The Little Mermaid! Azul Ashengrotto x Yuu (Part 3/3)
Prompt: The story follows a plotline similar to The Little Mermaid. Down in the depths of the Kingdom of Atlantica, Yuu is known as the treasured daughter of the Sea King. Azul has disguised himself as Vance (Like Vanessa in the movie) in order to strike a deal with Prince Elias (Prince Eric) on a traveling ship as a human and Yuu is captivated. When the ship gets caught in a terrible storm, Yuu saves Azul and he’s unable to get her singing voice out of his head but doesn’t know who it is. When Yuu comes to Azul for a contract for her to become a human, he doesn’t realize that she was the one who saved him until after she obtains her legs. Now it’s up to Azul to come up with a plan to stop a romance caused by a misunderstanding.
Author’s Note: This story has a total of around 18k words, so I thought it would be easier to read if I broke it up into three parts.
Part 1: Here!
Part 2: Here!
Part 3: You’re reading it! :)

Grim had begun to pounce on top of Yuu to wake the girl up. Today was the third day, and she was excited to meet the love of her life.
“Come on, Yuu! I’m sure he’s waiting out there on the shore for you. We’ve got no time to waste!” the cat purred with excitement. Not even changing out of her pajamas, she looked into her mirror briefly to adjust her hair, and then took off with Grim in her arms. She wonders what he has been meaning to tell her. Oh, when the three days end, she’ll be able to get her voice back and tell him what she’s been hiding from him too!
Yuu made her way to the castle’s main hall and saw the same large crowd of nobles from yesterday and Prince Elias, waiting with a small box in his hand. The man had knelt down on one knee, looking at Yuu’s confused expression but proceeding anyway.
“It hasn’t been long since I’ve met you, but I sincerely ask you to listen to my word and give me a chance. You’ve changed me as a man and I no longer want to play around with anyone other than you. Will you marry me?” Prince Elias boldly proclaimed, using the social pressure on Yuu to his advantage. The girl was astounded, appalled even.
Huh?? What in Atlantica is he talking about?
“Yikes! Why in the world would he ask that when he knows that you’ve got your eyes on Vance?” Grim scowled as he lay in Yuu’s arms.
Her silence is what made every noble in the room whisper amongst themselves.
She took a step back, making Prince Elias take another step forward.
No! She doesn’t want to be with him!
The Prince leaned over to whisper in her ear, “I know your little secret, so if you don’t cooperate then I’ll…” smirking at Yuu’s mortified expression, he knew that he won.

Azul waited on the beach with a bouquet of flowers in hand in the form of Vance. He had hoped that Yuu liked the small gift that he gave to her in his coat. The nautilus shell. The hint that would let Yuu put the pieces of the whole story together. The sun was almost down and time was beginning to tick, just like he had originally planned when he simply wanted to trick Yuu for his revenge. He obviously didn’t believe in that now and was just waiting for her to come to see him.
“Maybe she’s not returning because she found out that you were her contractor.” Jade guessed while waiting around.
“Nah! Didn’t ya see the way she was making googly eyes at him yesterday? There’s no way Koebi-chan would change up that fast.” Floyd made kissy faces at Azul, snickering when he showed a face of displeasure.
“Isn’t it so obvious how infatuated I am? I must be pathetic for thinking I had a chance.” Azul felt blue. He had his hopes so high in the morning, waiting the entire time, thinking of what he would say, and imagining how Yuu would react. As the hours went by, the bouquet of flowers he held was beginning to wilt. It had even come to the point where he was so insecure that he was playing the, “she loves me not” game with one of the petals of the flowers.
He squatted with his head facing down to the ground, “Of course, she wouldn’t show up. I don’t know why I’ve fooled myself to believe this could work out.” Azul laughed pitifully at himself. Before all hope was lost, the trio could see a fluffy gray cat running towards them. Grim recognized Azul’s human form of Vance and appeared alarmed.
“Hey! I don’t know if you can hear me or not but Yuu is in trouble! That rascal of a prince is forcing Yuu to marry him and their wedding cruise already departed from the docks!” Grim cried out, hoping that maybe this human could understand what he was saying. Azul heard everything loud and clear, and so did the twins, nodding as they looked off into the distance where the ship was sailing west.
“Floyd! Jade! Transform into your merforms and take me to Yuu!” Azul ordered, replacing his doubt with a stronger fortitude. Grim yelped from hearing what he just said.
“Wait a second… Merforms? Floyd and Jade? Y-YOU’RE THE SEA SORCERER ALL ALONG?!” Grim was shocked as Floyd picked up the cat by the scruff of his neck.
“Bingo, Azarashi-chan~!” The animated twin showed a toothy grin. Jade sighed, smirking as he adjusted his gloves. “It’s about time you realized it. Now I wonder how the princess will react.” Jade was amused, set, and ready to take the next step.
“You’ve got to do us a favor since you’re in my debt for granting you those four paws of yours. I need you to quickly swim to the Sea King and tell him that Yuu is in danger.” the Sea Sorcerer had warned, making Grim gulp nervously.
“How am I going to do that? I’m still a cat, y’know?” Grim made obviously.
“Your potion seems to be running out by now,” Jade commented, pointing at how the magic spell on his hind legs was beginning to rewind. Floyd smirked, taking one last look at Grim’s face as he brought the sea puppy to his eyes.
“You hear that, guppy? You better be quick with it, ahaha!” Floyd smiled devilishly, making Grim’s face drop and scared about what was going to happen. The playful twin then got into aiming position, holding onto Grim like he was about to throw a football.
“WAIT–! NO! AAHHHHH!!” Grim exclaimed with dread as it was too late. Floyd had launched Grim into the air and far off into the distance, making a huge splash into the water. Azul felt apprehensive. This uneasiness pooling in his stomach wasn’t enough to stop him from rushing into the water, knee-deep already.
No, no, no! She can’t possibly marry that insufferable imbecile. The sun was beginning to set and this was now a race against time! He needs to end this marriage and come clean with the truth before then.

Some say that a bride on her wedding day is supposed to be the happiest, but Yuu’s gloominess far surpasses any hint of joy. Prince Elias kept the nautilus shell that was in his hands in safekeeping. He doesn’t know when it would come in handy, but if Yuu had tried to object at the wedding lectern, he’d use the shell to fabricate Yuu’s voice to say, “I do.”
Prince Elias threatened the life of her love if she didn’t agree to this marriage. As someone who is next in line for the throne, it’s inevitable that he would gain the power and ability to get rid of anyone, even someone as influential as Vance. Although, he did promise that she would gain the ability to be able to freely roam the human world.
Of course, this was a blatant lie. Even Yuu knew that, but what other options does she have left? The wedding was being forced upon her by a man that’s not her true love, and Yuu couldn’t stop thinking about him.
Prince Elias took Yuu’s arm and held her next to his side. Just how it should’ve been from the beginning. The sounds of organs were already harmonizing as they both slowly walked down the aisle. Yuu had to inhale and exhale to remind herself that she was doing it for him.
Feeling the unfamiliar gazes of strangers on her was uncomfortable, but not as uncomfortable as the man who was taking charge of this entire situation. There was no one she knew here, not even Grim. A wedding ceremony was supposed to be a promise between both people, even the merfolk under the sea knew that. Though, there’ll be vows that will be made for completely wrong reasons.
Her heart wanted to weep.
She was still trapped like a fish in a bowl, unable to do anything but remain within a boundary declared by someone else, not able to attain what she desired after all. The wedding bells were ringing, but most definitely not for her.
“Do you, Elias, take this maiden to be your lovely wedded wife, for as long as you both shall live?” the priest inquired. Yuu took a look at the sun which had almost touched the horizons of the sea, gloomy of what is to come.
“I do.” He said proudly. Prince Elias slowly pulled out the nautilus shell from his pocket. It was any second now that it would be time for him to use this piece of blackmail to solidify his position as the prince in the kingdom, having Yuu’s voice to declare her utmost truthful confession of love at last.
This is not what she wanted at all.
Even after she rebelled against her father…
Even after she signed a contract with the Sea Sorcerer…
Even after she finally became human…
Even after she had fallen in love…
Yuu stared at the ground as her vision became blurry.
Tears finally fell from her eyes.
Was this her punishment for falling in love?
This was it, she was going to suffer a fate worse than death.
The nautilus shell with her voice glowed even brighter as it spoke in her voice, “I–”
“I’ve got to hand it to you, you know exactly how to test my patience.” A voice erupted from behind.
Yuu’s head lifted and was directed to the voice. Everyone’s heads had turned towards a man who was interrupting the ceremony. There he stood, heaving with bated breaths from rushing to the wedding. With Jade and Floyd in their true forms, he was just barely able to make it in time.
“Well look at who decided to show up! A villain who juggles more than one mask and deceives others for his own benefit! How shameless can you possibly be, Vance?!” Prince Elias barked. Yuu didn’t hesitate to rush to Azul’s side until the groom forcefully grabbed the bride’s wrist, the girl wincing at the strong pressure. Azul kept walking down the aisle, almost livid that he dared to even think of laying a hand on her. Keeping his composure as much as he could, he decided that he was going to handle this with words and stay as civil as possible. There are witnesses, after all.
“That’s not at all how you should treat a lady. Any man who resorts to violence has already admitted that he has lost.” He approached Yuu as close as he could, hardly minding the gasps and the stares from the nobles around him.
“You’re not denying any of my accusations. You can’t possibly show up to my wedding and then try to take my bride away!”
“Your bride? Your bride?” Azul comes to a halt, his next few words growing bitter and resentful.
“As far as I know, she hasn’t been able to say a single word. For someone who wouldn’t take no for an answer, you’d most definitely take no answer as any answer.” Prince Elias took a step back with Yuu in his hold, his grip becoming tighter. How dare he lay a hand on Yuu?
“Have you ever thought to consider how she felt about any of this? You call her your bride, yet you don’t know a single thing about her. She’s a lustrous gem, yet you lust over her and only wish to attain her for the very wrong reasons. Forcing her to marry you to raise your reputation and clear your name? Please, who’s the real villain here?” Azul laughed, keeping himself as composed as he can be.
“Well, then what about you? How will you value your integrity when you’ve kept this away from her?!” Prince Elias revealed the glowing nautilus shell in his fist. Yuu’s eyes widened, hearing lingering echoes of her own voice radiating from it.
“This is why he’s here! Don’t let him deceive you! Look at him and watch, you’ll see.” The shadows of Azul’s fears began to invade his conscience. He wanted to speak but his throat had begun to tighten.
“Azul Ashengrotto. The man who you believed to be Vance actually turned out to be an octopus! He’s not even a mermaid, either! This entire time he’s only been getting closer to you to use you and make sure he uses you as a bargaining chip against your own father.” He had one final look at the shell and proceeded to toss it to Azul, who barely even caught it.
“Here, keep it. It’s like we’ve made a trade. You keep that little voice of hers and I take her all for myself! Hahaha!” the prince mocked, causing Azul to have deja vu from when he was bullied as a child. Yuu took this opportunity of the prince getting ahead of himself to stomp her heel straight through her perpetrator’s foot. He yelled in pain from her resistance and was offended. All of a sudden, he grabbed a harpoon from the side of the ship and pressed it up against Yuu’s neck.
“How… How dare you?!” Azul bitterly spat, his hands clenched and teeth gritting.
“Yes! Make that face for me, Azul! Show her that you only look at her like merchandise and that you’ve only ever cared about what you could gain. You did lie to her, that much is true.” The prince skewed everything that was said, but… he wasn’t wrong.
“I was going to tell her everything until you acted like a white knight in shining armor, thinking selfishly and brashly. This nautilus shell was supposed to be Yuu’s honest gift from me but you took it from her. Now I finally have the chance to give it back!” Azul traced his thumb over the curves of the shell one last time, kissing it like a token of good luck and raising it in the air before shattering it against the ground. The golden whirl of light that was previously contained had swirled in a flowy current, trailing back to its original owner, Yuu’s singing coming back to her control. The princess beamed when receiving what once was hers.
The Sea Sorcerer didn’t regret what he did. Not for a second. Seeing Yuu finally smile in the midst of this chaos was enough for him to keep pushing forward. With the same voice he yearned for in the beginning, he decided it’d be best for her to keep it, for she was much happier that way.
“Vance–Azul, I don’t care who you are– please don’t doubt the time we spent together!” Yuu’s mouth was covered by Prince Elias hand. The perpetrator peered at the sun and saw that it almost concealed itself by dipping into the ocean. Kissing her would keep her human forever, Prince Elias thought, pulling Yuu’s face closer to his. Sick and tired of being silenced, Yuu had bit down hard on Prince Elias’ finger, earning a painful howl from the man. Quickly shoving herself away from the groom, Yuu and Azul both rushed to each other.
The Sea Sorcerer entangled his fingers in the princess’ hair, pulling her in for a long-awaited embrace, mixtures of relief washing over him when finally feeling her in his arms.
“It’s been you all the time.” Yuu uttered, but not in betrayal or repulsion. Melting in his grasp, she could feel Azul stroke her back tenderly with trembling hands. He had been so afraid of losing her. Sevens, if he were a second off, he would never be able to forgive himself.
“Yuu, I… I wanted to tell you–” Azul whispered ever so softly while gazing into Yuu’s eyes, lulling his eyelids to prepare to sink his lips with hers until saw in the corner of his eye, Prince Elias charging at the both of them with his harpoon. Instantly, Azul pushed Yuu away from him as the prince rammed the foreign object into his chest. The groom chuckled in his victory, only to realize a second later that his harpoon wasn’t piercing through his skin. The sun had finally set and there was an intense amount of light that had emitted from Azul’s coat. The contract between him and Yuu had finally been sealed, done and over.
Prince Elias gasped in disbelief and staggered backward. The harpoon clattered against the floorboards. Azul withdrew the golden contract and it reflected its shimmering hue back to his face, a laugh erupting from his chest.
“You’re too late, Prince Elias!” he clenched the scroll in his hands and for a second felt power-hungry. Transforming into his original octopus-merform, he had sprouted his tentacles and the sky was painted darkly from his influence. Seeing the color in Prince Elias disappear was much too satisfying. Seeing him apprehensive and afraid gave Azul a bit of his confidence back, perhaps even becoming egotistical. He could only imagine the look on other merfolk’s faces once he got to them. Finally, he’d be able to get a taste of revenge…
A taste of…
In his peripheral vision, he saw Yuu sprawled on the ground, her former tail returning to her. Lacking energy, she peered back at Azul with hopeful eyes. The look on her face was one that had wanted to trust him. She had her faith in Azul to do the right thing, witnessing him almost losing himself and getting carried away. The Sea Sorcerer had stopped briefly.
What was the point of all of this?
He had dreamed of this very day happening ever since he was young, but it all didn’t seem to matter to him as much as he thought it would. If he kept the contract, wouldn’t it mean that everything Prince Elias had said would be true?
He wanted Yuu to trust him. Only he could nullify the terms and agreements. Only he was capable of ending it all. That way, Yuu wouldn’t be obliged to belong to him, at least not in this cruel and demanding way. As proof of his conviction, Azul ripped the scroll in half with his own hands, feeling shocks of lightning tearing through his body as he defied the natural law of its indestructible nature. He looked down at the scrap piece of paper as it lost its glow, finally crumbling it into a ball and tossing it into the ocean. He didn’t need a contract to be with Yuu. All he needed was to be by her side.
Humiliated, pathetically desperate, and vengeful! These feelings were swelling in the prince’s chest. Why weren’t things going his way?!
It was because it was the first time he’s ever been said no to. He’d gained everything he ever desired, yet that wasn’t enough to satiate his appetite. He could only dote and swoon and fawn on this lady who was withdrawn. It seems that she who held her tongue would get her man. He felt inferior to Azul. He had everything but he couldn’t have her!
“If I can’t have her, then no one can!”
Prince Elias scurried to his weapon in a last-minute attempt to do damage. He directed the long spear-like instrument toward Yuu.
“Say goodbye to your precious little mermaid!” Prince Elias bellowed, pulling the trigger on the harpoon.
Yuu couldn’t run. She can’t possibly dodge this without her legs. Time seemed to slow down for her. This really was it, huh? She shut her eyes and accepted what was about to come.
But it never came.
Yuu opened her eyes and gasped, covering her mouth in disbelief. Azul shielded her body, weakly towering over her figure with a harpoon puncturing and piercing through his abdomen. The octopus’ breathing hitched, doing his best to stay calm and composed in hopes to reassure Yuu of this major wound.
“Azul!” Yuu cried out, her hands pressed against his chest. Crimson had splattered from Azul’s lips yet he couldn’t waste another second thinking about his own pain. He picked Yuu up carefully with his tentacles and rushed over to the edge of the boat to keep her from harm’s way.
Prince Elias hollered as he rammed against Azul’s body, attempting to pull out the harpoon so that he could further bleed out, only to be latched by the ankle with a tentacle and plunged into the waters with both of them. Submerging into the sea, Azul’s grip loosened on Yuu and Prince Elias, losing his strength.
Jade and Floyd both eyed how the prince was fighting for air and both cackled mischievously.
“N-No! Get me out of here!” Prince Elias desperately tried to keep his head above the surface of the water before he was dragged further into the abyss.
“This is revenge for our boss.” Jade yanked the human towards him with his tail.
“Aha ha! Let’s get ‘em, Jade!” Floyd wrapped his tail around Elias’ body and squeezed.
“He’s just like bubble wrap.”
“Oopsies! Did I overdo it?”
“No, look. He’s still kicking.”
“Okaaaay! Why don’t we do this last one together?”
“Shock the heart.”
“Bind the heart!”

As Prince Elias met his deserved demise, Azul weakly laid back on the cold ocean floor. Yuu’s eyes had welled up in tears, desperately pushing her hands against the big gaping wound that only continued to overflow with blood.
“No, this can’t be happening! W-Why did you do that, Azul?” Yuu cried, looking at his true form. His hair, a wavy silver tone, his eyes, a dull gray color, and his beauty mark that was placed perfectly on the side of his lip. His handsome face paled, wincing but brought the backside of his hand to graze against her cheek.
“I had to do it. I can’t– I can’t let anything happen to you. I had to–” Azul stammered, incapable of imagining how he’d imagine a world without Yuu. It was a split-second decision and he couldn’t bare the guilt if he didn’t do something.
“Shh… It’s going to be okay, I’ve got you. E-Everything will be okay.” The little mermaid buried her head into the Sea Sorcerer’s chest. Things were not going to be okay. Azul’s timeframe was only shortening by the minute and there was nothing that she could do!
“I-I’m sorry, Yuu. Truly, I am. How embarrassing it is that you have to see me like this… I’m nothing but a silly, lonely little octopus,” Azul tried to make fun of himself, only to cough out an alarming amount of blood.
“I don’t care about any of that!” Yuu held his face between her hands.
“Would an evil Sea Sorcerer really prepare the best things in town for my arrival? Would a selfish man really go through the trouble to teach a naive girl how to walk? Would he smile at me so tenderly after I pull down his hat and completely splash him with water, or hold me as if he’d never get the chance to hold me again after he let go?” Yuu shouted, causing Azul’s eyes to widen in astoundment.
“But… Don’t you feel betrayed when you found out that Vance was never real?”
“I already knew you were Azul Ashengrotto!” the mermaid confessed, causing the octopus to be dumbfounded.
“What…? How could that be?”
“I don’t know anybody else who would call me Angelfish after falling into a lake. Not only that, but your two henchmen stick out like a sore thumb, silly.” The girl sniffed when trying to lighten the mood, rubbing her thumb across Azul’s cheek. He bit his lip, feeling a bit sheepish. I suppose he couldn’t foolproof everything.
“Vance, Azul Ashengrotto, I could see right through you whether you’re an octopus or a human. I don’t believe so strongly in rumors and I believe that you’re capable of having a change of heart. Even then, I knew that the only one I could love is you! It will always be you, no matter what.” Yuu pressed her forehead against his own affectionately.
Azul felt his lip quiver, a lump becoming stuck in his throat and his tears became too much to contain. All his life, he wanted someone who can truly accept him for who he was. How was it that she was able to achieve all of this? He’s been able to see a more vibrant world with her by her side, and he thought he had been the one to introduce her to the unknown of the world. He felt too blessed. He really was.
“Above all, you have the most beautiful soul, Angelfish.” The octopus momentarily forgot his injury, twinging at the subtle movements he made to hold Yuu closer to him. His breathing came to a slow pace as he wishfully looked into her eyes.
“Could you… s-sing for me one last time? I couldn’t get enough of your voice the day you left.” He weaved his fingers within her hair as Yuu fought to not cry completely. She sniffed, seeing that this was his final wish. He looked far, far, too pale at this point, but he put every last drop of his strength into enduring the urge to slumber eternally.
“I don’t know when, I don’t know how
But I know something’s starting right now…
Watch and you’ll see, someday I’ll be…
Part of your world.”
She leaned in, very carefully. Her beating heart pressed against his that had slowed to a calm. She could no longer feel the tears that brimmed her eyes, or the bitterly cold atmosphere of the ocean because all she could feel was Azul, everywhere, filling everything she had ever thought and believed in… for a kiss.
A kiss of true love.
The silence was loud. Yuu had shut her eyes and gradually strayed from his lips, sinking her head into the crook of his neck.
“I love you.”
Yuu broke into a sob, gripping Azul’s limp and unresponsive hand, only stopping to realize that the hand she clasped onto had squeezed back. She opened her eyes, seeing that there was light emitting from the hole that was gaping through Azul’s abdomen. It was as if the clocks reversed in the Sea Sorcerer’s body, the fates’ design changing… The reformation of skin and bone had melted and stitched itself back together like magic, completely vanishing. Azul’s life-threatening injury was no longer present.
Yuu was bewildered at what had just happened. How was this possible? What could this mean? As if she had gone through this very same scenario as before, the mermaid pushed her head next to Azul’s chest, hearing his heartbeat’s rhythmic pace matching her very own.
“I surrendered my heart, yet you give me so much life, darling,” Yuu felt her hand further entwine with the man that lay beneath her. She looked up, smiling from ear to ear, causing Azul to be awestruck, and welcomed her warmth in his arms once more. Words could not describe how fortunate Yuu felt. All of the time that they spent together flashed in her memory once more, her relief washing over her and granting her peace.
“Azul!” Yuu exclaimed, regaining all of her hope. She embraced him tightly as if she would never get the chance to hold him again. Azul was given the strength that he needed, along with the resolve to solidify what he wanted to do. It’s never been clearer than before. Everything he did, he wanted to do it all for her. He would never let go of her again. There was no more Prince Elias, contract, or guilt in his way. Every opportunity was now his.
“Finally, I get to do this.” The Sea Sorcerer gently brought Yuu’s face near his own. Before they’ve made contact, he pauses for a moment more.
“May I?” Azul shyly asked for permission, not wanting to be rude or force the girl after the wedding fiasco incident. This caused Yuu to laugh at his polite gesture.
“Of course!” she answered, feeling the weight of Azul’s lips finally placed on hers, the both of them deeply intertwined with each other. His soul could only be at rest with hers.

“I’ve finished calculating our sales figures for today. Now, do we have a deal, Sea King?” Azul questioned, peering into the eyes of the King of Atlantica, determined for the man to let him win this negotiation.
“I consider myself a reasonable merman. I’ll let you know that I’ve set certain rules and I expect those rules to be obeyed, Azul…” The almighty and powerful monarch had set his trident to strike against the ground. Grim yelped and quickly swam behind his towering figure. Sitting down on his throne, he rested the trident that he held and looked back at the Sea Sorcerer.
“Oh… Then I guess there’s just one problem left.” The Sea King sighed.
Grim gulped, peeking his head from the side, “and what’s that, your Majesty?”
“How much I’m going to miss her.” The Sea King had ushered Azul to come forward, which the octopus had cautiously done. The king had held out his hand for a handshake, which Azul took, only to be pulled in for a strong hug by Yuu’s father.
“Thank you, sir. I’ll always ensure your daughter’s happiness.” Azul was able to relax, no longer stressed about having to get the Sea King’s blessing. He had come up with all sorts of possible scenarios of conversation in his head for this very moment, meticulously crafting specific phrases for convincing the king. Fortunately for him, it wasn’t too difficult to do, of course with the little mermaid showing her adoration for the Sea Sorcerer after everything that happened.
“Azull~! Where are you?” Yuu’s voice echoed in the halls of the castle.
Azul withdrew from the embrace, coughing nervously in his fist before bowing to him before he made his leave. He swam as quickly as he could with his eight tentacles to the little mermaid who was calling for him.
“Angelfish! I’m here. There’s a place where I’ve been meaning to take you, my newly opened restaurant called the Mostro Lounge.” Azul swam to Yuu and greeted the princess with a kiss on her hand. She beamed at the gesture and he could only look forward to the future with her. Behind his back, he held a box that was decorated with the seashell she had gifted Azul. Inside was a beautiful engagement ring to promise their futures together.
Villains too, also deserve their happily ever after.

Epilogue: It had turned out that Yuu’s signature spell, “Part of Your World” had healing properties whenever she sang! Grim was too much of a slow swimmer to get the Sea King to break up the wedding in time (definitely not because I wanted the finale to mostly focus on Yuu and Azul). Floyd and Jade were just playing with Prince Elias a bit and the humans heard about how he forced a mute girl to try to marry him. Yuu and Azul had to do a lot of explaining to the Sea King about the situation and slowly over time, the Sea King came to accept Azul to court his daughter. Grim at first was against the two of them getting together but after Azul offered the lifetime supply of canned tuna, he was more than happy for him to be welcomed into the family. Instead of having clients fall into debt forever, Azul decided to open up the Mostro Lounge which was available for both the human world and the merpeople world. The Sea Sorcerer was able to improve his reputation in Atlantica bit by bit, receiving some criticism from those who still had hard feelings against him, but Yuu was able to help him realize that he shouldn’t hold onto those grudges.
Author’s Note: I had a lot of fun writing this! It came out to be longer than I thought, so I thought it would be best to split the story up into three parts so that it’s easier for some people to read. I absolutely adore watching The Little Mermaid and I always wanted to read what would happen if Azul and Yuu were to follow the general plot of the movie. I wish for as many people to read this because I do think there will be someone out there who may really like this story for our favorite Azul Ashengrotto. I hope everyone has a happy new year! :))
#twst x reader#twisted wonderland x reader#azul ashengrotto x reader#azul x reader#azul x you#azul ashengrotto x yuu#azul x yuu#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland imagines#twst imagines#octatrio#disney twst#azul ashengrotto#twst scenarios#azul#twst fanfic#twst azul#azul x mc#azul ashengrotto x mc#azul x y/n#azul ashengrotto x y/n#the little mermaid
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The Little Mermaid! Azul Ashengrotto x Yuu (Part 2/3)
Prompt: The story follows a plotline similar to The Little Mermaid. Down in the depths of the Kingdom of Atlantica, Yuu is known as the treasured daughter of the Sea King. Azul has disguised himself as Vance (Like Vanessa in the movie) in order to strike a deal with Prince Elias (Prince Eric) on a traveling ship as a human and Yuu is captivated. When the ship gets caught in a terrible storm, Yuu saves Azul and he’s unable to get her singing voice out of his head but doesn’t know who it is. When Yuu comes to Azul for a contract for her to become a human, he doesn’t realize that she was the one who saved him until after she obtains her legs. Now it’s up to Azul to come up with a plan to stop a romance caused by a misunderstanding.
Author’s Note: This story has a total of around 18k words, so I thought it would be easier to read if I broke it up into three parts.
Part 1: Here!
Part 2: You’re reading it :)
Part 3: Here!

It was the second day, and the light flooded through the windows of Yuu’s room. Oh, how amazing it would be to wake up like this every day. Grim was snoring bubbles from his nose until a loud slam came from the entrance of the bedroom door. Yuu had sat up, alarmed, but now awake.
“Good morning, honey! Today Prince Elias is going to show you around the town! What a lovely turn of events that he had brought in a lovely girl such as yourself. There has been some news going around that you’ve got your heart set on the prince. Ahh, young love.” One of the maids chimed merrily, causing Yuu to jolt out of bed and shake her head no to the maid. The maid on the other hand took this as a sign of shyness or embarrassment, laughing at how the young girl had denied it.
“Don’t worry, dearie. I’ll have you dressed up and look extra pretty so that every man in the kingdom will fall for you. I heard especially that this young bachelor named Vance has been preparing the town to be even livelier than it was before. All for you and Prince Elias!” the woman cheered. Yuu began to clap and clasp her hand joyously after hearing Vance’s name. This is her chance to meet him! The girl scooped Grim into his arms and twirled around.

As Yuu and Grim traveled by carriage with Prince Elias to the town, the girl couldn’t help but admire everything that she saw. Prince Elias on the other hand had thought about how easy it was for her to be impressed. How will he begin to make her fall for him? Why is it that she is ignoring his advances of getting closer? Maybe he could ask Vance to pull some strings for him.
Nearing the town, Yuu and Prince Elias stepped off of the carriage together to find someone that the prince was looking for. Grim kept a close eye from a distance, trying to find the human that his friend had sought. In the distance, there were two tall men with short-cut teal hair and another with the same descriptions as Yuu’s dream gentleman.
As the trio had made their way to Yuu and Prince Elias, Yuu had set her eyes on the man she traded her voice for. Now that she was able to have a better look at the man in the light, he seemed awfully similar to someone she knew. Azul in disguise had worn his signature business smile when saying hello and greeting the prince with a tip of his hat.
“Morning, Vance! Glad to see that you’ve prepared the town for me and my partner today. Apparently, she was shipwrecked and she cannot speak, haha.” The prince grinned, showing the girl off to Azul. Ignoring the comment about her being his partner, he averted his attention to the gem next to the prince.
There she was.
Standing and staring at Azul, it was as if she wanted to tell him something despite not being able to say a single word. The gentleman ignored the prince as he made his way to seize Yuu’s free hand to gently press a chaste kiss upon the back of it, causing the girl to blush at the sudden touch. He maintained eye contact throughout the gesture without breaking the magic.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, darling.” He lifted his head and smiled. Prince Elias’ face showed hints of jealousy and maybe even a little bit of inferiority that with all of his attempts to woo this maiden, he hadn’t been able to receive a reaction like that. Azul smirked to himself, putting himself between Yuu and Prince Elias as a way to create distance between the girl and the womanizer.
“Hey, what are you doing to her in front of me?!” Prince Elias barked.
“Why, whatever do you mean? I must show my manners, should I not? Every lady should be treated like they are royalty.” Azul hinted, giving a mischievous smile to his competitor.
Sure, Prince Elias may appear stronger, taller, and maybe fit the picture definition of prince charming, but Azul was far more capable of treating Yuu better. Azul has thought of many possibilities and took extra preparation for this event in town in less than a day. He invited townsfolk who could provide the best entertainment, ensured that the shopkeepers could sell their best and freshest of pastries, tasked men to clean any waste that may linger in the central plaza of the town, and gathered a crowd of musicians who could perform and set the mood on this very occasion.
Azul acted on his own accord after receiving a very broad order from the prince and took matters into his own hands to make this human experience like no other for Yuu. Why would he go this far? It’s because Yuu was his client, of course. It’s not like he liked Yuu or anything. It’s not like every time he met his eyes with Yuu, he felt as if she had stared into every nook and cranny of his soul, wondering if there was more to this surface-level facade (though he does notice that he tenses up when she does). It’s not like Yuu’s determination to meet the man she saw on land was a courageous and commendable act that had flattered Azul, although she was prepared to lose everything that may have mattered to her under the sea just for the mere possibility of his appearance. No, of course not. Why would Azul ever do that for her? This is all for the sake of obtaining Atlantica (and maybe obtaining her father’s blessing), nothing more, nothing less.
Azul became sidetracked for a brief moment but then remembered what he needed to do next. His eyes darted to the twins, sending a signal for their next move. Floyd and Jade left the scene to begin their plan of distracting Prince Elias.
“Whaat?! The Princess of Glowerhaven is pregnant… with Prince Elias being the father?!” Floyd dramatically hollered, throwing flyers around in town and catching the attention of some individuals. The prince was shocked, turning his head in the direction of the news.
“What? Who is saying that nonsense?!” The man had been quick to direct his attention to the root of the rumors.
Jade wore a hood and approached the prince, “Look, that man who is slandering you is getting away on horseback! You must catch this man so we can clear your name and of this scandal,” and pointed in the direction of getting out of town. Prince Elias had turned to Yuu and wanted to prioritize this matter over spending time with her.
“I’ll be back, stay in place here. Vance, take care of her when I’m gone!” the prince had gotten into the carriage once more and started the horse.
Azul had bowed politely, “Oh I’ll take care of her, alright,” under his breath. This half-wit was much too easy to fool.
Yuu had watched the whole scene unfold in front of her and it was obvious that the charming gentleman did all of this on purpose. For her.
“Oh, what a shame that Prince Elias won’t be able to escort you. In the meantime, would you like to take a stroll and see the wonders of the city?” Azul questioned. Yuu had nodded yes excitedly. “Ah, yes, you can’t speak. Well, if you need anything please tug on me.” She stood next to him and eagerly looked at him as if she were saying ‘I’m ready to go!’
“Wonderful. Now, the first place we’ll go to is—!” Yuu interrupted Azul’s dialogue and grabbed his wrist, already taking the lead. Thrown off guard, Azul yelped as the princess eagerly pulled him with her.
Yuu’s mouth gaped open at the sight before her. The town was bustling with so many people and various animals. She pointed at the flock of chickens and looked at Azul as if she were waiting for him to explain what it is. Amused at how she can easily be excited over mundane things, he almost let out a chuckle at her vast curiosity. “As you can see, these are known as chi– Woah!” …And she dragged him off to somewhere else, again.
The next thing that she pointed at was a puppet show. Azul adjusted his circle glasses, “This is a type of performance where they tell their stories through p–” Yuu pulled the puppet straight off of the worker’s hand and was surprised that it stopped moving. “My dear, we don’t do that!”
This happened almost every time when Azul was about to enlighten Yuu with these new things, and each time she would always drag him somewhere else with their hands interlocked. This fuzzy feeling in his chest wouldn’t go away, and it’s obvious why. This made him wonder: Did she also feel the same way? Or is it because she’s enamored with this new experience of this different world? Only time will tell.
“Free ice cream! Here, some ice cream for you two.” Floyd, disguised as a simple townsman, handed the two cones of ice cream to Yuu and Azul. Free? He was supposed to be selling them!
Azul flashed his business smile, “Thank you very much.” While Yuu was distracted by the delicious treat, Azul leaned forward to Floyd, “I’m taking this out of your pay.”
“Aww, what?” the former eel sulked as his boss dragged Yuu away from the ice cream stand.
Relishing the ice cream, the princess didn’t realize that she got some on her nose. Taking out his handkerchief, Azul reached out to Yuu’s face. “Pardon me, but you have some ice cream on your nose.” She gave a bashful smile as he gently cleaned her face.
He noticed that their faces were closer than he thought, and debated whether he should kiss her or not. However, he didn’t feel that the time was right, so he promptly pulled himself away from her. It didn’t seem that she noticed, but the flustered look on her face had given it away. Oh, how precious she looked in front of him. Eyes darting away from the man in front of her, she turned her attention to the melody that roused her interest.
Yuu had pointed to the musicians who were playing to the rhythm of the dancers. She had gently tugged on Azul’s sleeve to insist that they should do this activity next.
“Dancing? I apologize, darling, but I can’t possibly dance.” The gentleman admitted while laughing a bit nervously, but that didn’t stop Yuu from pulling Azul closer to him to the circle anyway. His face flushed at the sight of Yuu bravely interlocking fingers in one hand and placing his other hand around her very own waist. Azul could feel his face glow with a rosy tint, despite them already being in a similar set of circumstances when he was teaching her how to walk. Now, Yuu was taking the initiative and teaching him how to dance. Oh, how the tables have turned.
It was one foot after the other. His eyes focused on his feet while his heart was focused on Yuu. After a few steps, in the beginning, Azul’s tense body had begun to ease up a little. Instead of looking down at the ground to focus on the next steps, he could only look fixedly at Yuu, who was incapable of containing her jubilant smile. Azul couldn’t help but lean more into the motion of their waltz, mesmerized by the soft touches, the colorful atmosphere, leaving only his senses to drown out the outside commotion. The spotlight was on Yuu, and it was a show he wouldn’t dare to miss for the world. For every second they spent with each other, she only seemed to become more radiant with every glancing look.
Azul softly smiled. Feeling immersed in this false persona of his, he thought he might as well enjoy every fleeting moment in the present. He took her hand and lifted his own above her head to allow her to twirl in her flowy dress, earning the motion of giggling on her part. At least this time, she didn’t fall over. The Sea Sorcerer on the other hand realized he was utterly smitten with the girl. Acting as Vance was all a part of his plan to get the prince away from his pearl, but something tells him that maybe this frontage allowed Azul to pour unspoken fragments of himself into the picture. He could no longer see the girl as just the Princess of Atlantica, or as the treasured daughter of the Sea King. He could only see Yuu for who she is. Her passion for the world, her endearing curiosity, her tender touches, and how she didn’t seem bothered to be in his presence. At least in the presence of Vance, that is. Would she accept Azul Ashengrotto for who he is?
The music had lulled to an end. Grim watched from the side, grinning and glad that things are working out for Yuu. In the corners of his eyes, he saw the twin henchmen that had initially followed Vance’s orders and became a bit curious about what they were up to. He could sense some familiarity with them somehow.
Floyd and Jade could already assume that Azul’s got his heart set on the princess and couldn’t bother to stop him. All of this just seemed so interesting from an outsider’s point of view. Who would’ve guessed that the cunning Sea Sorcerer would fall in love with the little mermaid?
Suddenly, Prince Elias returned to the scene. Azul’s eyes widened, his gentle grip on Yuu’s wrist tightening a little. The girl noticed this and caressed Azul’s hand back in reassurance. The gentleman wished he could melt into the soothing touch, but he must make sure that Prince Elias couldn’t bother the both of them.
“It seems that our stroll in the town must come to an end. Come, darling, we must take our leave.” He took Yuu to swiftly flee from the prince’s line of sight. The girl was a bit confused but didn’t mind following the gentleman’s lead. She truly appreciated the things he put a lot of thought into.
They both quickly hopped into a carriage, presumably Prince Elias’, and Azul grabbed a hold of the reins of the horse, only to realize he’s never done this before. Prince Elias pushed and made his way through the crowd, coming near the carriage all until Yuu scooted over and had stolen the reins from Azul’s grasp. She smirked as she cracked the reins, causing the horse to trot faster than it should’ve, causing Azul to jolt inside of the cart and leaving Prince Elias to eat dust.
Azul panicked, “Are you sure about this?!” and the princess gave him a smirk brimming with confidence. Considering that she has never done this before, he would have felt reassured if it weren’t for the cliff up ahead.
She was excited.
He was deathly afraid.
In mid-air, the two could feel that the horse and the cart were no longer touching the ground and had successfully landed with a loud thud on the other side. The adrenaline that was spiking within the both of them had begun to die down after the first few seconds of their romantic getaway, Azul rose slowly from the seat to see that they were at a safe distance and not dead. Yuu motioned her silent laughter at the way Azul had quickly become disheveled, causing him to correct his posture in an attempt to regain his composure. Yuu can be really playful when she can be, huh?

The serene atmosphere of the lagoon was just the right place to end the day. It was now dusk, and only Yuu and Azul’s rowing of the oars interrupted the tranquil waters. Floyd and Jade had been watching carefully within the pond, following Azul’s orders of making sure no one interrupted their quiet time. Grim was panting, so exhausted that he had to run to the outskirts of town to catch up with Yuu. He wasn’t able to do much but give a supportive look on the sidelines when Yuu occasionally looked away from Azul.
There’s been the same matter that’s been pressing into Azul’s conscious, debating whether or not he should continue to follow through with his original schemes. At first, he thought he had Yuu wrapped around his finger but at this point, it’s been the other way around. Was he a fool for deceiving this sweet girl? He thought that his revenge on the people of Atlantica was much stronger than these newly blossomed feelings. He’d been planning meticulously and ran through many plots and ploys for what he’d do to those who ridiculed him as a child. He never forgot the sight of those who mocked, bullied, and isolated him. He’d gone through all of this trouble to make sure that she didn’t fall for the prince and that the contract would win in his favor. The problem now is…
I really want to kiss her, he scowled at himself, almost as if he wanted to strangle his previous self for making the terms of the contract have such limitations. What is he going to do? Should he confess the truth now, hoping for Yuu to embrace this shocking fact with open arms? No! That’s far too risky! If he does kiss the girl, would Azul continue to pretend to be Vance and meet her on land? A lie like that is bound to get figured out in no time. This is hopeless. He doesn’t have the courage to come out clean with this. All of it is too great of a situation to easily be explained with words.
The rowing had stopped and Azul couldn’t look at Yuu. A bit lost in his sentiments, he could only imagine the disappointment Yuu would be once she finds out… the truth.
“Darling,” Azul slowly took Yuu’s hand into his and studied her facial expressions. At this very moment, she noticed how he seemed more vulnerable and sentimental with her.
“Hypothetically speaking, let’s say– if I had more than four limbs and had the complexion of a conniving entrepreneur– as a random, non-specific example… Would you still enjoy my company?” Azul honestly asked, a bit embarrassed about the sudden out-of-the-blue inquiry. Yuu paused for a moment to register what was said, wearing an expression of light-hearted amusement. She settled her hand over his own and moved his hand to his heart. This gesture touched him. If only he could hear her verbally say it. In the breast pocket of his coat, the nautilus shell that held Yuu’s voice was still there, silently sitting, maybe even mocking Azul to remind him of how deceitful he can be.
Yuu, however, had only looked at him earnestly. She could feel Azul rub his thumb over her finger as if asking for permission to continue to hold her ethereal presence. The glow of the fireflies continues to catch glimpses of the sight of the two.
“Listen, darling. I’m afraid I must confess that I’m not the man you think I may be.” Azul continued to hold one of Yuu’s hands against his chest, hoping that she would listen to how erratic his heartbeat was, and so that she could somehow read his mind and maybe even notice his lie was becoming unbearable for him to contain. She could feel the warmth underneath his attire and the rhythmic symphony that was being orchestrated within his ribcage. Too consumed in the moment, Azul felt himself inching closer to the girl, too lost and too deeply enamored with this comfortable and blissful sight. He looked at her warmly, but resolutely.
“Darling, my heart is so full of you that I can hardly call it my own.” He lowered his voice, his watchful eyes darting from Yuu’s eyes to her lips, slowly cupping her soft cheek in his hands.
Is it alright for him to be this happy?
“I…” Azul’s voice lowered. She sensed that he is about to say something important and her heart began to flutter.
The distance between them began to close in on one another, her eyes locked in and entranced, as well as his only ever looking at hers. Yuu’s hand had slightly grazed over Azul’s breast pocket, suddenly sending Azul back to his senses of what he was doing. His conflict with himself was strong, but his desire for her to just be happy was stronger. His eyes widened, his arm instinctively leaning behind him, only to realize his hand was no longer perched on the boat. The boat had come to an imbalance, causing the both of them to tip over and plunge into the waters.
Azul cursed himself. He can’t afford to be so greedy. Oh, and now they’re both drenched from the water. Sevens sake, he’s done it now…
He sat up, his hat floating away and his suave performance now at a best of three out of ten at most. He feared to see the look on Yuu’s face. Would she be disgusted? Repulsed? For a moment he wanted to crawl back into his octopus pot and hide away forever.
Another splash of water met his face and he had to blink twice to process what happened. Yuu smiled, finally catching his attention. She wanted to distract him from whatever doubts he may have in his head. Paddling closer to Azul, she picked up the wet hat that was floating away and planted it on top of Azul’s head. It was all soaked and still had water dripping from it, which caused him to let out a laugh.
“Pfft. What is this? Are you consoling me, splashing me around, and playing around like an Angelfish?” Azul broke out and laughed again. The girl nodded, coming closer to fix his attire to the best of her abilities. The hat that sat on top of Azul’s head had covered too much of his eyesight, so Yuu had gently pushed her fingers through his hair and adjusted his glasses that had half fallen down from the bridge of his nose. For a second, Azul thought she was going to try giving him a kiss once more when her hands brushed against his cheek, only to find out that she had quickly pulled down his hat to cover his whole face, blocking his sight.
“Wha–?! You mischievous girl!” Azul bellowed, quickly fixing his accessories and splashing a wave of water back to the princess. Even after the romantic atmosphere dissipated into an awkward situation, Yuu managed to cheer up the Sea Sorcerer.
Rising from the water, Azul took off his coat and placed it on the girl’s shoulders, despite it all being wet and defeating the purpose of “keeping her warm.” She couldn’t help but silently laugh at how adorable he could be. Sure, the date in town was really nice, especially how he did everything for her sake, as well as this romantic boat ride with the moon shining at its brightest, but it seemed like Azul was hiding behind what he wished he could be.
His planning was not all for naught, for it truly did continue to draw Yuu closer to him. What mattered more was that she felt blessed to be by his side, and that was enough to make Azul realize that she was a bright flower that heartened him to write, how she would glow in the darkest of times, as if she had invaded his mind through the day and through the night, almost incomparable to a sanctuary, becoming most unreal, beamy and dreamy, as if she were as fleeting like the snow chills of the berries of January and wintertime in the light Hajime, willing to set the blaze for her passionate eyes, lips and smile, thinking of her creamy lips and how they fill his days, his affections most like a gleamy argyll.
In short, frankly, to put it plainly, honestly, saying it without reservation, at that moment, Azul had fallen head over heels for her. He had fallen in love, and he couldn’t possibly lie to someone he loved.

It was dark out. Floyd and Jade did a good job of diverting Prince Elias’ attention while Yuu and Azul were walking back to the castle. Grim was also busy making sure Prince Elias was annoyed throughout the entire day by leading him in the wrong direction and peeing on his boots. In a way, Floyd, Jade, and Grim had a hate club for the prince who has no idea why the odds are conspiring against him.
Yuu walked with her hands behind her back, still with Azul’s coat over her shoulders. The Sea Sorcerer walked beside her, taking in the peaceful silence as a good sign. Today was a successful day. Although it tortures him inside that he cannot kiss her, else she’d remain human, he can still be thankful for the things he never thought he’d ever experience. Yuu had tugged on the gentleman’s sleeve, earning his attention to be set on her. Well, how could he not? Yuu was radiant under the moon’s glow and captivating in almost every way. She wanted to show her gratitude for how nicely he’s treated her by picking up a seashell from the shore and placing it in his palm.
Azul was touched by the gift, “Is this compensation for pulling my hat down over my head?” he chuckled, and Yuu was looking away in a bashful manner. She was feeling a bit shyer now, not as brave as she was earlier. He smirked, taking this as an opportunity for payback.
He suddenly swept Yuu off of the ground, earning a panicked gesture of surprise from the girl who now had to hold around Azul’s neck to not fall over. Yuu looked into Azul’s now devious eyes as the man began to walk from the sandy shore to the shallow water of the ocean. Holding her in his arms was a bold thing, even for him to do. He doesn’t have arm strength as he would in his octopus-merform, but he was enjoying Yuu’s playful distress as she shifted in his hold. He spun her around a couple of times and the smile on her face never faded.
“Darling, I’m afraid that my arms are starting to give up on me. I must resort to letting go of you above the water.” Azul teased in a dramatic tone, slowly lowering her to the sea until she retaliated by snatching his glasses off of his face.
“Ah! Do you know what kind of position you’re in?! If you keep moving we might fall again!” Azul became alarmed at his lack of equilibrium and stumbled backward into the shallower parts of the beach. He gave a sigh of relief as he kept Yuu just barely above the water, still carrying her in his grasp.
She held in her laughter and Azul sat on the sand, showing a not-as-impressed look. “You must think this is funny, hmm? Darling, I’ll have you know that I’ve–“ Azul paused momentarily, feeling Yuu’s arms suddenly wrapping themselves around his torso for a hug. Her head was just below his chin and she closed her eyes for this moment. Azul’s face heated up, maybe his glasses fogging up a little, his hands a bit awkward and unsure of where to place them or where they should go. In the end, he had one hand behind her head and the other one on her lower back. After a few seconds of the hug, Azul released the tension in his shoulders and relaxed into this position. He stroked her hair slowly.
She really has fallen for… Vance. Again, these thoughts keep rolling through his consciousness of playing a part in this large misunderstanding. After all, the man who has a conscience suffers whilst acknowledging his sin. That is his punishment.
Yuu felt so comfortable on the other hand. Everything just felt so right with him. She wants to do everything she can to be with this human, but after observing the gentleman and seeing that he wants everything to be perfect at the moment, maybe she could kiss him tomorrow instead. Pulling away from his chest, she looked at Azul with determined eyes.
“My dearest, there’s something that I’ve been meaning to tell you. It’s a very crucial part of my character, you see, so I believe it would be best if we could meet up tomorrow before the sunset on this distant shore once again.” The Sea Sorcerer looked down, feeling vulnerable but comfortable with how Yuu was holding his heart.
“I wish that you wouldn’t become afraid of what I truly am. My past is full of things I’m not proud to admit to you and you deserve to know the truth. Maybe then, you’ll realize how imperfect of a man I am.” Azul began to doubt himself as he continued talking. Yuu furrowed her eyebrows and grabbed a hold of Azul’s cheeks in her hands as if to tell him that he is wrong to fall insecure because of his past. She couldn’t communicate with him through words, but her actions were enough to convey her message to allow Azul to feel at peace again.
“Ahh… darling, I-I’m not sure if I deserve you.” Azul felt forgiven, that all of his past deeds could be something he can walk freely away from, that what was plaguing him would disappear in thin air every time he was with Yuu. He wished he could cry in Yuu’s arms right now. How can one be so… loving? He can only feel more guilty by the minute for not telling the truth.
The girl just felt so safe with him. Every moment she spent with him, she just felt free to be doing what she wished. There were no royal attendants to bicker with her about her tardiness or a mermaid tail that could prevent her from standing up on her own. Coming up on land was more than just wanting to be by his side. It was to discover more about her curiosities and passions, all of which had been up in the human world. She wanted to dance, walk down the street, find out more about human culture, and Azul had been the one who had wholeheartedly shown all of that to her.
Yuu brought Azul’s face closer to hers and she gently pressed a soft kiss to his forehead. Withdrawing backward, she saw Azul’s blank expression, or maybe a contortion of elation, ease, surprise, and bashfulness all at once.
She stood up, taking Azul’s hands to stand up as well. The princess had placed a hand over her heart and then moved that same hand over his. The Sea Sorcerer was astonished still, not able to say a single word after the forehead kiss. She motioned a giggle before waving goodbye to the gentleman, walking back to the castle on her own.
Azul was still registering what had happened.
She kissed him.
She kissed him!
She kissed him! She kissed him! She kissed him!
Sure it wasn’t on the lips, but a kiss is a kiss! He pulled out the contract to see that it was still ongoing and sighed in relief. He didn’t want her to remain human permanently. But if the kiss didn’t transform her, did that mean that she didn’t kiss him out of true love? No, it must be because it wasn’t on the lips! After all, the agreement is dependent on the other party to be valid and meet the conditions. Azul won’t let himself doubt her genuine intentions. He is going to prepare everything for tomorrow, he’s confident of it!

Yuu made her way and walked into the entrance of the castle. There seemed to be a crowd of guests inside, seeing that the dining hall of the castle was emitting a soft illumination. She wondered what the occasion may have been for, seeing so many unfamiliar humans in one place. The girl clutched onto the coat that Azul had draped over her shoulders and smiled, remembering all of the precious time she spent with him.
Prince Elias appeared in one of the corridors, surprised that she was walking in the castle looking like she had fallen into the water.
“I tried looking for you everywhere! For a moment I thought that Vance guy would do something sketchy to you, but it’s a good thing that you’ve come back safely.” The prince had scratched the back of his head and his eyes darted at the familiar coat, assuming that it was Vance’s. The man saw that his acquaintance was finally able to open up to a woman and his eyes softened for a bit. Perhaps he really didn’t need to take this maiden all for himself. He remembered how on the ship he had asked Vance about what he thought about love and is glad that over a short period of time he had been able to experience something like that. Prince Elias put a hand on Yuu’s shoulder.
“I’m glad that you and Vance had a good time together. Let me help you with your coat and you can return to your room.” Prince Elias thought about giving up his dream girl, thinking that imposing this role on Yuu wasn’t going to help solve his problems. As the girl slid off her coat, Prince Elias lifted it off of her shoulders and waved goodnight to her. He felt an irregular object in the breast pocket of the coat and furrowed his eyebrows. Picking up the object, he saw that it was a glowing nautilus shell.
“What a strange item…” Prince Elias studied it for a moment, looking deeper into its lustrous shine. As he held onto it in his hands, a whirl of light swirled from the nautilus shell. He could hear a beautiful voice singing and another voice echoing inside of it.
“So this is Yuu, the daughter of the Sea King? The rumored headstrong and lovesick girl?”
“She would be loveliest of them all. This is a little bit too easy for me, Floyd, and Jade.”
“Now, then, the reason you’re here today is that you’ve fallen in love with a human. He must be a catch if he’s piqued your interest.”
“You’ve got yourself an appetite for the unknown. Instead of a wager, how about we make a deal, yes?”
“They don’t call me Azul Ashengrotto for nothing.”
“Listen to this darling, I will make you a potion that will turn you into a human for three days. Three and only three days,”
“Before the sun sets on the third day, you’ve got to have this human fall in love with you.”
“If he does kiss you before the sun sets on the third day, you’ll remain human permanently.”
“But if he doesn’t, you’ll turn back into a mermaid…”
“What I want from you is… your voice.”
“It’s a deal!”
“the human that she fell in love with was…me.”
Now, this is a shocking revelation…
Prince Elias held onto the nautilus shell and tightened it in his hand. It seems like Vance has ulterior motives of his own! At first, he thought he could leave the two of them because they seemed to enjoy each other’s company but all of the foundations of their relationship had been built on a lie! He needed to take action. He needed to save her. There’s no way she would fall in love with a phony man like him!
“Maybe the celebration will happen.”

Part 1: Here!
Part 2: You finished reading it! :)
Part 3: Here!
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The Little Mermaid! Azul Ashengrotto x Yuu (Part 1/3)
Prompt: The story follows a plotline similar to The Little Mermaid. Down in the depths of the Kingdom of Atlantica, Yuu is known as the treasured daughter of the Sea King. Azul has disguised himself as Vance (Like Vanessa in the movie) in order to strike a deal with Prince Elias (Prince Eric) on a traveling ship as a human and Yuu is captivated. When the ship gets caught in a terrible storm, Yuu saves Azul and he’s unable to get her singing voice out of his head but doesn’t know who it is. When Yuu comes to Azul for a contract for her to become a human, he doesn’t realize that she was the one who saved him until after she obtains her legs. Now it’s up to Azul to come up with a plan to stop a romance caused by a misunderstanding.
Author’s Note: This story has a total of around 18k words, so I thought it would be easier to read if I broke it up into three parts.
Part 1: You’re reading it! :)
Part 2: Here!
Part 3: Here!

There was a lighthearted atmosphere to the sailing ship. Fireworks burst in the night sky, plentiful cheers, and instruments being played by those full of merry. The liveliness was almost contagious, but not enough to impress Azul who watched the drunk men carry on in their festivities. He had made preparations beforehand, and his disguise would not be easily detected, but it is said that the way the world looks changes depending on one's perspective. The same could also be true of appearances. Instead of his cool light-grey wavy hair, it was a dark brown one, as well as his darker silvery eyes hidden behind a violet hue. Of course, this was a temporary look, at least one that may hide his true identity as the powerful and benevolent Sea Sorcerer. His beauty mark was nowhere to be seen, concealed and absent for the sake of not giving away the signature look. At least he had kept his glasses, though they are now circular framed due to the fashion of the time and that things could be quite blurry at a distance without them.
Floyd and Jade on the other hand are acting as Azul’s bodyguards, ensuring their boss’ safety in case any event were to happen. Oftentimes there are scuffles if a client is upset with the terms of agreements, and having loyal subordinates are quite helpful in attaining more contracts. Either way, Azul is sure to be successful in capturing the perfect opportunity for business. Unlike Azul, Prince Elias, a brash man that was next in line for the throne, is not as serious as Azul about the potential benefits he could reap from their current discussions. His playful foolishness is not something Azul wishes to involve himself with any further than he needs to, but Prince Elias is quite the insistent one.
“Vance! Get over here you party pooper! You should listen more about how Princess of Glowerhaven and I spent the night together,” Prince Elias lightly slapped the back of Azul’s shoulder while firmly grabbing onto him to bring him closer. A bit alert but slightly annoyed after the surprise, Azul maintained his composure and stood tall, clearing his throat to call attention to himself.
“Ahem, I understand that you are quite the… woman charmer as you say. However, I have no interest in your external affairs.” Azul attempted to say in a polite yet stern voice, almost in a disgusted manner while carefully picking Prince Elias’ hands off of his shoulder by each finger. He averted his gaze to make eye contact with Jade and Floyd, hoping they’d catch his drift while he keeps up a friendly charade with his potential contractor. The close stench of liquor from the prince had reeked, and once again Azul is quick to maintain his distance.
The night is young and many of the men on board were partying to their heart's content. The firework show continued to light the night sky and had certainly caught the attention of a young mermaid, the youngest daughter of the Sea King. You see, Yuu is labeled as the rebellious daughter by her father, but in her eyes, she saw it as being curious and adventurous. Life under the sea was amazing and all, but she yearned for the things she didn’t know about above and on the surface. Her father, the Sea King, was very strict with how he dealt with his daughter all for the sake of her own safety. Ever since the Sea Queen was hunted down for her beautiful scales and voice, there were rules that were set in order to keep the merpeople and the humans from mixing like oil and water. This, however, had only further piqued Yuu’s interest. She’s captivated by the foreign illuminations and was quick to show her amazement to her best friend, Grim, who is tasked to stay by her side.
“Yuu, what are you…” Grim’s head raised above the water trying to understand why Yuu was so distracted and gasped when seeing the unfamiliar large ship in the distance, “Jumpin’ jellyfish! What is going on over there?” the little seal’s jaw dropped. Yuu had never seen anything like it. It was so close, yet for every moment she waited, the boat continued to create its distance.
“Well, we’ll just have to find out Grim!” and without hesitation, Yuu swam with her glistening tail that gleamed under the moon to the exciting scene. Climbing aboard the ship from one of the astray ropes, Yuu propped herself and Grim to watch intently from the deck while remaining hidden.
Yuu’s eyes panned the unfamiliar environment and saw some humans celebrating with each other, whether it was by playing instruments or moving their feet to the music. There was one figure in particular that caught the little mermaid’s eye and it was a human who appeared to be forced to dance with one of the other men. With dark brown hair and violet eyes, the human was quite the gawky dancer who had tried his best to remain serious but to no avail.
“Hey! Quit this insistence on dancing, Floyd!” Azul ordered in a loud whisper, but the laid-back bodyguard couldn’t help but get a rise out of his boss.
“Come on, if you don’t learn how to dance once, you won’t be able to make the most out of those two legs of yours,” Floyd bore a toothy grin, leaving Jade to chuckle on the side due to his brother’s silly antics.
Yuu couldn’t help but stare at that man for a bit longer than she should. Something about him is different than the other humans, perhaps something is missing in his appearance. The only thing she could think about was how charming the man was, despite not gracefully dancing to the hectic rhythm of the party. “Wow. Would you look at him use his feet, Grim? He’s very handsome, isn’t he?” the girl leaned against the floorboards with a dreamy far-off look, captivated by the sight of the young gentleman.
“I don’t know. He looks like he’s too busy getting drunk,” Grim snorted, looking at Prince Elias who is close to tumbling over like a bumbling fool. Yuu scrunched her nose and smiled, and she held onto Grim’s cheeks to bring his attention in the right direction.
“No, no, not him. The one with the whatzits on his nose.” Sighing and sinking with her back to the wall, Yuu could only imagine what it would be like if she could join and dance along with the dreamy man. Wishing to see new sights, discover more thingamabobs, and maybe even get closer to finding someone who could understand her and her fascination with this vast world.
Prince Elias staggered to the side of the boat, startling Yuu and causing her to shy away from the view. Azul followed after, leaning on the railings as he pressed his palm to his chin.
“Vance… Have you ever thought about being able to meet the right girl? Someone who can really leave a long-lasting impression on you? Someone you can love?” The prince began to slur his words, perhaps a bit tired of sleeping with every maiden in the kingdom given that he’d ask such a question.
Azul paused for a moment and straightened his posture, adjusting his coat and falling back on a memory that may be close to what was asked. Most of the time he was left in isolation because of his appearance, the mockery of others is what comes first to mind, and even worse, those who only seek him only for the sake of gaining something in return. Even if he wanted something genuine, it may not be possible because of how he kept up his mask from outsiders. It isn’t easy being the oh-so-benevolent Sea Sorcerer when it comes to finding a meaningful relationship.
“Well, Prince Elias, I have thought about it once or twice but those thoughts have yet to stay afloat when you’ve got a business and corporation to attend to. There’s a tradeoff to everything, and I’m afraid that I bargained for my strong ambition and have to stray away from things that may distract me,” Azul looked out to the current of the waters and saw how his reflection was in disarray in the quick movement of the waves. Who was he kidding? His plans on taking over the kingdom of Atlantica after being ostracized and outcasted for being an octopus are something that still lingers in the back of his mind. This meeting with the humans is just another stepping stone in the grand scheme of events. He needs to remain focused.
“Ah… Love at first sight? Those are stories told to give children hope. Maybe to even explain why someone may be enticed despite the overlooking real requirements of a connection needing to be mutually beneficial. It’s more complicated than what’s on the outside. Surely even for you, you’d understand that every relationship comes with a price. Even if I do find someone, I’d hope that they’d see me for who I am,” and so Azul began to drown out the sounds around him, thinking about how this was his life’s purpose while hinting at his other possible life beyond being human. To bargain and to exchange. To hold debtors accountable and maybe even have the Seven Seas bow down to him. Yet, even then, love is a commodity that’s hard to obtain.
Yuu listened to the man’s words carefully and sympathized with him. She wished to give a word or two to cheer him up, but if she were to say anything, she’d expose herself and she’d be a fish out of water. The mermaid had instead begun to pat Grim’s head as she intently took notice of his answer.
Lightning struck in the distance. A strong gust of wind had gathered and began to cause chaos onboard. Sailors were rushing to get into position to prepare for the hurricane. Azul quickly withdraws from the edge and his eyes darted to Jade and Floyd.
“Twins! Assist the men with the sails!” he ordered, taking the lead in helping the sailors while Prince Elias is half awake. The men were fighting with the waves, a large one sweeping the deck of the ship with several men defenselessly succumbing to the strength of the body of water. Azul wasn’t one for his brawn, but he had rushed to the wheel of the ship and attempted to steer it in the right direction, feeling as if he was fighting against the winds of the Caspian sea. Yuu saw how he bravely took charge until the currents became too strong and knocked her back into the ocean.

��Grim! Are you okay?!” she looked around for her precious friend. Amidst the rocky waves, she saw that recognizable ball of fluff pop its head out of the water.
“I’m okay, but we have to get outta here!” Grim tugged on her tail, but Yuu was too preoccupied with what was happening with the human she had kept an eye on.
Lightning struck the sails and was caught ablaze, along with a forceful disturbance to the ground that had caused Azul to lose his footing. The businessman had contemplated whether or not he should risk being caught in his octopus form, but it was too late to decide when the back of his head collided with a heavy broken plank of wood. His glasses were knocked off of his face and his vision began to blur even more as black dots began to dance around his line of sight, losing consciousness as his body plunged into the waters.
Yuu gasped and panicked as the ship exploded. Her altruistic nature caused her to move before she could think as she swam to save the fallen man. “Where are you going, Yuu?!” Grim cried out but fell on deaf ears amongst the storm. She dodged and maneuvered around the falling debris, eyes darting around to see any sign of life around. In her peripheral vision, she saw the handsome gentleman grasping onto a floating plank, passed out. Slowly, his grasp began to slip from the board and his body was now consumed and hugged by the empty waters around him. Yuu dove down and grabbed a hold of the man with her arms pulling him up from the chest, losing no time in returning him to the surface.
Gentle waves crashed onto the shore of the land and returned to their owner, repeatedly and continuously following the same cycle. Azul, disheveled and blacked out, was set on the sand where Yuu had laid him. She held the back of the human’s head and had a hand on his chest, cautiously observing any signs of life. Grim swam closer to the two and was shocked to see the sight.
“Is he… dead?” Yuu asked as Grim hopped closer to the unconscious human.
Grim’s voice wavered with the human’s foot pushed against his ears and shook his head, “I can’t make out a heartbeat…” with a mournful tone.
“No, look! He’s breathing!” Yuu stared in awe, eyes locked on his resting face. Her hand pushed back the stray strands of hair behind his ear.
“He’s so beautiful,” she confessed as if it was the ultimate truth. Azul, is handsome, even in disguise. Perhaps this little mermaid could see through him, even if it’s just a little bit, even if they have yet to have a conversation together. She traced her fingers upon his cheek, almost as if she had known him all her life in every scenario.
“What would I give to live where you are?
What would I pay to stay here beside you?
What would I do to see you smiling at me?”
Azul shifted slightly, feeling a hand gently placed on top of his chest. This unfamiliar warmth was nothing he’d experienced before. The soft touch of a kind soul, a comforting one at that, had begun to sprout a seedling different from any other within Azul’s chest. There is no panic in his awakening, only serenity, and peace.
“Where would we walk?
Where would we run?
If we could stay all day in the sun?”
The Sea Sorcerer needed to find this ray of light. Half-awake yet conscious, he had reached a hand out to the tranquil voice, grabbing hold of a smaller hand that rested on his cheek.
“Just you and me
And I could be
Part of your world.”
The gentleman's eyes fluttered open, seeing a blurry figure of a woman who stared deep into his soul. The melody of her singing had struck a chord within him, a tune that lingered in the passage of his once solemn thoughts.
“Heyyyy! Where are youuuuu?” Floyd’s disconcerting call had caused the figure in front of Azul to quickly depart to avoid being discovered. The pleasant atmosphere had now died down with the waves crashing onto the shore once again, but this time, as a sign of applause for the performance that it had witnessed.
Azul stared at his now empty hand, not minding that Jade and Floyd had finally found him washed up on the sand.
“There you are, Azul. We were worried sick.” Jade gave his signature polite smile while leaning over Azul as he lay on the sand.
“You don’t look that worried, Jade.” the gentleman slowly sat up, wiping sand off of his clothes despite not actually cleaning himself from such particles. That’s right. He needed to continue conducting his work. Both of the twins stayed by his side as a reminder of that, for they needed someone interesting to follow. The angelic singing had still rung through his ears, echoing the last bit of traces of the person who had saved him. He felt indebted to the voice, feeling as if he had been given temporary shelter and then taken away to return to what was before. Even so, his body felt at ease after the beautiful singing.
“What a peculiar thing.” Azul was now interested.
The Octotrio had returned to the depths of the ocean. There has been hot news that the Sea King’s most beloved and youngest daughter failed to show up for her musical debut in the high Atlantica society. As an outcast whose been exiled, this hasn’t been too much of a great concern for Azul. Though, gathering intel and information on how others may be despairing is exactly what he needs in order to give his customers what they wish for. Having returned to his octopus mer-form, Azul had carefully watched his magical crystal with careful eyes, observing the sights that Floyd and Jade are collecting for him. He had initially sent them off to find out more information or possible clues to the owner of the voice who had saved him previously, but now a greater fish to catch was now at his hands.
Displayed through the looking glass was a sorrowful, susceptible, and vulnerable mermaid. As Azul’s silvery hues examined the little mermaid in his crystal ball, he couldn’t help but notice what a catch this customer will be.
“So this is Yuu, the daughter of the Sea King? The rumored headstrong and lovesick girl?” he peers at his garden of anemones, the lot of poor unfortunate souls who couldn’t keep up the end of their bargain. He turned back to take another look at Yuu. With the beautiful scales on her tail, it was clear as a shard of sea glass that she was of noble origins. This is proof that even someone of high esteem has their own problems.
“She would be the loveliest of them all. This is a little bit too easy for me, Floyd, and Jade.” Azul chuckled to himself quietly. Finally, the perfect opportunity to snatch the crown away from the king. The chance he may never get again in his lifetime. The octopus quickly devised a brief plan. Once the little mermaid is bound to him by contract, he’ll take the upper hand and use her as a bargaining chip against the Sea King. How could the king refuse? The safety of his most loved daughter comes first before his crown. Love takes sacrifice.
At the entrance of Azul’s lair swam an oh-so-familiar mermaid along his loyal eels escorting his catch straight to his plate. Speak of the devil and she shall appear, he thought. She was much prettier in person, as rumors say, and she certainly has his attention. The apprehensive look on her face was evident as she swam above the garden of unfortunate souls.
“Welcome, Angelfish.” Azul’s voice echoed through the eerie chamber, “Don’t be shy. It’s rude to leave someone waiting.” Climbing out of a large seashell, the octopus made his presence known as his body flowed with his movements. Yuu nervously gulped as she approached the rumored Sea Sorcerer, and Azul took note of her behavior with a chuckle. Oh, how easy it will be to exploit this girl, he thought. The boundless amount of opportunities will only continue to expand if things go according to plan.
“Now, then, the reason you’re here today is that you’ve fallen in love with a human. He must be a catch if he’s piqued your interest.” Azul absent-mindedly guessed, love being the game he most often participated in pulling the strings. Usually, it’s one who wants to become thinner and another one wanting to win over the girl– and did he help them? Yes, indeed.
“He’s just so interesting. I really want to learn more about him. There are a lot of things I want to discover up on the surface as well–”
“Yes, yes. You’ve got yourself an appetite for the unknown. Instead of a wager, how about we make a deal, yes?” Azul interrupted, a bit too excited about taking advantage of the situation.
“The only way to get what you want is to become human yourself,” the octopus lifted Yuu’s face by the chin with his finger.
“Can you really do that?” the mermaid gave a look of surprise and pondered with astonishment.
“Why of course. I’ve been fair with no foul plays. They don’t call me Azul Ashengrotto for nothing, Angelfish. Helping unfortunate merfolk like yourself is simply what I’m called to do,” he proudly claimed, keeping his posture and maintaining steady eye contact with his sincere client.
“Some merfolk say that you don’t exactly keep your promises. How can I trust your word?” Yuu asked with some suspicion. He chuckled inwardly.
“Come on, I know you need a little magic and magic is my specialty du jour,” the cunning man twirled around the little mermaid with his tentacles. Yuu didn’t realize how much larger the Sea Sorcerer appeared until he got closer. A part of her screams that she should be intimidated, but the grief of her grotto being destroyed by her enraged father was stronger to overpower the adrenaline that was commanding her to swim away.
“Don't just stand there looking sick. Would I kid you? Play a trick? Like I told you, I don't do that anymore, ” Azul began to open his cauldron, causing the jaws of the pot to release, emitting a soft light for both of the merfolk to pay attention to. The Sea Sorcerer continued to keep a poised expression on his princess, sliding a few side eyes to Floyd and Jade to poke some hints of future trickery.
“Listen to this darling, I will make you a potion that will turn you into a human for three days. Three and only three days,” Azul’s tentacles had gently ushered and pushed Yuu near his potion cauldron. He quickly directed Yuu’s attention to his face with his hand that held a grip on her chin. Seeing her up close, he analyzed her face in his hands, a moment where his intense gaze met her determined eyes.
“Before the sun sets on the third day, you’ve got to have this human fall in love with you,” he put a hand to his chin, “he’s got to kiss you, but not just any kiss.” The cauldron arose with an image of a heart rotating in place. “It must be a kiss of true love. If he does kiss you before the sun sets on the third day, you’ll remain human permanently,” an illusion of Yuu’s human self freely walking above the pot. “But if he doesn’t, you’ll turn back into a mermaid…” Azul captured the illusion with his hands in a strong grasp. He leaned forward to Yuu and held her wrist by his tentacle, yanking her close to his body, not minding the close proximity because the thrill of securing this deal was much more important than how he was feeling.
“You’ll belong to me!” he chuckled, giving a mischievous laugh. The thought of having Yuu to be under his control didn’t sound that bad of an idea. He’d be able to sit on the throne and terrorize those who mocked him and maybe keep Yuu by his side. Daughter of the Sea King, it’s a rare commodity.
Grim opened his mouth to object for his friend, but was quickly silenced by the Leech twins. “Shhh… We don’t want to disturb them, do we, Azarashi-chan?”
“Have we got ourselves a deal, Angelfish?” Azul inquired, examining the mermaid’s facial features very carefully. How will she react? What will she do? Is she going to beg and plead? It would be a sight to see the Sea King grovel and ask for forgiveness for his daughter’s sake.
“If I become human… I might have a chance to see that gentleman I saw above shore again,” she softly spoke. Azul raised his eyebrow. Instead of worrying for her family and friends, she’d rather gamble her life on something so unpredictable as luck. What strategy or plan does she have if her plans to swoon the man she wants don’t turn out right? It’s almost too easy for Azul. It’s two fish with one stone.
“How fascinating. You truly are willing to risk it all for a man you hardly met? Do you even know this man’s name?”
“Yes, his name is–”
“On second thought, maybe I don’t want to hear it.” Azul interrupted. The thought of a beautiful mermaid-like her throwing her life away to some guy just doesn’t sit right with him. However, knowing this mystery guy’s name is not necessary, anyways. If things go according to plan, then she won’t even end up with him. “We haven’t discussed the subject of the payment. You can’t exactly get something from nothing, can we? I won’t ask for much. Just a token really, a trifle. You’ll never even miss it,” Azul lifts Yuu’s face once again with his finger.
“What I want from you is… your voice.”
Yuu pressed a hand to her throat. Word has gotten around that she hadn’t been at her debut, but to think that she’d have to give up one of the very precious gifts she had. She wasn’t left with many options. Her hopes had been dashed with her father previously and there was no one who could really comprehend why she found beauty in the human world.
“So I think you ought to take my little bargain. Yes, I think you ought to make my little deal. Sure, it's hard to leave your life, but you could be a charmer’s wife. Why don't you let me take that dream, and make it real?” Azul threw many potions into the pot, causing multiple fumes to arise and explode with its exotic ingredients. He’s never had a better moment like this. After all, he has to put on an impressive show to the sweet princess of what he’s capable of doing.
“Come on, you poor unfortunate soul. Poor doll! Poor fish! Aren't you glad you brought your problem to a man that you can trust? Won't you let me grant your wish?” Azul’s a very busy person and he hasn’t got all day. It won’t cost much…just Yuu’s voice!
“You poor unfortunate soul! Poor sweet! Poor dear! Aren't you lucky that I'm ready with a potion and a plan? Aren't you glad you came and asked if I could help you? And I can!”
A golden scroll had appeared from thin air, the luminosity glowing in an ever-so-taunting way. Yuu couldn’t make much of what was said on the contract but the last few words were written big and bold, “for all of eternity” with an empty signature slot.
“When a mermaid comes to Ashengrotto…he has just one demand!” the octopus’ eyes widened greatly, and the circumstances were just right. His contributions, her desperate yearning, the strings beginning to attach to Azul’s fingertips, almost feeling Atlantica in the palm of his hands!
“You poor,” Yuu grabbed the pen.
“Unfortunate!” Azul grinned, almost madly.
It was already too late. The moment Yuu finished writing her name in elegant cursive, Azul had eagerly clutched the shining scroll and it disappeared without a trace.
“It’s a deal!”
For a moment, Yuu for some strange reason had accepted what may come. She was prepared if she could see that man up on the shore once again. The Sea Sorcerer must know what he’s doing, so it’s going to be okay… right?
The Sea Sorcerer recollected himself after safely securing the contract. Now everything will go according to his plans. As Azul began to chant the spell, he ushered the little mermaid, to sing for him. It's the final piece that he needs in order to have the upper hand in the deal. Thoughts of possibly having Yuu’s voice replay her soft pleas to the Sea King are sure to be a sight! Everything he’s ever worked for has finally felt like he’s going to get what he deserved… or so he thought.
The moment Yuu began to sing, a chord was struck within Azul again. For a second, he felt enchanted, and he left his guard down when he heard the girl’s voice.
There’s no mistaking it.
The voice that he was hearing in front of him belonged to the one that saved him.
Azul’s shoulders were no longer tense and his cunning smile had faded to an almost dazed look. Yuu’s voice was extracted by the magic and had been transferred to a nautilus shell that Azul had held in his hand.
Instead of laughing in victory, Azul had his thoughts flooded with his feelings clashing against his plans. Oh no, he thought to himself. In exchange for Yuu’s voice, her glimmering tail had begun to undergo a transformation into legs. There wasn’t enough time for Azul to think, she was becoming a human too soon!
“Floyd! Jade! Take Yuu to the surface, quickly!” Azul ordered with a hint of desperation. The twins had been shocked for a moment that they’d be tasked with doing something nice for the girl, but continued to follow instructions while releasing Grim to swim to the girl. The baby seal had coughed and sighed in relief for air, but then regained his strength.
“You better not be tricking Yuu, you hear me?!” the little seal hollered at Azul, only to regret his words a little bit later once Azul had grabbed Grim with his tentacles and brought him near his pot.
“It seems I must change my plans. If she was the one, that means you were probably there too,” Azul muttered to himself and bit his nail on his thumb, thinking about how he can have Grim assist Yuu. Assisting Yuu? Why in the Seven Seas am I thinking about doing something out of goodwill…
Azul’s tentacles were already moving on their own to create another potion for Grim. Yes, I’ll turn him into a cat so that he can guide her, he thought. Grim yelped as his tail also began to transform, forced to swim to the surface for air.
“What have I done?…” once the room was empty and it was just the Sea Sorcerer, he cursed the Sevens for having the girl who saved him being the one he made a contract with. He held the glowing nautilus shell in his palm, listening to the remnants of Yuu’s singing play back to his ears, just like how it did when he was on shore. Floyd and Jade shortly returned to Azul’s chambers.
“Azulll, why’dya have to make us take her up there?” Floyd complained, rubbing his arm.
“It is quite strange. Why the change of heart?” Jade inquired with a hand on his chest.
Azul turned away from the twins, not quite sure why he ordered that. Should he tell them what happened after the storm? If he doesn’t, then they might not understand where he’s getting at. He’s never been interested in a girl like this before.
“This was an unfortunate turn of events, and I’m afraid I may have to get involved more than I should.” the octopus alluded, swimming around his cauldron to gather more ingredients.
“How so? This is no different than the other love contracts you’ve helped with.” Jade commented.
“This is different Jade.” Azul managed to string his words together, “the human that she fell in love with was…me.”
There was a moment of silence between the three of them. Floyd couldn’t contain his laughter after hearing that. Not too long after that Jade also started to laugh. Azul, feeling incredibly embarrassed after saying something so preposterous, felt that he need to explain himself.
“I’m serious! Oh, I’ve greatly miscalculated what I needed to do.” He repeatedly tapped the side of his head, “Ever since she saved me from the shipwreck, I couldn’t get her voice out of my head! Curse this all…” he was conflicted with what he should do. He thought he had everything laid out ready for him, but the thought of Yuu waltzing on land with someone else who isn’t him had upset him even more.
Jade swam in front of the octopus to take a look at his face, “Azul, what are you talking about?”
“…Should I just wait for the three days to be over? No– no, she could possibly fall in love with someone else during that time.” Azul started to ramble to himself as he thought about what he should do next.
“Jade, I think he’s finally lost it.” Floyd nudged their boss, but to no avail, he didn’t move.
After coming to his senses, Azul managed to explain the whole situation to the twins, about how he was knocked out during the storm, and the voice that saved him was one he was looking for earlier, not realizing or noticing why he had been caring more about this than he should. In the end, Azul started to act alone on his own accord. Despite all of this going against what he believed, he can’t help but think that he needs to take proper responsibility, at least to clear up the misunderstanding. The twins understand that he won’t be at ease if things are left on their own.
I can’t believe I’m doing this, Azul prepared a potion for him to become human as well.
“Yes, after all, this is all merely a part of my design. I’ll be going in and about, let all of her time run out, and long before she’s his she will be mine.”

Slowly emerging from the waters, Azul had fixed his coat and stood tall and confident not too far from Yuu who had managed to cover herself with a torn sail around her body, which hardly even complimented the shape of her figure. Grim yelped, a bit alarmed that Azul would come up to the surface. After all, he is a sketchy businessman known as the infamous Sea Sorcerer.
“Ah, I forgot,” Azul offered his hand to the helpless Yuu that struggled to stand with her brand-new pair of legs, “I’ll teach you how to walk like a human. This way, you’ll be able to blend in with the people in no time.” He was no different from her when he first learned to gain the ability to walk on two feet. Thankfully the twins weren’t there, or not they wouldn’t shut up about his previous struggles adjusting to his human form.
Trembling knees like a newborn fawn, Yuu stumbled forward into Azul’s arms. Instead of getting frustrated, she showed pure adoration for this brand-new experience. It’s obvious that the sheltered princess would take this opportunity and enjoy every moment of it. She looked down at her now-standing feet and then back up at Azul with a proud innocent grin. It’s kind of endearing to see, Azul thought with his business smile on his face. Although they were close in proximity, he quickly set an appropriate distance between their bodies and cleared his throat.
He held one hand in his and his other on the other side of her waist. “Now then,” Azul gently pulled her forward so she can instinctively use her feet to prevent herself from falling once again, “we’ll begin step by step.”
“You got this, Yuu! If I can do it, then you can too!” Grim pranced around in his new form as he ran around, eventually wandering off to somewhere else on the beach.
Something about her unadulterated excitement for simple things such as walking had been enough to make Azul feel a bit softer than usual. He felt a twinge of guilt, seeing how delighted Yuu was with him in his company already with trust. After a few more moments of walking together, it seemed that Yuu was ready to walk a bit faster. The Sea Sorcerer slowly released the girl from his grasp and the girl appeared more gorgeous to him than before. Her eyes lit up as she took a few steps backward confidently on her own. The man watched with a steady gaze, feeling a sense of pride that she was able to learn so quickly. Yuu beamed, then attempted to spin around in a circle but had gotten too caught up in her elation that she missed a step of her own.
“Careful!” Azul quickly rushed forward and caught Yuu by the waist, leaning more forward than he should’ve, leaving the awed girl to stare into his silvery eyes for a bit longer than she should’ve. The man gulped, not quite sure how he could play off the situation smoothly without stuttering or skipping a word. The longer he watched her, the more he began to appreciate her presence and be warier of touch.
“There’s someone coming this way, Yuu!” Grim interrupted the precious moment between Azul and Yuu without a care in the world. He leaped into the arms of Yuu, and purred happily.
The sound of approaching footsteps signaled that it was time for Azul to take his leave, slowly releasing the princess from his grasp. That’s right, she’s the princess. The daughter of the Sea King. Things couldn’t possibly work out between us, Azul thought with the insecurity of his incompatible position to court her.
Despite the numerous amount of times that he rejects his feelings, he has inevitably been drawn in by her.
“Ahem. Good luck, Yuu. May you find the man you seek of.” How ironic, isn’t it? To purposefully set someone up for failure just to utilize them for their worth. Although these thoughts were on his mind, they didn’t affect the look of excitement that had never left her face as she eagerly waved with one hand goodbye to him. Adjusting the hat on his head, Azul promptly disappeared from her sight.
Yuu was getting jittery, fixing her hair as much as she can and determined, hoping that the man who turned around the corner was the one she was looking for, but to her disappointment, it was someone else. It was the man that was getting drunk on the boat– Prince Elias was it? The girl wore a smile, either way, not wanting to show her displeasure for this man.
As for Prince Elias, he gave a low whistle the moment he laid eyes on the princess. His eyes raked her body up and down in one of the most disrespectful ways without blatantly hiding it, but he coughed into his fist and approached her. She was quite the jewel and a maiden that he hadn’t seen before in the kingdom. Something about the way she held herself, the way that she confidently stood tall and had not seemed to have too much of an interest in him. This would be another trophy he’d conquer if he got her to marry him.
Out of all people that were to show up, why did it have to be this guy?! Azul anxiously watched from afar, hidden from the line of sight of the crowd on the shore. With the time spent on the human lands, he knew exactly what kind of guy Prince Elias was! A womanizer, playboy, and fool who cannot properly recognize the high-value woman standing right in front of him! Oh boy, Azul was gritting his teeth together, as if this whole situation could get any more complicated. He needs to come up with another plan. Although he may benefit from all of this if he stayed out of the equation, he can’t just let Yuu be around him!
Prince Elias had walked up to Yuu and Grim began to hiss at the man approaching. Perhaps Yuu can find that charming gentleman again if she were to go with the prince to his residence. The prince, on the other hand, was thinking about how his assistant the other day was ushering him to get married. Looking up and down at the girl once more, he started to have ulterior motives of his own.
“Shipwrecked? Hey, let me take you to my castle and get you cleaned up.” Prince Elias invited, trying to snake a hand around the girl’s waist, but she pushed herself away. The man raised his eyebrow and took this as a challenge. “You can’t talk? Well, that’s alright. I’ll help you and make sure you’re taken care of,” he said as they both walked off in the distance, leaving Azul to his own thoughts.
�� The rage started to bubble within him, I don’t want her to be viewed like eye candy to a foul man like Prince Elias, he thought. She should be admired like a piece of art– not like a pile of food in front of a starving man! Men like Prince Elias would immediately lust over her rather than worship her for her worth.
Azul trusted that Yuu’s devoted friend, Grim, would keep an eye on her. He watched as Prince Elias led the princess to his castle.
“If you really want things to be done right, then you really have to do it yourself.” Azul was going to make his next move.

After getting cleaned up and dressed by the maids, Yuu admired everything around her. The warm light shining on everything and through the large windows of the palace was a big change from the cool colors that she saw every day in the waters. Not only there were many people in various clothing, but the gadgets and gizmos were more complex and actually functioning compared to the ones she had under the sea! The Dinglehopper is a personal favorite that she has in her possession (she borrowed it from the dining hall).
Her own bedroom was illuminated by a candle on her nightstand. She combed through her hair with the Dinglehopper and walked toward where she was supposed to sleep. Grim sat on the nightstand and yawned, “We can brainstorm ideas on finding your dream man tomorrow.” She patted the cat’s head and sat herself down on the bed, and to her surprise, the bed sank under her. What an incredible invention! And a comfortable one, too.
Yuu sank into the soft mattresses of her own bed, relishing the joy of being on land like she always dreamed of. Grim jumped on the pillow next to her, “This is amazing, who knew being on land could be so much fun?” The princess excitedly nodded her head as she shook his little paws. She couldn’t help but kick her legs with joy against the bed. It was going to be a long day ahead of her tomorrow as she searches for that gentleman she saved. A whole new life awaits her! She can’t be any more grateful to Azul for doing this for her.
After a while, the energy from Yuu had finally calmed down and she is fast asleep with Grim in her arms. The fluffy grey cat pulled himself free from her grasp and leaped on the nightstand. He smiled at his dear friend, oh how much has happened within this short amount of time.
“Good night, Yuu.” And he blew the candle out.

Part 1: You finished reading it! :)
Part 2: Here!
Part 3: Here!
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A Serendipitous Encounter Genshin Impact: Xiao x Reader (Fluff/Agnst)

Genshin Impact: Xiao x Reader (Fluff/Agnst)
AN: Xiao is one of my favorite characters and I’m really excited for him to appear in the 1.3 update. This is one of the ideas I’ve had in my head for a while, and after writing it all, I realized that this story is pretty lengthy, so please bear with me haha.
Please enjoy :)
Word count: 15,894
Trigger warning: There’s very descriptive writing of gore and mentions abuse.
Xiao wasn’t always known for being the Adeptus of Liyue. There was a time when the Yaksha wasn’t fulfilling orders from the oldest archon of Teyvat. A time where Morax had never appeared before him was when Xiao was suffering the hardships of endlessly slaughtering innocents, commanded by an evil archon. Although Xiao is around two thousand years old, he too had faced naivety and had blindly served as a puppet to perform cruel acts. With this, he had no solid foundation of what it truly takes to feel mortal emotion. Just what exactly did it mean to him? What could it all do to him?
Xiao gazed upon the blood-soaked battlefield. The crimson colors of those he massacred was something he was very familiar with. Having felt no remorse nor any guilt of these deaths caused, everything felt nothing but natural to him.
“You are an evil being. With that being said, you must continue to slay all of them to demonstrate your power until you reach your full potential.” The archon would remind the young warrior constantly. Although Xiao had obediently listened to his archon, he couldn’t help but feel curious when brought to the question of what it meant to be... free.
Mindlessly killing another town, Xiao’s piercing gaze had shot daggers through a woman who had clung to the feet of the demon. With begging eyes, the elderly woman had desperately reached her hand to grab his robes, “Y-You poor soul.” as she then dropped to the floor. Xiao was continued to stare down the now lifeless corpse as he repeated the woman’s last words.
“Poor soul?” Xiao uttered slowly. Confused, he took a step back for himself and looked back up to the burning houses. Realizing that he was no longer in his demonic form, his gaze lowered from the destruction he had caused.
Did he really do all of this?
Since when has he been holding all of this adeptal power to himself?
“That’s right. You caused all of this.” A voice from behind stated.
Xiao turned around and had immediately knelt on one knee to bow to his puppeteer. The archon that stood before him had smirked, “Good. You’ve been so compliant with my requests, I just had to give you a lovely reward. More power.” he laughed as he awed at the marvelous sight in front of him. The disarray in the city along with the screams of innocents had brought nothing but music to the evil archon’s ears.
“Well done here. This is exactly what Teyvat needs. Soon, the other archons will have nothing against me. Having brought turmoil upon thousands really must be one of your specialties.” The archon turned his back on the young man. Xiao listened carefully to his archon’s next orders. “You know... I’ve been wondering about what your thoughts of these mortals are. With you killing them on my behalf, I ponder if you know what it means to understand their pain.” The archon went on, carefully eyeing how the demon would react to his words.
“They’re lowly beings of Teyvat. With no real intentions of their futures, they continue to slowly eat up everything they can get their hands on. They’re selfish humans that step on others to get what they want.” Xiao dutifully answered.
The archon was amused. He truly does learn well from what he had taught him.
“Well if that’s the case, there’s one last thing I’d like for you to do for me.” The evil archon turned back around to Xiao, grabbing Xiao’s chin to make direct eye contact with the demon’s amber orbs.
“I want you to learn what it means to love.” He ordered, making Xiao’s eyes widen slightly. “What? You mean the pathetic things those mortals do?” Xiao became befuddled. All this time, the evil archon he followed after instructed him to be wary of human emotions and to avoid them at all costs. Just exactly what made him think of such an absurd idea?
The crackles of the flames burned in the midst of the battlefield they stood in. The stench of blood was something Xiao was used to. Hearing the voices of humans pleading and begging for mercy was mundane. Looking at the mortals in the eye with his jade spear as they face death was what he was best at. To think that his last lesson is to... love?
“That’s right. I want you to find out what it’s like to love. There’s something great I must witness once you’ve achieved that, and it will all be a new experience for you to accomplish for me. Can you do that?” The evil archon let go of the young man’s face and stood tall before him.
Xiao must not question his archon’s intentions. With wincing eyes, he looked at the blood smeared grass with a pinch of doubt. This was nothing he wanted to take a part in, but if it means that this would be the last time to commit acts like this, then so be it.
“Your wish is my command.” He submissively answered.
Some time had passed since the command of the evil archon. Xiao had been ruminating the words he’s been told and continued to think about what his true intentions might be. There was only one place where he can get his head out of the clouds and it was none other than the foundation of Plaustrite, the shrine that resided in the sky above Qingyun’s highest point.
Up there was the only place where he could feel...
What was the word?
The word “nothing” doesn’t quite fit what he was looking for.
Nevermind that. It won’t matter anyway.
As Xiao made his way up to his secret sanctuary, he made eye contact with dull (E/C) colored orbs. Liquid crept out of the young girl’s eyes as it dripped down her rosy cheeks. The way her (H/C) hair had been disheveled yet still perfectly framing her face was more than beautiful as it swayed in the gentle gusts of wind from above. The clothing she wore looked partially torn and shredded at the ends while remaining to compliment her beauty.
She was wearing a pure white dress. A wedding dress, if Xiao could remember correctly. With the way she gazed back at the young adepti, Xiao recognized it as fear.
As expected. Many mortals would cower from his presence. But this time was different. His objective wasn’t to kill anymore.
“Worry not mortal. I’m not here to hurt you.” He stated with no ulterior motives behind his words.
The young girl that stood before him had felt tense but then sighed in relief.
“Thank goodness. You don’t look like one of the people he had sent.” The (H/C) haired girl had said out loud. Xiao had raised an eyebrow as he observed the mortal’s surprisingly calm features. What had she meant by that? Was she being chased?
The girl had taken another step back.
“I guess I can finally be free now.” She said with a solemn smile.
The young adepti didn’t understand her words.
The (H/C) haired girl had taken a decorative hair ornament out of her well-done braids and tossed it on the stone floors of the floating shrine. Xiao’s attention was still stuck on the alluring human in front of him. With the sun setting right behind her, Xiao’s eyes had suddenly darkened. His amber eyes widened at the realization of what this human was trying to do.
The young girl had taken a final step backward, feeling no more room for her to step on. Her graceful figure was something Xiao really couldn’t take his eyes off of now.
She fell.
Xiao’s body had a its mind of its own now. Without even thinking, he leaped off of the edges of the Foundation of Plaustrite. His mind was racing as he took his plunge into the sky.
What the hell was that girl thinking?
At this height, she’s going to end up killing herself!
The adepti was in a race against time itself. It’ll only take mere seconds until the girl will face her inevitable death. White flowers that were woven in the girl’s dress had been falling out of place, but she paid no attention to it. In the midst of seeking out for her answer of freedom, she couldn’t help but think how peaceful it was to fall. The breeze had begun to feel harsh against her skin. The force around her began to pick up as she saw her teardrops flying past her.
At least now she’ll be free.
She shut her eyes, thinking that she could finally accept death.
...Or so she thought.
As the girl plummeted through the clouds, her eyes had widened when she saw the young man diving after her. Time felt like it had slowed down for both of them.
Xiao’s head must be playing with him. He really is risking his life right now for a mere mortal. Yet, something in his chest felt like if he didn’t do this, he would regret it. Perhaps it was because he’s never seen something colored so brightly. The color of white, that is.
What was the word that could describe it?
The young adepti had made his transformation in mid-air, his mask giving him enough power to increase his descending speed to match with the falling angel. That dark aura of his had been able to surround him into what many people of Liyue would think of as a monster. An indescribable beast that’s comparable to a demon itself, at that. Xiao had tightly grasped the girl’s waist with one arm, pulling her close to his chest.
The girl had blinked in astonishment. She was completely stunned. She examined the man that wore the intimidating mask that concealed his true facial expressions behind it.
“Hold on tight!” He commanded, his voice slightly corrupted as he could feel his demonic form consuming him. The girl had nodded, holding on tighter to the young demon. In Xiao’s other hand, he swiftly summoned his jade spear and his eyes darted to his surroundings.
By the time he scoped the environment, he couldn’t find any other way to make a soft landing for the human. They were both about to meet the ground if he doesn’t come up with an idea to stop their fall.
Xiao clicked his tongue, finding the situation to be quite irritating.
All because of this foolish mortal.
With his jade spear, he quickly began to make a straight plunge into the earth. His grasp around the girl’s waist became tighter. He had a slight twinge of concern in his body. Seeing the way she reacted to him wasn’t what he had expected. Will he be strong enough to absorb the impact? Will this even contribute to his mission? Seeing that she’s wearing a wedding dress, perhaps she has an idea of what “love” is.
Yes. This mortal will do.
Xiao was focusing his energy when all of a sudden he directed his attention towards the girl and had became confused once more.
She’s... crying?
A loud crash could be heard from a far distance. The young demon’s weapon had cracked deeply in the crust of Liyue’s grounds. The collateral damage of the both of them with the field could easily be mistaken for an earthquake. The sounds of crumbling dirt had rumbled around Xiao as he tightly held onto the young girl, holding her bridal style in his arms. He huffed, feeling a little bit dizzy from using his demonic form. It was almost like his health was slowly deteriorating.
Xiao stared intently at the remains of their fall. He couldn’t shake the thought that he had gone through so much trouble to save this suicidal girl.
The girl, on the other hand, couldn’t stop staring at the man who saved her.
She’s never felt such gentle hands until now. She’s never seen such a mysterious being before either. Surely no one could have saved her from that height, so what was he exactly? Instead of fearing this new type of unknown, she couldn’t help but feel comforted by it. Xiao’s aura began to diminish on its own. As Xiao’s huffing slowed down, his mask had crumbled away into the air.
The girl couldn’t break eye contact with the handsome demon. She couldn’t help but notice the splatters of blood on his cheek. Was it his own blood?
Slowly, yet hesitantly, she brought her warm hand to Xiao’s cheek. With her thumb, she gently removed the small streak of blood on his face.
This confused Xiao once more. With the young adepti’s pride, he turned away from the pitiful human’s soft hands. “Why aren’t you scared of me?” He asked in a harsh yet bewildered tone.
The girl hadn’t shown fear around him at all, which was something new to Xiao. Usually, they would run away or cry for mercy, but this human was different than the others.
After all of the hardships that the girl had gone through, she was able to catch a glimpse of familiarity in his eyes.
“You looked like you were hurting.” She answered honestly.
The man was taken aback once more.
Xiao dropped the girl in his arms. She landed on the ground with a thud, no longer stuck in a trance. Xiao turned his back on the girl, trying to think of what she had said.
He doesn’t have any external injuries. Right?
The (H/C) haired girl turned her head and saw the jade spear pierced through the ground. Her eyes darkened, remembering why she had wanted to end her life again. “I can use this instead,” she muttered, grabbing ahold of Xiao’s weapon, trying to pull it out on her own with her own strength. The black haired man with teal undertones put his hand over the girl’s smaller ones, his gaze hovering over the suicidal girl.
“Just what are you planning to do with that?” He looked down on the girl with a serious atmosphere. She made eye contact with the man who had saved her without flinching. “You mortals are more than fragile. Why in the world would you jump off of the highest point in Qingyun Peak?” He scoffed, wanting to find out her reasoning behind all of this.
Ignoring his question, she glared at the man in the eyes, “I want you to kill me. Put me to rest.” in which he clicked his tongue again in annoyance.
“Why do you constantly wish death upon yourself?” He inquired, attempting to put up with this stubborn girl.
“Because I want to be free.” She said so confidently.
What did she just say?
Xiao was more than curious now with this human. A young girl who wants to kill herself for freedom? Impossible.
He let out a sigh, picking up his jade spear with little to no effort. “Fine. I’ll kill you myself.” Xiao flipped his weapon from the ground and around his arms to point it straight back at the girl he had just rescued. The girl had stared straight towards the man as he pointed the sharp weapon towards her neck. She had not feared him at all whatsoever, which irked the demon a little bit. If anything, she was more than delighted to have an opportunity to be liberated from this terrible world.
She was ready to face death head-on.
This bothered Xiao.
“But before I kill you, tell me what they call you.” He said, referring to her name.
She closed her eyes, “They call me (Y/N). At least, that’s what I want to be referred as.” she complied, awaiting her eternal slumber. Xiao shook his head, withdrawing his spear and casting it in the air to disperse. No longer in his possession, he had other plans with this human.
“Well then, lowly (Y/N). I order you to teach me what it means to be human. You don’t seem to be having much to do, so to make the most use out of you, you will explain your human ways. Only then, I will grant your wish.” Xiao finalized his train of thoughts with those words. Standing his ground, he continued to watch this human’s reactions towards his demanding request.
(Y/N) had no other choice but to comply with him. At least she’s in a better position now if she can somehow be protected by this powerful deity. Maybe she did want to do one final thing before she goes off into the other side.
“Since you stopped my death from occurring, I suppose I have no other options... but there’s one thing I would like to do first.” (Y/N) said with certainty. She wiped her tear stained cheeks as she wore a strong front. As she slowly rose on her own, she couldn’t help but notice the man in front of him wore a very elegant attire. The man wore a white sleeveless shirt with a black collar, dark purple pants, and dark purple boots. He wore black and dark turquoise gloves with gold decals and a necklace that looked ancient. Around his left arm, he bears a white and gold sleeve with red linings. The man had worn an Anemo vision on his left glove. As for his physical features, he was quite good looking. His tattoos had no longer glowed brightly as it did before, and all that was left was his amber eyes piercing through (Y/N)’s entirety.
The young adepti will find this girl to be beneficial to his mission.
(Y/N) turned around and was about to lead the way until she spoke.
“Also... Thank you... for catching me.” She said loud and clear for Xiao to hear. Without a sound, he nodded, knowing that she wouldn’t be able to see his gesture as he slowly followed her from behind.
The two of them didn’t make much conversation along the way. It seems that the adepti preferred to keep his distance from the young girl. (Y/N) has seen that look on his face before. It was the look of someone who has been strong enough to endure such sufferings. She wasn’t quite sure if she should be getting to know him, but as of now, she was able to make peace with his presence.
“We’re here.” She noted out loud.
Xiao had glanced around his surroundings. It was nothing but burnt down houses and crumbled ruins. Completely deserted and sullen, it had somehow brought peace to (Y/N). Curious as to why they’ve arrived to this wasteland of a town, he continued to put up his guard.
(Y/N) took a deep breath, “Everyone! I’m back home!” she hollered, a shout that could be echoed far off in the distance. Xiao raised his eyebrows once more as he crossed his arms, “Are you even hearing yourself? There’s no one here.” the man bluntly commented based on his observations.
The girl shook her head, “I’m sure there’s someone here. I have faith in my family.” she said with a hopeful look. He slowly nodded, letting her believe in what she wanted to.
Suddenly, a tiny head had popped up out of nowhere. One of the kids climbed out of the debris of a fallen house and had gasped out loud. The young child had quickly jumped out of her hiding spot and had begun tearing up. (Y/N) quickly bent down as she opened her arms out for the child to run into.
“(Y/N)! You came back!” The little girl cried out in disbelief as she tightly hugged the older girl. (Y/N) had embraced the child, holding her close to her chest while stroking the child’s hair. Her strong demeanor seemed to twinge a little bit as she felt a wave of relief wash over her. After she pulled back from the hug, she smiled back at the little girl, “Oh come on. You think I would leave you that easily? I wouldn’t do that to you.” she cooed, a lump in her throat building up.
The little girl stopped sniffing and had beamed brightly, “Everyone! It’s safe to come out now!” she exclaimed, loud and clear for everyone in the ruins to listen to.
All of a sudden, many kids began to pop out of their hiding spots. From each angle and corner from the collapsed houses, children ranging from many ages had leaped out of their spots to come and tackle (Y/N) with loving hugs.
“(Y/N)! Where have you been this entire time?!”
“You’re finally here..! We thought we would never see you again...”
“What about those bad guys that took you away? Where are they?! I’ll roughen them up if I have to!”
“Who cares about them? I’m just glad that our (Y/N) is back home!”
Xiao examined them all carefully. If he could remember, his puppeteer told him of something like this before.
That’s right.
This is what a heartfelt reunion is supposed to look like.
Xiao had stood on the side quietly as he watched unfamiliar facial expressions on the children. There were around twenty kids that had surrounded the (H/C) haired girl, happily welcoming her back home. What did (Y/N) possibly go through to find herself here? The adepti wondered what would have happened to these children if he hadn’t caught the falling angel. What would their reaction be?
Feeling a little tug on his sleeve, Xiao peered down at a little girl, no older than four, to be looking up at him. Not knowing what to do, he just stood there, staring back at the child playing around with his robe.
“(Y/N), who is that man standing right next to you?” One of the kids asked while pointing at the young demon. (Y/N) stood up with a child in her arms, “That man is... erm... His name is Xiao! He’s the one who rescued me from those bad guys.” The girl had quickly made up as the rest of the kids had gasped in wonder.
“What? Foolish human, I bear no title such as that. I am only a weapon of destruction and-”
“H-His name is Xiao! He was only pretending because you all like to play as pirates.” (Y/N) had laughed nervously as she walked up to the young man, “Please play along, they’re very innocent with no knowledge of what you’re talking about.” she had whispered, which made Xiao groan in annoyance.
How irritable.
“Fine. If that’s the case, then so be it. It is I, Xiao, the Mighty and Illuminated Adepti.” the man played along with a serious tone. To his surprise, all of the kids had gasped in amazement from what he had said. All of the children began to jump around him and ask him questions.
At first, (Y/N) thought of him to be a very cold-hearted person, but after seeing him interacting with the kids, maybe he wasn’t so bad.
“Wow your dress is very elegant! You look like you’re about to get married!” A little girl pointed out, amazed by how splendid (Y/N) had looked. “Who are you marrying? If it’s that mean looking guy over there, I’ll beat him up!” A little boy screamed as he ran over to Xiao and softly punched his leg.
This disgusted Xiao. Oh how much he wanted to kill this child right here and right now for thinking he had the right to insult him with such an act. His dark aura began to surround him until he looked back at the (H/C) haired girl. The kids must be very important to (Y/N) if the last thing she wanted to do was to see them.
Putting his pride to the side, he took a deep breath and looked down on the young boy that punched his leg. Instead of brutally injuring the boy in front of him, he walked and stood next to the young bride that took care of all of the kids.
“That is correct. She’s marrying me.” He said with seriousness laced in his voice.
(Y/N) had blushed, becoming flustered. “W-What are you saying?? Xiao, I am not-”
“She is. I brought her back here safe and sound. You mere mortals should be thanking me for sparing her.” Xiao stated, wrapping one arm around the girl’s waist.
(Y/N) flushed red, shocked at what this man was saying. He has to be out of his mind.
The boy that initiated the punch towards Xiao had his mouth dropped wide. Xiao sent a smug look at the child, claiming victory in his head. If he couldn’t win against him by making him succumb to death, then he will win by claiming (Y/N) as his own.
All in all, the kids had a lot of fun messing around with the young adepti, and (Y/N) was glad to be back.
After tucking all of the kids into their ragged sleeping bags, (Y/N) was able to loosen up from her stress bit by bit. Xiao continued to watch her as she went to tend to her things. The young girl would get up and hum the children to sleep, while some she had talked to them and reassured that she was fine. The boy that had punched Xiao earlier came up to (Y/N) and tugged on her dress a little bit to gain her attention.
“Yes, what is it, Caihong?” the (H/C) haired girl smiled ever so gently towards the young boy. “Could you fix up my arm for me? The wound started to open up again.” he quietly murmured. (Y/N)’s (E/C) eyes widened slightly as she saw the size of the cut on his arm. This looked like a cut of a sword.
“Who did this to you?” she asked in concern.
“One of the bad guys,” Caihong quietly said. “but I didn’t lose! I scared them off so that they wouldn’t come to our hideout.”
Xiao watched intently as he leaned against the stone wall. Without any comment, he continued to stare and observe what mortals do in their conversations.
(Y/N) sat the boy down on a chair and had plucked a translucent white flower from her ragged wedding dress. The scent it radiated was... pleasant to Xiao’s senses.
“What flower is that?” Xiao had inquired, aweing how it bloomed on its own. (Y/N) looked up at his direction and down to the lovely flower in her hands. “Ah, this is the Qingxin flower. It grows on only the highest peaks of Liyue and can serve as a remedy for some injuries.” the girl answered, giving Xiao one for himself to keep.
He took the offering and twiddled it by the stem. Curious, he brought it up to his nose to take a sniff of it. Its fragrance was nothing like the stench of blood. This scent was certainly heavenly.
After (Y/N) had finished taking care of Caihong, she tucked him in one of the only sleeping bags they had and sat down next to Xiao. The distance between them was enough for him to be comfortable. (Y/N) stretched her arms and had leaned her back against the stone wall with the adepti right by her side.
“Sorry for all of the commotion earlier. These kids aren’t in the best condition, but seeing them smile is enough for me to get by.” (Y/N) apologized with a peaceful smile.
“Where are their parents?” He inquired, wanting to know the bits and information to this mortal’s story.
(Y/N) turned away from Xiao, looking up to the sky above them. “They’ve fought and died bravely in the wars they partake in. Some of the children have been abandoned or found injured when I walk around the ruins. Kids of war need a happier childhood, so I decided to be the one to look after them. As the oldest orphan, I felt like I had a duty to fulfill.” She shifted her head to look back at the young adepti.
“I’m sure you must have a duty to fulfill, right?” She grinned warmly towards the young man. He stopped making eye contact with her and looked at his hands, reimagining if it was him on a battlefield. He thought about the mission his evil archon ordered him to go on about and thought about how he had always served as his god’s weapon.
Knowing that (Y/N) might be frightened if he told her what he did in the past, he answered her question with a nod. It felt a little bit conflicting for him to be around these abandoned kids when it’s most likely Xiao to be the one that annihilated those children’s parents. All of the orders he had received during war-- he had to fulfill them all. Even if it meant bloodshed among innocents.
(Y/N) could only admire how the night sky had glistened above them. “The sky looks better here when I’m at home,” she commented, resting her head against the wall.
Xiao looked around and could only see what meets the eye. “This place is a dump. This is not a proper place to call a home.” He bluntly stated. (Y/N) could see what he was getting at, but shook her head.
“Sure, this place looks terrible, but it’s those who reside in the place that can make it a home. Home could mean a peaceful and quiet place where you can happily live in. It’s somewhere that you know you can come back to, feeling cared for, respected, and loved.” She passionately spoke with fire in her eyes. That strong determination that shined in her (E/C) eyes was nothing like before. The time that he had rescued her from falling to her death, her eyes looked like they were filled with anguish.
Xiao tried to remember if there was ever a time if he felt what a “home” was.
“I’ve never had a home before. Someone like me doesn’t deserve a place like that.” Xiao had closed his eyes while folding his arms. (Y/N) looked back at the young adepti with serious eyes, “That’s nonsense! Of course, you deserve a place like that. Everyone deserves to be loved.” she retorted, unconsciously holding onto both of Xiao’s hands.
A part of him had made him defensive, a bit startled from the sudden contact. Nothing fails to surprise him, at this point. This (Y/N) girl was full of surprises.
“Exactly what is that word? What is ‘love’?” Xiao thought out loud for her to hear.
She looked a bit confused. Does this man really not know what love is?
“Well... love is when you cherish something so dearly. It’s when you have a special connection between you and another person. When you become so used to that, it’s like something you feel like you have to protect no matter the cost.” (Y/N) answered without a doubt.
That concept was nothing but foreign to the young demon.
“I don’t recognize it as a need.” He said straightforwardly.
She tightened her grip on his hands slightly, “One day,” she started. Xiao looked up to meet his eyes with the bold girl in front of him, “you’ll suddenly realize it. I’m sure of it. Everyone gets to feel it in some way. Once you do, I’m sure you’ll realize that it’s a very powerful feeling.” (Y/N) brought his hands to her head. It almost looks like she was trying to pray for him to find this peculiar light that he couldn’t see.
Xiao slowly nodded, still trying to get used to the human emotions that she constantly radiates. Maybe from now on, he’ll really try to understand her. Xiao looked back down, his hands enveloped in an unfamiliar warmth. He slowly pulled away from her hands and given her one of the blankets, putting it over her shoulders.
(Y/N) blinked in confusion, watching him walk away. “Where are you going?” she asked.
“I’m going to keep a lookout for you. Get some rest so you can continue looking after the children in the morning.” Xiao stated, summoning his spear out of thin air and piercing it in the floor. He stood his ground as he looked beyond the fields. (Y/N) smiled, wrapping the blanket around her even more.
How considerate...
“Thank you, Xiao.” she quietly whispered, finding herself to fall asleep in no time.
The young man’s ear twitched, hearing the name that she had given him. Not even the evil archon of his had given him a name. He looked back up at the night sky, holding onto the Qingxin flower that (Y/N) had given to him.
“Xiao, huh?” he repeated the name out loud.
That (Y/N) girl had been nothing but trouble to him and yet, a part of him wanted to thank her for giving him something that no one had ever done before.
A couple of weeks went on as Xiao continued to stay by (Y/N)’s side. When he wasn’t around her, he would practice fighting with his spear outside. Some of the kids would watch him as he perfected his fighting stances and his attacks. In the beginning, Xiao could only feel stiff around the little kids running around him. He knew that he was a very powerful entity and a part of him didn’t really want to hurt this group of young mortals.
Sure, he was definitely cold towards the children in the beginning, but after hearing what (Y/N) had to say about them, he tried to understand them more. (Y/N) couldn’t help but feel grateful for him to be around her. Something about him made him much different than the other men who had tried to interact with the young beauty. Then at night times, Xiao would spend his time listening to the lonely girl and would ask her questions about what it meant to live as a human.
Xiao concentrated on his attacks while he continued to think about the past conversations he’s had with (Y/N).
“Happiness is vital to everyone. It’s something you can obtain in various ways, but in the end, it’s like a feeling you have when you sit back at the end of the day and remember those fond memories.”
“Sadness is when you feel a part of your heart missing something. Usually, it’s a reaction to something, for instance, a painful event. Eventually, that something fades away and becomes a memory. When that happens, you can’t help but miss that something that’s now unobtainable. It’s natural for everyone to go through it.”
“Loss? Well... Loss is when you realize that something you loved is no longer with you. It’s something irreplaceable and you’ll find yourself grieving over it for a long while.”
“Marriage? Well... I think it’s supposed to be something that brings you joy. You make a special connection with someone in a way that no one else can, and they can always be the one to be there for you. It’s where unconditional love begins to sprout and you realize you’d want to spend the rest of your life with that person.”
Xiao paused, stopping his spear in mid-air to remember something (Y/N) had said last night.
“It was horrible. A group of bandits were threatening my family. At first, I didn’t know what to do, but then I remembered something very important.” She spoke while walking alongside Xiao by the shore. Xiao stopped walking as he continued listening to the (H/C) haired girl.
“I remembered that I had a home. It wasn’t the best home that other people could think of, but I knew deep down that all of those kids needed me. They’re the ones that I love and I... I wanted to keep that. I wanted to protect them all from the dangerous world. So with that... I... I let the bandits kidnap me and sell me as a slave.” She smiled, but it was a different type of smile. It was a very somber smile.
Xiao was trying to register the emotions that he was feeling. He watched as she continued to keep up a brave front and as she continued to tell her story. “One of the noblemen in Liyue had passed by the slave carriage and had purchased me with his filthy mora. I was sold as a slave and this group of men began to... hurt me... in different ways. One day, one of the men had ridiculed my family and I became... very furious. There was no other way to escape but I continued to throw the rest of my words at him. It was all I had left to fight with. That’s when he decided to...” the girl had found it difficult to continue talking.
In the middle of her words, she couldn’t help but cry.
It was a very natural thing for humans to do.
Right there, she cried in front of Xiao, slowly losing the energy to stand up and just sat down with her knees to her chest.
“I can’t forget the pain they’ve caused me. I’ve gone through so much abuse that I’ve forgotten what all of the other emotions felt like. It’s been so long since I had seen daylight, and by the time I was able to see the sky, it was on my wedding day...” She wept softly, her voice cracking. Xiao bent down, not knowing what to do.
“I did what I had to do to escape. I had to poison him. Then in that very moment, I fled the ceremony. I ran as fast as I could to escape and I climbed further than I thought was humanly possible. In the end, I was able to reach the highest point of all of Liyue in the floating shrine above Qingyun Peak and right there... I found only peace. The world felt still at that moment. I couldn’t hear anything and couldn’t find the energy to think about the hardships I had overcome. If I had died then and there, it would have granted my selfish wish.” (Y/N) sniffed, burying her tears against her sleeves.
So this was the freedom she was talking about on the first day that they met.
Again, Xiao’s body begun to move on its own. He had slowly wrapped his arms around the shaking girl. She looked like she could shatter so easily. Someone so frail, yet someone so strong. A mortal that could continue fighting on, managing to survive after all of that. Xiao felt his heart beating a little bit faster once he made contact with the crying girl. If he could look in his reflection, what kind of face would he be making right now?
“Everything... will be alright. I’m right here for you.” He quietly murmured, digging his face into her neck as he embraced her completely. (Y/N) had been strong enough. She slowly brought her arms up to Xiao and hugged back.
Her (E/C) colored eyes shimmered as she tightened her hold. Her mouth quivered, then she felt her breath draw disoriented.
She bawled. Almost like a newborn baby. She shed many tears, it would be enough to fill a river. She clung to Xiao like it was the last thing she could ever hold. Xiao was enveloped in her warmth. This was different than him holding onto her when she was falling in the air. Now the time they’ve spent together had felt more special than before. He was a man of very few words, but his actions can tell a whole story. The young adepti comforted the (H/C) haired girl, not knowing what this emotion was in his chest.
“I’ll protect you, (Y/N). I won’t let those bastards lay a hand on you anymore.” Xiao promised, his heart tightening when hearing the girl weep. Hearing that some awful humans could do this to an angelic person had made him swear vengeance. He wanted to protect her. He wanted to wipe away her tears and hold her in his arms. He wanted to cherish her and make her smile.
He wanted to love her.
He wanted to be the one to make sure that she received all of the love she deserved. Xiao pulled away, missing the Qingxin fragrance she radiated. He looked at her with determined eyes, kneeling on one knee and one Qingxin flower on the other.
“(Y/N)... I swear that I’ll protect you. I’ll curse anyone who dares to stand in your way.” He spoke with conviction. Xiao has never knelt down to a mortal before. He knew exactly what the repercussions would be if he betrays his loyalty for his archon.
Xiao didn’t care anymore.
He wanted to be with (Y/N).
“(Y/N)... I--”
“Xiaooo? Are you there?” Caihong hollered, standing in front of Xiao. The young man had snapped his head out of the clouds. He looked down to see the little handful of a child looking at him ever so daringly. Out of all of the kids, he was the only one that was brave enough to mess with him.
“What is it, boy?” Xiao questioned as he stabbed his spear to the side, causing it to disappear in thin air. Caihong still awed in amazement from a very strange sight, but then shook his head. “(Y/N) wanted me to tell you that she needed some more Qingxin flowers to treat the injured kids she found. Since she has a lot of things to do, she was wondering if you could collect some for her.” Caihong told the young adepti his orders from (Y/N).
His eyes softened when he mentioned her name.
He looked into the distance where he could see (Y/N) taking care of the young ones. She grinned cheerfully towards the children, then making eye contact with Xiao. To think that she was the same girl that had broken down in his arms that very night...
(Y/N) is stronger than she looks.
Xiao smiled.
Caihong couldn’t believe his eyes. The stern and serious man was able to smile??
“Xiao! You’re smiling!” Caihong shouted in disbelief. Were his eyes deceiving him? The young demon had stopped staring at (Y/N) and ruffled the boy’s hair. “I’m not smiling. Your eyes are deceiving you.” He spoke, denying that he was able to make such a facial expression.
“Oi! Don’t ignore me and pretend that I’m not here! Let go of my hair!” He cried out, shooing the adepti’s hands away from his head. The boy has never seen Xiao like this before. Perhaps a grumpy guy like Xiao really did need someone as bright as (Y/N). Caihong’s eyes lit up, remembering something important. “Oh yeah! (Y/N) said that she has something important to tell you tonight! I think she’s going to prepare her special almond tofu dish for you!” He happily exclaimed.
Xiao nodded, wondering what that would taste like. Well, if it’s anything that (Y/N) prepares, he’ll have no choice but to like it.
Maybe this is what happiness felt like.
In the past, Xiao wasn’t allowed to imagine things. The evil archon forbade it. Pondering and creating scenarios in his head wasn’t something he couldn’t do often, but he couldn’t help but think of her.
He thought about what the girl had said about marriage. Would she be happy if he said he wouldn’t mind spending the rest of his life with her?
As he made his way to get prepared to collect Qingxin flowers, he couldn’t help smiling to himself the entire way.
Qingxin flowers can be found at any high point in the lands of Liyue. Xiao had no trouble leaping towards high spots in the air. For once, he had enabled his demonic form for something that wouldn’t cause bloodshed. He allowed his demonic form to make him lighter as he continued to collect the translucent white flowers that blossomed at his touch. Although he had felt a little bit of pain from maintaining this form, he knew that (Y/N) would be back at home to take care of him again.
With (Y/N)’s contrasting approach to life, the world seemed to become a bit... brighter. Xiao no longer drowned out all of the sounds to his ears as he did on the battlefield. For once, he allowed himself to hear the chirps of the birds and watch cranes fly above peacefully.
Yes, yes! That was the word!
He was able to find peace.
It was all because of (Y/N). He was able to allow more room for growth. She let him realize that maybe a part of him really was human. Xiao had held the Qingxin flowers tighter, thinking about the very significant mortal he looked after every day. Maybe he should get something special for her today.
He couldn’t get the thought of her out of her head. Especially after last night.
How could he tell her how he felt?
The way she makes him feel warm was different than any ordinary blaze.
The way she tells him with determined eyes that even he deserves a home.
The way that she somehow got the children to enjoy his company and make him feel like there are more things in life worth protecting.
The way she smiles so fearlessly in the face of danger.
He wanted to protect it all.
He wanted to protect her.
“Enjoying yourself?” a voice came from behind.
Xiao immediately dropped everything he was holding and withdrawn his jade spear in an instant. He pointed his weapon at the voice, only to realize that it was the evil archon himself. The young demon took a step back, “What are you doing here?” he spoke with a contentious tone.
This archon right here... Xiao never noticed this before, but he could feel the heinous aura that filled the atmosphere. Something about this random encounter with his puppeteer felt sinister.
“I’m just here to observe your journey. I’ve watched you from afar and seen you acting abnormally. Have you perhaps fallen in love yet?” The archon inquired, leaning in to detect if the young demon would react in any way. At the moment, Xiao was a bit hesitant to answer his question. If anything, he began to question why he continued to obey this archon’s evildoings. What if something he said would bring danger to (Y/N)?
If he says yes, the archon might be able to let him go and free him of his duties. No. That’s just him trying to be optimistic. There’s a high chance that the archon could use that as leverage against him as well.
“No. I have not.” Xiao answered, glaring with threatening eyes.
The evil archon chuckled, “Is that so?” as he began to burst out in laughter.
Xiao was a bit unnerved from hearing the evil archon laughing hysterically. Looking for a way out, he grabbed the flowers that he had been collecting when all of a sudden he felt a stinging pain in his abdomen. Xiao choked out blood, feeling his body being pushed against the grass. His jade spear was summoned without his permission and had been pierced through his body.
The black haired man remembered this pain as he winced at the sharp object that’s causing his crimson blood to spill out of his stomach. He hissed at the discomfort the wound is giving him and he raised his head, daring to look at the archon in the eyes.
“Oh my. I knew this was a good idea from the start but I didn’t think it would turn out this good.” The archon brought his hand to pull up Xiao’s chin.
“You love that girl, don’t you?”
Xiao’s amber eyes widened in realization. He knew where this was going.
“Don’t you fucking dare!” He shouted with anger seething out of his attitude.
The evil archon smirked at his puppet. “Don’t worry. I won’t lay a hand on her,” he chuckled, looking down at the young demon that was beneath his feet. “but I know they will.”
Xiao writhed under the pressure of his spear that pierced him. He needed to escape. He needed to get out. He needed to go to her.
“My my! What has gotten into you, my puppet? Since when did you start to think about the lives of mortals that you’ve been slaying this entire time? What makes her different from the rest, hmm?”
“She shows no mortal arrogation! She’s not selfish nor filthy like the others!” He retorted with conviction in his voice.
“Who gave you the right to feel this way? Think about it. After all of the times you’ve slaughtered those innocent people, you’re nothing but a murderer.”
“You ordered me to do it! I had no other choice but to obey!”
“You had free will, did you not? At any time, you could have easily stopped your killings and put an end to everything yourself. It’s all your fault. You did this to yourself.”
“You’re wrong!”
“So are you saying that you’re right?”
Xiao paused, refusing to show his face to his archon.
“I’m saying that you’re quite adept at manipulating people. It doesn’t matter what you think of me. I know that (Y/N) will still be by my side.”
“How can you be so sure? Have you even told her what you’ve done to the parents of the children she’s taking care of? Do you think that she’ll just accept you because in the end, you found a way to hide your past instead of confronting her about it? Of course not. She’s a human, and you’re a demon. You two are nothing alike, and because of that, you’ll never find a way to truly be close to her. You’re an atrocious monstrosity.”
“Shut up.”
“You’re delusional, boy. There’s nowhere else for you to go where anyone can accept you. Once that girl, (Y/N), catches the wind of the truth, it’s over for you.”
The evil archon stepped off of the adepti, causing Xiao to gasp for air. He was slowly weakening. His fingertips touched the liquid that protruded out of his stomach.
Damn it. His weapon was laced with poison.
Xiao felt helpless as he laid on the grass on top of the mountain. All ounces of energy he had was now depleting at a fast rate. Out of frustration, he took a handful of Qingxin flowers and clenched it to his stomach.
“Ah, this is the Qingxin flower. It grows on only the highest peaks of Liyue and can serve as a remedy for some injuries.”
Xiao could remember her words as if it was yesterday.
Black dots danced around his vision as the last thing he saw in his sight was the smirk of the evil archon. After his final attempt to fight against the poison, his body had refused to keep up with him, causing him to lose consciousness.
Bit by bit, Xiao’s eyes opened up. For once in his lifetime, he had dreamt a dream. He squinted, trying to see if he was seeing correctly. The gaping hole in his stomach was no longer there. Bloodstains remained in his clothing as proof of his encounter with the evil archon.
Xiao urgently got up from his fallen state and could see the sun fall setting in its place. His fists clenched the Qingxin flower that had once prospered greatly on its own. Its white color was tainted, no longer pure. Crimson smeared the edges of the petals as it slowly wilted.
Was he regenerating faster because he had more power?
Nevermind that. Xiao couldn’t afford to lose another second. Who knows what could have happened to (Y/N) during the time that the young demon had been passed out. He was quick with his feet, leaping off of the summit of the mountain with the thoughts of the (H/C) haired girl filling his thoughts.
He clenched his teeth.
He should have known that the evil archon was merely using him.
If it weren’t for (Y/N) to guide him to his morals, he definitely would not be where he was right now.
Xiao felt his stomach twisting. This time, he was able to distinguish it as an emotion. It wasn’t a physical pain caused on the outside, but the unsettling feeling that lets him know that something is wrong.
His instinct was more than correct.
In the distance, he could already see smoke releasing into the air. Combustions and explosions can be heard, along with very familiar cries that he has heard before.
“Kids of war need a happier childhood, so I decided to be the one to look after them. As the oldest orphan, I felt like I had a duty to fulfill.”
Xiao used his lemniscatic wind cycling to lunge forward in mid-air, then proceeding to dive down and make an impact with the ground. He shifted his eyes hastily, many bodies of children to be mercilessly killed. The kids that he had surrounded himself with during his time with (Y/N) were all slaughtered. She cared for them. She put her time and energy spending it all on the young ones rather than looking after her health. Xiao’s grip tightened around his polearm.
“Loss? Well... Loss is when you realize that something you loved is no longer with you.”
He clenched onto the hem of his robe.
“It’s something irreplaceable and you’ll find yourself grieving over it for a long while.”
Xiao had quickly sifted through the debris of the broken down house. The blazes had raged, mocking the young demon in a taunting way. Bits of ash had already flaked through the air. The pyre had devoured his line of sight.
“Well... love is when you cherish something so dearly. It’s when you have a special connection between you and another person.”
His breathing had stopped. This can’t be.
“When you become so used to that, it’s like something you feel like you have to protect it no matter the cost.”
His blood ran cold. He felt asphyxiated.
(Y/N) was dead.
(Y/N) was dead.
(Y/N) was dead.
A nobleman had walked into view, smirking as he saw a leftover orphan who he assumed was the last one they were looking for. “Hey, boys! We missed one right here.” The man with blood splattered across his rich attire spoke with arrogance. “That bitch should’ve realized who she was messing with when she poisoned me during the ceremony. I guess that’s just what happens when you buy a cheap slut in the market. Let’s finish this last one up and then drinks are on me.” The man had blurted with cockiness. The nobleman pulled his sword out of a lifeless boy’s body, kicking it towards Xiao like a ragdoll. It was... Caihong.
The young man’s breathing had hitched.
He felt his ears ringing.
His hair covered his glowing amber eyes as he stared at (Y/N)’s lifeless body.
Xiao went numb.
His heartbeat was the only thing he could hear and it was hammering against his ribcage like it was about to burst.
“What’s death? Well... death is what makes life worth living. It tells us that we have a certain timeframe to do everything we ever wanted to accomplish. It’s inevitable, and in some cases, different forms of life end sooner than expected. Most often, we lose someone we love so much during the process, making us feel all sorts of emotions. That’s just what makes us human.” (Y/N) had beamed, looking at the vast sky. She turned to lean her head on Xiao’s shoulder.
“Especially you, Xiao. You might not know yourself very well, but I can just tell.” She hummed in delight.
Xiao cocked his eyebrow, “What does that mean?” he asked with a puzzled look.
(Y/N) smiled into his shoulder, catching him off guard once more.
“You’re human. Just like me.”
A monstrous gust of wind had discharged where the adepti once stood. Xiao’s demonic form had materialized in a blink of an eye. The men that had terrorized his home had been knocked off their feet, meeting an intense force that propelled their bodies against the dirt of Teyvat. With their confusion, they tried to see where the assault came from and had realized that the young man that stood before him was a force that should not be reckoned with.
Xiao had flashed past the group of men, rapidly puncturing his spear between all of their hamstring muscles behind their knees, ensuring that none of them could ever walk again. Many of them writhed in agony from the jade spear that had still been laced with poison.
“What the hell was that?!”
“My legs! I can’t get up!”
The young demon had swiftly teleported behind the largest guy in the group and had grabbed a hold of his entire face with his gloved hands. Xiao then proceeded to bring his spear to pierce the center of his neck. Crimson liquid had spewed and sprayed from the bandit’s neck as he gargled on his own blood. Still seeing that he was alive and conscious, Xiao demonstrated his inhuman strength by lifting the man’s body and tossing it up in the sky. Violence plagued his mind as he lacerated the man with thousands of cuts in a single second, the demon maneuvering perfectly in the air before dismembering the man entirely. As the body parts separated, the large clots of blood had sprinkled the atmosphere like rain.
Finally, Xiao teleports right above the mutilated masterpiece as he spiraled down towards the ground, erupting a treacherous impact that would inflict true agony. Not only was the man pierced by Xiao’s jaded spear, but he was also spiked by the shadow fragments of all of the times he’s ruthlessly murdered other polearm users.
This was no force to be going up against.
This is true fear.
With this mask, Xiao remembered just why he had detested mortals so much.
“No! Stop! It hurts!” One of the men begged for mercy as Xiao had just begun. He dashed towards the bandit and coiled into a form of wind, opening up his stomach with a clean cut. The black haired man with teal undertones teleported behind the man, bending his arm in an unnatural way until it snapped. The audible crunch could be heard by everyone there, allowing them to freely imagine what their doom would be like. The man coughed in his own blood, but that didn’t stop Xiao from holding his arms from behind his back and kicking the back of the bandit’s torso. Choking in blood, the bandit couldn’t scream for help as his organs helplessly collapsed out of his body. Dumping the body to the side, he heavily breathed in and out.
This was a different type of hatred that resided within his entirety.
The animosity that radiated through the adepti’s mask was evident as it glowed darkly. One by one, Xiao had performed cruel acts towards the sinners that wreaked havoc on his home. Whether it was plucking their eyes out or bashing all of their bones, Xiao couldn’t find a resolution to his resentment.
All that was left was the nobleman that had forced (Y/N) into an arranged marriage. The thought of such filth laying even a finger on his (Y/N) was more than enough to greet the tip of his spear. Xiao looked down at the mortal that cowered beneath him. Emotions are fickle in the face of danger.
“Stop don’t do this! I can pay you ten times the price I paid for that slave! I can give all of the mora you ever want! Please just spare me!” The prideless man begged as he couldn’t feel his legs at all. Xiao stepped on the man’s torso, his piercing amber gaze had been strong enough alone to silence the sinner. The demon’s dark aura increased as Xiao collected his distributed rage into his jade spear.
“Your mora can’t even compare to (Y/N). Not even in the slightest.” Xiao’s spear was enchanting as it collected stacks of power from the built up anger. The adepti stomped on one of the nobleman’s kneecaps, an audible crunch filling the air. He screamed at the top of his lungs, feeling the excruciating pain throughout his entire body. Xiao wanted to make his death as long as possible. Even if the man were to pass out, the demon could slip some of his corrupted aura into his bloodstream to ensure he stays awake.
The young man grabbed a hold of the nobleman’s wrist, shattering the bones in his arm completely. Another defenseless howl erupted from the shameless man. Xiao remembered (Y/N) saying that they had hurt her in various ways, even those that she couldn’t bring herself to say. The thought of the group of bandits exploiting the pure girl had driven him to the brink of no return.
“You won’t be needing these anymore.” The man wailed in agony as Xiao dislocated the joints in the nobleman’s fingers. With his spear, he had begun cutting off each and every finger of his at an antagonizing pace. His screams weren’t enough to satisfy him.
Xiao ripped off the man’s arm in one effortless pull.
Another scream.
The demon looked down at the human in disgust. Why were so many mortals so repulsive? The jade spear he had was stabbed in the man’s chest, but not all the way. He made an incision that was thin enough for Xiao to open up the skin of the man’s torso. Without any hesitation, the adepti bent open the nobleman’s ribcage in the most unnatural way.
“Please... s..stop.” The bandit pleaded.
“You didn’t stop when she told you to. Hypocrites like you must rot.”
The polearm user gutted out the rest of the organs that were left in the man’s body.
“You deserve this.”
He punctured one of the man’s eyes with one of his thumbs.
“You don’t have the right to live.”
Xiao clenched his teeth, going back to think about (Y/N).
Seeing her lifeless body near one of the burning houses. It... It evoked true calamity from the young adepti.
“You took her away from me.”
Xiao summoned his charged spear from thin air. The nobleman was disfigured already. His body was beyond recognition after what Xiao had done to him. Yet, it still wasn’t enough.
The young adepti clenched onto his jade spear, “N̶̻̽ő̸̘̠w̸̗̖͗ ̴̲̓I̴̝̓’̸̗̭̾̽m̵̩̤͠ ̸̺͒͜g̷̛̳͍̈́o̵̮͒i̴͉̕͘n̶͎͗g̸̦̺̀̂ ̶͔̫͛t̷̯̓͊o̵̻̽̓ ̷̹͖͌̕t̴͍̚a̸͙͝k̵̯͝ẹ̶̒ ̷͕̈̏ė̸̜͜͝v̸͕̲̆ế̶͚̪ŕ̸̢͕ỳ̷̺t̸̥̆h̴̹̠͌̇ḯ̵̫̙n̶̜̉g̵͙̮̋̏ ̴̧͈́̂ȧ̸̬̗w̵̤͇̄á̵̺̣ŷ̵̢͘ ̴̞̂͌ͅf̷͎͐r̶͉͕̈́o̸͙͠m̷̖͚̿ ̴̯͓̈̉ỳ̶͖̂o̴̬̾u̴̖̔͝,̸̢̐͘ ̶̹̏s̷̜̑̀ţ̷̌a̸̯̽̂r̸̗̄͝ṭ̷̈́͠ḭ̴͆n̸̘̈́g̶̭͂ ̵̦̱͋̚w̷̺̉į̷̻̾̅t̴̜̿̇h̶̞͖̍ ̴̜͇͐̚ỵ̶̓o̴̥̗̿͐ụ̴́r̶̖͂͂ ̸̬͊̊d̶̙̬͌̕r̴̮̒̕e̸͜͝ͅa̷̲̓m̴̻͆s̶̲̐” he growled with bitterness. The polearm user slowly hunched over the mangled human, preparing to remove his mask to begin devouring the man’s dreams when all of a sudden he heard something in the distance.
All movement stopped.
Xiao heard someone calling out his name.
Snapped out of his bloodthirsty trance, he pulled his head up.
He paused, stalling the death of (Y/N)’s capturer. He couldn’t tell if he was hallucinating or not.
The young man dropped everything he was doing. That filth is going to die anyway. The most important thing right now is trying to look for (Y/N). He stood up from the bloodied body and had staggered towards the direction the (H/C) haired girl was.
He felt his rage settling down as he began to search for that gentle voice. The soothing hums of (Y/N) could be heard from behind one of the stone pillars that had collapsed next to the body of the young girl.
Xiao rushed towards (Y/N)’s body. He pulled her into his embrace, trying to see if he could get any reaction. Something. Anything that could tell him that she was alive. A part of him wished that he could feel her arms rise up and hug him back.
He pulled away and slowly checked her heart by lowering his ear against her chest. The anticipation for the young adepti was torture. Time moved slowly as he sharpened his hearing.
One second passed.
Xiao’s grip on the girl grew tighter.
Two seconds passed.
He felt the world crumbling beneath his feet.
Three seconds passed.
Four seconds passed.
Xiao lifted his head from her chest and stared at her soft features. She still looked gorgeous. It was like he was seeing the girl again for the first time. On the day that he fell for her, he didn’t realize he would fall this hard.
He froze in place.
There was a subtle movement in her fingertips. Xiao’s amber eyes had shone light in itself once more. The (H/C) haired girl let out a cough, slowly shifting out of place. “X...Xi..ao..?” she weakly whispered with wincing eyes. The gash on her head was a very dangerous cut. The adepti felt alleviated. Relief washed over him as he held the girl tightly while burying his face into her soft (H/C) hair. The girl couldn’t see very well, but she could never mistake Xiao for anyone else. Slowly her frail arms wrapped themselves around Xiao’s body.
“Welcome home.” She whispered shakily with little strength behind her voice.
Xiao didn’t know how to express how grateful he was to see her still alive. He had thought that he had lost all hope. “I’m home, (Y/N). I’m back at home...” He sniffed, not realizing that he had been tearing up this entire time. (Y/N)’s eyes couldn’t properly see it, but she could feel that his heart was aching.
She brought her thumb to his cheek, wiping the tear that threatened to spill on his face. Something in his chest had felt like it was suffocating him as he saw (Y/N) in this current state.
Xiao’s heart... hurt. She did the same exact motion on his cheek when they first met.
How many times has he finally discovered the words behind the meaningful things he couldn’t describe today?
So this is what she meant by he was hurting. All of a sudden, Xiao was able to understand everything now. He was able to feel his emotions. Him of all people. The demon slayer that slaughtered innocents. All of the burdens he didn’t realize he had on his back had suddenly begun to tumble onto him.
This was very painful to watch.
(Y/N) was dying in front of him.
He knew exactly what was going to happen. On the battlefield, it was all the same thing. Death by killing, death by injuries, and to those who are caught up in the middle of it all. Xiao knew this all too well and he was holding onto his significant mortal. He scoped around the burnt down place they had called home and had hissed at himself for failing to save the little ones. Their lifeless facial expressions were frozen in fear and anguish. Xiao protected (Y/N) from witnessing the horrible sight behind him by draping his long robe to block her vision.
He needed to find another way to protect her.
She was going to end up like one of them too if he didn’t.
She was going to wind up in the same inevitable fate that all humans face when they meet their end.
“Remember when I said I... I was going to tell you something, Xiao?” The fragile girl voiced out, hands trying to navigate where the young adepti’s hands were. “I have a surprise for you... but we have to go to the Foundation of Plaustrite” she muttered, closing her eyes, a bit exhausted than she thought she would be.
The blood that dripped down the side of her head had most likely resulted from a severe concussion. Not only that, but the large cut in her abdomen was alarmingly frightening to the young adepti.
The demon was trembling, “But you’re extremely injured. You need treatment.” he twinged at the thought of (Y/N) leaving him again. A part of him felt like if he didn’t do anything now, (Y/N) would die easily to her injuries. Of course, the young demon would see it like that. He had forgotten that he had stronger regenerative abilities than the average human.
“Please. It’s my final wish.” (Y/N) prayed quietly. She attempted to open her eyes but stopped when Xiao covered her eyes with his own hands. “Don’t open your eyes.” He advised.
Xiao hesitated, afraid that he might accidentally hurt her if he picked her up wrong. There’s no way that he could reject her request. Haltingly, he bent down to carry the girl in his arms in one full sweep. He no longer felt tired. He felt as if he was granted all of the strength he needed in all of the lands of Teyvat.
“Is this comfortable?”
“...In your arms? Always.”
The black haired man with teal undertones carried the girl with ease. Before parting ways with their home, he looked back at those who had wronged (Y/N). Their bodies are now beyond recognition. As a man who’ll do anything to protect what was his, he had decided to leave the dead men behind like it was nothing.
Seeing (Y/N) breathing again was enough for him to calm down.
“...What happened to the children?” The (H/C) haired girl asked. A gruesome image flashed into Xiao’s head when mentioned. “They’re in a better place. I made sure that they’re comfortable in their new home.” He lied through his teeth. He wanted to spare her feelings.
“...What about the... bandits?” (Y/N) showed a hint of worry. The only thing he could think of was the way he had eliminated every last one of them. “They were also taken care of. I decided to go easy on them.” Xiao lied once more.
(Y/N) appreciated the thought of the young man attempting to keep her hopes protected from what just happened. The smell of iron was already enough to tell her what happened at their home.
Slowly, he began to walk towards their destination. Along the way, he couldn’t help but notice the girl continuing to hum as she was on death’s door. Xiao’s eyes never left the sight of (Y/N). If he didn’t, then it would feel like she could vanish without a trace.
“Yes, (Y/N)?”
“...Have I ever told you how much color you’ve brought into my world?” She wistfully breathed.
The man ascended a trail that made its way up. Paying attention to (Y/N) at the same time, he wore a composed face.
“No, you haven’t,” he replied with a gentle voice. He had to stay strong. Strong for (Y/N).
“Really? I thought I told you before... but maybe it was all a dream.” (Y/N) shut her eyes. The moment between both of them had felt so serene. “I remember telling you all about the new recipe I had prepared. There was also a time where I gave you a Qingxin flower crown... Did you like it?” She asked as her thoughts were jumping everywhere. She was barely conscious, but she still managed to voice out all of her silly concerns.
Xiao didn’t have a clue about what she was talking about. When imagining those random scenarios in his head, he could only pretend like he had experienced that all with her.
“Yes. I liked it a lot.” He went along with what she was saying.
“I see. That makes me very happy.”
Xiao hoisted her in his arms bridal style again, making sure that he doesn’t harm her. Even now, (Y/N) looked so angelic in his arms. The blood that dried up around her body smelled like iron.
“You know... sometimes I feel like meeting you was too good to be true. A dream, even.” (Y/N) rambled freely, pushing her head against Xiao’s chest.
His grip on the girl grew tighter, “I could say the same thing for you too. You don’t understand how much you’ve taught me how colorful the world was.” he pressed her head as close as he could to his neck as he made his way up the mountain.
“Hey... Do you know what the difference between ‘I like you’ and ‘I love you’?” (Y/N) weakly inquired.
Xiao didn’t know how to reply.
“It’s like flowers... When you like a flower, you just pluck it. But when you love a flower, you water it daily.” The girl told the adepti. He grabbed one of (Y/N)’s hands to hold, keeping his warmth closer to him.
“...If you were a Qingxin flower... I would gladly water you every day.” (Y/N) confessed as she began to lose her train of thought.
Xiao’s heart skipped a beat. No one has ever expressed their concern to him before.
She was able to genuinely say that to Xiao with confidence. Her devotion stayed true to him until the end. Her tender touch was enough to tell him that everything was going to be okay, even when he knew damn well that it wasn’t going to be. Xiao wanted to surpass this new and unknown obstacle. He wanted to continue watching over (Y/N) and make sure that she gets all of the love that she deserved.
Xiao leaped onto the floating platforms that lead up to the floating shrine.
This was where he had first met (Y/N).
The setting stayed the same, along with the way the sky was painted similarly as before. This time, it was all different.
Xiao was able to comprehend his mortal emotions.
(Y/N) wanted to live.
Their pasts would contrast with their present now.
“We’re here...” Xiao whispered to his beloved.
The adepti carefully set the frail girl to lean against the stone seat. The warm hues reached her eyelids as she could feel the rays of light shine on her. Xiao had sat down beside her, no longer keeping a distance from her like back then. He couldn’t find the heart to act coldly towards her. Steadily, he stared off into the sunset. It was the same as before.
“It’s so warm here.” (Y/N) noted out loud, resting her head against Xiao’s shoulder. A part of him wanted time to freeze at this moment so he could spend the rest of his life with (Y/N). He felt his heart finding the moment to find momentary peace. If there was a god out there that could stop the entire universe, Xiao would trade anything he had to spend all of the time he could with the girl he held dear to.
“Do you want to know where your surprise is?” (Y/N) softly spoke, her strength dissipating.
The young demon grabbed a hold of one of (Y/N)’s hands. “Where is it?” He asked with a lump in his throat. He could tell in her tone of voice that she was already departing to the other side.
“My little surprise is in that book on the stone slab of this place. There’s a Qingxin flower as a bookmarker so it won’t be that difficult to find. You can go read it now if you want.”
“No.” Xiao clutched her hand.
“I wish to spend the rest of your time with you.” He declared quietly, not wanting to think of anything else. The intrusion of dark thoughts could no longer reach him up here. There was only peace.
(Y/N) hummed, “I see.” as she twiddled with Xiao’s bigger hand. Without thinking, the girl had slid her fingers between his palm, entwining fingers.
“Xiao... I think meeting you was...a serendipitous encounter... We both weren’t anticipating to end up like this. When we both met, we were both looking for something. There’s never been a time where I regretted being with you.” (Y/N) smiled with tranquility as her truth.
The adepti’s heart stung by her sweet yet bitter words.
“You don’t regret being with a demon like me?” He slipped out, throwing out a side of him that he never showed to (Y/N). He was afraid of rejection. What if she really despised him because of what he’s done?
(Y/N) let out a gracious laugh, “You’re not a demon, silly... You’re just as human like me. That’s all there is to it. You’re just like me, Xiao.” she indulged him by embracing him with one last hug.
“I don’t know who told you that but I know for a fact that you’re not a demon. If anything, you’ve acted like a guardian towards me. I value you very much and I wouldn’t want to hear you say otherwise.”
Xiao was amazed at what lengths (Y/N) would go for him. He was never used to her close contact, but for these last moments, he couldn’t help but wanting to savor it all. No one has ever told him that he was someone worth being cared for. They all only looked at him like a weapon of war. With the hands of his, (Y/N) saw it as inviting rather than dangerous.
(Y/N) was definitely different from the rest.
Xiao’s amber eyes had already started to tear up. This was an unfamiliar mental state that he was in. Never had he ever thought that he would make it this far to understand human emotions. Xiao was always a well guarded person who would always distance himself from anyone getting near him and yet...
(Y/N) was always there.
The sentimental words have reached the young adepti. He no longer felt ashamed for expressing how he felt. A slip of a tear fell from his cheek, “(Y/N)..?” he called out again to make sure she was still there.
“...Yes... Xiao?” She replied slowly.
Xiao tugged her closer to him. No one in the world could make him resort to these human senses of him. He only wanted to stay by her side and her side only.
“I love you.”
(Y/N) pulled away from his hug and saw his somber yet grateful facial expressions. Now that she could see his entire face, she realized she couldn’t put up her strong front anymore.
She began to cry, realizing the weight of their situation.
“I... love you too.”
Xiao felt something that he had forgotten he had in his pocket. Curious as to what it was, he pulled it out and realized it was the flower crown that (Y/N) was talking about.
Had he always have this in his pocket? Where did this come from?
He went back in his thoughts to try to remember where he got this from. All he could remember was that he had felt this object in his pocket after his dream earlier that day.
The black haired young man with teal undertones had carefully knelt down in front of her. With one hand, he grabbed (Y/N)’s other ones as he placed a soft kiss on top. It almost felt like he was a knight preparing to give his vows.
“(Y/N). There’s been a question I’ve always pondered to ask of you. I’m not very sure if we can make do with what little time we have remaining, but I’d appreciated it if you allowed me to have the opportunity.” Xiao started, feeling the girl’s tender gaze upon him. “From the day we’ve met, I had only thought about how foolish mortals were. There was a part of me that refused to take a part in opening up to a newer side of the world. I was more than afraid if you were going to shut me out entirely. I’m just a shell of a sinner... It almost feels morally wrong to even stand near you. But that all had shifted once you sat down next to me under the starry night sky. You were the only one who could change my perspective, and I am eternally grateful for how you’ve healed me.”
He swallowed. What was he saying? He was a bit doubtful if he worded his sentences correctly but he had no choice but to continue.
“...I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. When I think about you, I know that no one will hold my heart the same way you do. With you by my side, I feel at peace, and when you’re gone, I’m constantly looking for a way to get closer to you. I’m sure that you’ve had bad memories of this, but I’d like to overwrite those memories with something genuine... (Y/N)... Will you marry me?” Xiao confessed with sincere, heartfelt words. His heartbeat seemed to synchronize at the same time as (Y/N)’s. The atmosphere never felt so enchanting than now. Time was running out for both of them.
The weakened girl in front of him had no words to say other than yes. Instead of accepting the flower crown that he had held in his grasp, she had caressed the adepti with both of her hands on each side of Xiao’s face. They both met each other’s eyes. His amber ones looking into her (E/C) orbs, perhaps asking for permission before he could continue. (Y/N) slowly nodded, blushing when Xiao had finally leaned forward and had pressed a gentle kiss against the girl’s soft lips.
It was all but peaceful.
Xiao was able to get these feelings off of his chest. He gazed at the sunset once more before he picked up (Y/N) again and sat her against the stone bench where he held her by the waist.
“I’m... feeling... tired...” The girl had said with complete honesty.
Xiao couldn’t help but feel pity when he saw his lover. She was deteriorating faster than he would’ve imagined. It was like he was watching another Qingxin flower lose its petals. She slowly hummed again, a harmonious tune that would ingrain into Xiao’s memories.
“Are you... afraid of death?” The adepti watched with attentive eyes. As someone who inflicted death among others, it would certainly be a different experience if he had asked someone who was about to go through it.
(Y/N) shook her head. “...When I’m with you...? Never. I’m not... afraid.” She wheezed a little bit, leaning her head on Xiao’s shoulder once more. Although time was running out, she kept wearing her brave smile as she fell drowsier.
“...Smile... for... me?” (Y/N)’s voice ran out as she was clinging onto life for as long as she could. Her final wish.
Xiao’s most difficult task to do. During this time as he watched everything he had developed with this girl slowly bloom throughout his heart. From all the times they’ve stayed up watching after the kids and talked until the dead of the night. Through the harsh rains and cold days, Xiao would continue to stand by her side. It was something worth protecting. He was given a reason to continue on with a more fulfilling purpose. She had given it all to him with open arms.
He trembled, but continued to wipe his tears. Taking a deep breath, he blocked out all of the worst thoughts that could flow into his head. He had to do it for her now. He has to answer her prayers.
There he was. The man that had worn his composed and calm features had been able to send (Y/N) one last smile. His lips quivered as he attempted to hold a brave front. He has to commend (Y/N) for having that special ability. The (H/C) haired girl shut her eyes. Yes... This was all she ever wanted.
She never felt so free until now. The freedom that she had always wanted was now granted to her.
The adepti had endured the last bits of time he could spend with her. With the way that (Y/N) grinned with no regrets, he felt the seconds going by like hours. This was all he could do for her now.
...So this was love.
What a strong emotion. No wonder why mortals fight for what they believe in. Before he met her, he was just an empty husk with no concept of what it takes to be human. Now that (Y/N) showed him the ways of how life could be spent, it would be the end of her journey.
It was just two companions that were dreaming alongside each other. Two contrasting people that come from two different backgrounds. No matter how far he came with her, he couldn’t help but notice what solitude truly was when something he cherished was now gone.
Xiao just wanted to remain with her until her final moments.
Before Xiao could completely doze off, he planted the well-crafted Qingxin crown on (Y/N)’s head, gently planting a kiss on her forehead, bidding his reluctant farewell.
“Goodnight, (Y/N).” He whispered to her for the last time, fulfilling her first request he hadn’t answered in the beginning. The lump in his throat was building up his regret, remembering how he promised to kill her so she would be put to rest and be free. He didn’t know how badly he wanted to go back in time and convince her to fight and live on.
He shut his eyes, not recognizing how hard it is to let go. He couldn’t envision the idea of her leaving him behind until now. After she had held onto his hand for so long, it seems that the last chapters of (Y/N)’s life has come to an end. The adepti pressed his forehead against (Y/N)’s, hoping that his words could somehow reach her. It was thanks to her, he was able to live like he was alive. He shut his eyes tightly, praying that somehow he could reach out to her again.
“...I’ll miss you dearly, my love.”
Epilogue | Adeptus’ Retirement
(Y/N) had always known.
She knew that Xiao was a weapon of war.
When searching around remnants of fallen towns to take care of more children, some wandering travelers would tell rumors of the demon that would ruthlessly kill thousands. (Y/N) never paid any attention to it until she heard a tale of an evil archon utilizing him for his own selfish needs.
She thought to herself, “I will find a way to save him.” as she continued to roam and travel by on her own to find a way to free him. The week before (Y/N) had broken down in front of Xiao, she had already climbed up to the Foundation of Plaustrite once more, hearing that an archon of contracts would appear one fateful night.
When she did encounter that archon, she had first spoken to him like she was talking to an ordinary human. The archon, Morax, had listened in on her story as she explained how Xiao was forced to commit these heinous acts of violence.
“He had helped me realize that I wanted to continue living. I came up here in hopes that I could find this God of Contracts and tell him my wish.” She said with a brave heart.
Rex Lapis listened intently in his human form. This would benefit all of Liyue if he could save the young demon from the evil archon.
“I wish that he could be as free as a crane. I wish for him to find something worthy to protect. I wish for him to be proud of a name that he can tell others.” (Y/N) prayed while looking at the moon with the archon next to her.
“What name did you give him?” The god inquired.
She smiled, “Xiao.” while looking down at her feet. She knew that it had a few different meanings like “demon”, but she could only see the name to be fitting for someone heavenly.
The archon crossed his arms, knowing that this human girl was going to be the one to change history.
“It’s a deal.”
She was sent into a dream realm. Her body seemed to feel lighter than ever, and she could only see a field of pure white flowers that blossomed on its own. In the distance, she could see the young adepti, laying peacefully in the field. (Y/N) had laid down on the grass right next to the dreaming demon.
Her time was about to come.
In order for her contract to be fulfilled, she must give up her life.
(Y/N) held Xiao’s hand tightly.
It was a wish she knew was worth protecting.
“I want you to be free. I want you to feel human. I want you to feel loved.”
The girl didn’t know death could be so alleviating. The other side was now beyond her reach, and she could slowly feel herself falling asleep. Even so, she continued to talk to Xiao like he was awake. A part of her hoped that she was somehow connected to Xiao in her dream.
She talked about the special almond tofu that she was supposed to be preparing and she had crafted a Qingxin crown while she rambled on. To her surprise, she felt a hand grab her arm. Turning around, she made eye contact with the young man who she thought was resting.
“Please...” He muttered in his sleep, turning over to come closer to the girl.
(Y/N) was taken aback, but then had smiled wistfully. Maybe she did have one more thing to do before she left this world to meet death. Without thinking, she had carefully tucked her Qingxin crown into the side of Xiao’s pocket.
“As proof that I was here... I’ll give this to you.”
She hovered over the resting man and had laid on top of him with a gentle hug.
If she could go back in time and relive every moment with him, she would.
She woke up.
That’s when she saw Xiao in front of her at the raid of her home. Well, what was left of their home. She knew that there was an attack launched when she was unconscious in the dream realm. Morax had informed her that the evil archon would order the bandits to come to kill the rest of her family at the ruins they lived in. It was also a consequence that the contract came with.
But it doesn’t matter anymore.
(Y/N) wanted to be selfish again.
“Welcome home.”
When Xiao woke up, he no longer felt a presence next to him. Wondering what could have happened, he knew that he shouldn’t ask any more questions. Instead, he opened up the notebook that (Y/N) had left behind for him. With the Qingxin bookmarker, he had flipped open the book to read what (Y/N) left behind for him.
At that moment, he could no longer hold back the flow of tears.
After reading the truth.
After reading the contract.
After reading her sacrifice.
Xiao let out a blood-curdling scream.
Never in his life had he ever heard his voice come out of his throat like that. Never had he ever thought that (Y/N) would be so important to him. He couldn’t help kneeling down on the floor of the shrine and curling up while holding the notebook to his chest.
After everything she’s done for him, he couldn’t let it all go in vain.
“I’ll fight. I’ll fight again. I’ll fight and make sure I grant your wish, (Y/N). I’ll do anything if it means that you can see me from wherever you are!”
Xiao missed her.
He missed her so much.
He missed (Y/N).
Xiao fought. He no longer served under the evil archon and had pledged his allegiance to Rex Lapis. There was a long period of time, peace for Liyue, the type of peace that (Y/N) had wished for.
The guardian yaksha had sat on the Foundation of Plaustrite once again as he looked off and into the sunset. A thousand years had passed since (Y/N)’s passing. War never ended fast like how he hoped it would, but he continued to hold onto the feelings he had for (Y/N) until the very end.
The yaksha was now around two thousand years old. Although he distanced himself from the mortals he swore to protect, his memories were far from faded from the day he had serendipitously encountered the ethereal angel, (Y/N).
Between adepti and humans, he knew that relations between them were very possible. He couldn’t forget (Y/N)’s scent. As he sat on the stone slab, he could almost feel (Y/N)’s soul. It was almost like she was leaning her head on his shoulder again.
He placed the Qingxin flowers he had collected from the highest points of Liyue and rested them beside him. The atmosphere felt a little bit nostalgic as he watched the sun go down.
Xiao had peered at the little desk of books that were piled on each other over the years that had passed. With careful eyes, he picked up the worn out notebook that (Y/N) had left behind for him. Every time he felt like he was losing himself, he would flee to this floating sanctuary that he once met (Y/N) at.
He felt the cover of the book, not realizing how much time had passed as he continued to live on as a proud yaksha.
Slowly, he turned the book cover open and began reading the pages again.
“Dear Xiao...
Did you like the gift I gave you? I wasn’t sure what to do when I first heard that you were being enslaved by a cruel archon. I did everything in my power to make sure that I could somehow make my wish for you a reality.
Rex Lapis was a compassionate archon I never thought I would meet. He listened to my tale and had decided to make a contract with me so you could be set free. At that moment, I knew that it was going to cost the lives of our entire family and I.
I’m sorry.
I knew that if I had told you my plans, you would do everything within your power to stop it.
It’s funny how I wanted to die so badly.
The day that we both met was a very fortunate day.
I believe that everything happens for a reason.
You were my reason.
So with that, I hope that you’ll feel as free as a crane. I hope that you’re living to protect something important again. I hope that you’re opening up to humans more and face them with no hostility. Even when you’re around children, I find it adorable that you had somehow kept a soft spot for them. I hope that you’re doing well and living the rest of your days with peace.
Maybe one day we can meet again.
And if we do meet again...
I hope you’ll fall for me one more time.
Love, (Y/N).”
The man had sighed to himself, closing the book and resting it in his lap. A part of him wanted to thank the evil archon for telling him to love. He knew that the archon wanted to use Xiao’s resentment to multiply his power during the war, but it didn’t turn out how he thought it would.
The moon began to rise in the night sky. Out far in the distance, he could see all of the floating lanterns from where he rested. Xiao knew that the beginning of the lantern festival had begun. The guardian yaksha was grateful to be the only one to know why the festival was hosted on this very day.
It was in memory of (Y/N).
The floating lanterns glowed from afar, making Xiao slowly smile to himself. If what (Y/N) said in her writings were true, then he would gladly await the day he would meet her again.
With a new age of Liyue and with no calamity threatening Teyvat, Xiao was able to sit back and relax as he watched the lanterns float in the sky.
This was the beginning of an Adeptus’ retirement.
AN: My god. This took about three full days for me to write. I hope that you’ve enjoyed reading this. I spent so much time thinking, writing, and crying over this idea for Xiao for the longest time. I’m so glad that I was able to tell myself to post this, ignoring the fear that no one would like it at all. With the new year that’s about to come, I can’t wait to see experience and see the next chapter of my life could be. Thank you for reading this. I wish you to stay safe and hope that you’ve enjoyed this piece of writing I have left to give. You don’t have to like or reblog the post, but if you really feel like this had resonated in you, I would deeply appreciate it if you could like or reblog it. I want other people who love Xiao to read this if they could. It would mean a lot to me. Again, thank you for reading up to this point, and I wish you a happy new year.
#xiao x reader#genshin impact#genshin impact xiao x reader#xiao#xiao genshin impact#genshin xiao#reader x xiao#genshin impact imagine#genshin impact fanfiction#xiao yaksha#xiao x traveler#xiao genshin impact x reader#fanfiction#agnst#genshin#genshin impact oneshot#genshin oneshot#genshin impact scenario#genshin scenario#genshin impact hc#genshin impact headcannon#genshin headcannon#genshin hc#genshin imagines#genshin imagine#xiao headcannons#xiao headcannon#xiao scenario#xiao scenarios#xiao one shot
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Genshin Impact: Albedo x Reader (Fluff/Agnst)
Genshin Impact: Albedo x Reader (Agnst)
AN: This is just a little bit of a story idea of what I can imagine for Albedo and with the traveler. This is one of my first times doing something like this and I hope that you’ll enjoy it :)
“Cecilia. A beautiful flower with a name that suits its appearance. It only grows where harsh winds blow, and is just as intangible as the true heart of an unbound soul.” Albedo had held a seedling towards the traveler, (Y/N). She stared carefully in bewilderment as the young alchemist had clenched his fist. A soft glowing light had radiated from his grasp as he slowly opened his hand, revealing an elegant flower that had blossomed from his chalk. The traveler watched in awe when looking at Albedo’s little performance.
(Y/N) was the one to encourage Albedo to take up alchemy from his Master. She’s glad that she was able to give Albedo a push into the direction that his Master would have wanted him to go. Now that he’s been studying and grasping a better understanding of The Art of Khemia, (Y/N) would be the one to listen in on Albedo’s rambles of new concepts of things that would be hard to understand for any ordinary person. Albedo had genuinely enjoyed her company, but he could also feel something else in his chest.
It was a warm feeling. Something that would give him enough energy to stay up countless nights just spending time with the young girl. He couldn’t quite put it into words of what this feeling meant, but Albedo knew that he must hold onto it as long as he can.
Albedo looked back up into (Y/N)’s (E/C) eyes and couldn’t help but appreciate how they glistened underneath the moonlight. Without thinking, Albedo had tucked the Cecilia behind the girl’s ear. “It’s so... heavenly,” The ashy light blonde haired boy had whispered under his breath, too captivated to realize he was staring too long. (Y/N) blushed, hoping that her ears had heard correctly. Seeing her blush had made him grow red, retracting his hand that once traced her cheek, “I-I meant the flower. C-Cecilia’s can also mean heavenly!” the boy had flushed timidly.
He doesn’t usually get embarrassed, but lately, he’s been acting differently towards his beloved friend. (Y/N) had let out her laughter. Seeing his reaction towards her had made her realize how blessed she was to be able to meet such an extraordinary person. Albedo hid behind his sketchbook to hide his face from the (H/C) haired girl to prevent himself from feeling any more embarrassed. After all, they both were just two young kids that could see what others couldn’t see.
(Y/N) had lowered Albedo’s sketchbook to meet his bright teal eyes. He timidly stared back at his friend, his words stuck in his throat with his heart hammering against his chest. She closed the distance between both of them and had placed a soft kiss against Albedo’s forehead.
“Whatever you say, my Chalk Prince.” she caught him off guard with a peck on the head. It took a few seconds for Albedo to register what she had done. As a sign of requited feelings towards each other, he had dropped his sketch onto the soft grass of Starsnatch Cliff. He entwined one hand with (Y/N)’s while the other had been placed behind (Y/N)’s head. Both of them smiled beneath the starry night sky of Mondstadt.
“(Y/N). I don’t understand what you’re doing to me. I lack the knowledge to fully express my feelings towards you. Out of all of the people I’ve ever met, you’ve been the only one that could pique my interest... I don’t ever want to lose you.” Albedo had confessed as he closely watched (Y/N)’s beautiful features. She had let go of his hands and grinned, wrapping her arms around the studious boy. She was delighted. So excited that she had pushed Albedo against the soft grass of the cliffs.
This enchanting atmosphere was enough for Albedo. This is all he could ever ask for. (Y/N) was the perfect person to help him pursue his future career and dreams.
(Y/N)’s laughter filled Albedo’s ears as he put a hand on her back to push her closer to his chest. Holding her against his heartbeat was a brave move, even for him to do. Choosing Starsnatch Cliff as a drawing location was the best option for both of them to enjoy each other’s company.
Young love beneath the captivating moon. There was nothing more to it than two soulmates basking in each other’s presence. Two crystal butterflies fluttered over the both of them, perhaps a symbol of the both of them.
Right now the only thing Albedo could think of was her.
He studied her (E/C) eyes, so allured, so caught up in the moment. Laying on the patch of grass, he readjusted the Cecilia flower in her hair. She was perfect.
“(Y/N). I want to let you know that I...” he paused.
Albedo noticed twinkling stars that glittered in the sky. Comets and shootings stars had flown over their heads. (Y/N) looked up from Albedo and watched in awe. It wasn’t often that you would see such a sight.
“We should make a wish together.” Albedo had seen how she watched in wonder. That’s right. You two came out here to make a wish.
The traveler had grinned, laying her head back down against the young man’s chest. “If that’s the case then I wish for you to accept the position of Chief Alchemist!” she had said so proudly. He softly chuckled, “You don’t have to use your wish on me for me to do that. I want you to be happy with your wish, (Y/N).” he murmured.
“But it’s true. I think that wish alone will make me happy enough.” (Y/N) spoke confidently. The ash blonde alchemist felt it again. He felt his heart beating faster again. How was it that she could only think about his well being?
“What about you, Albedo? What do you wish for?” she asked with curiosity.
Albedo blinked.
He didn’t know if he had the courage to say it out loud. He gulped, feeling her gaze to be too much for him to handle. “If you’re wishing for me, then I suppose that I have no other option but to also wish for your happiness.” He shyly muttered.
(Y/N) couldn’t stop smiling.
She wished that this moment could last forever.
With that, both of them had embraced each other in this pure moment.
Albedo reached up in the air once again while holding the (H/C) haired girl in his arms. “The universe is the dark essence of the true starry sky, and the earth is the accumulated memories of time and lives. You’ve helped me come along this journey of mine to realize that I shouldn’t keep my distance from everyone anymore,” he spoke.
“You carry the aura of the stars. More beautiful than any other view there is, the liveliest flower in Teyvat, and the greatest thing birthed from chalk. Your serenity is quite enchanting and your laughter is music to my ears, I wouldn’t know what to do if I couldn’t hear it every day. Nothing can compare to you in the universe.” Albedo confessed with sincerity that tugged his heart.
(Y/N) couldn’t have fallen in love with anyone else in the world. Albedo’s charm is what lured the young girl in the most. His search for knowledge and interest in his research is unparalleled to any other.
He sat up, holding dearly onto (Y/N)’s smaller hands.
“In other words, this is my declaration of... love. It’s all so foreign to me so I’d appreciate it if you’re patient with me.” He bashfully told the girl how he felt. (Y/N) smirked, “If that’s how you truly feel, then I’d like you to tell me the special eight letters, three words.” she teased, seeing Albedo’s blush intensify.
Albedo slowly closed the distance between the girl.
“Then if that’s the case...”
“I love you.”
Is what Albedo would have said.
Eyes fluttering open, he began to panic in the middle of his bed. Losing the warmth and presence of (Y/N), he came to the realization that...
(Y/N) was no longer there.
Reminiscing in his dreams would brighten his memories of his lover.
That’s right.
He still can’t stop lingering from the past.
Albedo sat up from his bed, the dream feeling too surreal for him to comprehend. (Y/N)’s melodic laughter couldn’t be heard anymore. The vivid dreams he’s been having of the young (H/C) haired girl has been too much for him to handle.
“I have to go back to conducting my research. It’s what (Y/N) would have wanted.” Albedo had to remind himself out loud. If he doesn’t then he would continue to coop himself up in his bed trying to recollect the memories of (Y/N)’s lovely scent.
He slowly got up from his bed and sluggishly walked towards his desk. On his way to his chair, he knocked down a pile of sketchbooks across the floor. Not bothering to pick it up, he began to focus on the sheet of paper in front of him.
“Yes. I have to continue writing this report.” He muttered, all slumped over as he grabbed his pen. The Cecilia flowers on his desk had withered long before he could realize it on his own. Time had seemed to fly past due to his grieving.
At first, it was very... difficult.
(Y/N) never seemed like the type of person to get sick very often. She was always brave and outgoing in the lands of Mondstadt. With her adventurous ambitions, you would think that she had no weaknesses. Of course, that’s what she would show to the others on the outside. Nobody else could know about her illness. The only one she could tell of her little secret was no one other than the Chief Alchemist, her beloved.
Yet, this was the beginning of a burden. Although Albedo enjoyed discovering the truth of the world and jumping into the unknown of unknowns, this was certainly a predicament that stuck a thorn in his thumb. Albedo was able to research and identify nearly any conflict within his path as an alchemist while utilizing his knowledge of what he knew from his Master. There was no way that he wouldn’t be able to find out a cure for her illness, right?
Albedo snapped out of his thoughts.
Coming back to his senses, it appears that he had unconsciously drawn... her.
A perfectly sketched portrait of (Y/N). It looked like an exact replica of what (Y/N) had once looked like. Yet again, Albedo knew that nothing else would compare to her beauty. He winced, finding it difficult to rip up the paper that had depicted (Y/N)’s soft features that used to grin back at him. Frustrated, he threw everything off of his desk. All of his testing tubes and glass graduated cylinders had shattered against the cold floor.
None of the drawings he had could compare to her.
No matter how hard he tried to perfectly sketch her entirety, it just wasn’t enough. Albedo couldn’t find any other way to let go of his (Y/N). How else can he get rid of these aching feelings in his chest? Wasn’t he supposed to be the most talented alchemist and a natural-born genius? Wasn’t he supposed to be the one to always find a way to get her out of her troubles? Just why in the world did the Archons curse him to lose one of the things that could bring him hope?
Albedo slammed his fist against one of the portraits, accidentally tearing the paper itself. His tantrum stopped as he took a look at what he had done.
There it was.
(Y/N)’s flower had been scratched out of the painting. The beautiful Cecilia flower that Albedo had once placed behind her ear while he cherished her dearly.
He dropped to his knees in defeat.
“Why..? Why did you have to leave me, (Y/N)?” He whispered in distraught. He could feel a lump in his throat as he clenched his fists, “No... I shouldn’t be blaming you for your passing. It is all but my fault for being incompetent.” his voice was saddening. This bitter taste of love was all he had left of (Y/N).
He could no longer look at his paintings and sketches the same now that she was no longer with him. Melancholy was a word that could not measure how much he had missed her. Looking up at the stars can only bring him the painful memory of when he had professed his love to her. Walking through the field of Cecilias can only remind him of how much he had missed what it was like to hold her hand and kiss her on the forehead. The times he stayed up to continue doing his research with (Y/N) on his side would remind him that things will never be the same because she’s gone.
Perhaps his grief has gotten the best of him.
He looked at all of the scattered pages that were ripped out of his notebook. All of the pages had perfect drawings of (Y/N) in her natural state. The bags under Albedo’s teal blue eyes were enough to show anyone how much he stayed up thinking about her.
Albedo walked up to a large canvas that was carefully painted and crafted to be almost flawless. (Y/N)’s body fit the painting and looked as if she could come to life.
It didn’t matter if Albedo broke the natural laws of life.
All he wanted to do was see (Y/N)’s smile once again.
Albedo gripped the portrait in front of him desperately.
If all fails, he’ll just continue to try again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
That’s what it takes to be an alchemist. It’s all trial and error. Albedo couldn’t leave any more room for doubt. He has to continue persisting to look for her fleeting love. He will face any consequence in order to get her back safely in his arms. He’ll obstruct and rip apart any law of alchemy to even receive another affectionate, “I love you”. He is the only person to understand her weakness, and he continues to walk the path of life to have her as his strength. His azure eyes widened with determination, a surge of light glowing from his hands.
He will continue saying this.
“Arise, lifeless dust of the universe and that within. Thou art reborn.”
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