crazylake1 · 30 minutes
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Classic... 🔥👅♥️ #RedMenace
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crazylake1 · 3 hours
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crazylake1 · 3 hours
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crazylake1 · 3 hours
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crazylake1 · 4 hours
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crazylake1 · 4 hours
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crazylake1 · 4 hours
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crazylake1 · 4 hours
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crazylake1 · 6 hours
Love Your Sissy Postings -
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crazylake1 · 6 hours
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crazylake1 · 6 hours
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Chapter 6 - He felt the panic attack returning. This had to be a set up. Some guys in his dorm must have put her up to this. What if, she or someone else had hacked his computer and were planning to blackmail him. His panic was rising and fast. But, what if, this was really happening. His crush for practically his whole life was asking him to lock up his cock for her, for her! Wasn’t this a dream come true!
He calmed himself down, undressed and slipped on the extra small pink cage. It was a prefect fit, as they both knew it would be. He started to get redressed in fear that it was a set up, but before he could, he heard the key turn in the door lock. She was back in the room with him. He was for all practical purposes completely naked except for the extra small pink cage.
No one busted into the room behind her. There was no flash of cameras. Just her, looking stunning, while closing and locking the door behind her, all while holding a pair of pink panties in her hand.
She handed him the panties and told him to put them on as they would help hold the cage in place. He needed to unlock the cage so she could relock it on him at the Ceremony. He did as he was instructed. He then quietly added a “yes, ma’am,” which along with her first full sight his super cute tiny pink cage and pink panties, made her all tingly “down there.”
She took him by the hand again and led him to the door. She stopped him with a hand on his chest at the door, unlocked it, and briefly reached down to pick up something on the other side. In her hand was a pink leather collar and leash with bright silver studs on it. She asked him if he would be willing to wear the collar and leash for her. She was careful to not tell him to wear it as this extra detail was something she had added to the “Sorority LockItUp” game plan for her own amusement. Before he could answer, she added that she knew things were getting a bit weird, but that she would really appreciate it if she could put the pink collar and leash on him. She added for good measure that she thought the pink collar and leash would look “so cute” with his pink panties and cage.
To be continued….
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crazylake1 · 6 hours
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Chapter 5 - As he got dressed in his best coat and tie, he longed to find a way to rekindle the flame he had felt that they had lit at the after party for the lion musical. They were, after all, going to be together again at another party, the “LockItUp Opening-Closing Ceremony,” in just an hour. Surely, she would have also seen and admired his recent devotion to her.
After quite the determined search, she finally located the extra small pink chastity cage in the very back of the sorority house supply cabinet. She complimented herself on the cage being the perfect color match to the pink panties she had picked out for him to wear over the cage at tonight’s Ceremony and their “sleepover,” which was being permitted under an exception to the strict “no boys in rooms” rule, since he would be securely locked in her chastity cage long before he set foot in her room. Now to break the news to him, as he had just arrived at the sorority house a bit annoyingly fifteen minutes early.
She took her time finishing getting ready and knew she had struck the right note when, upon seeing her come down the stairs, his eyes popped out and all he could muster was a “Wow!” She complimented him on his outfit, which really did make him look good, to which he blushed pink. She forgot that she could make him do that so easily. So, she added how “cute it was” that he blushed at her compliment, “like a girl,” which then made him blush red. To soften what she knew had been an intentional rebuff of his manliness, she pulled him tight into her and hugged him deeply. While holding the embrace longer than he had expected, she whispered “Good boi” in his ear and briefly kissed him on his lips before releasing him. She felt his excitement during the hug and knew instantly that she had chosen wisely after her second look at his “so-called d!c pic.”
Now, it was time to get down to business. She led him by the hand into an adjacent room and closed the doors. She sat him down on a sofa and slid right up against him. She could feel the heat coming off his body and see his excitement causing a little tent in his pants. Suppressing a giggle, she looked him in the eyes and told him matter of factly that when he promised to play “Sorority LockItUp” with her, he had implicitly agreed to wear a chastity cage for her for the whole month of October. She added, mainly to keep talking and prevent him from balking, that this was commonly called Locktober.
Looking him again deeply in the eyes, she told him that she knew he wouldn’t let her down and that she could count on him to do this “small” thing for her. Without pausing, she instructed him that he was to immediately take off all his clothes, and put on only the chastity cage, which she picked up from beside the sofa and handed to him with a small bottle of lotion. She would give him some privacy while he did so, but he was not to leave the room. Mustering all her confidence, she stood up and left, locking the door behind her.
To be continued….
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crazylake1 · 6 hours
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Chapter 4 - He had a panic attack, or at least what he thought was a panic attack, based on what he had read about panic attacks. He had also read that “winners just do it,” or something like that. So, despite his brain spinning and his ongoing panic attack, he snapped a photo and sent it back to her. He added a, “Here you are, ma’am,” for good measure. His only consolation was that they were using an encrypted messaging app so the world would not be seeing his fully shaved privates, or so he hoped. A smile crossed his face when he received her reply, “Good Boi.” He wondered if the “i” was merely a typo, an autocorrect, or intended.
What he couldn’t have known was that at that very moment she was with a group of her sorority sisters who had been egging her into her most recent responses. She had luckily been able to keep most of the girls from getting a good look at his so-called “d!c pic.” She had her limits on how far she would let this go. The other girls’ boys had all dropped out. He was their sorority’s only entry in “Sorority LockItUp” and her only chance to win the grand prize and several other nice prizes she had her eye on. Besides, he was still her friend and she didn’t want to hurt him. Turn him into her “beta boi”, yes, but hurt him, no.
She had learned the concept of a “beta boi” at her sorority’s freshman orientation from some of the older girls who all claimed to keep one or two betas around to help with running errands, washing their cars, and doing other menial tasks for them. One girl even claimed that a beta did all her laundry for her on the weekends while she partied. That all sounded just wonderful to her ears, since college life had been pretty overwhelming for her so far. She had immediately thought of him as her prime candidate. She had some guilt about it, but all the girls had said that their beta bois seemed happiest when they were serving, so she tried not to think too much about it.
This was her first big step in turning him into her beta, but she knew that she still had more work to do. So, she opened her messaging app again and took a closer look at the “d!c pic” he had sent. He was indeed fully shaved, and it even appeared that he had put all the razors she had given him to good use as he looked smooth all over. If that turned out to be true, she might have a better shot at winning the “most feminized” prize which she has set her heart on.
Looking at the “d!c pic” again, she couldn’t stop the nasty thought of it being more like a “shrimp d!c pic” coming into her head. She did have to admit that it was awful cute looking and would likely look even cuter in a chastity cage. That in turn made her smile and feel better about him becoming her beta boi as he had always called her “cute” in grade and high schools. Now, the shoe would be on the other foot.
Then, more seriously, she realized that she was definitely going to need a smaller chastity cage for him tonight. She made a mental note to get the extra small pink cage, which would look extremely cute with the pink panties she had already picked out for him to wear to the “LockItUp Opening-Closing Ceremony,” which was in just a few hours.
To be continued….
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crazylake1 · 6 hours
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Chapter 3 - His head was spinning. The girl of his dreams, shown above looking as cute as she ever has, had just told him he could sleep with her alone in her sorority house bedroom, and all he had to do was fully shave himself “down there”!! She had even given him some pink razors to do the deed.
He went back to his dorm and immediately jumped in the shower, proceeding with utmost care for countless reasons. He had done an admirable job on his private parts, if he said so himself, but still had a couple of unused razors left over. A thought suddenly rushed into his head. If his crush wanted him fully shaved, then he would be fully shaved all over. Luckily, he had never had much body hair, but the little he did have was gone when he emerged from the shower, silky smooth.
She had messaged him when he was in the shower asking him to confirm that he had done as she had instructed. She must have sent him the message right after he started showering, as much more time had passed than it usually took him to respond to her. He sent a quick, “Yes, all done,” hoping she wouldn’t be mad at him. He was more than a bit surprised when she responded immediately, asking if he was trying to “play it cool” with her by taking so long to answer her message. She also asked why he had not addressed her as “ma’am.”
He wasted no time in responding this time, saying that he had been in the shower and had just finished “shaving himself fully clean.” He thought that would add a little mystery to his response, especially when she saw later that night what he had meant by “fully clean”. He added a “ma’am” to his response, right before hitting send, as a joke just to appease her, he told himself.
Her response took a little longer to come back to him, but it was as plain as day when it popped up on his screen. In all caps, she instructed him to immediately send her a “d!c pic.” She added that any delay in his compliance would end his chances with her tonight.
To be continued….
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crazylake1 · 6 hours
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Chapter 2 - If he had known what was in store for him during the month of October, he might have had second thoughts about so readily agreeing to do “Sorority LockItUp” with his lifetime crush, shown above looking so cute in a lioness costume from the musical they did together in high school. He was, however, experiencing a renewed “hard crush” on her, which made him ready and willing to do anything she asked to spend more time with her. So, when she texted back for him to meet her at the sorority house late in the evening of September 30th for the “LockItUp Opening-Closing Ceremony”, he once again responded, “I’ll be there,” without a second thought.
He had tried to find out more details about the “Sorority LockItUp” event, but no one seemed to know anything about it. His texts to her weren’t being answered or, when they were, her answers were vague or asked him to promise that he wouldn’t “no show” her on the 30th. He repeatedly reassured her, thinking his constancy would be attractive to her.
Early in the afternoon of the 30th, she texted him that she urgently needed to see him, even after several days of her not responding to his texts. Of course, he once again responded quickly, “name the place and time and I’ll be there.” She was more assured that she could stop him from backing out, like so many others boys had already done, but she knew she would need a firm hand with him.
When he met her in person, she looked so cute that he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He was infatuated with her but did his best to appear cool and calm. He didn’t fool her a bit. She was now sure that he would be putty in her hands, if she could get him to pay attention to what she was telling him, rather than staring into her eyes like a lost cub.
She led off with the good news. He would, that very night, be able to sleep with her in her bed in the sorority house with her roommate gone, if he did each and everything she told him to do from now until midnight. She then, in the most direct manner she could muster, instructed him to fully shave himself “down there.” He nodded his agreement as she handed him a pack of bright pink disposable razor blades, adding for good measure that he needed to do a good job so he would look as sexy as possible. Confident in her plan, she left without saying another word.
To be continued…
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crazylake1 · 6 hours
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Chapter 1 - She had been his crush since grade school. He thought they might become closer their first year in high school, but by sophomore year she had friend zoned him pretty hard. He had not spent much time with her until they did a musical show together in senior year where they both had parts as singing and dancing lions. This onstage photo of her was his most favorite although he had several others stashed in discrete places.
He thought they had a breakthrough at the show’s closing night after party, talking for hours, but she went home with some jock who had brought her two dozen roses. He swore to forget about her and thought he could as she was going to some arts college far away.
Then, on orientation day she showed up at his university. Something about a scholarship that fell through. He fell for her hard again. She was so damn cute and her red hair was his kryptonite.
She would always agree they should get together, have a coffee or lunch sometime, but pledging a sorority didn’t leave her much time. Until, late one night at the end of September, she texted him, asking if he would be willing to play a game with her for the whole month of October called “Sorority LockItUp”. He responded “of course” without even a second thought.
To be continued…
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crazylake1 · 12 hours
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