Love yourself more, and not only your food intake
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createdforthepurpose · 3 years ago
Stand up to Pork
The last blogs I created were completed to help everyone to understand that pork can be the reason most people's health is failing. There have been a lot of things in place saying that pork is good or pork can help as a protein, but for some reason I just feel a report needs to take place in order to count how many people continue to be sick from eating pork. I was able to interview three people but how many other people in the world are developing health issues just because they’re eating pork. The numbers will never be listed because of the money that comes behind pork. Pork is a popular meat and the product is being carried in a lot of places with money so coming after pork can cause a lot of problems.
Next, let's say that the United States wants to vote on if pork is good for our health. I feel that the people who created pork would pay the media or whoever they can in order to stop people from noticing that this meat is not a good meat. Us people need to care about how our bodies are reacting to this meat. Food is not always good so why not ask to research if pork is killing us. How come we believe the people making this meat are not trustworthy? How come we just cook this meat, call it bad, but still eat it? I have a lot of questions that have nothing to do with how this meat is making us feel but why not stand up to pork. 
Now, pork is a cheap meat and it doesn't cost much at all. Pork is created to be low in price because of how it was created. Ask yourself this question: Why is this meat so cheap? I can answer the question for you, because the people making it don’t care if it's cheap or not. Pork costs them nothing to make it. Did you also know that there are different types of pork as well? Ribs cost a lot of money, but chitaling doesn't cost much. Have you ever asked yourself why is it that the same type of meat costs different prices?  I also want to point out that chitaling is pig intestine and they are selling it inside our stores. Can you shout out and say, disgusting?
 Furthermore, chitaling is said to be hard to digest but people still are eating it. I can’t understand how the government can allow this pig poop to be cooked and eaten. I would point fingers at some people but it really doesn't matter if we’re continuing to eat it. Put the pork down and save your own life I would say.  Check to make sure your body is okay so that it won’t hit you later in life. Think about how you can put this pork meat to rest. I know I'm a mess about pork but exposing this type of thing can save a life.
So, I talked about a lot of things and interviewed a few people to try my best to make someone hear my concerns. Not too many people care but then there are some people who care because they're noticing that their bodies are getting weak and sick from pork. Also, a lot of the world's obesity is coming from certain types of food and I feel that pork is the main cause of it. Pork has a lot of fat in it so of course pork is the reason a lot of people BIM is out of whack. Standing up and stopping eating this meat can stop pork from being created.
I can yell and scream so loud about pork but it’s really up to you if you want to hear the screaming telling you to get rid of pork. I feel your health is more important than pork. Stopping and asking questions about it can save a life. Standing up and speaking out against pork can save your life. Learning about pork can help you to understand your body more when you eat pork. I addressed all these concerns and more. A person who doesn't care for their health would consider my blog nothing but people who care will understand it. I’m just here to open your eyes so you can understand everything you eat is not safe. The people creating pork is one of them, but remember this blog is my personal opinion and I'm only blogging this information because I don’t want the world to be sick because of this meat. I just care for the world and I'm standing up for the people who don’t know about pork or what it’s doing to our bodies. I just hope someone understands me and care about your health by stopping eating pork.
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createdforthepurpose · 3 years ago
Stop Eating Pork
If you read my last blog you should be aware that I was conducting three interviews with three older people that are past the age of 80. The interview I decided to perform was, of course, about pork. I conducted this interview in order to observe how pork can cause a lot of harm to your body if you eat it for a very long time. My interviews allowed me to see if my theories about pork are true and I'm starting to think the truth is pork is bad. Please continue to read so you can learn why pork is not good to eat.
Mrs, Hellen, whos 88 years old better know as Mrs. Smith said she ate pork all her life up into the age of 40. I asked Mrs. Smith, if she liked pork and her response was, “I do like pork, but it has too much salt in it for me to eat it”. I asked Mrs. Smith, why she stopped eating pork and she responded back to me, “ The pork today is not like the pork they made back in my days.” She told me they add more junk in it so people can want more of it. I asked Mrs. Smith to tell me more about it, but her nurse called her  on the phone in the middle of our interview. Mrs. Smith's last words to me  while leaving out of her room was. “ I had high blood pressure as a youngster and that was the reason I stopped eating that pork in the first place”. There you have it folks, one person who cares about their health and I can say this pork is not a friend of mine.
Mr. Hero, better known as Scot with one T, told me he is 87 years of age. I asked him if he likes pork and he told me, “ I don't eat pork”.  I asked Scot if there was a reason he doesn't eat pork and his response was, “ I never ate pork in my life”. I asked Scot one last question about pork because he was in the middle of playing a chess game and it seemed as if I was ruining his fun. I asked Scot if pork was the last food on earth, would he eat it? Scot looked up at me while I was holding my paper and pen and said, “ I'd rather die than to eat man made meat”.  There you have it another person who turned down that pork which is bad. I continued on with my interviews so I can help all my readers understand that pork is a bad meat and it looks as it, no one I'm interviewing likes the meat called pork.
Last interview for my day and it’s Mrs, Campbell and she likes to be called Mrs. Bell. I asked her age and she told me 25, but for some reason I never saw a 25 year old with wrinkled skin and eye glasses shaped thicker than a bowling ball, but I will not question this woman's age because I was told never to ask a lady her age. Mrs. Bell said she eats pork all the time and she also eats it with mostly every meal she has ever eaten. I asked Mrs. Bell has pork made her sick before and her reply back to me was, “ Any food can make you sick dear, you just have to know how to cook in the kitchen”. Okay, Mrs, Bell I found out has memory loss , so I'm pretty sure most of her information provided to me will never be what I’m asking her to respond back to, so I’m gonna to take this interview as a let down and still say pork is still a bad meat.  
Therefore, I can continue on with interview after interview but it's up to you if what I'm saying is the truth. I know for myself that the other white meat should not be allowed to be sold in stores because of the outcome of eating it . So why eat the pork for so many years if you know it's unhealthy. I would love to tell someone that this information I am conducting in my blog is all lies, but then I would feel really bad about it because everything I type out is real information.  My advice and research is only here to help the people who would like to live for a very long time and eating pork would not allow you to do that. I heard a lot of things about pork and saw a lot of things when people eat it for a while but I never saw that pork is a great meat to eat in order to lose weight. No one has to take my word for it but, pork is bad and stop eating it.
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createdforthepurpose · 3 years ago
Pork Interview with a Friend
This post is going to be conducted off an interview that I completed with one of my best friends. Okay, not one of my best friends but she is my only best friend. I will be addressing all the food she likes and which ones make her body feel weak when she eats it. Meaning which food causes her to feel tired, sleepy and unfocused in her everyday tasks.  My friend ends up providing me with a list of food she likes and dislikes but, I'm going to choose the food I think is causing her sluggishness in her everyday activities based on the information she provided to me about how the food is making her feel.
Now, the foods better known as meals my friend Chelle enjoys to eat are, bbq chicken, baby back ribs, mash potatoes, greens with smoked ham in it, ox tails, lamb, rice and baked chicken. With this list my friend provided to me I decided to ask her which proteins caused her to have indigestion while having a bowel movement and she explained, to me, the baby back ribs cause her a lot of pain when it goes through her digestive system. My friend also explained the greens she so loves to eat with the ham inside of it also causes her to have pain while she uses the restroom. I asked my friend if she has this issue every time she’s consuming these foods and she replied back to me, yes, I do.
As a result, I noticed that my friend Chelle only experiences this feeling while using the restroom, only when she eats pork, I do believe. I know that this is a bias statement I am conducting, but let's look at the straight facts in this situation. My friend Chelle advises that she loves all kinds of foods, but her favorite foods to eat are, bbq chicken, baby back ribs, mash potatoes, greens with smoked ham in it, ox tails, lamb, rice and baked chicken. With this being said, she advised that the ribs and greens with ham in it always made her feel sick in her stomach and hard to move in her digestive system when she was using the restroom. Chelle also advised the pork in any foods she cooks always made her feel sick, no matter how she prepared her meals.  
Also, pork is the leading sign of high blood pressure as I once said before because of all the salt that’s in pork. I made it a point to also ask my friend a question about if pork is a good choice of protein and she stated, I know pork is not a good choice of protein, but I love it and it tastes so darn good to me. I can’t agree with my friend because I myself don't eat or cook any kind of pork. My friend made me understand that most people know how bad pork is to them, but since it tastes so good, they have to eat it. This is something I hear a lot about pork since I've been interviewing people these last few days about eating pork and I’m starting to think that it’s a trend to say, pork is good. 
Now, I'm going to take myself as an example to explain how pork is not something to eat and this protein is not good. I by mistake ate a piece of a baby back rib and instantly made me sick. I was throwing up and having a high sweat gland party within myself for eating this bad piece of meat. I started to feel as if I was becoming dehydrated because of me eating this meat by mistake. I just could not understand how a little mouth full of pork can cause my body to react as if I just swallowed a tub full of bacteria.  
In fact, I came up with my own theories about why my body was feeling this way for consuming this meat by mistake and there it hit me like a box of rocks. My body rejected this protein because I never ate it. My body detected this item as if it was bad so it started to fight the pork off inside me as if I had a virus in me. I understood this situation a little better once my doctor also explained it to me, but I just can not understand why my body put up a defense system for a meat everyone considered as good. I just can't answer this question if it was the last meal on earth.
Finally, I decided to react out to a few older people in life to seek additional help with why pork is not good to eat and I will be discussing this information on my next blog to come. Thanks for everyone reading and you will be hearing back from me soon.
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createdforthepurpose · 3 years ago
No one will agree with me saying that pork is not a good thing to eat. I understand when someone is feeling as if it's the only food that tastes good to them, I understand this piece of meat has been everything you loved since childhood.  You have to be kidding me when you say I'm in love with the other white meat. No way can you love something with high salt and calories. This is not true for a human to agree this meat is not harmful. Hello out there, the pork is killing people my friend.
Not many will track their intake of how this meat is creating death in the inside of their body. Not one person will ever notice this meat can cause you to stuffer with a lot of health issues. I hate to tell you my friend but lose the meat and learn what it’s doing to you. The other white meat, better known as pork, will attack you in our older years and of course you may not care but please don;t be a jerk about it. Learn this meat before it's too late.
Okay, I'm a little pushover about this pork thing but hey, I'm just trying my best to save your life. Look at it like this, I'm saving your family from putting you into an early grave.  Just listen to me as if I'm a guardian angel, trying to lean your life into a better one. I'm not your angel but I can give you great advice when it comes to your health.  Just think about it like this, your favorite outfit that you can;r wear anymore because you grew out of it, can become your best outfit because you stopped eating pork and end up losing weight because of it. 
I can keep going on and on and on about why pork is not your friend but, you probably just want to put a slab of pork ribs on the grill and call it a night. Let me stop you from doing this my friend and  tell you that the one slab of ribs has 1475 calories covered all over it. Yes, I said it, a bundle of fat dripped over top of fat. There is also 74g of fat connected to it as well so look at it like this, it can harm you soon.  So put the rib down, please.
Now, your reading this far allows me to know you care about your health. Which is the best thing you ever did for yourself was caring about your health. If you start changing what type of meat you're eating today, it will soon show results of healthy eating in your life. I'm not here to give you bad taste bugs but, I would like to inform you of the bad meat you're eating and maybe one day you will thank me for it. Just send me a letter or something advising how I changed your life. I'm funny, this was just a joke.
The other white meat better known as pork, was not created to eat for dinner. These animals were made for the farm lands only and im unsure why the farmers decided to eat their pet pig but they did,  The pig bathed in mud which is considered to be their own poop. How nasty is it to say you're eating an animal who likes to crap on itself then jump in it and play around in their poop. Not I said the pig with the big head, I will never clean myself in poop it says. Sorry but this pig is nothing to eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner.  
Think about it like this, we are the people don’t mean we the people will just eat whatever the people are making for us to eat. I know a lot of confusing words but, you understand my thoughts. Just put the port down and trade it in for some chicken or fish. Those two guys won't harm a fly and trust me they will not be around no flies unless they're on a farm. A pig on the other hand lives with flies and they don't mind them sitting around them chilling either. Trust me, the pork is best left for the flies to eat.
I hope no one's stomach is turning yet, but it will be soon. Did you know if bacon is left in the sun for an hour with a little cola on it that midgets will form on it with flies. It only takes about an hour in the sun for this to go into effect so just wonder how this meat is causing midgets on it in just one hour. Yes, I'm wondering about this and so should you.
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createdforthepurpose · 3 years ago
Stop eating the other white meat and watch how fast you lose weight.
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