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cresent2003 · 5 months ago
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Don't go.
Jean Kirstein x Female reader (Effie)
986 words.
Slight mature topics.
“Watch it” he hissed as his nails dug into his leg as her delicate hands stitched up a deep cut on his arm.
“I'm sorry.
I'm trying to be gentle I promise” she said.
He groaned as he watched her try to navigate around the cut while cleaning it.
“It’s ok.
I guess I'm a little frustrated about how everything turned out.
I'm not trying to take it out on you I promise” Jean said, hissing harshly as she cleaned the cut with alcohol.
One more minute.
I can’t risk an infection” she said.
He looked at her and sighed.
He then tensed as she dug a little too deep.
“You were brave out there.
I could never do that” she said.
“Who says that?” he asked.
She looked into his eyes seeing them soften.
“A few people.
It's true though.
I didn't want to join but my father was a captain and signed me up before I could walk.
I couldn't bear to leave after he died no matter how bad I was at killing those beasts.
I guess I just stick around this place.
I clean and do a lot of the chores to make up for how much of a coward I am” she said successfully distracting him while she finished cleaning the wound.
“Did one of them…?” he asked.
When my mother was killed by a Titian he went mad and eventually, the loneliness caught up to him.
Enough of that now.
I'm going to start stitching up the cut.
It will sting a little” she said.
He nodded.
“Go ahead.
I don't think anything is worse than when you cleaned the cut” he said.
She smiled “Yeah.
I mean you fought with this cut and managed to kill the Titian that cut you.
What’s a little prick?” she said laughing slightly.
He laughed causing her heart to flutter slightly.
He had a nice smile and amongst all the darkness it was so beautiful and rare.
Well, get on with it.
I need to get back out there and help clear the titan corpses around the city” he said.
No Jean o don't think that's a great idea” she said.
“It will be fine.
They're my teammates, my family in a way.
It's my job to help them and fight with them” he said.
Her face fell.
She couldn't say that she wanted him to stay for no reason.
She couldn't stop him either.
“It’ll be fine.
Now hurry up sweetheart” he said.
Effie looked at his wound and sighed.
She had to finish helping him and then would have to watch him walk away.
“Ok,” she said.
It was silent after that.
She finished wrapping up his arm and then stood up.
“All done.
You can go now” she said, moving softly while clearing everything up.
“Thanks,” he said before looking at her.
He could see something was bothering her.
It was obvious.
“Did I say something?
You were all smiles minutes ago” he said.
“I'm ok.
Trust me” she said.
“That’s a lie.
Effie I want you to tell me otherwise I will leave knowing that I’ve upset you.
I need to be focused the second I leave this room sweetheart so tell me” he said.
She looked at him.
“I want you to stay.
I don't want you hurt Jean.
But I can't stop you so go.
I have no right to keep you here” she said as she picked up the bandage she used to wrap up his arm.
He sighed, looking down at the floor.
She walked away but he caught her arm before she could go any further.
“Is that all?
I’ll stay if you want.
I might not like it but I rather not see you sad” he said.
She turned her head to look at him.
“Really?” she asked.
Now sit down.
If I can't leave neither can you” he said with a smile.
She blushed, her lips parting softly as he looked at her with almost seductive eyes.
She sat down.
“If one of them sees you not helping..” she said.
“I’ll tell them the cut was worse than I expected” he interrupted.
She smiled as he ran his thumb on her arm sending chills through her.
“You are adorable you know” he said with a charming smile.
“I'm not.
Compared to some of the women I see day to day I'm nothing but ordinary” she said.
He laughed.
“But you’re the one I'm talking to and I think you're adorable Effie Quincey,” he said.
The second she heard her full name her heart lodged in her throat.
“You’re uh very handsome.
The most handsome here” she said.
“You wanna know something?” he asked.
“Yeah,” she said.
“I am so happy I'm in here with you.
I feel like I barely see you, barely touch you” he said as he held her hand.
It was as if everything switched and in that moment everything outside the room didn't matter.
The captain could barge in right now and she still would look at Jean the way she was now.
Frozen as she admired him.
He was the first man she truly found attractive and spending her days by his side didn't seem like the worst idea.
With the high death rates and everything else rushing into things seemed to make sense.
She had waited long enough.
“I think I feel things for you Jean.
Since we’ve met my heart melts at the sight of you” she said.
Their eyes met and he smirked.
“Really?” he asked.
“Mmhh” she hummed.
He smiled.
“And I thought I was the only one,” he said.
“All this time,” she said.
“We’ve done nothing about this,” he said laughing.
“We could do something about it now,” she said.
His eyebrow raised.
“I like the sound of that,” he said.
She smiled.
She did too.
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cresent2003 · 10 months ago
Sweetly scented
Hellsing!Alucard x fem oc
Warning this one-shot contains mention of:
Period smut, blood, Alucard being himself, clingy Alucard, mature themes and smut.
Sorry if I missed anything.
(1381 words)
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It was as early as the birds sang outside her window.
Beatrice laid in bed with the warmth of her duvet engulfing her.
She loved the mornings when she woke up and still fell asleep.
When she felt as if she could melt into her sheets.
Her eyes fluttered open as she moved to lay on her stomach.
She smiled against her pillow before looking at her clock.
It was nearly 10 am.
She finally had a morning when she could sleep in.
Her sister, Integra never let her stay in bed for long.
There was too much work to be done but today Integra was halfway across England.
It was just her and possibly Seras or Alucard.
She sat up and stretched before lifting the duvet only to be met with a sea of red.
She lifted her leg and mentally cursed when she saw her once-white panties blood red.
Beatrice groaned and got up.
She took off her sheets and put them in her hamper.
She would need a new matrice after this.
There was a large stain now on one of the comfiest matrices she had ever had.
Damn her period.
Damn, her curse for being a woman.
She walked into the bathroom as her thighs started to feel uncomfortably sticky.
She got in a scolding hot shower and let the blood wash away as the heat soothed her.
She almost wished she could stay under the water as she knew outside her room were either one or two vampires that could probably already smell the blood rushing from between her legs.
Please god have it not be Alucard.
For the love of all that's holy have Seras be the one to sniff her out first.
Maybe then she would have a chance to avoid the embarrassment.
Alucard only would think of one solution anyway but it's not like she would push that solution away.
She finished her shower and got herself cleaned up before putting on a dress that wasn't different from what she usually wore.
She then took a deep breath and then walked out of her room.
She wanted a hot chocolate and maybe some of those biscuits Walter made.
Not healthy but fuck it she had a reason to pig out for seven days.
She walked to the kitchen and prepared a teapot with milk before grabbing chocolate powder and a bar of chocolate with whipped cream.
She made her hot chocolate while squirting whipped cream into her mouth like it was the sweetest wine.
She stirred the teapot full of chocolaty goodness not noticing the void forming in the corner of the kitchen.
“You smell good” Alucard's voice filled the room causing her to drop her spoon in the hot chocolate.
“Dammit,” she said before grabbing two forks.
He took a deep breath before laughing.
“I could smell you from deep underground.
So sweet” he said as he locked his teeth.
“I took a shower with a new soap.
It's very strong” she said before smiling as she finally grabbed the spoon.
“Mmhm maybe,” he said.
She poured the hot chocolate into a teacup before finishing it off with a tower of whipped cream.
“Hot chocolate with chocolate biscuits?
My my” he said.
She walked right past him, to the dining room.
She had paperwork to look over and then sign.
He followed her like a shadow.
Beatrice sat at the table and then took a biscuit.
She scooped some of the whipped cream with it and then took it down with two bites before starting the paperwork.
Alucard’s face suddenly was right at her side with a mad smile.
She looked at him “Whats wrong?” she asked.
She then went back to her paperwork after not getting a reply.
How long before he realised?
It wouldn't take him long, she knew that.
“You’re bleeding.
Right here” he said before placing his hand on her clothed cunt.
She gasped as he let out a dark chuckle.
That's it.
You always smell so sweet when you have your monthly bleed” he said.
She looked at him.
“You’re such a tease.
Walking around like this” he said as he began to rub her panties.
Up and down.
Her breath got stuck in her throat as he breathed against her neck.
“What do you need?” he asked.
“I need to get this done,” she said.
She looked away for a second before looking back to see every document signed.
She looked at him.
“Now tell me what you need,” he said.
“Alucard,” she said.
His smile grew.
“Master,” he said.
“Not now.
It hurts and I don't feel up to what you're thinking” she said.
“I can take away that pain,” he said.
Seras suddenly appeared in the room with her blood-stained sheets.
Good god.
“Should I wash these Beatrice?” she asked.
“Sure,” Beatrice said.
“I didn't know you could smell so good,” Seras said.
Beatrice groaned before placing her head on the table.
“Just wash the damn sheets” she muttered.
“Ok,” Seras said before walking away.
Beatrice looked up before sighing.
“I'm going to take a nap,” she said before squeezing past Alucard.
An hour passed as Beatrice continued to sleep in one of the guest rooms.
Bloody vampires.
They always found a way to make a bodily function weird.
Her eyes opened as she suddenly felt someone watching her.
She sat up before groaning as she saw Alucard sitting on the chair in the corner.
“You've never been this clingy.
Why the hell now?” she asked.
“Such a sweet innocent flower.
Your blood is my one weakness” he said.
She looked at him before whimpering as a horrible cramp formed in her abdomen.
“I can take it all away.
If you let me” he said.
“You're being serious?” she asked.
“Of course,” he said.
She looked into his eyes before laying back.
Come here” she said.
She tried to ignore it but she could feel the excitement settling in her lower abdomen.
He was incredible and she had always thought that.
Why would someone like him want her?
He took off his gloves and his glasses as he walked to her.
He then looked at her with his famous smile that sent people running.
But for her it made her feel comfortable as it was him.
No one else smiled like that.
No one else looked at her like that.
He spread her legs and tore off her panties.
I'll bleed on the bed” she said.
“Shhh,” he said before smelling her cunt.
He groaned from how good she smelt.
His long tongue slipped from his mouth before licking her cunt clean causing her to gasp from the extra sensitivity.
She grasped the closest object as his tongue slithered into her.
Her body felt hot and in a second she couldn't control the sounds that left her lips.
He growled against her as his nose pressed onto her clit.
Beatrice gasped as her back arched.
He drank every drop of blood that she provided him with and didn't let any of it stain the bed.
How could he waste something so good?
Oh, Alucard.
Fuckkkk” she said as her eyes closed.
He smirked as he licked her insides clean.
He wanted nothing more than to take out his cock and pound into her.
Breed her as blood coated him.
But he couldn't.
Not until she decided to take the risk of becoming an undead ghoul.
Then he would fuck her day and night never letting her leave the room he put her in.
To fill her with Dhampir children over and over.
He groaned as her moans sent blood straight to his cock.
Beatrice cried out in ecstasy as her abdomen tightened.
“Oh, Alucard.
I'm going to…” she said before letting out moan after moan.
She then cried out as she came onto his tounge.
She then let out a sigh as her body relaxed.
She felt so much better.
He lifted his head and looked at her.
“You’re now mine.
If you need help like this you come to me” he said.
She nodded.
“Thank you” she whispered.
He nodded.
She had a good feeling he wouldn't let this be a one-time thing.
Luckily she didn't mind.
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cresent2003 · 1 year ago
Sandor Clegane x Princess! Reader (Yelena)
Smut warning.
Moonlight illuminated the clearing Arya found after Sandor fought off bloodthirsty thieves that truly tore him apart when they all started to fight together.
Yelena had never seen anything so vicious yet after travelling with her betrothed's old guard for many moons.
She once was a pretty little thing who was around to please the king and now she fought for Sandor and Arya when they couldn't do it themselves.
There were good days and bad days yet she never ran or called for the king's guard.
She could hear the fire crackling as she washed and cleaned the many wounds Sandor had collected.
"Stay still," she said as she tried to get a little rock from the deep gash on his shoulder.
"Hurry it up and I might," he said.
"Is he going to be ok?" Arya asked.
"I believe he has survived worse than this.
At least that is what he says" Yelena said.
He growled as she dug out the rock.
Now I just need to do a second clean before stitching them" she said.
"Aye," he said as the cold wind blew through his knotted hair.
"Then can I help you?" Arya asked as she pointed at the cut on Yelena's side.
"I already burned it.
This dress is just dirty from it" she said.
"Oh come on.
I am a great Maester" Arya said.
Yelena smiled.
"It's not my fault only you are allowed to touch him," Arya said.
"Because she's bloody gentle girl," Sandor said.
"Arya it's been a long day.
Rest now" Yelena said.
"You know you're not my mother," Arya said.
Yelena looked at her.
"What?" she asked.
"You heard me," Arya said.
"Well, then I guess I will just chain you up like he would.
Be a little harsher" Yelena said before lunging at Arya playfully.
"I have a sword," Arya said.
"Yet you are still slow," Yelena said before picking Arya up.
You will not defeat me that quickly" Arya said.
Sandor watched them before smiling.
Yelena put Arya down.
"Will you rest now?" Yelena asked.
"Never," Arya said.
"Then I will just have to feed you milk from the poppy.
Knock you out" Yelena said softly.
"Fine," Arya said before walking to the tent Yelena made.
"You both are stupid," Sandor said.
Yelena walked to him.
"You are no better," she said before caressing his face.
She then started his stitches causing him to groan.
"You're upset," he said.
"I'm just tired.
Nothing to be alarmed about" she said.
"I've known you long enough to know you're a lying bitch" he said.
She smiled and shook her head.
"I guess I just let myself fall into a mindset that wasn't real," she said.
"Arya didn't mean to hurt you.
She's an annoying twat but a loyal one" he said.
"Her saying an obvious truth hit me harder than I expected.
Maybe it's the beliefs Joffrey filled me with or it's because it's what was expected from me before the whole kingdom wanted me dead" she said.
He turned around.
"You're not trying to say you want a damn babe.
Out here are you mad?" he said.
"Did I ask you for one?
I'm telling you what you wanted to hear" she said as she looked into his pretty brown eyes that held all his hidden pain.
"You want a babe?" he asked.
"I don't know honestly.
I now know trying to be a mother to Arya will only send her into a spiral" she said.
He took her hand.
"She's still getting over losing half her family.
She adores you sweet girl" he said.
She placed her head on his and shut her eyes.
She looked at her hand as his encapsulated it completely.
"How much longer must we do this?
Seeing you hurt kills me.
Seeing her upset kills me and I fear everyone outside us wants me dead" she said.
"A little longer.
Once we find a place empty and nowhere near any of the fucking royals we will stop running.
I promise you, sweet girl.
Now and always" he said.
Yelena looked at him before seeing something in his eyes that she hadn't seen before.
She took a soft breath in before looking at him with big bright eyes.
Her heart was pounding in her chest as she forgot Arya was only a meter away still awake.
"You know you might be the hound to everyone else but to me you are Sandor.
My Sandor" she said.
"Don't" he said.
She kissed his cheek before gasping as his lips quickly slammed into hers.
She rushed to cling to him as she tasted the wine from earlier on his lips.
He was rough as his beard scratched her skin.
She then broke away so she could take in the fresh cold air around them.
"Arya is over there.
She will hear if we go further" she said.
You should get some rest.
I'll stay up first and switch with you in a few hours" he said.
She looked at him as her cunt throbbed.
She wanted to be careful so that Arya didn't have to hear something so intimate.
She placed her head on his shoulder before looking up at him.
He looked down at her.
"Fuck it," she said before kissing him.
She looked at him before straddling him.
"Still worried Arya will hear?" he asked while squeezing her waist feeling her soft curves underneath her blood-stained gown.
Just keep me quiet" she said before kissing his neck causing him the groan at the new sensation.
He had fucked his fair share of whores but it was always get in and get out.
No passion, no love.
He wanted to please her more than he had ever wanted to please those whores.
Yelena kissed him again as his rough hands wandered under her gown touching her soft skin.
"When's the last time you've been touched by a man?" he asked.
"Was Joffrey a man?" she asked.
"Never was," he said.
"Then no," she said.
He lifted her up easily before placing her on the ground softly before grabbing a blanket.
He placed in on the ground before placing her onto it.
"I'll be gentle," he said as he took off his armour leaving him in his trousers and tunic.
She took off her gown leaving her naked on the blanket.
The cold winds caused her nipples to harden as he looked at her as if she was the most beautiful creature to ever exist.
He climbed over her before taking off his tunic revealing his strong hairy chest.
Yelena dragged her hands down his chest as he kissed her neck forgetting his injuries.
She gasped as he bit and sucked her neck leaving dark marks that showed exactly who she belonged to.
She felt his back before grasping his bicep as he dragged his clothed cock against her dripping cunt.
He groaned at the feeling before ripping off his trousers leaving them both bare.
"Sandor," she said as she became breathless.
"I know sweet girl," he said before grasping her left breast.
He then kissed down to her pelvis before ripping her legs open.
"You're mine.
You've always been mine" he said.
"All yours.
I'm all yours Sandor" she said.
He latched onto her clit causing her to cry out in pleasure.
Joffrey Had always bedded her for his own pleasure and his own need for heirs.
This was new to her and she never wanted it to stop.
She let out a soft moan as he held her hips harshly threatening to leave bruises.
Sandor looked at her as the moonlight illuminated her body causing her to look like a goddess.
"So beautiful," he said before putting a finger inside her feeling her warm walls.
He groaned as his cock throbbed.
He wanted nothing more than to be inside her but he couldn't bear to harm her.
Sandor kept simulating her bundle of nerves in any way he could while adding a second finger and then a third a few moments after leaving her screaming out.
"That's it.
Good girl.
Let everyone nearby hear you" he said as he curled his fingers.
"Sandor I feel strange.
Oh fuck" she said softly.
"You about to cum?" he asked.
She nodded before moaning loudly.
"Do it" he said as her cunt squeezed his fingers.
She felt her abdomen grow uncomfortably tight before feeling it snap leaving her a moaning mess as she threw her head back.
"That's it.
Good girl" he praised her as he helped her through her high before removing his fingers.
She laid on the blanket as her hole clenched around nothing.
He placed his arms on either side of her head before kissing her.
She moaned as she tasted her arousal on his tongue.
"Ready?" he asked.
Please do not tease me" she said.
He lined his cock up to her entrance collecting her arousal on his tip before pushing in causing her to whimper.
It burned as she held his arm.
He kisses her jaw as she cried out softly.
"It'll only hurt for a second," he said as he looked into her eyes.
She placed her hand on his face feeling the burnt skin.
Yelena then moaned as their hips met.
She had never felt so full.
It was as if they were made for each other as he shoved his face into the crook of her neck.
She was tight and perfect.
Sandor kissed her neck before lifting up.
"You feel incredible," he said.
"You do too," she said before moaning as he began to softly thrust.
Oh god," she said.
He sped up slightly causing her head to spin.
She no longer cared what Arya heard or saw.
All she could care about was Sandor.
She felt each vein on his cock as her walls squeezed around him.
"Dont do that.
Unless you want me to last a few seconds love" he said.
She let out a shaky breath as the tip of his cock kisses her cervix with each thrust.
"You still want a babe?" he asked before groaning.
"Why?" she said.
"I'll give you one.
If you want one sweet girl" he said.
"I do.
Just promise not to leave me when you get bored" she said.
"I will never be bored of you," he said before kissing her.
The kiss was more loving than before as he continued to roll his hips.
She moaned against his lips as she felt the similar tightness.
She let out a breathy moan as the pleasure got stronger and more intense.
He sped up as his thrusts became wild and out of rhythm.
"With me," she said.
He growled as she came around his cock triggering his release.
He gripped the ground beneath Yelena as he slammed into her as his cum shot deep inside her.
He lifted her hips as he stayed still.
She looked at him before pulling him down.
She kissed him before looking into her eyes.
He then pulled out of her before carrying her into the second tent.
He laid with her before holding her close as animal fur covered them.
The next morning Yelena sat in front of a freshly lit fire as she cooked a few fish from the river nearby.
Sandor walked out of the tent in his amour again before walking to her.
"When did you catch them?" he asked.
"I woke up early to surprise you and Arya," she said.
He kissed the top of her head before walking to the horses.
She looked at him before smiling.
She had never been so happy.
Yelena continued to cook it fish before calling Arya.
Arya walked out before looking at Sandot and Yelena.
"Good morning," Yelena said.
"I know you fucked" Arya said before grabbing the last fish cooking over the fire.
Yelena froze.
"I went out to get some water and saw him on top of you.
You weren't exactly quiet either" Arya said.
"Oh god," Yelena said before covering her face.
"There was water in your bloody tent," Sandor said.
Sorry," Arya said.
"It's fine.
If im with child you would know anyway" Yelena said.
"You realize we are on the run?
Why would you have a babe while we're on the run?" Arya said.
Yelena looked at Arya.
"Well, when a man and a woman are in love they make children.
Should I go into more detail or are you ok with that" Yelena said.
"I know that.
I'm not stupid" Arya said.
"Then why would you bring this up?
If you knew all these things you wouldn't.
People don't talk about that.
Men do but only certain men" Yelena said.
"He's one of them," Arya said.
"Fuck off," Sandor said.
"Moving on.
Arya, I will buy you something so you don't hear alright" Yelena said.
"Fine," Arya said.
They all continued eating as Arya looked at Sandor.
"When will we know if you're with child?" Arya said.
"I'll tell you when I know.
For now, eat and leave the subject be.
You didn't even notice that I hunted so you wouldn't have to" Yelena said.
"I would have preferred pig," Arya said.
Yelena threw her fish's spine at Arya.
"Shut it and eat," Yelena said.
Arya chuckled.
No matter their upbringing or social ranks they were a family and hopefully they would be inviting one more into their chaotic clan.
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cresent2003 · 1 year ago
Pavi Largo x Fem! Reader
18+ content
Marina's legs burned as she ran around the streets like a spooked rat.
She didn't have the money for her payments.
Not after her mother hacked her account and took everything she had.
She paid everything until now and that was easy to notice on the vulture's end and now she was running from them.
The repo man was dead but that didn't stop the fear.
It was worse now.
The Gene Co guards did the chasing for the family that sat in golden chairs watching the world scream in fear when they slip up.
She ran to a wall before collapsing as her heart raced in her ears.
It was all too much as she tried to stand back up.
She couldn't.
They were getting close and she couldn't move.
Their heavy footsteps got closer as Marina prepared for what was going to happen to her.
Suddenly someone grabbed her causing her to scream.
"We got her sir" A deep female voice filled her ears as a much stronger person held her in place.
One of them suddenly injected her with a mysterious drug causing her to hiss before falling limp in their arms.
She couldn't think or see as everything around her slowly faded away.
Time passed as Marina groaned before trying to sit up only to be tossed back by chains.
She tried to look around but everything was black.
Tears rolled down her face as she started to feel to chill of the room around her.
She didn't know where she was but knew she wasn't in the streets anymore.
She suddenly heard voices.
All were male but one was more high-pitched and silly-sounding.
The only one she could make out was the deepest.
It was Rotti.
She knew that voice from his many public appearances.
Suddenly the bag covering her head was torn off.
There they all were.
Rotti and his two sons.
They looked at her with three different threatening eyes.
Rotti's was calm, the brown-haired one was angry and the one wearing a mask from one of their other victims was calm but lustful.
"You were so good with your payments Marina.
I thought I would never see you here" Rotti said before taking the cloth from her mouth.
"She took everything I had," Marina said.
"Who?" Rotti asked.
"You know who.
If you know so much about me you know her too" Marina said as her voice trembled.
She didn't want to die.
"Your mother I presume.
Well, that doesn't excuse your missing payments.
Your beauty belongs to me darling" Rotti said as he lifted her chin.
"Please I don't want to die," she said.
"That's too bad" the brown-haired one growled into her ear causing her to flinch.
"Luigi," Rotti said.
"There has to be something I can do.
This isn't my fault" she said.
"I could think of a few," the one wearing a mask said.
He grasped her shoulder causing her to hiss.
"And what is that?" Rotti asked.
Luigi laughed.
"Leave her to me, father.
I'll make her pay each missing payment" he said.
His voice was crooked and needy.
All of a sudden she realised she was sitting there only in her bra and panties.
He snaked a hand down her body giving her chills.
"Fine," Rotti said.
Marina looked at him with wide eyes.
"What?" she asked as her voice broke.
Why did he give in that easily?
"Take my mercy and don't question it," he said before he and Luigi left the room.
"I remember you.
Your mother used to bring you here.
I never should have let you leave" he said before taking off her bra causing her to tremble.
Right away she knew what his plan was.
"So beautiful darling" he said before squeezing her breasts.
"So soft," he said before kissing down her neck causing her to feel the chill from the mask's cold lips.
She tried not to give in but failed the minute his sharp teeth dug into her neck.
She moaned as she moved her head to give him more access to her neck.
"That's it," he said before licking the blood running from the fresh bite.
"You're Pavi's.
All mine forever" he said before standing in front of her revealing the clear tent in his trousers.
He bent down before kissing her.
The sensation was strange as it was his lips she was kissing.
He then walked away before coming back with bolt cutters.
"I'll make sure you walk out of here limping darling but only if you play nice.
I don't want to have to wear your pretty face because of a little mistake" he said.
"I won't get out of the building alive if I try something," she said.
"Such a smart girl," he said before cutting the chairs and holding her in place.
She rubbed her wrists before looking up at him as he stood close to her but not close enough to scare her.
He wanted her to want this as much as he did and he didn't want to force her to get to that point.
"So pretty," he said before unbuttoning and unzipping his trousers.
He pulled his hand cock out before pulling her close.
"Suck it, Amore," he said as he caressed her face softly.
She looked into his eyes before taking a deep breath.
She placed a kiss on his tip before wrapping her hands around him.
One was at the case of his cock as the other was squeezing his thigh feeling the fabric of his trousers.
She took him into her mouth as she breathed through her nose to stop herself from gagging.
She created a rhythm as she used her tongue to send him to the heavens.
He hissed before grasping her hair.
"So good Amore," he said.
She closed her eyes as she tried to ignore the arousal soaking her panties.
It had been a while since she had done anything like this and the way he spoke to her was incredible.
She sped up slightly as he let out a groan that sent electricity down to her cunt.
She was tempted to touch herself but didn't know what would happen if she did something he didn't tell her to do.
Suddenly he began to throb on her tongue causing her to realise that he was going to cum.
He was so close.
She sped up as the noises that he made became a melody.
She then gagged softly as his cum shot down her throat.
She pulled back slowly before leaving her lips on his tip before licking his slit.
"Lay back Amore.
Relax" he said.
She looks at him before lying on the cold floor.
He sat beside her before putting one of her legs over his shoulder spreading her.
"You must be so tired after all that running darling.
Let me help you relax" he said before ripping her panties.
He then put two fingers inside her causing her to let out a pornographic moan.
"Oh god," she said as she tossed her head to the side.
"Yes, princess.
Call me god" he said before curling his fingers.
She arched her back as he hit her G-spot.
He then leaned down before licking and sucking her clit.
"You're tight Amore.
So tempting.
I might not be able to hold back from taking you properly" he said.
"Then do it.
Please" she said.
"Don't tempt me Amore" he said.
"I need more.
Please" she said before throwing her head back as he sped up.
Please" she moaned out as her body begged to be filled.
He knew each spot that made her a babbling mess as he was losing self-control from that.
"You want me.
My cock?" he asked.
"Yes," she said.
"Who would I be to refuse you?" he said before moving.
He spread her legs before running his tip around her entrance.
She waited patiently before moaning loudly from the pain and pleasure as he pushed himself in.
"So warm.
You were made just for me Marina.
No one will satisfy you as I do and the same for me" he said before placing his arms beside her head as tears ran down her face.
He rolled his hips as she clung to him.
He felt euphoric as he thrusted in a pattern he had perfected after years of exploring women.
She could feel each vein as her walls moulded around him.
"So warm and perfect.
I never want to leave this pretty cunt Amore" he said.
"Faster" she said as he loved movements started to lose electricity.
He smirked behind his mask before speeding up.
She threw her head back as she squeezed her eyes shut.
Her abdomen warmed up and tingled as she got closer to her release.
"Close already.
I guess I am skilled" he said before laughing.
She looked into his eyes before pushing him into a straddled position.
She sat on him before bouncing her she wrapped her arms around him.
Her thighs were burning as she moved into the crook of his neck as he trusted into her knowing she was starting to lose rhythm.
Death surrounded them but all she cared about was him.
She threw her head back as sweat ran down her chest.
She then looked at him before letting out loud moans.
"Pavi" she moved out his name as he watched her in awe as his release got closer.
"Me too Amore.
Let's cum together yeah" he said.
She nodded.
He groaned before slamming into her; kissing her cervix with each powerful thrust.
She then screamed out as her orgasm rushed through her.
He continued his now sloppy movements before shooting his cum inside her.
They then sat there out of breath as his cum ran out of her onto his trousers staining the fabric.
"All you're payments have been completed little mouse.
Try to miss the next one so I can come for you personally" he said.
"I have no more money," she said as she placed her head on her shoulder.
"I can take care of that.
Remember me and come back here when you need me Amore" he said before kissing her shoulder as he held her.
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cresent2003 · 1 year ago
Simon Riley x Fem! Reader
Blood and dirt covered Jane's skin as she scratched off the larger bits that had dried.
She didn't know what had happened.
The plan was foolproof but like everything in Price's many plans, something always went wrong and left her questioning if she was still alive at the end of it all.
She sat in an upstairs bedroom in a house that was in the middle of nowhere.
They were back in England but the part of England was unknown.
"Janey" she lifted her head up as Price stood in the doorway.
Her eyes were empty and all she needed was sleep but that was a luxury she couldn't get right now.
"Come on," he said as he lit a cheap cigar while moving to walk out of the doorway.
She followed him.
"We're safe here.
Soap and Kyle checked around and it looks like there's nothing but farm for miles" he said.
She smiled "There's that smile.
I was starting to think I broke you" Price said.
"Not yet," she said.
They walked into what looked like a living room.
Everyone was inside.
Kyle was on the couch loading his pistol, Soap was looking out the window as the sun set and Ghost was in the corner.
"Alright, I fished her out.
Get your asses here so we can plan stations" Price said.
"I thought you said this place was safe," Kyle said.
"We're never fully safe unless we're at base," Price said.
Everyone looked at Price as Jane picked at her bleeding fingers.
"There's one shower.
It will be two at a time.
One will clean up and the other will stand guard.
The rest of us will find whatever food we can find and prepare this room to be where we sleep.
Be on guard as this place isn't a safe house.
Remember that" Price said before looking at Jane who was still preoccupied.
"Jane and Simon you'll be going first.
The bathroom is upstairs on the right" Price said.
"Hmm," she said as she looked at him.
"Go on sweetheart," Price said.
They both left the room.
"How is she a deadly killer?" Kyle asked.
"No one expects a girl like her to break a man like all of us," Price said.
Jane stood in the bathroom as she looked around.
"Hey, you alright?" Simon said as he stood by the door.
"Yeah just trying to snap out of whatever trance im in.
I don't really know if im really alive right now" she said.
He walked over to her before pinching her arm.
She yelped before looking at him.
"Thanks," she said.
"I'll be outside," he said.
You can stay in here.
I would feel a lot more safe if you did" she said.
They looked at each other.
Just don't get any ideas" he said.
When have I ever had an idea like that Si?" she asked.
He walked out of the room as she smiled.
She got undressed before getting in the shower.
The minute the water turned on relief filled her.
She scratched her skin as a reddish-brown pool of water formed at her feet.
Simon could hear the water running from outside the curtain as he took off his mask to wash the black paint off his face.
He hissed as he took off his gear as dirt got into the large gash on his back from a knife-wielding maniac back at an ambush near Manchester.
He wasn't one to point out his injuries.
Injuries caused distractions and he couldn't afford to not be constantly focused.
Jane washed her long dark brown hair as she heard him hiss and groan.
"Simon?" she asked.
"What?" he asked as he put his hands on the sink bowl as the burning pain spread across his back.
It was worse than he thought.
Jane poked her head out of the shower before freezing as she saw the sore gash on his back.
"I can clean it," she said.
"I'm fine just get back to your shower" he said.
We both know that will get very infected soon.
If you won't let me clean it then...." she said before looking at his back not knowing what else to say.
"Go on," he said.
"Get in here with me.
Only for a few minutes.
I'll clean it and then you can leave the room" she said.
He turned around.
"You truly think that shit's a good idea," he said.
"We've seen each other naked before.
There's nothing we're about this so stop being so stubborn and let me help you" she said.
"Fine but only for two minutes" he said.
She smiled before getting back to her shower.
She placed her head directly under the water causing the world around her to wash away.
She could hear him getting undressed causing her body to heat up.
It wasn't a new experience.
There was no privacy in the military, not when you're on a mission.
She learned that early on and didn't let that mindset slip.
The one time she did she realised that she might have feelings for Simon.
The shower curtain opened as he stepped inside.
She turned her head before blushing as she looked into his eyes.
It was the one moment she realised how starved of male attention she was.
Anything other than teammate and friendly attention.
"Turn around," she said as she took a deep breath.
He did what she said to avoid the tension that eye contact provided them.
She traced the gash before taking the shower head.
She cleaned the gash as he hissed.
"Deep breaths.
This is going to bloody hurt" she said.
"I figured.
Just do it quickly.
If Prices finds me in here I'll be the dead one" he said.
"I'm in here so he won't," she said.
"You would think he has a thing for ya'," he said.
"We don't.
I don't have anything with anyone.
Haven't for a while" she said as she poured a handful of a clear soap.
She washed his back and the gash with it causing him to groan.
"Fucking hell you weren't lying" he said.
"I never do," she said.
"I don't fuckin believe that," he said.
"Well that's your opinion" she said as she began to massage his shoulder releasing all the knots.
"Trying to distract me?" he asked.
"No," she said.
She rubbed his neck before running her hands down his back.
His body was perfect.
He would be able to snap her in half with one move but she could break his neck at the same time which helped her ignore how scary he naturally looked.
"What are you doin?" he asked before turning around.
"Sorry," she said before looking into his eyes.
"Don't apologise.
You just started to go into a little world" he said.
"I'm tired.
I apologise" she said.
Stop fuckin apologising" he said.
She looked into his eyes again before looking at his entire face.
She placed her hand on his face before running her fingers along his jaw trying to memorise what he looked like.
There was always a platonic bond between them.
He would die and kill for her and she just wanted to patch him up or help him relax.
It was strange but until now she didn't realise that.
He grasped her wrist softly as the small touches started to make him uncomfortable.
"I won't hurt you" she said with big eyes that made his walls come crumbling down.
"I know just not used to it," he said.
"You must hate me then as im very touchy after missions" she said softly.
I'll just walk away if you go too far.
Don't worry yourself about it love" he said.
Heat pooled in her abdomen at his words.
He always called her 'Love' when he was comfortable and that alone made her blush and giggle.
"How's your back?" she asked.
It'll be sore for a few days nothin' I can't handle" he said.
"Hopefully we can stay here for a day or two before moving.
My entire body is so sore.
I don't think anyone realises that the way I fight takes a toll on me if I do it too much" she said.
"Why did ya sign up for this?" he asked.
"Laswell transferred me," she said.
They stood in silence for a minute or so as the running water became background noise.
She looked into his eyes "What's with that look?" she asked.
"This is jus' my face" he said.
"You're lying," she said.
She could feel the warmth radiating off his body as she bit her bottom lip.
She had lost track of time and everyone must be confused but at this moment all she could care about was this rare moment with Simon.
She looked at his lips "I wonder why no one has come knocking on the door yet?" she asked.
"Soaps got them wrapped up in some card game" Simon said.
"How do you know that?" she asked.
"Once he's had a small breather he tries to calm down everyone.
Bloody twit always wakes me up with all these fuckin games" he said.
"They must not be able to hear us then," she said.
They'll figure it out eventually but not for a bit" he said.
She smiled "You know I've never told you how handsome you are.
I guess I never see you like this but I love it when I do.
I like it when you trust me" she said.
"You haven't given me a reason not to," he said.
"Good," she said before running her thumb on his bottom lip.
"You're getting bloody ideas love" he said.
"Oh well," she said before kissing him as all the tension held back.
He froze as she gave him a quick peck before standing in front of him waiting for his response.
"What was that for?" he asked.
"I got an idea," she said.
"A good one.
Come ere'," he said before kissing her as she allowed him to fully relax.
Suddenly the once hot water ran ice cold causing her to gasp.
"You both done.
There's still three of us covered in shit" Soap's voice came from the outside of the door.
"Give me a minute you fucking twat" Simon said.
"Nice to know she hasn't completely whipped ya" Soap said before walking away.
"Fucking hell that's cold," she said.
He turned off the water before getting out of the shower.
He wrapped a towel around her before getting one for himself.
"Go get dressed in the bedroom on the right.
The woman that lived here left everything then ran" he said.
"What about you?
Your clothes around covered in blood" she asked
"I'll find somethin now go" he said.
She walked to the bedroom before sitting on the bed.
She smiled.
Jane finally had someone who would be on her side until she was dead and maybe even after that.
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cresent2003 · 1 year ago
First time
Oh Daehyun x Joo! Reader
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Rain covered her car as she sat in the parking lot for the gym her older brother went to.
She was unsure of being here but after getting in a bad fight with her roommate she just wanted to be far away from her apartment.
He would try to push her away and she knew that but she knew how to handle Jaekyung.
He was always mean and angry but was a softie towards her.
At least he was most days.
Blossom grabbed her umbrella before getting out of her car.
She walked to the gym before rushing inside as the massive puddles splashed her shoes.
She put her umbrella in the umbrella holder by the door before walking to the front desk.
"Hello, welcome.
What can I help you with?" the sweet young lady sitting behind the front desk asked.
"I'm here to visit someone.
Where is the team black gym?" Blossom asked.
"It's on level two on the left.
May I ask who you visiting?
The team is preparing for a championship and could do without distractions" the young lady said.
"My brother.
Joo Jaekyung" she said softly not wanting to come off like she was trying to show off.
Go right that way and there should be an elevator" the young lady said.
"Thanks," Blossom said before walking to the elevator.
Sue went up to the second floor before walking to the gym.
She walked in and was met with her brother almost killing a trainee.
She looked around before catching her eyes with the coach.
"Hey can I help you?" he asked as he smiled at her in a way that she couldn't decide if it was fake or not.
"I'm here to see my brother.
I guess it's been a while Joesph" she said.
It's been years.
How are you?" he asked as he lit up to know she wasn't a stranger.
"Recently not very great.
My roommate is causing issues and I need to find a new place quickly" she said.
"I've got a spare room at my place.
You're welcome to stay with me" he said.
She looked at him "I was hoping my brother would offer actually.
Sorry," she said.
"Don't worry.
Hey Jaekyung your sisters here!" he said before walking away.
Suddenly she felt all eyes on her as Jaekyung walked over with an unamused expression.
"What are you doing here?
You have your own place, why bother me?" he said as he walked past her to get some water.
"About that.
Maise kicked off again.
I'm not going back there as she just pisses me off.
I'm not letting myself turn into you because of a stupid fight" she said.
He smirked.
"What are you Hoping for?
You're not living at my place" he said.
But if you don't want me there I need to borrow money for a hotel for a month or so" she said.
He groaned "You always do this.
I'm not here to help you out with every single damn problem.
Get out" he said.
"I'm not doing anything.
I'm sorry im having to do this but I have no one else.
You know what this was a mistake.
I'll just sleep in my car" she said before walking to the door.
Until the gym closes you're staying here" he said.
I just want to be away from my apartment" she said.
She turned around before feeling her face drop as Jaekyung walked away.
"Bastard" she muttered before sitting down on a bench.
She watched everyone train for a long time before yawning as her body began to finally relax after everything.
Suddenly a fighter sat next to her.
He was tall and had a calm expression as he drank his water to cool down.
She looked at him as a drop of water poured from his lips to his collarbones.
He then looked over at her.
She quickly looked away before cursing under her breath.
She had never been that obvious in all her life.
"Hey," he said.
"Hi," she said.
"You new here?
Sorry I but I've never seen you before" he said.
I'm Jaekyung's sister" she said.
That really shows how much he doesn't like me.
I never knew that and to be honest, no one here does" he said.
She smiled "It's fine.
I don't come here often" she said.
"So does that mean your big bad brother won't beat me to a bloody pulp for this?" he asked.
She laughed causing him to smile.
"Hopefully not.
Sadly I won't be able to help if he does" she said.
I thought you would be a fighter like him" he said.
Oh god no.
I'm not a fighter.
I've always wanted to be an artist actually" she said.
"Do you want to learn?" he asked.
"What?" she asked as she looked at him causing her confidence to shrink like she was.
He was stunning "To fight.
Do you want me to teach you to fight?" he said as he scratched the back of his neck.
"Um..." she said.
"Sure but I won't be any good.
I'm very clumsy" she said.
"Do worry I'll keep you steady" he said.
Why was she doing this?
This was a really bad idea?
Everyone gathered around as Blossom watched the man she had just met wrap her hands.
"I'll be behind you so you can get the moments," he said.
Um, I just realized I don't know your name" she said.
"Daehyun," he said with a smile.
"I'm Blossom," she said.
"Pretty just like you" he said causing her to blush harshly.
"Cool," she said.
He moved to stand behind her causing some of the team to send a few whistles their way.
He wrapped his hands around hers causing her skin to tingle.
His hands were rough but gentle as he lined up with her.
He placed his hand on her stomach causing her to gasp.
"You alright?" he asked.
"Yeah im fine" she said.
She then watched as he began to show her a few moves.
"Go like this and then like this and you'll land a good few hits on who you're fighting.
Just remember to hit hard.
Throw your body into one punch" he said before running his hands down her arms.
If her brother saw this she would have to watch a really gorgeous but kind fighter get torn apart.
"Try it," he said.
She threw a punch into the punching bag in front of her before smiling as she made the heavy bag move.
"You're strong," he said.
"I used to pull my brother off people when he got in fights," she said.
He laughed "How you're half his size?" he asked.
"I couldn't tell you honestly," she said before looking at him causing the world to stand still.
What was this feeling?
It was as if he was looking directly into her soul.
It burned but she could pull away.
"With a few more lessons you'll be ready to beat any mugger up" he said.
"Awesome," she said.
"What the hell are you two doing? Jaekyung asked as he walked up to them.
Go train" she said.
"The fuck you say?" he asked.
"Woah calm down," Daehyun said.
"I'm twenty-three Jae.
Stop treating me like im five.
He was being really nice" she said.
He looked at her before walking away.
"I'm so sorry," she said.
"Hey, it's not your fault.
He's been throwing tantrums all day" he said.
She smiled before looking at her watch.
"When does the gym close?" she asked.
"In the minutes," he said.
Would you by any chance know any good hotels nearby?" she asked.
Fight with your boyfriend?" he asked.
She laughed "Roommate," she said.
"Well if you want you can join me and some of the guys for drinks and a meal.
I can then take you to a hotel near the gym.
It's all on me" he said.
"I could use a good drink.
Why the hell not" she said.
Meet me by the door in ten.
It was nice meeting you by the way" he said before running off.
She smiled before looking over to see her brother "Do you hate that im here?" she asked.
"No," he said before walking away again.
"Ok then," she said before walking to a bench that was by the door.
Minutes passed as she tapped her foot on the floor before hearing a group of rowdy guys.
It was like a tornado as it came her way tearing apart everything in its way.
"Hey you're still here" Daehyun said as he walked to her in a maroon shirt and jeans.
"Dude I told you she wouldn't run away.
Maybe you didn't scare her off unlike the last one" one of the guys around him said.
Daehyun hit him before looking at her.
"Come on.
You can ride with me" he said.
She stood up.
"Will it be ok if I leave my car in the car park?
I don't have the money to be paying fines at the moment" she said.
"Nah it's free parking.
Coach will hook you up anyway" he said as they walked out of the gym.
She then looked around at all the cars that looked similar in many ways.
Expensive cars were like that.
At least the ones she saw the most of were almost the same.
"This way.
Mines way at the back" he said.
"You're gonna let the young lady walk all that way.
You bastard" another one of the guys around him joked.
"Don't listen to them.
I sure don't" he said.
She laughed "Alright," she said before looking at him.
Once they got to his truck he opened the door for her.
"You don't have to show off," she said.
"I'm not showing off," he said.
She got in his truck before watching him run over to his side.
He got in before looking at her.
"I still can't believe your that picking time bombs sister.
I can now see some resemblance but I still wouldn't have a clue either way" he said.
"Don't worry.
Everyone is shocked it thinks im lying.
To be honest I wouldn't pretend to be his sister even if I wanted.
I'm still trying to get past being in his shadow and all that so" she said.
"You're not in his shadow.
You radiate your own light" he said before starting to drive to the bar he was taking her to.
"Are you always this forward?" she asked as her curiosity took over.
"Actually not in the slightest.
I don't know you're just different.
Unlike a quick fling I actually want to get to know you" he said.
He drove to the bar before they both got out and went inside with the others.
She looked around before sitting in a boof with everyone causing her to press against Daehyun.
"Sorry," she said as she looked into his eyes.
"It's fine.
Move over a little" he said as he wrapped her arm around her shoulders.
Is that better?" he asked.
Thanks" she said.
They all ordered a large round of shots and other drinks as Blossom struggled to focus on anything but how warm Daehyun was.
She had to stop herself from cuddling into him.
They all started taking shot after shot as Blossom struggled to realise how much of a lightweight she was.
This wasn't going to end well but as the vodka hit she didn't care.
She placed her head on his shoulder as he took another shot.
"Another," she said as she picked up another shot.
"This is gonna get me in trouble," he said.
"Don't worry.
It'll be fine" she said slowly as she slurred her words causing him to laugh.
They both took about her shot and then another and another before they were almost on the floor.
She looked at him "You're pretty" she said.
"Thank you," he said.
"You know it would be really funny if you just kissed me right now.
I mean we just met.
That would be hilarious" she said.
Suddenly his lips were on hers as the alcohol made the idea of a hookup very appealing.
Why did you do that?" she said.
"I wanted to," he said.
"That's fair," she said before trying to kiss him as she missed his lips.
"You're so cute," he said before knowledge kissing her.
He wrapped his arms loosely around her.
"Bathroom?" he asked.
"I'm no classic hookup, good sir," she said.
"I'll make you feel really good.
Plus we won't even remember this so no regrets right" he said.
Come on" she said as she stumbled to the bathroom with his behind her.
Thankfully everyone left as he would never be able to forget this might if they witnessed the both of them being lightweights.
Daehyun slammed against the wall of the disabled stall as he sloppily kissed her neck before taking off her leggings.
He unbuttoned his jeans releasing his cock.
"So big.
Wow, you're so pretty" she said as she wrapped her hand around his cock causing him to moan as he turned red.
"Put it in.
I'm getting bored" she said.
He kissed her before lifting her thighs.
Daehyun slammed into her causing her to let out a loud moan.
Fuck so good" She couldn't hold herself back ad he hit every spot that had her dripping.
He moaned into the crook of her neck as his sloppy thrusts did enough to get them both feeling ecstasy.
He pulled her hair as he shivered against her body.
He didn't have enough brainpower to make himself last longer as he shot his cum inside her.
Your pussy is so good" he said as he continued to thrust into her.
"Cumming oh fuck" she said before convulsing as she came onto his cock.
It wasn't a meaningful hookup but in their drunk state they were now bonded for life but as they both went for round two all she could think about was what Jaekyung would do when this became a rumour.
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cresent2003 · 1 year ago
Mizrak x Fem! Reader x Olrox
Vampires had taken over all of France.
Tearing each part to shreds trying to find Olrox, Mizrak and Raeabelle.
The four horsemen were coming up from hell using the scent of death and fear-filled blood to feed themselves.
There was no escape.
"Pater noster qui in caelis est.
sanctificetur nomen tuum; adveniat regnum tuum fiat voluntas tua; in terra sicut in caelo.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie. dimitte nobis debita nostra sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
Ne nos inferas in tentationem sed libera nos a malo.
Regnum, potentia; et gloria tua sunt nunc et semper.
In sanctis dominis nomen precor.
Amen," Raeabelle said as she spoke the lord's prayer to a cross she took from the church before Mizrak pulled her underground where Olrox was.
He had always paid close attention to her.
She was the last of the nun's after the church allied with vampires.
She had kept pure and locked herself in her chambers regularly so she wasn't forced to see the dead turn into demons.
"There's nothing to pray for anymore Rae.
The world above us is already burning" Olrox stood in the doorway to the room where she did her prayers.
"It gives me hope.
The world isn't burning if I don't see the flames" she said.
He knelt beside her.
"I know that I will die down here when they start to hear us.
They will go for the weakest first and that is me" she said.
He wrapped his arms around her before playing with her hair.
"I think you forget what lengths I will go to keep you and Mizrak safe," he said.
She looked into his eyes before placing her head on his shoulder.
"I'm so terribly scared Olrox.
I have dedicated my life to my lord and saviour but when I need him most I can no longer feel his presence" she said.
"It will be alright," he said before pressing his face against her soft hair.
He never thought he could find a woman attractive.
All his life he had always been attracted to men yet he was also attracted to her.
No woman but her satisfied him.
It was strange yet he was getting used to it.
Where are you?" Mizrak's dark voice filled her ears as she continued to cling to Olrox finding his presence comfortable.
"Here," she said.
Mizrak walked into the room.
"What are you doing here with her?" he asked as he watched Olrox comfort her causing her to relax until she was putty in his arms.
"She's scared.
I came here to comfort her as always.
When will you believe that I am not a threat to either of you" Olrox said.
"When you are no longer one of them," Mizrak said.
Please don't fight.
If we are to die down here why waste the little time we have fighting" she said as she sat up.
She walked over to Mizrak.
"He is a demon.
I soulless monster" Mizrak growled.
"I don't believe that.
Please enough fighting.
It frightens me and all it does is hide your feelings" and she said before walking to the small kitchen to make dinner with whatever animal she could find.
Olrox looked at Mizrak.
"Don't look at me like that.
I saved your life Mizrak" he said.
"I didn't ask for it," Mizrak said.
"You love her but you also have feelings towards me.
That is what created all this rage.
One day you'll realise that night we had together wasn't a mistake" Olrox said before walking away to help Raeabelle.
Mizrak clenched his fists.
Olrox was right and it was irritating but was was bothering him the most was that Raeabelle was right as well.
They would die down here and every minute was precious.
Later that night Raeabelle sat on her bed made of wood and rope as she looked at the necklace she crafted out of the blade that killed her father.
It was a silver cross and it shined brightly in the candlelight.
She leaned against the wall in her nightgown as it slipped off her shoulders showing her soft skin.
Olrox and Mizrak always used the hours she slept to guard their hideout as she stayed up many hours at a time praying when things got harder.
They were underneath the church and it was the riskiest thing she had ever done.
You'll be safe until morning" Mizrak said as he sat down next to the doorway with his sword.
She looked at him as he tried to keep his eyes away from her hard nipples as they pressed against her nightgown and her soft skin.
She was a nun and he kept telling himself that but the way she looked made him want to sin.
"I'm restless.
I can hear people walking around above us.
It's never been this loud" she said.
Olrox then walked into the room after looking around to make sure no one had found them.
"All the lower vampires are gathering tonight.
I can find you some cotton to block it out" Olrox said.
"No, it's alright.
I'll fall asleep eventually" she said.
"We both know you won't" Mizrak said causing her to smile.
"What if we both stay in here and watch over you?
If someone comes to harm you we won't let them get past the doorway, precious human" Olrox said causing a light rose blush to cover her cheeks.
He never used names like that.
Only when he was trying to soothe her.
Mizrak walked to her before taking off the cloak he wore during the freezing nights.
He placed on her before sitting beside her.
She laid down as he placed his hand on her shoulder.
"Close your eyes," he said before tucking a piece of hair behind her ear.
He then looked into her eyes before kissing her head.
Raeabelle turned her head to look at him.
"Go to sleep," he said.
"I'm restless," she said softly before kissing his cheek before looking into his eyes.
She then kissed him before laying her head against the pillow she took from her chambers when it was empty enough for her to gather what she could.
Raeabelle placed her hands on either side of his face before smiling softly as she blushed.
He placed his hand on hers before kissing her will heated passion as the pent-up love he felt for her exploded.
Her head was spinning as she broke every vow she had taken in front of her god.
She kissed him back as her body moved for her.
Olrox watched as Mizrak lost control before realising that someone still had to guard the hideout.
"I'll leave you two be.
Try not to be too loud" Olrox said before walking to the doorway.
Come here" Mizrak said.
Olrox turned around before smirking.
He walked to Mizrak as Raeabelle laid beneath him still and silent.
"I'm here," Olrox said.
Mizrak stood up before slamming his lips against Olrox's.
The kiss was rough but passionate as Olrox grabbed Mizrak's arm.
"Don't think you can just walk away after what we did" Mizrak said.
"I thought I was a soulless animal," Olrox said as they looked into each other's eyes.
"Shut up," Mizrak said.
Olrox laughed before kissing him again.
He then let out a soft moan as Mizrak placed his leg between Olrox's legs causing Mizrak's thigh to press against his cock.
Raeabelle stood up as she realised that Mizrak had untied her nightgown causing her breasts to show from the V cut out.
She walked to the two of them before placing her hand on Mizrak's chest causing their passionate kids to break.
She then kissed him softly as Olrox kissed her shoulders.
Her skin was like velvet.
It was delicate and like nothing he had ever felt.
He then kissed her neck softly and passionately as he marked her skin.
She let out a moan as Mizrak broke their kiss.
"So beautiful.
So pure" he said.
"What is this feeling?" she asked as she caressed Mizrak's nape giving him goosebumps.
"Have you never been touched?
The way you cling to him I expected you have laid in his bed before" Olrox said.
"No," she said before gasping as Olrox kissed the spot where her largest vein laid.
"The feeling is pleasure.
Intimate, heated pleasure.
Your body is reacting in such a way as you enjoy what we are doing sweet Rae" Olrox said before turning her head.
"Just Relax and trust your body," Olrox said before kissing her lovingly.
She was nervous but didn't want this to end.
Mizrak kissed her throat before getting on his knees.
He placed her leg on his shoulder before lifting up her nightgown revealing her most vulnerable area.
He went under her nightgown before kissing her thighs causing her to let out a lustful moan.
Olrox watched her as she threw his head back onto his shoulder as Mizrak got closer to her cunt.
She didn't know what to do or think as he kissed her pelvis.
He then latched onto her cunt causing her to let out a loud moan as he began to suck on the bud of nerves that had never been stimulated before.
With one lick her legs were shaking as she let out the most lustful moans.
Olrox struggled to contain himself as his cock pressed against his trousers uncomfortably.
He was throbbing at the sight as Mizrak pleasured her.
Her eyes rolled back as he trusted two of his fingers inside her virgin entrance as her walls fluttered around him.
Suddenly her abdomen tightened as the pleasure got more intense.
She screamed out as she came onto Mizrak's fingers as he continued to explore her most sensitive places elongating the ecstasy that she was feeling.
He then stood up as she breathed heavily against Olrox's neck.
"Let me taste her," Olrox said before kissing Mizrak.
His tongue explored Mizrak's mouth as he tasted her sweetness.
Mizrak undressed Olrox as she laid on her bed so she could rest for a short while.
She took off her nightgown revealing her full perky breasts and curvy body that had always been hidden by dresses that covered everything.
She had always been told that flesh will lead to sin therefore if she showed no flesh she would never fall into sin.
Yet now none of that mattered.
She wished to live as a normal woman so when she passed she would remember the fun she had experienced and not the sadness of her past.
Mizrak pushed Olrox against her bed as they threw the last of their clothing to the other side of the room.
Olrox looked at her as she sat in front of them completely bare.
"I've never seen you more beautiful.
Come to us precious" Olrox said.
She moved to them.
"Are you ready for us to take your purity?" Olrox said as Mizrak blocked the doorway so that they wouldn't be disturbed.
He then joined his two partners back in the uncomfortable bed that they had all gotten used to.
I am ready" she said.
"You'll be going against your vows.
I want to make sure you are truly sure and not saying such a thing to please us" Olrox said as he took her hand.
"My vows were broken the day I left the church.
I wish for this" she said.
"Who do you want?" Mizrak asked.
"I wish for you both to choose.
You have laid together before and know what you are the most comfortable with.
I will be okay either way" she said.
"You be the one," Mizrak said.
"Why me?
You both have more history" He said.
"Yes, but you will enjoy this more if I am the one to take you" Mizrak said.
"I see you remember," Olrox said before kissing him.
Olrox then looked at Raeabelle.
"At any time you wish to stop we won't continue" Olrox said.
"I trust the both of you," she said.
"Good then let the fun begin," Olrox said before latching onto her right breast.
She gasped before moaning as Mizrak took Olrox's cock into his mouth.
Olrox moaned against her breast as he sucked and bit at her nipple as if he was a newborn craving the milk from her breasts.
He then released her breast as his cock throbbed in Mizrak's mouth.
He then moaned loudly as he lifted his hips.
His cum shot into Mizrak's mouth as Olrox moaned.
Mizrak swallowed all of it before flipping Olrox around.
"Will this hurt?" she asked.
"Only a little.
It will feel good after the burning passes" Olrox said before kissing her.
He distracted her as he lined up to her entrance before pushing in causing her to whimper as he stretched her out.
Olrox kissed her neck as he slowly pushed himself in inch by inch until their hips met.
She yelped before taking calming breaths as she tried to remember what Olrox had said moments ago.
She wrapped her arms around him as he held himself back from moving.
She was so warm and soft inside.
"Tell me when you're ready," Mizrak said.
Raeabelle nodded as she couldn't help but focus on the feeling of having Olrox inside her.
It felt strange and different.
The burning was calming down as she stretched to fit him.
Minutes passed as she looked at Orlox "I'm ready" she said.
Olrox kissed her head before moving slowly.
He angled slightly as he mimicked the things that had him holding back screams as she let out a moan.
"How does this feel precious?" Olrox asked.
"It is quite strange but....good" she said as she struggled to hold back the lustful sounds being created deep in her throat.
The way he was angled hit places that made her see the heavens as she let her body have control.
"Such pretty sounds," Olrox said before moaning as Mizrak pressed his cock against Olrox's puckered entrance.
He craved the familiar feeling of Mizrak's cock filling him as he took away Raeabelle's purity.
"Don't tease.
I need it Mizrak" Olrox said as he let out heavy breaths as Raeabelle's walls tightly squeezed him.
"I see that.
Relax Olrox" he said.
Olrox suddenly loudly moaned as his eyes widened.
Mizrak pushed his throbbing cock into Olrox as Raeabelle ran her hands on his shoulders and arms causing him to relax.
She then threw her head back as Mizrak began to thrust into Olrox causing Olrox's cock to hit the spot that had her at the same spot she was in when Mizrak had a taste of her cunt.
She moaned in sync with Olrox as he felt a strong type of pleasure that had him turning into a puddle onto Raeabelle.
Her warm and tight cunt and Mizrak's rough but thought-out moments made him feel things he had never felt in all his years both as human and vampire.
Raeabelle screamed into Olrox's shoulder as the pleasure made her dizzy.
Her eyes rolled back as Mizrak sped up as each of them got closer to their desirable release.
"Mizrak" Olrox moaned his name as he began to realise that he wouldn't be lasting much longer.
Mizrak kept his pace as he pulled on Olrox's hair.
He growled before throwing his head back.
Raeabelle let out broken heavy breaths before letting out a deep set of moans as she came onto Olrox's cock.
She tightened around him causing him to get closer and closer before moaning as he shot his cum deep inside her not knowing what it could possibly lead to.
Mizrak held Olrox's hips as Olrox pulled out of Raeabelle as he came again.
Mizrak growled before cumming as he dig his nails into Olrox's hips leaving crescent-shaped marks.
They all went limp onto Raebelle's small bed as Olrox's cum covered her stomach.
"I'll go find a cloth to clean you up," Olrox said before kissing her and then Mizrak.
He left the room.
"How are you feeling?" Mizrak said as he looked at the woman he had loved since she was a true nun.
When she was still unable to see the true evil in the world.
I enjoyed every second, Mizrak.
It all was very strange but it was the most freeing act I've done in a long while" she said as she smiled softly.
"I'm glad.
I wanted this to be perfect for you.
I always have" he said.
"It reminds me of when we snuck out of the church after the moon had fully settled and spent time in the gardens.
This was the first time I had ever been kissed and after I had been beaten for the act I wouldn't have taken it back.
My purity had been stronger than my sisters up to now" she said.
Olrox walked back into the room with two cups full of cold water and a linen cloth dripping with the same cold water.
"I brought you both water.
When you've drank every last drop will you Mizrak clean Rae's stomach?" Olrox said.
"What will you be doing?" Mizrak asked.
"Putting our beds together so no one will feel nervous to sleep after tonight," he said.
Mizrak nodded before pouring the water down his throat as Raeabelle sipped the water slowly.
Mizrak then cleaned Raeabelle's stomach and sore cunt before cleaning himself.
He then tossed the cloth out of the room until they could clean tomorrow.
Once Raeabelle was done with her water she rested her head onto Mirzrak's chest as he pulled the thin blanket she had over the both of them.
"Rest," he said before kissing her.
Raeabelle smiled before drifting off to sleep knowing after tonight she would have two men that would protect her with all they had as her lovers.
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cresent2003 · 1 year ago
Special human
Orlox x Male! Reader
Frederick wondered how he ended up near all these people talking about a revolution.
He only wanted to care for his mother who was living very close to where the vampires gathered.
He wasn't a soldier or at all as brave as one may think but would rather die at the hands of a demon than see his mother become their food.
"Alright everyone.
We leave tonight for the church.
We will stop the vampires where they stand" Maria said.
Ritcher stood beside her with his numb expression which didn't shock Frederick.
What truly made his heart pound against his ribs was that he may be facing a vampire tonight.
Frederick sat on a large stone before looking at the moon as his shoulder-length raven-black hair tried to slip from the ribbon he tied it up with.
He went to redo the ribbon before hearing growling coming from the forest that was circling everyone.
It was guttural as Frederick looked into the thick trees before hearing an older woman in the revolution scream as a night creature jumped out of the woods and ripped apart her husband.
"Fuck" he muttered before standing up.
"We need to go.
This revolution you're trying to create won't continue if we are all dead" Frederick said as his dark but soothing voice echoed through the trees.
We can fight just one" Maria said.
Suddenly five more appeared out of the forest.
"Just one?
You may want to rethink that" Ritcher said as Annette fought one of them with only her rage from losing her friend powering her.
Frederick got out his father's dagger before fighting one of the weakest night creatures there.
He then jammed the dragged into it's heart killing it.
Suddenly he heard laughing.
He looked around only to see that there was no one there.
"Well done" he heard a masculine voice come from a tree only a few meters away from him.
Frederick looked at the tree before seeing green eyes before nothing.
His brows furrowed.
He then looked around to make sure nothing was following him before walking into the forest.
Frederick looked around, he wanted to say something but knew better than to give away his location.
Suddenly hands grabbed him before slamming him against a tree.
"You must taste heavenly" Frederick looked at a man with purple and gold clothes that illuminated his bright green animalistic eyes.
He looked unusual compared to the men of this century but he enjoyed how different he looked.
His face was structured and a warm chocolate brown.
His hair was long and looked as if it was made of silk.
He was perfect.
"Who are you?
Why did you call this attack?" Frederick said as he started to get brave.
The man in front of him smirked "It's too easy.
Why come here if you're trying to hide from the ones that find refuge in the dark?" he asked.
Frederick looked into his eyes "I wasn't the one to create this.
I joined to protect my mother not to die with false bravery" Frederick said.
"Then why kill one of my demons?" the man asked.
"To have a story to tell," Frederick said.
"I guess that's more than fair if you were telling the truth," he said.
"I cannot say why I killed that beast.
There wasn't a reason" he said.
I've never met a human so numb" he said.
The way the mysterious man was looking at Frederick gave him goosebumps.
It was lustful and beautiful.
Frederick hadn't been with many people.
Frederick only loved truly once and he walked away after their first night together.
Frederick didn't open his heart again after to that.
Not to men or women.
"Why did you want me out here?" Frederick asked.
"Because you caught my eye," he said.
"Who are you?" he asked.
"Orlox," he said.
"I'm Frederick," Frederick said.
Frederick" Orlox said his name a few times causing Frederick's cock to twitch.
His name fell so perfectly off Orlox's tongue.
"What do you want with me?" Frederick asked.
Orloxran his hand over Frederick's thigh causing him to gulp.
"I want to see how far I can go before you snap," Orlox said before biting Frederick's neck allowing his blood to rush onto Orlox's tongue.
Orlox groaned from the taste as Frederick hissed from the sensation.
Orlox pressed his growing erection into Frederick's causing them both to groan.
Orlox then licked off the rest of the blood before looking at Frederick.
He looked into Orlox's eyes before kissing him.
He tasted his own blood on Orlox's tongue as he took off Orlox's clothes slowly starting with the smallest pieces.
"That's it.
Lose yourself with me" Orlox said.
Frederick felt him tear his clothes revealing Frederick's toned torso.
"For a regular human, your body is exquisite," Orlox said.
Frederick kissed him against before moving him so they were on the forest floor.
Orlox turned him around so Frederick was laying on his back against the leaves.
"Do you want this to continue?
I won't do anything till you answer me" Orlox said.
"I want this to continue," Frederick said.
They both fully undressed leaving the leaves and sticks poking into Frederick's back.
His cock stood tall as he threw his head back as Orlox began to run his hand up and down Frederick's cock.
"Fuck" Frederick said as he got used to the electric feeling.
He then let out a deep moan as Orlox sank onto Frederick's cock.
Orlox was so warm and tight and it was difficult for Frederick to hold on.
Orlox began to move as he moaned and groaned while Frederick grabbed onto a tree.
He moaned as Orlox placed his hands on either side of his head.
"You feel so good.
I can feel you throbbing" Orlox said.
Don't tease" Frederick said before sitting up.
He kissed Orlox before placing his hand on Orlox's length.
Orlox shivered at the feeling as Frederick rubbed his thumb on Orlox's slit.
Skin slapping was all they could hear as Orlox increased his speed.
Frederick moaned as he got closer to cumming every time Orlox tightened around him.
"Oh god," Frederick said before lifting his lips.
"God isn't here.
Call my name instead" Orlox said before groaning.
Frederick let out a string of moans as he shot his cum deep within Orlox triggering his orgasm.
Orlox came onto Frederick's chest before laying beside him.
They both tried to catch their breaths before looking at each other.
"Want to do that again sometime?" Orlox asked.
"Sure," Frederick said as he thought about a new way to help his mother.
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cresent2003 · 1 year ago
I trust you.
Victor Creed (Sabretooth) x Bird! Reader
Hazel walked into her room as she heard Wade from a few doors down as he told Bradley and a few other of his victims how awesome the mission he went on was.
She was exhausted as her large wings fell to the floor as dirt, blood and other things got trapped under her feathers.
She placed her hands on her door before digging her talons into the door.
Each movement was painful as she walked over to her bed before taking off her shirt leaving her in her black skinny jeans and her lace bra.
She began to clean her feathers by dragging the dirt and other things out with her talons only adding to the pain.
Her wings were incredibly sensitive but she couldn't just do nothing.
She groomed her wings until she heard a knock on her door.
Her bright yellow eyes shifted to look at the door as she let her powerful sense of smell to find out who was waiting at the door.
She then smiled as her chest warmed up.
It was Victor.
"It's open," she said softly before gasping as she felt a twig dig into her wing.
He walked into the room "Nice work today" he said.
She smiled softly.
There was a connection between them that she couldn't explain.
They were the two most dangerous mutants on the team which led them to go on many missions together.
He protected her even when she didn't want him to and that lit a fire inside her as he was naturally protective and caring towards her.
"If only Stryker thought the same.
I can't help it when I bring him things from my killings.
I don't know I guess he still sees me as a monster" she said.
He laughed "It's fun to see him squirm when you give him trophies" he said.
"Thank you Victor," she said.
He sat on her bed before looking at her "I've got word from Stryker that he wants us to go to a place called no man's land tomorrow" he said as his gruff voice soothed her.
"I went there once.
There's nothing there but bones" she said.
"Well if it's like that we can see what we can find before going somewhere more with our time" he said.
The way he looked at her made her wings flutter.
She took a deep breath before looking into his eyes.
"I heard Wade bagging.
I'm thinking of installing sound proof walls.
It may make everything a little more cramped but I rather have that than have to hear him go on and on for hours" she said.
"Tell me when and I'll help you," he said.
"I can do it myself.
I'm independent" she said.
"I know but I enjoy spending time with you.
Like we used to" he said.
She could feel her heart pounding in her chest.
He moved closer to her.
"Fine," she said before trying to move her wings only for a pained-filled yelp to leave her lips.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
"I'm ok.
My wings haven't been groomed for a while" she said before hissing.
Suddenly she felt his claws on her features as he brushed through her wings causing her to relax.
Hazel trusted him and hoped he would help her with this.
She looked at him "Lay on your front" he said.
"Be gentle" she said.
"I would never purposely hurt you birdie.
Now lay down" he said.
She said on her stomach before stretching out her wings causing them to hang off both sides of her large bed.
Hazel hugged her pillow before hearing her sink turn on.
She then felt the bed dip as Victor took off her coat before sitting next to her.
She then yelled as he softly started to find the loose feathers.
Hazel had never had another person touch her wings she had never had a mate yet she trusted Victor with her most vulnerable feature.
Her wings kept her balanced and gave her great power.
Without them she was nothing.
Once he got each loose feather out her began to softly clean under her feathers with a damp cloth.
Hazel hissed as he went over the spots that she had made bleed from her talons.
"For now on if you need help cleaning your wings come find me.
You'll hurt yourself otherwise" he said.
"I don't want to bother you" she said.
"Nothing you do will ever bother me.
You can feel it can't you.
The bond" he said.
"Yes" she said.
"You and I are connected.
Therefore I will never hurt you and will never point my rage towards you" he said.
She smiled.
"Good to know" she said
She then sat up as Victor got the last bit of dried blood out of her beautiful wings.
"Better?" he asked.
She nodded before fluttering her wings.
"Thank you" she said.
She looked at him before laying her back against him.
There was a reason why Hazel was reluctant to let anyone groom her wings.
It was intimate and knowing he took time out if his day after a exhausting mission made her heart sore.
"Tired?" he asked.
Just comfortable" she said before looking into his eyes.
"When we met I thought we would hate each other but as I've got to know you I realised that maybe we're more connected then we both assume.
I still remember you being with me in the spring and maybe it's just because you cleaned my wings bit those memories are starting to resurface" she said.
He smirked "I didnt even think about how intimate grooming was until now.
I'm sorry" she said.
"I knew.
I just couldn't help myself" he said.
"As always" she said.
"As always" he repeated.
She smiles softly before looking at his lips.
Hazel then softly kissed him only for a few seconds before breaking from him.
He placed three fingers in her lips as she looked at him.
"Why did you do that?" he asked as his curiosity got the better of him.
"Right time I guess" she said.
He growled softly before kissing her with a little most passion.
She wrapped her arms around him as he pulled her onto his lap.
Hazel broke from him just like before before pressing her forehead against his.
"I'm ok with you doing this more often" she said as her wings wrapped out him.
"Good" he said before kissing her again causing there bond to blossom.
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cresent2003 · 1 year ago
Found you
Victor Creed (Sabretooth) x Innocent! Reader
It was cold as Opal tossed and turned.
She panted before screaming as she got flashbacks of the horrible things she did for a man who used her kindness to his advantage.
She was a feral but Stryker enjoyed giving her high-dose Suppressants.
If only he cared about the things they left her with when she got off of them.
It had been years since she ran from everyone.
She still remembered what it was like fighting off a group of full-grown men.
She was only eighteen at the time but it didn't matter.
Stryker still used her to kill anyway.
She sat up before rubbing her arms as chills covered her skin.
Opal got out of bed as the strap to her white night gown fell off her shoulder as she walked into her kitchen before making some tea hoping she would relax after that.
She was alone and had been ever since she ran from them but on nights like this, she wished she had a mate to reassure her and comfort her.
She filled a teabag with her homemade mix full of herbs and cat nip as well as flowers and anything she could find in the forest that she living in.
She had built a cabin herself.
It was small but was like a den which helped her feel safe even if it wasn't her mare who built it.
She poured boiled water into a teapot before putting the tea bag in.
Suddenly her large pointed ears picked up footsteps.
They were slow and careful.
She looked at the front door before turning back to her tea thinking it was a wolf that lost its pack and picked up her scent.
"It's been a long time yet you still smell the same" she froze at the dark voice that filled her ears.
She turned her head before shivering as she saw Victor.
"This place is nice I have to admit but helped me out while I ripped this forest to shreds trying to find you" he said.
"Why are you here?" she said.
"I think you already know kitten" he said causing her to shiver as she focused on her teapot.
She could hear him laughing behind her which only added to her fear.
He always scared her.
Victor was powerful and could tear her to shreds if he wanted to.
It didn't matter if her animal side was drawn to him.
"I can't go back there.
I can't kill Victor" she said as she teared up.
Suddenly he was right behind her as he grabbed her before pinning her against the wall.
"We both know that's a lie.
Admit that there's a part of you that is like me.
Give into it' he growled.
She fought against him "N-No" she said before rushing away from him before falling onto the couch causing her to yelp.
Her nightgown rode up revealing her panties causing his control to begin to slip.
She rushed to cover herself as he walked to her.
"You can run from me," he said.
She whimpered before trying to run away again only for him to pin her against the couch.
"Victor, please.
You're scaring me" she said.
"Are you sure that's all im doing to you?" he said as he looked into her eyes.
"All those times you would go on missions while on your heat.
While your pheromones were stronger do you know what that did to me?
Every time I picked up your scent I couldn't stop thinking about all the things I would do to you" he said.
"This isn't about Stryker is it?" she asked.
"Oh it is but seeing you like this makes it hard to do what I originally came here for," he said before sliding her nose along the side of her face causing her to gasp.
He groaned "Stop squirming" he said.
Opal looked at him "Victor" she said.
He looked at her causing her to blush.
"What?" he asked.
She took shaky breaths as she rubbed her thighs together.
"What are you doing to me?" she said before whining as she tried to fight it.
"Nothing you won't enjoy," he said.
She pushed him away before standing up as her legs trembled.
Her entire body was so warm as sweat caused her skin to shimmer.
He looked at her "When's the last time you had a successful heat?" he asked as he found her innocence amusing.
He had kickstarted her heat and she had no idea.
"I've never-" she said.
He growled "I'll help you out if you promise to come back to Stryker after" he said.
She looked at him "No.
I don't want to go back there.
You can't make me go back to that monster after the things he did to me" she said.
"I was sent to collect you and I don't disappoint my employers," he said.
She knelt next to his legs as her submissive side took control.
"Victor he used Suppressants on me.
He tested on me and because im weaker than you all he found it easy to do whatever he wanted.
I wanted to mate with anyone so that I would have someone but he never let me.
Please Victor.
Please, please, please" she said as she started rubbing her face against his leg.
He ran his fingers through her hair.
"It's either that or I kill you and I won't do that," he said.
"I rather die than look him in the eyes again" she said.
"Come here," he said.
She got up before straddling him.
She looked away as she was filled with anxiety.
She was still afraid of him yet being close to him left her feeling safe.
"I don't know why you try to fight when you truly want to submit," he said.
She got off of him before fidgeting with her nightgown.
"Don't be afraid of giving in.
I'm not going to hurt you" he said as he caressed her face.
She looked at him as she leaned into his touch.
"You scare me," she said.
"I scare everyone," he said before grabbing her.
He placed her on his thigh causing her to gasp.
"That's it," he said as her eyes dilated.
She whined as her eyes quickly narrowed showing her arousal.
"So beautiful" he said before lifting his thigh causing her to let out sounds she never thought she would make for him.
He began to bouncy his thigh causing her to whimper before letting out pornographic moans.
"Let me be your mate," he said as he started to lose the little control he had.
She didn't respond as she struggled to think of a response.
"Opal" he growled.
She looked deep into his eyes before letting out a soft growl.
"Ok," she said.
He then pinned her against the couch as she laid her chest on the springy cushions causing her breasts to press against the couch as he tore off her panties revealing her dripping cunt.
She yelped as everything moved so fast.
She laid there as she heard him unbuckle his belt before taking out his throbbing cock.
Opal then let out a broken moan as he pushed into her.
She panted at the strange feeling as he dragged a claw up her spine causing her to shiver.
Victor began to pound into her as he kept a rhythm.
She gasped before grabbing the couch.
She felt herself begin to purr as he pressed himself against her back as he took her innocence.
He then lifted her head causing her to moan loudly.
She grabbed his thigh as she felt every inch of him fill her perfectly.
She then screamed out ad she came onto his cock.
She couldn't control her body as he calmed down the burning inside her.
"Victor" she moaned his name.
He groaned as his thrusts became irregular.
He then slammed his hips against her as his cock swelled.
She whimpered "Ow," she said.
"It'll be over soon," he said.
Opal looked at him before grabbing his neck.
She kissed him before moaning as she felt his cum inside her.
"Let's see how long it takes for you to swell with my pups.
That'll be hard to hide from Stryker" he said.
Oh no," she said.
I won't leave your side.
I'll always be with you" he said before biting her neck marking her as they completed their bond.
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cresent2003 · 1 year ago
Logan Howlett (Wolverine) x Feral! pregnant reader x Victor Creed (Sabretooth)
Silence fell over the hideout as the team did their own little things before another mission.
It had been months since Stryker ran and the team had been hunting him down since then.
Mostly everyone anyway.
Katie stayed in her room where her den was as she got closer and closer to going into labour with Logan and Victor's pups.
It wasn't supposed to be possible but she easily mated with the both of them and they have been protecting her.
They prepared to kill anyone who came near her as she was too weak to protect herself right now.
Remy walked out of his room after walking his hookup out.
He had a cigarette between his lips as he made his way to the training room to see Wade train with Fred.
Everyone was getting ready to fly to New Zealand
While he was stretching the limited time he had out as much as he could.
He walked down the hallway where Victor, Logan and Katie's rooms were before hearing a large bang before Katie cried out.
He burst through the door before freezing as he saw her only in Logan's shirt as liquid formed a puddle under her.
She was in a straddle position as she growled and cried out.
"Katie?" He asked.
He rushed to her but didn't touch her as her two mates were the only ones allowed to do that.
"Get Logan and Victor," she said before crying out.
"What's going on?" Remy asked.
"Please, Remy.
Go" she said before letting out a loud growl as she clung to the end of her metal bed frame.
She was in labour.
Remy rushed out of the room before running to the training room knowing everyone gathered there before missions.
Katie's cries and growls filled his head as he replayed them over and over.
He then ran into the training room causing everyone to look at him.
What's wrong why are you that pale?" John asked.
"Katie," he said as he caught his breath.
Suddenly he was being pinned against the wall as Logan and Victor towered over him.
"What about Katie?" Victor said.
"I don't know.
She told me to get the both of you.
I went into her room and she was in a lot of pain" he said.
"Fuck" Logan said.
"She's early" Victor said as they both began to panic.
They both ran to her as they both began to feel the pain she was in.
She wasn't surprised to give birth flyer but they weren't complaining as it gave them an excuse to not leave her side until she pushed them away.
They almost broke down the door as she looked at them.
"Help me," she said before crying out again as the pain got worse and worse.
"We're here," Logan said as they moved her onto the bed where the den was so she would feel comfortable and safe.
Victor sat in a straddle position on the bed as he allowed her to dig her claws into him as Logan washed his hands knowing he would be helping her get the pups out.
"I'm scared.
Victor" she said as tears ran down her face.
"It'll be ok.
We're both here to do whatever we have to to help you do this kitten" Victor said.
She growled as her body told her to push.
"Logan" she whispered as he walked to her.
"I'm here" They were both giving her constant reassurance as it was slowing her racing heart and helping her body relax.
She stuffed her head in Victor's neck inhaling his scent as she began to push causing her to growl and scream.
Katie looked up before crying out from the pain.
Tears ran down her face as her eyes glowed.
"The first one's taking its time," Logan said as he rubbed her back softly.
She whimpered as Victor caressed her face.
"Keep doing what your body is telling you to do," Victor said before smiling softly.
She kept pushing before letting out a roar as the baby's head came out leaving the shoulders as the next challenge.
After one the others if there are others will be easier.
At least that was what she was using to power through.
She grabbed Victor's shirt before letting out a blood-curdling growl as everything started to burn as the baby tore her to get out.
She kept pushing over and over before crying out in relief as Logan got her first pup out of her the second he had an opening.
She turned around as she continued to contract as Logan held a small girl with little pointy ears and little claws.
Katie smiled "Can you grab me a bowl of warm water Logan?" she asked.
"Yeah," Logan walked away as she held the small she wolf in her arms as her body began to push out her second pup.
"She's perfect.
Even if I don't like it, she's got your eyes James" Victor said as he rubbed her shoulders.
He then tore the shirt she was wearing allowing the pup to rest skin on skin creating a bond.
Logan came back and placed the bowl of water in front of her.
She washed her daughter before placing her in a mountain of blankets.
She then laid back onto Victor's chest as Logan prepared to grab her second cub.
She panted as the pain got a little easier to handle.
She then growled before letting out a pain-filled moan as her second pup came out quickly.
Katie looked at her second pup before seeing a head full of thick brown hair and Victor's eyes.
She placed her son in the bowl of water before scrubbing him down.
She then slammed her hands down at the bottom of the bowl as she growled violently.
The next pup was on it's way and it was trying to tear her in half.
She adjusted her legs and hips as she placed her son next to her daughter.
She grabbed Logan as Victor dragged his claw down her spine.
Suddenly she heard crying as her third pup fell into the blood-stained sheets.
He was the noisiest.
"Was that one the last pup?" she asked as she tried not to collapse.
"If you let me I can check" Victor said.
She nodded before washing her third pup.
"This one has a voice on him," she said.
Logan kissed her head causing her to relax.
"It was only those three.
Lay back before you collapse kitten" Victor said.
She laid back on him before smiling.
Katie then took off the shirt she was wearing as Victor rubbed her thighs.
They were so proud of her.
Katie placed two of the pups on her chest letting them feed from her breasts as she laid against Victor letting herself finally relax.
"We are so proud of you doll," Logan said.
"So proud," Victor said as he kissed her hair.
She smiled "I'm glad that it's over" she said before giving her little girl to Logan as she placed the third pup on her chest.
She hissed as his canines broke skin as he struggled to latch.
Katie guided him before relaxing again as she winced now and then from her third pup going a little too hard.
She had never felt so complete.
Now her den will be filled with her two mares and their cubs until they're old enough to wander outside the den.
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cresent2003 · 1 year ago
Victor Creed (Sabretooth) x Pregnant Feral! Reader
When a female wolf becomes pregnant she does everything she can to keep the pups warm and safe while the male hunts and protects her.
That was the first thing the team noticed when Julia began to cling to Victor more than normal.
They all didn't know much about feral's and honestly didn't really care but when a few of them heard the sound coming from her room one night they could only really link it to her having a successful heat.
Wade made it his mission to pester her which ended him being ripped apart by Victor who since that night had become more protective and aggressive and then a month after they all noticed blankets and pillows going missing along with sticks and other things.
Logan of course added it up first but couldn't believe that she was making a den which meant she was nesting.
It was late as Wade walked through the hideout with a bag of chips in his hand.
Everyone was either on missions or asleep and he was starting to wonder where his little cat was.
He knew it annoyed her and well sent Victor into super kill but he missed their little talks.
Mostly he would talk while she made this blanket thing that she had been working on since Stryker dragged her into the team.
He walked up to her door before walking in.
"Heyyy kitty...
What the hell?" he said before looking at the den she had made.
The bed was destroyed and the wood from the bedframe now made a cave-like shape as the mattress laid on the floor.
Blankets, pillows, Victor's clothes and anything she could find around was in the den like a nest.
The room was really warm as she slept in a ball in the den.
He looked at her before realising what he walked into.
He had a few seconds to run before Victor was behind him ready to kill him for barging into something he didn't need to.
He rushed out of the room before hearing whimpering coming from the room.
Victor suddenly rushed down the hallway before walking into the room.
Julia sat in her den as she looked around.
It was ruined.
Wade's scent was everywhere and now she no longer wanted to stay in the den because of it.
"What's wrong Kitten?" Victor asked as he knelt down in front of her.
He said his hand on her swollen stomach as she looked at him.
"Wade came in here.
He didn't mean it but now he is all I can smell.
Victor we just finished all this and now it's ruined" Julia said in a sad tone as Wade listened from the doorway feeling bad about disturbing her.
"What?" Victor's voice grew dark as she looked at him.
"It was a mistake so please don't leave me to go hurt him.
I need you" she said as she placed her head on his shoulder.
"I'm not going anywhere.
I'll move everything to my room" he said.
She looked at him before kissing him softly.
"There are other ways to reclaim the den.
I'm too weak right now Vic" she said before rubbing her face against his.
"You wouldn't have to do anything," he said.
"We can instal a lock but until then take me.
Release your pheromones" she said before nipping at his neck.
He growled as she straddled him.
"I thought you were too weak pup," he said.
"Not for this," she said before hugging him as Wade ran far away from the room swearing to never bug her again.
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cresent2003 · 1 year ago
First time
Victor Creed (Sabretooth) x In heat! Reader
Mara never lived a normal childhood.
Her father was an insane sadist who trapped her mother to get his first test subject.
Stryker was never a father to her.
She was like her mother.
A feral but even if she was 85% of an animal she was still sweet and kind.
She was a ray of sunshine but her father made sure to destroy her at a young age leaving her afraid of him.
He would cut her claws so when they would retract she was left screaming in pain.
He would try to erase her mutant DNA as he wanted her broken so it would be easier to make her into a loyal weapon.
When she became a teenager it only got worse.
He would do tests on her and use drugs to stop her eyes from shirts and bleach to cover her leopard spots.
He said it was all because he loved her and wanted her to fit in but she hated his lies.
She could hear his pulse and knew he was Lying every time but was too afraid of what he would do if she disobeyed.
At fifteen her mom died in one of his experiments.
He wanted to make her indestructible but she died during the procedure.
After that, there was no one to protect Mara and that was the opening Stryker needed.
But out of everything he did there was one thing that was beyond cruel.
It was completely inhuman.
He would give her pills to suppress her heat cycles.
He would have them down her throat and then would throw her in a cold room.
He had done this since she was sixteen and after a while, she stopped getting her heat.
Years later Mara stood in her father's office as he kitted a scarf with her claws after finally growing them back.
Dried blood filled her nail bed but she no longer felt the stinging.
Suddenly John walked into the room.
"Hey your dad needs you" he said.
"Ok," she said softly before rushing to the training room where the mutant team her father created was.
"Got her," John said.
Mara come here now" Stryker ordered.
Mara walked to him as the team looked at her with sad eyes.
Everyone except Victor who had been planning to make a move on her when he could get away from Stryker.
"As I was saying, gentleman.
You will be going to a jungle in the Amazon to find a tree I need the sap from.
Mara will be joining you" Stryker said.
Mara froze.
She would die out there.
But maybe that was what her father wanted.
"Hey wait a second.
We're not going to take her there" Logan said.
"She will die quickly," Wade said.
Mara whimpered before feeling her heart stop as her father laughed.
"You all really need to train your brain a little more.
She won't be included in the mission but will be staying in a clearing.
I will not have you here disturbing me while you on your heat" Stryker said.
"Father please" Mara said.
"Shut it.
I am your father and I make decisions for you" he said.
"Ok hold the fuck up.
She can't be out there while on heat.
She'll be too weak" John said.
I'll go.
Ok, I'll go" Mara said.
You'll be leaving now" Stryker said before walking away.
"This is a bad idea," Fred said.
"I'll be fine.
I'll just take suppressants" she said.
"Suppressants?" Logan said.
I've been taking them since I was sixteen.
If I take them you won't notice anything" Mara said.
"You're not taking any damn suppressants" Victor growled as he spoke up for the first time.
"Victor," Logan said.
"Get on the aircraft and leave the pills here" Victor said causing her to shiver.
He had to stop himself from tearing Stryker apart when he heard the things he was saying about Mara.
She was so kind and caring and all he wanted to do was protect her.
He would stay by her side the entire mission if needed just to keep her feeling secure while going through the most vulnerable time for a female feral.
She stood there afraid of what he was saying.
She had never experienced her heat cycle before and it scared her.
"Hey, you alright buttercup?" Wade said.
"This is a bad idea.
I've never-" she said.
"Never what?" Logan asked.
Let's just go before I make myself sick" she said.
They all got on the aircraft as she sat with her knees pressed against her chest.
Bradley sat next to her as she looked at the pill bottle left on a table.
Don't go and get them.
They do more harm than good" Bradley said.
"I don't know what will happen if I don't take them," she said.
The aircraft lifted as she looked forward.
"What were you saying before?" Fred asked as everyone listened in.
"I rather not talk about it" she said.
"No offense but if we're gonna be stuck with you for the entirety of your cycle we kind of need to know," John said.
"You all didn't need to know.
You can't smell my pheromones.
They won't drive you crazy.
I'll be staying away anyways so it won't matter now can we drop it" she said.
"Sooooo when you were younger did your father get a feral to help you know?" Wade said.
What about suppressants don't you understand?" she asked as she started to get frustrated.
"You look a little nervous?
Is it because whatever you're not telling us will make or break this mission?" Wade said.
"Fine, you wanna know that bad.
I've never experienced a heat cycle.
I've never had help for it because Stryker threw me in a room for fifteen days before drugging me so wouldn't be able to rest" she said loudly.
"Are you happy now?" She asked.
"So you're a virgin?" Wade asked.
"Wade, please.
I don't want to hurt you but I really want to tear off your head" she said.
"I would just heal," Wade said.
Suddenly Victor got up before jamming his claws into Wade's eyes.
"Shut the hell up" he growled as she looked at him.
He then walked to her "Move" he said towards Bradley.
Bradley moved as Victor sat next to her.
"I'm really scared" she whispered.
He began to stroke her hair causing her to melt as she softly began to purr.
"Just relax.
I'll stay with you and I will keep you safe" he said.
She looked at him as he presented himself as a potential mate.
She leaned into his touch before placing her head on his shoulder using the shoulder pads in his coat as a pillow.
She had always felt safe around him.
She never understood why and she still didn't but liked that he was the one who was going to help her.
Once they got to the clearing Mara sat on the grass as everything started to hit her at once.
All the testosterone was causing her heat to speed up.
She looked at Logan before whimpering as her body began to burn.
"Ok everyone follow me.
We're going to a separate clearing" Logan said.
"Thank you" she whispered before laying down.
She curled into a ball as Victor wandered off somewhere.
She whimpered as her body heat increased.
It was the most uncomfortable thing she had ever felt.
She sat up before whimpering as her body fought against her.
Her claws grew longer as her eyes glowed.
She cried out as the pain came back.
She felt as if her abdomen was on fire as ten minutes felt like ten hours.
She sat there for forty minutes before Victor came back.
She looked at him before whimpering.
"It hurts," she said.
"It will until you give your body what it wants," he said as he knelt down.
She crawled to him before placing her head on his chest finding comfort when she was close to him.
"I just didn't understand why my father didn't want me to feel all this.
I could have been used to it" she said.
"Once you go through your first heat you become a woman.
He wants you to stay as his little girl" he said.
She looked at him "I don't want to go back there, Victor.
He scares me" she said.
"Leave it to me and I can find you an opening," he said.
"Only if you come with," she said.
"Sure," he said as she showed signs of her trying to attract him.
Everything she said involved Victor.
She nuzzled into his chest as she felt his heartbeat.
"I made you something to help you feel more comfortable," he said.
"What?" she asked.
He lifted her causing her to yelp.
He carried her deeper into the forest before putting her down in front of a dent he stuffed with blankets and pillows that smelt like him.
"Give in to your animal instincts," he said as he rubbed her arms.
She went inside the den before nuzzling into the pillows and blankets.
He made this for her.
She purred as arousal soaked through her child-like panties.
She breathed in his scent before moaning as she began to release sex hormones.
He watched her before realising what she was trying to do.
"Victor," she said.
"What do you need?" he asked.
She growled into one of the pillows as the burning got worse.
"Make it go away.
Please it hurts" she said as her dress rode up showing her ruined panties.
He took off his coat as the hormones and pheromones she was releasing caused him to go into his rut.
She crawled to him before kissing him softly.
She was completely submissive to him as her cunt throbbed.
She then turned around before taking off her panties.
Mara placed her head on the pillows as she presented her dripping cunt only making his need to breed her to grow.
He was so much older than her.
She was only eighteen and he was god knows how old yet his experiences and long life made her feel safe.
She wiggled her hips she moaning loudly as he began to eat her out.
She dug her claws into the pillows as she panted.
It felt incredible as his rough tongue made her scream out as she came.
He didn't stop as he tasted her while taking in her scent.
She tasted sweet as he licked up her cunt causing her to let out pornographic moans.
She had never been touched by anyone like this.
She hadn't even touched herself before.
Everything was new and exciting as Mara moaned loudly.
He made her cum again as her entire body trembled.
He left a soft kiss on her clit before tearing off his clothes as she began to touch herself.
Victor then flipped her before slipping into her.
She purred from the feeling as he nipped at her neck before biting down claiming her as his cock swelled inside her.
He groaned as she came again and again as her body did everything to get him to knot inside her.
His thrusts were erratic but euphoric as she threw her head back before gasping as she felt his cock swell double its size as he shot his cum inside her.
They had successfully mated as he turned her so she was on her side before wrapping his arks around her knowing he would stay inside her for thirty minutes.
"Feel better?" he asked.
She nodded as the exhaustion hit her.
"Thank you Victor," she said.
"Don't thank me.
I will always be there for you.
Whatever you need I will be there" he said.
He looked down before smirking as he noticed Mara fast asleep cuddled into his bare chest.
"You're finally mine," he said before kissing her head.
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cresent2003 · 1 year ago
I need all of you
Victor Creed (Sabretooth) x Feral! Reader
Angelina laid in bed as she tossed and turned trying to fight her animalistic instincts.
She gripped her sheets as she whimpered as she laid on her stomach with her thighs pressed up against her stomach.
She usually could hide everything very well to the point that the men worked with questioned if she was truly a feral.
She had joined Striker a year ago and slowly he started getting other mutants to join his team.
She hated it most days yet her blood lust kept her from leaving them all.
Angelina growled as her heart pounded.
She was trying to not make any loud noises as Wade was next door and would listen through the wall.
It wasn't as if she hadn't had her heat before but this time she didn't have her suppressant and Striker ignored her request when she asked for more.
She even loudly expressed in front of the entire team by accident how worried she was and he ignored her.
She lived with only men and right now she wanted one of them to walk in and take her.
Angelina rolled onto her back before running her hands over her face.
She had to have a stash of suppressants somewhere.
Angelina got up and tore her room apart before growling.
There was nothing.
She thought about other places but each one didn't make sense.
She then grabbed an empty pill bottle from her bedside table before seeing that her suppressants were made by a scientist who spent all her time in the lab downstairs.
The burning in her abdomen and thighs was growing stronger but she put up with it knocking she could just go down there and force that poor woman to make her a new batch.
Angelina walked quickly through the hideout as she tried to stay away from the places everyone went.
She then broke into the lab as her eyes glowed.
She looked around before seeing Bianca.
Angelina rushed to her before grabbing her "Make me more of these.
Please" Angelina said as desperation laced her voice.
Bianca looked at her "Do it" Angelina said before throwing her into her chair.
Angelina looked like a mess as sweat stuck to her skin as her heat got worse.
Bianca looked at her before getting to work as she ignored to slick staining Angelina's leggings.
"These won't be ready for a week.
I can try my best to get them to you sooner but Striker will eventually try to stop me" Bianca said.
I can't last a week" Angelina said before growling.
"Like I said I will do my best to get them done quicker.
For now, lock yourself in your room and rest" Bianca said.
Angelina looked at her with defeated eyes before leaving the room.
She would have to fight through it.
The next night it was all the same.
She had missed out on a mission and now everyone knew something was wrong as Angeina had never missed a mission.
Everyone sat in the lounge after getting back from a mission.
"Hey, do you guys know where our sweet little wolf is?
I haven't heard her at all for a day now" Wade said.
"She probably went on a solo mission or got lost in some forest somewhere" Fred said with a slushie.
"Nope, she's here.
Bianca saw her last night and was pretty jumpy today" Wade said.
"So what?
You obsessed about her or somethin?" Logan asked as he smoked a cigar.
"Maybe but that's beside the point.
You know im going to go see her because unlike all of you, I think she's an important part of this team" Wade said.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," John said.
"Why?" Wade asked.
"Because she wants to be alone.
Let her come to you" John said.
Victor laughed "Like a cute puppy" Wade said.
"That will rip your throat out," David said.
Suddenly a powerful pheromone rushed through the room.
Victor took a deep breath before smirking as his trousers grew tighter.
It was Angelina.
He looked at Logan as everyone continued to argue.
The little she-wolf was in heat.
An hour passed as Angelina laid in bed as she rubbed rough circles on his clit as she tried to get to at least one orgasm.
It was painful and aggravating as she threw her head back as her pussy throbbed as her arousal stained the sheets.
She put her shorts back on before whimpering as her warm, pulsating entrance tightened around nothing.
She closed her eyes as she pressed her body against her pillow as her claws tore through the other side.
She laid there as a masculine pheromone filled her room causing her to moan.
"You should have told me.
I would have happily given you what you wanted" A dark voice filled her ears.
She looked at the door and saw Victor standing in the darkness.
She lifted her hips up causing him to laugh.
"How long have you been like this?" he asked.
"It started yesterday.
Please Victor.
Please" she said.
He took off his long coat before walking over to her she at up and crawled to him before rubbing her face onto his chest and neck.
Angelina then tore off his belt before looking at him "Please make it stop.
It doesn't have to mean anything I just need it to stop" she said.
"Lay on your back," he said.
She did what he asked as her wolf instincts saw him as an alpha.
Her alpha.
It was a strange feeling yet she never wanted it to stop.
He took off his clothes before getting on top of her.
She lifted her head and nuzzled into the side of his face as she ran her hand up and down his arm.
Her claws ran against his skin as he pushed himself inside of her quickly as her arousal coated him.
She moaned out as her walls fluttered around him.
"That's it.
Let your body relax for me" he said.
"Anything for you," she said before moaning as he started to thrust.
"Your instincts really got you whipped," he said.
Her eyes glowed as she looked into his.
He groaned as he picked up his pace causing her to dig her claws into his back as she struggled to contain the pleasure-filled sounds slipping from her lips.
Her entire body shivered as her eyes rolled back.
"Let go.
Fuck" he said as she clung to him.
She cried out as her orgasm washed over her.
Angelina let out breathy moans as he continued to pound into her.
She screamed out as she threw her head back.
"Alpha" she moaned causing him to groan.
Skin slapping filled the room as his thrusts got faster and uneven.
"Fill me," she said.
"You're making it hard for me to keep control pretty girl," he said.
Loose control, please.
Fill me up with your knot" she said.
"Well since you asked nicely," he said as he held her hips in place.
She screamed out as he hit the spot that made her cock drunk as he slammed his hips into hers causing his cup to shoot deep inside her.
"Let's see how long it takes to fill you with my pups," he said.
Her entire body shivered at his words.
"You like the sound of that don't you?" he asked.
"Uh-huh," she said.
He smirked before kissing the spot on her neck that made her heart set ablaze.
One bite and she would be his forever.
He then picked her up causing her to gasp as he placed her on his legs as they sat on her messy bed chest to chest as he guided her hips.
She placed her head on his chest as her canines grew as the need to bite him grew.
She then screamed out as she came onto his cock causing her arousal and his cum to drip onto his pelvis.
He growled as he looked at her as she did everything she could to cling to him.
Victor watched as she whimpered and moaned as her heart pounded in her chest.
He was giving Angelina everything she needed to help her heat.
She could feel him throb inside her as his tip kissed her cervix with each powerful thrust.
"I can already feel your pheromone changing.
You might not know it but your body and your perfect mind are changing so that you will never attract another male feral again" he said.
She let out a broken moan at his words.
Her body shivered as she came again.
Victor groaned as he continued to thrust before shooting his cum within her once more.
He then bit her neck causing her to gasp.
He then licked the bite tasting her blood before looking at her.
"You're mine now," he said before kissing her.
He then placed her on her back before walking away.
She looked around before feeling the bite.
She smiled as she thanked Bianca for not giving her, her suppressants when she wanted them.
Victor came back with a damp cloth before sitting next to her.
"Tired?" he asked as he slowly cleaned her up.
"A little," she said before caressing his face.
"You know when we met I thought you were the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen.
You being on your heat only helped me realise how much I crave you" he said.
She smiled "I tried to lock myself in here yet you found me anyway" she said.
"I could smell your pheromone from the lounge.
While everyone argued about where the hell you were me and Logan both noticed" he said.
"Oh god.
Logan will know won't he?" she asked.
"He won't.
I'll kill him if he says anything" he said.
She looked at him.
"Victor?" she asked.
"What?" he responded.
"If tomorrow I take a test and it comes back positive are you going to run?" she asked.
"If tomorrow you find out you are pregnant I will protect you and the pups until im dead" he said.
"Cool," she said before yawning.
He laughed before getting her thick animal fur blanket.
He threw it onto her before getting into bed next to her.
He kissed her bite before listening to her steady heart and sift breaths before falling asleep himself.
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cresent2003 · 2 years ago
Adult dreams.
Seth Borden x Fem! Reader x Nate Hardy
Her heart was racing as Lilly looked at the old Harriette Manor from the car as everyone unpacked and got set up.
She looked at every small detail and thought the house itself was gorgeous but something about it made her shrink in her seat.
Suddenly the door beside her open.
Someone tapped her shoulder causing her to jump.
You ok?" Seth said as their eyes met.
Just a little freaked out" she said.
"I can drive you home if this is all too much" he said.
"Hey the tour guide just got here" Nate walked to Seth.
Hey I might be a little late.
Lilly isn't sure about all this" Seth said.
Nate's face softened as he looked at her.
"I'm ok Seth" she said.
"It shouldn't be too bad.
This place is pretty tame compared to other locations" Nate said as he smiled softly at her causing her face to heat up.
"Yeah im just getting weird vibes.
You don't mind if I cling to the both of you right?" she asked.
"Not at all" Nate said with a smirk.
"Yeah it's fine.
Remember my offer still stands" Seth said.
She smiled before getting out of the car.
"Hey, you alright?" Colby asked.
"Yeah" she said.
Lilly never went to haunted locations with her friends.
She was invited as Sam was out of town and she was good with cameras.
She didn't mind though as she knew that nothing was keeping her here if things got too overwhelming.
Nate put his arm around her shoulder as they filmed the intro to Colby's video.
She blushed as he pulled her close.
She tried not to show her attraction to Nate and Seth as one slip up and it would be plastered everywhere.
They were her best friends but deep down she wanted more then that with both of them.
Once the into was filmed they walked into the house.
Lilly was blown away from how beautiful and preserved it was.
"Hello everyone.
Welcome to Harriette Manor" the guide said as she walked into the room.
She was a middle-aged woman and seemed very kind and calm.
"Hey im Colby.
This is Seth, Nate and Lilly" Colby said.
"Nice to meet you" the guide said.
"Do you mind being on camera?" Seth asked.
"Not at all.
We get a lot of YouTubers here" she said.
"So what's the backstory of this place?" Nate asked.
"Well it was built by Ignis Harriette after his parents mysteriously disappeared.
See once they were missing her got all of their riches and everything so he built this and filed it with women of the night and the upper-class.
He was quite the ladies man as well.
He was charismatic and kind which at that time was the two qualities you would want in a husband.
He had three wives in his youth.
Each of them was gifted with the best of the best and after they had fallen for his charm he would then do some rather questionable things.
He would tie them up in bed for hours and use a very strong aphrodisiac on them so they physically begged him to help them.
He was what you would call dominant but he was also very sadistic.
He would cut them and cause them a lot of pain but because he used an aphrodisiac they would let him.
But then tragically one-night Ignis and his current wife went missing and years later they were found buried in the garden in pieces.
So a lot of things happened here and not many of them were good" the guide said.
"He drugged them?" Lilly asked.
"We think so" the guide said.
"Have you ever experienced anything here?" Seth asked.
"I haven't but a lot of our guests do.
I've lived here for seven years now with my husband and the ghosts leave me alone when he's around" the guide said.
"What kind of things did they experience?" Lilly asked.
"Well it was more the female guests.
The men usually see and feel spirits.
You'll get a lot of Ignis trying to mess with you tonight but for our female guests they report being touched usually around your waist but it can be anywhere and the one thing you need to pay attention tonight.
We've had a lot of female guests that sleep in the upstairs master bedroom.
The covers get ripped off, they feel something beside them or watching them and the one thing you don't hear a lot about.
You will be at risk of more adult dreams so pay attention to that" the guide said.
"How often does that happen?" Lilly asked.
"It's our most reported occurrence.
Women that come here experience a lot of things that Ignis would do to his wives.
When you're walking around he will touch you and usually like I said it's the waist of other more innocent places but other times it's not like that so I recommend keeping these three close as Ignis won't do that unless you are alone" the guide said.
"Don't worry we'll protect you" Colby said.
Lilly looked at the guide as she struggled to believe what she was hearing.
"I've been to a few haunted locations but they've never been like this" Lilly said.
"You don't have to do this" Colby said.
"It's ok.
I'm curious now.
A little worried but if these things do happen it would be cool I guess to see if they really do happen" she said as she leaned into Nate slightly as her heart pounded in her chest.
She was curious, yes but she was still scared.
Hours passed as Lilly sat in the living room in the Manor as Colby set up in the basement.
She kept thinking about what the guide said and thought about if she should annoy the spirits when she was most likely there target.
Suddenly Nate walked into the room.
"Hey you coming?" he asked.
"Yeah im just thinking" she said.
"You ok?" he asked as he walked to her.
"I think im going to miss out on what you all are planning and go to sleep early.
It just makes me nervous" she said.
Nate sat next to her "No ones forcing you.
If you want I could join you so you feel a little more safe" he said.
She looked at him.
"Thanks but im ok.
I know where you'll be just in case" she said.
"I'll tell Colby and Seth.
Sleep well" he said.
Lilly smiled at him as she looked into his angelic eyes.
"Thanks Nate," she said before walking to the only spare bedroom.
The master bedroom.
She felt uneasy but the other two free rooms weren't safe enough and the third was the boy's room whenever they decided to sleep.
She got changed into a baggy shirt before getting into bed.
The bed wasn't the best but the sheets were soft and the room was surprisingly warm.
She went on her phone for an hour before drifting off.
Lilly cuddled into the sheets before groaning as she felt something get into bed with her.
She fluttered her eyes open to see Seth.
She jumped "Sorry.
We're done for the night are we wanted to check on you" Seth said.
Lilly looked around before seeing Nate in the doorway.
"I'm ok.
This bed is surprisingly comfy.
Did you guys find anything?" she asked.
It was awesome.
Wish you could have joined us though" he said before brushing through her hair with his fingers.
She let out a sigh before looking at him.
"Don't get ahead of yourself" Nate said as he stood on the other side of her before placing his hand on her stomach.
"What are you doing?" she asked.
"We wanted to give you what you've wanted for a while.
We know you like us angel" Nate whispered into her ear giving her chills.
"I'm sorry.
I thought it wasn't that obvious" she said.
"It was.
I can see when you blush from a simple glance or touch and when you rub your thighs together when we're around you" Seth said before kissing her forehead "We know you touch yourself while pretending it's our fingers in your pretty pussy darling" Seth whispered.
"I never..." she said.
"Don't lie angel.
We know" Nate said before kissing her causing her heart to nearly break her ribs from how fast it was pounding.
She broke from his as her face turned fully red.
"So beautiful.
Want us to fuck you angel?" Nate said.
She gulped before nodding "Words love" Seth said.
"Yes" she said.
Seth chuckled darkly before kissing her.
He was softer than Nate but more passionate.
Nate tore her baggy shirt before squeezing her breasts feeling her lacy bra.
She whimpered into the kiss before breaking from Seth.
Seth began to kiss her neck as Nate tore her bra releasing her breasts.
Nate then took one of her breasts into his mouth causing her to gasp.
Seth stopped kissing her neck before taking her other breast into his mouth causing her back to arch.
It was overwhelming but euphoric.
She let out a moan as she grabbed the bed.
Nate slid a hand down her body before slipping her hand into her panties.
He looked at her "Open your legs" he said before licking her nipple.
She opened her legs as far as she thought they would go before moaning as Nate slipped two fingers inside her causing a slight burn to surround her dripping entrance.
"You're so tight" he said before kissing her.
She then threw her head back as he curled his fingers causing him to hit the spot inside her that made her see stars.
"That's it.
Lat it swallow you" Nate said.
"Beautiful" Seth as he took off her panties before rubbing her clit causing her eyes to roll back.
She had never felt anything so amazing.
Lilly could feel her abdomen warm up as she got closer and closer to her release.
Her eyes filled with tears as Seth and Nate watched her.
"I'm gonna," she said before moaning loudly as the pleasure got more intense.
She then screamed out as her whole body began to shake.
"Good girl"
Lilly shot up as she panted.
She looked around before rubbing her face.
She had never had a dream that intense.
It felt so real that she questioned if she was reliving a memory.
She got out of bed before walking into the bathroom.
She looked in the mirror before washing her face.
It was just a dream.
She walked back to the bed before questioning if she should really test if the ghosts could mess with her again.
Lilly put on some leggings better walking across the hallway to the boy's room.
She knocked on the door hoping one of them was inside.
Lilly then felt her heart stop as Nate opened the door.
"What's wrong?" he asked.
She blushed at his half asleep appearance.
It was four in the morning and she didn't even realise.
"I can't sleep" she said.
"Come in" he said before shutting the door.
"Can't sleep?" Colby asked as he sat in bed on his laptop.
She nodded as Seth continued to sleep.
Lilly got into the largest bed in the room with Seth and Nate as Colby would only cause her to stay awake until six.
Nate got into bed behind her as her heart pounded.
Her mind wandered to a place where that dream laid as Nate wrapped his arms around her causing her to melt.
All that dream did was make her realise how much she wished it was reality.
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cresent2003 · 2 years ago
Nate Hardy x Fem! Reader
It was late as Hazel sat in bed on her phone as her nightgown did very little to cover her most vunrible areas.
She was restless after doing Zoom meetings for most of her day.
Her anxiety was suffocating her as she watched a funny animals compilation on YouTube.
She laughed at the video as she faintly heard Nate in the room next to her.
She hadn't spoken to him a lot recently as she truly never had time to.
She was constantly working and that alone left her frustrated.
Hazel and Nate had been friends since high school.
It was a friendship no one expected as they were so different but something just clicked.
Their friendship had stayed the same until a year ago after Nate and Hazel hooked up after getting high in a hot tub.
It was only supposed to be one time and one of those things you forget about but it didn't work like that.
Before Hazel knew it there was a second time and then a third and then a fourth.
They stayed friends but did things friends didn't do.
Friends shouldn't know what spots make you see stats or what you taste like.
Hazel knew that but he made her loose herself.
He was like a drug and she was addicted.
Hazel continued watching the video before freezing as she heard groans and whimpering coming from Nate's room.
She paused her video thinking he somehow hurt himself before hearing her name.
Was he...?
He couldn't be.
She continued to listen before hearing him let out a breathy moan.
She squeezed her thighs together as she played her video as she tried to ignore what he was doing.
She tried to distract herself with her video but that didn't last long.
Suddenly she caught herself walking to his room.
She knew it was wrong but she couldn't stop herself as she knocked on his door.
She waited before watching the door open revealing Nate.
He wasn't wearing anything but a towel that hung low on his hips revealing his v-line.
"What's up?" he asked as he tried not to notice how her nipples were poking from her silk nightgown.
"Nothing um im restless as I was wondering if maybe you wanted to watch a movie with me" She was horrible at lying as she noticed his dick poking out of the confines of his towel.
"A movie?" he asked.
Why else would I come visit you this late?" she said.
"I could think of a few reasons" he said as he licked his lips.
She blushed befyre clearing her throat.
"Why are you really here?" he asked.
She looked at him "I already told you" she said.
He caressed her face "Your body is saying something different" he said befyre kissing her as her to take a large breath.
She wrapped her arms around his neck as the kiss got more heated.
He placed his hands on her ass causing her nightgown to lift up.
He pulled her into his room and shut the door before kissing her neck.
Hazel moaned as she ripped off his towel leaving him fully exposed.
He chuckled darkly against her neck before biting down causing her to gasp.
"You like that?" he asked.
She nodded as he licked the blood oozing out of the bite.
"Nate please" she said.
"Be patient love" he said before taking off her nightgown leaving her fully naked.
"No panties.
Naughty girl" he said before lifting her up by her thighs.
Her head fell back as he left marks on her bare chest.
He had fucked her many times yet each time felt like their first time.
She pulled on his hair as his facial hair scratched against her nipples.
He threw her onto the bed before taking a second to look at her.
The things you do to me baby" he said before grabbing her ankles.
He dragged her down the bed before spreading her legs revealing her soaked pussy.
He groaned "Such a pretty pussy and it's all mine" he said before kissing her inner thighs causing her back to arch.
"Please Nate.
I need you so bad" she said.
He throbbed from her words as he licked around her pussy teasing her.
Her breathing was getting heavier and heavier as he got closer to where she needed him the most.
He dragged his tongue up her pussy causing her to moan as her entire body shivered from the feeling.
"Good girl.
Keep making those pretty sounds for me" he said before licking and sucking on her clit.
Hazel grabbed his hair as her eyes rolled back.
"Nate oh my god," she said before moaning.
He looked up at her before slipping a finger inside her causing her back to arch.
No one could make her feel the way he did.
He watched her as he continued eating her out as he felt her warm walls while searching for that one spot that had her almost pass out.
Hazel tightened her grip on his hair as he added another finger before curling them causing her to moan loudly as she started to feel her release get closer.
"Nate" she moaned his name.
"I know baby.
Just let it happen" he said before licking her clit again.
She suddenly screamed out as she came on his fingers.
He rode her through her orgasm before kissing her abdomen.
"You've been oent up without me haven't you?" he asked.
"Yes," she said as she sat up.
"Want more?" he asked.
"You already know the answer to that" she said.
"Yeah but I like to hear you say it" he said as he rubbed her hips.
"Please Nate.
I want you to fuck me.
Please" she said.
"Who am I to deny you what you've been waiting for?" he said before climbing over her until they were making lustful eye contact.
He took his cock before running it up and down her folds causing her to hum with pleasure.
"I missed you" he said.
"Me too," she said as he rubbed his tip against her clit.
She moaned as he watched her closely.
He loved watching her face as he fucked her.
He loved seeing her face show how good he was making her feel.
"Please don't tease.
I need to feel you.
Nate please" she moaned.
He kissed her befyre biting her ear lobe "Anything for you" he whispered into her ear causing goosebumps to cover her skin.
He lined up to her entrance befyre pushing in causing her to moan.
She could feel all of him as there hips met.
She missed the feeling of being this close to him.
"You're so tight.
Relax love" he said before kissing her neck softly.
Hazel looked at the ceiling as her body slowly got used to having him inside her.
"Please move" she said.
Nate began to thrust as he stuffed his head into the crook of her neck as he moaned from how warm and soft she was.
She grabbed the sheets as Nate found a rhythm that left them both gasping.
"Nate" she moaned out his name before letting out a louder moan.
He looked at her before speeding up slightly causing her to let out a pleasure filled scream.
She couldn't form words as she dug her nails into his back causing him to groan as his muscles tensed above her.
He watched her face twist before looking directly into her eyes causing something to snap within him.
She kissed him before breaking from him as she screamed out.
"Right there fuck right there" she said.
Nate placed his forehead on hers as he keot hitting the same spot inside her.
"I'm gonna..." she said before moaning as talking became almost impossible.
She couldn't think straight as her abdomen git tighter and tighter before snapping.
She screamed out as she came on his cock.
He trained as she squeezed him.
He wasn't going to last long as he rode her through her orgasm.
Hazel then looked at him as his thrusts began to get sloppy.
"Cum inside" she said.
He looked at her before moaning.
Nate kept the same speed as he held her hips.
She watched him in awe as he a med into her as he shot cum deep inside her.
He then collapsed beside her as she looked at him.
"That was fun," she said before sitting up.
"Wait" he said.
"Stay here for the night" he said.
We shouldn't" she said as she looked at him.
Our agreement never stopped you before" he said.
"Why are you getting mad?" she said as she looked at him with sad eyes.
"Because I've fallen in love with you ok.
I know we said we would never do that but you make me so fucking happy Hazel" he said.
She froze "When?" she asked.
"A month or two.
I thought I could brush it off and trust me I tried but every time you came to me so needy and beautiful I couldn't help but catch feelings.
We've been doing this for a year and a half Hazel.
You have to admit we stopped being just friends a while ago" he said.
She turned around as he sat up.
"I promised myself that I wouldn't fall for you because I didn't want to get just again.
I don't know what to do as a part of me shares those feelings but the other part well I don't know" she said.
He moved to her before kissing her.
She froze before melting into the kiss.
She had kissed him many times but this time it felt different.
It was full of love.
She broke from him before looking into his eyes "I think I've fallen for you as well" she said.
He smirked before kissing her again.
He then laid down with her and pulled the sheets over them.
Nate held her as she laid on his chest.
"Goodnight love" he said.
"Night," she said before smiling as she realised that tomorrow her best friend would be her boyfriend.
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cresent2003 · 2 years ago
I will always be here for you.
Nate Hardy x Fem! Reader.
Most people thought that people couldn't feel loneliness when surrounded by so many people that all care about them.
People don't understand how suffocating it is to have friends and still be lonely.
Chloe sat on the kitchen counter as Sam, Nate and Colby set up for a haunted video.
They had been on a YouTube holiday for a few weeks and right before they left Chloe's long-time boyfriend admitted to cheating on her for two years.
She had a cigarette between her lips as she looked at Instagram.
She looked through pictures of people she cared about having fun while she slowly became more numb.
She missed Nick more than anything as he was the first guy who made her feel wanted and now she felt so alone.
Chloe continued to scroll until she stopped at a photo of Nick and the girl he cheated on her with.
She was beautiful.
There was no sign of sadness or guilt on either of their faces as they showed how much they loved each other in a tropical country.
Tears fell down her face as she took a drag from her cigarette.
She tried not to cry too loud as if anyone asked her what was wrong she wouldn't know what to tell them.
Not even her parents knew what had truly happened.
Suddenly Nate walked into the kitchen "Hey we're heading out in thirty minutes" he said before getting a beer from the fridge.
"Ok," she said softly as she wiped her eyes on her baggy black sweater.
Nate looked at her as she took another drag of her cigarette before putting it out in the counter.
"Hey are you ok?
You haven't said anything for weeks and honestly im really fucking worried" he said.
"I'm ok" she said.
She looked at him "Nate im fine" she said.
"Ok but just know you can tell me anything.
I'm always going to be here for you sweetheart" he said before walking to the door.
She looked at him and wanted to tell him to not go but couldn't.
Tears filled her eyes blurring her vision.
"I'm not ok Nate" she admitted.
He turned around as tears ran down her face.
"I know.
I knew the minute we left" he said.
She placed her face in her hands as he walked to her.
"Look at me" he said.
She looked at him "What happened?" he asked softly.
"Nick had been cheating on me for two years Nate.
He only admitted it because he wasn't attracted to me anymore.
I just don't know what I did wrong" she said.
Rage filled Nate "You didn't do anything wrong sweetheart.
That dick is a fucking coward and an idiot that you shouldn't be crying over" he said.
"I loved him.
He was my first and now I don't know what to do with myself" she said.
"Come here," he said as he wrapped his arms around her.
"If I was him I would never cheat on you.
God if I had you I would never fucking let you go" he said.
She cuddled into his chest as she heard his heartbeat.
"Hey guys you coming?" Colby's voice came from the hallway.
"We're on our way dude" Nate said.
She looked at Nate as he looked into her eyes
"You ready to get out of here and get chased by demons?" he asked.
"A little.
Thank you Nate" she said.
"It's no problem.
Don't forget that I will always be here.
I care about you so damn much" he said before kissing her head causing her to blush as butterflies filled her stomach.
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