creation spirit
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creation-spirit 3 months ago
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Saw your 90s style anime tadc art, How????
Like it looks soooo good
Tell me your secrets
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creation-spirit 5 months ago
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creation-spirit 5 months ago
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The earing is from Irep
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creation-spirit 6 months ago
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I like putting sprinkles on his head
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creation-spirit 6 months ago
the ANW team held their season 1 wrap party today!
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all the crew members are posting about it right now on their ig stories, and ashleigh's big speech near the end of the party ended with "here goes something!" and everyone was chanting "SEASON 2!!!" for a while
Christian Zayas, production coordinator and clean up artist, posted this on his account a while ago.
Remember to support the show on Netflix when it drops!!! According to Lindsay, it's what determines whether season 2 is greenlit or not!
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creation-spirit 6 months ago
First when I saw the bangladesh flag I called it greed japan. And its so funny to me. Ah, yes 馃嚙馃嚛
Green japan.
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bangladeshi hatsune miku 馃嚙馃嚛
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creation-spirit 6 months ago
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Anxiety fell asleep 馃様
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creation-spirit 6 months ago
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Missing his big brother
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creation-spirit 7 months ago
Remember that scene in Lost in Fairy World, when they were in a field of wands?
Dev would be the kind of guy to steal one and then use it as a safety protocol
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I know we don't have a confirmed s2 yet. But I hope this means Dev would be able to get his memories back somehow too.
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creation-spirit 7 months ago
I dont understand why they would make the main antagonist of the season look so silly and unthreatening. They could make the square design work, like something like this
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creation-spirit 7 months ago
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creation-spirit 7 months ago
So, in the most recent FOP A New Wish episode we get to see how Dev getting Poof/Peri as his own fairy has been going and uh... it is different than i expected but not something i couldn't see happening.
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Dev is constanly demanding for more and more from Peri. Being too much of a perfectionist or exaggerated when it comes to his wishes. It does make sense: He is someone who is used to have many things given to him from what we have seen from previous episodes. Peri gets frustrated at Dev for his constants demands too. Like when he wants to use his wishes to scare kids in the museum. He doesn't approve of Dev's ideas but he still alongs with it because that is his job as oddparent.
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Their relationship is a good contrast to Hazel and Cosmo and Wanda's: While Hazel only asks for wishes for things she needs or to help others, Dev is too much of a perfectionist and doesn't treat Peri well. He yells at him and shuts down any of his suggestions.
It is an interesting approach of showing what could happen if you gave a fairy to a kid who can exploit their magic way too much and some things are just never enough. Also that they could use their wishes for dangerous things. (like messing with ancient spirits).
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Later in the episode we see Peri telling to Dev that he won't be able to make friends if he keeps scaring other kids, to which Dev answers with saying that he 篓doesn't need friends篓. It is shown that it isn't the case since he was in part doing this because he was upset about the argument he had with Hazel in Founder's Day episode.
While Dev appears to consider Peri's advice later, it is unclear how their relationship could go from here. Maybe over time Peri could become a good influence to Dev and help him with being better... but something really bad could happen between the two that lead to Peri getting assigned to another kid or him leaving. That would depend on Dev deciding to change for the better or not in future episodes and treating Peri better than he does now.
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creation-spirit 7 months ago
So Tooth Fairy had offered Poof/Peri a job
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creation-spirit 7 months ago
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Wondered how he'd look with his mom's eyelashes
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creation-spirit 7 months ago
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Poof/Peri doodles. I watched the reboot just for him
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creation-spirit 7 months ago
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Babe wake up, adult Poof just dropped.
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creation-spirit 7 months ago
I wonder what Foop will look like.
Would he be the opposite of Peri personality wise? Like, if Peri is smooth and sassy would Foop/Irep be too literal and have 0 charisma?
Would he look like Peri, but dark blue and black hair or have the opposite of Peri's physical features?
Would he change his name too and use Peri's name, but backwards or will he choose his own unique name?
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And most importantly, what would their relationship be like? Bet it'd be what it was when they were children but cranked up to 100 lol
(they could throw some homoerotic tension between them because why not? Fairy x Anti-fairy enemies to lovers yaoi goes hard)
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