creatingease · 1 month
Brain Stores Multiple Copies of Single Memory
Summary: Memories are not static; they adapt over time to help us respond to new situations. Researchers have discovered that the hippocampus stores multiple copies of a single memory, each within different neuron groups that develop at different stages. These copies vary in their persistence and flexibility, influencing how memories can be modified or recalled. Understanding these dynamics may…
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creatingease · 6 months
Intelligence and Focus: How the Brain Tunes Out Distractions
Intelligence and Focus: How the Brain Tunes Out Distractions Researchers made a breakthrough in understanding how the brain manages to focus in noisy environments, distinguishing between enhancing relevant information and tuning out distractions. Their study explores the intricate coordination of multiple attention mechanisms, akin to the coordination of muscles for physical tasks. Utilizing…
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creatingease · 7 months
DRAGOBETELE - A New Beginning Tradition
DRAGOBETELE – A New Beginning Tradition 24 Februarie, Românii sărbătoresc Dragobetele, când păsările îşi găsesc perechea şi îşi fac cuiburi. Dragobete ar fi exponentul principiului contrar, pozitiv, al înnoirii. Din perspectivă mitică, Dragobete este echivalentul românesc al mesagerilor divini Cupidon/Eros. El este „purtătorul dragostei şi bunei dispoziţii pe meleagurile româneşti.” Îndrăgostiții…
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creatingease · 1 year
Hidden Emotions: The Subtle Impact of Facial Color
Summary: Researchers explored how facial color affects our subconscious perception of emotions. Using photos with “hybrid emotions,” they discovered that reddish facial hues enhanced the friendliness of happy expressions without affecting angry ones. Notably, facial color subtly influences how we unconsciously perceive these mixed emotions. The study provides preliminary insights, hinting at…
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creatingease · 1 year
Christian Practices comparable to Eastern Meditation
Christian Practices comparable to Eastern Meditation include Contemplative Prayer, Centering Prayer, and Christian Mindfulness. These practices aim to cultivate inner stillness, awareness, and connection with the divine, much like Eastern meditation techniques. They share similarities in their focus on present-moment awareness, self-reflection, and spiritual growth. Contemplative prayer involves…
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creatingease · 1 year
Hyper-Palatable Foods into the US food system
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creatingease · 1 year
Cigarettes Ignite the Risk of Mental Illness
A new study reveals a direct link between smoking and the increased risk of mental illnesses like depression and bipolar disorder. The research, based on data from 350,000 individuals from the UK Biobank, shows that smoking increases the risk of hospitalization for mental illness by 250%. Importantly, the study finds that smoking typically precedes mental illness, often by a significant time gap.…
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creatingease · 1 year
Half the World Faces Mental Health or Mood Disorders
A comprehensive study found that one in two individuals globally will experience a mental health disorder in their lifetime. Analyzing data from over 150,000 adults across 29 countries, the researchers found that 50% of the population will develop at least one disorder by age 75, with mood disorders like depression and anxiety being most common. The study highlighted different prevalence of…
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creatingease · 1 year
AI to measure the risk of "emotional contagion"
Researchers employed artificial intelligence (AI) to measure the risk of “emotional contagion” among relationship professionals, such as social workers, psychologists, family therapists, etc. This emotional contagion, an unconscious transfer of emotions, can lead to burnout and depression. Using AI software to measure facial expressions while participants viewed emotional film clips, researchers…
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creatingease · 1 year
Light Exercise Enhances Executive Function - Pupil-linked Neural Activity
Researchers have discovered that mild forms of exercise, like walking, can improve mood and enhance the brain’s executive function. The key to this improvement lies in our eyes – or more precisely, our pupils. By using pupillometry, a non-invasive technique that measures pupil size, researchers discovered that pupils dilate during light exercise, an indicator of improvement in executive…
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creatingease · 1 year
Slowing Down the Clock: Key Discovery in Aging and Chronic Inflammation
Researchers uncovered a key mechanism of aging – improper calcium signaling in the mitochondria of certain immune cells, leading to chronic inflammation. As we age, these mitochondria in macrophages lose their ability to uptake and utilize calcium, contributing to various age-related conditions. However, by increasing calcium uptake in these cells, the researchers believe we could potentially…
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creatingease · 1 year
The Silent Struggle: Are Language Barriers Holding Back Science?
An international survey reveals a substantial disadvantage for non-native English speakers in scientific research. The study, which involved 908 environmental science researchers, found non-native speakers needed twice as much time for scientific activities, including reading, writing, publication, dissemination, and conference participation. Furthermore, their research papers faced higher…
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creatingease · 1 year
Slippery Elm for Acid Reflux?
Can You Use Slippery Elm (ulmus rubra) to Treat Acid Reflux? Slippery elm is a medicinal supplement that helps some people with acid reflux. Research is limited. Acid reflux can happen when your lower esophageal sphincter doesn’t seal and close off your esophagus from your stomach. This allows the contents in your stomach to come back up your esophageal tract, leading to an inflamed…
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creatingease · 1 year
Better ‘Mind Reading’ Skills Linked to Enhanced Cooperation
Summary: A new study reveals that individuals with stronger ‘mindreading’ abilities, or the capacity to understand others’ feelings and intentions, are more successful in cooperative tasks. This trait, also known as ‘theory of mind,’ is not directly tied to intelligence and can potentially be improved through training programs. The research demonstrated that those with high theory of mind were…
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creatingease · 1 year
What is the Better Life?
Positive psychology began as an inquiry into the good life to establish a science of human flourishing and improve our understanding of what makes life worth living (Lopez & Snyder, 2011). What Is The Good Life? The word ‘good’ has a very different meaning for very many people; however, there are some aspects of ‘the good life’ that most people can probably agree on such as: Material…
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creatingease · 1 year
Drama addiction results when we confuse intensity for intimacy.
For people who grew up in chaos, drama can become a familiar and safe space. Instead of finding conflict unhealthy and disruptive, it might feel calming and soothing to them. After all, if you’ve grown up in a high-conflict home, peace and quiet can be weirdly unsettling. Being drawn to drama can be a result of growing up with trauma, constant conflict in a family of origin, chronic uncertainty…
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creatingease · 1 year
Revitalizing Brains: Holistic Rehab Program Boosts Cognitive Performance
Researchers pioneered a 12-week program that leverages lifestyle interventions and brain coaching to improve cognitive function in individuals experiencing ADHD, post-concussion syndrome, and memory loss. This multi-disciplinary, non-pharmaceutical approach notably enhances memory, mood, attention, alertness, and sleep patterns. The study showed significant improvements in executive functioning…
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