creece81-blog · 3 years
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Ray-Ban Sunglasses
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creece81-blog · 5 years
Scan Results Are In...
Scan Results Are In…
Yesterday was the day… another scan. As usual nerves build up in the days leading up to the scan, but I am thankful I was able to meet with my Oncologist the same day for a check up and results! After allowing ourselves time to soak in the news we are happy to announce that my scans show NSD (no sign of disease)!!! I am still rocking remission!
I am not sure scans will ever get easier, but I…
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creece81-blog · 5 years
Brief Update
WOW, I just realized it has been almost a month since I gave everyone an update. Kids have kept us pretty busy with track, baseball, t-ball and dance! This past month has been pretty uneventful, thank goodness! I have continued to go in weekly for my fills (to expand and get ready for implants). This has been one of the most painful things I think I have been through. However with my amazing…
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creece81-blog · 6 years
What a Year It Has Been...
What a Year It Has Been…
One year ago today was the day I thought I was saying goodbye to Breast Cancer! Fast forward to today, 7 surgeries later, countless tests, scans, injections and a life long treatment plan I can say I have WON! I am currently in remission from my Breast Cancer! I had surgery 3 weeks ago to begin the process of reconstructing once again, but this time with an amazing Plastic Surgeon!!!! I have…
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creece81-blog · 6 years
1 Week Check-up
I had my 1 week check up today! Nervous as always from all the issues I had before, but all went so well! I got 2 of the 4 drains removed. I had hoped to lose all of them, but appreciate how careful my PS is! He promised I would have them out by my birthday! Next came the bandages, again nervous! But this time is is just soo different! My skin looks so smooth and great compared to all of the times…
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creece81-blog · 6 years
February 13 and After
February 13 and After
Wednesday, February 13 was a BIG day! This was a day that has been on my mind and a day that I have said MANY prayers about! I arrived at the hospital just a little after 7am as instructed. All of the pre-opp things out of the way, was wheeled back the the OR just a little after 8am. Today date this is my 7th surgery, but this is what I hope is a happy one! I had a new set of tissue…
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creece81-blog · 6 years
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One Year Ago Today One year ago today is the day my old life ended and my new life began. …
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creece81-blog · 6 years
Today Was a First
Today Was a First
To say I have been very self conscious since my last surgery, where I had to have my implants removed, is an understatement. But today was a first! I will admit, since that surgery I try to stay home as much as I can and when I do go out I wear a cardigan or vest most days. It helps to hide things. Yes I have prosthetic’s, but they are just simply terrible! They are very heavy and hot so I never…
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creece81-blog · 6 years
Getting Nervous!
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One week from today I will once again go under for surgery. This one is exciting but nerves are running high.
I will go in to begin the process reconstruction once again. My Plastic Surgeon will put in tissue expanders and once healed I will begin to get weekly fills.
I ask for prayers again! Prayers that all will go well this time.
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creece81-blog · 6 years
Where Does Time Go?
Where Does Time Go?
WOW, how can it already be February? I feel like it was the beginning of 2019 just yesterday! The past few days I have been pretty hard on myself. Questioning everything about me. Asking myself, am I a good wife, a good mom and so on. I have found myself with tears streaming down my face with little to no reason at all. I have found myself feeling depressed. Then just today it dawned on me… in…
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creece81-blog · 6 years
All About The Nails!
As women we all love to pain our nails, but have you ever thought about what is in all of that nail polish you use?
One word…Formaldehyde! And yes soo many more bad things!!! Until now!!! Check out this amazing line!
I am IN LOVE with the cuticle oil!!!
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creece81-blog · 6 years
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Finally The Time Has Come I know I have been talking about something big coming and it is finally time to share!
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creece81-blog · 6 years
My Favorite Things
Yesterday I had several questions asking on some items that I could recommend that were safe. While the list could go on and on, I thought I would narrow it down to a few of my favorite things. So here goes…
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Davids Natural Toothpaste
This toothpaste is by far the best toothpaste I have ever used! I have been using this since starting on chemo. I order mine from Amazon and have also paired…
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creece81-blog · 6 years
Riding for a Reason
Riding for a Reason
Recently this amazing organization was the highlight of Loo Bird Creative’s #philanthropyfriday post. I thought I would take a moment to share as my family and I were the recipients of this generous donation! As they weeks were being filled with doctor visits and tests my amazing group of girls “family” were busy putting together a benefit for me. I still get tears in my eye thinking about the…
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creece81-blog · 6 years
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Something Big Is Coming… Stay tuned... There is something BIG coming!
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creece81-blog · 6 years
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Updates From Jan 10th Now that we have had a moment to let it all sink in I wanted to take a moment to update from yesterday!
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creece81-blog · 6 years
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Always Find The Rainbow Among all of the clouds and rain you must always find the rainbow... This is going to be a long week!
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