a blog dedicated to Cyprus and his lovers. (18+ mentions) 1600s & fantasy related
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Insite on who Cyprus is
Full name is Cyprus Quincey Rose Lancaster
He is from a long abandoned royalty bloodline, not forgotten, just abandoned since no relatives are left alive to rule after Cyprus's father died.
Cyprus is a hybrid- things such as ghouls and vampires exist in this world. Cyprus is mixed blood, his mother was a ghoul and his father had vampire and human blood. Cyprus's great grandmother was a vampire that unfortunately died young after his grandfather was born. The vampire blood in the family was not known by the humans who married into the bloodline. Human blood overpowered his father's vampire side, so he didn't have the cravings of a regular vampire.
Cyprus was only 7 years of age when he started getting the cravings of a ghoul. His mother would sneak food for him at the time before she disappeared from Cyprus's life. Cyprus hunted on his own to hide his true nature from his father and his knights. When Cyprus was 15, his mother was detained and brought back to the mansion. His father's knights found her berserk eating human flesh. Cyprus's father thought she had recently been turned into a ghoul, and didn't suspect Cyprus true blood. His father seeking answers tortured his mother, trying to get answers to his many questions. Eventually, his mother succumbed to her starvation and died.
Cyprus was 17 when he was found out. His father's knights had found him drinking the blood of a human in an alleyway after being followed. Cyprus father was horrified, he couldn't believe his only son, the last of the Lancaster bloodline was such a horrid monster. Cyprus and his father were face to face, alone, in the dungeon of the mansion. Cyprus told the truth of his father's bloodline and his mother's story. The king, guilt ridden and horrified, smiled one last time at his son and walked away. Cyprus escaped from the dungeon and ran away in disguise. His father lived only a few years before succumbing to illness. Thus, ending the Lancaster bloodline. With no other relatives, and a lost prince no where to be found, the mansion and its surroundings were abandoned.
50 years later, Cyprus ran into one of his current companions, Darin. He was fighting off a group of ghouls, and was heavily injured. After Darin collapsed, Cyprus quickly ended the fight and patched up Darin. Cyprus not wanting to show his true colors, pretended to be a human and healed Darin the old fashioned way. It was days before the other awoke from his injuries and overexerting himself. Darin was a loner and an orphan, he was doing jobs of getting rid of monsters to earn some coins. Cyprus offered Darin to occupy him on travels and would pay him a salary to be his bodyguard. Agreeing, their travels begin together.
A few years later, Cyprus and Darin got separated from each other during a fight. Cyprus was injured and hasn't fed in a few weeks, being weak he was on the verge of going berserk. He ran into a forest to hide and ran into Hayden. Cyprus's eyes were bright red and his fangs were showing, he had no way of hiding what he was in front of the hunter he ran into. Hayden stared at Cyprus, a look of worry and concern on his face. Cyprus turned his face trying to hide his monsterous features. Hayden creeped closer towards Cyprus, assessing his injuries and how to help. Cyprus growled at Hayden when he went to touch him, Hayden flinched but continued doing what he was doing. Surprised Hayden recognized the silver butterfly caked in blood on Cyprus chest, it was the Lancaster royalty mark. Hayden knew the mark, as his grandfather was a knight that served the bloodline before it was abandoned. Realizing who Cyprus was he knew what Cyprus needed to heal. Undoing the buttons on his shirt, Hayden led Cyprus's face towards his neck. Cyprus slightly startled, but too hungry to protest fed from Hayden. Hayden's loyalty towards Cyprus started at this moment, he promised to protect Cyprus with his life, to continue on the loyalty to the Lancaster name his ancestor had done.
Meeting Noa was a surprise on Cyprus's part. Having had a hard time defeating a higher hunter, he forgot to feed before he went out. Rushing back to the abandoned facility to meet with Hayden to heal, he ran into a vampire named Noa. Noa was on the search for the vampire that smelt heavily of ghoul and the forgotten bloodline. Cyprus seeing an intruder in his territory, attacked Noa. Noa not fighting back only laid there staring at Cyprus who was confused on what was going on. Noa smelling blood from the other, noticed his injuries and recommended sharing his blood. Cyprus being a bit disgusted and flustered, refused until he was pushed into biting into the others neck and feeding until full and his wound was healed. Feeding between two vampires was an intimate thing only done between lovers. Noa being of a royal bloodline of vampires that ran away from his family convinced Cyprus to let him occupy him going forth.
The four of them, continued on their adventures; Hayden and Darin being jealous, didn't get along with Noa yet. Noa was overly protective of Cyprus and was always hip to hip with him. Leaving hardly anytime for Hayden and Darin to spend alone time with him. The three of them often fought when Cyprus wasn't around. On the current day, they checked into a hotel for the night while searching for a group of ghouls. Look forward to posts to find out what happens
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