crestfallenness Ā· 7 months
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on losing love
leo & catherine, the great // your love finds its way back, sierra demulder // holly warburton // ?, sue zhao // cassandra: a novel and four essays, christa wolf // ? /// ? // horoscope for the heartbroken, schuyler peck // i bet on losing dogs, mitski // war of the foxes, richard siken
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crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
Itā€™s funny because a lot of the people who refuse to acknowledge or compliment a neurodivergent kid on things that can actually be impossible for some of us, like waking up on time, being organized, finishing work, paying attention, etc. because ā€œitā€™s their job they donā€™t need praise for doing the basicsā€ will often be the same ones lavishing praise on parents of neurodivergent kids for ā€¦feeding themā€¦ providing necessitiesā€¦ not abusing themā€¦ you know, the basics. Their job.
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crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
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Man, I hope that girl managed to figure things out.
165K notes Ā· View notes
crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
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43K notes Ā· View notes
crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
In like 500 years from now, Mesperyian will be considered a real goddess bc that's what mythology is. A bunch of Oh, haven't you heard? stories
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crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
Hey. Sorry you're having a hard time right now.
Here is a list of things that might help you relax or cheer you up. I understand that everyone has different things that help them, so it's okay if this doesn't work for you.
Window Swap
Relaxing Nintendo music with light rain
Wind Down Yoga
A song about puffins (warnings: contains very quick mentions of eating puffins and smoking)
Little penguin speedpaint
Cute bunny and sundae speedpaint
Cat's Cafe comic
Wholesome Cats game (app store link)
Cute song about tea
What positive affirmations do you need to hear right now? (uquiz)
105 notes Ā· View notes
crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
I have some things I wish to speak about regarding Sang-woo in Squid Game. So many people have commented that they would have liked him more if he felt bad about his actions and while normally I would agree, he does actually show his emotions though more subtly than other characters in the show. His character is very complex but he definitely felt bad. He was a gifted student so there was probably a lot of pressure to do well, mixed with his own ambition. His mom clearly loves him and wants the best for him but in his culture, the pressure to succeed, to be greater than the previous generation, itā€™s immense. His friend Gi-hun clearly cared but had him on a pedestal. Being told that youā€™re the ā€œpride and joyā€ and the smarts of a town really shape the way people think about themselves. If you grew up hearing youā€™re the best, you are going to eventually believe it so when you begin failing or not reaching your goals, youā€™re going to start thinking negatively. However if you grow up with the people you care about seeing you mainly for your successes, youā€™re going to look at yourself and the way you see the world differently. Your motivations will be different, the end goal is what matters and if you have tried to reach it the right way and canā€™t succeed, you can get impulsive, desperate. Sang-woo is very smart, you can spin it so that he skirts the line of psychopathic, however it is more likely, because of the pressure he was under as a teen mainly the pressure from himself at this point, he realized that emotions can only get you so far so he pushed them down.Ā 
In the games, he struggles. With the first game, he gets to see what heā€™s getting himself into. He sees an old friend and has mixed emotions about him. Gi-hun was probably a good friend to him though he was someone he probably looked down on even at a young age. Because Sang-woo values logic over emotions and probably has a complicated relationship with his own, he most likely looks down on Gi-hun because in his eyes, emotions make you weaker and this friend wears his on his sleeve. He probably also has a bit of contempt towards his friend because Gi-hun is able to just show his emotions and Sang-woo doesnā€™t feel like he can. Regardless, Gi-hun has always been kind to him, raising him up, offering his assistance, but also representing his childhood and the part of him heā€™s attempting to leave behind. He reminds him of everything Sang-woo was supposed to be, that college graduate who was supposed to be rich and successful by now. Heā€™s reminded of the countless failures and the people he could possibly let down if anyone found out. Gi-hun just found out and that probably made him a little scared and frustrated. When voting came about, there was an opportunity for people to go home and he respected that. He cast a vote representing what he personally wanted but gave others the option to do so as well. He knew what he was getting into. Seeing Gi-hun and everything he had become reminded him of his ambition and goals. He didnā€™t want to turn out like that and he was going to do what was necessary to succeed.Ā 
Ali and the bus ticket was completely him as well. Here was a character, someone kind and young who went about and saved another person in the game, even if it could have resulted in his own death. On top of that, he saved his childhood friend, and while Sang-woo had some mixed emotions about his friend, he still cared for him and didnā€™t want to see him in that situation. Sang-woo probably liked Aliā€™s good heart and the way he carried himself. He was still a smart kid but clearly did something to get himself into the situation. So standing there, after a day where they just watched a bunch of people die and lost the chance to gain any money, he saw a kid who had been through a lot and was still handling himself well enough to walk home even though it was a long way. He had to have a bit of admiration for the kid and he probably felt bad for him as well, showing a side of himself he doesnā€™t show often in the show.Ā 
Talking to his mother seals his fate. He realizes he has reached a dead end, no way out of this. Heā€™s wanted by the police, he canā€™t bare to tell his mother what heā€™s done because hearing how proud she is of him and his accomplishments just digs in the guilt he feels for disappointing her. He doesnā€™t want to disappoint her. Heā€™s all set up to kill himself because thatā€™s the only option left for him, right? No way out of this. He can live to see the only person he cares about look at him with disappointment and disgust (In his mind) or, he can end it and save himself the pain. And he hears the knock.Ā 
And itā€™s decided. Because for a person with such high expectations for himself and a skewed moral sense on how to get there, heā€™s going to do what he thinks he has to. He is so insecure and so lost, so comfortable with taking things from others to get what he needs that this game isnā€™t out of the picture. Heā€™s going to do whatever it takes. And he realized that anyone who participates in the game from now on knows what they are getting into. Every person who participates knows the stakes and knows that it means life or death. And it feels slightly better now because here he has a chance to reach one of his goals and he canā€™t feel as bad about the others because thatā€™s on them, they chose their fate. It helps him repress his emotions, get himself ready for whatā€™s to come. He knows what to expect and heā€™s well practiced at pushing down his feelings so he readyā€™s himself. Caring about anyone else will just get him killed.Ā 
He sees Ali and Gi-hun. Itā€™s clear he wasnā€™t expecting either of them. The half open mouth stare when he sees Ali is proof of that. He gives him a once over and when Ali mentions the bus fare, he looks down and collects himself, rationalizing it like heā€™s used to doing. Because he already feels guilt for whatā€™s to come. While Gi-hun is going over their ā€œboot campā€ ideas and discussing with Ali, heā€™s lost in his head, staring at the boy and looking around as if wondering how heā€™s going to be able to hurt this man if it came down to it. How heā€™s going to win with these two around. Heā€™s only brought back by Gi-hun calling to him. Heā€™s focused now, and Gi-hun is offering an old man a position on their team and he probably feels slight contempt towards him for being so soft hearted and not thinking when itā€™s a life or death game.Ā 
When they step into the next game, itā€™s go time. Heā€™s able to push down his emotions and focus on the task at hand, figuring out what the game is and surviving. Itā€™s easier to push down your emotions when given a task, thatā€™s why so many workaholics can be sometimes seen as cold and inhumane at times. Logically, by splitting up, that means there will be less competition between him and his teammates. He went along with the team choice, but if heā€™s going to win, the best way is to let the weak die. Itā€™s horrible but heā€™s not allowing himself to think too hard about it because the end goal is too important. And his logic is sound if he didnā€™t know what the game was, but he had an idea. He knew. He might have entertained the idea, ā€œBut what if Iā€™m wrong, maybe they will survive after all if they choose wisely and can work hard towards the goal.ā€ Heā€™s used to telling himself what he needs to in order to survive with these choices. And Gi-hun layers in the guilt by telling the old man what a great guy he is, he always talks about his accomplishments, always. Because accomplishments are what he was told makes him great. And he has none of that so he assesses the situation and takes the triangle. And Gi-hun takes the umbrella. Heā€™s shocked and when Gi-hun tells him his reasoning, he clearly shows his emotions. The disbelief, anger, frustration. ā€œHow can his friend be so childish and dumb in a life or death situation. His reasoning was poor and he clearly didnā€™t think it through at all.ā€ And then the guilt hit. He knew what the game was. His friend was clearly going to die and he couldā€¦ one less person. He called out to him but seeing the look on his face, knowing what the consequences were, what was at stake, he knew he needed to think only about himself. And seeing the hopeless feeling onĀ  Gi-hun ā€˜s face didnā€™t help so he pushed it aside and got to work. Sang-woo had already killed Gi-hun and the team in his mind. Not literally, but he knew what was to come and he had no interest in joining a team when he was going to eventually have to kill them. You can see how he struggles with it, should be help his old friend or should he take care of himself first and foremost? His friend will die anyway, better sooner than later.Ā 
When Gi-hun came back alive, Sang-woo was clearly relieved. He was even a little happy, his friend was alive, because the guilt that had been eating at him was slightly dampened. He apologizes and Gi-hun reminds him that he didnā€™t know about the game so it was okay. It wasnā€™t a full genuine apology, it couldnā€™t be because it was fronted in lies, but it made him feel a little better. When the night hits, Sang-woo assesses and realizes that team work will be beneficial. He realizes that in order to survive he will need to have people on his side, watching his back and the first people he turns to are the one person who knows him and will have his back, and the ā€œstrong guyā€ the kid. He goes along with the team exercise, even offering commentary and shaking hands with Ali He needs people on his side if he wants to win but heā€™s quiet, not as collected as he should be. The next game is all about logic. He knows what he needs to do and he needs to find strength.Ā 
The next part that he shows himself is when he takes night watch with Ali. Ali gave him corn for saving his life and Sang-woo has the same expression he wears when Gi-hun compliments him, because it still doesnā€™t feel like he deserves it. He did it for himself. If it came down to it, he was going to have to kill Ali and all the others in the future. That was the game. But he allowed himself to try a new angle, maybe getting close to someone would be good for him, an ally. But the kindness makes him choose Ali and he asks questions. He even asks him to call him Hyung. But then he finds out the mans motivation, his wife and baby. That changes things. But he doesnā€™t let himself dwell on it.Ā 
When he chooses Ali as his partner, he thinks heā€™s making the best logical choice. The kid has strength and he has smarts so whatever game they play, they can benefit from. Heā€™s spent this time getting to know the kid and his motivations so he doesnā€™t have to worry about him turning on him. And they have the same motivation. ā€œWeā€™ll take the money and get back to our families.ā€ They both seem optimistic, lighter than they have in previous games. They could almost be friendly at this point. When they find out what the game is, Sang-woo is collected but Ali looks at the floor, clearly upset. Sang-woo probably expected this . He knew the time would come eventually, but he expected to come out on top. Emotions make you weak, right? Sang-woo even says ā€œOr will you die on my behalf?ā€ Logically, only one of them can win and he knows heā€™s better built for this. But the guilt is eating at him, the look Ali gives him makes him look down and continue with the marbles because he cannot afford to feel. Heā€™s willing to be fair, Ali hasnā€™t played this game before and he wants to make sure heā€™s not given an unfair disadvantage. Because when it comes down to it, he will always try the fair approach first. He remains collected, only sighing slightly when he loses in the beginning, but as time goes on, he loses his composure, hands shaking, sweat pouring down, and he lashes out, uses his words like heā€™s so used to doing, like an animal attacking when faced with danger, using any tactic in order to survive. The guards quickly remind him that violence isnā€™t an option and heā€™s brought back to logic. Logic and fear are two things that donā€™t play out well for the victim if pieced together. He deceives Ali, uses his emotions to sway him, says his family will die, comes up with a plan, anything he can use in order to survive. He isnā€™t thinking about Ali, heā€™s thinking about survival. Once heā€™s secured his win, heā€™s able to be calm again, continuing with his plan because it will work and he will live. But hearing Ali call out to him, knowing that heā€™s betraying him, knowing that it means the guyā€™s death, he freezes. Itā€™s overpowering, he canā€™t move. And then the gun shot rings out and he flinches because it happened. It happened and he did that, he caused his death but he won and he had to keep going because that was the game and he won. He had known this moment might have to happen but he hadnā€™t expected to have to go to such lengths.Ā 
After that, the emotions he felt were anger, frustration, fear, emptiness. He killed Ali, a good man with a family, but he didnā€™t know him for long. Rationally, he shouldnā€™t feel much, right? And Gi-hun is upset for an old manā€™s death? A man he had just met? The guy across from them killed his own wife. Thatā€™s got to be worse, right? Way worse. He sees this man begging for them to give up and heā€™s angry. Angry that he would consider giving up after all theyā€™d done, all the people dead so that they could win. He mentions the guilt, that itā€™s eating at them, that if they leave they will still be at rock bottom with that addition stewing inside them. And he is no stranger to guilt. Heā€™s felt it every day, for not being the person he thought he was going to be, for letting down his friends and family, and now for betraying Ali. They all feel it now. But heā€™s too far gone. There is no going back.
Ā His first choice isnā€™t to kill the man on the bridge, heā€™s sweating at the time and is counting on his expertise, but the man doesnā€™t have the tools he needs (A second marble) to do the deed and time is running out. Heā€™s impulsive and fired by fear and anger and pushes him to his death. Heā€™s killed before now so it isnā€™t as hard as it wouldā€™ve been. He doesnā€™t know the man, but he doesnā€™t turn around because seeing the look on the others facesā€¦ not an option, not with guilt. He turns only to see the others make it across in the time limit.Ā 
Gi-hun calls him out. So in turn, Sang-woo tells him everything he thinks about him and doesnā€™t expect the kind of response Gi-hun gives back. Heā€™s faced with the idea that he already is just like Gi-hun, he had been playing these games and surviving, thinking himself to some level better than most, even more so when he kept winning. The winning boosted his ego a bit, but hearing that he was everything he hated brought him back down and he had no response, just hurt, his face twitches and he looks like heā€™s trying to come up with some response, anything but the guards arrive. This is the first time weā€™ve seen him really rattled in this way. Itā€™s one thing to have others see you as ruthless, but hearing it from someone who used to look up to you, who has known you your whole life and thought you were great, thatā€™s a whole other thing. It opens wounds, creates cracks. Gi-hun knew him from before he put up those walls inside him, Gi-hun was probably one of the only people with a key to that door. And he broke the lock open and forced himself inside, using logic and words against him in ways Sang-woo never expected. From there on, heā€™s left to play knowing that the one person he could count to be on his side or at the very use, was against him as well. When he kills again, he reasons that she would have joined with Gi-hun and they would have stopped the game so he acted in fear. She was in immense pain, she was dying anyway. No one was going to stop him now.Ā 
The final game is between him and Gi-hun. Itā€™s a full circle bringing them back to their childhoods and the first game.Ā Ā 
Sang-woo is at the end, he made it. Heā€™s only got one person left but that person was a friend and that friend was Gi-hun. They begin the game, have some banter here and there, one fueled by pain, hurt, anger, and the other fueled by fear and a drive to win. Gi-hun isnā€™t finished with him. He found a crack in his armor and he continues to dig in, tell him everything he thinks of him, everything he needs to hear because how is he so collected? How could he have killed so many and not show a damn thing? He tells him ā€œSo it was you that killed them. Youā€¦ you killed everyone! You killed them. Youā€™re the one who killed themā€ and the guilt eats at him. But Gi-hun doesnā€™t kill him, he offers him a chance. He gives him a chance to turn his life around, to face the consequences of his actions, his mom, the guilt, fear, and insecurities he let rage inside him for so long. He lifts his hand to meet Gi-hunā€™s but apologizes.Ā 
ā€œI just thoughtā€¦ how they used to call our names whenā€¦ our moms had made supper for us
That wonā€™t happen againā€
Sang-woo had accepted his own death at this point. The accusations from Gi-hun were no different from anything else he had been saying all along, they all were responsible for killing everyone and now that it was just the two of them, he was responsible. But something about hearing it from a friend, someone who always looked up to him, who looked at him with that wide smile and stars in his eyes, someone who reminded him of his past, especially after all the accusations from right before the game. It was getting to him, the cracks were getting wider and he couldnā€™t turn it off anymore. And now lying there, reminiscing about previous games theyā€™ve played, heā€™s reminded of how they played as kids and how theyā€™ve come full circle. Just a little while ago, this began. They played red light, green light. How much have they changed since then? What drove them to this point? What would his mother think? His momā€¦ He remembered when Gi-hun and him used to play as children, the silly things they thought of, the love his mother had for him. He misses being a child and being carefree. If there was a way to turn back time, to wash all these feelings and horrible things from his beingā€¦Ā 
Gi-hun offers his hand. A light in the darkness of a storm. He reaches for it, desperately hoping it could pull him from this pit of darkness that encompasses his life. But what would the future bring? There is no way to get out of this together right? If he wins and goes back, heā€™s killed countless people and would be living a life of lies and deceit, so far from the person his mother raised him to be, the child that he was. If he gives up and goes back with Gi-hun, he will be caught by the police, would have to face his mother, would have to face everything horrible that heā€™s ever done, now with the addition of murders in his mind. Imagine being locked in a prison with nothing but your own thoughts to keep you company. Is that the life he wants to go back to? If he dies hereā€¦ Well he wouldnā€™t see his mother anyway. Whatā€™s the point of thinking about it. Itā€™s a chance to end the suffering. His mom.. Gi-hun. One would live while the other dies. Gi-hun is a better person. Heā€™s seen it all along, seen how he treated the old man. Had a lot of time to think over it in the past few minutes. Gi-hun could have ended him and he didnā€™t. Gi-hun will take care of his momā€¦.Ā 
So he does what he thinks is best.Ā 
Iā€™m by no means saying that you should like him, but you canā€™t say he doesnā€™t feel anything. You just donā€™t know what heā€™s been through or how he got there. Anyway, this is just my opinion but this is how I saw his character.Ā sorry, didnā€™t proof read but this took me like 2 hrs and I got work so..
Alright guys, I edited this so itā€™s a bit better.Ā 
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crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
I wish i could find this one article written in I believe the 90ā€™s that went under the radar on abortion. The author said that the ā€œlifeā€ arguments are basically useless on either side and what actually matters is that humans shouldnā€™t have a right to use other human bodies as a resource without consent no matter how alive or sentient they are, even if theyā€™re on the brink of death you have the right to deny them access to you. It probably was too radical for pro-choice activists back in those days but likeā€¦thatā€™s the most robust arguement lol so we need 2 being that back and dead the pontifications and splitting hairs about ā€œlifeā€ in my honest onion
171K notes Ā· View notes
crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
Whatā€™s the most ridiculous thing youā€™ve bullshitted someone into believing?
65K notes Ā· View notes
crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
Kinda gay to make a wanted posterā€¦ why do you want that man? So you can hold him?
107K notes Ā· View notes
crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
Build an affinity group. An affinity group is a small group of 5 to 20 people who work together autonomously on direct actions or other projects. Affinity groups generally consist of like minded people who come together to get something done. If you already have an affinity group, link and cluster those groups!
Skill up. Delinking from capitalism and colonial apparatuses requires us to learn how to do things for ourselves and each other beyond buying, selling, working, or asking the state to help us. From self and collective defense, to gardening, building bikes, unschooling, and caring for each other- we can learn a skill and share a skill. We can change how we value skills and dismantle hierarchies of class and ableism.
Establish and practice good security culture. Security culture is necessary to survive state repression. We can stop a lot of infiltration and disinformation in its tracks by improving our ways of communicating and navigating conflict. We can still be horizontal and transparent without sacrificing security and safety.
Practice transformative and restorative justice. Strong communities make police and prisons obsolete. We can change our culture to prevent violence and abuse. We can build up our capacities to confront and resolve conflicts. We can strengthen our ties and detoxify our relationships so harm has no space to grow in our communities.
Mutual Aid. Start a mutual aid group and provide necessary support to those who are in need. Mutual aid organizing can ensure our communities are not dependent on corporations and the state. Shift your use of resources to things you can grow and make or procure from others in resistance. Build networks of aid and resources beyond capitalism.
Mutual defense. From arms training to street tactics to bystander interventions and safety teams, we need to have the skills and resources to defend our communities from fascist attacks on our people, non-human beings, and lands.
Build and sustain conflict infrastructure. Conflict Infrastructure is any structure we organize helps us be more effective in our fights. This is infrastructure that goes beyond solely providing awareness and services and instead builds our capacity to wage actual resistance. From community gardens and collectively coordinated farms to infoshops and independent media/communications.
Open squats for unsheltered folx. Rent is theft. Private property is colonial violence upon the land. Abolish rent and private property. Rematriate lands to original caretakers. Create spaces to live beyond landlords.
Defend and reclaim ancestral lands. Because #landback means ending colonial occupation and restoring Indigenous stewardship of our ancestral lands. Regenerate our sacred relations, and all that entails spiritually and materially, with our original homelands. Liberate the sacred.
Reparations. Seize what has been stolen from Black and Indigenous Peoples and liberate it back. Ā Radical redistribution is necessary.
Shut shit down. Intervene in critical infrastructure at the points where capitalism and colonialism are at their most vulnerable. Seize the streets, factories, ports, fracking pads, pipelines, power stations, smash the borders, be smart and be creative! Itā€™s also an effective way to target those industries perpetuating climate change.
Be fiercely intersectional. ā€˜Cause weā€™re not taking those old shitty behaviors with us. Fuck anti-blackness, fuck orientalism, fuck islamaphobia, fuck anti-semitism, fuck transphobia, fuck heteropatriarchy, fuck white supremacy, fuck imperialism, fuck ableism, fuck hierarchy, fuck racism, fuck citizenship, fuck privilege, fuck everything fucked up!
Practice Radical Self & Collective Care. To remain dangerous to power we must care for ourselves and each other. Learn common triggers and how to communicate without being fucked up. Learn to communicate your needs, boundaries, and wants effectively and nontoxicly ā€“ remember that folks in the struggle and resistance have the hardest time accessing resources for mental and spiritual care. Movement work can be unsustainable to those with many experiences of settler policing and violence triggers ā€“ find ways to communicate and negotiate group norms and boundaries that accommodate peoplesā€™ needs if reasonable. Identify toxic communication patterns and learn / create ways to dismantle them and communicate in more healthy and less harmful ways.Be honest about your limitations and care for yourself and each other. The christianized, capitalized colonial state has taught us to never rest or heal. Reject any attempts at coercing people to go beyond their limits. Radical self-care keeps us safe and invulnerable when consistently engaging in agitating governability by the state.
Make everything accessible for everyone. Reject ableism and objectification of our bodies and lives, establish community care networks with people equipped to provide first aid and care support to a full spectrum of needs. Challenge ableism in our language, how we organize, and how we value each other. We are all enough.
Abolish Rape Culture. Study rape and rape culture and how it relates to the desecration of sacred lands. Transform our culture and practices around dating, humor, relationships, sexuality, consent, parties, sex labor, and play to abolish rape culture. Hold mactivists, rapists, abusers, opportunists, and creeps accountable. Center consent and healthy relationships in everything we do everywhere.
Spread radical and militant joy. We can fuck shit up while we dance, sing, party, laugh, play, wonder, have deep conversations, tell stories, make art, make love, make magic, make brilliance, make awesomeness, and have fun.
10K notes Ā· View notes
crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
reblogging as tbr !!
what i read in august 2021:
(previous editions) bold = favourite
class & race
dorothy butler gilliam: ā€˜i am not a maid, i am a reporterā€™ (usa)
inside racism hq: how home-grown neo-nazis are plotting a white revolution (australia)
australia was a model for protecting people fromĀ covid-19Ā ā€” and then we dumped half a million people back intoĀ poverty
do more to reduce bias, move towards race-blind society (singapore)
gender & sexuality
we harp on false sexual assault accusations despite evidence to the contrary (singapore)
agnes sithole: the woman who fought south africaā€™s sexist marriage laws
end femicide: what happens to the children of women killed by men?
why south korean women are reclaiming their short hair
politics, environment, & covid
has singapore learned to treat its migrant workers better?
in desperate bid to fend off covid-19, the philippinesā€™ repeated lockdowns create a mental health crisis
boliviaā€™s interim government tortured and executed opponents, report says
this is the most sobering report card yet on climate change and earthā€™s future (ipcc report)
not everyone can afford to ā€˜learn to live withā€™ covid-19
history, culture, & other
how britainā€™s opium trade impoverished indians
the case for reparations (usa)
algorithms associating appearance and criminality have a dark past
the visionary genius of octavia butler
life after a traumatic event and the problem with the resilience narrative
progress was always fitful. many afghan women felt unsafe before the talibanā€™s arrival
ā€˜i keep cryingā€™: young afghan women are terrified about life under taliban rule
afghan refugees in india and indonesia speak out: ā€˜am i a human or not?ā€™
afghanistan was once my home. the talibanā€™s take-over raises questions
young afghan mayor who fled taliban hidden in car
563 notes Ā· View notes
crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
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someone like me | polarr filter
[eng] to receive this, you must like and reblog this post, and then text me with 'someone like me filter please' and i'll send it to you. if you use this, you must give me the credits, and if you make any changes you still have to give me the credits.
[pt/br] para receber isso, vocĆŖ deve curtir e reblogar essa postagem e depois me mandar uma mensagem com 'someone like me filter por favor' e eu vou mandĆ”-lo para vocĆŖ. se vocĆŖ usar isso, deve me dar os crĆ©ditos, e se fizer alguma modificaĆ§Ć£o no filtro, ainda assim deve me dar os crĆ©ditos.
846 notes Ā· View notes
crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
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barbie girl | polarr filter
[pt/br] para receber isso, vocĆŖ deve curtir e reblogar essa postagem e depois me mandar uma mensagem com 'barbie girl filtro por favor' e eu vou mandĆ”-lo para vocĆŖ. se vocĆŖ usar isso, deve me dar os crĆ©ditos, e se fizer alguma modificaĆ§Ć£o no filtro, ainda assim deve me dar os crĆ©ditos.
[eng] to receive this, you must like and reblog this post, and then text me with 'barbie girl filter please' and i'll send it to you. if you use this, you must give me the credits, and if you make any changes you still have to give me the credits.
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crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
no but i am so sick and tired of seeing people excuse all the racist and antisemitic things this mediocre cis white man has done just so they can call him a genius for saying things BIPOC activists have been saying since ages. i hate that man i really do
bo burnham built his career off edgy racist jokes but netflix special so deep and meaningful right guys
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crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
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A Line made by Walking , Sara Baume //August - taylor swift , edit by @lilacsblossom the unabridged journals of sylvia plath- Sylvia Plath// Wuthering Heights ~Emily BrontĆ«//Mary Oliver from ā€œAugustā€, devotions // Letters of Summer Past by Listy Tamtego Lata VI // august by taylor swift , edit by @lilacsblossom // Mary Oliver , the pond // Gone Girl - Gillian Flynn // the secret life of bees - Sue Monk Kidd// August 3 , 4pm -im not ready//
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crestfallenness Ā· 3 years
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@poetryatmost / raymond carter / eileen myles / a month of changes by emility / olivia larson @poetbitesback / the months by linda pastan / tuck everlasting by natalie babbitt / dear august / morning sun by edward hopper / e.j.l. /
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