the hairdresser, you felt like this was partially your fault for not speaking up when you noticed she was cutting too much off. You even tipped her generously despite hating how it turned out. Your shyness was painfully aggravating sometimes.
Composing yourself, you grabbed the baseball cap that was conveniently laying on the passenger seat and stuck it onto your head firmly. You weren't going to let this prevent you from showing up at work, especially when the task force was so close to catching Kira. Your shallow problems weren't worth slowing down the case.
You kept the radio off as you made your way to the new hotel that L- Ryuzaki- was stationed at. With one last pained glance in the mirror, you parked your vehicle outside of the building and headed inside.
Upon entering the room that L had indicated, you noticed that it was empty except for the detective himself. This was odd, as you were rarely called in first.
"Ah, hello miss (y/n). Good to see you." You acknowledged his greeting with a wave before inquiring about your associates.
"Where is everyone? I know we're meant to arrive at different times so as to remain inconspicuous, but the Chief is usually called in first... Did something happen?" You watched as L walked from the window over to a cushy chair, sitting down in his typical, peculiar fashion. His tired eyes met yours and he did not respond immediately, instead choosing to pluck a sugar cube from the nearby table and pop it into his mouth with a hum.
After a few more moments of silent contemplation, he gave an answer.
"I've given everyone the day off, so to speak, as we have nothing to currently analyze and no moves to make until the second Kira responds to our message." L must have taken note of the confused expression on your face, because he began to explain in greater detail.
"This is very much like a game of chess, (y/n). If we are too hasty to act when it is not our turn, we will forfeit the game. Similarly, one cannot play without an opponent making counter-moves." His eyes scanned your face slowly.
"So then, if everyone else is able to rest today, what did you need me for?" You sat down in the chair opposite Ryuzaki, also taking a sugar cube from the table.
"Entertainment, if you don't mind. I rather enjoy your company and find that my reasoning ability is increased by an additional 15% in your presence." At this, you raised your eyebrows and felt your heart become considerably lighter.
"Oh, of course I don't mind! Admittedly, I feel the same way about you! I mean- I'm not exactly sure if my 'reasoning abilities' are heightened around you but I like being by your side..." you trailed off awkwardly, suddenly feeling embarrassed. L didn't seem to notice though, as a small smile adorned his features, making him look surprisingly handsome.
"I see you've gotten a haircut." He said this in a light, casual tone, but it cut through you like a dagger.
"Er, yes. It's not at all what I wanted, so I'm probably going to be wearing hats for a while-" you stopped your sentence as you felt the baseball cap being removed from your head gently. You hadn't noticed Ryuzaki get up and move towards you, as you were staring at your hands intently while you spoke, but now he towered over you.
You grimanced and quickly set your hands over your face, missing the cover that the hat provided. "It's bad, please don't look!"
The detective ignored you and quirked an eyebrow. He set his hand on top of your head gently, ruffling your hair.
Your hands fell back to your lap and you peered up at him, your mind completely blank.
"I think it looks nice... any hairstyle would suit such symmetrical facial features, I don't believe covering it is necessary?" He returned to his seat casually, clearly unaware of the fact that he had just stolen your heart and you would indeed be burning every hat that you owned later.
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crispyapplesareinferior · 6 years ago
Ideals | Kunikida Doppo x Reader (Bungo Stray Dogs)
A/N: I wrote a long ass Edward Elric x Reader fic at 6 in the morning and tumblr decided to delete it all after I pressed the post button, F to pay respects. Anyway, here’s a Kunikida x Reader to quell my annoyance because BSD never ceases to make me happy (written in Microsoft Word first this time jfc)
Kunikida Doppo was a man of ideals. He lived in such a way that only those who knew his personal belief system could understand (though they still found it a bit odd).
Taking a break from work spontaneously? Never.
Rearranging schedules to adjust to a sudden change in plans? Unheard of.
Straying from any ideal he wrote down in that little notebook of his? He’d sooner die than abandon his preferences.
When you had first started out at the Armed Detective Agency, you found Kunikida’s neurotic behavior a bit captivating. You hadn’t met someone who was so organized, focused, and confident in his decisions. In fact, it was these qualities that led to you developing feelings for the man. You, having an uncontrollable and frequent blushing habit, did not do a very good job at hiding your affection. Everyone in the ADA seemed to know about your feelings for him, except for Doppo himself. Or rather, that is what you told yourself; you preferred to think of him as dense rather than knowing about your feelings and ignoring them because he didn’t feel the same way.
Habits of the heart aside, you got along well with everyone else in the agency, particularly Dazai Osamu. You enjoyed watching him torment the poet whenever you found yourself finished with work. The former Port Mafia member was the meddling type, so naturally he had asked you about your feelings and if there was any way he could help bring the two of you together. You didn’t doubt that Dazai had some way of aiding the situation and frankly, you were tired of being overlooked by Kunikida. What harm could possibly be done?
“What did you have in mind? Kida is always immersed in that notebook of his, I really don’t think there’s a way to get him more interested in me than in his ideals, Dazai.” You sighed meekly after saying this, resting your chin in your palm. You were sitting at your desk analyzing paperwork, the poet somewhere out of earshot.
Dazai grinned wickedly and narrowed his gaze, leaning closer to your ear before saying, “Darling, the notebook is the answer. He’s got a list in there of everything he loves in a woman- get it, and you’re golden.”
You scoffed at this skeptically. Surely, he wouldn’t write down such a thing, would he? Isn’t that a bit shallow...? Nevertheless, your curiosity was piqued and as you watched Dazai’s figure retreat to the sofa, you couldn’t fight off the plans formulating in your mind about how to retrieve the book.
Some time had passed since your conversation with the suicidal maniac, enough to allow a whole ball of anger to have nested itself in your chest along with a burning desire to confront Kunikida the next time you saw him. By now, the sun was setting outside the agency and mostly everyone had gone home to rest. You remained at your seat, knowing the object of your affection always stayed later than everyone else.
Tapping your foot impatiently, you watched the door frame and almost fell out of your chair when Kunikida walked in. He had clearly just returned from a fight, as his hair was disheveled and his vest was clutched firmly in his hand, singe marks tainting the fabric. His black shirt was unbuttoned slightly, and his glasses were gone. You scanned him for injuries and, finding none, got up and strode towards him before you lost your resolve.
“Clearly, you’ve had a long day, so I’m sorry for doing this now but I can’t hold my feelings in any longer.” You were standing in front of him, your gaze slowly trailing to the exposed bit of collarbone that his shirt normally hid from view. Realizing this wasn’t good for your focus, you snapped your head back up to study his face. The sun glared off his glasses whenever he wore them, so you didn’t really get the chance to admire his eyes until now. They were quite possibly the most vibrant shade of gold you’d ever seen. You felt your face heat up and decided to proceed before your mind wandered too far.
“You’ve really got some nerve, keeping a list of all of the things you like in a woman! Dazai told me that you write this sort of stuff down in that stupid book and you know, at first I thought it was nice that you had such a solid belief system but that’s just… just…!!” You stomped your foot out of frustration, finding the brilliant argument you had spent the last few hours coming up with slowly fading from memory.
Kunikida looked at you with knitted brows, unsure of whether it was okay to speak yet. He decided he’d wait to hear if you had anything else to say before getting a word in edgewise.
“Look, ever since I started working here, I’ve liked you.” Your tone of voice turned from one of animosity to defeat. “I was honestly a bit hurt, learning that you write about the kind of girls you like, because I really try to do as much as I can to impress you but it’s like it’s never enough… You don’t look at me unless you’re assigning tasks or speaking about professional matters.” You felt tears forming, and you mentally cursed yourself. “I know you have a right to do whatever you want, and you aren’t obligated to return my feelings, but the least you could do is acknowledge my affection and turn me down so I don’t keep chasing after you like this!!” Your head was hung low, your hair covering your face. After a few moments of silence, you thought Kunikida probably had no idea what to say and you had utterly embarrassed yourself. Just as you were about to take everything back in a futile attempt to erase the current situation, the man in front of you held out a small rectangular object.
“Page sixty-four, my ‘ideal’ woman. Please, read it.” Kunikida said this calmly, without any hint of emotion in his face.
“I- No, I don’t need to. I didn’t mean to pry, really-“ but before you could finish, you were cut off.
“Read. It. (Y/n). Please.” The poet stepped closer to you and upturned the palm of your hand, placing his notebook in the center.
You bit the inside of your cheek and opened it hesitantly, unsure of where this was going. You counted the pages as you flipped through… 62- “Ideals in Morals and Ethics…” 63- “Ideals in Life and Death…” 64- “The Ideal Partner.” You stared at the title of the page before reading its contents, uncertainty gnawing away at your heart.
You parted your lips and read aloud the two single words on the page, “(f/n) (l/n).”
Kunikida smiled down at you kindly, watching as you shut the book and sniffled.
“You idiot… You let me go on like that, even though you felt the same way?!” You tried to sound genuinely angry, but the words came out as more of an excited squeal. Firmly pressing his possession back to his chest, you threw your arms around him in a tight hug. “I feel stupid, now.” The sentence was muffled beneath the fabric of his clothes. You could feel a ripple of laughter overcome him as he hugged you back.
“I honestly didn’t know that you liked me until now, (y/n). I’m quite sorry for being so obtuse, but I never would have believed that such a perfect girl would be interested in a man like me.” He said this happily, and you felt like you could melt into his arms.
“Shut up.” You grinned and stood with him in the evening sunlight for quite some time, enjoying what you would both call ‘the ideal situation.’
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crispyapplesareinferior · 6 years ago
Fear | Dazai Osamu x Socially Anxious! Reader (Bungo Stray Dogs)
(Sorry, I'm writing about bsd quite a bit because? Imlove??? but feel free to send requests for other animes/one-shot concepts!! Also, I'm writing this in bed at midnight on my phone instead of my laptop out of laziness so apologies for typos I'm exhausted and will fix them tomorrow if there are any! ^^)
You walked into the crowded cafè, your heartbeat becoming louder with every step you took towards the line at the counter. You were out shopping for used books to read in your spare time and decided to get some coffee as a pick-me-up; unfortunately, the particular spot you had chosen to buy from was very popular, especially on weekends.
Once you got to the back of the line, you felt the blood rushing to your face and considered leaving. Two girls around your age had gotten in line behind you and were laughing loudly, blocking the exit. You decided you'd stay to get your drink rather than subject yourself to the painful situation that would inevitably ensue should you try to get out the door. It would likely go something like this: you'd turn around and say "excuse me" in your usual quiet, polite voice and, because they were busy talking with one another they wouldn't hear you. You'd then try to maneuver around them and accidentally bump into one of their shoulders, and the girls would either glare at you, laugh at you, or say something rude like "watch where you're going." Things always went this way, and while you knew it was mostly your fault for not speaking up and being assertive, part of you just wished people would be more aware and mindful of their surroundings in public.
Since you left your phone at home, you didn't have much to distract yourself with while waiting, other than the art of finding patterns in the floorboards. You liked to have something to fiddle with in situations like these so you didn't accidentally make eye contact with a stranger or engage in unnecessary interaction.
You saw the back of the person's shoes in front of you step forward out of view and you shuffled up a bit, grateful that the line was progressing. Wondering how many more orders there were before yours, you decided to glance up quickly. Instead of your gaze falling on the back of some stranger's heads, you directly met a pair of vibrant hazel eyes.
You felt more heat rise to your face and you quickly looked away, smiling amiably, glancing around aimlessly at anything but the man in front of you. You wished he would turn back around.
"Excuse me, miss! I don't mean to be too forward but you are positively angelic! I am truly blessed to be in the presence of such beauty, would you perhaps want to commit a double suicide with me?!" With this, he clasped his hands together as if in prayer and leaned closer to you, his mouth upturned into a beaming smile, awaiting a response.
"Er.. haha, what?" You laughed awkwardly, certain that your face was now the color of fresh strawberries. You'd never had such an odd encounter with someone before, and you weren't sure if this guy was crazy or...?
"Ah my apologies, I should at least introduce myself before I suggest an act of eternally-binding love. Dazai Osamu." Dazai extended his hand toward you, and you shook it hesitantly. You knew your palms were covered in cold sweat and you hated yourself for it, you couldn't help but think he probably found you unappealing now.
"Ah, my name is (y/n). Nice to me- et y- ou." You felt the air leave your throat in a distorted, constricted manner as it typically did when you felt overwhelmed. Talking to anyone, let alone a tall, handsome guy was immensely difficult. Again, you cursed yourself for being so stupid and felt a small wave of nervous laughter pass your lips.
Dazai took note of your anxious state and his brow furrowed slightly. He felt an odd desire to protect you.
"Hey, this line is taking quite a long time, hm? I know a much better place to get coffee, and it's a lot less crowded! Care to go, love?" After asking, he gestured back towards the doors, and you shook your head with a faint, jumbled 'ohmhmsurethankyou.'
Once you were back outside, you began to feel a bit better. The streets were expansive, so it was easy to avoid bumping into others. Dazai led you on a short trip to a new cafè wordlessly, and only once you finally sat down to drink your coffee did he ask you a question.
"You seemed a bit nervous back there, is everything okay?"
You finally looked up at him properly and took a second to appreciate the pleasantness of his appearance. His dark brown hair matched his eyes, which coordinated well with the tan dress coat he wore. The sun hit the jewel of his tie at such an angle that caused small, blue spots to flicker across the table as he shifted his body.
"Ah yeah, I'm alright, thank you. I just, don't do too well in crowded places, ahah.. I guess I'm pretty shy, you know.." You said this in a forced sort of tone, which Dazai must have seen through instantly given his retort.
"Hmmm.. I could be wrong, but I don't think 'shy' people have trouble breathing around strangers. Seems to me that you have social anxiety, no?" The man brought his coffee to his lips and was now watching the people across the street. You wondered if he was avoiding eye contact to make you more comfortable.
"I guess so.." you laughed nervously yet again, and went on, "I've tried all sorts of things to help it but I'm just not good with people. I don't let it prevent me from living my life or anything, so it's not that big a deal." You chewed on the side of your cheek, despising the silence.
Dazai said nothing, but he had a grin on his face and still was not looking at you.
"Funny you should ask about me though, I mean, apparently you want to kill yourself. That's a more, uh, prominent issue." You felt relieved when he finally turned his head back to you and spoke.
"Guess we're both problematic, huh? Meant to be? True love? Shall we face the despair of life together, dear (y/n)?" You laughed genuinely for the first time all day, feeling the knot of unease in your stomach begin to slowly unwind.
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crispyapplesareinferior · 6 years ago
Deduction | Edogawa Ranpo x Reader One-Shot (Bungo Stray Dogs)
(A/N: Deduction? More like seduction when it comes to Ranpo ammirite (¬‿¬) okay I’ll just show myself out now lol
Short background: you’re a brand new detective recruited by the ADA. You have no ability, like Ranpo, and you’ve been hired to work with him as a team, similar to Double-Black.)
The sun was setting over the crime scene, casting a soft orange glow against the victim’s face and painting the cement dully. Your cheeks flushed as Ranpo leaned down towards you, his eyes squinted without his glasses. You found this aspect of his appearance almost too adorable to bear. Hell, everything about him was charming. Of course, you’d never admit this to him, as his ego was already overfed as is.
“Good grief, I know we’re meant to solve this case together but I really could’ve done this all on my own.” After saying this, he opened his eyes fully and met your gaze, his face remaining impassive yet thoughtful. “Training junior detectives like you isn’t all bad I suppose, your stupidity greatly emphasizes the true magnificence of my ability! Gosh, you’re quite lucky to have me as a mentor, hm?” At this, you let out a faint ‘tch’ and backed away from the sleuth, watching him straighten up and yawn.
You didn’t try arguing with Ranpo, because you honestly agreed with what he said, blatant as it may have been. You believed if anyone had earned the right to be cocky, it was this man. He had endured a great deal of suffering being in the ADA, likely having to put in a lot more work than those who had abilities as a sort of crutch. You respected him, admired him, and wanted to emulate him.
“I’ve found two key pieces of evidence here, Ranpo-san.” You decided to give your best effort at impressing the detective, so you crouched down next to the victim on the ground and gestured for him to come near. He said nothing, instead giving a small nod to show you had his attention.
“The wallet found next to the body has a small keychain on the zipper, with a ring attached. I presume this was a wedding band, as it is set with a diamond and engraved. Clearly, the victim was divorced but they did not initiate the separation, as they would not have been likely to hold onto the jewelry if they no longer loved their ex-spouse.” You paused for a moment in contemplation, and Ranpo watched as you brushed a strand of hair out of your face. He felt an unexpected pang of longing in his chest.
“Secondly, there is a torn photograph of the victim and who looks to be her husband on the ground. From everything here, I conclude that she probably didn’t handle the divorce well, lashed out at her ex or stalked him, and he was driven to murder her out of spite. He probably had a hard time meeting other women with her around, so that could have been another motivating factor. The culprit is the person in this photo, so we just need to find him and it’ll be case solved!” You beamed at the man across from you, standing up expectantly. You were hoping he’d give you praise, because surely you had everything correct, right?
“Nooope! Goodness (y/n), I suppose I shouldn’t hold you to such high standards but I was hoping I’d have a bit of competition! Ah well, let me give you a rundown, then.” Your face turned bright red and you quickly scanned the ground for more clues, not finding any. What had he seen that you overlooked? Ranpo opened his mouth to continue, not taking his piercing gaze off of you.
“I don’t even need my super deduction glasses for this, it’s so simple.” He smirked and your already-warm cheeks got warmer.
“First off, the ring is important, so you get a point for that. But, this woman was not divorced! Rather, she was widowed when a member of the Port Mafia murdered her husband.” Ranpo’s playful expression turned into one of sadness for a brief moment, and you fought the urge to comfort him. He rarely wore vulnerable faces like that.
“If you take a closer look at the picture, you’ll see the date on it is marked one week after the date engraved on the ring. Similarly, the date on the ring was only one week and three days ago, so they were newly-weds. Divorce after that short amount of time, huh?” You realized that he was right- probability was an important aspect of this line of work and you needed to master it.
“What else?” You asked quietly, feeling a bit discouraged. Ranpo walked around the corpse to your side before going on, noticing the change in your demeanor.
“The outfit that the woman is wearing in the photo is the exact one she has on now; however, her clothes here are dirty as if they’ve been slept in for days. Her makeup is also streaked down her face, but not in such a way that it appears she was crying recently, it’s more like she never got the chance to wash it off and just wore it around the streets for some time. Furthermore, her jaw is broken and she suffered three bullet-wounds to the chest, trademark of the Mafia. Also, note the dried blood on her fingernails. In conclusion...” The man turned to face you once again and tilted his head to the side, he placed a hand on your shoulder and your thoughts became muddled.
“This woman’s husband was murdered one week after their wedding, she probably knew he had dealings with the Port Mafia but agreed to the wedding if he left that life behind. Gang members, being vicious and cold-blooded, decided to kidnap him and murder him before he tried to get out, and so she set off in search of the groom. She found his mutilated body, evidenced by the older blood on her fingers, slept on the streets for a few days in shock being unable to return to their home and face reality. She might’ve seen someone involved in her husband’s murder so the Mafia killed her too, or they just killed her by association. That part, I’m not sure of, only because each is equally cruel and equally likely by the hands of these criminals.”
When he was finished, you felt numb. There was no sadness or fear, only an empty sort of sensation deep in your heart. “Sorry, I really am disappointing. I just, never would have imagined such a thing...” You were cut off by a warm, heavy feeling coating your shoulders and you realized Ranpo had given you his cloak and was ushering you back towards headquarters.
“Don’t apologize for being good-natured, (y/n). This job can dim the light in good people like you, but your heart is strong. I know you’ll bring peace to a lot of people, so don’t give up, okay?” He smiled at you kindly and patted your head.
Maybe you could do this, after all.
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crispyapplesareinferior · 6 years ago
People talk of “social outcasts.” The words apparently denote the miserable losers of the world, the vicious ones, but I feel as though I have been a “social outcast” from the moment I was born. If ever I meet someone society has designated as an outcast, I invariably feel affection for him, an emotion which carries me away in melting tenderness.
Osamu Dazai, No Longer Human
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crispyapplesareinferior · 6 years ago
Greed | Bungo Stray Dogs x Reader
Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald x Reader
A/N: Fitz is my favorite antagonist; he did everything to help his wife which is rather endearing, not that it justifies the pain he caused but at the very least he had a logical reason to continue fighting anyone that got in his way. Sacrificing all that you have- even morals- for family is such a powerful concept. On that note, this fic is going to be sad so read at your own risk. (´_`;)
Zelda was his light, his reason to keep living, and everyone in The Guild knew not to ever mention her name if they wanted to keep their limbs intact, especially you. One might think such a treasured individual would be kept in the limelight and blatantly admired by her husband, but her mental illness deprived her of the privilege. Zelda thought her daughter was still in London, attending boarding school when in fact, she was actually dead. The harsh reality of the situation could not register, and she continued living in the illusion of happiness and blissful ignorance while Fitzgerald fought painfully to get her a cure. She had no idea the horrible crimes he committed for her, and she would die that way, unburdened by the true nature of her family’s circumstances.
When Zelda passed, the caretakers by her side were extremely hesitant to inform her husband. After all, they knew how demanding he was when it came to her and they could only imagine the hell that would unleash following the courtesy call. Nevertheless, it had to be done, and the head of the facility volunteered to deal with all affairs regarding Fitzgerald as if he were a bomb that needed to be delicately rewired so it didn’t explode, destroying everything in its wake.
(Back at Guild HQ, Moby Dick)
“Miss. Alcott, could you hand me the analysis of those gangs we found in Shinjuku?” You asked the girl politely, smiling as she hastily bundled up the pages and gave them to you. She always looked so flustered whenever people spoke to her, even though you and her were both subordinates she treated you like a superior. Though, most of the members in The Guild would agree that you contributed almost an equal amount of strength and dedication as Fitzgerald did, which garnered more respect from your associates.
“Hmm.. these are just small-fry weapons distributers. I doubt they have any significant connection to the Port Mafia, blowing them up is an option but frankly, a waste of resources.” You yawned as you finished your sentence, tossing the papers onto the table lazily. You had fought what felt like an army yesterday and were in desperate need of sleep.
The boss walked into the room after overhearing you. He sat on the cushy sofa next to you, eyeing a bottle of wine on the table thoughtfully.
“Isn’t it my place to decide what is or is not a waste of resources?” His voice cut through your grogginess like a razor, you were suddenly very alert. You furrowed your brow and considered his question for a moment before responding.
“Ultimately, yes. I was merely giving my opinion as I am part of this team. If you wanted a bunch of mindless drones here to simply obey your orders I think you’d be quite disappointed with my initiative.” You shifted your gaze to his features and noticed how worn he looked. If Fitzgerald ever snapped at you, you could never bring yourself to feel anger. You didn’t pity the man, he was strong and capable of surviving under difficult conditions. Rather, you wished you could shoulder his pain for him, somehow. Your ability was one of destruction, not healing, unfortunately.
The corners of his mouth upturned into a very faint smile, and he leaned back against the cushion. You were the only person he would allow to speak to him in such a frank tone. Admittedly, he was fond of you, but he never entertained those feelings because the love he had for his wife was unshakable.
Just as you were about to say something, Fitzgerald’s phone rang and interrupted the silence. He sighed and answered the call without looking at the screen. His expression turned from one of boredom to pure malice within a matter of seconds.
“Just how incompetent could you people be? You allowed my wife to die on your watch!?” Your eyes widened in surprise at this, but concern began to well up in your chest. As the man yelled viciously into the phone’s speaker, cursing everyone in the facility who had taken care of Zelda, you started to think he might do something rash.
“You have taken away the most precious thing to me, I hope you are aware of this. Now, I have absolutely nothing left to lose, and a man with no inhibitions is not a man you want for an enemy.” Francis smiled cruelly, tapping the wedding ring on his finger as green gashes began to glow slightly on his skin. “Say your prayers, I think I’ll be taking your lives now.”
As he hung up the phone, you hurriedly blinked away the tears that had unknowingly formed in your eyes and stood, grabbing his arm firmly. Alcott was trembling in the corner, watching the scene, but fled as soon as you made eye contact.
“Fitz, listen to me. These people did not take Zelda from you. You knew it was only a matter of time before-” he jerked his arm away from you and stepped back, his head hung low and his bangs covered his eyes, casting dark shadows. He looked.. broken.
“We are taking Moby Dick to America, these bastards will pay. (Y/n), if you wish to leave, then leave.” He said the last word almost pleadingly. “Don’t try to save me, I’m far past the point of redemption. Save yourself, instead.” With that, he left the room and made his way to the cockpit.
You hadn’t realized how much you loved him, until he was out of reach.
You would give him everything he needed from now on, even if that meant destroying the lives of millions of people. Your greed became insatiable, just as his had become long ago.
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crispyapplesareinferior · 6 years ago
Conflicts of the Heart
A love triangle consisting of one suicidal maniac, one brilliant detective, and one reader-chan. Enjoy!
Part 1- Dazai’s Proposition
Being unemployed was tough. Consequently, having to rely on friends and family just to get by was tougher. You were independent, and hated feeling like an imposition. Being eighteen and what-not, many people gave you a free pass to leech off of their finances for a while. “Such is youth,” your parents had said once, though they secretly wished you had gone to college to get a degree. Of course, it wasn’t like you hadn’t tried, but getting rejected from every single university you applied to wasn’t exactly motivating. You ran out of emotional strength eventually and decided to enter the workforce immediately after graduating, which was proving to be significantly more difficult than you thought it would be. After enduring thirteen fruitless interviews, you began to wonder if the perfect opportunity would just fall right into your lap to compensate for all of the suffering. Then again, karma wasn’t really something you firmly believed in.. was it?
You left your house early in the morning to get a head-start on job-hunting, an odd sense of determination filling your chest. You brushed your hair out of your eyes thoughtfully as you made your way to the train station, glancing occasionally at the morning sun reflecting brilliantly against the river alongside the road. After readjusting the strap of your bag, you noticed an odd figure far off in the water. Checking your watch with a faint hum, you calculated that you had fifteen minutes before the train left and, from your current position, it was only a five-minute walk. Deciding it would be alright to use the extra ten minutes to investigate, you jogged towards the protruding object, panic rising as you drew closer. The ‘figure’ turned out to be two legs, sticking straight up and twitching slightly. The other half of this person was fully immersed underwater.
Without hesitation, you tore your bag off of your shoulder and dove in after the drowning individual in an attempt to rescue them. Unfortunately, you had underestimated the depth of the river and felt your heart leap into your chest as your feet sliced through the cool, heavy liquid, unable to find the floor. You were a rather dreadful swimmer- especially in deep water- but you paddled forward desperately trying to grab onto the tan pantleg in front of you. Tears spilled out of your eyes as you swallowed a mouthful of water, and your coughs turned into laughter as you realized what a hopeless situation you were in. You were going to die trying to save a dying person, You were going to die because you weren’t skilled enough to protect anyone, not even yourself. Just as your lungs began to burn in defeat, you felt your body collide with something solid.
You woke up to a huge amount of pressure on your ribcage, someone was leaning over you, performing compressions. You spit out what felt like fifty gallons of water before your mind cleared and you remembered what had happened. Sitting up, you furrowed your brow and analyzed the man who had revived you. He had wavy brown hair that was plastered to his face, which almost perfectly matched the chestnut shade of his eyes. His clothes were completely soaked, though he still had an air of importance as he wore business attire. Most notably, he was very handsome and you tried not to let your gaze  linger too long.
“Ah, you’re awake! Thank goodness.” He said, smiling, extending a hand as he got up. You took it graciously, blinking black spots out of your field of vision.
“Um.. did you pull me out of the river? Weren’t you drowning before?” You felt your face get hot as you said this, embarrassed at having made trouble for someone who needed help themselves. However, as pathetic as you felt in that moment, you couldn’t help the wave of relief that washed over you in knowing that nobody was hurt.
The man let out a sigh of longing before responding.
“I was, indeed. You see, it is my wish to commit a perfect, painless suicide!” His eyes gleamed enthusiastically as he spoke, “Unfortunately, I seem to have caused you trouble here, so this attempt has been sullied.” The last few words were grumbled with slight animosity, and you wondered if his brain was deprived of oxygen for too long, or if this guy was just insane.
“Well, sorry then, I guess? Mister..?” As confused as you were by his behavior, you couldn’t deny the fact that he saved your life. His whole demeanor was so abnormal that you actually found yourself intrigued.
“Dazai. Osamu Dazai.” He stretched his arms above his head and looked down at you kindly. “And you are?”
“Ah, then thank you, Dazai, for helping me.” You paused and felt warmth spread throughout your body, appreciating this person’s presence. “My name’s (y/n).”
“Of course! I would never let such a beautiful woman down in her time of need!” Dazai picked up your bag that you had tossed earlier and handed it to you, not noticing the blush spreading across your features.
“Speaking of which, are you perhaps in need of a job? I know just the place for brave souls such as yourself to make a living.” He bent down, now level with your face and his grin broadened.
What have you gotten yourself into?
Ahh, I haven’t written fanfiction in so long, forgive me if this is trash haha ^^ Not sure if pt.2 will happen soon, but Ranpo should be added then! uwu
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