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Youth Month: How to support teens’ mental health during Covid-19 pandemic
See on - Teen Life Articles--for parents, for teens, for general ed!
Children and teens with pre-existing mental health conditions are vulnerable to stressors during the pandemic.
Parenting IRL's insight:
We know that the Corona Virus has raised anxiety and depression in many. It's exacerbated those kids and teens who already had Anxiety or Depression. As parents, it's hard to see youth's suffering, and now caregivers are also struggling.
For many caregivers, trying to help our loved ones can be profoundly challenging when we feel overwhelmed and helpless.. We aren't though. Just as stress and anxious feelings are contagious, so is calm. We need to be the calm in our kids' chaos..
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How to Normalize the College Search Process for Juniors
The class of 2021 is missing spring grades, ACT and SAT scores and the chance to take campus tours. Here’s expert advice on what to do.
Parenting IRL's insight:
The college search process, challenging even under normal circumstances, looks more daunting than ever to today’s high school juniors, thanks to Covid-19. There's more to plan and think about now. More being done at home as far as testing, and the issue of not visiting schools and really feeling the vibe of the college makes it harder. Also, between costs, proximity to home, online v on campus, I'm guessing kids will apply to more schools and broaden the search, including schools they may not normally have looked at. It's a whole new world for parents, teens, and colleges to wade through.
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Survey Finds Two-Thirds of Teens Interested in Entrepreneurship
The latest survey sought to discover what students aged 13 to 17 thought about entrepreneurship. What it found was that 66% of respondents said they were “likely” to consider starting a small business when they were older. Despite that impressive assertion, the students did express some concerns. At the top of the list was general risk, with 29% saying they worried that starting a business was “too risky.”
Parenting IRL's insight:
Although a single, 1,000-student survey isn’t nearly enough to sway concerns that the current crisis could turn off would-be business owners of the future, these results are encouraging nonetheless, given COVID and it's affect on small businesses.
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Kids Are Grieving, Too
Parents are facing difficult moments as children confront the death of a loved one, something they may not fully understand.
Parenting IRL's insight:
We are all grieving in some ways. Many obviously for the illness and even deaths of family and friends. But also we have new lives that are stifled and less free. We can't help but be anxious. Our kids are feeling the same. Not only do they pick up our emotions, they have their own to try to navigate without the power to do so. They miss friends, they miss playtime, they miss schedules and a feeling of safety. And they are also possibly facing the death of someone they know or love for the first time.
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Why Teenagers Act Crazy
"There is a darker side to adolescence that, until now, was poorly understood: a surge during teenage years in anxiety and fearfulness. Largely because of a quirk of brain development, adolescents, on average, experience more anxiety and fear and have a harder time learning how not to be afraid than either children or adults."
Parenting IRL's insight:
Why do teens take risks more easily? It turns out that the brain circuit for processing fear — the amygdala — is precocious and develops way ahead of the prefrontal cortex, the seat of reasoning and executive control. This means that adolescents have a brain that is wired with an enhanced capacity for fear and anxiety, but is relatively underdeveloped when it comes to calm reasoning.
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When Your Tween Acts Up on Lockdown
It’s hard to take away screen time right now. They already can’t see their friends. Here are ways to empathize but also call for respect.
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Young people were already struggling before the pandemic. Here are 7 ways to help them navigate a changed world
Children are among those most at risk from the indirect effects of coronavirus. It is time we prioritised the well-being of young people as a nation-building commitment.
Parenting IRL's insight:
There is more to this illness than the physical part. It is anxiety-provoking. The indirect effects of this pandemic – social, emotional, educational, and economic – have a much greater reach. Kids find great safety and comfort in routines and we aren't back to that yet
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How to stay calm and manage those family tensions during the coronavirus lockdown
The best way to avoid any family tensions at home is to know how to spot them building and then try to calm things down. Here are some tips on how to do that.
Parenting IRL's insight:
We all know to breathe when we are upset, but sometimes it's not enough. Leave the room and take a break. Plan to deal with the niggle another time. Do something to distract yourself like make a drink, listen to music, look at a beautiful picture or even just go outside for a minute. It doesn't take much.
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Coronavirus: Nonprofit Assembling ‘Prom In A Box’ For South LA’s Graduating Seniors – CBS Los Angeles
The nonprofit organization Mother of Many, or MOM, is putting together gift baskets of 2020 graduation tokens like graduation caps, cups, plates, napkins and sparkling apple cider.
Parenting IRL's insight:
With the nonprofit organization Mother of Many, or MOM, she is putting together gift baskets of 2020 graduation tokens like graduation caps, cups, plates, napkins and sparkling apple cider. To make sure graduates see some humor in the unfortunate circumstances, the boxes also include a roll of toilet paper.
“We want to encourage them to just remember this moment,” Bradford said. “But as you move through life, it’s preparing you for things that happen in life.”
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Helping Teens Make Room for Uncomfortable Emotions
Psychological health includes being able to bear unpleasant feelings.
Parenting IRL's insight:
Many kids (and parents) spend time wishing they were in classes, not just on their laptops. They feel angry and frustrated, sometimes lonely and depressed. That's ok. Let them feel it and validate it. This is not the school they signed up for--and you may not have been too excited to homeschool either. Show your teens how to admit, express and sit with the feelings.
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This touched my heart because it encapsulates all of the gratitude I have for everyone who is helping, sacrificing and serving others right now. They are helping to keep us safe and our futures bright. While many of us are going through some challenging times it is not lost on me that I am one of the lucky ones. These unsettling times are being experienced by all of us, globally. Now is the time to reach out, make connections (from a distance) and help us all feel like we're being embraced by the entire world all at once.... wouldn't that feel incredible🌎. What are you doing to stay connected? #thankyou #weunite #love #quarantine #coronvirus #covid_19 # ' #grateful #peace #unity #limitless #oneness #truth #wisdom #consciousness #spiritualawakening #parenting #parentingcoach #teencoach #talktoeachother #connect #raisingkids #raisingteens #communication #togetherness #familytime❤ #socialdistance #community #sacrificing #challenging #allforone — view on Instagram
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I come from a family of strong women and I am so thankful for that strength and the resilience it brings. Because life seems to require courage at every turn. Sometimes that’s all we need to find the strength within ourselves to take a chance. Other times we really need support and someone to believe in us, and our dreams. My kids inspire me; I'm proud of who they are and the great choices they both make. And I couldn't be happier to see that Kylie is another strong woman coming for our family. She inspires me daily with her truth-telling, her fierce sense of loyalty and community, and her gentle kindness. She knows her worth and doesn't give others the power to take it away. She’s also spit-out-your-drink hilarious sometimes 😁😂😊 #strength #strongwoman #strongdaughter #motherdaughterlove #raisestrongwomen #internationalwomxnsday #mommymemes #parentinghumor #parentcoach #parenthood #girlgetafterit #girlpower #raisingstronggirls #selfworth #bodypositivity #selfesteem #humore #raisingteens #raisingkids #girlsrule #selfconfidence #frienshipgoals #loyal #fierce #findyourtribe #courageandkindness #courage #yougotthis #youbeyou #teencoach — view on Instagram
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As I started reading this I thought it was corona advice and was like YES I AM ONBOARD 😂 then I spotted the kids bit and was like..yep that's accurate 2 😂 #socialdistancing#pandemic#coronavirusmemes #momlife #sahm #parenting#accurate #lmao #parenthood #motherhood #momblog #parenthumor #momhumor#macgyveringmom22 #mommingtheshitoutoflife #apocalypse.#witchinghour#kidsforreal — view on Instagram
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The parent-child relationship is the most important connection for our kids and their mental health. Relationships shape brain development, so being intentional with your parenting can help your child later on in life with academic performance, mental health, and interpersonal skills. For instance, if a power struggle is a recurring issue, then what would happen if you put the relationship ahead of arguing all morning about wearing rain boots instead of snow boots?⠀ ⠀ Your relationship with your child can also provide a personalized learning experience that is tailored to their needs so that they can have the best possible learning experience. Parents play a vital role in their children’s mental, emotional, and behavioral health. Sometimes that idea can seem daunting to the parents that I work with, as they may worry that one wrong decision will set their child on a bad path. However, I think this idea can be looked at as empowering: parents are the experts of their own children, and are with their kids far more often than teachers and clinicians are. Therefore, equipping parents with the right tools is a HUGE step toward increasing coping skills and lessening a child’s suffering. When there is a power struggle or any kind of bad behavior you are reacting to, stop and think about your child and your relationship to her. That can stop a triggered response and make you be more intentional in your actions. You always want to keep that relationship front and center and make choices that protect and enrich your relationship. Sometimes that's hard, but it's always a good thing to remember. Lead with love. #Regram #parentinginreallife #parenting #moms #motherhoodrising #dailyparenting #fatherhood #grateful #familylove #thankful #bighearted #caring #teach #parentcoach #relationships #parentingtips #empowering #getoutside #grounding #family #kidslife #teencoach #teenagers #raisingkids #notajob #leadwithlove #silverlinings #joy #parentinginreallife — view on Instagram
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Starting the week off reminding myself of all of these things.Worrying about things we have no control over only takes up energy and brings down our moods and our immune systems. So, instead, let's focus on all the stuff in the circle that we CAN control! #mondaymotivation #feelgreat #yougotthis #girlgetafterit #oarentcoach #bereal #momlife #familylife #lifewithkids #teencoach #positive #joy #real #youdoyou #mistakes #learn #teach #trustyourgut #positivity #family #control #moments #findthejoy #coronavirus #parenthood #parentingtips #teenlife #raisingkids #raisingteens #positiveenergy — view on Instagram
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Is the ‘uncertainty’ of what may happen with the corona virus unsettling for your teenager? ☀She’s certainly not alone. ☀When “things” feel so out of control, it’s important to pay attention to WHAT she's saying to herself because it’s going have a direct impact on her internal operating system. ☀Try to help her shift her thoughts and feel more balanced ☀ Distract her from fixating on the news, instead play music, have a dance party or watch some show or movie together ☀ Get outside. Nature is amazingly soothing and connects you to something bigger ☀Exercise can help physical and mental health--even if it's just a short walk. ☀It's important when home together that we all give eachother space. Physical space and emotional space to feel what we are feeling and get our heads arount it all--even if we are a bit grumpy. #Regram via @cultivatineensG #peace #thoughts #choices #behavior #communication #habits #teens #teencoach #parenting #coachforteens #parentinginreallife #space #holdspace #emotional familytime #hardtimes #parenthood #sunrise oinedayatatime — view on Instagram
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I saw this picture and just love it-. There's something about the attitude it captures that makes me smile. The positivity and resilience she shows is charming and just makes me feel more upbeat. I guess it helps me put things in perspective and reminds me to stay positive and look for the good stuff. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ What Are You Doing This Weekend?? . . #parenting #fridayparenting #rainday #health #healthy #kidsland #findjoy #familytogethernees #forcedfamilytime #parenthood #coronavirus #shelterinplace #umbreallatime #persepective #positivity #yougotthis #breathe #momlife #newnormal #socialdistance #bethoughtful #parentcoach #teencoach #familycoach #loveeachother #itsthelittlethings #getoutside #stayhealthy #parentinginreallife — view on Instagram
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