crazyyespsychomaybe · 4 years
do you want to know something?? I always wondered what the hell kind of hairstyle the Ancient Egyptians were trying to portray with depictions like these
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and this
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until I did my hair this morning and 
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you can take the noses off our statues but until you find a way to take Egypt out of Africa we’re still going to find ourselves
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 4 years
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
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I’m sure that in a parallel universe there’s an Isak and an Even…
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
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in parallel universes: first everything
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
When the heart goes boom…
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Love at first sight
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
prompt: isak comforting and taking care of even during one of his depressive episodes in their new apartment xxx
Anonymous said: Skam prompt: Isak looking after Even during an episode, maybe?
It never feels like Isak’s looking after Even when he’s like this.
Not really, anyway. It feels more like…helping him out. 
Even can’t bring himself to make breakfast? Okay, Isak can cook some eggs for the two of them, even if he can’t make them as well as Even does. Even feels overwhelmed at the idea that it’s his turn to wash the dishes? Well, there’s probably some dishes still left over from Isak’s turn, anyway. Even can’t handle going to school? Isak can let the school know and pop over to his teachers to collect any work Even’s missed. He genuinely, really, absolutely, doesn’t mind. He knows that as soon as Even feels better, he’ll pick things back up. Until then, Isak is there to help him out. Which is okay. Things are okay. Things will be okay. 
One day, Isak finds himself walking home from school and, despite himself, he can’t help walk that bit quicker knowing Even is home, alone, feeling low and a little hopeless.
He steps inside and heat hits him like a punch to the face. Because Jesus, their flat feels like a fucking sauna. They’re entering the summer months anyway, and they have so many large windows that it kind of turns their place into a greenhouse when the sun’s out. But it’s more than that. Isak’s fingers trail over the radiator and find it almost boiling to the touch. He frowns, switches the heating off, and walks into his and Even’s bedroom.Even is curled up in bed, duvet splayed on the floor, t-shirt and hair damp with sweat. Isak swallows hard, because it just isn’t a nice sight. Even just looks so small like this. 
At some point, Isak’s legs remember how to work. He opens their window as wide as it will go before climbing in bed, next to Even, pressing a kiss on his cheek to wake him up.
“Are you trying to cook yourself alive, or?” Isak murmurs, laughing a little nervously, trying not to make his worry abundantly clear. 
It takes Even a little while to respond, but eventually, he opens his eyes. Looks at Isak before his eyes dart away quickly as he rolls onto his back to stare at the ceiling. 
“I tried turning it down, but…” His voice is small, raspy, and his eyes are teary and tired and God, Isak just wants to make it all go away for him. “I couldn’t figure it out, so.”
“I’ve fixed it,” Isak murmurs gently, threading a hand through Even’s hair. It’s a bit gross; greasy and sweaty, and if Isak’s honest, Even hasn’t showered in days and the whole room stinks because of it. It’s alright, though. Isak doesn’t mind that much.
“I just.” Even swallows hard, tired eyes fluttering shut, looking on the verge of tears. And Even’s cried over less when he’s been like this; out of frustration and exhaustion and, well, depression. Isak learnt a long time ago that comforting words can’t always do a huge amount when Even’s like this. That the best thing he can do sometimes is simply sit there and be with him.
“Hey,” Isak murmurs, turning Even’s face to look at him, making their eyes meet. Even’s eyes are a little dulled, a little less light, a little less starry. They’re heavy, exhaustion radiating from them, but they’re still Even’s eyes. Wonderful and perfect and Isak loves them just the same. “Minute by minute, yeah?”
Even swallows again. “Yeah,” he says quietly, and Isak smiles a little, brushing his thumb over Even’s cheek, then his mouth. He closes the distance between them and kisses him, soft and undemanding and reassuring. Just letting him know he’s there. Even’s mouth tastes a little bitter, teeth unbrushed and lips dry and chapped, but Isak wouldn’t want any other lips but these. Even’s. Even, who is the brightest and kindest and most beautiful person Isak knows, even when he’s low like this. 
“How about a shower?” Isak suggests tentatively. 
After half a minute of silence, Even nods, pulling himself out of bed with heavy limbs and tired eyes. It’s progress, though. Good progress. 
Isak fixes the shower so it’s the colder side of warm - they’re both boiling from the heat of the flat - and when Even gets undressed, Isak picks his clothes up. Says, “I’ll join you in a minute, I just need to put the washing on.”
Isak collects the rest of the dirty clothes from their bedroom which - okay, their bedroom is a tip, but Isak’s never been particularly tidy and maybe it does go to shit a tiny bit when Even isn’t there to remind him to pick his clothes up. But whatever.
He strips the bed linen, too, down to the pillow cases, and crams everything into the washing machine before returning to the bathroom. Even is under the shower, rubbing the shower gel over his body kind of numbly and methodically. Isak undresses himself, steps in the shower with Even, and smiles up at him. Kisses him once, softly and gently. Another day, another mood, kisses in the shower can be messy and hungry and desperate. But not in times like this. Times like this, the kiss is nothing but a reassuring hello, I’m here. I’m not going anywhere. Noses brushing against one another, foreheads together, deep breaths and closed eyes. Standing under the jets of water and melting into one being. And Isak just can’t help thinking that if something as simple as love could make Even happy, then he’d be the happiest boy in the world. 
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
okay, so I know we’re all here for Even sticking up for Isak and like, same, but the boys, all of them, sticking up for Even? right? like, for example, can you believe that yesterday evening, all of them were at a house party that Even invited them to, Mahdi slightly too drunk after what could not have been more than two beers, Magnus slightly too excited about getting to party with some of Even’s friends, Jonas slightly too smug about catching Isak and Even fighting over whether or not a certain pair of jeans looked good on Isak, just before they were leaving the apartment, and hearing him say Even, not all of us have such great butts as you do, okay, I’m putting on something else. and the four of them are just chilling at this party, sticking close together in a corner because sure they have big mouths and big dreams, but when it comes down to it, they’re simply not that great at mingling, and so they hang back, watch Even steal the show instead. charming this boy and that boy, reaching out to grab a shy girl by the hands to twirl her around the room, taking a second in the middle of this choreography that has the girl throwing her head back and laughing gleefully, to wink at Isak, then grin at him in such a way that it makes the rest of the guys awkwardly look at their shoes. and they’re just enjoying the show, feeling so glad he’s part of their little crew now, hurricane Even in all his glory, when they hear it behind them. a guy whispering something like, how about this dude, right? and another answering with, if she only knew what he’s been up to over the years, both voices so thick with jealousy, with contempt, it makes Isak’s hair stand on end. and he’s waiting for Jonas to grab his arm, so familiar, for Mahdi to try and lighten the tension by softly telling him, let’s try and not get in any more fights at parties, shall we, like, who knows what rumors will start circulating now, they might start thinking you’re into girls again. but they’re all quiet, instead, when they turn around to look these guys up, four pairs of arms crossed over chests as Magnus swirls around his drink in his glass, looks beside him to tell Mahdi, if only she knew right? and Mahdi nods, if only she knew. a beat then, yeah, she’d probably like him even more, from Jonas as he shrugs, not that he has a lot of competition. shame you don’t have the guts to go out there and charm her yourself. and it’s fitting that Isak hears Even’s loud, gorgeous, beautiful laugh in the background when he steps forward slightly, backed up by his boys to deliver the final blow, tells the two guys now staring awkwardly at something in the distance, but don’t worry, pal, like, in a parallel universe you probably did get out of this corner to get with her real good! and that’s that, no one fucks with Even on the boys’s watch anymore. 
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
Prompt! Could you write a drabble from the birthday video of the day even was teaching isak how to drive? Just behind the scenes softness 💕
“I can’t do it.” Isak shakes his head quickly from side to side, still stood outside the car.
“One more try?” Even tries to coax him back in.  Isak had scrambled out so suddenly after the last attempt that Even hadn’t even had a chance to grab him, so Isak was just stood on the other side of the driver’s door shaking.
“No!  I can’t, Even, I can’t do it.  There’s too much- it’s too- I’m not-” Isak’s hands gesture wildly, as if he’s trying to pluck the words straight out of the air.
“Okay, okay.” Even concedes.  There’s no way he’s going to try to shove Isak back into the driver’s seat now that he looks like he’s about to have a heart attack from the stress of starting the car and driving forwards barely a foot.  He slides across into the driver’s seat and parks the car quickly against the curb before getting out and pulling Isak into a hug.
“Maybe next time, huh?” Even kisses Isak’s temple, trying not to laugh at the way Isak groans at the mention of a next time.
“Do I have to learn to drive?” Isak whines as he pulls away from their hug.  “We don’t even have a parking space, Even!  We can’t have a car where we live now!  Not that we could afford one even if we had a space.  What’s so wrong with public transport?” Isak rambles, a sure sign that he’s embarrassed.
“There’s nothing wrong with public transport.” Even agrees.  He runs his hand down Isak’s arm until he can thread their fingers together, pulling Isak along for a little walk.
He’ll let Isak calm down before he asks him to get back in the car so Even can return his mother’s car, he thinks.
They walk in companionable silence for a few minutes until Even remembers something, his face breaking into a grin.
“In fact, one of my favourite memories is on public transport!” He exclaims, pulling Isak closer to his side.
“Really?” Isak throws him a bewildered side eye that Even can’t help but chuckle at.
“Yes, really.  And you’re in it.” Even adds dramatically.
“Of course I’m in it.” Isak rolls his eyes, not at all fazed.  “I’m the best thing that ever happened to you!  A blessing!  A gift!” Isak jokes, puffing his chest out proudly.
“You wouldn’t have to worry about ever getting a head injury, Is, your giant ego would cushion any blow.” Even teases back.
“Eh?!  Me?!  Big headed?  As if!” Isak protests, shoving Even away playfully.  Even laughs, letting Isak’s fingers slip through his, and walks a few paces away from Isak for a few steps.  They end up in a little communal garden, and after a few minutes Isak seems more like himself.
They mess about on Even’s phone for a few minutes, taking ridiculous photos with shaky snapchat filters over their huge grins, comfortably close as they tease each other and pull stupid faces.  The residents probably think they’re out of their mind, but Even couldn’t care less.
He’d do anything for Isak’s smile.
In bed that night:
“Even,” Isak whispers into the dark.
No response.
He repeats Even’s name a bit louder, realising there’s no point whispering if he’s trying to wake Even up.
“Mmm?” Even hums, already halfway to sleep.
“You never told me.” Isak wiggles closer to him despite the heat.
“Told you what?” Even mumbles, burying his face in Isak’s hair.
“The memory.  The one of me and public transport?” Isak reminds him.  He can feel Even grin against his scalp.
“Oh.” Even smiles.  “Remember that day we ran into each other on the tram?”
“When…I asked you to buy beer?” Isak laughs, surprised by Even’s choice.
“You looked so cute.  I was so nervous.  I was so sure I was going to blow it with you.” Even sighs sleepily into Isak’s curls.  “But it went just fine.” Isak could feel him smiling again.
“It was a good day.” He agrees.
“Mhmm.” Even hums.  “You didn’t suspect a thing.” Even nuzzles closer, just a breath away from falling into the abyss of sleep.
“Suspect?” Isak repeats with a frown.  He thinks back to that day.  There was no way Even could have planned for them to see each other on that tram, there were too many variables with something like that.
“Even, suspect what?” Isak tilts his head back to look at Even and finds him already asleep.  Pouting, Isak resigns himself to not knowing until tomorrow.
Isak jerks bolt upright from his sleep, disorientated from dreams of trams and rolling cars and beer, and hits Even’s shoulder.
“You had your ID the whole time, didn’t you!” Isak exclaims indignantly.
Even gives him a sleepy wink before falling straight back asleep.
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
i can’t kiss you if you drink vodka
[Read it on AO3!]
Even is a clingy drunk.
Alcohol’s not really his thing, at least not in excess, so Isak doesn’t see this side of him so often. (The drunk side, that is. He sees the clingy side of Even frequently, and it only gets magnified when he’s drunk.)
“Baby,” Even slurs, slumping down onto the sofa next to Isak and tucking himself into his side. Isak brings one arm to wrap around Even’s shoulders and pull him in even closer, though he tries to keep his attention on the conversation Jonas is having with him (or at him, now, because Even just arrived.) “I missed you.”
Jonas rolls his eyes when he hears this and sees Isak itching to redirect his attention to his boyfriend, and turns to Mahdi instead, so that Isak can finally turn to Even and raise an eyebrow.
“You were gone five minutes, Even.”
Keep reading
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
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‘What should we do this minute then?’
‘This minute we’ll kiss.’
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
7 minutes in heaven au with a twist where even is dared by the balloon squad to read the script of the bee movie when he goes in and so the bottle falls on him and this really cute, possibly tipsy boy and even looks at his friends pleading but they just shake their heads, laughing so with a deep sigh even stands up and follows isak inside the room. he closes the door slowly, counting down in his head then he turns around, gets his phone out and looks isak straight in the eyes before just. “according to all known laws of aviation….” and isak is so fuckin confused, he’s just standing there and wonders if he’s smoked too much weed. then when even gets to the yellow, black part, his cheeks a shade of red, thinking about the minutes he’s wasting when he could have his lips against the boy’s, isak starts laughing with a frown and even messes up a few times too distracted by his laugh. and he literally just. reads the script for 7 whole minutes. and its possibly the most embarrassed even has been and he sees isak watch him as the balloon squad high fives him and each other, and he gives isak an apologetic smile and shrug, which earns him a grin. then half an hour later even is in the kitchen standing against the counter, sipping on his beer, scrolling through his phone when somebody slips next to him and “are u trying to memorize the bee script” and even looks up with wide eyes and they both chuckle, “sorry my friends.. they dared me to do it” and isak opens a beer for himself, “and here i was thinking its your flirting technique” and even raises an eyebrow at him, “well.. did it work?” and isak takes a sip and thinks about his answer a little, “bee’s dont really do it for me,” then smirks, “im more into d’s” and even nearly drops his beer, then isak is wiggling his eyebrows at even ,who is rolling his eyes with a grin. and not long after evens “well i dont have a script for that but i can always improvise” theyre stumbling into isaks flat making out
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
Late night talks and parallel universes
In which evak are cheesy and the remakes may or may not be mentioned.
“Are you awake?”
“No. Isak. I’m obviously murmuring and now talking in my sleep.”
“That was one hell of a sarcastic remark. Where did you learn to do that from, hm?”
“Hmm, maybe from the master of sarcasm that I’ve been living with for a year and a half.”
“I don’t talk like that!”
“You do though.”
“I must be a pain in the ass then.”
“Don’t. Don’t you dare finish that sentence.”
“Just sometimes. Because the other times I am the-”
“God. Just shut up.”
“Did you just throw a pillow at me? What are you, 5?”
“You deserved it.”
“What is this? You wake me up in the middle of the night and now you throw a pillow at me?”
“I couldn’t sleep.”
“Are you stressed about something? Is the insomnia- because you know you can talk to me- for how long has this- please don’t-”
“Even. Even stop. You are sweet and all, but I just had too much coffee too late.”
“Oh. Okay. Good…What can I do to help?”
“Cuddle me.”
“I can do that.”
“And tell me what the other Isaks and Evens are doing right now.”
“Well. Did you ever think that some parallel universes may be very different from ours?”
“Different how?”
“I don’t know. But you said that there is an infinity of universes, right? So maybe some of them are not similar to ours.”
“So you mean like, maybe there is a parallel universe where you are hotter?”
“Kidding. You are the hottest babe.”
“Alright. Moving on. Maybe our parallel selves look different and they speak different languages, but their story is very similar or almost identical to ours.”
“That is an interesting take, for sure. But that is not how the theory of parallel universes works. I told you that-”
“Don’t start talking nerdy to me now. Let me finish.”
“Okay. Go on.”
“I think that we fall in love in all countries. All over the world.”
“We do, huh?”
“Yeah. Actually, our Italian selves met and fell in love this fall.”
“Yes. They had some hard times, but just like us, they are taking it minute by minute and they are going to be fine. More than fine.”
“I’m glad they are doing okay.”
“Uh-huh. But you know what? Our French versions haven’t met yet. But they are going to very soon.”
“Exciting. French Isak must be feeling miserable right now though.”
“It’s not like French Even is doing any better. But I am sure my charming parallel self will sweep your other self off his feet in no time, and things will get better because they will have each other.”
“Well, they say that French is the language of love, after all.”
“Would that turn you on? If I spoke French?”
“Shut. Up.”
“Noted. Gonna install duolingo tomorrow…Stop rolling your eyes or you won’t hear about Spanish, Dutch or German Evak.”
“Evak? You spend too much time with Magnus. Also, why are all of them from Europe?”
“Alright. There’s an American version of us as well.”
“Cool. But what if we are girls in that universe?”
“Could be.”
“Maybe some of them are also not white. Why would they not be diverse if there are so many of us living in so many different places?”
“Okay. You being all woke gave me a bonner.”
“Are all of them happy together?”
“Of course.”
“Does… does any of those Evens still feel anone?”
“Just those who haven’t met their Isak yet.”
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
despite the fact that everybody thought isak would be too lazy to get all the stuff for their new place unpacked over easter, he actually gets it done in a couple of days. he’s just so happy, he can’t explain it; he hasn’t stopped smiling since they moved in. everything just seems that much brighter, funnier, and altogether just…better.
he’s unpacking one of the last boxes - just a few odds and ends for their bedroom - when he comes across the drawings. the ones even gave him last year, when this all started. he smiles fondly to himself, thumb brushing delicately over the ink, ghosting the path even’s hands made when he drew them. and he feels this sudden sense of gratitude wash over him; that they’re here, now, the two of them. they have come so, so far. 
and just then, even’s behind him, wrapping his arms around isak’s waist and hugging him, pressing soft kisses to the back of isak’s neck. and isak sighs against him, smiling, and turns to face him. 
“kitchen’s finished,” even tells him.
“so’s the bedroom,” isak says. “just need to find somewhere for these.”
even studies the drawings, frowning, then laughs fondly, raking a hand through isak’s hair. “fucking hell, i forgot about these. you kept them?”
“of course,” isak says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world, like it would have been ludicrous for him not to have kept them. even just smiles and kisses him, all smiley, a hand in isak’s hair and the other on isak’s waist, pulling him a little closer, soft and gentle, fluttering eyelashes and rosy cheeks.
they consider putting the drawings in a drawer somewhere - somewhere where they’ll be kept private; hidden. in the end, though, they remember that this is their flat, so they hang the drawings in their bedroom above their bed. little reminders of how far they’ve come.
finally, they’re done unpacking, and even stands in their living room and looks around, hair a little messy, forehead a little sweaty, but looking pleased with himself. and isak just stares and stares at him; can’t believe how lucky he is. how lucky they both are, really, to have found each other.
“what do you think?” even asks.
isak smiles. it’s not going to make it into a home decor magazine, put it that way. it’s a tiny flat; the wallpaper is peeling in places and the floor is scuffed and scratched, kitchen counter stained in places. but it’s theirs. the first place isak has ever chosen to move into - because he didn’t have a choice when he moved away from home for the first time, not really - and he just can’t help this little smile bubbling up at the thought of getting to wake up next to even every day, all days, forever.
instead of saying that outright, though, isak just shrugs and says, “it’ll do for now, until we can afford to buy our own house.”
even raises his eyebrows, moving forwards, standing closer to isak and smiling. “our own house?” he asks, a little teasingly.
“yeah, in like, ten years or whatever,” isak says, not embarrassed, really, because this is even.
“ten years?” even repeats, moving a hand under isak’s jaw.
“uh, ja,” isak says, smirking, pushing some of even’s hair behind his ears. “didn’t anyone tell you?”
even brushes his nose against isak’s, humming contentedly. “tell me what?” 
“well, we’re going to be together forever,” isak says, very matter-of-factly.
even raises his eyebrows. “forever?”
“ja. literally, forever,” isak says, looking at even through half-lidded eyes, kind of drunk on even’s presence, on how it feels to just be the two of them, here, in their own place. safe and together, surrounded by so much love.
even laughs softly, eyes sparkling. “what happened to not worrying about the future, and taking things day by day, minute by minute?” 
isak shrugs, eyes softening as even’s thumb brushes over his lips, settling against his cheek. “this minute,” isak says, “we’re going to be together for all time.”
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
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Thanks for the amazing journey!!! ALT ER LOVE ❤️💛💚💙💜 🏳️‍🌈
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crazyyespsychomaybe · 6 years
What Even’s POV taught us
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How he sees himself 
last season we watched Even Bech Næsheim come into Isak’s life, open his locker, kiss him underwater and save him from a life of sadness, shame and inauthenticity. 
We watched him light Isak’s world up, give him a reason to love who he is and share it with the world. We watched as Isak spent every second believing it was impossible for Even to love him back because how could someone who literally resembled the sun, love Isak. It would be almost a dream. But he does and now despite all of that we see- Even thinks he isn’t good enough for Isak. 
he truly can’t believe that he has managed to find someone like Isak, this boy who he loves more than anything else, who reminds him he is not alone, who spends minute by minute at his side through all of the ups and downs the world throws at him. he can’t believe it so much that he is convinced that he doesn’t deserve it. 
now we know what Even thinks of himself and it is this. 
he thinks he is not enough he thinks he doesn’t deserve the love Isak showers him with and that he isn’t capable of being enough of proving his worth and somehow he thinks he has to  he thinks he needs to somehow prove to himself that he does deserve love even though he doesn’t believe it. 
he is forever plagued with thoughts that he isn’t worth this and he doesn’t deserve to be loved 
what else we learnt in Even’s pov
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he is more than enough
how can Even not see it? the power he has to save Isak from the thoughts that plague his own mind, the way he can make the world disappear around them both so he can make Isak focus on him, his voice his eyes, his calm smile that continues to remind him, they are okay, he is here Isak is not alone, he is loved and nothing else matters. 
how can he not see the way he makes Isak better, calmer, happier, free, real. The way his love makes him stronger and changes everything around him for the better. 
Even Bech Næsheim is more than enough
his love, his kindness, his everlasting comfort and laughter is more than enough
not just for Isak
but for the world. <3
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