
SUMMARY: you're supposed to be in the stands, eating snacks and talking strategy with your friends, enjoying watching the three champions battle for the triwizard cup. you're not supposed to be entangled in what seems to be your own personal (hell) triwizard tournament.
PAIRING: ravenclaw!nanami kento x hufflepuff!fem!reader | mc’s best friend yu haibara GENRE: hp x jjk au, (friends who are) idiots to lovers, romance, fluff, crack, profanity PLAYLIST: the course of true love never did run smooth WC: 1.7k WARNINGS: none, best friend shenanigans with haibara

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(With all due respect to Fushiguro Toji (which is none), you believe, like everyone else, that asking him out was a grave mistake and a terrible, horrible miscalculation on your end. And also, like everyone else, you’re willing to put that piece of history behind you and move on with your life because the Yule Ball is coming up.
Besides, let’s look at the bright side of things: Toji’s rejection, no matter how brutal, has acted as some kind of direct pipeline to you getting to spend time with Nanami Kento after hours every single night without fail.)

“So,” Haibara grins, invading your personal space, “are you going to tell me if you’ve found a date to the Ball?”
You hiss and shove him back, trying to avoid showing him your full face for fear he’ll notice the blush dusting your cheeks. “You’re always up in my business.”
He shrugs with his arms wide open. “I’m your best friend. It’s my right,” he says, a little too self-assuredly.
You want to smack him. Sometimes he can be so insufferable. (You have to hold yourself back as if restraining a rabid dog.)
He’s looking at you with those big brown eyes, his chin resting on his hands. You sigh.
“Fine, but you first, since you’re obviously asking because you have a date.”
He claps gleefully, leaning close to your ear to whisper, “Ieiri Shoko.”
You jerk back as if electrocuted. “Shoko?” you exclaim in shock. There’s no way Haibara, of all people, was able to bag her as a date for the Ball. You ask him as much, your mouth wide open.
“Because I’m charming,” he replies coolly, sitting back on the plush reclining chair that’s worn from years of use, his arms behind his head. The guy’s quite pleased with himself. He shoots you a playful glance. “You know, your disbelief wounds me.” He presses a hand to his chest.
“Oh please.” You roll your eyes, though you’re beginning to thaw, the beginnings of a smile pricking at the corners of your lips. “I’m just being realistic. I thought she was going with Satoru.” At the mention of the popular Slytherin student’s name, Haibara sits up straight. The expression on his face is emulative. “I beat him to it. Maybe.” He frowns, then shakes his head quickly and slaps on a smile that would make the Cheshire cat proud. “Point is, I told you who I’m going with. Now it’s your turn.”
You groan and slink down on the couch. You want it to swallow you whole. Haibara’s been gunning for you to talk to Kento and while that did happen, it didn’t happen in a socially acceptable way. (How could you ever forget having your first full conversation with Kento while being inside of a staircase’s guts?) Skimming over the fine details seems like a good idea - omission of the truth isn’t lying, is it?
“Okay,” you say, turning to him. You hold up a finger. “If I tell you, you can’t tease me.”
He starts to laugh, melodious, full of joy, like children realizing how high up they can go on a swing set. It’s also slightly menacing, as if he’s thinking of something devious, like a child pushing their friend on a swing so high up and then running away when their friend gets stuck. “Oh, Merlin,” he laughs, clutching his stomach. “It’s not Fushiguro, is it?”
The name hits like a cruise ship just fell on top of you, crushing you into nothing. You reach over and hit his arm. “Not funny!” you cry, trying to reach him as he wiggles away from you. “I told you not to bring that up again!”
He raises his hands in surrender, still laughing uncontrollably. You’re reminded of Kento that night at the music classroom, his shoulders shaking as tears pooled in his eyes. (Men love to laugh at you, it seems.)
“Do you actually believe I’m not going to bring this up every chance I get?” He’s doubling over now, and you’re burying your head in your hands. “This is gold! And I doubt anyone told you, but when you fainted from the stress, I should’ve yelled Timber the way it sounded like someone had just chopped down a whole tree in there. You fell like a log. It reverberated throughout the whole room.”
This is just so funny to him. Your humiliation is a comedy special. How wonderful.
You elbow him, but it does nothing but increase the level of hilarity.
“Oh, man,” he wheezes, clutching his stomach even tighter than before.
At this point, you’re afraid you’ll roll your eyes so far back that you’ll forever be staring at your brain. Your cheeks are hotter than a summer’s day, and you’re really wishing the couch could just gain sentience and realize how hungry it is for a girl reliving the most embarrassing day of her life through her best friend’s eyes.
“Whatever. How did I get to the Hospital Wing?” you ask, trying to steer the conversation somewhere more serious.
Haibara stops for a moment, looks at your face, then starts laughing again. He’s basically cackling now. “Kento and I had to haul ass,” he gasps, trying to catch his breath.
“What?” You already thought the whole thing was a massive stroke of bad luck, but finding out that Kento had had to carry you to the Hospital Wing is a huge hit to your body and soul.
(That’s it. You’re done. You can’t face him ever again. He’s just been nice to you this whole time out of sheer kindness. You need to do like the fruit and let that man go.)
Haibara nods frantically. You grab him by the shoulders and shake him. “Why didn’t you idiots, I don’t know, apparate or use a levitation spell?”
“Because,” he coughs, holding up a hand, “you can’t apparate inside the school, dumbass, and even if we did, you’d probably get splinched, and as for the levitation spell, I guess we weren’t thinking straight.”
You growl and shove him back. “You mean to tell me Kento couldn’t think straight? You, I can understand, but him? That guy is quick on his feet.”
“Maybe he was distracted,” Haibara murmurs, looking around the room as if he’s trying to tell you something. (You’re not a mind reader. That’s Kento.)
You stare at the ceiling and hold your hands out in front of yourself to calm down. “So you two just carried me to the Wing?”
Your best friend nods, looking displeased. “Unfortunately, I got your legs.”
“You sound disappointed,” you deadpan.
“I am,” he says simply. “Kento’s the type to work alone. He doesn’t really do well working in a team, so he would move this way and that, and I’d just have to play guessing games to see where he was going.”
Your jaw drops. You jab a finger into his chest. “Is that why I have bruises on the backs of my legs?”
At this, Haibara sobers up and rubs the back of his neck. “If it makes you feel any better,” he says slowly, “I have bruises on my legs, too. The stairs were a pain.”
Part of you wishes you didn’t hold yourself back from scrapping with him earlier. You pinch the bridge of your nose. “You are impossible.”
“You love me anyway,” he says, brushing his shoulder against yours despite your obvious irritation with him.
“Get away from me,” you hiss, but it’s half-hearted. Deep down you know that one day you’ll look back on this and laugh. (Not today, though. Definitely not today.) It’s not worth being mad at Haibara - it’ll only spur him on to bring it up more often, such is his nature.
He shakes his head like, Not a chance, buddy, then pokes your side. You jerk, growling at him.
“Who’s your date, if it isn’t our dearest loverboy Toji?”
Wow, he’s still on about that. There are bigger fish to fry, like how you’re going to face Kento later when you go to meet him for dancing practice. Clearly Haibara is an ace at dancing and has his entire life together and doesn’t have to worry about anything other than who your date is. You envy him.
You already know how this is going to end - with relentless teasing. It’s inevitable. Here goes nothing.
Flies are going to find a home inside of his mouth at this rate. You reach over and push his jaw up to close his mouth. He’s staring at you, his brown eyes blown wide. He’s already biting his tongue with things he wants to say. You scoff at him and cross your arms, waiting for the goading to begin.
“Oh. Merlin.”
You shake your head. “Don’t-”
He gets down onto his knees and looks up at the ceiling with his hands raised. “Finally!” He turns to you excitedly. “You two idiots are finally together!”
You grimace at his words, recoiling on instinct. What the hell is he going on about? “We’re not together, you idiot. We’re just going to the Ball together.”
“Is that what you think?” he drawls, resting his cheek on his palm. “Is that what Kento said?”
Your hands curl into fists. This is making your heart clench. “It’s what I said.”
Apparently this is comedy gold, and he starts laughing once again. Sometimes you think his brain is full of dust.
“Please double your meds immediately, Haibara,” you snap.
He wags a finger at you. “Oh no, I’m just getting started.”
You run a hand down your face. “Oh. My. God.”

(You’re astounded at how you’ve been able to dodge Haibara’s questions about your date to the Ball for this long. He just had to ruin your streak. And yes, he definitely had the time of his life teasing you for, quote unquote, “finally growing the balls to ask the hottest guy on the planet out.” (First of all, you’re going to admit, albeit reluctantly, that yes, Kento is hot. But secondly, and most importantly, you did not ask him out. He sort of did that himself. Granted, it’s not like you would have done it on your own anyways, so maybe he did you a favor, but you’re not going to think about that right now.)
Haibara doesn’t believe a damn thing you say. He thinks you caved and asked Kento out, and eventually you’d just agreed with him (here we go again with the lying) so that he’d stop.
You just love to get yourself tangled in all sorts of scandals. You ought to get paid for it at this point.)

A/N: thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's probably the shortest of them all! (art by elitamasan on X)
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AAAAA IM LOVING THSI SERIES 😭😭 i love hogwarts aus and this really hity the spot. Perfect blend of fluff and sweetness 🥺💘

SUMMARY: you're supposed to be in the stands, eating snacks and talking strategy with your friends, enjoying watching the three champions battle for the triwizard cup. you're not supposed to be entangled in what seems to be your own personal (hell) triwizard tournament.
PAIRING: ravenclaw!nanami kento x hufflepuff!fem!reader | mc’s best friend yu haibara GENRE: hp x jjk au, (friends who are) idiots to lovers, romance, fluff, crack, profanity PLAYLIST: the course of true love never did run smooth WC: 4.1k WARNINGS: none, just reader fumbling, but it somehow works idk

series masterlist | previous | next

Let’s have a rundown: there’s the Toji incident, the Forbidden Step incident, and then Sukuna basically telling you to go with the flow and stop being over the top with everything.
If you are ever able to get your hands on some kind of memory erasing spell, you already know what you’re removing from your brain.
Unfortunately for you, you don’t have access to such magic, so you have to make do with the options at your disposal: dealing with your problems head on. (Disgusting. Yuck. 0/10.)

Alchemy is an elective you selected during your sixth year at Hogwarts. You’re lucky enough to be able to take it, since the school only holds the class if there are enough students who want to study it. Currently, the class has a total of ten students, but you’ll take what you can get. It’s one of the few subjects that actually interest you, being something of a composite subject of three other core classes. Plus, you sometimes get to blow things up, which is a win in your book.
Due to the limited number of students, the class is held with everyone regardless of their house.
It’s mostly Ravenclaws, a couple of Slytherins and then you from Hufflepuff. No Gryffindors, sadly. (You don’t know why you instantly think of Utahime from Gryffindor and wonder why she doesn’t take Alchemy. Actually, you know exactly why you think of her - it’s because Kento is in the same class with you and your brain, for some reason that eludes you yet again, has somehow decided that he is as close as ever to Utahime and therefore they must be taking all of their classes together. Flawed logic is a pain.)
Yeah, that’s right. Nanami Kento takes Alchemy with you. (With you is an overstatement. He’s never noticed you in class before and he most definitely won’t start now. The Yule Ball is no excuse for him to lose focus.)
To be completely honest, you expect it to be way more awkward when returning to classes after the Toji incident, but the buzz and excitement that comes with the Yule Ball is enough to overpower that of your humiliation. (Thank you, Yule Ball, even though it’s the reason you almost landed a couple of hits on Toji’s pristine face.)
The only person whose opinion you really care about right now is Kento. There’s no way he hasn’t forgotten about everything that happened, and now even more so because he’s your date to the Ball.
The whole thing makes your head ache. This boy had basically turned himself into your date without you asking, blaming that cursed tie as the reason why.
Having class with him is going to be the worst thing that has ever happened to you, which is saying something, considering your recent string of misfortunes.

You walk into the classroom with your textbooks in your hands, braced against your chest. You’re slightly out of breath, having gotten lost deep in the dungeons before you’d found your way to the room.
There’s an unclaimed spot in the corner that you make a beeline for. It’s a bench for two, but no one ever sits next to you unless they’re late to class and it’s the only seat they have access to, so you place your textbooks on the empty seat and sit down.
The pair of Slytherins behind you are talking about the professor. You hate to admit it, but you eavesdrop, and it turns out they’re saying something about the professor not being able to make it to the class today - allegedly.
“Is that true?” you ask, turning around in your seat.
One of them, a girl with blonde hair whose name escapes you, nods. “I heard it from one of the prefects earlier.” She shrugs. “He might still make it, though, you know how he is.”
Yes, you do. Your Alchemy professor would show up to class even if he’d just lost an arm and a leg. (Anything for that paycheck, right?)
You turn back around and scan the room. Most of the students are already there, seated and talking to each other about the Triwizard Tournament and the Yule Ball. None of them seem to care about you being rejected by Toji in public, and you exhale with relief. At least you have this, some semblance of peace.
There’s fifteen minutes before the class starts. Everyone’s there except for Kento. You assume he’s out doing Head Boy things. Handling some aspects of the Yule Ball and the second task has to be a lot of responsibility on his shoulders. His and Utahime’s and the other prefects’.
He’s never late, though, and when there’s ten minutes left, he walks in, looking as prim and proper as always, his textbooks hanging at his side. He surveys the room, searching for a seat.
You avert your eyes, opening one of your hefty books and pretending to read. You’re not worried about him sitting next to you, he never does, but rather making eye contact with him. You’re just not mentally prepared for that just yet. You also don’t know how to break it to him that you don’t know how to dance. You’re going to end up doing an awful shuffle at the Ball and he’s going to stand to the side pinching the bridge of his nose.
Oh, right. You need to find someone to teach you how to dance. You don’t dare to ask Haibara, because knowing him, he’ll probably rope Kento into it. You can’t exactly ask Sukuna, either.
You’re just going to have to do this on your own - a solo endeavor. (You’re also going to have to lie to Kento, which will prove to be a feat of its own seeing how well he can see through you. That’s a problem for you in the future.)
There’s a shuffle of feet and when you look up, Kento’s picking up your textbook from the seat next to you and placing it on the table.
What’s going on?
He’s doing it like it’s a normal thing, like this isn’t completely out of left field. He’s focused on placing his books on the table and doesn’t look at you until he’s comfortable in his spot.
Your elbows are brushing. You pull your hands down to your lap, the back of your neck prickling with heat.
He turns to you after fussing about his textbooks and quill and ink. “Good morning.”
It’s like your tongue is tied. Your linguistic skills are failing you exponentially.
No. You refuse to embarrass yourself in front of him for the umpteenth time. You don’t want him thinking his date to the Ball is a total clown who specializes in buffoonery.
“Good morning,” you say, and your voice shakes a bit with the effort. You hope he doesn’t notice, but the corner of his lip quirks up ever so slightly and you’re gone. You’re done for.
Usually, this would be the end of your conversation with him. That’s how you have been speaking to him for the past year, ever since Haibara had introduced you to each other. Just a simple greeting and then you both draw the line. A thick line.
The staircase had been a situation that had the both of you playing jump rope with said line. It was nerve-wracking and exhilarating at the same time, with a splash of stress (what if you say something idiotic and he just stares at you?). A part of you, the masochist, likes the stress that comes with conquering the unknown. The logical part of you hates it and wants to stay in your little bubble of comfort.
It’s silent for a while, the hum of the rest of the class taking up the space that has grown between the two of you.
You let your mind run wild. You want to dwell on the fact that he’s willingly sitting next to you despite having never done so before, but right now your focus is elsewhere: your number one enemy. Dancing.
You just don’t want to bring him any shame. He’s your date for reasons that are beyond you, but it’s clearly a choice he’s made, and you’d hate to ruin everything by being inept.
Maybe you should ask him for help.
No. That’s an intrusive thought. It’s a really bad idea. (Obviously.)
You shoot him a glance. He’s looking down at his textbook, reading through today’s chapter before the professor comes in - if he’s even showing up today. A few strands of his light hair escape his neat part and fall over his forehead. He doesn’t seem to notice, but you do, because he looks so effortlessly amazing. Sometimes you wonder why it always seems like there’s someone in the background holding a bright light over him to make him look even more ethereal.
(It’s probably your own delusions painting him to be some kind of angel with light shining down upon him every hour of every day. That’s what he looks like through your eyes, but then again, you’re totally biased.)
You look away before he notices you staring.
Back to the problem at hand - finding someone to help you get better at dancing. The obvious answer is Kento, right? He’s your partner (watch yourself), you mean, date, and you’re going to be the one dancing with him so logically you need to know how he moves to be able to co-ordinate yourself.
You make up your mind. You’re going to ask him.
You take a deep breath and brace yourself. You’re going to ask him.
Another glance at him. You hate to disturb him while he’s clearly studying during the only free time he has, but this is important (it’s not that serious).
You’re going to ask him.
You’re going to ask him.
You’re going to-
He turns to you, catching your gaze like a deer in headlights. “Do you think we should practice the waltz?”
“What? No,” you say quickly. (You wish the gallows were a thing again because that’s where you want to be right now.)
You chide yourself for lying, but you couldn’t do it. You had to save your dignity.
He nods. “You’re right,” he says, almost sheepishly. “You probably don’t need to practice.”
You try to search for any jabs in his words, but it seems like he’s being sincere, which makes you feel even worse, because now you’re wondering if he asked because he wanted to practice himself.
You can make it right. (By lying. Great idea. Kids, lying is bad.)
“Um, actually,” you start, clearing your throat to get his attention back, since he’d turned to his book again, “you’re right, I think we should practice. I haven’t, um, done a waltz in a while, so I’m a bit rusty.”
He smiles. “Sounds like a good idea.” Then he adds, “I have no idea how to dance, so you can teach me.”
Your face drops.
Well, now you’re both screwed.

One of the defining traits of a Hufflepuff is honesty. Up until the Great Hall incident, you’d thought you were a model Hufflepuff student. Now, you can barely keep up with all the white lies (lying about being able to dance is not a white lie) you’ve told. Helga Hufflepuff would have you booted from the house in the blink of an eye. You have to start being honest. Dishonesty is not a good look for you or your house.
You need to start telling him the truth before everything blows up in your face.

You and Kento agree to meet at the music classroom on the fifth floor to practice dancing. Being Head Boy means he gets to bend some of the rules, and one of them is being able to wander around late at night.
So it’s settled, the music classroom at midnight, where he will see that you are way out of your depth and drowning in deceit.
(This is like the blind leading the blind.)
You get to the classroom, a fairly large room with stone walls and stone floors, music stands and stools, a drum kit and a piano in the corner of the room. There’s a conductor’s stand in the center of the room, and everything else curves around it as if it is the center of the universe.
“Okay,” you mutter, setting down the boombox you’d brought along on one of the stools. You wring your hands together nervously, thinking about how you’re going to approach this. You’ve made up your mind (we all know how that worked out for you last time) to tell him the truth. If he ends up hating you, it’s instant curtains for you. You’re done.
A part of you wonders why you didn’t just tell him you can’t dance earlier, but adrenaline can be similar to alcohol, in that it is liquid courage and you just felt like you could live a lie. You’re still hoping you have some splendid dance skills inside of you, just waiting to be unleashed.
Kento seems to be running late. Great, it’s a headstart for you. If you can get a few steps down then maybe you won’t look so hopeless in front of him.
You pull out the book you’d borrowed from the library: Dancing for Dummies: Expanded Edition. It was a choice between this one and the standard Dancing for Dummies. You think the expanded version is going to be of more help to you.
Before you can open the book to page one, the door opens and Kento walks in, looking a bit worse for wear.
He flashes you a shy smile as he removes his robes and drapes it over a stool. He dusts his hands and walks over to you.
For a moment you simply stare at him. The lighting in the room is scarce, not a single candle or bulb in sight, the only source being the moonlight bleeding through the glass panes of the windows. The light scatters across the uneven stone floors. The beams of drowsy pale light settle on his face. He’s got dark circles under his eyes, his lips slightly parted from exhaustion, and his hair has had a disagreement with him and now some of the strands have fallen onto his forehead. He doesn’t seem to care, though.
He loosens his blue and silver tie and rolls up his sleeves, all the while maintaining eye contact with you. It’s as if he knows you can barely look away when he catches your gaze and uses it to his advantage.
“Are you ready?” he asks, holding his hands out for you to take.
Your stomach begins to protest, and not because of dinner. Now’s your chance to tell him the truth.
Tell him.
You take a deep breath and hold up the book. This is going to be a very, very horrifying experience; getting to see that smile on his face wiped off instantly, replaced with a hardened glare while he says something like, Do you think I’m a joke?
Oh, the very thought sends a shiver down your spine. You wish you were a hermit crab, then you could crawl into your little shell and run away. But you’re dedicated to the cause. You can’t disgrace your house, nor can you continue lying to someone you really care about (did you hear something?). You’ve read enough books to know what happens when fictitious statements keep piling up until it detonates like a nuclear bomb.
(As embarrassing as it’ll be to tell him the truth, you kind of don’t want a literal bomb on your hands.)
You purse your lips. How should you go about it? It doesn’t help that he’s waiting for your response patiently, despite his very obvious exhaustion.
Okay. Here goes your pride.
“Kento,” you start, lowering the book and scratching the back of your neck, avoiding eye contact, “I don’t actually know how to dance.”
You force yourself to face him. You should at least have the decency to look him in his eyes while you deconstruct the very image of yourself you’ve created just for him.
At first, it seems like he doesn’t hear you. Then it seems like he’s processing your words slower than usual, almost like his RAM is overloaded with whatever else he’s got going on in his pretty head. (What?) Then, after what seems like centuries, he reacts.
He raises both his brows (here it comes) and tilts his head to a side, his arms dropping to his sides. It almost looks like he’s giving you the thousand-yard stare. You hope that isn’t the case.
You twist your hands together, biting your lip. You’re waiting for him to say something, anything - you just need to know how he feels.
Finally he lets out a small bark of laughter. Your eyes widen. He’s laughing. You’ve just told him you lied to his face and he’s laughing. (Do you have a crush on some sort of psychopath?)
“Are you serious?” he asks, trying to stifle his laughter. He shakes his head as he puts his hands on his hips. He’s hitting you with the disappointed dad stance, and yet it’s as if he’s amused by the whole thing.
Your inability to tell what’s going through his head is going to give you palpitations. It’s not looking too good for your cardiac health right now.
You nod slowly. “I’m being serious.”
This just seems to make him smile even wider. He runs a hand down his face, his little chuckles muffled. His shoulders are shaking now.
You’ve broken him. That’s it. You’ve shattered Nanami Kento, Head Boy of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, into smithereens. Oh, there’ll be hell to pay for sure.
“Why?” He tries to sober up, though his lips are still curled up. He’s stopped laughing, though it seems like he’s fighting himself to not let it out. You find it endearing and you want to say something but you bite your tongue, because this is neither the time nor the place. He leans forward. “Why didn’t you just tell me?”
Well, well, well. If it isn’t the consequences of your own actions.
You swallow hard. There’s a plethora of reasons, a whole library of them, actually, and if you had more time you’d take a leisurely stroll down the aisle of the library until you found a book that explained everything to a T. But you don’t have the luxury of time.
“I just didn’t want you to think any less of me than you already probably do.” You focus on the unevenly cut stones embedded into the floor, tracing the grout with the toe of your shoe. Looking into his inquisitive eyes is a no-no right now.
His reply is soft, like comfort wrapped in a whisper. “I actually think very highly of you.”
You look up slowly, and you almost gasp at how close he’s come. Once again, you are both inches away from each other, except this time you’re not buried inside of a step’s organs and have the option of stepping back to create distance.
You don’t. (Bold.)
“You don’t have to say that.” You hold his gaze for once in your life, feeling a rush of power as you do it, but he isn’t one to back down.
He arches his brow, and now he’s closer than ever - less than ten inches, no doubt. His eyes flick down to your lips and then back to your eyes and you hate the way it makes your body react viscerally. You feel as if someone’s shot you with a taser, the way your every nerve ending is alight with attraction and tension.
He nods once. “I know,” he says, his voice low, “but it’s the truth.”
(Is it hot in here? It’s hot in here. You need a fan.)
You shake your head quickly, putting a hand on his chest to put some distance between the both of you. You can’t think straight - whatever he’s doing, it’s messing with your head. It’s tearing apart the equilibrium you’ve tried so hard to maintain: you admiring from afar, him being, well, him and going about his life. This? This isn't a part of your plan. None of this is.
“What are you doing?”
“Hm?” He glances down at your hand on his chest and his hand twitches at his side. You pretend not to see it.
You gesture between the two of you frantically. “What is this?”
Answers. You need answers and you need them now.
“Us?” he asks innocently.
You scoff. “There’s no us.”
He presses his lips into a thin line. “Why not?”
He’s really going to make you spell it out. Fine. “Because- because you’re out of my league.”
It feels good to get it out, but it also feels weird to admit it aloud. It’s always been something you’ve known deep down and never thought you’d ever need to say it to anyone, let alone him.
He knits his brows together, leaning back. “Who told you that?”
Is he being for real right now?
“I have eyes.” You widen your eyes as if to emphasise your statement.
He looks away quickly, then meets your eyes again. It’s as if a fire has been lit inside of those hazel eyes of his, the way they burn into yours like a brand.
He runs a hand through his hair, his other hand braced on his hip. “I’m just the Head Boy,” he says, spreading his hands. “That has nothing to do with me wanting to be with y-” He stops and coughs, his eyes wide for a millisecond, a sliver of fear flashing through the fire. “It has nothing to do with me wanting to be your date.”
Your mouth is wide open. “Just the Head Boy?” You throw your hand up. “You must be out of your mind.” And he is, you’re convinced he is. He’s doing all of this to be your date to the Yule Ball. He’s way too dedicated.
He exhales sharply and crosses his arms tightly. The tension between the two of you is beginning to tighten. Soon enough, if one of you cut it, it would snap with a loud twang and send the both of you flying right out of the window.
“Says the captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team,” he murmurs under his breath, looking away. His jaw is tight.
You swear your eyes would bulge out if they could. This boy isn’t making any sense. He really isn’t. “What does that have to do anything?”
Satisfaction crosses his handsome features. He looks smug. “What does being Head Boy have to do with anything?” he counters.
(Oh, he’s got you. You’ve been gagged for the millionth time. You can never catch him lacking.)
“You’re a real piece of work, just so you know.” Your lips curl into a pout as you cross your arms and turn away from him.
He seems to find this sweet, because when he reaches for your shoulder and turns you back toward himself he’s smiling, his eyes sparkling again, the fire dimmed down to ashes and soot. (It’s like he goes through emotions in the blink of an eye, and you’re having a hard time keeping up. Mentally, you’re still on the part where he says he’s just the Head Boy.)
“I’m well aware,” he says, tilting your chin up. Your skin tingles from the contact, and you can’t move, petrified into place (no Basilisk needed) by his courage to make a move.
Wait. Is he making a move? Your guts threaten to melt into a puddle. This is too much for you to handle, but you have to press on - if you don’t, you know you’ll regret it tomorrow morning.
He pulls back, and reaches for the book in your hands. He scoffs at the title but opens it nevertheless. He’s so nonchalant, acting as if he hasn’t just raised both your blood pressure and your heartbeat in the span of five minutes. (You don’t know if you should be elated or not - this is your crush, making moves on you, and you’re acting as if Medusa’s just turned you into stone, perpetually frozen, unable to process anything that’s happening despite having dreamt about this happening since the day you’d first laid eyes on him.)
Maybe you just need to sleep on it.
He pulls you out of your stupor by holding a hand out. “Shall we start practicing together?”
You gulp, looking from his hand to his face, brightened by the moonlight, his hair turned white, glowing like a halo. Finally, you take his hand, and he pulls you close. You hold your breath at the proximity, of being pressed against his chest, of his fingers laced with yours. He’s cradling the book in the crook of his other arm, reading it out aloud as you find your footing.
You raise your head to look at him. He’s already peering down at you, a look of endearment meant just for you.
Hm. Dancing mightn’t be so bad if it’s with him.

A/N: thank you for tuning in! i hope you enjoyed this chapter, because there's more to come! (art by elitamasan on X)
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Asksjfyjsz officially 19 🥹 started this blog when I was 14 y’all
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I like calm men. Men who don’t shout or break things when they’re mad. Men who tell you exactly how they feel. Men who communicate. Men who talk you in a gentle, low voice telling you what made them mad or what you did wrong, but never blame you and make you feel bad about it.
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Skip Google for Research
As Google has worked to overtake the internet, its search algorithm has not just gotten worse. It has been designed to prioritize advertisers and popular pages often times excluding pages and content that better matches your search terms
As a writer in need of information for my stories, I find this unacceptable. As a proponent of availability of information so the populace can actually educate itself, it is unforgivable.
Below is a concise list of useful research sites compiled by Edward Clark over on Facebook. I was familiar with some, but not all of these.
Google is so powerful that it “hides” other search systems from us. We just don’t know the existence of most of them. Meanwhile, there are still a huge number of excellent searchers in the world who specialize in books, science, other smart information. Keep a list of sites you never heard of.
www.refseek.com - Academic Resource Search. More than a billion sources: encyclopedia, monographies, magazines.
www.worldcat.org - a search for the contents of 20 thousand worldwide libraries. Find out where lies the nearest rare book you need.
https://link.springer.com - access to more than 10 million scientific documents: books, articles, research protocols.
www.bioline.org.br is a library of scientific bioscience journals published in developing countries.
http://repec.org - volunteers from 102 countries have collected almost 4 million publications on economics and related science.
www.science.gov is an American state search engine on 2200+ scientific sites. More than 200 million articles are indexed.
www.pdfdrive.com is the largest website for free download of books in PDF format. Claiming over 225 million names.
www.base-search.net is one of the most powerful researches on academic studies texts. More than 100 million scientific documents, 70% of them are free
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i'm all the people i've ever loved
loseness lines over time by olivia de recat, @i-wrotethisforme, Kaveh Akbar, Olivie Blake
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I haven’t read any fics in ages but I just stumbled upon this on my dashboard. And oh my god it was so cute 🥺🥺🥺 I mean your writing style is absolutely superb (I have known that for years atp) but the was you manage to create this cozy, magical-realism esque world every single time is really impressive. I’ve been getting more and more into p1h in the past months but I can honestly only recognize keeho and soul (I think) yet despite the fact that I don’t really know much about them, you managed to create these fleshed out and multidimensional characters ❤️🥺
genre | fluff / found family au, slice of life au
synopsis | when a planet exploded, the government sent two of its surviving residents to live with you .
word count | 11.5k+
warning | mention of violence / unwanted sexual advances (brief; side character)
note | wrote most of this early 2024 and stopped. decided to rush finish it.

The government sent you two aliens from the alien outreach program you were referred to join by a close friend.
The program was recently created when a nameless planet that was initially suspected to be on its way to collide with the Earth ended up exploding instead. The news of the explosion was broadcast worldwide, but the fact that the surviving residents of the planet landed on Earth as a result of the explosion was kept secret to avoid social panic, hence why the outreach program operated on a 'referral only’ basis.
Each applicant underwent a relatively easy screening process and three rounds of interviews before they were notified through an encrypted text message that they’d been cleared to foster.
You underwent the same process, and in retrospect, you figured the interviews were held for the faculty to access all aspects of your life, beginning from your social circle to the depths of your mental state.
At the end of your onboarding process, you were told that you would be fostering a pair of aliens—a pair of brothers, they suspected. Either way, you were told they were bonded.
You hadn’t minded the responsibility. If anything, you figured the monthly financial compensation could significantly help your appalling rent situation. The cog in the wheel was that they were initially tested to be high-risk-level aliens.
The only reason you could think was behind that outrageous decision was not their trust in your ability to monitor them but rather their disinterest in your livelihood as a struggling new graduate.
You could always leave it to the government to treat poor people like guinea pigs. But, the more you looked at it, Soul and Jongseob didn't seem as dangerous as their profiles stated.
Soul and Jongseob—they didn't come with those names, which hadn’t been a problem during the first few weeks of their stay when the three of you spent most of your time getting acquainted with each other.
You weren’t sure how shaken up they were about their home being destroyed, so besides being cautious of their undisclosed alien abilities, you walked on eggshells around them in consideration for their emotional state.
The two were docile, for the most part, and quiet. When they weren’t whispering among themselves, they were communicating telepathically. Figuratively or literally, you were uncertain. You only knew they were difficult to read without human features. You never knew what they wanted or how they felt about anything outside of observable behaviors, such as their obsession with the television, their likeness for sweets, and their unwillingness to shower.
The program coordinator hasn't given them the green light to go out and explore Earth on their own yet, so before you could figure out how to ideally talk them up in the mandatory monthly progress reports, they've got no choice but to stay home and discover entertainment through unconventional means.
It was the furniture at first. Charred spots on the couch left behind by the apartment’s last tenant, the hinges of the balcony curtain rod torn off, and the worst of it all: shattered pieces of a set of utensils that your deceased mom gave you as a congratulatory gift for moving out, thus taking a big step into adulthood.
That was the first time they’d seen you sob, your body curled up on the floor and your palm stained with blood slit out by the broken glass. They had been unfamiliar with human emotions at that point in their stay. Still, taking a frame out of television shows, they could understand, at the very least, that what you showed was sorrow and heartbreak.
They didn't understand the concept of a mother. After all, they were born through natural phenomena, such as the trickling of water or the imploding of ancient rocks. Your response to their playful mistake was illogical. However, still, it made them fidget and waver wildly to watch tears roll callously into your mouth.
People call it empathy, they thought. Empathy, or love—the inability to see another in pain, the desire to never hurt another. Most humans have it for everyone, but more strongly for those they prioritize.
A few days later, a plate clumsily glued together by gray-colored blobs that looked suspiciously like alien skin greeted you on your nightstand. You never said anything about it, but you put it in your mother’s shrine in the apartment.
Little did you know that sometimes, in an attempt to model your actions, Jongseob and Soul would put pieces of candy next to the plate for her.
After the furniture, they tuned down their drive for curiosity. They played with less significant things, such as your freshly cleaned laundry.
At last, it came down to electronics—the television, the radio, and sometimes your laptop and gaming console. Jongseob geared more toward the console and television, and Soul liked anything that made funny noises.
As they got comfortable around the apartment and started clashing with your lifestyle, it gradually became more annoying to address them with words like 'hey!' and ‘you!' when you needed to scold them about something they've done, so you decided individual names were necessary.
Mercifully abandoning a random name generator online, you told the two aliens to choose how they wanted to be addressed.
Soul had been very excited about picking a name for himself. His outrageous choices reflected his enthusiasm, ranging from food ingredients to fictional character names to literal home appliances.
You've had to—patiently and gently—explain to him for a month the reason why you wouldn't call him Megamind or the literal stove was because they weren't real names (and you didn't want to).
Eventually, you two made a compromise. The initial choice was to have everyone call him by the famous RPG he never played—Dark Souls. He settled on being called Soul.
Jongseob was more direct but still indecisive. He mixed a few celebrity names he heard on TV into different pairs. He handed you a written list—surprisingly!—of names for you to choose.
You didn’t want the responsibility of selecting something as important as a name, so you told him you could put out a pointer finger, and whichever name you ended up pointing at after he moved the paper around would be his name.
After hearing how mundane Jongseob's name sounded, Soul came to you one night and asked that you help him think of a name of a similar caliber. He had requested that you keep this between you both, as he didn't go to Jongseob about it out of embarrassment that his other half would accuse him of being a copycat.
You attempted to deter Soul from such outrageous thoughts. Jongseob was the last person to make unnecessary accusations, after all. But Soul was determined to keep this a secret between you two, so you agreed.
It was proven difficult for him to make up something normal, as he tossed and turned for several nights only to end up knocking on your bedroom door, asking for a second opinion.
You had stayed up with him for a few nights, often laying half-asleep on the couch while he remained silent on the opposite end with pursed lips and intense eyes.
One particular night, though, you decided to turn on the television to keep yourself awake, and the channel was airing a rerun of an old, beloved cartoon.
“Oh gosh, I haven’t watched this in so long,” you exclaimed under your breath as you leaned back, the controller rolling off your thigh. “This was my childhood afterschool show.”
“Woah,” he scooted closer to you, “that’s cool.”
"It is," you muttered, wholly focused on the screen. When a particular ice-powered character appeared, you let out a soft swoon. "Ah, look at him! He's still as cool as ever."
“Who's that?” he whispered.
“His name is Shota. He was my favorite character in the show,” you said, heaving a sigh as rather embarrassing memories flooded before your eyes. “I loved him so much.”
Soul turned to you. The lights flickered in your eyes, not telling him much of what was happening in the episode but enough to let him know that you were paying a lot of attention whenever the character was present.
He noticed now that you've leaned your head on his shoulder, and your eyelids were lowering by the second. The previous attention you spent on the TV screen was replaced quickly by sleepiness under the comfort of Soul's presence.
“You did?”
"Yeah?" you hummed, his sudden question confusing your own emotions for a second. "I mean, yeah. He is really cool and–okay, technically, everyone in animation is good-looking, but he was my type."
"Oh." His voice trailed off into deep thought, but it didn't take him too long to perk up again and say, "I want to be called Shota."
You raised your brows and sat up, leaning back to watch him with amusement. “You like the name, huh?”
“No.” He shook his head. “You like Shota.”
There it was, then. Soul gained a new name that night—Shota.
Being able to call them by name gave them a sense of identity, and you had a drastic development in your connection with them. You thought you’d always received them without judgment, and you did.
Still, once it registered in your normalcy that they’ve got a name, it was as if their existence became more tangible. However, as important as that, the first milestone of your relationship was when they finally took a human form.
Before realizing they could shapeshift, they’ve been stuck in their alien form, which you thought was similar to how movies and video games have always portrayed outer-space species.
You wouldn’t have minded if they stayed in that form until it was time for them to be recalled to the facility they came from, but it seemed they were the ones who got curious about the human body.
You’ve noticed for a while how they would shift parts of their figure according to what they see, sometimes after people on the TV and other times after you.
What you thought would be a slow process turned out to be done and over between you leaving the apartment in the early morning and returning from work in the late afternoon.
Surprisingly, seeing two poorly shaped human boys loitering around in your apartment instead of the usual irregularly shaped creatures was less bewildering than seeing your old sketchbooks scattered everywhere on the floor.
Those were your fallen dreams, a career not pursued in exchange for securing a stable future, which wasn’t all that stable now that you're going through it.
You knew they were bored at home. Still, it was a surprise to see that they'd found the boxes of old things dusted away at the back of your closet—what were they doing rummaging through your clothes, anyway? You’ve got to have a strict talk about boundaries after this.
At least their attention was away from the fabrics in your closet as they pulled out your sketchbooks and decided to change themselves according to the most appealing visual. However, since your old character sketches were amateur and poorly drawn, their shifted bodies looked sloppy and humorously eerie.
Soul wasn't entirely sure what was wrong about it, especially since you couldn’t stop laughing when you saw them, and Jongseob taught him that laughing meant joy.
When you picked up one of the books to flip through them, your smile dimmed, and your eyes focused in a way he had never seen before. Jongseob later told him it may be bitterness, but not the angered kind because your eyes were soft.
Soul didn’t quite understand the distinction; your eyes were almost always soft.
That night was the first time in a long time you picked up a pen and drew something again so you could help them polish their appearances. Through that experience, you learned two things: your drawing skills have massively deteriorated, and aliens were indistinguishable from humans once they took a hyperspecific form, to a point where they bleed the same color.
Both settled on having blond hair, one frizzier than the other. Looking from far away would force you to mistake them as twins, but this was leagues better than communicating with two gooey creatures without solid features or forms.
You stared at the pencil sketches on the pages and back up at them, finding it uncanny how accurate their shapeshifting abilities were. Then you turned to them with furrowed brows.
“Both your hair is a little long,” you muttered.
Tapping the pencil at your chin, you thought about making modifications to what you’ve drawn for them, but when you told yourself to flip the pencil around for the eraser, your hand was unwilling to move.
You have sat on the floor for hours, drawing and erasing, making changes and corrections that suit their liking and help them look natural. You weren’t sure if they got tired from using their powers, but you certainly became exhausted from gripping a pen for so long. You’ve been too used to typing on a keyboard.
“Wait here,” you said, putting the papers and pen on the side.
You returned with a few trinkets in your hand, which you dropped on the floor after you knelt down across from them.
Scooting in front of Jongseob first, you hummed with disregard to his skeptical gaze as you played with the hair clips in your hand by smushing them together.
When you reached a hand out to push his bangs back, he caught a glimpse of the darkened slit still healing on your palm. He ignored it. You pushed at the tips of his locks ghostly with your nails before pressing a palm to his forehead and swiping his bangs up, exposing his forehead.
The boy closed his eyes at the sudden impact, and when the chilly afternoon air hit his skin, he widened his eyes and pursed his lips into a grimace.
Before they took a solid shape, your touch would go through their gooey form and feel indistinguishable from any objects that would poke through them.
This was the first time he’d felt the touch of your hand, and he thought it was as gentle as Soul must have thought your eyes were. Unlike Soul, though, he would never admit that he inwardly shivered in contentment when your palm subconsciously dragged over his head into a stroke.
“This should keep the hair out of your eyes,” you said after clipping his bangs to each side of his face. You leaned back to take a better look at him and nodded in approval despite him looking as if he just snapped out of a trance. “You look great.”
“You drew me well,” he said. “Thank you.”
"You're so formal, Jongseob," you mused, placing your hand against his cheek before pinching it playfully. "But being polite is good. You are most welcome."
Your injured palm touched his skin, the calloused surface dragging a regrettable line over his conscience. He hoped it would heal faster; it was a marker of his mistake, a symbol of your pain.
But, still, you used the same hand to tread over him with kind steps, so most importantly, it was all a sign of your forgiveness. He turned his head away from your pinch, but he didn't let himself swat you away for embarrassing him.
You laughed at his reaction. The sound took root inside him and made a permanent space.
“Now, Soul!” you exclaimed once you pulled away.
The boy remained still when you stood up and got behind him. After bouncing the hair tie against your wrist, you sat on the couch, and then you laid your hands over his head and carefully brushed his hair with your fingers.
You gathered just enough to fill your curled fist, your nails gingerly dragged over the side of his head to separate parts of his bangs, and then you tied it into a short ponytail.
Once you were done, you attempted to stand up to move across him for a review of your handiwork, but Soul suddenly leaned back against your legs, the back of his head hitting your knees when he faced up to look at you.
His hair brushed against your skin like a choppy broom, and then you forgot about the sensation as you met his eyes with a raised brow.
The corner of his lips quivered, and his eyes were round and wide with expectancy. When he realized you let him lay on your knees, his lips pursed into a grin, his knees pulling themselves closer to his chest as his shoulders shrunk with a barely audible laugh.
“What did you do to my hair?” he asked curiously.
“I tied it into a ponytail,” you replied as you angled your torso to look at his face straight, “so they’re not in your face all the time.”
He closed his eyes when you fixed his bangs with your fingertips. Once they were perfectly angled to each side of his temple, you ran your palm flatly down the side of his face, soothing his new hairstyle with a taste of approval.
Soul pressed his lips into a grin; his eyes opened but were barely visible, hidden behind crescent shapes. You bit back a smile; you just now noticed how his features turned out so dainty like a flower learning how to bloom in Spring.
"Hey, look at you," you said in an airy whisper. "How pretty you are.”
He laughed, his voice a weirdly pitched wave released into the air, almost like he was yodeling. Jongseob huffed in disbelief at the unexpected sound; questions, and brotherly mockery trailing out of his mouth, one worse than the last. You turned to bicker with him about saying nicer things, and Soul couldn't sense anything other than your warm hands left sitting by his jaw.
He watched you from your knees. Your chin moved with every word you said, your nails gently scratched his skin between sentences, your legs frozen on the spot to avoid discomforting him.
It was human nature. Everything.
The way your skin flopped, the way you subconsciously reached to touch, the way you put him first. Those traits were possessed by most human beings, but Soul reckoned he admired them more when they were yours.
What was that called? Jongseob taught him so many things; he was always smarter. But Soul couldn't properly receive too much information at once, not at the pace Jongseob could retain them. Was this joy? No. His fingers were itching for you, which was not a criterion for joy.
You looked down at him when you felt his hands grab your shoulders. "What's up, Soul?"
He made unclear noises as he flipped his body over, his chest pressing against your knees. He got on his feet into a crouch and leaned up, his arms circling around your neck into a hug.
You fell back against the couch and froze to register what he did. Before you could figure out he tackled you in a hug, your arms had already gone around his shoulders to press him against you.
“Hey,” you whispered. “What’s going on?”
Soul bit the inside of his cheek when he realized you allowed it. He could feel you so much more properly now, and he responded to the revelation by holding you tighter and burying his chin in his overlapped forearms.
His eyes squeezed to relish in—what was this feeling, again? Joy? He wasn't exactly smiling, though. The way his brows were pulled into a swirly furrow, and his lips were downturned would show that he was sad. But he wasn't. He was happy and tackled you because he wanted to hug you.
"I really like you."
You blinked, your lips gradually pulling into a downward smile. "Where did you learn that from?"
"Hmm." His voice was muffled. He didn't want you to know he learned it from you.

The two got the authorization to leave the apartment after you wrote in the monthly report that they've changed shapes and, more frequently than before, began to express their feelings.
However, they rarely took advantage of the newfound freedom, and you understood why.
They have yet to learn how to get around the area using public transportation. If the metro lines were less complicated than what was currently set in place, they may have an easier time navigating it.
Alas, the metro system remained both a local and a tourist's nightmare. However, even if they knew how to take the bus or the train, they've yet to learn where to go because they've never been outside.
And, last but not least, they didn't have the money to make going out enjoyable.
You have taken them out to different places after determining all the necessary expenses, such as the increased bills and grocery items. You would use whatever was left over from the program funds to take them to weekend hangouts.
There was the outlet where you bought them new clothes and their designated utensil set because they apparently needed their own.
There was the arcade, where you had sworn they used alien means to get all the prizes they did, but you also wouldn't put it past Jongseob to be weirdly good at gauging the space of a claw machine.
Oh, and a science museum, which you didn't think Jongseob was too interested in, but he hadn't complained because Soul was having the time of his life at the exhibitions.
You let them try alcohol by the river at night once. Turned out their bodies automatically eliminated all the intoxicating substances, so they were only tasting the bitterness without getting drunk.
That could be a blessing or a curse; without intoxication, you weren't sure what alcohol is good for.
You ended up dousing yourself with all leftover bottles of beer and entirely blanked out that night. You couldn't remember what happened, so the two made sure they told you the following day about how you were sobbing and throwing up. You cried for your mother, and you told them they were the closest people you've got.
You had woken up with the two on your bed. Jongseob slept with a box of tissue near his hand, always prepared to jolt awake to catch your puke and wipe your mouth of snot. Soul was curled up next to you with puffy and swollen eyes.
Apparently, he wept alongside you because he thought you were in too much pain to even move from the floor, and he didn't know how to help. He had cried so much that he tired himself to sleep, but he kept close to you to make sure your heart was constantly beating.
You haven't drunk much since, knowing how much they hated your drunken state. If you were getting drunk, it was out of obligation, like when you were invited to a business meeting.
You remembered that night well. It was the night you discovered why Jongseob and Soul were considered high-risk.
It wasn't uncommon for interns or someone of a lower rank in the company to be taken advantage of during business meetings.
When a topic could be adequately discussed and solved by presenting a supervisor with ample knowledge, yet the department chose to bring an extra, much younger employer as a companion, it was almost always a perverted decision.
You were no stranger to the problem. You have seen your colleagues be invited to join business meetings like those before, but this was the first time you were called to be in one.
The social hierarchy and the risk of unemployment made it impossible for you to turn down shots pushed your way by the department head from the negotiating company, who your supervisor was trying to rope into a grand business deal.
After a few drinks, you have entirely given up on expecting decency from anyone at the table. At least your supervisor was having a great time. Your words slurring through your unstable body jolts made the negotiation easier, and you unknowingly helped your company seal a deal when you clumsily agreed to have the department head drive you home.
He remarked about your tense knuckles on the drive home, acknowledging your skepticism but not challenging it. You watched the road like a hawk, or as much as you could, with your vision slightly blurred anyway because you wanted to ensure he wouldn't drive you elsewhere. He didn't.
After what felt like years, you arrived at the apartment building and inwardly breathed a sigh of relief.
"Thank you for driving me home," you said with a curt bow after you gathered your things from the floor.
"You're welcome," he mused, watching you clumsily loop your forearm over the straps of your bag. He leaned over the passenger seat then, whiffs of alcohol unmistakable in the air. "Hey, I should walk you upstairs. I wanna make sure you get back safely."
"That's not necessary," you said after a low, thoughtful hum. You didn't look at him when you spoke, partly because you were having difficulty focusing on anything other than the acidic taste at the back of your mouth.
"I… I have someone at home. He's going to–um… he's going meet me by the elevator. He'll walk me up."
"Oh? I didn't know you had a boyfriend."
"I don't–" you squeezed your eyes tightly and shook yourself awake–"I mean, yes. I do have a boyfriend. He's coming down to get me.”
The man stared at you silently for an uncomfortable, calculative second. Your head was heavy from his stare, mixed in with the alcohol trying to take over.
You unconsciously licked the corner of your lips when you tried to find something to fill the unease, only to realize that the only way to feel better was to leave his car. You reached for the door handle behind you blindly. Unfortunately, the search for it has given him the time to press the master lock button on his side of the door.
“I should get going," you said after heaving a defeated sigh.
"You don't actually have a boyfriend, do you?" he muttered.
You didn't know how to answer. You didn't, but it was true that there were people at home waiting for your return, both harboring the potential to be mistaken as your boyfriend if seen by an unassuming person.
You were forbidden from coming clean about Soul and Jongseob's identity, but what other reason could there be for you to have two boys sitting in your apartment? You three were orphans, and they're your brothers! Or were you just letting two friends crash at yours? You weren't thinking fast enough to pull a story out of thin air.
"Look, I don't know what made you so scared. I'm not going to ask to go inside your apartment. Trust me. I'm just going to walk you upstairs and make sure you get inside."
"No." You shook your head. Even in mild drunkenness, you could sense that the man had no good intentions. "I can do that myself. Thank you."
You pressed the lock button and pulled the door handle. You hastily flung the car door open, finding it difficult to push it all the way.
Turning around, fully prepared to dash out the second your feet touched the floor, an impending doom dropped on your head when you heard a haphazard opening of a car door behind you.
You clutched your bag to your chest and slid off the passenger seat, borderline hopping out of the car. Your ankle bent, but you recovered reasonably quickly. The next step in your emergency plan was to run for it; you've got your keycard attached to your worker's badge. All you needed to do was open the door and slam it shut behind you.
Spinning away from the car door blocking your path, as you hastily pushed it all the way open, you were immediately met with a playful scream and a pair of hands gripping your shoulders. You inhaled sharply and accidentally swallowed the knot of air.
"You didn't have to make things so difficult,” he said as he shoved you back onto the passenger seat. "Why did you have to go and force me to act so violently? All you had to do was let me walk you home.”
Gurgle of saliva rushed up your throat to drown out your cries for help. The back of your mouth soured with an acidic taste that smelt of the beer you were forced to drink; if only they could burn human skin, you would have spat them out.
The knot of air you just swallowed squeezed through your chest with difficulty, almost as if it wanted to make a home for itself in the middle of your body. It made you choked up. Breathing with your chest became a stagnant process.
There was no security at your building, and you figured the other residents would ignore any noise, given this was no high-class estate and the walls were thin.
Screaming would only make the man angrier and possibly more excited. Instead of your voice, you should use your legs instead. There may not be any final blows, but at least there's a chance to delay what felt like the inevitable.
You kicked your feet blindly, feeling them land on solid ground several times, but not enough to release yourself from his grasp. Eventually, he groaned out loud and dug his nails into your arm, bringing your torso up quickly just to slam you down.
Your back hit the center console, the bottom of your neck scratched past the gear stick, and your head hit a solid surface.
Zaps of painful numbness ran through your body; a consistent ringing traveled to your ears, but you couldn't express it. Tears dripped from your eyes when you started to desperately claw at the hand undoing your belt, but you still couldn't say anything.
You only stared at the lights above you. They were blinding, like the eyes of a God. He was observing your struggle to be free of being violated.
The sound of a zipper reverberated in your head. You've never noticed how loud they were and wondered if you would always hear it after tonight.
Fingers hooked themselves at the waist of your pants, and the next second they were gone. A pained groan traveled through the air with a gentle swoosh of wind. You needed to find out which one came first.
Jongseob hasn't used his powers for a while and has been diligent about controlling them in emergencies where they were prone to slip through his grasp. It had been challenging to learn to live in a world where his powers were destructive only because of how delicate everything else was, but he have managed well so far.
Still, his body was not used to its sudden usage, evidently shown in the way his fingers twitched uncontrollably after he pulled the man off you. A sneer found its way to his lips; how sickening to think that his undoing could be at the hands of a predator.
Rushing over to the car door, he leaned over your body to carefully pull you up. You instinctively flinched at his touch and then calmed down the next second when you realized he was not aggressive.
He reached a hand behind your head, fingers moving about to look for any apparent injuries. When he concluded that there was none, he turned his attention to you.
“Hey,” he said. “It’s me. Jongseob."
You forced your stomach to stop shivering in more oxygen and turned your eyes to stare at his familiar face. Jongseob, with his blond hair curly as ever, stared back at you with soft concern.
You calmed down; it was an instinct learned from caring for them (or your apartment) when they first arrived to live with you.
Reaching up to grasp his wrist, you stopped his hand and hoarsely asked, "Why are you down here?"
"I heard your tears fall," he said, his fingers leaning out to wipe the tears from your cheek despite your soft protest.
"From all the way up?"
"The air shifts when that happens. I'm sensitive to you–" he looked away sheepishly and quickly shrugged–"these things. I'm sensitive to these things in general."
Jongseob was vigilant. His home planet blew up, and he has a brother much clumsier than himself. His vigilance and maturity were set in place for both of them, especially as they were thrown into an unfamiliar place.
You understood. You’ve never spoken about it in great detail, only ever making small spaces to praise him for his emotional intelligence.
There had been an irk in his intuition before he rushed downstairs. The television sounded of static, the uncomfortable stick of your couch, his inability to progress in the game he was playing—everything gradually added to the unknown irritation he felt beneath his skin until, finally, a shatter of glass.
It was a hallucination, but when he turned toward the kitchen, he realized the air was painted the same color as the first time you broke down in front of him.
Something was wrong. He knew he would figure it out because he was sensitive to you. The sound of your emotions has long taken root and bloomed in Jongseob's consciousness, a garden of his own making, and now he could pinpoint you from a mere drop in the air.
You couldn't find flaws in his response. There never was any; the caliber of aliens remained unknown to you the past months. But he's here, and you felt safer than ever, so you let your guard down and breathed out a whimper when speaking his name.
It rolled off your tongue like a snowboarder outrunning an avalanche—suffocating, afraid, and desperate. Incoherent explanations followed after, an attempt to clear your name, to prove to someone that you didn’t cause this.
Jongseob's heart squirmed in discomfort at the sight.
He looked at his hand, fingers that learned dexterity, connected to his hands and arms that could do many things. He could press buttons on a gaming console, use chopsticks for food, and hold multiple recycle bags for groceries.
He remembered the day they changed into human beings, how the first thing Soul did after growing himself a pair of arms and a body that could feel was to hug you both.
You offered to hug him that night after Soul pulled away. He had refused it, and you joked about how he was too cool for a little hug. Perhaps he thought so subconsciously, but he always knew he wasn't big on physical affection. Its notion gave him goosebumps. The unapologetic, unconcealed display of affection freaked him out.
He liked to be subtle and unnoticed, like tending to the garden in his mind where the most delicate and beautiful things bloomed in your stead, like keeping you constant in his mind, like remembering that there's love there.
"Come here," he whispered, extending his arms to your back and bringing you to him. "It's okay. I believe you.”
You thought he smelled like jasmine or whatever petal scent there was. Jongseob shivered ticklishly when you buried your nose in his shoulder to sniff it. He didn't put together that no matter how much he hid it, the garden seeps out because the truth cannot be concealed nor omitted.
He wished he could hug you for the first time under better circumstances, but you and he knew he wouldn't have agreed to it if it wasn't an emergency. It was brief but much needed.
When you voluntarily removed yourself, he glanced down at your pants to find that your belt was undone, your button was gone from its spot, and your underwear peeked from the zipper forced open. His jaw locked, and his eyes hallowed out.
It checked out with your rambles. Everything you said makes sense.
A sudden feeling penetrated his insides after the conclusion was made. He found it hard to breathe at the terrifying presence of a particular, bloodthirsty desperation. He suppressed an exhausted exhale and ignored the thirst for harm.
“Let’s go home,” he muttered as he slowly helped you to your feet. “Let’s get cleaned up.”
You listened to him, pushing yourself off the passenger's seat while he reached to the floor for your thrown bag. He wore it on one shoulder, fixing the strap before reaching for your hand.
After slamming the car door shut, he brought you with him over the front of the car. His footsteps were quiet, borderline silent, leaving only your shoes' clumsy scratches on the floor. You only felt faint traces of heat from the car's headlights as he covered most of it by standing on your side.
You arched your neck up to look at his downturned lips, his hair covering his eyes even though you've repeatedly told him to keep them out. You would scold him again when you had time, knowing he'd wear the same indifference on his face.
It felt like nagging a child sometimes; you've heard adult men generally tend to behave the same way.
“I was using the hair clips you got me. I took them off to come down here,” Jongseob said, not sparing you a glance. “You could have gotten me normal ones.”
“The Powerpuff Girls are cute,” you said. “You’re exactly like Blossom.”
“Please don’t speak nonsense.”
He squeezed your hand, making you chuckle. When you bumped your head to your side, you hit his shoulder. He didn't used to be so tall, and he didn't used to be so big. You suddenly felt small beside him, in a way that rained disaster, in an unexpectedly romantic way, and you were thinking about him as if he were human again.
"Shit, no way. You do have a boyfriend, then?”
Jongseob turned around, stepping forward to keep you behind him on the way. You peeked over his arm, a distasteful sneer twitching on your face.
You both faced the man just now getting on his feet. Jongseob inwardly hummed, acknowledging that his throw had likely done a number on the man's body. He hadn't meant to react so harshly, but he also didn't care that it ended up hurting someone a great deal.
“He looks a bit young, intern.”
“I’m twenty.”
"Good grief, he can't even drink yet!" The man laughed like he was choking on the air. "Does he know what he's doing?"
Jongseob rolled his eyes.
He knew this type of person: the kind who’s all bark and no bite. At least in front of nonchalance, they have no bite in them. Their only perk was that they knew how to pick their battles.
The man clearly noticed early on that he was not superior in physical strength. Therefore, choosing a fistfight would be a solution out of his league. That left him with one thing: trash talk. A lot of it, from your taste in men to his made-up flaws.
It was fine, though. Jongseob was a sensible person, and violence is never sensible.
"Hey, you could have tried me out if he hadn't come here. I would have changed your stubborn mind."
Violence is almost never sensible.
“Wait here," he muttered monotonously as he turned to you. He brought your hands up to your cheek and pressed his palm over them so you looked at him. “It'll look scary, but I promise nothing will happen to you."
“What?” you breathed out, your eyes trailing after his back. “Jongseob?”
It took a moment, but it was all you could see once you noticed it.
The green from the leaves, the brown from the tree trunks, the orange and white of apartment and street lights, the silver of the man’s car, the gray of concrete walls, the burgundy of the brick floor, the pink and yellow of flowers, the black of tires, the blue of the sky, the light of the stars and moon, the white of the man’s shirt, the milk of his skin—the colors were being drained from everything, making it look like a frame out of a film noir.
Your hands trembled as your eyes pinned themselves at the approaching sky. It couldn’t be the alcohol forcing an illusion before your eyes as you felt yourself remarkably awake and clear-minded from the adrenaline. The sky was approaching! It felt closer. You couldn’t be mistaken. After all, it wasn’t everything you got to see a colorless world, and you’ve barely recovered from panic.
Lowering your head, you turned to the trees surrounding the apartment buildings and furrowed your brows. The leaves were falling one by one gradually, and scrapes of tree trunks were being peeled off its body. The tires of cars were deflating, the flowers were lowering, and the sound of once-stable structures cracking became more audible. Everything was falling apart; everything was dying.
Everything but you, your bag, and your clothes. Nothing happened to you, just as Jongseob promised you.
You were abruptly cut off by the sound of a horrible coughing fit that bordered on a choke. Eyes widened, and your feet quickly brought you to stand behind the alien. He stared silently at the man who left nail marks on your shoulders, who was currently doubled over on the floor, heaving for oxygen.
The colors were drained from him entirely, and his skin began to melt from his head. Clumps and clumps of fat liquid dripped down his eyes in a honey-like texture and then down his mouth, filling it up to stop him from gasping for air.
A buzzing noise sounded from his completely enclosed body, like a train screeching to an emergency stop. No air went in or left his body. He was a box sealed shut and thrown in fire to be melted into its original form—a clump of cells. He was going to die.
Jongseob was going to kill him. As much as you felt the action was justified, a bigger picture was already painted that you must carefully analyze before prioritizing your vengeance.
It would be easier to explain the death of one man rather than the death of a plot of land. The desiccating of your surroundings cannot be explained by anything other than the doing of a supernatural. In this case, it would be Jongseob, and the program coordinator would jump through no hurdles to figure that out.
Suppose it got out that he killed someone. In that case, separation becomes inevitable, and you’ve gotten so used to having those two around that you couldn’t fathom living in a soundless apartment ever again.
The consequences of killing the man outweigh the disappointment of not.
“Hey–no. Jongseob, no. Stop it. Stop it now,” you demanded as you rushed to stand before you. You grabbed his hand and pushed it down, squeezing it with all the strength you could muster. “You will not kill anyone tonight.”
He peered down at you, no light flooding his eyes despite recognizing your face. “He was disrespectful to you.”
“He was, and that’s terrible,” you admitted. “But there are other ways to handle this. If everyone killed each other for being horrible, we’d not have the world we do today.”
He blinked, seemingly thinking through the points you presented. But then he shrugged. “I’m not everyone, am I?”
You poked your tongue to the inside of your cheek, not surprised by his defiance but very much annoyed. Between him and Soul, he was always the one who talked back more.
For a time, you chalked it up to him being innocently curious about the human world, but after a while, you realized he was just bratty. If you kept that personality trait in every monthly report, you were sure he would have been called back for a mental evaluation or something along those lines.
But being a tattle-tale was not necessary. You knew how to snap him out of it.
“I said–“ your words flew through gritted teeth, and you shot a hand up to pinch his ear so you could pull him to your face level–“we are not killing anyone tonight!”
He stumbled at the harsh yank, redness flaring up at the spot you were squeezing. His hand let go of the tension building up through using his power, immediately returning the colors back to their original place.
Helpless whines sounded from his mouth as he bent his waist to accommodate your halfhearted corporal punishment. Still, he did not attempt to push you away.
“Okay! Okay! Calm down!” he yelled.
“Calm down?”
“No–I mean, yes! Yes, calm down, but not like that!” he exclaimed. “Stop pulling my ear!”
You squeezed your eyes in contemplation before letting go. Your short bicker gave the release of Jongseob’s power enough time to gather itself on the fallen man’s face and patch him together. He stood up and tripped on air but caught himself before his face could kiss the ground and bolted for his car.
Jongseob reflectively grabbed your arm and stepped closer to you, staring as the car engine started and the man drove away without another word.
His chest heaved up through a large inhale. He noticed the way his arm had been trembling since you forced him to stop using his power. He wasn’t afraid, only unfamiliar with something he used to hold so dear to himself.
His power has always been offensive, but not to the degree it showed on Earth. It wasn’t used to kill his peers, and it definitely was not used to pull the cosmos to him.
That discrepancy shook him as much as when he thoughtlessly maxed out his strength after not using it for so long. The muscle strain reminded him of how careless he was and caught him off guard.
He didn't like it. He was supposed to be good at controlling his given ability. He was supposed to be good at controlling his actions. He was supposed to be sensible.
“Are you okay?
He slowly turned to you. Your face came into view under the flicking street light like the moon inched closer to Earth when he pulled it down to protect you. He couldn't tell if his eyes or heart saw you more because they both jolted in your presence.
Curling his fingers around the strap of your bag, he stepped forward to close the unnecessary gap between you both. He tried to peek over his frizzy bangs to no avail, so he ducked and lightly swayed his head to move them out of the way. He tilted his head lower to your level and looked through his lashes, his brows raised.
“Are you?” he asked.
You closed your parted lips and averted your eyes. The invisible outline of the man’s car remained vivid when you glanced at the empty spot. Once you turned back to Jongseob, knowing what he could do to people and how willing he was to do it, the illusion released its tight grasp on you.
You didn’t forget—you couldn’t forget, that even in such an ordinary world, even if all you’d ever do in life was work and play, even when it came to the least threatening harm, Jongseob would never have you anywhere near it.
“You saved me,” you said. “Thank you.”
“But are you okay?”
You smiled as you reached up to rub his ear softly between your fingers. “I’m sorry for pinching your ear.”
“[Name],” he started, but when you began to frantically squeeze his earlobe, he groaned and pulled your hand away. “Okay! Okay! I won’t ask anymore!”
He brushed his hands on his shirt when you finally let him go, a permanent scoff hanging on his cutely puckered lips. Rolling his eyes when he saw your smile, he huffed a sigh before adding, "When we go back, and Soul asks you about the marks on your shoulders, tell him something happened at work. I don't want him to freak out."
Soul and his power were interlinked. They come hand in hand, particularly his own greatly conveniences Soul's. While he absorbs colors, Soul absorbs monochrome.
Once Jongseob finishes sucking up all the colors around him, he leaves behind a grayscale perfect for Soul to use. That's how they're linked with each other, like two halves of a whole.
The one difference was that Soul had a problem being in control when his power was utilized, while Jongseob knew what he was doing. When Jongseob hurts someone, it is always because he wants to, and he could be easily stopped with persuasion. Soul was different.
Given that nature is that he turns into something that isn't himself, he would also not think and act like himself. Jongseob didn't want anything more to happen tonight.
“Oh,” you nodded, “I was going to lie anyway.”
“Thank you,” he muttered, then a beat later, almost inaudibly, “for everything, actually.”
He wanted to say everything he did was for you, to let you know that he will continue to do everything for you. But, despite all his talent in thought articulation, he was too timid and shy to express sentiment, so he kept his mouth shut.
Crossing his arms, he recalled the moment he noticed you in the passenger seat, with trembling limbs and an unopened mouth. He fixed his jaw and hid his hands from the colorful world, as he felt rather afraid of the truth—the existence of his devotion to you and the responsibility it spawns.
That kind of devotion causes a strain on both parties and cannot be undone. That kind of devotion, in his willingness to drag a carcass to your feet, is a self-inflicted curse. That kind of devotion, a synonym for love, an antonym of honor, is a burden. Jongseob trapped it behind his lips and prayed to God that he relearned how to restrain it in his hands by a mere cross of his arms.
Pray to God—he licked his lower lip as the lines of your face redraw themselves in his replaying memory—look at them and pray.

You taught them to get groceries when you were away at work.
They always did well with helping out around the house; you never knew or asked whether any alien abilities were included.
Jongseob was excellent at ensuring every surface was wiped clean. Soul always knew where everything was after he put them somewhere.
Grocery shopping was included among household responsibilities. Besides the constant sneaking of junk food, they ensured they got everything you requested.
They have frequented the market so much that the elders who ran most stores could recognize their faces and orders. After giving it a few more weeks, Jongseob and Soul were, unfortunately and hilariously, roped into the pile of gossip that never ceases to circulate the shops.
Apparently, they both live with you! But which one of them is your boyfriend?
"What's a boyfriend?" Soul asked in response to the question.
The shopping bag in his hand crinkled when he squeezed the handle. His round eyes followed the fruit stand owner as she moved around to get him what he needed: apples, oranges, bananas, and whatnot.
As she brushed past Soul to get to the box of apples, she spared him a glance and rolled her eyes, mistaking his genuine ignorance as him dodging the question. She picked up a few apples, examining each one with ease before reaching an empty hand out to Soul, beckoning for his shopping bag.
"You know what a boyfriend is,” she said. “Why are you acting coy? Are you the boyfriend?”
Soul pursed his lips together into a helpless frown. He didn't know what 'coy' meant either.
The grandma dumped the apples she chose in the bag and briefly looked up as she prepared to march toward the oranges. When she noticed the clueless expression on Soul's face, she paused with squinted eyes, and then an enthusiastic gasp jumped out of her mouth.
"Oh my! The other blond boy is the boyfriend, then? But you're in love with them?" she assumed, her fingers waving and pointing accusingly at Soul. "Or is it Jongseob you're in love with? I always thought you two were brothers, but I guess I was wrong!"
"We're very close, so we're basically brothers," he clarified. "But we don't have–um. Our mom and dad don't exist."
She looked away from the box of orange, one of them still ripe in her hand. “For how long?”
“Since we’re born.”
"Oh, poor dear." She walked away from the box of oranges to give Soul a pat on the shoulder. She stopped at the front of the display and began sifting through the boxes and randomly grabbing more than he had asked for. "Dead parents and a failed romance. Living with the couple, no less!"
Soul has not a lick of an idea what she was talking about. He would repeat his question about what a boyfriend was, but the old lady's eager rambles made it impossible for him to fit his voice in the air, so he focused on listening.
Beginning with her stories about her old romance and her detailed recollection of her past loves, he realized she, surprisingly, has a lot of wisdom to offer.
Here was what Soul gathered from the nosy grandma about a boyfriend: a boyfriend is and does many things.
A boyfriend waits for you to get off school or work, wants to spend a lot of time with you, never keeps secrets from you, thinks about you all the time, hangs out with you when he has free time, takes care of you when you are sick, loves to hug and touch you, never yells at you, and puts you above himself.
Usually, he lets Jongseob do the listening and summarizing, so he was very proud of himself when he independently came to this grand conclusion: "[Name], I am your boyfriend."
"Oh my god–" Jongseob looked away from the TV at Soul, who randomly announced the statement by the kitchen door as you cut up some apples. He slapped a hand to his forehead. "Soul, I already told you we're not their boyfriend!"
After pushing all the apple slices onto a plate, you dropped the knife in the sink. Swiftly opening a drawer to pick out a small plastic tube, you slammed it shut with a swing of your hips and turned around to lean against the cabinet.
You shook the tube, the toothpicks inside making a sandy noise with each shake, and you looked out the kitchen door behind Soul's shoulder at Jongseob, who still had his head in his hands. But the peek of his snaggletooth told you he was failing to suppress a smile.
"Who told you that, Soul?” you asked.
"The grandma at the fruit stall told me about her old boyfriends," Soul answered.
“Really? All of a sudden?” you mused. “What started that conversation?”
Soul followed you out of the kitchen after you stuck three toothpicks on three random apple slices and slammed the tube on the countertop. He blindly turned the lights off and closed the door on the way, hurrying up to sit on the floor by your feet as you placed the plate of apples on the coffee table.
Jongseob scooted closer to the edge of the couch and reached over for a slice, popping it in his mouth and starting to answer before he finished chewing.
"They were asking which of us is your boyfriend at the market today," Jongseob said.
“Which one? Not even if one of you were?” you snorted.
“They’re very determined that one of us is dating you.”
“Oh, I know what dating means!” Soul perked up. “I learned it in a drama.”
You looked down in disbelief and nudged him with your feet. “You learned dating but not what boyfriend means?”
Jongseob let out a giggle. He slid off his seat and brought his knees to his chest to fit in the space between the couch and the table. You brought your legs up when he moved closer to the middle to be next to Soul.
Out of habitual playfulness, you reached down to do a series of aggressive actions, from ruffling his hair to squeezing his cheeks. Jongseob protested, leaning away from your attacking hands as his arms flew up to swat you away like a fly.
“You never do this to Soul!” he exclaimed.
“Well, yeah,” you responded mindlessly as you let him go. “He’s nice. He just lets me.”
Soul grinned from ear to ear when you touched his face. Your touch was soft, like it always was, shifting from his jaw to his cheeks to his hair. He never got enough of the sensation of human touch, no matter how trivial.
Looping an arm around an old man at a crosswalk, picking up a kindergartener after they tripped from running around, Jongseob’s hands going through his hair to tie a ponytail for him, your fingers dabbing gently on his face with skincare products—it’s warm, fleetingly so, and human, which lasts.
Jongseob feigned a puking noise after watching you mess around with Soul’s facial features for a few seconds. He got up from the floor and headed to the kitchen to find a drink.
You ignored his distaste, drowning Soul with your immediate attention. He grinned at you, his side bang falling to the back of his ears. What a sight of sore eyes, with his eyes so round and wide, his smile so genuine and willing. He looked at you like you were the only person he wanted to see and spoke like it was his first time using his voice. You cooed to yourself, to the void: look how pretty he is!
“Hello,” you whispered with your palms on his face, gently pushing his cheeks together to bring him to you, “Shota.”
“Hello,” he returned in a volume that mirrored yours, “I bought the fruit myself today.”
“Yeah, I know,” you beamed.
“[Name],” he reached up for your face to urge you close so nobody else would hear, “am I really not your boyfriend?”
You laughed from your throat, but the noise huffed out through your nose rather than your pursed lips. Shota squinted his eyes at the warm air and frowned. You kept laughing at the topic, both you and Jongseob, but he was hung up about it.
The old lady at the fruit store mentioned a list of criteria for being a boyfriend, and he believed he checked off everything on the list!
He spends his entire day waiting for you to come home from work, and after you do, he’d spend the rest of the day with you. Jongseob does the same, but Shota has never kept any secrets from you, mainly because he’s got none, but that still counts toward a check off the box!
He cared for you when you got drunk, even though Jongseob did most of the cleaning and handled your personal hygiene. However, Shota lets you hug him, so he has the upper hand that round!
“It’s complicated,” you said. “You’ve watched dramas, right? Have you noticed that although two characters love each other, they’re not considered together?”
“No,” he shook his head, “they’re together to me.”
“Well–“ you rolled your eyes up–“yeah, okay. I suppose that’s fair.”
Looking back down at him, you rubbed his cheeks with your thumb and shook your head in disagreement. “It’s still more complicated than you think.”
Shota’s bottom lip couldn’t help but jut out when he gradually pulled the corner of his lips into an upsetting frown.
The idea plagued his mind since he was first introduced to it at the market, and too much time and effort was put into giddying himself over this. The disappointment of his fantasy—you agreeing that he is your boyfriend—falling off was immeasurable.
“What are you two whispering about?” Jongseob interrupted once he returned. He looked between you and Soul, and then he frowned. “Are you still on the boyfriend thing?”
“Yeah,” Soul dragged out with a brief wave of his hand. “You won’t let me be your boyfriend because we’re supposed to be like brothers, and now [Name] won’t let me be their boyfriend because it’s too complicated!”
“You told him it’s too complicated?” Jongseob questioned, putting his elbow on the edge of the couch when he turned around to raise a brow at you.
Your eye twitched at his judgemental tone, and you almost lunged to tackle him to the floor. “It is complicated!”
Jongseob pulled a face.
One of the things that inconvenienced his technical way of processing information was relationship problems, particularly the fact that everyone around him loved to create issues that shouldn’t be there.
He understood that certain situations reveal emotions that could be difficult to ignore, but he didn’t see a reason for ignorance when one could face them straightforwardly.
People tip-toe across the winded roads too much for the sake of empathy despite it not being due, and then responses like ‘it’s too complicated’ spawn when it’s fundamentally incorrect to say so.
“How?” he questioned. “Do you like Soul?”
“I like the both of you,” you said.
“I know.” He nodded. “But do you like him?”
You smirked awkwardly. “No.”
“Then it’s not complicated,” Jongseob said with a clap. He turned to Soul, whose eyes had been darting between you two during your brief conversation, and he shrugged. “You can’t be [Name]’s boyfriend because they’re not in love with you. That’s it.”
“Woah! Why did you suddenly switch the wording?”
“Why not? It doesn’t make a difference,” he said. “Are you in love with Soul?”
“I’m in love with you, though.”
You shook your head and patted Soul’s shoulder. “No, you’re not.”
“Ahm, we don’t–haha, we don’t know about that,” Jongseob mused between forced chuckles as he nodded at the floor.
His eyes widened briefly as a calculated thought about Soul’s untainted feelings for you flickered through his mind. When he looked up and saw your deadpan, he pulled his lips into a thin line, stretching it into an ugly smile that made his upcoming words sound flat and borderline incoherent.
“Do you remember what happened a few months ago because of the evaluation?”
It was a month after Jongseob saved you at the bottom of the apartment estate. You had decided to omit that detail from the monthly report; you told yourself it wasn’t necessary because it wasn’t an extraordinary development about Jongseob but rather an incident that happened to you.
However, deep down, you knew you kept it a secret because you were afraid the program coordinator would find issues with what happened and separate you two.
A few weeks after you turned in the monthly evaluation, a detailed post about a freak accident where a boy who choked a man through telekinesis was posted on one of the most popular social media forums.
Nobody believed in the post; most comments redirected the author to a sub-forum where people post fantasy stories they’ve written, but it was how your program coordinator found out what happened. Within five days of that post, you received an email about a temporary separation.
They gave you a week to pack their things and prepare them for leaving your care.
Jongseob hadn’t said anything when you sat them down to tell them that they would be relocated to another home indefinitely. You didn’t think Soul really understood what happened until the time of departure. Either that, or he hadn’t felt the effect of separation until the moment it was happening, as it took multiple staff members to successfully release his grip from your arm.
But what you hadn’t shown them were the scars on your forearm, all of them scratched into a bloody storm by the unassuming Shota, who, in a state of panic, had unknowingly sucked up the monochromes around him and begun the initial phase of transformation.
His sharp, blade-like nails dug into your forearm through your sweater, forcefully grounding himself by your side when he was asked to get inside the van. But you didn’t say anything other than words of reassurance. With a hand on the side of his head, all you had told him was that you’d see him again soon.
His nails dragged several lines down your skin when he was pulled off of you. You didn’t react to it, only pressing a palm to the wounds and shoving the pain to the back of your head.
If you let it be known that he hurt you, there’s no way they’d be allowed back in your house. You thought he knew, though. You believed Shota knew what he did because he stopped struggling and went to sit next to Jongseob in the van after making eye contact with you.
You three weren’t kept apart for too long, surprisingly. The worst they did was give you a slap on the wrist and a warning to not hide information from them again.
“It’s a normal reaction to being taken from his home,” you said. “I think he missed the normalcy more than he missed me.”
“You’re wrong.” Jongseob crawled over to Soul and beckoned for his attention with a finger snap. “Do you remember when we left home for a few weeks? Why did you throw a tantrum when they came to get us?”
“Huh?” Soul faintly puckered his lips in thought. Once recognition hit, he opened his mouth in realization and nodded. “Ah! That time! I–“ he tilted his head with soft inhales–“did I throw a tantrum?”
“You did,” Jongseob reached up to grab your arm and gestured to the scars, “there’s literally proof.”
“I didn’t do that on purpose,” Soul argued. “I was distraught, I didn’t want to leave [Name].”
“Case in point. See?” Jongseob dropped your arm on the couch with a triumphant shrug. “I told you.”
“That doesn’t prove anything,” you said. “Families do that with each other, too.”
“Is that what we are?” Jongseob asked, raising his brows. “We’re a family now?”
“Not legally. I would have to adopt you two,” you said. “But then you would be my son, which is weird.”
“We could be your brothers.”
“I want to be your boyfriend,” Soul chimed in. When you chuckled through a tight-lipped frown, he sighed. “Okay, brother is fine.”
“Good,” Jongseob hummed dismissively before returning his attention to you. “Is there a way for us to legally become siblings, though?”
It wasn’t something you thought about. The significant details of the outreach program were not known to its participants. They let you know before you signed the contract that it was a program to help assimilate aliens to the human world, and you didn’t doubt that to be the case.
However, calculating the money the government was spending on the participants just for them to foster aliens—it didn’t make sense.
The foster system for human children was severely underfunded, yet the one for space creatures wasn’t. If you had to guess, it was because there’s a catch to alien assimilation, especially when they’re bonded with a person from Earth.
At the end of the day, you’ve no idea if Jongseob and Soul would be allowed to stay with you for a long time.
“I don’t think we can,” you replied, leaning forward and rolling your eyes. “But who knows? Maybe they’re secretly writing a new constitution for alien residents on Earth, but we definitely won’t legally become a family anytime soon. It’s okay, though. We can do it in theory!”
“What does that even mean?” Jongseob snickered. “In theory?”
“I’ll show you at some point,” you said sheepishly. “I just have to give someone a heads-up first.”

The mausoleum was quiet. You didn’t think you’d ever seen it crowded before.
Carefully putting the flower into the compartment, your eyes brushed past your mother’s picture, and you relaxed.
“Hey, Mom. It’s been a while.”
You didn’t make a habit of visiting frequently, so whenever you did, you’ve got a lot of say. Your busy work life, social life, and almost nonexistent love life. The good and the bad. The embarrassing and the ugly. The fact that there were few people around made it easier to ramble to a picture, and sometimes, you wondered if the ones in her neighbor compartments were listening too.
You didn’t speak in detail about the alien outreach program you joined, partly because it was still confidential to the general public, but you told her about the ‘twins.’
“I’ll bring them over when I get the chance,” you said. “I’ll see you later then.”
Reaching out for the compartment door, you prepared to close it when you suddenly jumped in realization.
“I almost forgot,” you laughed. “This is for you.”
Letting go of the door handle, you reached for your bag and pulled something out. You waved it about and gently blew on it before stacking it neatly next to the flower you bought.
It was a polaroid of you three.
#this is really sweet#maaaannnn not sure if there will ever be a sequel but I did thoroughly enjoy this#it felt like sipping warm pho on a cold winter afternoon#overall great vibes#again#your magical realism strikes again#crispyrecs#💕💕💕
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Lmfao yall pray for us it’s really Armageddon out here 🤡🤡

#lol#istg always the short end of the stick#I’m glad to see that a lot of ppl are trying to find the humor in this situation 🤡😂#jas.bambles🎐
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If you try really hard you can hear me screaming akajajsjsjjskaka
Lowkey the most fun song of the set!! Everyone was feeling themselves 🎉
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"I Like It"
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Gaaaahhh so much has happened lol
I have been mia for so long 😭 but I mean life was crazy ngl, went to a summer course in Harvard, turned 18, had a first alone trip (with my friend) to London and saw stray kids live… damn
But seeing stray kids live has somewhat yeeted me back into their fandom and I really really wanna write again 😔 hopefully one day…
Anyway feel free to pop up and say hi 🫶✨
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gege when i catch you gege
ig! silentsnow777
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• Fatherhood •
What kind of dads are the JJK men ?
CW/TW: GN! Reader, Mentions of crappy parenting, BREIF mention of pregnancy in Geto's, (Lmk if I should add anything else!)
Characters: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Sukuna, Toji x Reader
AN: Almost cried writing this the baby fever is going HARD rn dude. Headcanons !
• Gojo •
Menace of a father, but in the good way! Gojo spends his years raising his kids as if he's their best friend, truly and genuinely treats his kids as equals and in a sweet way, allows his children to have complete trust in him. Because Gojo is quite childish himself, he loves playing with his kids, making a fool of himself, and indulging with them.
Has a bit of a bad side to this though, his lack of traditional discipline or making himself the 'adult' in the situation leads the kids to both be very spoiled and not really ever listen to him.
"Sweetheart, darling, my perfect angel, can you please go to bed?? pretty please! Help your old man here, please??"
"Nuh uh!" And with that bout of defiance, he's back to running up to you, like HE'S the child, begging for your help. Because it seems you're the only one who can get the kids in line, and you do.
Plays pranks and teases the hell out of his kids as they get older, always in a loving way of course, but nonetheless loves getting them flustered over his stupidity. Type of dad to do dumbass dances in the middle of a Walmart to embarrass his kids.
• Geto •
Geto is optimum of what it means to be a gentle parent. Cannot, for the life of him, bring it in himself to yell at his kids. He's so soft-spoken, never so much as raising his voice against his children. Geto has children who respond to his voice alone, because it's so lulling, he's familiarized them with it and made them feel safe with it.
Doesn't mean he can't discipline them, of course he can, and he does so extremely gracefully. Whenever you're on your last straw with the kids, fighting the urge to start scolding them and yell, he steps in, smoothly taking over and the kids instantly listen to him.
"We're your parents, honey, c'mon that's not very nice to say, is it? They carried you for 9 months you know. Say sorry." Like magic the kids shut up and come over to you apologizing while Geto stands back, calmly having fixed the situation with ease.
With everything Geto does, has done, experienced etc, he can sometimes feel conflicted. Geto knows what he is capable of, and what he has done, he's extremely self-aware even if he justifies it, and he can struggle to balance the weight of all of it while also remaining a dutiful father.
Despite it, he does wonders keeping it separate from what his children have to see or experience, teaches them respect and kindness and hopes they hold true to it.
• Nanami •
Not a single man on this list fathers as hard as Nanami fathers. He's built for it like no other. Nanami treats fatherhood with his all, he puts his all into it and makes damn certain he does right by it. Stern when necessary, sweet when needed, provides for his kids and refuses to miss any important milestone of theirs.
Nanami is a calm man but the second work starts piling potentially making him miss his kids school play or something he's arguing with his supervisors and ready to throw hands.
He keeps the drawings his kids make on his desk, alongside a photo of you and your kids. Literally just stares at it while working smiling, unable to wait till he's home with the kids. They are his pride and joy genuinely.
No matter how over-worked Nanami may be though, when he comes home you are basically on vacation. Insists you rest and he takes over literally everything involving the kids.
"Darling, darling no, I got this covered. You take rest. You know I love spending time with my kids." He says with an earnest smile, both kids in his beefy arms just dangling around and playing with their father. He's definitely exhausted from work, but that never stops him.
• Sukuna •
The King of the Curses, as cruel and terrifying as he is, taking pleasure in all sorts of sickness and treating love as pointless, legitimately likes his kid.
He doesn't care about fatherhood, or the responsibilities that being a parent entails, but it's nice having a mini version of himself around. That he likes. An extension of himself and you, it's nice to have around he doesn't mind it. He may act aloof about it, not outwardly showing affection like hugs or kisses, but he clearly enjoys it.
He gets a massive ego trip when his kids cause chaos and disturbances. Points at them laughing with his belly "See that? That's mine."
Sukuna never minces his words though, and his kids have to get used to his bluntness. Again, he doesn't care for the concept of 'parenting', and will in their face call the kid some extreme insults and weak and they have to learn to take it.
On the flip side, Sukuna also never minces his praise, and Sukuna has an abundance to give his kids. Every accomplishment or show of strength that they show he'll let them know he's proud. A good ol' fashioned fatherly slap to their shoulder while he praises them.
He treasures his children, and even if he doesn't put much effort into parenting them, you taking over most of it, he's definitely a present figure in their lives.
• Toji •
Went to get milk, hasn't been seen since.
#dying#NANAMI#MY MAN#siri. play breaking dishes by Rihanna#amajsjs#why is it the jjk men that make us go so feral 😭😭😭#anime 💎#jas.bambles 🎐#gaaaaahhh#my goal in life is to meet an irl version of nanami end of story
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this is really so sweet aksjsjsj!!! I just remembered a few days ago that maze of memories is more than 3 years old aksjsjsj. I lowkey dread ever reading through it again because I was a tiny dweeb when I wrote it 🤡🤡🤡 but damn it’s so sentimental to me akajks 💕
Thanks for enjoying the series and for letting me know 🫶 (also not reading the epilogue is honestly pretty valid lmfao I lowkey barely remember what I wrote in there 👹👹)
Maze of Memories | ch.10

➳ pairing: career!bang chan x f.reader
➳ genre: hunger games au, action, angst, fluff if you squint
➳ warnings: violence, language, mutual pinning lol, very slightly suggestive ig (they just kiss a lot), grieving, angst, gas, knives, blood, slight mentions of trauma, shitty writing :’)
➳ summary: you’re the unlucky reaped female tribute from district 9 with no fighting skills whatsoever. all you want is to enjoy your last few days of life before perishing in the arena, but you somehow manage to catch the eye of the volunteer from district 2…
➳ word count: 10.2k
➳ a/n: mhm, this should explain last chapters cliffhanger :^)
➳ disclaimer: this story is pure fiction!! I do not condone these acts of violence, nor do the characters portrayed in this fictional story. there is lots of violence here, you have been warned.
PS: listen to maze of memories by skz <3. if you want to be added to the taglist, send an ask or comment.
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The moment the world slipped from your parted lips, the boy had pressed himself closer to you, eliminating any sort of distance put between you. One of his arms circled your waist, palm pressing against your back to steady you as his other hand cupped your jaw. His eyes were dazed, almost as if he was drunk, when he leaned down and finally pressed his lips to yours.
You gasped as the searing kiss stole your breath away. Your eyes, which were before blown wide open, now closed, lids fluttering. Your arms found themselves wrapping around his neck, pulling him closer if that was even possible.
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this is like four days late BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Tysm 💕💕💕 now worries ✨🫶
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