Create Space Organizing
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Professional Organizer & Wardrobe Consultant, Marissa Jacobs. Based in Denver, Colorado.
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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✧ In the chaos, find the calm. ✧ ................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . #lifecoach #personaldevelopment #coactivecoach #coachnotes #coach #intentionalliving #findthecalm #findthecalminthechaos #calm
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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◖ Mindful Monday ◗ . ✦ Today I am sharing with you a beautiful meditation practice called lovingkindness meditation or the metta prayer. Visit my stories to see instructions and 3 different versions of this practice for you to try, or adopt a variation of your own. This meditation offers healing wishes for yourself, someone you love, your community, and the world as a whole. I’d say that’s very needed in a time with so much fear, and it’s really needed always.✦ . One version from Jack Kornfield is: ✧ May all beings be filled with lovingkindness. ✧ May all beings be safe from inner and outer dangers. ✧ May all beings be well in body and mind. ✧ May all beings be at ease and happy. .............................................................................................. . . . . . . . . #lifecoach #coach #certifiedcoach #coachnotes #coactivecoach #selfcare #intentionalliving #mindfulliving #mantramonday #affirmations #mindfulmonday #lovingkindness #lovingkindnessmeditation #mettaprayer
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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✧ These wise words are perhaps never more true than during these unknown and challenging times. Let’s do everything we can to keep ourselves calm and well and to preserve our inner peace. ✧ ................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . #lifecoach #personaldevelopment #coactivecoach #coachnotes #coach #intentionalliving #innerpeace #peaceful #calm #staycalm #calmspirit
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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✨ Book 7 of 2020 📚 . Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman . I feel like every book I have read recently has made me cry and this one was no exception. This book started our seeming a little bit silly and quippy but keep reading and you will realize it is so much more than that. A tender story about a woman with an unimaginable past and how she navigates social and societal norms with awkwardness and honesty. It was a pleasure to be a reader of this gal’s development as she opens her hearts and learns to let people in for the first time. 📖 . . . . . . #book7of2020 #2020booklist #quarantinequeue #quarantinereads #alwaysreading #bookstagram #booksanddogs #riderreads #beagador #beagadorsofinstagram #eleanoroliphantiscompletelyfine #eleanoroliphant
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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✦ It is human to feel scared, anxious, unsure, grateful, emotional, exhausted, blissful, guarded, peaceful, angry, and any other emotion that comes up for you during these uncharted times. There’s space for all of it. ✦ ................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . #lifecoach #personaldevelopment #coactivecoach #coachnotes #coach #intentionalliving #brenebrown #celebratehumanity #wednesdaywisdom
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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Ⓜ Ⓐ Ⓝ Ⓣ Ⓡ Ⓐ | Ⓜ Ⓞ Ⓝ Ⓓ Ⓐ Ⓨ . ✦ Find some quiet space that feels good to you, close your eyes, and repeat to yourself “I am here”.” That’s enough for now. ✦ . .............................................................................................. . . . . . . . . #lifecoach #coach #certifiedcoach #coachnotes #coactivecoach #selfcare #intentionalliving #mindfulliving #mantramonday #affirmations #riderdog #beagador #beagadorsofinstagram
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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✦ These are challenging times and I know we are all on edge. Just a reminder to take care of yourself, be gentle with yourself, let yourself slow down and show love to yourself and to others. ✦ ................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . #lifecoach #personaldevelopment #coactivecoach #coachnotes #coach #intentionalliving #takecare #slowdown #showlove #bekind
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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✨ Book 6 of 2020 📚 . Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb . I know, I’m slacking on my reading pace, but this book took me a while to get through. I ended up really liking it, and per usual cried at the end late at night under the covers, but felt it could have been edited down quite a bit and was overall a slow read. . Lori Gottlieb shares her journey of going through her own life challenges while helping her therapy clients with theirs. There are poignant moments and funny moments as she shares what kind of things people being into their sessions, but overall my takeaway was the importance of getting help and talking about our demons and insecurities and fears so we can heal and evolve. Right? That’s why I do the work that I do as a coach. . As Gottlieb says: “therapy is about understanding the self that you are. But part of getting to know yourself is to unknow yourself—to let go of the limiting stories you’ve told yourself about who you are so that you aren’t trapped by them, so you can live your life and not the story you’ve been telling yourself about your life.” . If you’re interested in mental health, give this one a read.📖 . . . . . . #book6of2020 #2020books #2020readingchallenge #currentlyreading #readersofinstagram #alwaysreading #maybeyoushouldtalktosomeone #lorigottlieb #therapy #riderreads #beagador #booksanddogs
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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✦ What is that thing that is in the back (or front) if your mind that you are feeling called to do, even thought it’s a stretch, a leap, a departure from your comfort zone? ✦ . I’ll bet when you read that there was something that came to you immediately. Or maybe a couple of things. What are they? Say them aloud. Write them down. Look at them straight on. . Then ask yourself what has held you back from going for it? From starting? What would you need to trust to be able to commit to doing the thing you want to do? . Take the first step. Event a baby step. Get a journal for your ideas for this project. Reach out to someone who could support you in this quest. Sign up for a class to learn the skills you’ll need. Whatever it is, begin. ................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . #lifecoach #personaldevelopment #coactivecoach #coachnotes #coach #intentionalliving #starttoday #dontdelay #taketheleap #takethefirststep #begin
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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✦ Ⓜ Ⓐ Ⓝ Ⓣ Ⓡ Ⓐ | Ⓜ Ⓞ Ⓝ Ⓓ Ⓐ Ⓨ ✦ . ✨Mistakes are how we learn, grow, evolve.✨ . 📷 @sophia.joan.short .............................................................................................. . . . . . . . . #lifecoach #coach #certifiedcoach #coachnotes #coactivecoach #selfcare #intentionalliving #mindfulliving #mantramonday #affirmations #makemistakes #mistakesarelessons #trusttheprocess
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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✦ “No need to hurry. No need to sparkle. No need to be anybody but oneself.” {Virginia Woolf} ✦ . No need to pretend, morph, hide, or shrink yourself. Just be you. The real, true-to-yourself you. . You might not always feel that you know what that looks. I get that. Sometimes I think that I’m not sure if something is right for me or I think that I’m not sure if I’m really being myself. But that just means I’m ignoring the signs, the clues, the intuitive knowing of my body and deepest self. Let’s all listen to that more and let it shine through. Let’s be ourselves. ................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . #lifecoach #personaldevelopment #coactivecoach #coachnotes #coach #intentionalliving #virginiawoolf #beyourself #beyou #trueself
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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🦴We won’t ever know Rider’s actual birthday because he was a stray, so we will celebrate his #gotchaday which was one year ago today! We do know he was about one when we got him, so happy second(ish) birthday to our sweet pup. 🎂 There is a peanut butter-filled bone with your name on it tonight, buddy!🦴 ................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . #riderdog #gotchaday #happybirthdaybuddy #rescuedog #beagador #adoptdontshop #beagadorsofinstagram
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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✨ It can’t all matter at the same time. When everything is important, nothing is.✨ . Needed this reminder from the wise @bemorewithless ................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . #lifecoach #personaldevelopment #coactivecoach #coachnotes #coach #intentionalliving #courtneycarver #bemorewithless #priorities #prioritize #essentialism #choosewhatmatters
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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✨ Heart is full after a weekend in the mountains with these sweet friends who I have had in my life since middle school. Our lives have brought us all down different paths - living across the country, exploring various jobs, experiencing relationships beginning and ending, growing families, but it’s been special to still connect and show up for each other after all these years. That’s what I am carrying forward into the week - let’s all love and cherish our people. ✨ ................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . #lifecoach #personaldevelopment #coactivecoach #coachnotes #coach #intentionalliving #girlsweekend #loveyourpeople #20yearsoffriendship #crestedbutte #crestedbuttecolorado
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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✨ You know when something comes at just the right time? I have spent the last few days away in the colorado mountains with 5 wonderful women in my life. Having the crisp air in my lungs, the soft snow beneath my skis, and the connection all around me has been rejuvenating and has made me feel very lucky. Something about being in the mountains makes it all feel ok. ♥️✨ ................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . #lifecoach #personaldevelopment #coactivecoach #coachnotes #coach #intentionalliving #mountains #girlsweekend #crestedbutte #crestedbuttecolorado #coloradomountains #skitrip #skicrestedbutte
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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✨ Book 5 of 2020 📚 . I Am, I Am, I Am by Maggie O’Farrell . There is not greater reminder of the preciousness of life than an experience of being close to death, and O’Farrell shares 17 close calls that she has had in her gripping memoir. . I’ve read this one before, and it’s still a favorite to come back to.📖 . . . . . . #book5of2020 #2020readingchallenge #2020reads #2020readinglist #2020books #alwaysreading #iamiamiam #maggieofarrell #maggieofarrellbooks
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createspaceorganizing · 5 years ago
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✨ Remembering today that everything we do is a stepping stone, an opportunity, a learning experience. Sometimes it can be hard to not be able to do exactly what we want to do, but lets’s keep our visions, our dreams, in our minds always. Let’s put in the work, pay our dues, learn from others, make progress. Let’s do what we have to do today so tomorrow we can do what we really want. ✨ ................................................................................................ . . . . . . . . #lifecoach #personaldevelopment #coactivecoach #coachnotes #coach #intentionalliving #oprah #payyourdues #keepgoing #buildyourlife #reachyourgoals #keeyourchinup
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