crabberman · 3 months
First Kiss
The man in question whips his head around, lips forming into a tiny, barely there smile when he lays his eyes on the person who shouted his name. Today was a big match, the prefectural finals against Shiratorizawa. If Karasuno won this they’d be headed off to nationals. Kageyama had been stretching, putting all of his focus into the match ahead of him before he heard his name called.
When he looks up he sees you, standing in the front section of Karasuno’s cheering section waving like an idiot. He squints his eyes, staring at your shirt. It was his alternate jersey. Where did you get it? Kageyama could have sworn he had it in his bag… Through his confusion a soft blush reaches his face. You were cheering him on, wearing his jersey and screaming his name. The peaceful bliss of the moment is interrupted when Hinata appears behind him.
“Woah Kageyama, who's that? Why do they have your jersey?” Hinata sounds surprised.
Kageyama glares at the shorter boy, pushing him away. “Shut up idiot! Why do you even care?”
“Because you’re smiling and it’s freaky!”
Kageyama turns to begin yelling at Hinata when he hears his name again. This time when he looks up he’s met with you making a heart with your hands.
“Tobio! Good luck!” His smile returns as well as the blush. Maybe he didn’t mind everyone seeing. He gives a small wave before the teams are called to their benches, game about to begin.
After 5 long and grueling sets Karasuno came out on top. They were going to nationals. After long bouts of crying and celebrations on the court the team finally decided to leave. As they exit the gym Kageyama feels a tug on his arm. Irritated, he turns aggressively to tell off whoever grabbed him when he sees your face smiling at him. He is quickly engulfed into a hug that he returns after a moment of shock, smiling himself.
“Oh my god Tobio you were amazing! I’m so proud of you I knew you would win!” Kageyama stares at you while you excitedly ramble about his performance on the court. He still didn’t understand why you came. Sure you had asked him out a few months prior and were dating but he couldn’t quite wrap his head around why you would even want to come to his games.
“Why are you here?” He finally asks, cutting you off. You give him a confused look.
“Why wouldn’t I come? You’re my boyfriend and I like watching you play. I wanted to support you.” Kageyama’s confusion still stands, though another emotion rises. One he doesn’t quite know what to do with. He’s filled with a strong urge to kiss you, he doesn’t understand why though. You notice his stare, shooting him your own confused look.
“You okay babe?” When Kageyama registers the nickname he feels the urge to kiss you grow tenfold until  he can no longer hold himself back.
“Can I kiss you?” He awkwardly blubbers the words out. He feels embarrassed. Why did he say that? His mind swirls and swirls, not even registering how close you had gotten until he feels your lips on his. He freezes for a moment, eyes with shock, before he kisses back. His movements are awkward, just like everything else he does outside of volleyball, but they aren’t unwelcome. Once you pull back he looks stunned while you just smile and laugh.
“Tobio, I think your team is waiting for you. Call me when you get home okay?” He watches you walk away, face red as he brings a hand to his mouth. He can’t believe that he kissed you. It felt good, he wanted to do it again. His thoughts are cut off by Daichi yelling for him to hurry up and get on the bus. He looks in the direction you left one last time before turning to join his team on the bus. Once he sits down he pulls out his phone to text you.
Tobio <3: Can we do that again? 
Tobio <3: Also you have my jersey
Tobio <3: I need that back
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crabberman · 3 months
Espresso (Atsumu x Reader)
“Now he’s thinking ‘bout me every night oh isn’t that sweet? I guess so.”
Atsumu had a problem. He groans and rolls over in his bed, glancing at the clock by his head. 3:02 it reads, causing Atsumu to groan again. His mind hadn’t stopped racing all day. The mind once so filled with volleyball now had another thing taking up space; you, Atsumu’s classmate. He throws an arm over his face, moving around in his bed again and earning a shout from his twin.
“Stop movin’ asshole, I’m tryin’ ta sleep” Osamu grumbles and kicks at the mattress above his head. He’s had to listen to Atsumu’s whining for hours now. Finally fed up, he begrudgingly asks Atsumu why he's been like this. “I’m tired of listenin' yer bitchin’, the fucks wrong?”
Atsumu groans once more, sitting up in his bed. “Ya know y/n from my class?”
“Yeah, what about em?”
“I can’t stop thinking about em.” Atsumu mumbles out, earning a laugh below from Osamu. 
“The oh so great Atsumu, humbled by some guy from his class.” Osamu snickers. "Thought you didn't care 'bout what people thought?" Atsumu huffs at the teasing remarks and throws a pillow underneath himself at his twin who manages to dodge it. “Fuck off, why don’y you text em or somethin’” Osamu tosses the pillow back up, hitting Atsumu.
Atsumu stops for a moment before reaching towards the window sill for his phone. He turns it on and searches through his messages until he finds who he was looking for. He takes a deep breath in before clicking on your contact typing out a message. He passes the phone to Osamu on the bottom bunk before he sends it. “This good enough?” His voice has an out of character uncertainty to it. 
Osamu grumbles and grabs the phone, reading the unsent message out loud. “Hey you up?” He rolls his eyes. “Are ya fuckin' serious Tsumu? Ya sound like some playboy” Osamu continues his scolding as he types out a new message, passing the phone back up to Atsumu. “There. That sounds a little better and like you wrote it.” Atsumu flips his brother off before he reads the new message. His eyes lit up and he immediately pressed ‘send’. “Thanks Samu! I owe ya!” Atsumu’s unease seems to have dissipated.
“I know yer not gonna repay me.” Osamu rolls over in his bed, pulling his blankets up. “Now be quiet, some people don’t wanna be tired an' hear ‘bout it from the captain.” With that Osamu pushes his pillow to cover his ears, getting a head start on blocking Atsumu out for the rest of the night.
Atsumu stays put, watching his phone desperately. He feels almost stupid, he’s never once cared about what another person thought about him, so what does he care now? As soon as these thoughts enter Atsumu’s mind he sees the three dots appear at the bottom of his screen. You were texting back. He watches excitedly as the message pops up, almost stealing his breath away.
Atsumu: Hey I can't sleep. If you’re awake do you wanna ft? You: Sure :) 
Atsumu feels a wide grin take over his face as he hearts your message. He feels giddy on the inside. Maybe caring about what this one person thought wasn’t so bad.
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