cricantrail · 6 years
am I doing the meme right
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cricantrail · 6 years
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Paras is lovely this time of year.
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cricantrail · 6 years
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Hasan Shares His Valentines Day Plans | Marie Kondo Sparks Joy With Hasan Minhaj
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cricantrail · 6 years
"Beware of destination addiction: The idea that happiness is in the next place, the next job, or even with the next partner. Until you give up the idea that happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are." ✨
Robert Holden, Twitter @ -INFJempathos
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cricantrail · 6 years
Me hoping this is how i look when i am loving people
Do you read :D as an open-mouthed smile or a smile with teeth?
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cricantrail · 6 years
fake conversations in your head of you venting to someone
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cricantrail · 6 years
Ohwow so my weakness is hugs
Cheering up the types
So I discovered that you can cheer up the types by re-engaging their first function. This actually works without fail!
Let’s say someone is upset because someone said something really mean to them, and now they’re all upset in front of you. Let’s also assume they didn’t deserve it at all. Here’s basically exactly what to say….
Engage Fe: Wow, that was really mean of them! They must have been in a really foul mood. Well, I hope you know you did nothing wrong. And you can rant to me about it if it helps!
Reboot Ni: Just hug basically. Once cheered up enough, begin problem solving by triggering their Ni with ideas and possibilities. You’ll know if they’re cheered up enough when they begin throwing possibilities around.
Engage Te: Oh my goodness, what a loser! That person would be lucky if they were half as smart as you! (basically just rip into the idiot who upset your entj baby 😡).
Reboot Ni: Just hug basically, without hugging. Like, just be there without hugging and kind of tap them on the shoulder once. Once cheered up enough, begin problem solving by triggering their Ni with ideas and possibilities. You’ll know if they’re cheered up enough when they begin throwing possibilities around.
Engage Ne: Look, maybe they person just found out their mother had cancer or something, and that’s why they were mean. And they were really mean, which wasn’t good. But you never know…
Get them back to Fi: That was a horrible thing to say, but you know it isn’t true! That person was probably just mean because they’re jealous of you or something like that. You know you’re special!
Engage Ne: I can see you’re upset, and I see why! But maybe the person misunderstood you and couldn’t tell what you meant.
Reboot Ti: I don’t know why they were being so mean to you, but at least you know you didn’t do anything wrong - they did.
Engage Fe: Wow, that was really mean of them! They must have stressed and forgotten how nice you’ve been to them. You’ve done nothing to upset that person, but you can rant to me about it if it helps!
Reboot Si: That’s really out of character for that person, maybe they’re going through a tough time. It was wrong of them to treat you like that, but knowing them they’ll say sorry soon!
Engage Te: Oh my goodness, what a loser! That person would be lucky if they were half as smart as you! They had no right to do that to you!
Reboot Si: That’s really out of character for that person, they probably didn’t mean it. It was wrong of them to treat you like that, but knowing them they’ll say sorry soon!
Engage Se - hey, don’t worry about what they said. You know what you’re like, you’re not what they said you are! You know that person’s dumb anyway.
Get them back to Fi: That was a horrible thing to say, but you know it isn’t true! That person just likes causing trouble, you know that. They probably don’t even mean it - think about it, we’re they stressed at the time? You know you’re special!
Engage Se - hey, don’t worry about what they said. You know what really happened: they were the mean ones! Everything they said was stupid - you’re not like that!
Reboot Ti: I don’t know why they were being so mean to you, but at least you know you didn’t do anything wrong - they did.
*some of these are very similar/the same and some may not be right, but the ones I know (basically the N types, isfps, and estps) are defs right! *
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cricantrail · 6 years
That i will lean only on you
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cricantrail · 6 years
How I Met My Solemate
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cricantrail · 6 years
i think about this video a lot
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cricantrail · 6 years
i think about this video a lot
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cricantrail · 6 years
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Super Mario Sunshine gets released on the Nintendo Gamecube (2002)
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cricantrail · 6 years
My child is autistic. He doesn’t do well with change. Even little things that would be meaningless to most people.
For example, his hairbrush was getting old and worn. He had chewed the end of it. The cats had chewed some bristles. It was dirty and dusty. But I didn’t say anything. Because it’s his hairbrush.
Finally, he said he thinks it’s time for a new brush. Ok, I say, we’ll put it on the shopping list, and get one next time we’re in town.
So we go to town and we go to the store. There are many hairbrushes to choose from. He picks one and they even have it in his favorite color. We buy it, take it home, and remove the packaging.
I go to put it on the shelf where the old hairbrush is. Can we throw out the old one, I ask.
That’s when he stops. That’s when he freezes and gets a momentary look of panic on his face. Throw out the old one? That hadn’t occurred to him.
Because here’s the thing. Hair brushing is a part of his morning routine. And not just hair brushing, but hair brushing with that particular brush. To most people, the act of hair brushing is the routine, but not the brush itself. The objects are interchangeable. But not to my child. Not to someone with autism. The brush itself is just as important as the act of brushing.
So I take a breath. I put the old brush down. Think about it, I say. Let me know tomorrow what you want to do with this brush.
He decides. He realizes keeping an old hairbrush is not necessary. But it’s still important to him. So he asks if I can cut off one bristle. To keep. As a memory of the old hairbrush.
I don’t laugh. I don’t tell him it’s silly. I respect his need. I cut off the bristle. He puts it in his treasure box, along side some smooth rocks, beads, sparkly decals, a Santa Claus charm from a classmate, a few other things meaningful to him.
He throws the old hairbrush away himself. He is able to move on, and accept the change.
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cricantrail · 6 years
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I wanted to draw a comic about a fish mom in an office then realized i don’t know anything about offices or fishes
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cricantrail · 6 years
I remember first learning that you can cry from any emotion, that emotions are chemical levels in your brain and your body is constantly trying to maintain equilibrium. so if one emotion sky rockets, that chemical becomes flagged and signals the tear duct to open as an exit to release that emotion packaged neatly within a tear. Everything made sense after learning that. That sudden stability of your emotions after crying. How crying is often accompanied by the inability to feel any other emotion in that precise moment. And it is especially beautiful knowing that it is even possible to experience so much beauty or love or happiness that your body literally can’t hold on to all of it. So what I’ve learned is that crying signifies that you are feeling as much as humanely possible and that is living to the fullest extent. So keep feeling and cry often and as much as needed
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cricantrail · 6 years
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What Happens When Zookeepers Have Too Much Time On Their Hands
Via Bored Panda
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cricantrail · 6 years
Today felt heaven on earth. Thankful for lovely people who went with me hehe
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