create-find-explore · 6 years
Walk-through video & link
This would be the final video walkthrough for the whole project idea. Prototype can be found here (Recommended resolution is 1920x1080):
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create-find-explore · 6 years
Final Visual
without UI effect and consideration
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create-find-explore · 6 years
Mock Up
To understand how the visual placement and text will look like, I have made a mock up using storyboard sketches.
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create-find-explore · 6 years
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create-find-explore · 6 years
Story layout
The flowchart has been added an extra scene to promote a product that fights sexual harassment that is known as SASH.
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The story flow
Title page -What she’s missing -Start button
1 day experience  - Showing a positive character - Cat calling - Public transport - Doesn’t take ‘no’ - Harassment at a club  - Experience drug attempt by a friend - Goes to sleep, thinking
Time lapse - Varied harassment and advice from people
End scene - Falls asleep with troubled thinking
Promote SASH - How SASH could make a difference 
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create-find-explore · 6 years
Chosen Topic & Content Research
After further discussion and thinking, I have decided to go with ‘What She’s missing’, the interactive story of a girl going through harassment. I have not mention it, that the target audience will be based locally, Malaysia. So the best way to tell this story would be to know Malaysian women’s stories.
To summarize the findings, it’s consist of :
- Street / ‘catcalling’ (Where people would comment on women passing by. It is seen as a compliment.) - “Friends can hurt you too” (Individuals who have harassed and tried drugging their friends) - Harassment in public transports (Usually happens during hectic hours where the space might be limited. This often results in using the excuse to touch women) - Harassment in work places and colleges (An individual constantly trying to ‘go out’ with them, Doesn’t take "no” for an answer, uses rank privileges to push a person into going out with them or other motives, unwanted comments and touches) - Harassment in parties and clubs (Inappropriate comments, touches and attempt drugging a person or pushing a person to get drunk. Often blamed at women for going into such places and the clothes they wear.)
These are some of the links that these stories came from.
Are Women Really That Unsafe On Public Transportation In Kuala Lumpur?
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Malaysians say #MeToo, share experiences of sexual harassment
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Making cities safe for women
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12 M'sian Women Share Their Personal Examples Of Sexual Harassment In The Work Setting
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Victims come forward with tales of sexual harassment and assault
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create-find-explore · 6 years
A’design ideas
Idea One ‘What she’s missing’ is an interactive story of a girl who is unable to fully experience the life she has seen and heard around her because her gender brings limitations, anxiety and constant considerations that threats her life, like travelling alone. Users are told to interact for the story to continue. Each story reveals how these limitations and thoughts leads to oppression in freedom. --- Target Audience--- The story speaks on what is aware to majority of females so the target is mostly towards male, aged between 18 to 25. ---Moodboard---
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---Case study--- http://jessandruss.us/ http://www.sbs.com.au/theboat/ https://www.cabletv.com/the-walking-dead
Idea Two ‘X’otic’ is an infographic that only caters to exotic pets. Researching this project has shown that purchasing of exotic pets are on the rise. While this cannot be fully stopped, this website hopes that it provides basic awareness. It educates new pet owners on what are their pets’ need and how to care for them. The interaction for this is very minimal. Users click left or right of the screen to view the pet of their choice and then given a button to view the info graphic. ---Target Audience--- Basic knowledge is great for people who wants to be pet owners to exotic pets. ---Moodboard---
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---Case study--- http://lab.4muladesign.com/dribbble/ https://theparfaitstand.com/ https://www.thealienist.com/
Idea Three ‘What will it be’ places users in situations and is given several choice of items, hobbies to select and whether what they think should be suitable for the gender given. The end results for all options is the same. The message is to say that whatever options taken doesn’t define their gender. ---Target Audience--- This story is at the stage where people are most curious and searching for answers, directions or assurance. That is why teenagers between the age of 13 to 17 is most suited. ---Moodboard---
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---Case study--- http://slaveryfootprint.org/survey/#where_do_you_live http://assets.wwf.org.uk/custom/earth-hour-quiz-2013/
Gantt Chart
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LINK : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NZlotj42uns-D6GzDo6J_Uw_4mzaKco5Hmx-TX4Xl30/edit?usp=sharing
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create-find-explore · 6 years
3 Brief 3 Ideas
YCN Platform --Open to today's digital landscape Brief --We would like you to develop a creative positioning idea that encompasses Hobgoblin’s brand essence, helps unify all tactical campaigns together, works across today’s digital landscape, and sharpens our challenger status position. Evaluation --Content, visual/graphic design, stand out. Requirement --Depends on chosen execution but has to suit social media platform also.  Date --Deadline on 29 March 2018 Award --Showcase in an exhibition and a paper that states you have joined.
Idea --A Company website that has mini interactive game for users to understand how beers are made.
A’Design Award & Competition Platform --Open but selected website Brief --Your entry should fit one of the design award categories which I have selected Public Awareness, Volunteerism and Society Design Award. Evaluation --Content, structure and coding, navigation and user-flow, visual/graphic design,functionality, interactivity, and accessibility. Social value propositions, level on innovation, social integration, awareness creation and total benefits to society. Requirement --Video, JPEG and documentation Date --Entries are accepted on every February 28. Results will be Announced to Public on every April 15 Award
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Idea --A narrative website that touches either one of the following issues: Rape culture, Women’s safety, Racism and Gender equality.
CA Award of Excellence Platform --Open but selected website Brief --Any project involving interface design, educational and entertainment program, interactive product display or application. Created for digital distribution on Desktop, interactive installation, handheld device, online service or the World Wide Web is eligible. There is no eligibility period due to the rapidly-changing nature of interactive media. Submission of an entry acknowledges the right of Communication Arts to use it for exhibition and publication. Evaluation --Content, navigation and user-flow, visual/graphic design, functionality, interactivity. Requirement --Video, link, viewable in a common web browser for 3 months Date --Deadline on 5 October 2018 Award --CA 2018 Award of Excellence trophy
Idea --A narrative website that touches either one of the following issues: Rape culture, Women’s safety, Racism and Gender equality.
Conclusion After a little thought, I have decided that tackling social issues would be the best choice. Both A’Design Award & Competition and CA Award of Excellence offers this freedom of choice but if I were to think about social awareness, it needs more exposure it can get in order to be an impactful website and A’Design offers a large exposure if the artifact wins a place. 
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create-find-explore · 6 years
Competition, festival, exhibition
We are told to search for possible competitions, festivals and exhibitions following where our point of interest is. To look and treat it as a portfolio worthy artifact. With that said, the personal choice would be to build a website but I do have another interest in copywriting too and would love to see what I can do with it. For future thought on the ideas, I will try to include something that provides me the opportunity to touch both website and copywriting.
As the research goes on, I found quite a few that would make an interesting portfolio.
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For now, I’m looking at A’Design Award & Competition, YCN and CA award more closely.
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