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I love these two..

Let's Go!!! Jessie and Delia journey arc!
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I leave for a couple days and 20 bot accounts followed me, jesus christ.
Other than that, Im brain storming ideas for an MSPFA im trying to write. GIVE ME IDEAS.
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hi, i can tell some of my followers are from twitter, so here's some tips:
LIKING a post increments the note counter and lets the original poster know you saw the post.
liking art is appreciated, but does not get more people to see it. liking vent posts is also a way of nonverbally patting someone on the back / nodding along sympathetically. likes basically just give the original poster the info that you saw their post and felt the need to interact with it in some way but didn't have anything to add and didn't want to share it.
REBLOGGING is the main verb of this site. the etiquette is hard to nail down for newbies, and i think it's the second hardest thing to grasp for a lot of people.
reblogging is extremely important. if you do not reblog posts, the posts will not be shared, and there is no other efficient way to spread posts. your dashboard is populated by people you follow (if you have every algorythmic recommendation turned off, which is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to curate your experience; those who use tumblr regularly and have for years have "based on your likes" and "best stuff first" turned off) and if you do not populate your followers' dashboards then they will not have any reason to follow you. they cannot see posts you have liked on their dashboards.
if you do not reblog posts and only like posts, you will be assumed to be a bot and blocked. even if there's evidence you are a person, going through someone's whole blog and reblogging absolutely nothing while spam liking for a half hour straight may very well also get you blocked. every like shows up on the op's feed AND in the blog you're browsing's feed. be polite!
when you comment on a post in the main post body while reblogging (not in tags or in replies), that comment will stick to the post and be seen when others reblog it. it's considered rude to add a comment to the main post body without having something meaningful to add, whether it be a joke, more information, or continuing a discussion. commenting something like "yes, lol" adds clutter to OP's notes and the notes of whoever you reblogged from, and others down the reblog chain will have to manually remove your junk comment.
be kind! reblog! share! there are other ways to comment on posts, like...
REPLYING which is an alternate way to get your comments to stick to a post semi-invisibly.
everyone who opens the notes can see your reply, like when you open replies on twitter, but it won't show up attached to the post, like twitter. this also pings the op and the person whose blog you left the reply on. it's useful for questions or conversations that you want to have but don't want on your blog! it's great to add feedback to a post without sharing it.
THE TAGS are the most difficult part of tumblr culture to grasp for a lot of people.
tags can be used as organizational tools (for instance, categorizing pictures or fandom posts or your own posts) and can be browsed either exclusively on your blog or globally. if you put organizational tags like #photo on a reblogged post, it will not show up in the global tags, but will show up when you look at the #photo tag on your blog. if the post is original and not reblogged, the post will show up both in global tags and in your blog's tag, so if you search #photo on either your blog or the search function, it'll show up.
however... tags are the primary way people comment on posts. it is a tidy way to say "lol" or "OH MY GOD???" or make a small, potentially funny quip that you don't want to stick to the main post. commenting in tags is customary and will make you look more like a local. if the post is funny, it's normal to say in the tags "i snorted" or "i am on the FLOOR" or something like that. you can say pretty much any comment in the tags as long as it's broken up between multiple different ones.
if you want someone to know how much you appreciate their art, leave a comment in the tags and the op will see it! your tags also show up in the notes of the person you reblogged from, so, for example, if you wanna say hi, you can say "hi [friend's name]" and they will see it in their activity. (i recommend using DMs for this though, lol)
if you never ever talk in the tags and never ever make your own posts, people will have no clue who you are and will have no clue what you think or what you want to create. if you enjoy that, then go ahead! but talking in tags is how you make your blog your own without your comment sticking on others' reblogs. it's also a way to mumble under your breath on your own posts, make little additions that people can see on the original post but not on reblogs!
i recommend really trying to get to know how to talk in tags instead of adding comments directly to posts you'd like to share. it helps everybody!
aaand that's all i've got
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a bit of a little worldbuilding thing for my new project, teehee
It is an ordinary day at the Forum in the great city of Remoria. Bright Helios the all-seeing shines his golden rays against the buildings of marble and cement that surround the square, and the whispers of the Twelve Betyls, stone guardians of the city, can be faintly heard among the chattering of merchants.
An old man is sitting at one of the benches nearby. What catches your attention is the coin he carries around. It glimmers in the sunlight with a color unlike any you've seen before - a pale pink, like dry lips on a Mycthean summer morning. You decide to approach him, inquisitively.
He is staring at the crowd of people surrounding the soldiers, as the tablets of the Acta are replaced, as is the daily rite. They yell and throw their hands, but it's difficult to discern what their anger is about.
"Another city has fallen to the undead." He says. "Another one?" "Indeed. A small colonia far in the south. That's what they're angry about. With good reason, though. Some have friends and family who abandoned all for a new life in Coeturia." He fell silent for a few seconds. "Personally, I'm just glad the miasma is restricted to the south. There's no chance it's gonna make it across the desert, let alone the Tethys." A long silence follows.
"I realize I've made things too somber." The old man says. "Let's change subjects: what were you here for, young one?" "That coin you carry." You say. "I've never seen something like that." He grins, holding it between his fingers. "Oh, this old thing? I commissioned it from the blacksmith not far from here." "What's it made of?" You ask. "Bronze and gold." He says. "It serves as a reminder of our beginning." He flips the coin, and it lands on the opposite side, which is instead made of dull, rusted iron. "And our end." "What do you mean?" You ask. "Have you not heard the tale of the Ages of Man?" He asks in return. You shake your head. "Strange." He chuckles. "It's practically the only thing the philosophers of this age talk about." "I'm not from here, sir." You respond. "I've moved recently from Variscia." "Ah, that explains it." He gets up from the bench, and begins to walk away. "Come with me, and I'll tell you the story."
You begin to walk across the streets of Remoria with the elder. He's quite frail, and you have to help him cross the busy streets. He doesn't seem to mind, and in fact, he's quite talkative.
"When man built the first city, began the Golden Age." He began. "This is the age of empires, of the buildings you see here today. When the only language we knew was that of conquest. It's here that most of our society begins. As it began with that first city, it ended with the birth of a man." "A man?" "Yes. We don't know who he was, we don't know what he did, but because of him what we'd call today Remoria declined and fell. He gave rise to the Silver Age, where the great minds spoke no more, and the arts died and were reshaped to serve his will. The world was divided between kingdoms, who would conquer and subjugate more as more lands were known." "And what happened next?" "The Bronze Age. The conquerors reached their apex, and what was left was only to kill. This age was one of great strife, and even greater warfares. Machinations we today could only recognize as magic. Man forgot who he was and became but a tool to produce or to destroy. The gods had already left, and man sought them in the heavens. But there was no one to respond to their call. Eventually, the world became another casualty in the many wars, and those that had exiled to the firmament became the only ones left. To die alone, presumably." "Does it end there?" "Their story, yes."
Eventually, you reach a taberna. The old man leads you inside the thermopolium at the center, and asks the owner for a cup of wine. "Would you like something?" he asks. "Uhm, sure. Just some posca." you say. He takes a long drink before continuing his story.
"Now, where was i?" "When you first told me about the coin, why did you mention that our beginnings are of gold and bronze?" "Oh, yes. I remember now. When the only remnants of man were those brazen ones scattered across the heavens, they came." "Who?" "The Angeli. They lifted us from our dark icy grave and rebuilt the earth, so we may, as well, be reborn. This is why our lands are different to the ones the Golden ones inhabited, and we call them different names. That's why what was once 'Roma', we now call Remoria. They took the Brazen Men and returned them to their Golden roots, gave them new gods, the ones we call the Titans, and as such we have the world we live in today." "What about the Iron?" "It's the age we currently live in, boy. I can't say that the plan of the Angeli was necessarily successful. Perhaps conquest, war, famine, and death are all within man's nature. The land is rearranged, and as such, the sun shines differently and the blow of the winds is distinct from what we're accustomed to, so our drive is to leave our home and conquer lands more suitable. That's why we're going to Coeturia, and it just so happens that those lands are home to living death. Argyre is the only safe province in Coeturia, but then the Titans will be angered, for we meddle in the lands of dragons, lands that they forbid us to forage from. So perhaps we are bound to die as iron men, after all."
The old man chuckles as he leaves the taberna. You're left with more questions than answers. But as you look at the table, you see a scribble on the napkin. It's a crude map of southwestern Coeturia, the province of Argyre, and two islands, sitting in a lake surrounded by mountains. Under the isles reads the word, "Unless."
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i wanna write the most depraved sfw fanfic ever, give me an idea or two (NO WEIRD SHIPS)
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what if homestuck had an old-school style title sequence?
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Totally an amazing plot for a story (dont steal)
OKAY, plot: now hear me out, "A young man stands in his room." Ok okokokokok ok, so just hear me our here its his birthday, his 13th birthday, NOW HERES the Crazy part, he doesnt have a name... heres the gimmick. we give this dude a name, and we name him.. zoosmell pooplord! TELL ME IF THIS IS A GOOD STORY IDEA
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another post only a select few will understand
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