creatively-kale · 1 month
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I could NOT get this out of my head for the life of me
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creatively-kale · 1 month
So *claps hand* I have a test tmr but billford is living in my head rent free
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creatively-kale · 1 month
tryna animate MudWing ear wiggles
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creatively-kale · 1 month
Yknow rewatching gravity falls makes you realize how batshit insane Ford truly was
1. Lights his face on fire instead of shaving because “it’s faster”
2. Suggests Rudolph should’ve murdered the other reindeer for making fun of him
3. Had a situationship with a triangle
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creatively-kale · 1 month
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creatively-kale · 2 months
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bro really fucked a triangle
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creatively-kale · 2 months
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creatively-kale · 2 months
What's in a Name?
"Listen well, human," the eternal creature hissed, "you summoned me without regard to consequences it would bring. And now I shall have my payment in full before I agree to our bargain."
"And if I refuse?" The human jutted their chin out, daring the creature to challenge them.
"Then I shall eat you and be done with it." The creature blinked lazily.
"Well, when you put it that way, I guess I can agree to pay you first." The human hesitated, "You will do as I ask afterwards? You'll make everything--"
The creature rolled its eyes. "Yes, yes, I'll do exactly as you ask and make things as they should be. Really, do you have to be so predictable?"
The human swallowed. "What would you have of me?"
The creature grinned, baring their yellow, decaying teeth. "Just a simple thing. Nothing but a trifling thing. All I want is your name."
"My name?" The human cocked their eyebrow.
"Yes, your name, human. Speak your name unto me and all you have ever wanted shall come to be." The creature smiled. "Trust in me."
"Very well. My name is Villain." The human said, hoping that they wouldn't regret sharing their name with one of the eternal fae.
The creature blinked, their face contorting with confusion. "Villain?"
"Yes, my name is Villain."
The creature shook its head, horror filling its eyes. "That....that....that isn't your name at all. You cannot lie to me, human, for I know all."
"And yet, here I am telling you my name. Would I lie about such a thing?"
The creature flinched back from the human. "That isn't your name. What trickery is this?"
The human frowned. "No trick, only truth. My name is Villain."
The creature shook its head, closing its eyes. "This cannot be. That isn't your name, and yet you say it is. You cannot lie, but you speak not the truth. Villain you are not. But another name. Another being. Not Villain. Never Villain."
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creatively-kale · 2 months
Deep Water Prompt #3070
Our village has a truce with the forest fae, not remotely human, frightening, dark and spiny. Once a year, we bake and exchange loaves of bread, inedible symbols of goodwill.
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creatively-kale · 2 months
I wonder if the legends that you can't eat the food of the fae without terrible consequences and should therefore refuse food given to you by others started as the ancient Celtic version of "don't take candy from strangers"
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creatively-kale · 2 months
"What is this place?" she asks frantically, knuckles white, shoulders tensed as she glances among the strange gathering of people.
She's not sure how she appeared in the first place. One moment she was in the dim forest, shadowed over by the broad tree canopies above, and the next she's standing in a sunlit clearing, a dozen strangers staring at her with unnatural obsession.
"Who are you?" she demands, stepping back as one moves forward. "What are you?" Her voice rises in panic.
Surely these aren't humans. Not with the colorful flowers blooming from each's flesh. Collaring their necks, shackling their wrists. They sway in place, blissful smiles transfixed on their lips.
"Stay away from me!"
The man who took initiative - bright orange flowers curling from black skin - pauses, head tilted in interest.
She fumbles, hands outstreched pleadingly. "Please don't hurt me."
"Why would we ever do that?" a new voice chimes from behind.
She whips around in surprise. The newcomer is similar to the others, purple strands of flowers flowing from their head like hair, elegantly hanging to their waist. And yet, different: appearing carved directly from tan wood.
She gasps, a warmth pulsing in her lungs with every breath. A slow fog rolling over the fear in her mind, softening the edges.
"Are you lost, sweet blossom?" the creature asks. They have the most lovely voice she realizes. Soft and airy like a spring wind.
"I..." Her knees wobble. All she can smell is pollen.
Her mouth falls open in adoration. The urge to kneel overwhelming, and she falls to the grass obediently.
"Welcome," the creature cups her cheek and smiles. She wishes they'll smile like that at her forever.
Each breath deepening her devotion, her thrall, she succumbs.
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creatively-kale · 2 months
What's in a Name?
"Listen well, human," the eternal creature hissed, "you summoned me without regard to consequences it would bring. And now I shall have my payment in full before I agree to our bargain."
"And if I refuse?" The human jutted their chin out, daring the creature to challenge them.
"Then I shall eat you and be done with it." The creature blinked lazily.
"Well, when you put it that way, I guess I can agree to pay you first." The human hesitated, "You will do as I ask afterwards? You'll make everything--"
The creature rolled its eyes. "Yes, yes, I'll do exactly as you ask and make things as they should be. Really, do you have to be so predictable?"
The human swallowed. "What would you have of me?"
The creature grinned, baring their yellow, decaying teeth. "Just a simple thing. Nothing but a trifling thing. All I want is your name."
"My name?" The human cocked their eyebrow.
"Yes, your name, human. Speak your name unto me and all you have ever wanted shall come to be." The creature smiled. "Trust in me."
"Very well. My name is Villain." The human said, hoping that they wouldn't regret sharing their name with one of the eternal fae.
The creature blinked, their face contorting with confusion. "Villain?"
"Yes, my name is Villain."
The creature shook its head, horror filling its eyes. "That....that....that isn't your name at all. You cannot lie to me, human, for I know all."
"And yet, here I am telling you my name. Would I lie about such a thing?"
The creature flinched back from the human. "That isn't your name. What trickery is this?"
The human frowned. "No trick, only truth. My name is Villain."
The creature shook its head, closing its eyes. "This cannot be. That isn't your name, and yet you say it is. You cannot lie, but you speak not the truth. Villain you are not. But another name. Another being. Not Villain. Never Villain."
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creatively-kale · 2 months
Prompt #1259
The young Fae Lord looked down upon the girl from his throne and asked, “Where is your seal skin?”
The words froze in her throat. How could she respond?
“I don’t have one,” she said after a moment, and hastily amended, “my Lord.”
The court’s whispers rose like the wind through tree leaves.
“May I ask why I would?” She could feel countless eyes on her even despite her own gaze on the lush ground.
He rose from his throne and descended the steps at its base, coming face to face with her. The scent of pine was nearly overpowering this close. He was frowning.
“Selkie,” he said, “Were you taken from your family? Has your skin been lost?”
Her skin pricked at the name. It sounded familiar but she couldn’t place where she’d heard it before.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
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creatively-kale · 2 months
Fae Encounter Tips
1. Always be polite, smile, stand up straight, make eye contact. If you MUST count their fingers to ensure they're a fae, be very careful to do it subtly - staring for too long is very rude.
2. When they ask for your name, do NOT give it. Say "I cannot give you my name, however you may refer to me as [Insert Fake Name]".
2a. "Ainsel" (short for "Me Aan Sel", meaning "My Own Self") is a good fake name - any Fae trying to use said name to put a spell on you will only end up applying it to themselves. However, beware that this comes from a fairly famous fairytale, thus older and wiser Fae may be aware of the trick and not take kindly to it.
2b. A Fae may also extend their hand to "take" your name - the handing over gesture further solidifies the power they are taking over your identity. Do your best to avoid the handshake, even with a fake name - consider wearing an iron/silver/metallic ring. Not wanting to touch the Fae with it for fear of hurting them can be a believable and polite excuse.
2c. Do not ask a Fae for their name - they might take it as you trying to claim power over them. Ask them how you may refer to them, instead.
3. Do not refer to Fae as such directly to their face - call them one of the euphemistic terms, such as "Good/Fair/Blessed/Wee/Hill Folk", "The Good Neighbors" or "The People of Peace". Remember that "Fairy" and subsequently "Fae" is a shortening of "Fair Folk", designed for humans, and is essentially impolite slang.
4. Do not accept any gifts or favours. Fae do not give gifts without expecting something in return, and you do not want to owe them anything if you can help it.
4a. Accepting food will forever bind you to their realm - you will not be able to find your way back, and will soon forget your human life. This might be something you want - I can't make that judgement call for you.
4b. Decline politely - do NOT say thank you (as even without accepting the gift/favour, this will count as a debt), but do acknowledge their generosity. Have a good excuse ready.
4c. Should you, unwittingly, end up owing a Fae something, be sure to put out a dish of cream/milk as soon as you return home. Hope that they accept it as payment.
5. Do not follow a Fae to a third location. You never know when you'll be able to get back from it - even if a Fae is not malicious or mischevious, time does not pass for them as it does for us - you may return home to find that centuries have passed.
6. Do not lie, do not be rude, and do not yell - do try and use double-talk and thick quickly on your feet. Fae thrive on technicalities and loopholes, and exploiting them yourself will not be considered rude.
7. Ensure that the Fae doesn't owe YOU anything, either - insist you aren't able to help them if they ask, do not save them if they appear trapped, etc. A Fae owing you is no less dangerous than you owing a Fae - unless you're in DIRE need, make your best effort to leave the encounter with neither of you owing anything to the other.
8. Once you return home, check to see that nothing is missing, that nothing is broken, that your pets are safe and their fur isn't tangled, watch for small footprints or various little items that weren't there before - if you did everything right, there should be no signs of Fae interference.
8a. If you do find signs of Fae interference, put out an offering far away from your house as soon as possible.
8b. Items left by Fae in your house should be given back with said offering - loudly acknowledge their generosity and that you simply can't accept their offer. Return home quickly. Consider putting a horseshoe on your door.
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creatively-kale · 2 months
anyone know how to get rid of the ferns growing in the pit of your stomach?!? mine keep growing back
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creatively-kale · 2 months
One day you'll go walking at dusk and see mist gently grace the treetops. All you'll be able to hear are the sounds of insects and birds and the air will smell like summer, whatever that means to you. You'll feel magical again, like you used to, and it will seem like you can almost see groups of fairies flittering about the bushes. That's when it will all be okay again.
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creatively-kale · 2 months
Gonna go take a nap in a fairy ring. That sounds nice
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